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Identify the labels on the following diagram by matching the letter with the structure. _3__ Microfilament of cytoskeleton __5__ Cholesterol __4__ Peripheral protein __2__ Glycoprotein __1__ Fibre of extracellular matrix (thick strings outside of cell, whited out part)

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.E

Match the cytoskeletal component with a specialised function it is involved in. __2__ Increase surface area of intestinal tract as the core of microvilli __1__ Movement of organelles and vesicles __3__ Anchor the nucleus __2__ Muscle contraction __1__ Ciliary motion __3__ Structure to nuclei as the nuclei lamina.

1.Microtubules 2.Microfilaments 3.Intermediate filaments

In which of the following does the nuclear envelope break down during mitosis? Question options: a) Plants b) Dinoflagellates c) Diatom d) Ancestral bacterial species e) Bacteria

a) Plants

A sexually reproducing animal has two unlinked genes, one for head shape (H) and one for tail length (T). Its genotype is HhTt. Which of the following genotypes is possible in a gamete from this organism? Question options: a)T b)HT c)Hh d)HhTt e)tt

b) HT

When an amoeba, a unicellular protist, engulfs a bacteria how is the bacteria digested in the organism? Question options: a)In central vacuole b)By lysosome c)In secretory transport vesicle d)By peroxisome e)In the Golgi Apparatus

b)By lysosome

In the diagram below, what is the function of the structure labelled A? Structure A= Nucleus of animal cell a)Cellular Respiration b)Contain DNA c)Photosynthesis d)Maintain cell pressure e)Synthesise lipids

b)Contain DNA

Suppose two individuals with the genotype AaBbCc are mated. Assuming that the genes are not linked, what fraction of the offspring are expected to be homozygous recessive for the three traits? Question options: a)1/4 b)1/2 c)1/64 d)1/8 e)1/16

c) 1/64

What is the study of how energy flows through living organisms? Question options: a) Thermodynamics b) Metabolism c) Bioenergetics d) Anabolism e) Catabolism

c) Bioenergetics

Which cell junction/s would be most common in tissues subject mechanical forces such as stretching? Question options: a)Tight b)Plasmodesmata c)Desmosome d)Gap e)Tight and plasmodesmata


Which component is NOT directly involved in translation? Question options: a) mRNA b) Ribosomes c) GTP d) DNA e) tRNA

d) DNA

Mitochondria have plasma membranes surrounding the organelle. Why is the mitochondria not classified as part of the endomembrane system? Question options: a)It is a static structure. b)It IS part of the endomembrane system. c)It is not involved in protein synthesis. d)Its structure is not derived from the Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Apparatus. e)It has too many vesicles.

d)Its structure is not derived from the Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Apparatus.

Which of the enzymes removes the RNA nucleotides from the primer and adds equivalent DNA nucleotides to the 3' end of Okazaki fragments? Question options: a) DNA polymerase III b) Topoisomerase c) DNA ligase d) Helicase e) DNA polymerase I

e) DNA polymerase I

In photosynthetic cells, when does synthesis of ATP by the chemiosmotic mechanism occur? Question options: a) Only during respiration b) During neither photosynthesis or photosynthesis c) Only during photosynthesis d) During photorespiration only e) During both photosynthesis and cellular respiration

e) During both photosynthesis and cellular respiration

Radish flowers may be red, purple, or white. A cross between a red-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant yields all-purple offspring. The part of the radish we eat may be oval or long, with long being the dominant characteristic. The flower colour trait in radishes is an example of which of the following? Question options: a) Epistasis b) Multiple allelic system c) Sex linkage d) Codominance e) Incomplete dominance

e) Incomplete dominance

The smallest unit of matter that can be considered alive is the: Question options: a)Nucleic Acid b)Organism c)Virus d)Mitochondria e)Cell


Put the following components of a body system into the different levels of biological organisation starting from the smallest most basic unit. 1-4 ____Brain ___Nerve cell ___Nervous tissue ___Nervous System

1 Nerve cell 2 Nervous tissue 3 Brain 4 Nervous System

When a potassium ion (K+) moves from soil into the vacuole of a cell on the surface of a root, it must pass through several cellular structures. Place the following cellular structures in the correct order the K+ will move from the soil to the vacuole within the cell. 1-4 ____Plasma membrane ____Primary cell wall ____Vacuole ____Cytoplasm

1) Primary cell wall 2)Plasma membrane 3)Cytoplasm 4)Vacuole

Match the function of a protein with they description of the function. __4__ A protein that crosses the membrane providing a channel that allows the movement of a specific molecule. __1__ A protein in the membrane that is a receptor that will only bind to a certain chemical messenger. The chemical messenger may cause the protein to change shape to pass the message to the inside of the cell. __3__ A protein found in the membrane that has an active site that is exposed to a certain molecule in the liquid next to it and causes reactions to occur faster. __2__ Proteins in the membranes that are bonded to microfilaments in the cytoplasm and/or to fibres on the outside of the cell. __5__ Proteins in the membranes of cells next to each other that allow they to stick together and form junctions. __6__ A protein with an attached molecule acting as an identification tag that will be recognised by the membrane proteins of other cells.

1. Signal transduction 2. Attachment to cytoskeleton or extracellular matrix 3. Enzymatic activity 4. Transport 5. Intercellular joining 6. Cell-cell recognition

Match the following terms with their definitions. __6__ Genes carrying inherited information that controls the pattern of how individual changes from juvenile/seed to adult/final sized organism. __1__ Changes in features of an organism over countless generations by reproductive success of individuals with heritable traits that are beneficial to survival in their environment. __3__ The attainment of food with a chemical composition that through metabolism can power the organism. __2__ The production of offspring/young to ensure the survival of the species. __4__ Maintenance of a constant internal environment allowing individuals to survive changes in the external environment. __5__ The ability of the organism to sense changes in its internal or external surroundings and make appropriate reactions in order to survive. __7__ The specific structure which make up an organism from the microscopic level of molecules and cells.

1.Evolutionary adaptations 2.Reproduction 3.Energy processing 4.Regulation 5.Response to the environment 6.Growth and development 7.Order

Match the following terms with their correct definitions for Scientific Inquiry. __4__ A type of logic in which specific results are predicted from a general theory. __1__ A factor in a study that is manipulated or changed by the researcher. __2__ The factor in the study that is being measured as it responds to another factor. __8__ A broad set of ideas that attempt to explain natural phenomena and is generally is supported by a very large body of evidence. __3__ A type of logic in which a number of specific observations are used to produce generalised conclusions. __7__ Recorded observations that are items of information on which the experiment is based, such as temperature, heart rate, amount growth (mm) __5__ A testable prediction regarding the outcome of a study that will provide an explanation based on observations and assumptions. __6__ A scientific test that is carried out by collecting data under controlled conditions.

1.Independent variable 2.Dependent variable 3.Inductive reasoning 4.Deductive reasoning 5.Hypothesis 6.Experiment 7.Data 8.Theory

Match the organelles with their functions. __3__ Intracellular digestion __4__ Protein synthesis __7__ Removal of excess water from cell __5__ Detoxification of drugs and poison __6__ Trafficking of proteins __2__ Maintenance of cellular pressure __8__ Chromosomal separation during cell division __1__ Synthesis of ribosomal RNA

1.Nucleolus 2.Central vacuole 3.Lysosome 4.Ribosome 5.Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum 6.Golgi Apparatus 7.Contractile vacuoles 8.Centrosomes

In certain plants, tall is dominant to short. If a heterozygous plant is crossed with a homozygous tall plant, what is the probability that the offspring will be short? Question options: a)0 b)1/2 c)1/6 d)1 e)1/4

Question options: a) 0

In addition to ATP, what are the end products of glycolysis? Question options: a) NADH and pyruvate b) CO2and NADH c) CO2 and H2O d) CO2and pyruvate e) H2O, FADH2 and citrate

Question options: a) NADH and pyruvate

Which components of 5' UTR E1 I1 E2 I2 E3 I3 E4 UTR 3' will also be found in mRNA in the cytosol? Question options: a) 5' UTR E1 E2 E3 E4 UTR 3' b) 5' E1 I1 E2 I2 E3 I3 E4 3' c) 5' E1 E2 E3 E4 3' d) 5' UTR I1 I2 I3 UTR 3' e) 5' I1 I2 I3 3'

a) 5' UTR E1 E2 E3 E4 UTR 3'

Which of the following intermediate metabolites enters the Citric Acid Cycle and is formed partly by the removal of a carbon (decarboxylation) from one molecule of pyruvate? Question options: a) Acetyl CoA b) Lactate c) Citrate d) Oxaloacetate e) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

a) Acetyl CoA

In the presence of oxygen, the three-carbon compound pyruvate can be catabolized in the citric acid cycle. First, however, the pyruvate (1) loses a carbon, which is given off as a molecule of CO2, (2) is oxidized to form a two-carbon compound called acetate, and (3) is bonded to coenzyme A. These three steps result in the formation of... Question options: a) Acetyl CoA, NADH and CO2 b) Acetyl CoA, FAD and CO2 c) Acetyl CoA, O2, and ATP d) Acetyl CoA, NAD+, ATP and CO2 e) Acetyl CoA, FADH2 and CO2

a) Acetyl CoA, NADH and CO2

When the ribosome reaches a stop codon on the mRNA, no corresponding tRNA enters the A site. If the translation reaction were to be experimentally stopped at this point, which of the following would you be able to isolate? Question options: a) An assembled ribosome with a polypeptide attached to the tRNA in the P site. b) Separated ribosomal subunits, a polypeptide, and free tRNA. c) An assembled ribosome with a separated polypeptide. d) Separated ribosomal subunits with a polypeptide attached to the tRNA. e) A cell with fewer ribosomes.

a) An assembled ribosome with a polypeptide attached to the tRNA in the P site.

A woman who has blood type A positive has a daughter who is type O positive and a son who is type B negative. Rh positive is a trait that shows simple dominance over Rh negative and is designated by the alleles R and r, respectively. Which of the following is a possible phenotype for the father? Question options: a) B positive b) O negative c) A negative d) Impossible to determine e) AB negative

a) B positive

When both traits are exhibited in the phenotype, it is said that the alleles display... Question options: a) Codominance b) Incomplete dominance c) Complete dominance d) Recessive traits e) Epistasis

a) Codominance

Which of the following most accurately describes what is happening along the electron transport chain? Question options: a) Each electron carrier alternates between being reduced and being oxidised. b) ATP is generated at each step. c) Energy of the electrons increases at each step. d) Chemiosmosis is coupled with electron transfer.

a) Each electron carrier alternates between being reduced and being oxidised.

Which process in eukaryotic cells will proceed normally whether oxygen is present or absent? Question options: a) Glycolysis b) Oxidative phosphorylation c) Electron transport chain d) Citric acid cycle e) Chemiosmosis

a) Glycolysis

At which of the following key stage/s of meiosis are pairs of homologous chromosomes aligned at the equator by the spindle; alignment determines independent assortment. . I. Prophase I V. Prophase II II. Metaphase I VI. Metaphase II III. Anaphase I VII. Anaphase II IV. Telophase I VIII. Telophase II Question options: a)II b)I c)VI d)VIII e)IV

a) II

A person is exercising heavily and when the muscle becomes uses all the oxygen and becomes oxygen-deprived, muscle cells start converting pyruvate to lactate. What happens to the lactate in the skeletal muscle cells? Question options: a) It is taken to the liver and converted back to pyruvate. b) It is converted to NAD+. c) It produces CO2 and water. d) It is converted to alcohol. e) It reduces FADH2 to FAD.

a) It is taken to the liver and converted back to pyruvate.

Where are the proteins of the electron transport chain located? Question options: a) Mitochondrial inner membrane b) Mitochondrial matrix c) Mitochondrial outer membrane d) Mitochondrial intermembrane space e) Cytosol

a) Mitochondrial inner membrane

What compound provides the reducing power for Calvin cycle reactions? Question options: a) NADPH b) ATP c) NADH d) NAD+ e) NADP+


Which of the following statements is a correct explanation for the observation that all offspring exhibit a phenotype for a particular trait that appears to be a blend of the two parental varieties? Question options: a) Neither of the parental genes is dominant over the other. b) The genes are linked and do not separate during meiosis. c) The genes for the trait are recessive in both of the parents. d) The genes for the trait are dominant in both of the parents. e) Multiple genes are involved.

a) Neither of the parental genes is dominant over the other.

You have the technology necessary to measure each of the following in a sample of animal cells: chlorophylls, organelle density, picograms of DNA, cell wall components, and enzymatic activity. Which would you expect to increase significantly from M to G1? Question options: a) Organelle density and production of proteins b) Cell wall components and DNA c) Chlorophyll and cell walls d) Chlorophyll and DNA e) Organelle density and cell walls

a) Organelle density and production of proteins

Which of the following processes includes all the others listed? Question options: a) Passive transport b) Transport of an ion down its electrochemical gradient c) Diffusion of a solute across a membrane d) Facilitated diffusion e) Osmosis

a) Passive transport

hich of the following statements best describes the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration? Question options: a) Photosynthesis stores energy in complex organic molecules, whereas cellular respiration releases it. b) Cellular respiration is anabolic and photosynthesis is catabolic. c) Photosynthesis occurs only in plants and cellular respiration occurs only in animals. d) ATP molecules are produced in photosynthesis and used up in cellular respiration. e) Cellular respiration runs the exact biochemical pathways of photosynthesis in reverse.

a) Photosynthesis stores energy in complex organic molecules, whereas cellular respiration releases it.

How is natural selection related to sexual reproduction as opposed to asexual reproduction? Question options: a) Sexual reproduction results in many new gene combinations, some of which will lead to differential reproduction of the best suited individuals. b) Sexual reproduction results in the most appropriate and healthiest balance of two sexes in the population. c) Sexual reproduction results in the greatest number of new mutations. d) Sexual reproduction allows the greatest number of offspring to be produced e) Sexual reproduction utilizes far less energy than asexual reproduction.

a) Sexual reproduction results in many new gene combinations, some of which will lead to differential reproduction of the best suited individuals.

The tRNA shown in the figure has its 3' end projecting beyond its 5' end. What will occur at this 3' end? Question options: a) The amino acid binds covalently. b) The excess nucleotides (ACCA) will be cleaved off at the ribosome. c) The small and large subunits of the ribosome will attach to it. d) The codon and anticodon complement one another. e) The 5' cap of the mRNA will become covalently bound.

a) The amino acid binds covalently.

Which statement describes the functioning of photosystem II? Question options: a) The electron vacancies in P680+ are filled by electrons derived from water. b) Light energy excites electrons in the thylakoid membrane electron transport chain. c) Photons are passed along to a reaction-centre chlorophyll. d) The splitting of water yields molecular carbon dioxide as a by-product. e) The P680 chlorophyll donates a pair of protons to NADP+, which is thus converted to NADPH.

a) The electron vacancies in P680+ are filled by electrons derived from water.

In the following diagram: The figure represents tRNA that recognizes and binds a particular amino acid (in this instance, phenylalanine). Which codon on the mRNA strand codes for this amino acid? Question options: a) UUC b) CAU c) GUG d) UGG e) GUA

a) UUC

Which of the following best describes the frequency of crossing over in mammals? Question options: a) at least 1-2 per chromosome pair b) ~50 per chromosome pair c) a very rare event among hundreds of cells d) ~1 per pair of sister chromatids e) ~2 per meiotic cell

a) at least 1-2 per chromosome pair

What is the structural feature that allows DNA to replicate? Question options: a) complementary pairing of the nitrogenous bases b) twisting of the molecule to form an α helix c) Sugar-phosphate backbone d) three-component structure of the nucleotides e) disulphide bonding (bridging) of the two helixes

a) complementary pairing of the nitrogenous bases

When energy is transformed, there is always an increase in the... Question options: a) entropy of the universe. b) entropy of the system. c) free energy of the system. d) free energy of the universe. e) enthalpy of the universe.

a) entropy of the universe.

The method of scientific inquiry that draws conclusions from careful collection and analysis of observations is known as which of the following? Question options: a)Inductive reasoning b)Hypothesis-based science c)Quantitative science d)Qualitative science e)Deductive reasoning

a) Inductive reasoning

The solutions in the arms of a U-tube are separated at the bottom of the tube by a selectively permeable membrane. The membrane is permeable to sodium chloride (NaCl) but not to glucose. Side A is filled with a solution of 0.4M glucose and 0.5M NaCl, and side B is filled with a solution containing 0.8M glucose and 0.4M NaCl. Initially, the volume in both arms is the same. If you examine side A after 3 days, what should you find? Question options: a)A decrease in the concentration of NaCl and a decrease in the water level. b)No change in the concentration of NaCl and glucose, and a decrease in the water level. c)No net change in the system. d)A decrease in the concentration of NaCl, an increase in water level, and no change in the concentration of glucose.

a)A decrease in the concentration of NaCl and a decrease in the water level.

When applying the process of science, which of these is being specifically tested? Question options: a)A hypothesis b)A prediction c)An observation d)A result e)A question

a)A hypothesis

Which of the following produces and modifies polysaccharides that will be secreted? Question options: a)Golgi Apparatus b)Peroxisome c)Mitochondrion d)Vacuole e)Lysosome

a)Golgi Apparatus

In a laboratory, which of the following represents an experiment? Select all appropriate answers BUT be careful as incorrect answers will lose you marks. Question options: a)Learning to use a microscope by examining fixed specimens on slides. b)Examining a slide of a testis from a male animal for the different stages of spermatogenesis to determine if the animal is reproductively active. c)Extracting pigments from plant leaves and separating the types of pigments for identification. d)Preparing root tips for examination by staining them.

b and c

A recessive allele on the X chromosome is responsible for red-green color blindness in humans. A woman with normal vision whose father is color blind marries a color-blind male. What is the probability that this couple's first son will be color blind? Question options: a)1/3 b)1/2 c)3/4 d)1/4 e)1

b) 1/2

If there are 20 chromatids in a cell, how many centromeres are there? Question options: a)30 b)10 c)20 d)5 e)40

b) 10

A particular triplet of bases in the template strand of DNA is 5' AGT 3'. What would be the corresponding codon for the mRNA transcribed? Question options: a) either UCA or TCA it doesn't make a difference. b) 3' UCA 5' c) 3' ACU 5' d) 3' UGA 5' e) 5' TCA 3'

b) 3' UCA 5'

An Okazaki fragment has which of the following arrangements? Question options: a) 5' DNA to 3' b) 5' RNA nucleotides, DNA nucleotides 3' c) primase, polymerase, ligase d) DNA polymerase I, DNA polymerase III e) 3' RNA nucleotides, DNA nucleotides 5'

b) 5' RNA nucleotides, DNA nucleotides 3'

If one strand of a DNA molecule has the sequence of bases 5'ATTGCA3', what would be the sequence of the other complementary strand? Question options: a) 5'UGCAAU3' b) 5'TGCAAT3' c) 5'UAACGU3' d) 5'TAACGT3' e) 3'UAACGU5

b) 5'TGCAAT3'

Which kind of metabolic poison would most directly interfere with glycolysis? Question options: a) A poison that blocks the passage of electrons along the electron transport chain. b) A poison that closely mimics the structure of glucose but is not metabolized. c) A poison that reacts with NADH and oxidizes it to NAD+. d) A poison that reacts with oxygen and depletes its oxygen concentration in the cell. e) A poison that binds to pyruvate and inactivates it.

b) A poison that closely mimics the structure of glucose but is not metabolized.

Considering membrane potential, what does the movement of potassium into an animal cell require? Question options: a) High cellular concentrations of potassium. b) An energy source such, as ATP. c) A potassium channel protein. d) Low cellular concentrations of sodium. e) A cotransport protein.

b) An energy source such, as ATP.

As a research scientist, you measure the amount of ATP and NADPH consumed by the Calvin cycle in 1 hour. You find 30 000 molecules of ATP consumed, but only 20 000 molecules of NADPH. Where did the extra ATP molecules come from? Question options: a) Photosystem I b) Cyclic electron flow c) Linear electron flow d) Chlorophyll e) Photosystem II

b) Cyclic electron flow

You observe cells under the microscope and notice that, while in telophase, small vesicles line up along the middle of the cell. What event are you seeing? Question options: a) Meiosis b) Cytokinesis c) Bubbles d) Binary fission e) Cleavage furrow

b) Cytokinesis

Why is a new DNA strand elongated only in the 5' to 3' direction? Question options: a) Okazaki fragments prevent elongation in the 3' to 5' direction. b) DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to the free 3' end. c) The polarity of the DNA molecule prevents addition of nucleotides at the 3' end. d) DNA polymerase begins adding nucleotides at the 5' end of the template. e) Replication must progress toward the replication fork.

b) DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to the free 3' end.

Which of the following describes the diffusion of the gas, nitrous oxide, across a cell's plasma membrane? Question options: a) Active transport b) Diffusion across the phospholipid bilayer. c) Osmosis d) Facilitated diffusion e) Cotransport

b) Diffusion across the phospholipid bilayer.

Which of the following normally occurs whether oxygen is present or not? Question options: a) Oxidation of pyruvate to Acetyl CoA b) Glycolysis c) Fermentation d) Citric Acid Cycle e) Oxidative phosphorylation (chemiosmosis)

b) Glycolysis

The picture below shows a single pair of homologous chromosomes as they appear during different stages of either Mitosis or Meiosis, which diagram represents Anaphase I of Meiosis? Question options: a)II b)I c)VI d)V e)IV

b) I

Which of the following provides an example of epistasis? Question options: a) The allele b17 produces a dominant phenotype, although b1 through b16 do not. b) In rabbits and many other mammals, one genotype (cc) prevents any fur colour from developing. c) In Drosophila (fruit flies), white eyes can be due to an X-linked gene or to a combination of other genes. d) Recessive genotypes for each of two genes (aabb) results in an albino corn snake. e) In cacti, there are several genes for the type of spines.

b) In rabbits and many other mammals, one genotype (cc) prevents any fur colour from developing.

When chemical, transport, or mechanical work is done by an organism, what happens to the heat generated? Question options: a) It is used to store energy as more ATP. b) It is lost to the environment. c) It is used to power yet more cellular work. d) It is used to generate ADP from nucleotide precursors. e) It is transported to specific organs such as the brain.

b) It is lost to the environment.

Where does citric acid cycle take place in eukaryotic cells? Question options: a) Cytosol b) Mitochondrial matrix c) Mitochondrial outer membrane d) Mitochondrial inner membrane e) Mitochondrial intermembrane space

b) Mitochondrial matrix

Which of the following best describes how chromosomes move toward the poles of the spindle during mitosis? Question options: a) The chromosomes are "reeled in" by the contraction of spindle microtubules. b) Motor proteins of the kinetochores move the chromosomes along the spindle microtubules. c) Non-kinetochore spindle fibres serve to push chromosomes in the direction of the poles. d) The chromosomes are "reeled in" by the contraction of spindle microtubules, and motor proteins of the kinetochores move the chromosomes along the spindle microtubules. e) The chromosomes are "reeled in" by the contraction of spindle microtubules, motor proteins of the kinetochores move the chromosomes along the spindle microtubules, and nonkinetochore spindle fibres serve to push chromosomes in the direction of the poles.

b) Motor proteins of the kinetochores move the chromosomes along the spindle microtubules.

Which molecule is the final electron acceptor for electrons from photosystem I? Question options: a) Chlorophyll in photosystem II b) NADP+ c) Water d) Oxygen e) Carbon dioxide

b) NADP+

Where do the reactions that need CO2 take place? Question options: a) In the chloroplast, but they are not part of photosynthesis b) Only in the Calvin cycle c) In both the light reactions and the Calvin cycle d) Only in the light reactions e) In neither the light reactions or the Calvin cycle

b) Only in the Calvin cycle

In mechanism, photophosphorylation is most similar to which of the following? Question options: a) Reduction of NADP+ b) Oxidative phosphorylation in cellular respiration c) The Calvin cycle d) Carbon fixation e) Substrate-level phosphorylation in glycolysis

b) Oxidative phosphorylation in cellular respiration

Which of these are NOT embedded in the hydrophobic portion of the phospholipid bilayer at all? Question options: a) Integrins b) Peripheral protein c) Glycoproteins d) Transmembrane protein e) Integral protein

b) Peripheral protein

When we see chiasmata under a microscope, that lets us know which of the following has occurred? Question options: a) Meiosis II b) Prophase I c) Anaphase II d) Asexual reproduction e) Separation of homologues

b) Prophase I

Which of the following processes requires energy? Question options: a) Diffusion b) Proton pump c) Osmosis d) Transport through carrier protein e) Facilitated diffusion

b) Proton pump

Where does the NADPH needed for the Calvin cycle come from? Question options: a) Oxidative phosphorylation b) Reactions started in photosystem I c) Citric acid cycle. d) Glycolysis e) Reactions started in photosystem II

b) Reactions started in photosystem I

It became apparent to Watson and Crick after completion of their model that the DNA molecule could carry a vast amount of hereditary information in which of the following? Question options: a) Side groups of nitrogenous bases b) Sequence of bases c) Complementary pairing of bases d) Different five-carbon sugars e) Phosphate-sugar backbones

b) Sequence of bases

In eukaryotic cells, what must occur before transcription can begin? Question options: a) The DNA introns are removed from the template. b) Several transcription factors have bound to the promoter. c) The two DNA strands have completely separated and exposed the promoter. d) The 5' caps are removed from the mRNA. e) DNA nucleases have isolated the transcription unit.

b) Several transcription factors have bound to the promoter.

Which of the steps, from the essential steps in meiosis described below, take place in both mitosis AND meiosis? 1. Formation of four new nuclei, each with half the chromosomes present in the parental nucleus. 2. Alignment of two pairs of homologous chromosomes at the metaphase plate. 3. Separation of sister chromatids. 4. Separation of the homologues; no uncoupling of the centromere. 5. Synapsis; chromosomes moving to the middle of the cell in pairs. Question options: a) Steps 2 and 3 only b) Step 3 c) Steps 2, 3 and 5 d) Step 5 e) Step 2

b) Step 3

Which of the following statements about the 5' end of a polynucleotide strand of DNA is correct? Question options: a) The 5' end has a hydroxyl group attached to the number 5 carbon of ribose. b) The 5' end has a phosphate group attached to the number 5 carbon of ribose. c) The 5' end has a carboxyl group attached to the number 5 carbon of ribose. d) The 5' end is the fifth position on one of the nitrogenous bases. e) The 5' end has phosphate attached to the number 5 carbon of the nitrogenous base.

b) The 5' end has a phosphate group attached to the number 5 carbon of ribose.

When a plant cell, such as one from a daisy stem, is submerged in a very hypotonic solution, what is likely to happen? Question options: a) Plasmolysis will shrink the interior. b) The cell will become turgid. c) The cell membrane will lyse. d) The cell will burst. e) The cell will become flaccid.

b) The cell will become turgid.

In an experimental situation, a student researcher inserts an mRNA molecule into a eukaryotic cell after he has removed its 5' cap and poly-A tail. Which of the following would you expect him to find? Question options: a) The mRNA could not exit the nucleus to be translated. b) The molecule is digested by exonucleases since it is no longer protected at the 5' end. c) The molecule is digested by restriction enzymes in the nucleus. d) The cell recognizes the absence of the tail and polyadenylates the mRNA. e) The molecule attaches to a ribosome and is translated, but more slowly.

b) The molecule is digested by exonucleases since it is no longer protected at the 5' end.

Which of the following best describes decomposers? Question options: a) They are producers that obtain nutrition from decomposition. b) They are heterotrophs that obtain nutrition from items such as leaves. c) They are autotrophs that feed off of organic litter. d) They are heterotrophs that obtain nutrition from light. e) They are autotrophs that decompose inorganic litter.

b) They are heterotrophs that obtain nutrition from items such as leaves.

What is the relationship between wavelength of light and the quantity of energy per photon? Question options: a) They have a direct, linear relationship. b) They are inversely related. c) They are separate phenomena. d) They are logarithmically related. e) They are only related in certain parts of the spectrum.

b) They are inversely related.

Why are there several structurally different pigments in the reaction centers of photosystems? Question options: a) They enable the plant to absorb more photons from light energy, all of which are at the same wavelength. b) This arrangement enables the plant to absorb light energy of a variety of wavelengths. c) This helps the plant function if some of the pigments become structurally damaged. d) They enable the reaction center to excite electrons to a higher energy level. e) Excited electrons must pass through several pigments before they can be transferred to electron acceptors of the electron transport chain.

b) This arrangement enables the plant to absorb light energy of a variety of wavelengths.

In a plant cell, where are the ATP synthase complexes located? Question options: a) Thylakoid membrane & plasma membrane b) Thylakoid membrane & inner mitochondrial membrane c) Thylakoid membrane only d) Plasma membrane only e) Inner mitochondrial membrane only

b) Thylakoid membrane & inner mitochondrial membrane

What type of membrane protein spans the phospholipid bilayer completely? Question options: a) Peripheral protein b) Transmembrane protein c) Glycoprotein d) Integrated protein e) Integrin

b) Transmembrane protein

Inside an active mitochondrion, most electrons follow which pathway? Question options: a) electron transport chain → citric acid cycle → ATP → oxygen b) citric acid cycle → NADH → electron transport chain → oxygen c) pyruvate → citric acid cycle → ATP → NADH → oxygen d) citric acid cycle → FADH2 → electron transport chain → ATP e) glycolysis → NADH → oxidative phosphorylation → ATP → oxygen

b) citric acid cycle → NADH → electron transport chain → oxygen

A hypothetical organism is diploid, has either blue or orange wings as the consequence of one of its genes on chromosome 12, and has either long or short antennae as the result of a second gene on chromosome 19, as shown in this figure. If a female of this species has one chromosome 12 with a blue gene and another chromosome 12 with an orange gene, and has both number 19 chromosomes with short genes, she will produce which of the following egg types? Question options: a) only orange short gene eggs b) one-half blue short and one-half orange short gene eggs c) only blue short gene eggs d) three-fourths blue short and one-fourth orange short gene eggs e) three-fourths blue long and one-fourth orange short gene eggs

b) one-half blue short and one-half orange short gene eggs

A proton-motive force is the conversion of energy into energy. Question options: a) solar; chemical b) potential; chemical c) chemical; potential d) chemical; kinetic e) potential; thermal

b) potential; chemical

In the figure below, which number represents DNA synthesis (S phase)? Question options: a)I b)II c)III d)IV e)V

b) II

Approximately how many molecules of ATP are produced from the complete oxidation of TWO molecules of glucose in aerobic cellular respiration? Question options: a)4 b)60-64 c)30-32 d)15 e)2


In plant cells, how does the middle lamella function? Question options: a)Allows for gas and nutrient exchange among adjacent cells. b)Allows adjacent cells to adhere to one another. c)Maintains the plant's circulatory system. d)Prevents dehydration of adjacent cells. e)Cell structure and support.

b)Allows adjacent cells to adhere to one another.

Motor proteins provide for molecular motion in cells by interacting with what types of cellular structures? Question options: a)Cellulose fibres in cell wall b)Cytoskeletal structures c)Ribosomes d)Membrane proteins e)Sites of energy production in cellular respiration

b)Cytoskeletal structures

Which animal cell organelle contains enzymes that transfer hydrogen from various substrates to oxygen to form peroxide? Question options: a)Lysosome b)Peroxisome c)Vacuole d)Mitochondrion e)Golgi Apparatus


An organism non-selectively takes in droplets of water and small molecules in suspension. What is this process called? Question options: a)Receptor-mediated endocytosis b)Pinocytosis c)Phagocytosis d)Facilitated diffusion e)Cotransport


One of the key innovations in the evolution of eukaryotes from prokaryotic ancestor is the endomembrane system. What organelles or features are a part of the endomembrane system? Select all appropriate answers. (BE CAREFUL: wrong answers will cost you marks!) Question options: a)Mitochondria b)Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum c)Nuclear Envelope d)Chloroplasts e)Golgi Apparatus f)Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum g)Plasma membrane

b)Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum c)Nuclear Envelope e)Golgi Apparatus f)Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum g)Plasma membrane

What do the cell wall of plants and the extracellular matrix of animal cells have in common? Question options: a)They allow movement of molecules and ions in and out the cell without the aid of cell junctions. b)They have functional connections with the cytoskeleton inside the cell. c)They form rigid structures that provide structural support for cells but limit their expansion. d)They are largely composed of phospholipids and glycoproteins.

b)They have functional connections with the cytoskeleton inside the cell.

From the following, select ALL factors that are qualities of any good scientific hypothesis? (Be careful incorrect answers will lose you marks!) Question options: a)It produces only quantitative data. b)It produces results that can be replicated exactly. c)It is testable. d)It is falsifiable.

c and d

In a particular plant, leaf colour is controlled by gene locus D. Plants with at least one allele D have dark green leaves, and plants with the homozygous recessive dd genotype have light green leaves. A true-breeding dark-leaved plant is crossed with a light-leaved one, and the F1 offspring is allowed to self-pollinate. The predicted outcome of the F2 is diagrammed in the Punnett square shown below, where 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent the genotypes corresponding to each box within the square. Which of the plants will be true-breeding? Question options: a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 b) 1 only c) 1 and 4 only d) 2 and 3 only e) 1 and 2 only

c) 1 and 4 only

If a DNA sample were composed of 10% thymine, what would be the percentage of guanine? Question options: a) 10 b) 20 c) 40 d) 80 e) It is impossible to tell from the information given.

c) 40

How does the sexual life cycle increase the genetic variation in a species? Question options: a) by decreasing mutation frequency b) By allowing nonrandom, fixed fertilisation c) By allowing crossing over d) By increasing gene stability e) By conserving chromosomal gene order

c) By allowing crossing over

What is the microtubule-organising centre known as? Question options: a) Kinetochore b) Centromere c) Centrosome d) Chromatid e) Microtubulere

c) Centrosome

When does the splitting of carbon dioxide to form oxygen gas and carbon compounds occur? Question options: a) During photorespiration only b) Only during respiration c) During neither photosynthesis or photosynthesis d) During both photosynthesis and cellular respiration e) Only during photosynthesis

c) During neither photosynthesis or photosynthesis

In the figure below, at which of the numbered regions would you expect to find the cells at metaphase? Question options: a) I and IV b) II only c) III only d) IV only e) V only

c) III only

A transcription unit that is 8000 nucleotides long may use 1200 nucleotides to make a protein consisting of approximately 400 amino acids. Which of the following is the best explanation of this the fact? Question options: a) Many nucleotides are needed to code for each amino acid. b) There is redundancy and ambiguity in the genetic code. c) Many noncoding stretches of nucleotides are present in mRNA. d) There are termination exons near the beginning of mRNA. e) Nucleotides break off and are lost during the transcription process.

c) Many noncoding stretches of nucleotides are present in mRNA.

Which life cycle stage is found in plants but NOT animals? Question options: a) Unicellular diploid b) Gamete c) Multicellular haploid d) Zygote e) Multicellular diploid

c) Multicellular haploid

Which co-enzyme is the most efficient electron acceptor in the cell producing the largest amount of ATP? Question options: a) FAD b) Acetyl CoA c) NAD+ d) CytC e) ATP

c) NAD+

Which of the following is a karyotype? Question options: a) A display of all the cell types in an organism b) The appearance of an organism c) Organised images of a cell's chromosomes d) A list of all the organism's genes. e) A display of a cells mitotic stages

c) Organised images of a cell's chromosomes

Whether during mitosis or meiosis, sister chromatids are held together by proteins referred to as cohesins. Such molecules must have which of the following properties? Question options: a) They must be intact for nuclear envelope reformation. b) They must persist throughout the cell cycle. c) They must be removed before anaphase can occur. d) They must reattach to chromosomes during G1. e) They must be removed before meiosis can begin.

c) They must be removed before anaphase can occur.

To repair a thymine dimer by nucleotide excision repair, in which order do the necessary enzymes act? Question options: a) DNA polymerase I, DNA polymerase III, DNA ligase b) DNA ligase, nuclease, helicase c) endonuclease, DNA polymerase I, DNA ligase d) exonuclease, DNA polymerase III, RNA primase e) helicase, DNA polymerase I, DNA ligase

c) endonuclease, DNA polymerase I, DNA ligase

In cats, black fur colour is caused by an X-linked allele; the other allele at this locus causes orange colour. The heterozygote is tortoiseshell. What kinds of offspring would you expect from the cross of a black female and an orange male? Question options: a) orange females; orange males b) tortoiseshell females; tortoiseshell males c) tortoiseshell females; black males d) black females; orange males e) orange females; black males

c) tortoiseshell females; black males

The cell membranes of Arctic ice fish might have which of the following adaptations? Question options: a)A higher percentage of trans-fatty acids b)Very long fatty acid chains c)A high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids d)No cholesterol e)Branched isoprenoid lipids

c)A high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids

The solutions in the two arms of this U-tube are separated by a membrane that is permeable to water and glucose but not to sucrose. Side A is half-filled with a solution of 2M sucrose and 1M glucose. Side B is half-filled with 1M sucrose and 2M glucose solution. At the start, the liquid level on both sides is equal. In terms of tonicity, at the start how would you describe the solution in side A with respect to that in side B? Question options: a)Hypertonic b)Hypotonic c)Isotonic d)Saturated e)Plasmolyzed


Hydrolytic enzymes must be segregated and packaged to prevent general destruction of cellular components. Which of the following organelles contains these hydrolytic enzymes in animal cells? Question options: a)Chloroplast b)Peroxisome c)Lysosome d)Mitochondria e)Central vacuole


Movement of vesicles within the cell depends on what cellular structures? Question options: a)Centrioles and motor proteins b)Microfilaments and microtubules c)Microtubules and motor proteins, such as kinesin d)Microfilaments and ribosomes e)Microfilaments and motor proteins

c)Microtubules and motor proteins, such as kinesin

Which of the following correctly describes the properties and processes of life? Question options: a)Organisms are not able to regulate their internal environment. b)Inherited information controls the pattern of growth but not the development of an organism. c)Organisms process energy during the course of their lives. d)Life is disordered.

c)Organisms process energy during the course of their lives.

The proteoglycan complex is found in the extracellular matrix and is made up of a number of components. Select all the components found in the proteoglycan complex. (BE CAREFUL: wrong answers will cost you marks!) Question options: a)Collagen b)Fibronectin c)Proteoglycan molecule d)Polysaccharide molecule e)Core protein f)Microfilament g)Carbohydrate chains h) Integrin

c)Proteoglycan molecule d)Polysaccharide molecule e)Core protein g)Carbohydrate chains

Black fur in mice (B) is dominant to brown fur (b). Short tails (T) are dominant to long tails (t). What fraction of the progeny of crosses BbTt × BBtt will be expected to have black fur and long tails? Question options: a)1/16 b)3/8 c)3/16 d)1/2 e)9/16

d) 1/2

Starting with citrate, which of the following combinations of products would result from THREE Acetyl CoA molecules entering the citric acid cycle? Question options: a) 32 ATP, 6 CO2, 10 NADH and 2 FADH2 b) 2 ATP, 2 CO2, 3 NADH and 3 FADH2 c) 3 ATP, 3 CO2, 3 NADH and 3 FADH2 d) 3 ATP, 6CO2, 9 NADH and 3 FADH2 e) 1 ATP, 2 CO2, 3 NADH and 1 FADH2

d) 3 ATP, 6CO2, 9 NADH and 3 FADH2

A part of an mRNA molecule with the following sequence is being read by a ribosome: 5' CCG-ACG 3' (mRNA). The following charged transfer RNA molecules (with their anticodons shown in the 3' to 5' direction) are available. Two of them can correctly match the mRNA so that a dipeptide can form. tRNA Anticodon Amino Acid GGC Proline CGU Alanine UGC Threonine CCG Glycine ACG Cysteine CGG Alanine What is the sequence of the anticodon loop of the first tRNA that will complement this mRNA? Question options: a) 5' GGC 3' b) 3' UGC 5' c) 5' UGC 3' d) 3' GGC 5' e) 5' ACG 3'

d) 3' GGC 5'

Given the parents AABBCc × AaBbCc, assume simple dominance for each trait and independent assortment. What proportion of the progeny will be expected to phenotypically resemble the first parent? Question options: a)1/4 b)3/8 c)1 d)3/4 e)1/8

d) 3/4

A peptide has the sequence NH2-phe-pro-lys-gly-phe-pro-COOH. Which of the following sequences in the coding strand of the DNA could code for this peptide? Question options: a) 3' UUU-CCC-AAA-GGG-UUU-CCC b) 3' AUG-AAA-GGG-TTT-CCC-AAA-GGG c) 5' GGG-AAA-TTT-AAA-CCC-ACT-GGG d) 5' TTT-CCC-AAA-GGG-TTT-CCC e) 5' ACT-TAC-CAT-AAA-CAT-TAC-UGA


What is a cleavage furrow? Question options: a) The space that is created between two chromatids during anaphase b) The separation of divided prokaryotes c) A ring of vesicles forming a cell plate d) A groove in the plasma membrane between daughter nuclei e) The metaphase plate where chromosomes attach to the spindle

d) A groove in the plasma membrane between daughter nuclei

If a nucleotide substitution switched an A for a U, such that the codon was read as UAA instead of AAA, what would the effect be? Question options: a) A different amino acid b) No mutation as nucleotides in the first position are interchangeable c) A silent mutation d) A nonsense mutation e) A missense mutation

d) A nonsense mutation

Referring to the figure above. What bases will be added to the primer as DNA replication proceeds? The bases should appear in the new strand in the order that they will be added starting at the 3' end of the primer. Question options: a) T, C, T, G, C, T, G b) G, T, C, G, T, C, T c) C, U, G, C, U, G, U d) A, G, A, C, G, A, C e) C, A, G, C, A, G, A

d) A, G, A, C, G, A, C

What are the products of cyclic electron flow during the light reactions of photosynthesis? Question options: a) NADPH b) Heat and fluorescence c) ADP and NADP+ d) ATP e) ATP and NADPH

d) ATP

Which of the following are products of the light reactions of photosynthesis that are utilized in the Calvin cycle? Question options: a) ADP, i & NADP+ b) H2O & O2 c) CO2 & Glucose d) ATP & NADPH e) Electrons & H+


Where do the catabolic products of fatty acid breakdown enter into the citric acid cycle? Question options: a) α-Ketoglutarate b) Pyruvate c) Succinyl CoA d) Acetyl CoA e) Malate or fumarate

d) Acetyl CoA

How does telomerase permit lengthening of telomeres? Question options: a) Extending the leading strand. b) Extending the Okazaki fragments. c) Relieving overwinding. d) Artificially extends the leading strand. e) Using a thymidine dimer.

d) Artificially extends the leading strand.

A plant has a unique photosynthetic pigment. The leaves of this plant appear to be reddish yellow. What wavelengths of visible light are being absorbed by this pigment? Question options: a) Green & yellow b) Green, blue & yellow c) Blue, green & red d) Blue & violet e) Red & yellow

d) Blue & violet

Which of the following is true of the human X and Y chromosomes? Question options: a) They are autosomal chromosomes b) Both are of approximately equal size and number of genes. c) Both are almost entirely homologous, despite their different names. d) Both include genes that determine an individual's sex. e) Both are present in every somatic cell of males and females alike.

d) Both include genes that determine an individual's sex.

Which of the following statements describes the results of this reaction? C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy Question options: a) O2 is oxidized and H2O is reduced. b) C6H12O6 + 6O2 is reduced and CO2 is oxidized. c) O2 is reduced and CO2 is oxidized. d) C6H12O6 + 6O2 is oxidized and O2 is reduced. e) CO2 is reduced and O2 is oxidized.

d) C6H12O6 + 6O2 is oxidized and O2 is reduced.

What occurs at the centromere? Question options: a) Chromosomes are grouped during Telophase. b) Metaphase chromosomes become aligned at the metaphase plate. c) New spindle microtubules form at either end. d) Chromatids remain attached to one another until Anaphase. e) The nucleus is located prior to mitosis.

d) Chromatids remain attached to one another until Anaphase.

The F in F1 generation stands for: Question options: a) First b) Faction c) Family d) Filial e) Format

d) Filial

Which of the life cycles in the diagram below is typical for plants and some algae? Question options: a) II only b) I and III c) I only d) III only e) I and II

d) III only

As electrons are passed through the system of electron carriers associated with photosystem II, they lose energy. What happens to this energy? Question options: a) It excites electrons of the reaction center of photosystem I. b) It is lost as heat. c) It is used to phosphorylate NAD+ to NADP+, the molecule that accepts electrons from photosystem I. d) It is used to establish and maintain a proton gradient. e) It is used to reduce NADP+ to NADPH.

d) It is used to establish and maintain a proton gradient.

Which of the following is a function of those spindle microtubules that do not attach to kinetochores? Question options: a) Providing the ATP needed by the fibres attached to kinetochores b) Producing a cleavage furrow when telophase is complete c) Maintaining an appropriate spacing among the moving chromosomes d) Maintaining the region of overlap of microtubules in the cell's center to elongate the cell e) Pulling the poles of the spindles closer to one another

d) Maintaining the region of overlap of microtubules in the cell's center to elongate the cell

Independent assortment of chromosomes occurs. The statement is true for... Question options: a) Mitosis and Meiosis II b) Mitosis and Meiosis I c) Meiosis II only d) Meiosis I only e) Mitosis only

d) Meiosis I only

Why did the F1 offspring of Mendel's classic pea cross always look like one of the two parental varieties? Question options: a) Each allele affected phenotypic expression. b) Different genes interacted to produce the parental phenotype. c) The traits blended together during fertilisation. d) One phenotype was completely dominant over another. e) No genes interacted to produce the parental phenotype.

d) One phenotype was completely dominant over another.

What is the template for semiconservative replication? Question options: a) A RNA molecule b) Okazaki fragments c) Single-stranded binding proteins d) One strand of the original DNA molecule e) DNA polymerase

d) One strand of the original DNA molecule

It is possible to prepare/produce vesicles from portions of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Which of the following processes could still be carried out by this isolated inner membrane? Question options: a) Citric Acid Cycle b) Reduction of NAD+ c) Glycolysis and fermentation d) Oxidative Phosphorylation e) Citric Acid Cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation

d) Oxidative Phosphorylation

Which part of the phospholipid molecule is hydrophilic? Question options: a) Choline only b) Phosphate group only c) Phosphate group, choline and hydrocarbon tail d) Phosphate group and choline e) Hydrocarbon tail

d) Phosphate group and choline

Mendel crossed yellow-seeded and green-seeded pea plants and then allowed the offspring to self-pollinate to produce an F2 generation. The results were as follows: 6022 yellow and 2001 green (8023 total). The allele for green seeds has what relationship to the allele for yellow seeds? Question options: a) Codominant b) Hybridised c) Incomplete dominant d) Recessive e) Dominant

d) Recessive

Which of the following terms best describes an individual chromosome that carries DNA from two different parents? Question options: a) A mutation b) Synapsed c) Fertilised d) Recombinant e) A karyotype

d) Recombinant

The ATP made during glycolysis is generated by... Question options: a) Oxidative phosphorylation b) Chemiosmosis c) Electron Transport d) Substrate-level phosphorylation e) Photophosphorylation

d) Substrate-level phosphorylation

What will happen to a red blood cell (RBC), which has an internal ion concentration of about 0.9%, if it is placed in a beaker of pure water? Question options: a) The cell would shrink because the water in the beaker is hypertonic relative to the cytoplasm of the RBC. b) The cell would shrink because the water in the beaker is hypotonic relative to the cytoplasm of the RBC. c) The cell will remain the same size because the solution outside the cell is isotonic. d) The cell would swell because the water in the beaker is hypotonic relative to the cytoplasm of the RBC. e) The cell would swell because the water in the beaker is hypertonic relative to the cytoplasm of the RBC.

d) The cell would swell because the water in the beaker is hypotonic relative to the cytoplasm of the RBC.

What is the difference between the leading strand and the lagging strand in DNA replication? Question options: a) The leading strand requires an RNA primer, whereas the lagging strand does not. b) There are different DNA polymerases involved in elongation of the leading strand and the lagging strand. c) The leading strand is synthesized in the 3' → 5' direction in a continuous fashion, while the lagging strand is synthesized in the 5'→ 3' direction in a discontinuous fashion. d) The leading strand is synthesized continuously in the 5'→ 3' direction, while the lagging strand is synthesized discontinuously in the 5'→ 3' direction. e) The leading strand is synthesized in the 3' → 5' direction in a discontinuous fashion, while the lagging strand is synthesized in the 5'→ 3' direction in a continuous fashion.

d) The leading strand is synthesized continuously in the 5'→ 3' direction, while the lagging strand is synthesized discontinuously in the 5'→ 3' direction.

Which of the following statements best represents the relationships between the light reactions and the Calvin cycle? Question options: a) The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH to the carbon fixation step of the Calvin cycle, and the cycle provides water and electrons to the light reactions. b) The light reactions supply the Calvin cycle with CO2 to produce sugars, and the Calvin cycle supplies the light reactions with sugars to produce ATP. c) The light reactions provide the Calvin cycle with oxygen for electron flow, and the Calvin cycle provides the light reactions with water to split. d) The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH to the Calvin cycle, and the cycle returns ADP, i, and NADP+ to the light reactions. e) There is no relationship between the light reactions and the Calvin cycle.

d) The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH to the Calvin cycle, and the cycle returns ADP, i, and NADP+ to the light reactions.

Two plants are crossed, resulting in offspring with a 3:1 ratio for a particular trait. What does this suggest? Question options: a) The parents are true-breeding for contrasting traits. b) Each offspring has the same alleles for each of two traits. c) A blending of traits has occurred. d) The parents are both heterozygous for a single trait. e) The trait shows incomplete dominance.

d) The parents are both heterozygous for a single trait.

What is the kinetic energy associated with the random movement of atoms called? Question options: a) Heat b) Chemical energy c) Entropy d) Thermal energy e) Work

d) Thermal energy

How do cells at the completion of meiosis compare with cells that have replicated their DNA and are just about to begin meiosis? Question options: a) They have twice the amount of cytoplasm and half the amount of DNA. b) They have half the number of chromosomes and half the amount of DNA. c) They have the same number of chromosomes and half the amount of DNA. d) They have half the number of chromosomes and one-fourth the amount of DNA. e) They have half the amount of cytoplasm and twice the amount of DNA.

d) They have half the number of chromosomes and one-fourth the amount of DNA.

Where are the molecules of the photosynthetic electron transport chain found in plant cells? Question options: a) Outer membrane of mitochondria b) Matrix of mitochondria c) Cytoplasm of cell d) Thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts e) Stroma of chloroplasts

d) Thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts

Why did Mendel continue some of his experiments to the F2 or F3 generation? Question options: a) To obtain a larger number of offspring on which to base statistics. b) To be able to describe the frequency of recombination. c) To observe whether or not the dominant trait would reappear. d) To observe whether or not a recessive trait would reappear. e) To distinguish which alleles were segregating.

d) To observe whether or not a recessive trait would reappear.

What does the term polyribosome refer to? Question options: a) the ribosome complex in eukaryotes b) the beaded look of the rough ER c) a polymerase ribosome complex d) a string of ribosomes attached to a mRNA e) the ribosome complex in prokaryotes

d) a string of ribosomes attached to a mRNA

The primary role of oxygen in cellular respiration is to... Question options: a) combine with lactate to form pyruvate. b) yield energy in the form of ATP as it is passed down the respiratory chain. c) combine with carbon to form CO2. d) act as an acceptor of electrons and hydrogen to form water. e) catalyze the reactions of glycolysis.

d) act as an acceptor of electrons and hydrogen to form water.

In the following simple metabolic pathway: A mutation results in a defective enzyme A. Which of the following would be a consequence of that mutation? Question options: a) an accumulation of B and C and no production of A b) an accumulation of B and no production of A and C c) an accumulation of C and no production of A and B d) an accumulation of A and no production of B and C e) an accumulation of A and B and no production of C

d) an accumulation of A and no production of B and C

A pair of homologous chromosomes includes which of the following sets of DNA strands? Question options: a) four sets of sister chromatids b) eight sets of sister chromatids c) two single-stranded chromosomes that have synapsed d) two sets of sister chromatids that have synapsed e) four sets of unique chromosomes

d) two sets of sister chromatids that have synapsed

Starting with one molecule of isocitrate and ending with fumarate, how many ATP molecules can be made through substrate-level phosphorylation? Question options: a)12 b)24 c)2 d)1 e)11

d) 1

In presenting data that result from an experiment, a group of students find that most of their measurements fall on a straight diagonal line on their graph. Two of their data points, however, are 'outliers' and fall far to one side of the expected relationship. What should they do? Question options: a)Change the details of the experiment until they obtain the expected results. b)Do not show these points because clearly something went wrong in the experiment. c)Average several trials, rule out the improbable results and do not show them in the final work. d)Show all results obtained and then try to explore the reason/s for these outliers.

d) Show all results obtained and then try to explore the reason/s for these outliers

Spherocytosis is a human blood disorder associated with defective cytoskeletal protein in red blood cells. What do you suspect will be the result of this defect? Question options: a)The red blood cells will not be able to communicate with other cells. b)The red blood cells will stick to the blood vessel walls, causing plaque formation. c)An insufficient supply of oxygen-transporting proteins in the red blood cells. d)Abnormally shaped red blood cells. e)An insufficient supply of ATP in the red blood cells.

d)Abnormally shaped red blood cells.

Ions can travel directly from the cytoplasm of one animal cell to the cytoplasm of an adjacent cell through: Question options: a)Desmosomes b)Plasmodesmata c)Intermediate filaments d)Gap junctions e)Tight junctions

d)Gap junctions

Which of these is an example of inductive reasoning? Question options: a)If protists are single-celled, then they are incapable of aggregating into a mass. b)If horses are always found grazing on grass, they can be only herbivores and not omnivores. c)These organisms live in sunny parts of this area so they are able to photosynthesize. d)Hundreds of individuals of a species have been observed and are all photosynthetic; therefore the species is photosynthetic.

d)Hundreds of individuals of a species have been observed and are all photosynthetic; therefore the species is photosynthetic.

What is the function of the nuclear pore complex? Question options: a)It selectively transports molecules out of the nucleus but prevents all inbound molecules from entering the nucleus. b)It synthesises the proteins required to copy DNA and make mRNA. c)It assembles ribosomes from raw materials that are synthesised in the nucleus. d)It regulates the movement of proteins and RNAs into and out of the nucleus. e)It allows nucleoli to pass.

d)It regulates the movement of proteins and RNAs into and out of the nucleus.

In a plant cell, where can you find DNA? Select all appropriate answers (BE CAREFUL: wrong answers will cost you marks) Question options: a)Peroxisomes b)Centrosomes c)Vacuoles d)Mitochondria e)Nucleus f)Chloroplasts

d)Mitochondria e)Nucleus f)Chloroplasts

A unicellular organism was discovered that is 50µm in length, has a nucleus and mitochondria. Which of the following categories is the organism most likely to fall into? Question options: a)Archaea b)Animalia c)Bacteria d)Protist e)Plantae


Which of the following is the best description of a control for an experiment? Question options: a)The control group is exposed to only one variable rather than several. b)Only the experimental group is tested or measured? c)The control group is kept in an unchanging environment. d)The control group is matched with the experimental groups except for the one experimental variable. e)The control group is left alone by the experimenters.

d)The control group is matched with the experimental groups except for the one experimental variable.

ou are studying photosynthesis and its overall function and purpose. You choose to use several aquatic plants of the same species and divide them into 2 tanks. One tank is under low light regime (dim lighting) and the other a high light regime (bright lighting). You grow them in these conditions for several weeks and make observations. After several weeks you notice the plants in high light (bright light) are larger (grew more) and there are more air bubbles in the tank than in the low light (dim light) tank. Which of the following is the most logical conclusion? Question options: a)You didn't do the study properly and put larger plants in the one tank. b)More air in the tank has helped the plants to grow? c)You need to do more research to fully understand what could be happening. d)The difference in light must have an influence on growth. e)Something in the low light tank must be stopping growth.

d)The difference in light must have an influence on growth.

Cholesterol is found in the phospholipid bilayer of the plasma membrane of some animals. What does the presence of cholesterol in the plasma membrane result in? Question options: a)The cholesterol removes hydrogen atoms from saturated phospholipids to make them unsaturated. b)The cholesterol adds hydrogen atoms to unsaturated phospholipids to make them saturated. c)It causes the animal to be more susceptible to circulatory disorders. d)The membrane stays fluid more easily when cell temperature drops. e)The membrane with cholesterol is less flexible, allowing it to sustain greater pressure from within the cell.

d)The membrane stays fluid more easily when cell temperature drops.

A controlled experiment is one that: Question options: a)proceeds slowly enough for the scientist can make careful records of the results. b)is repeated many times to make sure the results are accurate. c)keeps all variables constant. d)tests experimental and control groups in the same study.

d)tests experimental and control groups in the same study.

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD) is inherited as a recessive allele of an X-linked gene in humans. A woman whose father suffered from G6PD marries a normal man. (a) What proportion of their sons is expected to be G6PD?(b) If the husband was not normal but was G6PD deficient, would you change your answer in part (a)? Question options: a) (a) 1/2; (b) yes b) (a) zero; (b) no c) (a) 100%; (b) no d) (a) 100%; (b) e) (a) 1/2; (b) no

e) (a) 1/2; (b) no

A man has extra digits (six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot). His wife and their daughter have a normal number of digits. Having extra digits is a dominant trait. The couple's second child has extra digits. What is the probability that their next (third) child will have extra digits? Question options: a)1/16 b)1 c)3/4 d)1/8 e)1/2

e) 1/2

Which small-scale mutation would be most likely to have a catastrophic effect on the functioning of a protein? Question options: a) Deletion of three bases near the start of the coding sequence, but not in the initiator codon. b) A base substitution. c) A base insertion near the end of the coding sequence, but not in the terminator codon. d) A base deletion near the end of the coding sequence but not in the terminator codon. e) A base deletion near the start of a gene.

e) A base deletion near the start of a gene.

According to the endosymbiotic theory, what was the original chloroplast? Question options: a) A mitochondria b) A green algae c) A chemisynthetic archaea d) A purple sulphur bacteria e) A photosynthetic prokaryote

e) A photosynthetic prokaryote

How does termination of translation take place? Question options: a) The end of the mRNA molecule is reached. b) When the ribosome senses an intron. c) The 3' cap is reached. d) The poly-A tail is reached. e) A stop codon is reached.

e) A stop codon is reached.

The fact that all seven of the pea plant traits studied by Mendel obeyed the principle of independent assortment most probably indicates which of the following? Question options: a) All of the genes controlling the traits were located on the same chromosome. b) The diploid number of chromosomes in the pea plants was 7. c) The formation of gametes in plants occurs by mitosis only. d) None of the traits obeyed the law of segregation. e) All of the genes controlling the traits behaved as if they were on different chromosomes.

e) All of the genes controlling the traits behaved as if they were on different chromosomes.

Mendel's observation of the segregation of alleles in gamete formation has its basis in which of the following phases of cell division? Question options: a) Metaphase I of meiosis b) Anaphase II of meiosis c) Prophase I of meiosis d) Anaphase of mitosis e) Anaphase I of meiosis

e) Anaphase I of meiosis

In a Paramecium (a unicellular eukaryotic protist) where are cell integral membrane proteins synthesized? Question options: a) By ribosomes in the nucleus. b) By ribosomes in the Golgi vesicles. c) In the cytoplasm by free ribosomes. d) By ribosomes bound to the inner surface of the plasma membrane. e) By ribosomes bound to the endoplasmic reticulum.

e) By ribosomes bound to the endoplasmic reticulum.

For anaphase to begin, which of the following must occur? Question options: a) Cohesin must attach the sister chromatids to each other. b) Chromatids must lose their kinetochores. c) Spindle microtubules must begin to depolymerize. d) Kinetochores must attach to the metaphase plate. e) Cohesin must be cleaved enzymatically.

e) Cohesin must be cleaved enzymatically.

What could a frameshift mutation result from? Question options: a) A base deletion only. b) A base substitution only. c) Deletion of 3 consecutive bases. d) A base insertion only. e) Either an insertion or a deletion of a base.

e) Either an insertion or a deletion of a base.

Which of the following catabolic processes may have been used by cells on ancient Earth before free oxygen became available? Question options: a) Glycolysis & fermentation only b) Glycolysis & the citric acid cycle only c) Glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle d) Oxidative phosphorylation only e) Glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, citric acid cycle & oxidative phosphorylation using an electron acceptor that is not oxygen.

e) Glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, citric acid cycle & oxidative phosphorylation using an electron acceptor that is not oxygen

The immediate energy source that drives ATP synthesis by ATP synthase during oxidative phosphorylation is the... Question options: a) oxidation of glucose and other organic compounds. b) flow of electrons down the electron transport chain. c) transfer of phosphate to ADP. d) affinity of oxygen for electrons. e) H+ concentration across the membrane holding ATP synthase.

e) H+ concentration across the membrane holding ATP synthase.

Which of the enzymes unwinds the DNA strands during replication? Question options: a) Single-stranded binding proteins b) DNA ligase c) Topoisomerase d) Primase e) Helicase

e) Helicase

Eukaryotic sexual life cycles show tremendous variation. Of the following elements, which do ALL sexual life cycles have in common?I. Alternation of generationsII. MeiosisIII. FertilizationIV. GametesV. Spores Question options: a) II, IV and V b) I, II, III, IV and V c) I, II and IV d) I, IV and V e) II, III, and IV

e) II, III, and IV

Which of the following is a TRUE statement about sexual vs. asexual reproduction? Question options: a) In asexual reproduction, offspring are produced by fertilization without meiosis. b) Asexual reproduction, but not sexual reproduction, is characteristic of plants and fungi. c) Sexual reproduction requires that parents be diploid. d) Asexual reproduction produces only haploid offspring. e) In sexual reproduction, individuals transmit 50% of their genes to each of their offspring.

e) In sexual reproduction, individuals transmit 50% of their genes to each of their offspring.

Which of the following is a characteristic feature of a carrier protein in a plasma membrane? Question options: a) It is a peripheral membrane protein. b) It requires the expenditure of cellular energy to function. c) It works against diffusion. d) It is an integral membrane protein that is only embedded partly into the plasma membrane. e) It has a specificity for a particular type of molecule.

e) It has a specificity for a particular type of molecule.

Which of the events listed below occurs in the light reactions of photosynthesis? Question options: a) NADP is produced b) ATP is phosphorylated to yield ADP c) Carbon dioxide is incorporated into 3-phosphoglycerate d) NADPH is reduced to NADP+ e) Light is absorbed and funnelled to the reaction-centre chlorophyll a

e) Light is absorbed and funnelled to the reaction-centre chlorophyll a

What is the mechanism of information transfer from DNA to protein synthesis in eukaryotes? Question options: a) Proteins transfer information from the nucleus to the ribosome, where protein synthesis takes place. b) DNA from a single gene is replicated and transferred to the cytoplasm, where it serves as a template for protein synthesis. c) DNA is replicated and transferred to the cytoplasm, translated to mRNA, which then serves as a template for protein synthesis. d) Transfer RNA takes information from DNA directly to a ribosome, where protein synthesis takes place. e) Messenger RNA is transcribed from a single gene, and the mRNA transfers information from the DNA in the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where protein synthesis takes place.

e) Messenger RNA is transcribed from a single gene, and the mRNA transfers information from the DNA in the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where protein synthesis takes place.

Which of the following is TRUE about metabolism as a whole in all organisms? Question options: a) Metabolism depends on an organism's adequate hydration. b) Metabolism manages the increase of entropy in an organism. c) Metabolism uses all of an organism's resources. d) Metabolism depends on a constant supply of energy from food. e) Metabolism consists of all the energy transformation reactions in an organism.

e) Metabolism consists of all the energy transformation reactions in an organism.

Which of the following statements describes NAD+? Question options: a) NAD+ is oxidized by the action of hydrogenases. b) NAD+ can donate electrons for use in oxidative phosphorylation. c) NAD+ has more chemical energy than NADH. d) In the absence of NAD+, glycolysis can still function. e) NAD+ is reduced to NADH during glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle.

e) NAD+ is reduced to NADH during glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle

Which of the following most accurately describes selective permeability? Question options: a) There must be a concentration gradient for molecules to pass through a membrane, molecules move from high solute concentration to low solute concentration only. b) Only amphipathic molecules can pass through a plasma membrane. c) An input of energy is required for transport across the plasma membrane. d) Charged molecules pass through anywhere on the plasma membrane. e) Only certain molecules are able to cross a plasma membrane.

e) Only certain molecules are able to cross a plasma membrane.

Where do the reactions that produce molecular oxygen (O) take place? Question options: a) In both the light reactions and the Calvin cycle. b) In neither the light reactions nor the Calvin cycle. c) Only in the Calvin cycle. d) In the chloroplast, but they are not part of photosynthesis. e) Only in the light reactions.

e) Only in the light reactions.

Which of the following statements best describes the termination of transcription in prokaryotes? Question options: a) Once transcription has initiated, RNA polymerase transcribes until it reaches the end of the chromosome. b) RNA polymerase transcribes through an intron, and the snRNPs cause the polymerase to let go of the transcript. c) RNA polymerase transcribes through the polyadenylation signal, causing proteins to associate with the transcript and cut it free from the polymerase. d) RNA polymerase transcribes through a stop codon, causing the polymerase to stop advancing through the gene and release the mRNA. e) RNA polymerase transcribes through the terminator sequence, causing the polymerase to separate from the DNA and release the transcript.

e) RNA polymerase transcribes through the terminator sequence, causing the polymerase to separate from the DNA and release the transcript.

In the process of carbon fixation, RuBP attaches a CO2 to produce a six-carbon molecule, which is then split to produce two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate. After phosphorylation and reduction produces glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P), what more needs to happen to complete the Calvin cycle? Question options: a) Regeneration of NADP+ b) Regeneration of ATP from ADP c) Addition of a pair of electrons from NADPH d) Inactivation of RuBP carboxylase enzyme e) Regeneration of RuBP

e) Regeneration of RuBP

What is the mitotic spindle involved in? Question options: a) Replication of DNA b) Cytokinesis c) Dissolving the nuclear membrane d) Triggering the compaction and condensation of chromosomes e) Separation of sister chromatids

e) Separation of sister chromatids

Which of the following is TRUE regarding homologous chromosomes? Question options: a) They align on the metaphase plate in Meiosis II. b) All human chromosomes are homologous in somatic cells in the body, but not in cells that form the gametes. c) They are identical. d) They carry the same alleles. e) They each carry copies of the same genes.

e) They each carry copies of the same genes.

Why does water pass quickly through cell membranes? Question options: a) Water moves through hydrophobic channels. b) Water movement is tied to ATP hydrolysis. c) Water is a small, polar, charged molecule. d) The phospholipid bilayer is hydrophilic. e) Water moves through aquaporins in the cell membrane.

e) Water moves through aquaporins in the cell membrane.

In prokaryotes, the respiratory electron transport chain is located in the... Question options: a) bacterial outer membrane b) cytoplasm c) mitochondrial outer membrane d) mitochondrial inner membrane e) plasma membrane

e) plasma membrane

Which of the following is most likely TRUE of a protein that cotransports glucose and sodium ions into the intestinal cells of an animal? Question options: a)The sodium ions are moving down their electrochemical gradient while glucose is moving up. b)The cotransporter can also transport potassium ions. c)Sodium ions can move down their electrochemical gradient through the cotransporter whether or not glucose is present outside the cell. d)Glucose entering the cell along its concentration gradient provides energy for uptake of sodium ions against the electrochemical gradient. e)A substance that blocks sodium ions from binding to the cotransport protein will also block the transport of glucose.

e)A substance that blocks sodium ions from binding to the cotransport protein will also block the transport of glucose.

A cell with predominantly free ribosomes is most likely: Question options: a)Constructing an extensive cell wall or extracellular matrix. b)Enlarging its vacuole. c)Producing primarily proteins for secretion. d)Digesting large food particles. e)Producing primarily cytoplasmic proteins.

e)Producing primarily cytoplasmic proteins.

Which of the following is a major cause that limits the size of certain types of cells? Question options: a)The difference in plasma membranes between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. b)Limitation on the strength and integrity of the plasma membrane as cell size increases. c)Rigid cell walls that limit cell size expansion. d)Evolutionary progression in cell size; more primitive cells have smaller sizes. e)The need for a surface area of sufficient area to support the cell's metabolic needs.

e)The need for a surface area of sufficient area to support the cell's metabolic needs.

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