Bio Final Old Exams

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Nature, for the most part, does NOT operate with a plan, purpose or motive - nature simply is. In fact, most of the natural world is NOT living per se. That is to say more succinctly, nature _________________________. not teleological

If an entire population of species "X" on island "Y" consists of 36 AA, 24Aa and 18 aa individuals, what is the frequency of the dominant allele?


If a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and the frequency of the recessive allele is .6, what percentage of the population expresses the dominant allele?


In advanced/higher vertebrates, there are __________ main types of tissues (groups of cells with similar form and function) with tissues in combination making up organs and organ systems. Also noteworthy is the _________________ which is the largest human organ.

4; skin or integument

Plant species A has a diploid number of 30. Plant species B has a diploid number of 38. A new species, C, arises as an allopolyploid from A and B. The diploid number for species C would probably be _____.


The following figure depicts the outline of a large fairy ring that has appeared overnight in an open meadow, as viewed from above. The fairy ring represents the furthest advance of this mycelium through the soil. Locations A-D are all 0.5 meters below the soil surface. Location ____________ is nearest (best approximation) to emerging, non-subterranean basidiocarps after the ground is saturated with ____________?

A, water ( on the ring itself)

Deep sea vents with tiny pores and pH gradients led to the synthesis of a hypothesis concerning the formation of initial "protocells" on Earth. This hypothesis is commonly referred to as the ________________________.

Alkaline Vent Hypothesis

After the terrorism attacks of 9/11/01, Washington D.C. was hit by a bioterrorism attack of __________ which is caused by _________________ which is a ______________. The terrorist used ____________ on envelopes and sent the pathogenic agent to key governmental personnel is D.C.

Anthrax; Bacillus anthracis; Gram + rod; endospores

Which of the following are not sister taxa? Ascomycetes and basidiomycetes Cephalopods and nudibranchs Gymnosperms and angiosperms Ecdysozoans and lophotrochozoans

Cephalopods and nudibranchs

______________________ won the Nobel Prize for physiology and Medicine in 1983 based on work with an enyme referred to as ____________ that allows for mobile genetic elements, also referred to as ______________ - sometimes referred to as "jumpling genes."

Dr. Barbara McClintock; transposase; transposons

Delta class Gram (-) bacteria are phylogenetically sister taxa with the ______________.

Epsilon class Gram (-) bacteria

The scyphozoans, the cubozoans and the hydrozoans are all members of the taxonomic Domain ___________ and many have stinging cells called ______________ that have a special barb-like harpooned organelle called a ______________.

Eukarya; cnidocytes; nematocysts

In the Kingdom Animalia, gills can potentially function as ______________.

Gas exchange and filtration (feeding)

Tuberculosis and leprosy are caused by:

Gram-positive bacteria

If a human has a serious bacterial infection, which bacterial target or targets could be useful targets when designing bacterial antibiotics?


If the disease malaria were to present in a particular region, individuals that exhibit sickle-cell trait, which would be the ____________ genotype, and have been infected with malaria may have the infected red blood cell removed by the __________ thus making for an example of ________________.

HbA/HbS; spleen; heterozygotic advantage

____________________ is a human _______________ disease/disorder that often times will manifest itself as a disorder years later as __________________ (especially in immunocompromised individuals) or a form of pneumonia and/or the flu in humans.

Histoplasmosis; pulmonary; pulmonary calcifications

Pax genes are part of a larger, more-inclusive gene family called ________ genes. Furthermore, Pax genes code for ________ that help to facilitate tissue differentiation.

Homeotic/"Homeobox"; transcription factors

Antimycotics (classes I, II and III) can potentially inhibit _______________ biosynthesis. I - ergosterol II - chitin III - peptidoglycan IV - chiton V - paedomorphic characters/traits VI - cellulose

I and II

A fern is/has :I - Sporophyte dominant II - Vascular III - Pollen bearing (produces pollen) IV - Seeds V - Flowers


In a certain randomly-mating population, there is also no mutation, no migration, no non-random mating, no natural selection and the population is infinitely large. In terms of Hardy-Weinberg population genetics, this population would allow for or contain: I - No microevolution II - No change in Hardy-Weinberg "p" and "q" values III - A population geneticist can interconvert between the two Hardy-Weinberg formulas and know that he or she had numbers that were 100% correct IV - An interconversion or exact analysis from microevolution of a gene to all macroevolution effects within a particular environment V - Allow for a population geneticist to conclude the population was currently out of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at that time

I, II and III

Model organisms for scientific studies by women and men of science are which of the following? I - Cheap to maintain II - Easy to cross (produce offspring) III - Long life spans IV - The genome is sequenced and easily manipulated (genes can be knocked out) and studied V - The organism must be under the influence of artificial selection

I, II and IV

Similarities between protostomes and deuterostomes are: I - Formation of a coelom II - Presence of a blastopore III - The mechanism/process associated with how the coelom is formed IV - Embryonic cell fate and cleavage patterns V - Potential formation of identical twins VI - Willie Nelson was the first country singer to study these similarities

I, II and IV

Why is the winter (colder air) often associated with what many refer to as "the human cold and flu season"? I - Humans tend to huddle indoors more often in the winter making transmisission of the virus a more common phenomenon (especially IF the virus aerosolizes). II - Colder air is drier air and that can lead to cracks in our integument (skin) - especially the nasal epithelium. III - Cracks in the human integument (skin - largest organ of the human body) can make viral entry easier into certain tissues. IV - The phage's capsid stays external and does not enter the host V - Viruses can migrate long distances (from north to south) as viruses use meterological cold fronts to make their way south VI - Willie Nelson and Metallica are immune from all diseases because there is a corrolary between being a musical genius and a strengthened immune system! Everyone knows that!!


Islands (found in groups)often times make for "biological laboratories" because: I- Different environments on different islands II - Different starting genetics on different islands III - Researchers can quickly move from island to island IV - Genetic bottlenecks and The Founder Effect are at times, both applicable to studies on islands

I, II, III and IV

Parthenogenesis is when/involves/is a type of: I - Asexual reproduction II - Embryos are formed and develop without fertilization III - Can occur in plants and animals IV - Most (if not all) of the offspring produced via parthenogenesis are female V - Sexual reproduction

I, II, III and IV

The tenets of the Biological Species Concept are: I - A species can interbreed II - A species does interbreed III - A species will have viable offspring that survive IV - A species will choose not interbreed with other groups V - All members of species must be contained within one population within one area

I, II, III and IV

Which of the following are types of asexual reproduction in planaria? I - Budding II - Fission III - Parthenogenesis IV - Fragmentation V - Judge Judy would want you to focus!!

I, II, III and IV

The evolutionarily significant functions/advantages of seeds in plants is that the seed: I - Protects the embryo II - Can be transported long distances III - Can stay dormant for long periods of time IV - Are only fouund within fruit V - Can provide nutrition for the embryo

I, II, III and V

Fundamental elements of science include: I - "Without data, one is just a loudmouth with an opinion". II - One time does not a pattern make (to wit, a sample size of one is NOT good for statistical analysis III - Science engages in paradigm shifts (new techniques; new analyses; etc.). Science is NOT afraid to change it's mind based on new evidence! IV - Science is "silent" on issues /questions when data cannot be collected. V - In science, we collect data/evidence, think critically to answer questions and solve problems. ms That who we are! That is what we do!

I, II, III, IV and V

Sea stars (are): I - Members of the taxonomic class Asteroidea II - Deuterostomes III - Have a madreporite IV - Have "spiny skin" as their taxonomy implies by definition V - Often predate on bivalve molluscs VI - Have radial canals and tube feet

I, II, III, IV, V and VI

Sponges: I - Have no true tissues II - Have no discernable symmetry III - Have three distinct body plans (asconoid; synconoid and leukonoid) IV - Have amoebocytes and choanocytes V - Are filter feedersVI - Have certain cells that are totoipotent

I, II, III, IV, V and VI

Put the following events in sequential order in terms of the interaction of living organism with the natural world and the evolution of living organisms: I. Genetic variation/individuals vary/environmental stressors II. There are too many individuals in a population for all members to survive III. Certain individuals have greater reproductive success based on environmental stimuli IV. Natural selection V. Descent with modification VI. Evolution of the population


Tradigrades (or "water bears"): I - Have a chitinous cuticle II - Can enter anhydrobiotic states III - Can enter cryptobiotic states IV - Can suspend their metabolic activity for years V - Are resistant (able to survive) many different challenging and inclement environments VI - Are arthropods VII - Are ecdysozoans


"Budding" is a version (component) of a viral productive cycle that can result in the following: I - Formation of a viral envelope II - The host cell may not die as the virus leaves after replication and assembly of progeny virus III - The virus may be harder to detect by higher vertebrate immune systems IV - Viral envelopes can aid as the virus infects subsequent host


All of the following are elements of the natural world that convergently evolved to increase or promote surface area: I - Flattening II - Anhyrobiotic states III - Folding IV - Projections V - Branching VI - Ocelli VII - Scolex

I, III, IV and V

The long-term evolutionarily significant result of primary and secondary endosymbiosis of primitive green algae forms has resulter in modern-day living organisms __________________. I). Chlorarachniophytes II). Stramenopiles III). Dinoflagellates IV). Euglenids V). Plastids


Similarities between both molds and mildews include: I - Can produce spores asexually via mitosis II - Only grow on oranges and other fruits III - Coloration IV - Produce visible mycelia while growing on substrate surface V - Cause of certain human ailments and medical conditions VI - Unicellular

I, IV and V

Fossils are important elements of systematics. This is because: I - Fossils connect the extinct to the extant II - Fossils allow us to "see" what was once alive on Earth III - Fossils (or the rocks around the fossils) can be dated


The Theory of Natural Selection includes which of the following postulates or tenets: I - There is variation among individuals. II - At least some of the variation among individuals are hereditary variations (and can be passed from parent to offspring). III - In every generation, some of the individuals are more successful at surviving and reproducing. IV - Survival is absolutely random ! Nature is teleological. V - Some individuals have evolved favorable adaptations and tend to out-survive and out-reproduce others that lack certain adaptations. VI - The lack of mutation and the lack of genetic drift and gene flow tend to promote natural selection.


Which of the following can potentially divide asexually by a process called fission? I - bacteria II - certain protists III - mitochondria IV - certain viruses


Bacterial defenses (to combat or destroy antibiotics) include: I - Bacteria enzymatic degredation II - Bacterial "pumps "III - Bacterial chitin IV - Bacterial lysozyme V - Increased bacterial peptidoglycan biosynthesis


Insect taxonomic orders that have wings and undergo incomplete metamorphosis are: I - Zygentoma II - Archaeognatha III - HemipteraIV - Diptera V - Orthoptera VI - Coleoptera VII - Lepidoptera VIII - Metallicaoptera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

III and V

Which of the three types of viruses shown above is the best representation of a virus that infects a bacterium? NOTE - Virus "I" has a capsid and an envelope and virus "II" numbers are down worldwide due to human vaccination protocols from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation..

III only

If a multicellular organism were to endocytotically take up exogenous DNA (a gene for insulin that was ligated into a bacterial plasmid), this would be an example of ________. I - transformation II - translocation III - transposons IV - transfection V - transduction


he "Dikaryotic stage" is evolutionarily significant because _________.

If one of the nuclei is lost, the other nuclei is still present and could be still viable given that mature fungal cells are haploid.

______________ is a colonial Cnidarian that has a free-swimming _____________ stage that can make both sperm and eggs and a _____________ stage that has a role in feeding as well as reproduction.

Obelia; medusa; polyp

Regarding viruses in general, which of the following is/are false? I - Viruses are acellular (not cellular) II - Viruses have a metabolism III - Viruses are not "living" IV - Viruses can infect nearly all forms of life V - Viruses are typically classified based on their genomes, their size, capsid geometry and/or their host VI - Viruses need a host to replicate and assemble progeny virus

Only II

How do (+) and (-) fungal mating strands "find each other" to allow for onset of plasmogamy and spore production?


Quinine from the Cinchona tree is a plant-derived medicine that has been linked to:

Preventing malaria

Protocells, initially, typically have ___________ within them first and some of the aforementioned _________ can have catalytic properties.


The viral enzyme reverse transcriptase is categorically a(n) ____________________. This essentially means that the enzyme reads (initially on the template of the viral genome) _________________ yet synthesizes ______________.

RNA-dependent DNA-polymerase; RNA; DNA

Salmonella - responsible for some cases of food poisoning - is a member of:

Selected Answer: gamma proteobacteria

Leeches are _____________ that secrete a compound called ___________ that helps to prevent _______________________.

Selected Answer:annelids; hirudin; blood coagulation

Respiration and gas exchange in _________________ takes place via book lungs.


The "Goldilocks Zone Theory" in terms of planets can be aptly descibed as :

The fact that certain planets are the "right" distance from burning stars (ours is called the sun" ergo the planet is NOT too warm and NOT too cold to sustain life!

All of the following are true of SARS-CoV2 infection except: The new viruses stay within the host cell and do not leave. The binding to ACE2 receptor allows SARS-CoV2 to enter the cell via endocytosis/fusion. SARS-CoV2 attaches to the ACE2 receptor in the plasma membrane of cells in the lungs. SARS-CoV2 proteins are made using host ribosomes.

The new viruses stay within the host cell and do not leave.

Which of the following, if any, are relevant hypotheses associated with the cause of the "Cambrian explosion" adaptive radiation? The mutation/duplication of Hox genes New predator-prey relationships The other three answer are all correct. The rise in atmospheric oxygen

The other three answer are all correct.

__________________ caused by ________________ is a nematode that certain higher vertebrates will acquire through consumption of ________________.

Trichinosis; Trichinella spiralis; undercooked pork

Around 1814, a small group of British colonists founded the the settlement of _________________ - a smallgroup of islands in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 1/2 way between Africa and South America. One of the original colonists had a rare recessive allele for an eye condition referred to as __________. To this day, the genetic disorder is found on the island at a ration of 1 in 58 members of the island having the disease as opposed to the rest of the world where the disease has a prevalence of being found in 1 in every 4,000 individuals. This is an example of _________________

Tristan da Cunha; retinitis pigmentosa; founder effect

When a donkey and horse breed, the result is a sterile mule. This is an example of:

a post-zygotic barrier

If species "A" at the bottom of the Grand Canyon is considered, based on the tenets of The Biological Species Concept, to be a different species (species "B") although at a casual glance "A" and "B" appear to be the same species, this would be an example of _____________.

allopatric speciation

Mitochondria were probably once members of the modern-day __________ based on the numerous similarities that mitochondria share with the correct answer to this question.

alpha gram (-) proteobacteria

Plankton represent organisms that typically _____________ move horizontally against tides and currents. The can range in size from ________________ to _______________.

can; protists; Portugese-Man-O-War

In the Annelids, the ____________ is a mucus-secreting "smooth segment" that plays a role in ________ - even though they are hermaphroditic

clitellum; genetic exchange

If a human virus uses integrase (Pox viruses; Herpes viruses; HIV; etc.) to assimilate the viral genome into the human genome, often times the viral genome will stay in a state of latency for extended periods of time. However, often times when a human becomes stressed, the "stress hormone" referred to as ______________ from the adrenal cortex is released. The "stress hormone" is helpful for short periods of human stress. However, "the stress hormone" can be detrimental to the human during long periods of stress as the "stress hormone" can _____________ the individual's immune system thus allowing the virus to become ____________ - thus emerging from viral latency.

cortisol; weaken; active

Depending on the source, many women and men who study unicellular algae are quick to point out that 30-60% of all of the oxygen on Earth come from the _____________. - NOT plants


In male peacocks, the males with very small tail feathers often will attract females while the male peacocks with very large tail feathers are often predated upon by feline and canine predators. In this population there are no peacocks with medium-sized tail feathers. This would constitute __________________ selection.


Some Amoeba and Giardia can cause dysentary which leads to extensive vomitting and diahrea which in turn can lead to ____________ imbalances in physiological systems. These imbalances can lead to defeciencies in the 4 major physiologically significant ions - sodium, potassium, chloride and ________________.

electrolyte; calcium

As discussed in lecture, Dr. Richard Finnell conducted research here at Texas A&M University and concluded that ____________ helps to prevent ____________ defects in human fetuses.

folic acid/folate; neural tube

he formation of embryonic endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm takes place during __________.


The embryonic blastopore of protostomes and deuterostomes develops during embryonic _______________. The blastopore leads to the primitive embryonic gut called the __________.

gastrulation; archenteron

The biggest difference between an F(+) bacterium and an Hfr bacterium is that ___________.

he F(+) bacterium has the genes to build the conjugation bridge in plasmid form whereas the Hfr bacterium has the conjugation bridge building genes as part of the genome

If species "A" and species "B" make a hybrid (species "C") and that hybrid eventually outcompetes species "A" and "B", this would be an example of ____________.

hybrid fusion

Dr. Shinya Yaminaka won the Nobel Prize for his work with ___________________ which hold great promise in the field of medical research - specifically ________________.

induced pluripotent stem cells; regenerative neurological medicine

The osmoregulatory organ found in many invertebrates - especially annelids, arthropods and molluscs - that filters toxins and metabolic wastes out of the organism is called a(n) ____________.


A pollen grain is technically the __________ that goes through biochemical and morphological differentiation.


Most women and men of science that study endosymbiotic theory conclude based on fossil and molecular evidence that a primitive aerobic, alpha proteo, Gram (-) bacteria was probably engulfed by a newly formed eukaryiotic cell first. That free-living alpha proteobacteria later evolved into the organelle that we now call _______________. Moreover, the women and men of the scientific community also maintain that a primitive photosynthetic , cyanobacteria - also potentially engulfed by the newly formed eukaryotic cell - later evolved into an organelle we now refer to an a ______________.

mitochondia; chloroplast

If one were to look at a pedigree and see that female is infected with disease "X" and all of her children (3 males and 2 girls) also have disease "X", one could preliminarily infer that pattern of inheritance for disease "X" is ______________.


Fungal haustoria and cortical cells of plant roots often live a _____________ symbiotic relationship.


The group of bacteria that lack cell walls are the:


Phytopthora ramorum, a(n) _____________________ plant pathogen, causes "Sudden Oak Death."


The diplomonads and the _______________ are phylogenetically sister taxa.


When the scientific community develops new technologies and thus new information, analyses and conclusions can be attained, ergo, science is NOT afraid to change it's mind, this, in deference to Thomas Kuhn and "The History of Scientific Revolution" is commonly refrred to as a __________.

paradigm shift

The green algae - made of the Chlorophytes and the Charophytes - are collectively a ______________ group in terms of their systematics.


In cladistics, a primitive character as found in the outgroup is referred to as a _____________ and is signified by the number _____________ within a character state matrix.

pleisomorphy, 0

In general, most viruses have a _________________ exterior called a _________________ and internal genomic component composed of either __________________ or ___________________.

protein; capsid; DNA; RNA

When the spores of mosses germinate, they are immediately referred to as _____________.


SARS-CoV2 spreads via:

respiratory droplets; aerosols or droplet nuclei; fomites (infected surfaces)

HIV is a human __________________ that uses a protein called ___________ to attach to the human __________________ receptor on _________________. As certain immune system cells are lysed, the patient may be unable to fight off infection. As such, the patient may develop the clinical manifectation of the disease referred to as clinical AIDS.

retrovirus; GP120; CD4; "Helper T-cells"

Human _______________ contains _______________ that degrades ________________ in bacteria. Because of this phenomenon (defense), the American Dental Association - along with many sugar-free gum companies - are quick to point out that chewing sugar-free gum helps to reduce the incidence of _________.

saliva; lysozyme; peptidoglycan; cavities

A ____________ will often predate upon bivalve molluscs by applying constant pressure in an attempt to get the oyster's ____________ to fatigue and thus, "relax." At which point the predator can consume the internal organs/structures of the prey.

sea star; adductor muscles

The male part of the flower is called the ______________ and consists of a(n) ____________ and a(n) _______________.

stamen; anther; filament

If one pine tree makes staminate cones (male) with pollen grains in the spring, and the other pine trees with ovulate cones (female) have ovules that are viable only in the fall, this would be an example of _______________.

temporal isolation

A form of horizontal gene transfer whereby a unicellular organism takes up exogenous DNA is called ________________.


If the experimental population of E. coli lacks an F factor or F plasmid, and if bacteriophages are excluded from the bacterial cultures, then beneficial mutations might be transmitted horizontally to other E. coli cells via _____.


Only _____________ embryos have embryonic mesoderm as opposed to _____________ embryos which do not have embryonic mesoderm. Embryonic mesoderm is the germ layer that often times develops into adult tissues such as _________________.

triploblastic; diploblastic; muscle and bone

If women and men of science are investigating 'Diatom sinks" in the oceans, and are hoping to change ocean pH values given climate change, the women and men of science are hoping to see Diatom numbers go ______ inthe ocean so that CO2 levels will go _____________ and ocean pH levels will __________.

up; down; up

In vascular plants, _______________ conducts most of the water and minerals; including tube-shaped cells called ________ and are strengthened by __________ for structural support.

xylem; tracheids; lignin

The correct oder in terms of embryological development is ____________ (immediately after fertilzation; prior to implantation), the _________________ (implantation) and finally ____________ which implies organogenesis is complete.

zygote; embryo; fetus

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