Biology 102 Final Exam

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Which of the following is NOT a product of the pancreas? Bile Glucogon Insulin Digestive Enzymes


Some species of fungi are unicellular, while many other species are multicellular. True False


The formation of a diploid nucleus in fungi is a result of the fusion of nuclei from opposing mating types, rather than from fertilization by dimorphic gametes (sperm and egg). T/F


All of the following are arachnids EXCEPT: scorpions mites ticks horseshoe crabs

horseshoe crabs

Place the following series of events in order of the evolutionary history of subphylum vertebrata, from earliest to latest. jaws lungs amniotic egg hair

1 jaws 2 lungs 3 amniotic egg 4 hair

Place the following series of events in order of the evolutionary history of subphylum vertebrata, from earliest to latest. jaws lungs amniotic egg hair

1 jaws 2 lungs 3 amniotic egg 4 hair

What have been the most significant adaptations seen in chordates as they have evolved to live on dry land? (Hint: Examine a phylogenetic tree of the chordates).

1. The adaptation for breathing air. 2. Protect themselves from drying out. 3. Legs to walk.

List 3 or more distinctly different ways that fungi can get their food? What are two major reasons that fungi are of great ecological importance.

1. They decompose dead organic matter 2. They feed on living hosts 3. They live mutually with other organisms.

This phylum of fungi specializes on forming arbuscular endomychorrizae (typically in association with the roots of grasses and grass-like plants). 1 Basidiomycota 2 Glomeromycota 3 Ascomycota 4 Cytridiomycota

2 Glomeromycota

Which of the following shows the correct classification of modern humans, from phylum to species? 1 Chordata; Mammalia; Eutheria; Carnivora; Sapienidae; Homo; Homo sapiens 2 Vertebrata; Chordata; Mammalia; Carnivora; Hominidae; Homo; Homo sapiens 3 Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Primates; Hominidae; Homo; Homo sapiens 4 Vertebrata; Chordata; Carnivora; Primates; Sapienidae; Homo; Homo sapiens

3 Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Primates; Hominidae; Homo; Homo sapiens

All Arthropods have: 1 antennae 2 compound eyes 3 an exoskeleton made of chitin 4 jointed appendages 5 stinging mouth parts 6 development through complete metamorphosis 7 A segmented body

3 an exoskeleton made of chitin 4 jointed appendages 7 A segmented body

Which of the following terms can be associated with gastropods? 1 Collar Cells 2 Compound Eyes 3 Jointed appendages 4 Radula 5 An internal or external shell 6 A mantle

4 Radula 5 An internal or external shell 6 A mantle

Which 4 features do humans share with tunicates? 1 Vertebrae; lungs; amniotic egg; 4-chambered heart 2 notochord; dorsal hollow nerve cord; pharyngeal slits in the embryonic stage; hinged jaws 3 notochord; vertebrae; lungs; amniotic egg 4 notochord; dorsal hollow nerve cord; pharyngeal slits in the embryonic stage; a postanal tail in the embryonic stage

4 notochord; dorsal hollow nerve cord; pharyngeal slits in the embryonic stage; a postanal tail in the embryonic stage

Blood that enters into the superior vena cava is ____________________; blood that enters into the pulmonary arteries is ____________________. Deoxygenated; oxygenated Oxygenated; deoxygenated Deoxygenated; deoxygenated Oxygenated; oxygenated


What is the term for animals that maintain a relatively constant metabolism and depend largely on external sources of heat to determine body temperature. interotherms endotherms ectotherms homeotherms


Which of the following are characteristics of insects? Exoskeleton made of chitin with jointed appendages 3 body segments (head, thorax, and abdomen) 8 legs (4 pairs) bilateral symmetry Cephalization Growth by molting or metamorphosis


Which of the following statements about the small intestine are true (choose more than 1)? It is the primary site of digestion and absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream It receives bile from the gall bladder It is the longest part of the digestive tract It is the primary site of water absorption in the digestive system It receives secretions from the pancreas


What is a ceolom (be specific)? How is it different from a pseudoceolom? Why is the ceolom considered to be an evolutionary innovation of major importance to the evolution of animals?

A coelom is a hollow, fluid-filled cavity found in many living things, where it acts as a protective cushion for the internal organs. A coelom differs from a pseudoceolom because the coelom is completely surrounded by mesodermal tissue. The coelom is an evolutionary innovation because it allowed for more complex organs, specifically the digestive system.

Describe the lifecycle of a gilled mushroom. How does sexual reproduction occur? Make sure to denote whether each stage is haploid, diploid, or dikaryotic. Mention when Meiosis and Mitosis occur. Describe where and how spores are produced.

A mushroom can release spores in asexual reproduction and in sexual reproduction the hyphae of two mushrooms fuse and form a new mushroom.

Which of the following is NOT correct about all animals? 1 All are able to move by contraction of muscle tissue. 2 All are descended from a common ancestor. 3 All are multicellular. 4 All are heterotrophic. 5 All are Eukaryotes

All are able to move by contraction of muscle tissue.

Which of the following is an example of a mutualism involving fungi? 1 Ectomycorrhizae 2 Lichens 3 Endomycorrhizae 4 All of the above

All of the above

The fraction of a second delay between the beating of the anterior portion of the heart (atria) and the posterior (ventricles), is achieved by a time delay in the ___________________________. Semilunar valves Atrioventricular node Sinoatrial node Medulla oblongata

Atrioventricular node

Which of the following would be considered a type of connective tissue? Skin Muscles Brain Tissue Blood


The stomach ... Is lined with cells that can secrete highly acidic gastric juice Has muscular walls that can churn and mix the stomach's contents Is the primary site of nutrient and water absorption Both (a) and (b) are correct All of the above are correct

Both (a) and (b) are correct

Species from this clade of fungi are linked with the widespread downturn in amphibian populations around the world. Zygomycota Chytridiomycota Basidiomycota Ascomycota


Many common molds of the phylum ascomycota, such as Aspergillus or Penicillium can reproduce asexual spores on modified hyphae called ____________________. Zygosporangia Mitosporangia Conidiaphores Rhizomes


What type of animal tissue is composed of cells embedded in a matrix? Nervous Epithelial Connective Muscle


Birds are most closely related to: Amphibians Echinoderms Mammals Crocodiles


External signals are first picked up by which part of a neuron? Nucleus Dendrites Axon Cell body


Lichens result from the symbiosis of a fungus and _______________________. cyanobacteria green algae bryophytes Either choice A or B

Either choice A or B

During sexual reproduction in the ascomycota, spores are attached externally to club-like cells of the secondary mycelium. True False


During sexual reproduction in the zygomycota, flagellated sperm fertilize the egg inside of a zygosporangium to form zygospores. T/F


Compare and contrast the respiratory systems of fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals.

Fish- Respiration in fish takes place with the help of gills. Most fish possess gills on either side of their head. Gills are tissues made up of feathery structures called gill filaments providing a large surface area for the exchange of gases. Amphibians- Most amphibians breathe through lungs and their skin. Their skin has to stay wet in order for them to absorb oxygen so they secrete mucous to keep their skin moist. Birds- The bird's respiratory system consists of paired lungs, which contain static structures with surfaces for gas exchange, and connected air sacs, which expand and contract to cause air to move through the static lungs. Mammals- air is warmed and humidified in the nasal cavity. Air then travels down the pharynx and larynx, through the trachea, and into the lungs. In the lungs, air passes through the branching bronchi, reaching the respiratory bronchioles.

Which of the following are chordates? Frogs Fish humans Tunicates Sea cucumbers Nautiluses

Frogs Fish humans Tunicates

Why do freshwater fish need to have efficient excretory systems? 1 They are osmoconformers, so they do not need to regulate their water content. 2 They have trouble getting rid of the high solute concentration in their bodies. 3 They already have large volumes of water entering their bodies by osmosis through the gills. 4 They don't like to drink the same water they swim in.

They already have larve volumes of water entering their bodies by osmosis through the gills.

Dispersal of the sexually produced offspring of fungi is accomplished primarily with these unicellular structures. Haploid Spores Hyphae Gametes Dikaryotic Spores

Haploid Spores

Hibernators maintain a constant temperature for most of the year, but greatly lower their metabolism and body temperature for a few weeks in response to environmental cues. Hibernators could be refered to as: Homeotherms Heterotherms Ectotherms Ectoendotherms


The thread-like formations of fungal cells that make up the mycelium of the fungal body are called __________________. Spores Fruiting Bodies Hyphae Buds


What is the major developmental characteristic that shows the close relationship between echinoderms and chordates? 1 In both groups, development occurs by continually adding skeletal elements. 2 In both groups, the first opening to form in the embryo is the anus. 3 In both groups, the gut develops from front to back (mouth to anus) 4 Both groups are bilaterally symmetric in all life stages 5 In both groups, all individuals hae a notochord and pharyngeal slits in the embyonic stage.

In both groups, the first opening to form in the embryo is the anus.

The majority of animal species would be classified as ________________________. Radially Symmetrical Autotrophic Invertebrates Chordates Deuterostomes


Why is the amniotic egg considered a key evolutionary innoation? 1 It greatly increases the chances of survival of eggs in a terrestrial environment. 2 It enables eggs to float when layed in the water. 3 It prohibits external fertilization, thereby facilitating the eolutionary innovation of internal fertilization 4 It lacks a rigid membrane.

It greatly increases the chances of survival of eggs in a terrestrial environment.

What body structure is mainly involved in osmoregulation in vertebrate animals? Small intestine Lungs Skin Kidneys Bladder Liver


What is true about both round worms and segmented worms? They are all parasitic. They form from only 2 germ layers. They are both protostomes. They are both deuterostomes. They both have pseudocoeloms.

They are both protostomes.

Many fungi are capable of producing asexual spores by mitosis, bypassing the need to have successful sexual reproduction to disperse in the environment. T/F


The flatworms (Platyhelminthes), lacking a coelom or pseudocoelom, have a body that is packed with ____________________ tissue. Exoderm Mesoderm Endoderm Reproductive


Cephalopods, Gastropods, and Bivalves all belong to this phylum. Echinodermata Molluska Arthropoda Annelida


Which of the following statements is NOT true about fungi? Fungi digest their food externally. Fungi disperse through sexually and asexually produced spores. Most known fungi produce motile (flagellated) spores Many species of fungi produce toxins that can be harmful to other organisms.

Most known fungi produce motile (flagellated) spores

What is the major developmental characteristic that shows the close relationship between echinoderms and chordates? 1 In both groups, development occurs by continually adding skeletal elements. 2 In both groups, the first opening to form in the embryo is the anus. 3 In both groups, the gut develops from front to back (mouth to anus) 4 Both groups are bilaterally symmetric in all life stages 5 In both groups, all individuals hae a notochord and pharyngeal slits in the embyonic stage.

Not #3

Which animal phylum lacks true tissues? Annelida Cnidaria Porifera Nematoda


Oxygen is carried in the blood stream, throughout the body via ______________________. White blood cells Red blood cells Platelets Blood plasma

Red blood cells

These basidiomycetes, which tend to specialize as parasites on one or more species of host plant, can produce up to 5 types of spores, and alternate between different hosts throughout the course of their life cycle. Yeasts Rusts Mycorrhizal fungi Lichens


Two main functions of epithelial tissue are ... Contraction, signaling Secretion, protection Storage, transport Support, signaling

Secretion, protection

Which of the following mollusks are NOT included in class Cephalopoda? Octopi Snails Squids Nautiluses


All fungi are heterotrophic. True False


An important aspect of sexual reproduction in most fungi is the dikaryotic stage of the lifecycle, in which hyphal cells contain two separate nuclei and will grow into a fruiting body. T/F


What is the function of the cloaca in reptiles and birds?

The cloaca is the single posterior opening for a bird's digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts and is used to expel feces and lay eggs.

Where is bile stored? The gallbladder The pancreas The stomach The small intestine

The gallbladder

Where in the heart would the greatest pressure be produced? The right atrium The right ventricle The left atrium The left ventricle The pulmonary artery The lungs

The left ventricle

Where is the substance that helps digest fat produced? The stomach The salivary glands The liver The pancreas

The liver

Soon after amniotic vertebrates evolved, two different evolutionary lineages began to diverge. These two distinct clades are: The amphibians and the reptiles The reptiles and the birds The reptiles and the mammals The birds and the mammals

The reptiles and the mammals

With each heartbeat, the muscle cells coordinate their contractions so that, combined, it is powerful enough to circulate blood through the entire body. Where does the electrical impulse that will spread through the heart and cause it to beat come from? The pericardium The sinoatrial node The atrioventricular node The medulla oblongata

The sinoatrial node

In most fungi, the diploid phase of the lifecycle is relatively short because the zygote undergoes meiosis to form haploid spores rather than undergoing mitosis to develop into a larger diploid organism. T/F


In which structure would one find diploid nuclei in the zygomycota? Gametangium Zygosporangium Basidium Conidia Gametophyte


Cup fungi sexually produce 8 spores, which are contained in a small sac called (a/an) ____________________, located at the terminal end of each dikaryotic hyphae. basidium zygosporangium ascus conidia


The Phylum Arthropoda includes all of the following kinds of animals EXCEPT: millipedes butterflies spiders clams crabs


The most ancient branching point in the phylogeny of animals is the one that distinguishes between having: Single cellularity and multicellularity First gut opening develop into a mouth and first gut opening develop into an anus Growth by molting or by continuous additions radial or bilateral symmetry defined tissues or no tissues

defined tissues or no tissues

Skin is an example of: muscle tissue connective tissue nervous tissue epithelial tissue

epithelial tissue

Two important features that are found in all mammals are . . . four legs and hair scales and mammary glands hair and mammary glands live birth and mammary glands Placentas and hair Placentas and mammary glands

hair and mammary glands

Which of the following are endotherms? mammals birds reptile fish

mammals birds

What is the most common type of feedback mecahnism used in the regulation of homeostasis? zero feedback negative feedback positive feedback reciprocal feedback

negative feedback

The process of regulating internal salt and water concetrations is known as: thermoregulation homeoregulation hydroregulation osmoregulation


Which of the following are life stages that most cnidarians have? cnidocysts polyps collar cells medusae

polyps medusae

Which of the following animals is NOT a cnidarian?

sea urchins

Smooth muscle is known for: slow or rapid contractions resulting in conscously controlled movement slow, rhythmic contractions that move substances through the body without conscious control. rapid, rhythmic contractions, not under conscious control. contractions that move bones or body parts under conscious control

slow, rhythmic contractions that move substances through the body without conscious control.

Which of the following words or phrases best describes homeostasis? fluctuation positive feedback steady state poor enzyme function

steady state

The connective tissue that connects the muscles to the bones is also known as: tendon cartilage ligament collagen


Some of the most important evolutionary innovations in vertebrates, which resulted in an explosion of their diversity and their eventual domination of the large animal niches, were: 1 the evolution of radial symmetry 2 the evolution of the ability to walk upright and fly 3 the evolution of jaws and fins

the evolution of jaws and fins

The undersides of th arms of a star fish are carpeted with ____________________________________ that extend and contract in waves, grasping and releasing the substrate as the animal glides along. cnidocysts spines tube feet radula

tube feet

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