Biology: Chapter 9 - The Digestive System

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__-cells secrete gastrin, a peptide hormone that increases HCl secretions and gastric motility.


Gut ____ produce vitamin K and biotin (vitamin B7)


There are ____ in the intestines that hydrolyze the disaccharides and produce a methane gas as a product. When disaccharides are left undigested, they can have an osmotic pull resulting in diarrhea.


Complex fluid composed of bile salts, pigments, and cholesterol


The liver synthesizes ___, which can be stored in the gallbladder or secreted into the duodenum directly.


Connects liver with both the gallbladder and small intestine.

bile duct

Connects the liver with both the gallbladder and small intestine. The bile is produced in the liver and travels down the bile ducts where it may be stored in the gallbladder or secreted into the duodenum.

bile ducts

Derived from cholesterol and serve role in mechanical digestion of fats and ultimately facilitates chemical digestion of lipids.

bile salts

Combination of secretions from the other two cell types in the gastric glands, chief and parietal.

gastric juice

A peptide hormone that increases HCl secretions and gastric motility.


G-cells secrete ___.


Induces parietal cells in the stomach to secrete more HCl and signals stomach to contract, mixing its contents


Hormone secreted by the stomach and pancreas to stimulate feelings of hunger


Secreted by the stomach and the pancreas and stimulates feelings of hunger


Hormone secreted by the pancreas to stimulate feelings of hunger


Secreted by the pancreas and stimulates feelings of hunger.


____ and ____ promote hunger

glucagon, ghrelin

The liver can take excess sugar to create ____, the storage form of glucose. It also stores fats as _____.

glycogen, triacylglycerols

Bilirubin is the byproduct of ___ breakdown. It travels to the liver where it is conjugated and secreted into bile.


Molecules absorbed by the capillaries in the villi of the small intestine travel to the liver via the ___ ___ circulation

hepatic portal

Vessel where all the blood from the abdominal portion of the digestive tract drains into to be processed by the liver and drain back into the inferior vena cava.

hepatic portal vein

Where all the blood from the abdominal portion of the digestive tract drains. This blood is processed by the liver and drains in the inferior vena cava.

hepatic portal vein

Parietal cells secrete ____ ____ and ____ ____

hydrochloric acid, intrinsic factor

Bile emulsifies fats and cholesterol into micelles, and also ___ surface area of fats to increase the rate at which lipase can act.


Digestion that involves the oxidation of glucose and fatty acids for energy


Type of digestion that involves the oxidation of glucose and fatty acids to make energy.


Needed for vitamin B12 absorption

intrinsic factor

Parietal cells can secrete ___ ___, which is a glycoprotein involved in the proper absorption of vitamin B12

intrinsic factor

The ___ and ___ of the small intestine are primarily involved in absorption

jejunum, ileum

A lymphatic channel that takes up fats for transport into the lymphatic system


Each villus has a capillary bed for absorption of water-soluble nutrients and a ___


Fat-soluble compounds, such as fats, cholesterol, and fat-soluble vitamins enter the ____.


Chylomicrons enter the lymphatic system through ____, which converge and enter the venous circulation through the thoracic duct, which empties into the left subclavian vein.


The ___ ___ absorbs water and salts, forming semisolid feces.

large intestine

___ and ____ stimulate feelings of satiety

leptin, cholecystokinin

____ and ____ (CKK) promote satiety

leptin, cholecystokinin

Enzyme produced by the salivary glands that catalyzes the hydrolysis of lipids.


Pancreatic enzyme that breaks fats into fatty acids and glycerol.


The liver provides glucose through glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. It also mobilizes fats in ___


Organ that contains 2 unique structures for communication with the digestive system: bile duct and hepatic portal vein.


Organ that synthesizes bile, processes nutrients (through glycogenolysis, storage and mobilizations of fats, and glucogenesis), produces urea, detoxifies chemicals, activates or inactivates medications, produces bile, and synthesizes albumin and clotting factors


Processes nutrients, produces urea, produces bile, synthesizes albumin, and clotting factors.


Food enters the stomach through the ____ _____ (cardiac) sphincter.

lower esophageal

The oral cavity plays a role in mechanical digestion through ____ and chemical digestion through ____ production.

mastication, saliva

_____ starts mechanical digestion of food in the oral cavity, while the ____ ____ begin chemical digestion.

mastication, salivary glands

Digestion that includes the physical breakdown of large food particles into smaller food particles. This does not involve breaking chemical bonds.


The physical breakdown of large food particles into smaller food particles.

mechanical digestion

Bile = ___ digestion whereas lipase = ____ digestion

mechanical, chemical

Found on villi and serve to increase the surface area available for absorption.


Starches and Carbs --> ____


starches and carbohydrates --> ____


Secretion is also considered an entergastrone, which means it slows ____ through digestive tract to allow for increased time for digestive enzymes to act on chyme


Cells that produce bicarbonate rich mucus that protects the muscular wall from the harshly acidic environment and proteolytic environment


Cells that produce bicarbonate rich mucus that protects the muscular wall from the harshly acidic environment and proteolytic environment of the stomach.


____ cells produce bicarbonate-rich mucus to protect the stomach


The pharynx is divided into 3 parts: ___, ___, and ___

nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx

Pancreatic juices are a complex mixture of several enzymes in a bicarbonate rich alkaline solution. The bicarbonate is used to ____ the acidic chyme and provide an ideal environment of 8.5


Organ responsible for blood sugar maintenance through insulin, glucagon, and somatosatin. Also made up of exocrine cells called acinar cells that produce pancreatic juices


Juices that break down large polysaccharides into small disaccharides and is responsible for carbohydrate digestion.


____ peptidases include trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, and carboxypeptidases that are all released in their zymogen form. They are activated by enteropeptidases.


The bile duct system merges with the ___ ___ before emptying into the duodenum.

pancreatic duct

All of the glands of the body except the sweat glands are innervated by the ____ nervous system


Nervous system that increases secretion from all of the glands of the digestive system and promotes peristalsis.


The presence of food in the oral cavity triggers a neural circuit that ultimately leads to increased ___ stimulation of the glands.


Small fatty acids are diffused into the capillaries in the villi of the small intestine via _____ _____ transport or facilitated diffusion

secondary active

Glucose, fructose, galactose, and amino acids are absorbed by the small intestine by ___ ___ transport and ___ ___.

secondary active, facilitated

Simple sugars such as glucose, fructose, galactose, and amino acids are absorbed by ___ ___ transport, and ___ ___ into the epithelial cells lining the small intestine

secondary active, facilitated diffusion

Anus consists of __ sphincters


Fat soluble vitamins


Hormones that trigger the sensation of thirst encouraging the behavior of fluid consumption.

ADH, aldosterone

Parietal cells secrete intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein involved in the proper absorption of vitamin ___.


Hormones that stimulate feelings of saiety

CKK and leptin

The pyloric glands contain ___ cells that secrete ___, a peptide hormone.

G, gastrin

The stomach is a highly muscular organ located in the upper left quadrant of the abdominal cavity. It uses __ and enzymes to digest food.


Organ responsible for majority of chemical digestion and has some minor involvement in absorption.

Small intestine

Involves the transport of products of digestion from the digestive tract into the circulatory system for distribution to the body's tissues and cells.


The salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder are the _____ ______ of digestion

accessory organs

___ ___ help provide the enzymes and lubrication necessary to aid the digestion of food.

accessory organs

___ cells in the pancreas produce pancreatic juices that contain bicarbonate, pancreatic amylase, pancreatic peptidases (trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, carboxypeptidases A and B) and pancreatic lipase


Protein that maintains plasma oncotic pressure; also a carrier for many drugs and hormones.


Runs from the mouth to the anus and is sectioned off by sphincters.

alimentary canal

Proteins ---> ___ ___

amino acids

Brush border enzyme that removes the N terminal amino acid from a peptide.


Brush border peptidases include ____ and ____

aminopeptidase, dipeptidase

Enzyme produced by the salivary glands that hydrolyzes starches into smaller sugars.


Saliva contains ___ and ___ enzymes

amylase, lipase

The salivary enzymes include ___ and ___.

amylase, lipase

___ ___ and ____ promotes thirst.

antidiuretic hormone, aldosterone

____ ____ and ___ trigger the sensation of thirst encouraging the behavior of fluid consumption

antidiuretic hormone, aldosterone

Opening through which waste is eliminated.


Finger like projection once through to be vestigial, but plays a role in warding off certain bacterial infections.


The main components of bile are ___ ___, ___, and ____.

bile salts, pigments, bilirubin.

When chyme goes through the pyloric sphincter and enters the duodenum, this causes the release of ___ ___ enzymes.

brush border

Enteropeptidases, dissacsharidases, chymotrypsinogen, aminopeptidases, and dipeptidases.

brush border enzymes

Water-soluble compounds, such as monosaccharides, amino acids, water-soluble vitamins, small fatty acids, and water, enter the ____ ____.

capillary bed

Villi contain a ___ ___ and a ___, a vessel of the lymphatic system.

capillary bed, lacteal

Digestion of ___ and ___ are initiated in the mouth.

carbohydrates, fats

Outpocketing of large intestine that accepts fluid exiting the small intestine through the ileocecal valve. Also the site of attachment of the appendix.


The ___ is an outpocketing that accepts fluid from the small intestine through the ileocecal valve and is the site of attachment of the ___.

cecum, appendix

Digestion that involves the enzymatic cleavage of chemical bonds.


The enzymatic cleavage of chemical bonds, such as the peptide bonds of proteins or the glycosidic bonds of starches.

chemical digestion

Cells that secrete pepsinogen


Cells that secrete pepsinogen, an inactive form of a proteolytic enzyme that becomes active upon exposure to acid


___ cells secrete pepsinogen, a protease activated by the acidic environment of the stomach.


Hormone secreted in response to entry of chyme into the duodenum and stimulates the release of both bile and pancreatic juices; also promotes satiety.


____ stimulates bile release from the gallbladder, release of pancreatic juices, and sateity.


Fat soluble vitamins dissolve directly into ___ and either the body. Water-soluble vitamins diffuse across the cells into the plasma.


Larger fats such as glycerol and cholesterol move separately into the intestinal cells before reforming into triglycerides and being packaged into ____.


After mechanical and chemical digestion in the stomach, the food particles are called ___.


The released of CCK from the pancreas causes the gallbladder to ___ and push bile out into the ____ __.

contract, biliary tree

The stomach has a lesser and greater ____, and is thrown into folds called ____. It has numerous cells secretory cells that line the stomach.

curvature, rugae

The fundus and body contain mostly ___ glands


Combination of secretions from the other two cell times in the gastric glands, chief and parietal.

gastric juice

The liver ___ exogenous and endogenous compounds. It can modify ammonia to ___. It also detoxifies and metabolizes alcohol and medications.

detoxifies, urea

The breakdown of food into its constituent organic molecules.


Brush border enzyme that cleaves the peptide bonds of dipeptides to release free amino acids.


_____ are brush-border enzymes that break down maltose, isomaltose, lactose, and sucrose into monosaccharides.


Pancreatic juices are transferred to the duodenum via the ___ system, which empties through the major and minor duodenal ___.

duct, papillae

Brush border enzymes are present on the luminal surface of cells lining the _____ and breaks down trimers and dimers into absorbable monomers.


The ____ is responsible for most of chemical digestion


The ____ is the first part of the small intestine and is primarily involved in chemical digestion.


The _____ nervous system is in the wall of the alimentary canal and controls peristalsis. Its activity is upregulated by the parasympathetic nervous system and downregulated by the sympathetic nervous system


Collection of 100,000,000 neurons present in the walls of the digestive tract that govern the function of the gastrointestional system.

enteric nervous system

Collection of more than 100,000,000 neurons present in the walls of the digestive system that govern the function of the gastrointestional system.

enteric nervous system

Enzyme critical for activation of trypsinogen, a pancreatic protease, to trypsin.


Enzyme involved in the activation of other digestive enzymes from the accessory organs of digestion.


_____ activates trypsinogen and procarboxypeptidases, initiating an activation cascade.


Critical for activation of trypsinogen and procarboxypeptidases A and B


Cartilaginous structure that folds down to cover the laryngeal inlet to prevent food from entering the larynx during swallowing.


Cartilaginous structure that folds down to cover the laryngeal inlet to prevents food from entering the larynx during swallowing.


The ____ propels food to the stomach using peristalsis.


Digestion that includes the process by which nutrients are obtained from food within the lumen of the alimentary canal


Type of digestion that occurs in the lumen of the alimentary canel


Lipids ---> free ___ ___ and ___

fatty acids, glycerol

Lipids ---> ___ ___ ___ and ____

free fatty acids, glycerol

The stomach has four parts: ___, ___, ___, ___.

fundus, body, antrum, pylorus

Organ that stores and concentrates bile.


The ___ stores and concentrates bile


Cells that secrete hydrogen ions as HCl, which cleaves pepsinogen to pepsin.


Gastrin induces ____ cells in the stomach to secrete more acid and signals the stomach to contract, mixing its contents.


____ cells secrete hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor.


A protease activated by the acidic environment of the stomach


Digests proteins by cleaving peptide bonds near aromatic amino acids resulting in short peptide fragments


Stomach enzyme that digests proteins by cleaving peptide bonds near aromatic amino acids resulting in short peptide fragments.


Chief cells secrete _____.


Enzymes that break down proteins.


Rhythmic contractions of the gut tube to move materials through the system


The pathway of the digestive tract is: oral cavity ---> ___ ---> ___ ---> ___ ---> ___ ---> ___ ---> ____

pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum

The antrum and pylorus contain mostly ___ glands


Chyme passes into the duodenum through the ___ ___

pyloric sphincter

Storage site for feces and consists of indigestible material, water, bacteria, and certain digestive secretions that are not reabsorbed.


The ___ stores feces, which are then excreted through the ___.

rectum, anus

Aids mechanical digestion by moistening and lubricating the food. The presence of food triggers a neural circuit that leads to increased PSNS stimulation of the glands. This contains amylase and lipase.


A peptide hormone that causes pancreatic enzymes to be released into the duodenum, regulates digestive tract pH by reducing HCl digestion from parietal cells, and bicarbonate secretion from the pancreas


Peptide hormone that causes pancreatic enzymes to be released into the duodenum, regulates digestive tract pH, and slows motility through the digestive tract for maximal absorption.


____ stimulates the release of pancreatic juices into the digestive tract and slows motility


The duodenum not only secretes brush border enzymes, it also secretes hormones like ___ and ___ into the bloodstream.

secretin, CKK

Muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach. The upper half consists of ___ muscle, whereas the bottom half consists of ___ muscle.

skeletal, smooth

The top of the esophagus mostly consists of ___ muscle, whereas the bottom mostly consists of ___ muscles.

skeletal, smooth

Circular smooth muscles around the canal that can contract to allow compartmentalization of function.


The villi and microvilli increase the ___ ___ available for absorption

surface area

Large and small intestine are home to many different species of bacteria, with which humans have a ____ relationship with.


Nervous system that slows peristalsis.


Enteropeptidase activates _____ and _____ into active forms

trypsin, procarboxypeptidases

Enteropeptidase activates ____ into ___. This then activates zymogens and ______ A&B.

trypsinogen, trypsin, procarboxypeptidases

Gastric glands respond to signals from the ___ nerve of the PSNS, which is activated by the brain in response to the sight, taste, and smell of food.


Small fingerlike projections from the epithelial lining.


The small intestine is lined with ___, which are small, fingerlike projections from the epithelial lining; each with a microvilli


The small intestine is lined with ___, which are covered with ___

villi, microvilli

Passes intracellularly and paracellularly to reach blood.


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