BIOL 262 Spinal Cord & Nerves of Extremities HW

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There are ____ pairs of cervical spinal nerves


Name the structure best described as an extension of the pia mater extending laterally to the dura mater

denticulate ligaments

Name the structure best described as the thin meninx in direct contact with the spinal cord

pia mater

The sciatic nerve is composed of two nerves

tibial and common fibular

The _____ nerve supplies most hand muscles


Identify the part of the spinal cord best described as the zone containing myelinated axons

white matter

There is _____ pair of coccygeal nerves


There are _____ pairs of thoracic spinal nerves


There are ____ pairs of spinal nerves


There are ____ pairs of sacral nerves


There are _____ pairs of lumbar spinal nerves


The ______ nerve supplies the diaphragm


Identify the region of the spinal cord best described as containing the somatic motor neuron cell bodies

anterior gray horns

Identify the part of the spinal cord best described as the deep and wide groove on the anterior side

anterior median fissure

Name the spinal nerve ramus or branch that contributes to nerves serving the limbs

anterior ramus

Identify the spinal nerve structure best described as the motor branch of a spinal nerve exiting the spinal cord

anterior root

Name the structure best described as the web-like middle meninx

arachnoid mater

The _____ nerve supplies the deltoid and teres minor muscles


If the anterior ramus of a spinal nerve is severed, there is a ________ functional loss

both (motor and sensory)

If the posterior ramus of a spinal nerve is severed, there is _______ functional loss

both (motor and sensory)

Which nerve plexus does the axillary nerve come out of?


Which nerve plexus does the radial nerve come out of?


Which nerve plexus does the ulnar nerve come out of?


Identify the spinal cord structure best described as a bundle of spinal nerve roots emerging from the inferior end of the spinal cord:

cauda equina

Identify the part of the spinal cord best described as a central space containing cerebrospinal fluid

central canal

Which nerve plexus does the phrenic nerve come out of?


Identify the part of the spinal cord best described as the tapered inferior end of the spinal cord:

conus medullaris

Name the structure best described as the tough outer meninx

dura mater

Name the connective tissue covering that covers unmyelinated or myelinated axons


Name the structure best described as a space around the spinal cord filled with adipose tissue

epidural space

Name the connective tissue covering that wraps whole nerves


The nerve that supplies the anterior thigh is the

femoral nerve

Identify the meninx structure best described as an extension of the pia mater attaching the inferior end of the spinal cord to the coccyx

filum terminale

Identify the part of the spinal cord best described as a connection between the right and left halves of the gray matter in the spinal cord

gray commissure

Identify the part of the spinal cord best described as the zone containing the neuron cell bodies and unmyelinated processes

gray matter

Which nerve plexus does the femoral nerve come out of?


Which nerve plexus does the obturator nerve come out of?


Identify the part of the spinal cord best described as a bulge in the cord located at the T9-T12 vertebral region

lumbar enlargement

The _____ nerve supplies the flexor carpi radialis


The ______ nerve supplies the biceps brachii muscle


Name the connective tissue covering that covers fascicles of neuron axons


Identify the part of the spinal cord best described as a shallow groove on the dorsal side

posterior median sulcus

Name the spinal nerve ramus or branch that serves the deep muscles and skin of the back

posterior ramus

Identify the spinal nerve structure best described as the sensory branch of a spinal nerve entering the spinal cord:

posterior root

Identify the spinal nerve structure which contains the bodies of sensory neurons:

posterior root ganglion

The _______ nerve supplies the triceps brachii muscles and the extensor digitorum


Name the spinal nerve ramus or branches that belong to the sympathetic motor divison

rami communicantes

Which nerve plexus does the common fibular nerve come out of?


Which nerve plexus does the pudendal nerve come out of?


Which nerve plexus does the sciatic nerve come out of?


Which nerve plexus does the tibial nerve come out of?


The nerve that supplies the posterior thigh is the


Name the structure best described as the meningeal region containing cerebrospinal fluid

subarachnoid space

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