biological psychlogy cht 7 quiz

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Loudness is to ____ as pitch is to ____.

amplitude; frequency

A tonotopic map refers to:

an auditory cortex map of sounds

Areas bordering the primary auditory cortex are important for

analyzing the meaning of sounds

Where is the basal membrane most sensitive to the vibrations of low-frequency sound waves?

at the apex, farthest from the cochlea

Why is morphine NOT used to suppress pain during an operation?

It inhibits dull pain, but not sharp pain.

Why is it important for sound vibrations to be amplified as they pass through the ear?

More force is needed to create waves in fluid.

What process is predicted by the gate theory of pain?

Non-pain information can inhibit pain information

What is the basis for differences in sensory abilities across species?

Organisms detect a range of stimuli that are biologically relevant for that species

What do toothpaste, miracle berries, and Gymnema sylvestre have in common?

They modify taste perception

The receptors for taste are not true neurons, but are actually modified skin cells. In what way are these cells like neurons?

They release neurotransmitters

After eating salty pretzels, the salty potato chips will taste less salty because of:


What is the intensity of a sound wave called?


According to the frequency theory, the

basilar membrane vibrates in synchrony with a sound, producing action potentials at the same frequency

People with massive damage to the primary auditory cortex:

cannot recognize combinations or sequences of sounds.

Small-diameter pain axons:

carry dull pain information

In adult humans, the taste buds are:

concentrated along the outside edge of the tongue

Ruffini's endings are

elaborate neuron endings for touch.

Taste and smell axons converge onto many of the same cells in an area called the:

endopiriform cortex.

Pitch is a perception related to which aspect of sound?


Within the primary auditory cortex, most cells respond selectively to a particular


Vibrations in the fluid of the cochlea causes?

hair cells to displace.

Which two factors determine whether or not there will be a "sound shadow"?

head size and frequency

If the cochlea suffers damage but it is confined to one part of the cochlea, that individual will lose

hearing of certain frequencies of sound

Itching is primarily the result of:

histamine release

The frequency theory of pitch perception works well for ____ frequencies, while the place theory works well for perception of ____ frequencies.

low; high

In the auditory system, hair cells are specialized receptors that respond to:

mechanical displacement

Conductive deafness is also known as:

middle ear deafness

The tympanic membrane is to the ____ as the oval window is to the ____

middle ear; inner ear

Morphine and other opiate drugs decrease sensitivity to pain by:

mimicking the effects of endorphins at the synapses

Cutting a spinal nerve would result in loss of

motor control and sensation in the part of the body it innervated

Patients with damage in area MT have problems with perception of

movement of objects and sounds

What does the vestibular system detect?

movement of the head

The highest frequency sounds vibrate hair cells:

near the base of the membrane.

The brain chemicals known as endorphins and enkephalins produce effects similar to which substance?


Antihistamine drugs tend to ____ itching, and opiates tend to ____ itching.

reduce, increase

Which two structures provide information about vestibular sensation?

semicircular canals and otolith organs

Pain receptors of the skin are:

simple, bare neuron endings.

What kind of receptors detect pain, warmth, and cold?


What can most people with nerve deafness hear?

some frequencies of sound better than others

What neurotransmitter is released by axons that carry pain information to the brain?

substance P

To what lobe of the cerebral cortex is auditory information sent?


The malleus, incus, and stapes are small bones:

that transmit information from the tympanic membrane to the oval window

The current view of how we perceive sounds less than 100 Hz is based on:

the frequency of action potentials.

An acceleration of the head at any angle causes:

the jelly-like substance in one of the semicircular canals to push against hair cells.

Comparisons between which two responses are helpful in locating the source of a sound?

the left ear and the right ear

Conductive deafness is to ____ as nerve deafness is to ____

the middle ear; the inner ear

At low frequencies, our perception of loudness is determined by:

the number of activated hair cells

The outer ear includes:

the pinna

The eardrum vibrates at:

the same frequency as the sound waves that hit it

One reason why we have difficulty tasting low concentrations of a bitter chemical is that

we have dozens of different types of bitter receptors

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