BIOL 3001 Pre-Lab quizzes

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The most commonly used sequencing technique was developed in 1977 by Dr. Fred Sanger and is called Chain Termination sequencing.


The ratio 2:1 is a "signature" for the Recessive Lethal Mode of Inheritance


This week's exercise will examine nucleotide variation in six species of mammals.


When using micro-satellites as genetic markers it is easy to identify heterozygotes because they all show 2 bands.


The final step in the ELS program is to "develop" your gel so that the DNA fragments become visible. This technique uses a small amount of radioactive phosphorus and is called ___________.


The primer is a short strand of DNA that binds to the DNA template near the beginning of the fragment being sequenced. Primers used in DNA sequencing are made of _____________.

double stranded DNA

In an X-linked Recessive trait, why are more males affected than females?

males need only one copy of the defective allele where females require two copies, one on each X chromosome.

Changes to nucleotides in the second position of codons most frequently results in ___________ mutations.


Chi-Squared Formula


In a recent survey of students in General Genetics, 97 identified themselves are female and 114 as male. Use Chi-Squared analysis to determine if this sample fits an expected ratio of 1:1. The Observed Chi-Squared calculated from these data is ____?


In a recent survey of students in General Genetics, 401 identified themselves are female and 436 as male. Use Chi-Squared analysis to determine if this sample fits an expected ratio of 1:1. The Observed Chi-Squared calculated from these data is ____?


A total of 2612 offspring are produced. Some are red and some are blue. Given the cross that you made, you expected a ratio of 3 red : 1 blue. How many red offspring did you expect from the 2612 progeny? (please enter your answer numerically in whole numbers, no decimals)


The distance between the locus for tall (a) and the locus for red (b) is ______ map units?


In fruit flies, bristle shape is found to be incompletely dominant with wild being homozygous (+,+), mildly bent being heterozygous (+,b) and fully bent bristles being homozygous (b,b). For eye color, orange is dominant over wild in a simple Mendelian fashion. Assume that two mildly bristled, orange eyed flies (standard F1 cross) are mated, how many of their 720 progeny would you expect to be wild bristled, orange eyed?


The Fly Colony module used this week has a major difference from the previous weeks. Once you select a F1 offspring to use as an F2 parent, the program automatically selects the other parent to be a Dihybrid Double Recessive genotype. This choice assures that the expected final assortment ratio will always be _______ ratio.


For this week's exercise, you will be selecting which module at the start of the Fly Colony program?

2-point cross

In fruit flies, bristle shape is found to be incompletely dominant with wild being homozygous (+,+), mildly bent being heterozygous (+,b) and fully bent bristles being homozygous (b,b). For mandible size, wild type is heterozygous (+,m), short is homozygous (+,+) and long is homozygous (m,m). Assume that two mildly bristled, wild mandibled flies (standard F1 cross) are mated, how many of their 400 progeny would you expect to be wild bristled, long mandibled?


In fruit flies, bristle shape is found to be incompletely dominant with wild being homozygous (+,+), mildly bent being heterozygous (+,b) and fully bent bristles being homozygous (b,b). For mandible size, wild type is heterozygous (+,m), short is homozygous (+,+) and long is homozygous (m,m). Assume that two mildly bristled, wild mandibled flies (standard F1 cross) are mated, how many of their 432 progeny would you expect to be wild bristled, short mandibled?


During this exercise, rejection of the predicted dihybrid ratio indicates that the two loci are linked on the same chromosome.


In fruit flies, bristle shape is found to be incompletely dominant with wild being homozygous (+,+), mildly bent being heterozygous (+,b) and fully bent bristles being homozygous (b,b). For eye color, orange is dominant over wild in a simple Mendelian fashion. Assume that two mildly bristled, orange eyed flies (standard F1 cross) are mated, how many of their 720 progeny would you expect to be mildly bristled, orange eyed?


A fruitfly is found to have the genotype DdEeFF. How many different gamete genotypes could this fly produce?

2^2= 4

A fruitfly is found to have the genotype RRSSTTUUWwYy. How many different gamete genotypes could this fly produce?

2^2= 4

A fruitfly is found to have the genotype AaBbHHKk. How many different gamete genotypes could this fly produce?

2^3= 8

A fruitfly is found to have the genotype AABbCcDdEE. How many different gamete genotypes could this fly produce?


Codons always consist of how many nucleotides?


In a typical Medical Pedigree, how many generations are documented?


A total of 416 offspring are produced. Some are red and some are blue. Given the cross that you made, you expected a ratio of 3 red : 1 blue. How many red offspring did you expect from the 416 progeny? (please enter your answer numerically in whole numbers, no decimals)


A total of 428 offspring are produced. Some are red and some are blue. Given the cross that you made, you expected a ratio of 3 red : 1 blue. How many red offspring did you expect from the 428 progeny? (please enter your answer numerically in whole numbers, no decimals)


In peas, Round seeds are dominant over Wrinkled, and Yellow is dominant over Green. A wrinkled, yellow (aaBb) plant is crossed with a round, yellow(AaBb) plant and a large number of offspring are produced. Given the results below, calculate the overall Chi-Squared (observed) value for these data. Hint: You will first need to determine the expected Phenotypic ratio for this cross. Choose the closest answer. Offspring/Phenotypes 691 /Wrinkled, Yellow 259 /Wrinkled, Green 758 /Round, Yellow 260 /Round, Green


In a recent survey of students in General Genetics, 214 identified themselves are female and 168 as male. Use Chi-Squared analysis to determine if this sample fits an expected ratio of 1:1. The Observed Chi-Squared calculated from these data is ____?


The distance between the locus for tall (a) and the locus for bent (c) is ________ map units?


A somatic cell of a female fruit fly has how many autosomes?


In peas, Round seeds are dominant over Wrinkled, and Yellow is dominant over Green. A wrinkled, yellow (aaBb) plant is crossed with a round, yellow(AaBb) plant and a large number of offspring are produced. Given the results below, calculate the overall Chi-Squared (observed) value for these data. Hint: You will first need to determine the expected Phenotypic ratio for this cross. Choose the closest answer. Offspring /Phenotypes 250 /Wrinkled, Yellow 150 /Wrinkled, Green 250 /Round, Yellow 150 /Round, Green


In peas, Round seeds are dominant over Wrinkled, and Yellow is dominant over Green. A wrinkled, yellow (aaBb) plant is crossed with a round, yellow(AaBb) plant and a large number of offspring are produced. Given the results below, calculate the overall Chi-Squared (observed) value for these data. Hint: You will first need to determine the expected Phenotypic ratio for this cross. Choose the closest answer. Offspring /Phenotypes 799 /Wrinkled, Yellow 221 /Wrinkled, Green 816 /Round, Yellow 132 /Round, Green


The diploid (2n) number for fruit flies is ____ ?


Fruitflies have _______ chromosomes and _______ chromosome pairs.

8, 4

Why is a DNA marker loaded to the gel along with the samples?

A DNA marker is loaded to the gel so that you can figure out the length of the DNA fragments in your sample. A DNA marker has known lengths that way when you put those in your sample you are able to compare the known lengths to your DNA fragments in order to determine the lengths of your unknown samples.

What is a PEDIGREE and what information can you obtain from it?

A PEDIGREE is a simple line drawing containing symbols that denote gender, birth order, generation, mating and genetic conditions. PEDIGREES are diagrams that convert a family's history into medical information in a standardized format.

In Drosophila, Wild Eye (A) is dominant over Sepia Eye (a) while Wild Wing (B) is dominant over Rough Wing (b). In your exercise using the Electronic Fly Colony you select the following Parental PHENOTYPIC cross: Wild eye, Wild wing Male x Sepia eye, Rough wing Female. What would be the GENOTYPES of the parents used in this cross? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY!!

AABB male X aabb female AaBb male X aabb female

The codon that generally indicates the start of a gene is _____.


The universal Start Codon is ______ and codes for the amino acid _____.

AUG; Methionine

To determine the identity of your DNA samples, we will be using a search program provided by the NIH (National Institute of Health). This program is called _____________.


What does the following symbol signify in a standard pedigree?

Affected Male

Mendel's Second Principle describes the interaction of 2 or more loci and is call the Principle of Independent ______________.


What is the Mode of Inheritance in the pedigree below?

Autosomal dominant

To begin work for this exercise, you will produce dsDNA and reverse complement strands of DNA using the computer program ___________.


_________ is the field of research that combines Genetics, Mathematics and Computer Science. One goal of this research is to identify genes and gene regions.


__________ the area of science that represents a merger of computer science, mathematics and biology.


In this Laboratory we will be testing predictions derived from the ______ Hypothesis.

Mutation Buffering

The figure below represents a sequencing gel. "Read the gel and determine the DNA sequence for this individual sample. In the space below, carefully type in all the bases of this sequence. Type the sequence in as "GACCGC..........". Please use upper case letters and do not leave a space between the letters.

CCTTCGCACATGGACCATG: Read gel from bottom to top

Exercise 1 in this week's lab uses different starting crosses to examine the concept of __________.


________ is a technique for determining the precise order of the nucleotides in a DNA fragment.

DNA sequencing

The ____ Site is found at the start of an Inton and commonly contains the nucleotides GC.


The scientific (genus species) name for the fruitfly (or red-eyed pomace fly) is?

Drosophila melanogaster

________ is a series of techniques by which biomolecules can be separated based on size, length and/or shape.



Electrophoresis Learning System

To provide a common access point for all sequences, the National Institute of Health created a free repository called GeneStore.

False; Gene Bank

TATA boxes are found in the Regulator region of Eukaryotic Genes and primarily control the Rate and Copy Number during gene transcription.

False; TATA box is found in promoter region, GC and CAAT box found in regulatory region

The DNA fragment used in this will exhibit a very simple mode of inheritance, which is Simple Mendelian.

False; it exhibits co-dominance

The cross that is the most useful for solving a 3-point mapping problem is the Dihybrid Recessive Backcross.

False; it would be a trihybrid recessive backcross

All loci located on Chromosome Pair 4 of a fruit flies would exhibit sex-linked mode of inheritance.

False; sex chromosomes are located on chromosome pair 1

The codon ATG signals the end of a transcriptional unit.

False; stop codon is UGA, UAA, UAG

Fruit flies have 6 pairs of Chromosomes.

False; they have 4 pairs of chromosomes

White eye color is believed to be a sex-linked trait in fruit flies. Briefly describe what cross or crosses you would perform to prove test this hypothesis. Indicate what outcome you would expect if the trait is sex-linked as proposed.

In a sex-linked trait, where normal non-white eyes are dominant then a normal female would be XRXR and a normal male which would be XRY. A white-eyed female would be XWXW and a white-eyed male would be XWY. In order to test this, you can cross a normal female XRXR and a mutant male who has white eyes XWY. Your offspring in your F1 cross would all be heterozygous dominant in your females and the males would be homozygous dominant. So the normal dominant trait would be present in all the flies. However, if you were to cross a heterozygous female and homozygous dominant male in your F1 cross to test for a sex-linked trait you would result in one of the males exhibiting the mutant phenotype of white eyes. your F2 offspring would be X^RX^R, X^RX^W, X^RY, X^WY.

Why is it important to control the time of gel electrophoresis?

In your samples, you may have both small and large molecules. Smaller molecules migrate faster and farther so if the gel runs too long of a time then those smaller molecules may run off the band resulting in lost data. Larger molecules will separate slower and won't travel as far so if you don't allow the gel to run long enough you will not have enough separation of the DNA fragments. Shorter time results in not enough separation. too long of time may result in lost data.

Linkage is considered to be a violation of Mendel's Principle of ________.

Independent Assortment

Mutations caused or induced by external factors, usually chemical or environmental are termed _________.

Induced mutations

Starting at INITIATION, concisely describe the major activities in the process of TRANSLATION. Be sure to include all of the major components, enzymes etc. in the order that they would be expected to appear during the process.

Initiation - Small Subunit of Ribosome#xD; RNA#xD; t-RNA into P site with MET#xD; Large Subunit of Ribsome -- completes Ribosome#xD; #xD; Elongation -- t-RNAs move into A site#xD; Peptidyl Transferase forms peptide bonds#xD; Ribosome shifts one codon opening A site again#xD; Process repeats#xD; #xD; Termination -- Stop code encountered#xD; no t-RNA available#xD; Entire unit disassociates

Due to its relative ________ charge, DNA will tend to migrate toward the ________ end of the gel.

Negative; positive

The source if the DNA used in this lab exercise will be ________.

Mitochondrial DNA

The following data will be used for all of the remaining questions on this quiz. You may return to this question as needed or write the data down now Three loci are found to be located (linked) on Chromosome 2 in fruit flies. At locus 1, wild is dominant over tall (a). For locus 2, wild is dominant over red (b) and for locus 3, wild is dominant over bent (c). Assume that a standard linkage cross is made and the following progeny are produced: tall red bent 300 wild 280 red bent 41 tall 39 tall bent 20 tall red 210 red 21 bent 200

Parental: tall bent red Single Crossover: tall red Double Crossover: tall bent

For this week's exercise, we will be using the _______ or similarity-based method of tree construction, specifically the ___________ algorithm.

Phenetic /Nearest Neighbor

Which of the following would NOT be considered a Stop codon?


Assortment Ratios can be produced from two or more Segregation Ratios using _____________.

The Product Rule

The ability of one (1) amino acid to be coded by more than one (1) codon is best described by which concept?

The genetic code is degenerate

The Consensus Model of a Eukaryotic Gene contains all the following:

Transcribed Region, Enhancer, TATA Box, Introns

____________ is the conversion of mRNA to Amino Acids.


Acceptor Sites are found at the end of Introns and are commonly found to contain the nucleotides AG.


In the Fly Colony Program, male fruitflies are given the standard chromosome assignment of ________.


The term HOLANDRIC refers to what type of inheritance?


The order of the three loci in the cross above is _________?


A ______________ is produced by examining and comparing each nucleotide at each position across the sequences of a data set.

consensus sequence

Aminoacyl synthetase is an enzyme involved in _______.

charging of tRNAs

Phylogenetic "trees" are also know as phenograms and cladograms but the most general term for such graphs is _____________.


The Sanger sequencing technique relies on 6 main components: DNA template, a DNA primer, four deoxynucleotide triphosphates, DNA polymerase, Reaction Buffer, and _________.


The single crross used in lab six to examine linkage is __________.

dihybrid recessive backcross

________ are regions of a "gene" that remain in the final matured message.


Chromosome pair 1 in fruit flies are autosomes.

false; chromosome pair 1 is the sex chromosomes

A gain or loss of a nucleotide from a mRNA frequently results in a __________ mutation.


Relative to the sex chromosomes, human females are the ___________ gender.


The GENOTYPE of the affected son and daughter at the bottom of the following pedigree is _______?

homozygous recessive

For the Medelian option, the Fly Colony program is designed so that the F1 progeny are all heterozygotes. This result simulates exactly what happens if we were crossing real flies and occurs because one Parent is _________ dominant while the other is selected to be _________ recessive.

homozygous/ homozygous

Female fruitflies can easily be distinguished from males because female are ________ compared to males.


The fragments of DNA we examined in lab were separated based on fragment __________.


Regions of genes that are actually transcripted are called ________.

open reading frames

The lower the concentration of agarose in a solution, the lager the......

pore size of the meshwork formed

What is the Mode of Inheritance in the following pedigree?


An exchange of a purine for a purine or a pyrimidine for a pyrimidine would be termed a ________ mutation.


Replacement of a purine by a pyrimidine would be an example of a ________ mutation.


The Genotyping that was used provides us with examples of how science can help solve a problem. Genotyping also provides us with another critical lesson, namely that________.

uncertainly exists in all scientific studies

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