Biology 170-- chapter 5

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polar-- top of phospholipid

- means that portion of the molecule has no charge - likes to be around water (hydrophilic) - has another polar region facing the cytoplasm

phospholipid bilayer

-cell membrane is made up of 2 layers of phospholipid molecules - extremely thin - semi-permeable

non-polar-- tails of phospholipid

-doesn't have a charge - hates water (hydrophobic) - non-polar tails like to be around each other - like dissolves like

What is the average cell size

1-100um Prokaryotes- 1-10 um Eukaryotes 10-100 um


Distinguishing feature of plant cell carries out photosynthesis takes ATP from sunlight and uses it to make glucose A double membrane structure has an outer and inner membrane the space inside chloroplasts are stroma Stroma have granum inside Thylakoid: stacks inside granum. Its function is to carry out photosynthesis storma inside are rings of naked DNA and 30/50 ribosomes inside


Enzyme that degrades prokaryotic cell wall. It's found in salvia, teas, and snot

What happens when you combine Cytochalasin and Colchicine?

Treat cell with both Colchicine and Cytochalasin at the same time the one filaments left over are intermediate filaments

Endosymbotic Theory

A theory that explains the evolutionary origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts. Says that the origin of mitochondria were a prokaryotic invader Bacterium evolved into mitochondria Origin of chloroplasts from bacterium into chloroplast known as cyanobacterium ability to photosynthesize

What are the four events needed for cell division?

1. there needs to be a signal can be simple (prokaryotes) or complicated (eukaryotes) 2. DNA replication must take place cells won't function without DNA 3. Distribute replicated DNA into new cells 4. New cell membrane produced (animal cell) also cell wall in plants


A drug that prevents the formation of microfilaments.

Cell Wall

All plants cells have a cell wall Very hard/rigid type of structure supports plant cell made up of cellulose

Basal body

Anchoring attachment of flagellum made up of microtubules composed of 9 sets of triplet microtubules

2 types of eukaryotes

Animals cells and plant cells


Are smaller for internal diameter compared to tubales. Made up of actin (protein) Have ability to contract large part of cell movement has to do with microfilaments involved in cell shape and movement

Prokaryotic cell division

As long as resources are available and environmental conditions are good bacteria cells will divide Ecoli dividd at 37 degrees celsius and with enough nutrients the cells with divide every 30 minutes continue to divide until environment changes Fission- process of prokaryote

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Branches off of the nucleus It's rough because there are ribosomes on the surface. The funciton of the rough ER is that it is involved in protein synthesis

Fluid mosaic model

Cell membrane is very fluid and has a liquidity membrane


Composed of microtubules, intermediate filaments and microfilaments that support the cell its function is that it's involved in cell and organelle shape and movement

small volume

Concentrates all of the cell activities into a concentrated small space


DNA réplication occurs in the nucleus Transcription occurs in the nucleus Translation occurs in the cytoplasm True Nucleus

What is chromatin made up of?



Folded inner membrane of mitochondria. It's function is to increase surface area for more ATP


Found inside the nucleus a region where ribosomes are made

Golgi function

Function: vesicle has proteins=primary lysosome involved in food digestion phagosome contains food inside = phagocytosis phagosomes fuse with plasma lysosome = secondary lysosome its located in polysosome are digestive enzymes digested food is absorbed into the cytoplasm Whats no absorbed gets to the plasma membrane as waste More waste makes it bigger more food makes it smaller the rate of feeding is almost always equal to the rate of waste elimination.


G1 phase (gap 1) cell growth organelles replicate at the the restriction point the cell commit to moving though the rest of the cell cycle or leaves the cell cycle to go to G0 cyclin proteins: control whats happening at the restriction point if cells enter G0 they do not divide cells can go back into the cell cycle


Go by common name of bacteria Goes through DNA replication and the process occurs in the cytoplasm Transcripton occurs in the cytoplasm Translation occurs in the cytoplasm No true Nucleus


H2O vacuole space inside the cell full of H2O Another distinguishing feature of a plant cell

Central Dogma of Biology

How a cell functions DNA goes through transcription to produce RNA Messenger RNA=mRNA Ribosomal RNA=rRNA Transfer RNA=tRNA mRNA goes through translation to give rise to proteins DNA goes through replication DNA makes a copy of itself DNA---> transcription--->mRNA---> translation--->protein

Where does DNA replication occur for Prokaryotes?

In the cytoplasm

Where does Trascription occur in Prokaryotes?

In the cytoplasm

Where does translation occur in Eukaryotes?

In the cytoplasm

Where does translation occur in prokaryotes?

In the cytoplasm

Where does DNA replication occur in Eukaryotes?

In the nucleus

Where does transcription occur in Eukaryotes?

In the nucleus


Involved in cell division. They are located close by the nucleus and are always paired structures. They sit at a 90 degree angle from each other. Made up of microtubules


Involved in movement made up of protein Not all bacteria have flagellum It goes through the cell wall and the membrane It spins to move


Involved in protein synthesis in Rough ER


Is mostly made of H2O has lot of sugars, amino acids, fats, and salts. It has a cell like consistency and is found inside the cell. For prokaryotes DNA replication, transcription, and translation occur inside of the cytoplasm. For eukaryotes translation occurs inside of the cytoplasm.

fluid mosaic model

It is a mosaic because it is made up of many discrete components, and fluid because they can move freely. In the fluid mosaic model for biological membranes, the proteins are noncovalently embedded in the phospholipid bilayer by their hydrophobic regions, but their hydrophilic domains are exposed to the watery conditions on either side of the bilayer. These membrane proteins have several functions, including moving materials through the membrane and receiving chemical signals from the cell's external environment. Each membrane has a set of proteins suitable for the specialized functions of the cell or organelle it surrounds.

Peroxisome (Microbody)

Its function is to detoxify posions and to regulate oxygen levels inside the cell

Small Cell

Large surface area relative to volume Surface area allows for lots of materials to go in and out

Plasma Membrane (Cell Membrane) (Prokaryotes)

Made up of 2 layers of phospholipids The primary function is the keep the cells insides from spilling out and to provide protection Involved with movement of materials into and out of the cell

Intermediate filament

Made up of multiple types of proteins involved in cell shape and movement

Cell Wall

Made up of peptidoglycan and is a very hard and rigid structure. Its function is to give bacteria its shape. It provides a lot of protection and keeps the bacteria alive


Messenger RNA

Eukaryotic cell division

Mitosis and meiosis


Mitosis: thread like state or condition occurs in somatic cells occurs in the nucleus must have signal in order to divide; the signal to divide is M+Interphase

Active transport

Must use ATP uniport: transports one substance in one direction symporter: transports two different substances in the same direction antiporter: transports two different substances in opposite directions


Powerhouse of the cell It's a cell part that carries out cellular respiration The big thing is that it makes ATP energy Oblong striped structure/organelle Double membrane structure consists of the outer membrane and inner membrane The inner membrane is folded and called cristae Criste increases surface area to make more ATP the space inside the mitochondria is the matrix inside the mitochondria is closed circular naked DNA and 30/50 ribosomes

two types of cells

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic


Refers to bacteria's DNA DNA arranged in a shape of a circle Circular DNA has no protein attached to it, and it is said to be naked because no protein is attached to the DNA

Why do cells divide?

Reproduction, growth, regeneration


Responsible for making proteins


Ribosomal RNA

Free Ribosomes

Ribosomes floating around in the cytoplasm. They are 40/60 types of ribosomes and their function is to make protein.

Plasma Membrane (Eukaryotes)

Separates the inside fo the cell from the outside and regulates traffic of materials into and out of the cell chemically made up of a phospholipid bilayer it's extremely thin semi permeable = selective permeability only allows certain things to pass through it

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Smooth because it does not have ribosomes in it the function is that it is involved in lipid (fat) synthesis


Some proteins are secreted Vesicle pinches off and proteins get stuck in plasma membrane


The place where cellular DNA is found and that cellular DNA controls all of the cells activities It has two membranes that surround the nucleus which has pores in it


The space inside the mitochondria


Things exiting the cell waste leaving the cell


Things moving into the cell


Transfer RNA

Explain the process the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum goes through

Vesicles pinch off and inside are proteins. The proteins travel to the golgi and fuse with the golgi and goes to the cis region. They exit by the trans region. The golgi changes for protein and becomes either a large protein that's chopped up into smaller pieces, small proteins to become a big one or you can add sugars onto the proteins.


Wrapped around proteins the proteins are made up of histones

passive movement

a form of diffusion from a high concentration to a low concentration no energy is required diameter of molecule affects how fast it will go the smaller the molecule the faster, the bigger the molecule the slower temperature affects the speed also, the higher the temperature the faster the speed the lower the temperature the slower the speed. The gradient affects the speed the higher the gradient the faster the molecule. the lower the gradient the slower the molecule

Active movement

against the concentration gradient. low concentration gradient to a high concentration gradient. protein is needed in the process ATP is required for the process


are tubes of protein made up of tubulint they are arranged in a group of 3 with a total of 9 sets


cell drinking


cell eating. solid particles are going in ex. lysomes


comes from the golgi apparatus


condition of making something smaller reducing the number of chromosomes in a cell only takes place specialized cells: meiocytes/germ cells gametes are the products occurs in the nucleus must have signal in order to divide; the signal to divide is M+Interphase

cyclin proteins

control whats happening at the restriction point


diffusion of H2O

gap junctions

fluid transmission from one cells to another a lot of gap junctions = good fluid transmission = good cell to cell communication get a lot of gap junctions by eating fruits and veggies

Diffusion with plant cells

for plant cells the cell wall remains the same shape and size, but the cell membrane shrinks. The cell wall prevents the cell from bursting when it's in a hypotonic solution


has 9+2 arrangement of microtubules 9 sets of doublet microtubules on the perimeter has an additional doublet on the inside (middle)


hold cells together hold intermediate filaments

Cellular junctions

hold cells together so a tissue can be made involve protein molecules on the cell membrane


is a drug that prevents the formation of microtubules

Golgi apparatus

modifies and sorts out proteins


needed in the bladder


no water movement

tight junction

prevents leakage within the cells


process of prokaryote cell division


protein that makes up flagella


shortened version of what flagellum looks like very numerous look identical to flagellum functions in movement has a basal body at the base of the cilia microtubules extend out of the basal body has an axoneme


space inside chloroplasts

integral proteins

spans the distance all the way across the membrane


splitting of the cell


stacks inside granum. They function to carry out photosynthesis

peripheral proteins

stuck on the surface of the membrane


transports one substance in one direction


transports two different substances in opposite directions


transports two different substances in the same direction

Receptor Medicated Endocytosis

uses cathrin (protein) coated vesicle cathrin covered

Facilitated Diffusion

uses protein to make though the gradient


water goes from a low concentration to a high concentration cell size increases because water goes into the cell


water goes from high concentration to a low concentration cell size decreases because water comes out of the cell water always moves to a hypertonic environment

Electron Microscope

way to see the cell

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