Biology 102 - exam 3

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When trying to reduce the carbon footprint of your food, which consumer choice below is the best choice?

Choose organic food grown far away over industrially grown local food.

Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of industrial farming?

Monocultures are more vulnerable to pests.

What are some of the advantages of petroleum oil?

Oil is the base for most liquid fuels. Oil is a versatile raw material. Oil is a concentrated energy source.

What does the 1977 U.S. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act mandate?

Once a mine closes, the area must be restored to the approximate original condition.

Which of the following is TRUE of coal?

It is cheaper to extract than any other fossil fuel.

Where did Takeo Furuno get the idea to add ducks to his rice paddies?

His ancestors used to add ducks to their rice paddies.

In what ways can sustainable agriculture help developing nations?

Local food production increases food security. Sustainable methods can minimize the need for water. Many sustainable methods are less expensive.

What are some of the principles of food sovereignty?

Localize the food system to promote regional food. Favor less environmentally damaging farming methods. Value farmers' right to live and work with dignity.

The scientific field that considers the area's ecology, traditional farming methods, and the socioeconomic needs of the local community is known as


disadvantages of coal as a fossil fuel

air pollution habitat loss acidification of streams flooding risk human health issues

An organism whose own genes have been edited but no new DNA has been introduced is known as

an intragenic organism.

intragenic organism

an organism whose own genes have been edited, usually to silence a gene; no new DNA has been acquired

Which group of Americans experiences a higher rate of food insecurity than the general population?

college students

How does sustainable agriculture address the social aspect of the triple bottom line?

considering the needs of local communities

The traditional method of planting a field during the off season instead of letting the field stand empty is using

cover crops.

What is a principle of food sovereignty?

localize the food system to favor regional supply over exporting food

Which of the following sustainable farming techniques disrupts the life cycle of pests, making it difficult for pest populations to build up and cause outbreaks?

crop rotation

Classify characteristics of industrial agriculture as disadvantages.

high use of fossil fuels vulnerable to crop disease fewer jobs and family farms contributes to water pollution

Classify characteristics of industrial agriculture as advantages

high yields of food per acre, crops are grown in water-poor areas crops grown in nutrient-poor soil less labor intensive

What does the energy return on energy investment (EROEI) tell us?

how much energy we can get from a source after the cost of extraction, processing, and shipping

Takeo Furuno's duck-rice farm is considered sustainable because he:

produces food without compromising future productivity of the farm.

Research has shown that the main use of fossil fuels when growing crops is for

production of the crop.

What are some examples of sustainable agricultural practices?

raising livestock humanely using nonrenewable resources as little as possible maintaining environmental quality

Mountaintop removal mining for coal requires blasting to access the coal. Due to this, studies show a higher than typical incidence in mining communities of

respiratory illness.

cultural (IPM)

strip cropping, hand weeding

How is bitumen extracted from tar sand deposits?

strip mining

If the land is fairly level, and the coal seam is close to the surface, which mining technique would be used?

strip mining

o horizon

surface litter

Industrial agriculture methods rely on which of the following?

synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides with mechanical technologies

Which method of extracting oil is the most energy and water-intensive, and the most environmentally damaging?

tar-sands mining

Which traditional farming method should be used on steep slopes to reduce soil erosion?

terrace farming

Fossil fuels like oil and natural gas are considered non-renewable because

we are using them much faster than they are replaced.

C horizon

weathered rock

After capture, which types of underground environments are suitable for CO2 sequestration?

unminable coal seams depleted oil and gas reservoirs deep saline formations

Place the steps of electricity production using coal in order from beginning to end.

workers burn pulverized coal in a furnace to generate heat water passes through pipes in the furnace and begins to boil steam passes through pipes to a turbine the steam-powered turbine spins a generator, which contains magnets and copper wire, spins with the turbine to create electricity. Electricity travels to the grid through transformers and power lines.

What are hydrocarbons?

organic compounds of hydrogen and carbon

What additional factors besides HYVs led to an increase in productivity?

- increased use of synthetic fertilizers - increased use of modern farming technologies such as irrigation systems - increased use of pesticides

How much food is estimated lost to waste annually?


Using all the production phases, what percentage of total oil in a reserve can be produced?


Which horizon contains the most fertile region of soil?


What is the focus of the next revolution that is once again increasing crop productivity?

A Gene Revolution: Genetically modified crops and food animals

An advantage to burning coal as a fuel is that

An advantage to burning coal as a fuel is that

Cisgenic organism

An organism that received DNA from a close relative species an organism with an acquired trait not considered to be "foreign" to the species

Why do low-income populations in developed countries often suffer from overnutrition?

Cheaper foods are often laden with calorie‑dense fats or sugars and low in essential nutrients.

What distinguishes organic agriculture from other types of sustainable agriculture?

Chemical inputs are restricted. GMOs are not allowed.

What are some advantages of mountaintop removal compared to subsurface mining?

Coal companies spend less on wages because they need fewer miners. Mountaintop removal is less dangerous for miners. Miners are able to access thinner coal seams.

Identify the advantages of sustainable agriculture.

Farmers maintain or improve soil conditions. Farmers rely on renewable energy and local resources. The protection of biodiversity enhances crop growth.

What are the potential environmental consequences of using synthetic fertilizers?

Fertilizer production creates pollution and depletes non‑renewable resources such as fossil fuels. Excess fertilizer in runoff causes algal blooms that reduce dissolved oxygen in aquatic ecosystems. Increased plant growth depletes soil nutrients and increases the need for fertilizer.

Which of the following is true of food deserts?

Food deserts are often found in low-income areas that lack traditional grocery stores.

Which of the following about GMOs is TRUE?

GMOs are organisms that have had their genetic information altered.

Critics say that GMOs are dangerous. Which of the following early concerns does not appear to be true about GMOs?

GMOs are unsafe for humans to eat.

Why are fossil fuels considered a nonrenewable resource?

Humans deplete fossil fuel resources at a much greater rate than they can be replinished.

Repeated pesticide application can result in a resistant pest population, but how might increased application of a pesticide lead to an increase in the size of a pest population?

Increased amounts of pesticide could kill some natural predators, allowing the resistant pests to breed uncontrollably.

How can carbon capture and sequestration help lessen the impact of using coal?

It can bury carbon generated when coal is burned and prevent its release into the atmosphere.

What is TRUE of malnourishment?

It can occur when people get enough calories, but not enough of one or more key nutrients.

Which of these is an advantage to the United States for pursuing its tight oil via fracking?

It could lead to a decreased dependence on foreign oil.

How is the Green Revolution 2.0 different from the first Green Revolution?

It focuses on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to increase crop productivity.

Why does natural gas have a lower carbon footprint than coal or oil?

It has fewer impurities.

How is the heat from burning coal used to generate electricity?

It heats water to create steam which turns a turbine attached to a generator, producing electricity

What is done with the overburden (waste rock) that is removed from mountaintop removal sites?

It is dumped into neighboring valley

Why is oil found in tar sands difficult to extract?

It is mixed with clay or sand formations.

What is usually done with the wastewater produced during the fracking process?

It is pumped underground into injection wells.

Why is mountaintop removal used in Appalachia to harvest coal?

It is the cheapest way to obtain the coal.

Which characteristic makes natural gas the best fossil fuel to use as a "bridge fuel"?

Natural gas has a lower carbon footprint.

Which of the following is TRUE about the extraction of oil from conventional oil wells?

Pumping water into nearby injection wells can force out additional oil in secondary production.

How does the primary production phase extract oil?

Pumpjacks pump out oil after the pressured oil is released.

What are some advantages of subsurface mining compared to surface mining?

Subsurface mining has less impact on the surrounding landscape. Subsurface mining offers more employment opportunities.

What is pesticide resistance?

The ability of a pest to withstand a given pesticide.

What does mine site reclamation mean?

The area is returned to a state close to its premining conditio

What is the main goal of integrated pest management (IPM)?

The goal of IPM is to control pests while minimizing or eliminating the use of chemical toxins.

When Takao Furuno raised ducks, fish, and rice crops together, what was the result?

The root crowns of the rice increased in size, producing more rice to harvest.

What characteristics differentiate unconventional hydraulic fracturing wells from conventional oil wells?

The wells extend horizontally at the base of a vertical well shaft. Sand, water, and chemicals allow for further extraction. Extraction depends on large fractures in the rock formation.

Why are heirloom crop varieties important?

They can have genetic raw material that allows crops to respond to changes.

Subsurface mines can have dangerous conditions for miners and can produce acid mine drainage. Why are they used?

They do not disrupt or alter large surface areas.

What country currently leads the world in fracking?

United States

What are some ways that climate change is making agriculture more difficult worldwide?

Unseasonable flooding and increased droughts are destroying crops and dimishing yields. New climatic conditions affect temperature extremes and the availability of water.

Why might an environmentalist be willing to support the extraction of unconventional oil and natural gas?

Using these fuels may buy time to transition to more sustainable sources of energy.

How is acid mine drainage produced?

Water seeps into subsurface mine tunnels and hazardous chemicals leach out of rocks into the water.

Why was the oil in the Bakken Formation not extracted before now?

We did not have the technology to reach it.

Why is fracking used to access some deposits of oil or natural gas?

When the oil or natural gas in a deposit is abundant but widely dispersed, conventional wells will not work well.

Which area would be best suited for reclamation?

a strip mine

advantages of coal as a fossil fuel

abundant and wide distribution energy-rich ease of transportation and storage affordable

disadvantage of monoculture farming

biodiversity reduction poor growth of high value crops dependence on fertilizers dependence on pesticides dependence on irrigation

Which type of pest control would involve using other species to control pest populations?


The emerging technology of clean coal means that

burning coal will produce fewer pollutants, but will lower coal's EROEI.

Which consumer food choice has the biggest impact in reducing the carbon footprint of conventional crops?

buying organically grown food

Which of the following are released when coal is burned?

carbon dioxide, particulates (soot), mercury, and arsenic

Which of the following is a fossil fuel used to produce energy?


What is the most common method worldwide for producing electricity?

coal power plants

The overall goal of Integrated Pest Management is to

control pests while minimizing the use of toxic chemicals.

What is the purpose of the ducks on Erik Andrus's farm?

control the weeds in the rice paddy

A horizon

decaying organic matter

B horizon

dense with high mineral content

Energy independence is the reliance on .... exclusively. Energy security is the reliance on .... resources. Energy security can hinge on .... and domestic resources.

domestic resources affordable and reliable non‑domestic

With more energy-intensive production methods, the EROEI goes _____, and the cost goes _____.

down; up

advantage of monoculture farming

ease of management high profit margin efficient mass production high yields

An example of a stationary source of energy is

electricity for buildings.

The ability to meet all of one's needs without importing any energy is known as

energy independence.

Which stage of oil extraction has environmental consequences?

every stage

The ability of an individual nation to grow enough food to feed its people is called

food self-sufficiency.

Reliance on monoculture crops has led to a decrease in

genetic diversity.

If we paid the true costs of using fossil fuels like oil or natural gas, the price to fuel our cars or heat our homes would

go up

In Integrated Pest Management, which of the following is an example of mechanical control?

hand-spraying crops with water to knock off insect pests

"Superweeds" are weeds that

have acquired a gene for herbicide resistance from a genetically modified organism (GMO).

Which of the following is a disadvantage presented by fracking operations that is not commonly seen with conventional drilling?

he ability to drill into formations without the landowner's permission

Oil and natural gas deposits in the Bakken and Marcellus Shale can be accessed by

hydraulic fracturing.

Of the stationary sources of electricity, which has the best Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROEI)?


What is the first step in integrated pest management?

identifying the true pests

secondary production

injection wells are forced more oil out using water oil recovery rates between 20%-40%

tertiary production

injection wells force more oil out using stream, natural gas, or C02 oil recovery rates of up to 20%

What is a benefit to using fertilizers on crops?

it can boost food production

Extraction of oil and natural gas is peaking. This means that

less can be extracted each year as time goes on.

In subsurface mines, more miners die of

lung disease

Which of the following would organic agriculture use?

manure fertilizer

What holds the most promise for intensifying food production worldwide?

many small family farmers using mixed polyculture farms

What is the starting material for oil and natural gas formation?

marine organisms

Biological (IPM)

microbial insecticides, predator introduction

strip mining

miners access surface coal seams in fairly level land surfaces mines systematically remove over burden once the miners remove coal seams, they return overburden to the original topography and plant vegetation. miners store overburden nearby with fewer environmental impacts

mountaintop removal

miners access surface coal seams on rugged land surfaces miners rely heavily on explosives to blast away rock lying above coal seams miners store the burden in adjacent valleys, burying streams and filling the valley. miners partially process coal on-site and store coal sludge in ponds once miners remove coal seams, they have difficulty in restoring the original topography and vegetation.

Which of the following is a reason food insecurity happens?

natural disasters or environmental degradation in a region

The lowest energy return on energy investment is found in

natural gas.

Some organically grown food has higher levels of _____ than conventionally grown crops.


primary production

oil recovery rates of up to 15% oil and gas flow freely under natural pressure pump jacks mechanical pump oil after natural flow ceases

Which of the following describes transgenic organisms?

organisms that receive DNA from another species they could not breed with

The coal we dig up today formed when

plant material was buried in oxygen-poor swampy sediments and subjected to high heat and pressure over a long period of time.

In the early days of mountaintop removal reclamation, how was the area reclaimed?

planting quick growing grasses over packed down soil

Intentionally raising more than one species on a given plot of land is


what are some causes of food insecurity?

poverty, discrimination, inadequate distrubution

What are the key factors necessary for coal formation?

pressure heat oxygen-poor environment

Transgenic organism

regulated as a genetically modified organism an organism that received DNA from an unrelated organism

R horizon

solid rock


spraying pyrethrum, applying salt

Where are the largest conventional oil and natural gas reserves in the world found?

the Middle East

The decrease of coal use in the U.S. since 2007 is largely due to:

the abundance of natural gas.

What was a drawback to implementing modern farming methods in China and India?

the cost of inputs and necessary equipment

Clean coal and carbon capture and sequestration techniques do NOT address

the impacts of acquiring the coal.

Producing enough food to feed the world now and in the future will require

the use of a variety of farming methods, each suited to the local environment and community.

The Green Revolution depended on

the use of high-yielding crop varieties as well as synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

The advantage of using perennial crops over annual crops is

they can be harvested for several years without replanting.

Even if we continue to use HYVs and GMO varieties of crops, it is still important to keep the traditional varieties of crops around because

they provide the genetic diversity we need to develop new varieties.

Injection wells where fracking fluid wastewater is disposed of have been linked to

triggering earthquakes.

An advantage of using sustainable agriculture

using fewer inputs of water and fossil fuels.

mechanical (IPM)

using indigenous plant varieties, wildlife exclusion netting

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