Biology Chapters 11-14

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How does killing "Anopheles" mosquitoes affect the "Plasmodium" protists? (Chapter 13)

"Plasmodium" parasites infect humans and cause malaria. However, they must complete part of their life cycle within "Anopheles" mosquitoes, and they can only be transmitted to humans via the bite of the mosquito. If a mosquito pop. were decreased, then fewer Pla. would be able to develop and be transmitted to humans, thereby reducing the incidence of human infections with this parasite.

Why do scientists consider vestigial structures evidence for evolution? (Chapter 11)

A Vestigal structure is an example of a homologous structure that has apparently been reduced through evolution o a non-functional state because its function is no longer utilized by the species exhibiting it; therefore, any mutations which might reduce its structure are not selected against. The fact that the species has vestiges of the structure rather than no structure at all is evidence that it was present in an ancestor and evolved to non-functionality through accumulation of random mutations

Describe maximum parsimony (Chapter 12)

A principle that states that when considering multiple explanations for an observation, one should first investigate the simplest explanation that is consistent with the facts.

Which situation would most likely lead to allopatric speciation? A. A flood causes the formation of a new lake. B. A storm causes several large trees to fall down C. A mutation causes a new trait to develop. D. An injury causes an organism to seek out a new food source.

A. A flood causes the formation of a new lake

Prokaryotes stain as Gram-positive or Gram-negative because of differences in the ___. A. cell wall B. cytoplasm C. nucleus D. chromosome

A. Cell wall

Which of the following traits characterizes gymosperms? A The plants carry exposed seeds on modified leaves B. Reproductive structures are located in a flower C. After fertilization, the overy thickens and forms a fruit D. The gametophyte is longest phase of the life cycle

A. The plants carry exposed seeds on modified leaves

Which of the following situations will lead to natural selection? A. all of the choices are correct. B. Male lions compete for the right to mate with females, with only one possible winner. C. Two types of fish eat the same kind of food, and one is better able to gather food than the other. D. The seeds of two plants land near each other and one grows larger than the other.

A. all of the choices are correct

The first organisms that oxygenated the atmosphere were ____. A. cyanobacteria B. phototrophic organisms C. anaerobic organism D. all of the above

A. cyanobacteria

The word "theory" in theory of evolution is best replaced by: A. fact B. hypothesis C. idea D. alternate explanation

A. fact

The land plants are probably descendants of which of these groups? A. green algae B. red algae C. brown algae D. angiosperms

A. green algae

Population genetics is the study of A. how allele frequencies in a population change over time B. populations of cells in an individual C. the rate of population growth D. how genes affect embryological development

A. how allele frequencies in a population change over time

What kind of trait is important to cladistics? a. shared derived traits b. shared ancestral traits c. analogous traits d. parsimonious traits

A. shared derived traits

Pollen grains develop in which structure? A. the anther B. the stigma C. the filament D. the carpel

A. the anther

What are the two structures that allow angiosperms to be the dominant form of plant life in most terrestrial ecosystems? (Chapter 14)

Angiosperms are successful because of flowers and fruit. These structures protect reproduction from variability in the environment

Explain the reason why the imprudent and excessive use of antibiotics has resulted in a major global problem. (Chapter 13)

Antibiotics kill bacteria that are sensitive; thus, only the ones resistant will survive. These resistant bacteria will reproduce, and therefore, after a while, there will be only resistant bacteria, making it more difficult to treat the diseases they may cause in humans.

What is the main difference between dispersal and vicariance? A. One leads to allopatric speciation, whereas the other leads to sympatric speciation. B. One involves the movement of the organism, whereas the other involves a change in the environment C. One depends on a genetic mutation occurring, whereas the other does not. D. One involves closely related organisms, whereas the other involves only individuals of the same species

B. One involves the movement of the organism, whereas the other involves a change in the environment

Which parasitic protist evades the host immune system by altering its surface proteins with each generation? A. Paramecium caudatum B. Trypanosome brucei C. Plamodium falciparum D. Phytophthora infestas

B. Trypanosome brucei

Corn develops from a sedling with a single cotyledon, displays parallel veinson its leaves, and produces monosulcate pollen. It is most likely: A. a gymosperm B. a monocot C. a educot D. a basal angiosperm

B. a monocot

Which variable increases the likelihood of allopatric speciation taking place more quickly? A. lower rate of mutation B. longer distance between divided groups C. increases instances of hybrid formation D. equivalent numbers of individuals in each population

B. longer distance between divided groups

In which of the following pairs do both evolutionary processes introduce new genetic variation into a population? A. natural selection and genetic drift B. mutation and gene flow C. natural selection and gene flow D. gene flow and genetic drift

B. mutation and gene flow

Which best describes a branch point in a phylogenetic tree? a. a hypothesis b. new lineage c. hybridization d. a mating

B. new lineage

What do scientists in the field of systematics accomplish? a. discover new fossil sites b. organize and classify organisms c. name new species d. communicate between field biologists

B. organize and classify organisms

The first forms of life on Earth were thought to be ___. A. single-celled plants B. prokaryotes C. insects D. large animals such as dinosaurs

B. prokaryotes

Which assumption of cladistics is stated incorrectly? a. living things are related by descent from a common ancestor b. speciation can produce one, two, or three new species c. traits change from one state to another d. the polarity of a character state change can be determined

B. speciation can produce one, two, or three new species

Why are alternative scientific theories to evolution not taught in public school? A. more theories would confuse students B. there are no viable scientific alternatives C. it is against the law D. alternative scientific theories are suppressed by the science establishment

B. there are no viable scientific alternatives

What is true about organisms that are a part of the same clade? a. they all share the same basic characteristics b. they evolved from a shared ancestor c. they are all on the same tree d. they have identical phylogenies

B. they evolved from a shared ancestor

At which stage does the diploid zygote form? a. When the female cone begins to bud from the tree b. When the sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus fuse c. When the seeds drop from the tree d. When the pollen tube begins to grow

B. when the sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus fuse

At what levels are cats and dogs considered to be part of the same group? (Chapter 12)

Both are in the domain Eukarya, the kingdom Animalia, the phylum Chordata ,the class Mammalia, and the order Carnivora.

Which best describes the relationship between chimpanzees and humans? a. chimpanzees evolved from humans b. humans evolved from chimpanzees c. chimpanzees and humans evolved from a common ancestor d. chimpanzees and humans belong to the same species

C. Chimpanzees and humans evolved from a common ancestor

What is the difference between micro- and macroevolution? A. Microevolution describes the evolution of small organisms, such as insects, while macroevolution describes the evolution of large organisms, like people and elephants B. Microevolution describes the evolution of microscopic entities, such as molecules and proteins, while macroevolution describes the evolution of whole organisms C. Microevolution describes the evolution of organisms in populations, while macroevolution describes the evolution of species over long periods of time D. Microevolution describes the evolution of organisms over their lifetimes, while macroevolution describes the evolution of organisms over multiple generations.

C. Microevolution describes the evolution of organisms in populations, while macroevolution describes the evolution of species over long periods of time

Why do mosses grow well in the arctic tundra? A. they grow better at cold temperature B. They do not require moisture C. They do not have true roots and can grow on hard surfaces. D. There are no herbivores in the tundra

C. They do not have true roots and can grow on hard surfaces.

What term describes the close association of a fungus with the root of a tree? A. a rhizoid B. a lichen C. a mycorrhiza D. an endophyte

C. a mycorrhiza

Mitochondria most likely evolved from ____. A. a photosynthetic cyanobacterium B. cytoskeletal elements C. aerobic bacteria D. membrane proliferation

C. aerobic bacteria

Prokaryotes that obtain their energy from chemical compounds are called ____. A. phototrophs B. auxotrophs C. Chemotrophs D. Lithotrophs

C. chemotrophs

Which polysaccharide is usually found in the cell walls of fungi? A. starch B. glycogen C. chitin D. cellulose

C. chitin

What is a phylogeny a description of? A. mutations B. DNA C. evolutionary history D. organisms on Earth

C. evolutionary history

The event that leads from the haploid stage to the diploid stage in alternation of generations is _______. a. meiosis b. mitosis c. fertilization d. germination

C. fertilization

Galápagos medium ground finches are found on Santa Cruz and San Cristóbal islands, which are separated by about 100 km of ocean. Occasionally, individuals from either island fly to the other island to stay. This can alter the allele frequencies of the population through which of the following mechanisms? A. natural selection B. genetic drift C. gene flow D. mutation

C. gene flow

The wing of a bird and the arm of a human are examples of ____. A. vestigial structures B. molecular structures C. homologous structures D. analogous structures

C. homologous structure

What adaptation do seed plants have in addition to the seed that is not found in seedless plants? A. gametophytes B. vacular tissue C. pollen D. clorophyll

C. pollen

Protists with the capabilities to absorb nutrients from dead organisms are called ____. A. photoautotrophs B. autotrophs C. saprobes D. heterotrophs

C. saprobes

Which statement about analogies is correct? a. they occur only as errors b. they are synonymous with homologous traits c. they are derived by response to similar environmental pressures d. they are a form of mutation

C. they are derived by response to similar environmental pressures

What are the four modern-day groups of gymnosperms? (Chapter 14)

Coniferophyta, cycadophyta, gingkophyta, gnetophyta

Bioremediation includes ___. A. the use of prokaryotes that can fix nitrogran B. the use of prokaryotes to clean up pollutants C. the use of prokaryotes as natural fertilizers D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following statements is true? A. Gram-positive bacteria have a single cell wall formed from peptidoglycan B. Gram-positive bacteria have a outer membrane C. The cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria is thick, and the cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria is thin. D. Gram-negative bacteria have a cell wall made of peptioglycan, while Gram-positive bacteria have a call wall made of phospholipids

D. Gram-negative bacteria have a cell wall made of peptioglycan, while Gram-positive bacteria have a call wall made of phospholipids

Which statement about the taxonomic classification system is correct? a. there are more domains than kingdoms b. kingdoms are the top category of classification c. a phylum may be represented in more than one kingdom d. species are the most specific category of classification

D. Species are the most specific category of classification

Which of the following consist of prokaryotic cells? A. bacteria and fungi B. archaea and fungi C. protists and animals D. bacteria and archaea

D. bacteria and archaea

A monophyletic group is a _______. a. phylogenetic tree b. shared derived trait c. character state d. clade

D. clade

The fact that DNA sequences are more similar in more closely related organisms is evidence of what? A. optimal design in organisms B. adaptation C. mutation D. descent with modification

D. descent with modification

Which group are vascular plants? A. liverworts B. mosses C. hornworts D. ferns

D. ferns

What event is thought to have contributed to the evolution of eukaryotes? A. global warming B. glaciation C. volcanic activity D. oxygenation of the atmosphere

D. oxygenation of the atmosphere

Which is the most diverse group of seedless vacscular plants? A. the liverworts B. the horsetails C. the club mosses D. the ferns

D. the ferns

Why can superficial mycoses in humans lead to bacterial infections? (Chapter 13)

Dermatophytes that colonize skin break down the keratinized layer of dead cells that protects tissues from bacterial invasion. Once the integrity of the skin is breached, bacteria can enter the deeper layers of tissues and cause infections.

Dolpins and fish have similar body shapes. Is this feature more likely a homologous or analogous trait? (Chapter 12)

Dolphins are mammals and fish are not, which means that their are evolutionary paths are quite separate. Dolphins probably adapted to have a similar body plan after returning to an aquatic lifestyle, and, therefore, this trait is probably analogous

List the different levels of the taxonomic classification system. (Chapter 12)

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species.

Describe the hypothesized steps in the origin of eukaryote cells. (Chapter 13)

Eukaryote cells arose through endosymbiotic events that gave a rise to energy-producing organelles within the eukaryotic cells, such as mitochondria and plastids. The nuclear genome of eukaryotes is related most closely to the Archaea, so it may have been an early archaean that engulfed a bacterial cell that evolved into a mitochondrion. Mitochondria appear to have originated from an alpha-proteobacterium, whereas chloroplasts originated from a cyanobacterium. There is also evidence of secondary endosymbiotic events. Other cell components may have resulted from endosymbiotic events.

Do you think genetic drift would happen more quickly on an island or on the mainland? (Chapter 11)

Genetic drift is likely to occur more rapidly on an island, where smaller populations are expected to occur.

Explain the Hardy-Weinberg principle of equilibrium. (Chapter 11)

In a model population, the relative proportions of the different genotypes remain constant from one generation to another.

Two species of fish had recently undergone sympatric speciation. The males of each species had a different coloring through which females could identify and choose a partner from her own species. After some time, pollution made the lake so cloudy it was hard for females to distinguish colors. What might take place in this situation? (Chapter 11)

It is likely the two species would start to reproduce with each other if hybridization is still possible. Depending on the viability of their offspring, they may fuse back into one species

How did the development of a vascular system contribute to the increase in size of plants? (Chapter 14)

Plants became able to transport water and nutrients and not be limited by rates of diffusion. Vascularization allowed the development of leaves, which increased efficiency of photosynthesis and provided more energy for plant growth.

A friend believes that prokaryotes are always detrimental and pathogenic. How would you explain to them that they are wrong? (Chapter 13)

Tell them of the important roles prokaryotes play in decomposition and freeing up nutrients in biogeochemical cycles; remind them of the many prokaryotes that aren't human pathogens and that fill very specialized niches.

How does a biologist determine the polarity of a character change? (Chapter 12)

The biologists looks at the state of the character in an outgroup, an organism that is outside the clade for which the phylogeny is developed. The polarity of the character change is from the state of the character in the outgroup to the second state.

How does a phylogenetic tree indicate major evolutionary events within a lineage? (Chapter 12)

The phylogenetic tree shows the order in which evolutionary events took place and in what order certain characteristics and organisms evolved in relation to others. It does not generally indicate time durations.

If a person scatters a handful of plant seeds from one species in an area, how would natural selection work in this situation? (Chapter 11)

The plants that can best use the resources of the area, including competing with other individuals for those resources, will produce more seeds themselves and those traits that allowed them to better use the resources will increase int he population of the next generation

Cycads are considered endangered species and their trade is severely restricted. Customs officials stop suspected smugglers, who claim that the plants in their possession are palm trees and not cycads. How would a botanist distinguish between the two types of plants (Chapter 14)

The resemblance between cycads and palm trees is only superficial. Cycads are gymnosperms and do not bear flowers or fruit. Unlike palms, cycads produce cones; large, female cones that produce naked seeds, and smaller male cones on separate plans

Describe natural selection and give an example of natural selection at work in a population. (Chapter 11)

The theory of natural selection stems from the observations that some individuals in a population survive longer and have more offspring than others, thus passing on more of their genes to the next generation. For example, a big, powerful male gorilla is much more likely than a smaller, weaker gorilla to become the populations silverback, pack leader. This silverback will have more mates and father more offspring sharing half of his genes. These offsprings will grow big and strong. Over time the genes for large size in the population will grow and the population will grow in size.

Without treatment, why does African sleeping sickness invariably lead to death? (Chapter 13)

The trypanosomes that cause this disease are capable of expressing a glycoprotein coat with each generation. Because the immune system must respond to specific antigens to raise a meaningful defense, the changing nature of trypanosome antigens prevents the immune system from ever clearing this infection. Massive trypanosome infection eventually leads to host organ failure and death.

If a flower lacked a megasporangium, what type of gamete would not form? If the flower lacked a microsporangium, what type of gamete would not form? (Chapter 14)

Without a megasporangium, an egg would not form; without a microsporangium, pollen would not form.

Moss is an example of which type of plant? a. haplontic plant b. vascular plant c. diplontic plant d. seed plant

a. haplontic plant

Which animals in this figure belong to a clade that includes animals with hair? Which evolved first: hair or the amniotic egg? (Chapter 12)

amniotic egg

how does the scientific meaning of "theory" differ from the common vernacular meaning? (Chapter 11)

in science, a theory is a thoroughly tested and verified set of explanation for a body of observations of nature. it is the strongest form of knowledge in science. in contrast, a theory in common vernacular can mean a guess or speculation about something, meaning that the knowledge implied by the theory is very weak

Which scientific concept did Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace independently discover? A. mutation B. natural selection C. overbreeding D. sexual reproduction

natural selection

Why do island chains provide ideal conditions for adaptive radiation to occur? (Chapter 11)

organisms of one species can arrive to an island together and then disperse throughout the chain, each settling into different niches and exploiting different food resources to reduce competition.

What are the three classes of bryophytes? (Chapter 14)

the liverworts, the hornworts, the mosses

Explain why the statement that a monkey is more evolved than a mouse is incorrect. (Chapter 11)

the statement implies that there is a goal to evolution and that the monkey represents greater progress to that goal than the mouse. both species are likely to be well adapted to their particular environments, which is the out of natural selection.

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