Biology Lecture Exam #3

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Compared to other primates, anthropoids have

A fully opposable thumb

Which statement best describes the current scientific view of birds?

A group of feathered, endothermic dinosaurs

Neanderthals are best described as

A hominin that colonized Europe independently of Homo Sapiens and that interbred with modern humans.

Which statement is true?

A line of lobe-finned fishes gave rise to tetrapods, and a line of tetrapods gave rise to modern amphibians.

The vertebrate kidney helps to keep the acidity of body fluids constant by varying the amount of hydrogen ions (H+) it secretes into the urine. You can confidently predict that this aspect of kidney function will be controlled by

A negative feedback mechanism

Which line on the graph corresponds to an amniote?

A or B

Which characteristic is found n all vertebrates?

A skull ad backbone consisting of vertebrae

Which adaptation allows reptiles to complete their life cycles on land?

An amniotic egg

Which statement about an organ is false?

An organ can only carry out the functions of its component tissues.

After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow. A leading motivation for scientists to bioengineer human organs for transplant is the trend in the percentage of patients on the organ transplant waiting list who receive a transplant (that is, [Number receiving transplant/Number on the wait list] × 100), as shown in this graph. Furthermore, although ethnic groups generally donate in proportion to their group's representation in the U.S. population, the need for particular organs in some groups is much higher than in others. For example, chronic kidney disease is three times more common in African Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics/Latinos as compared to Caucasians. Although organ compatibility is based on blood type and tissue markers, and not ethnicity, a compatible match is more likely between people of the same ethnic group (that is, with greater genetic similarity). Thus, bioengineering of human organs can also potentially solve the problem of decreased access to organ transplants among diverse groups of people. Change in percent of organ transplant waiting list who receive a transplant Imagine that fully functioning kidneys have been successfully created through bioengineering. What data analysis would measure the effectiveness of bioengineered organs in improving access to organ transplants among diverse groups of people, and what evidence would be needed to demonstrate that bioengineered organs have improved access?

Analysis: Compare the percentage of different ethnic groups who receive kidney transplants before and after bioengineered kidneys are available. Evidence: A greater percentage of African Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics/Latinos receive transplants after bioengineered kidneys are available compared to before.

Use the figure below to answer the questions that follow Source: Parra, E. J., Kittles, R. A., & Shriver, M. D. (2004). Implications of correlations between skin color and genetic ancestry for biomedical research. Nature Genetics, 36, S54-S60. The graphs shown indicate the range of melanin amounts in populations from four different geographic regions. Not all populations across the globe have the same number of genes or alleles controlling skin color. Which population is likely to be the most genetically diverse in terms of genes affecting skin color?


Which structure is a type of connective tissue?


After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow. A leading motivation for scientists to bioengineer human organs for transplant is the trend in the percentage of patients on the organ transplant waiting list who receive a transplant (that is, [Number receiving transplant/Number on the wait list] × 100), as shown in this graph. Furthermore, although ethnic groups generally donate in proportion to their group's representation in the U.S. population, the need for particular organs in some groups is much higher than in others. For example, chronic kidney disease is three times more common in African Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics/Latinos as compared to Caucasians. Although organ compatibility is based on blood type and tissue markers, and not ethnicity, a compatible match is more likely between people of the same ethnic group (that is, with greater genetic similarity). Thus, bioengineering of human organs can also potentially solve the problem of decreased access to organ transplants among diverse groups of people. Change in percent of organ transplant waiting list who receive a transplant Bioengineered organs can potentially reduce the risk of transplants being rejected by a patient's immune system. What is the best design for a study that examines transplant rejection of bioengineered organs in different ethnic groups?

Compare the frequency of transplant rejection of one organ among different ethnic groups of people.

Use the figure below to answer the questions that follow Suppose scientists discovered an organism that had a head with a brain at the anterior end of the dorsal nerve cord, eyes and other sensory organs, a skull, and a vertebral column. The organism could not be a(n)


Use the figure below to answer the questions that follow. Which clade is most directly related to lancelets?



Have hair and mammary glands

Which structure is an example of a tissue?

Heart muscle

The earliest hominin to be found outside of Africa belongs to which species?

Homo erectus

Which extinct hominin first appeared about 1.9 million years ago and had a larger brain than Homo habilis, its immediate predecessor

Homo ergaster

Which bird trait is an adaptation that is probably less well developed in flightless birds such as penguins and ostriches?

Honeycombed bone structure

Of the over 19,000 new species described for the first time in 2009, more than half were


Materials such as food, minerals, and oxygen are passed to cells through

Interstitial fluid


Is the maintenance of a relatively constant internal state

Which organism is a marsupial?


Use the figure to answer the questions that follow Suppose a fossil was found and identified to be a species approximately 3.5 million years old. This fossil could be a representative of which species?

Kenyanthropus platyops or Australopithecus afarensis

Use the figure below to answer the questions that follow The main difference between the earliest evolved tetrapods and the most recently evolved tetrapods is that

Later tetrapods produce milk to feed their young

Hyperthyroidism treatment in cats usually involves antithyroid medication or the use of radioactive iodine to destroy the abnormal (overactive) tissue growing in the thyroid gland. Surgery to remove the abnormal tissue is generally not advised, as the surgery could also accidentally destroy parathyroid tissue. The parathyroid gland releases a hormone called PTH that increases blood calcium levels. Based on your knowledge of homeostasis, predict how surgery might affect blood calcium levels.

Levels would reach abnormally low levels if there is a lack of PTH.

Light skin is most adaptive in northern latitudes because

Light skin in northern latitudes allows adequate folate for fetal development

Like many insects, some amphibians undergo ________ in their life cycle as they have distinct larval and adult stages.


If the epithelium that lines the air sacs of your lungs were to gain a layer of cells, what would likely occur to the rate of oxygen diffusion?

Oxygen will diffuse across the lung surface more slowly.

Which statement regarding skeletal muscle is true?

Skeletal muscles is attached to bones by tendons

A shark cannot detect __________ with its lateral line system

Stationary objects

Which statement best describes how flight and feathers are related in the evolution of birds?

The first feathered ancestors to birds did not fly but may have used their feathers for insulation and display

Which structure best represents an adaptation to increase surface-to-volume ratio?

The multilobed sacs in the lungs

You are looking at a sample of epithelial tissue under a microscope. What would you look for to determine the type of epithelium you are viewing?

The number of cell layers and shape of cells

After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow. A leading motivation for scientists to bioengineer human organs for transplant is the trend in the percentage of patients on the organ transplant waiting list who receive a transplant (that is, [Number receiving transplant/Number on the wait list] × 100), as shown in this graph. Furthermore, although ethnic groups generally donate in proportion to their group's representation in the U.S. population, the need for particular organs in some groups is much higher than in others. For example, chronic kidney disease is three times more common in African Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics/Latinos as compared to Caucasians. Although organ compatibility is based on blood type and tissue markers, and not ethnicity, a compatible match is more likely between people of the same ethnic group (that is, with greater genetic similarity). Thus, bioengineering of human organs can also potentially solve the problem of decreased access to organ transplants among diverse groups of people. Change in percent of organ transplant waiting list who receive a transplant What is the best explanation for the trend in the percentage of patients on the organ transplant waiting list who receive a transplant, and how can bioengineering help to reverse this trend?

The number of people on the waiting list is increasing relative to the number of organ donors. Bioengineered organs, if available, would help reverse the trend.

After reading the paragraph below, answer the question that follows. Under normal conditions, blood sugar levels are controlled within a narrow range by negative feedback. Two hormones are involved in maintaining blood sugar levels at the set point (about 90 mg of glucose/100 mL of blood). When blood sugar levels rise above the set point, the hormone insulin signals the liver to absorb the excess sugar. When blood sugar levels drop below the set point, the hormone glucagon signals the liver to release its stored glucose to the bloodstream. For negative feedback control of blood glucose homeostasis to function properly,

There must be sensors that monitor blood glucose levels.

Which statement about the cells of the mucous membrane lining air tubes of humans is false?

They are stratified squamous epithelial cells

One of the functions of skin is the synthesis of vitamin D. What would be evidence for this function?

Vitamin D levels are lower in people who wear sunscreen.

The laryngeal nerve is 15 feet long in giraffes because

the nerve is modified from an ancestor that did not have a neck.

Why would a person not get vitamin A from a salad filled with leafy green vegetables unless the salad also has some fat source such as nuts, cheese, or meat?

because vitamin A is fat-soluble

In the countercurrent exchange system of fish gills,

blood and water flow in opposite directions

Oxygen is mostly transported through the body

bound to hemoglobin

Digestion is the

breakdown of food into molecules small enough for the body to absorb

A waste product of cellular respiration is

carbon dioxide

Air leaving human lungs during exhalation contains

carbon dioxide and unused oxygen

Which of the following diseases is associated with obesity?

cardiovascular disease

Cigarette smoking causes cancer due to the

chemical compounds in the smoke

Labored breathing, coughing, lung infections, and respiratory failure are characteristics defining

chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases

Reabsorption of water is a major function of the


The main function of muscle tissue is


What is the name of the muscle that helps move air in and out of the lungs?


Oxygen moves from blood into the interstitial fluid and then to body cells because it

diffuses from a region of higher partial pressure to a region of lower partial pressure.

Most herbivorous animals do not have the ability to digest the cellulose in plants. What allows them to survive despite eating only plant matter?

digestion by symbiotic microorganisms

During which stage of food processing is undigested material removed from the digestive tract?


After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow. You are trying to cut down on the number of dessert foods that you eat as one effort toward losing weight. You don't feel ready to cut all sweets from your diet, so you decide to buy a dessert snack item that comes in small packages (hoping that the smaller amount will satisfy your cravings for sweet foods). In the grocery store, you study the label shown here for 100-calorie pouches of Krispy Krackers. What percentage of the daily value of water-soluble vitamins listed on the label is provided by this package of cookies?


After reading the paragraphs below, answer the questions that follow. Physicians routinely give their patients pulmonary function tests in order to measure characteristics of lung function. The most common of these tests, spirometry, measures both the volume and the speed of air entering and exiting the lungs. In this test, a person first breathes normally while breathing into a spirometer, a machine that measures air volume and air speed. Then the person takes the deepest breath possible and exhales as hard as possible for 6 seconds into the spirometer. The resulting data are plotted on a graph of volume (y axis) versus time (x axis). Spirometry is useful not only for assessing lung function in healthy patients but also for characterizing patients with lung conditions such as pulmonary fibrosis, asthma, or emphysema. A sample graph for a healthy adult male is shown below. Normal breathing occurs between points A and B, a maximal inhalation occurs at point C, and a maximal exhalation occurs at point D. Normal breathing resumes between points E and F. For this data set, what is the residual volume of the lungs?

1,200 mL

After reading the paragraphs below, answer the questions that follow. Many amphibians (including many frogs, toads, and salamanders) spend the early part of their lives in water but live on land as adults. The adults of many species return to water to breed and lay their eggs. Frogs have small lungs and supplement their oxygen intake by breathing through the skin. Although large frogs have more total surface area than smaller frogs, the larger frogs have a lower surface area/volume ratio (less skin surface relative to their total body volume). To keep their respiratory surfaces moist, frogs are generally found in wet or very moist locations. In an experiment designed to investigate oxygen consumption in relation to body size, frogs from five different species were weighed and placed in a respirometer (a machine that measures oxygen consumption) for 1 hour. The table shows the results of the experiment. You have obtained a frog from a species closely related to the frogs used in the preceding study. If the frog weighs 30 grams, what do you expect its oxygen consumption in 1 hour to be?

1.50 cc

Suppose that you have a cheeseburger for dinner, which contains approximately 400 calories. If brisk walking burns 100 calories in 30 minutes, how long do you need to walk to burn off all of the calories from this cheeseburger?

120 minutes

The average vital capacity for college-aged males is


The last common ancestor shared by humans and chimpanzees lived about

5-7 million years ago

Which animal would most likely be able to exchange gases effectively when placed in a dry desert environment?

A dolphin

When the wall of the stomach cannot protect the organ from the effects of digestion, the result is

A gastric ulcer

Craniates are chordates that all possess

A head

When bar-headed geese fly at very high altitudes (possibly over Mount Everest!), they breathe very thin air where the partial pressure of oxygen is very low compared to that at sea level. They are able to do this because they have a modified version of the hemoglobin protein. To which organism is their hemoglobin protein most likely similar in terms of its ability to bind oxygen?

A human fetus

Consider an animal that exchanges gases through its skin. Which two-dimensional (thin and flat) body shape would provide the most surface area for gas exchange?

A rectangle with side measuring 2 inches and 9 inches

Human DNA and chimpanzee DNA differ by

About 1%

According to the fossil record, the genus Homo first arose in


After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow. Malnutrition can cause a variety of health problems, including being underweight, due to unbalanced or insufficient diet. It was estimated in 2011 that by 2015, approximately 14% of preschool-age children globally would be underweight (WHO and UNICEF Joint Global Nutrition Database, 2011). While this is a high percentage, it is a drop from approximately 25% just 25 years earlier. Consider the following data table and answer the questions that follow. Which subregion has shown the least variation in estimated prevalence (%) of underweight preschool children from the year 1990 to the year 2015? Africa and the Latin America and Caribbean regions show a similar overall drop in estimated prevalence (%) of underweight preschool children from 1990 to 2015: 5.9% and 4.8%, respectively. In the year 2011, the population of Africa was close to 1 billion, while the population of the Latin America and Caribbean regions was closer to 500 million. Based on this population data, which of these two regions' drop in percentage is more dramatic, and why?

Africa, because approximately two times as many individuals were removed from the malnourished designation

Which scenario is an example of positive feedback?

After cutting your finger, the injured tissue releases chemicals that activate platelets in the blood. These activated platelets release chemicals to activate more platelets, leading to the formation of a blood clot.

Fossil and genetic evidence strongly supports the idea that modern humans

All derive from a single African lineage that spread from there into other parts of the world.

Which statement about animals is false?

Animals that extract food particles suspended in the surrounding water are called fluid feeders.

Use the figure below to answer the following question A normal BMI (body mass index) for a person who is 6' 1" and weighs 150 pounds would be

Approximately 18.5-20

After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow. Malnutrition can cause a variety of health problems, including being underweight, due to unbalanced or insufficient diet. It was estimated in 2011 that by 2015, approximately 14% of preschool-age children globally would be underweight (WHO and UNICEF Joint Global Nutrition Database, 2011). While this is a high percentage, it is a drop from approximately 25% just 25 years earlier. Consider the following data table and answer the questions that follow. Which subregion has shown the least variation in estimated prevalence (%) of underweight preschool children from the year 1990 to the year 2015? Which region has the greatest total percentage decrease in estimated prevalence (%) of underweight preschool children from 1990 to 2015?


Most CO2 is transported to the lungs

Attached to hemoglobin or as bicarbonate ions

"Lucy," who belongs to the group ____________, was a bipedal hominid with a brain smaller than that of humans


Cigarette smoke can affect the white blood cells that reside in our lungs, whose function is to

engulf foreign particles

Which choice lists the organs of the bird digestive system in the correct order, from first to last contact with food material?

esophagus, crop, stomach, gizzard, intestine, anus

Which form of homeostasis would be unaffected by a severe burn involving both the epidermis and dermis?

Defense against microbes by the immune system

As an example of the relationship between structure and function the forward-facing eyes shared by all primates help them in

Depth perception as they navigate through forests

After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow. Fred is a 24-year-old college student whose father was just diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. Since he knows that these problems often run in families, Fred has asked his doctor to recommend a plan so that he can minimize his risk of developing similar problems. The following are a few of the doctor's recommendations: quit smoking, exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, reduce dietary saturated fats and trans fats, and eat more fruits and vegetables. Which action would match his doctor's recommendations?

Eat fewer foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Reptiles are not able to eat as frequently as mammals and birds can eat. This is due to a trait that mammals and birds share but that reptiles do not have. What is this trait?


__________ is a major category of animal tissue


After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow. Fred is a 24-year-old college student whose father was just diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. Since he knows that these problems often run in families, Fred has asked his doctor to recommend a plan so that he can minimize his risk of developing similar problems. The following are a few of the doctor's recommendations: quit smoking, exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, reduce dietary saturated fats and trans fats, and eat more fruits and vegetables. Fred explained to his family how the doctor's advice would help prevent cardiovascular disease, but he made a mistake in his explanation. Which statement is false?

Exercise increases the body's production of LDL

Which of the figures shown represents countercurrent exchange? The arrows indicate direction of flow, and the numbers indicate concentration of a gas.

Figure D

The organization of blood and water flow in a fish's gills increases the fish's ability to

extract oxygen from the water.

Based on Acanthostega fossils, scientists now believe that the earliest tetrapods were

Fish that used their limbs to raise themselves out of the water to get gulps of air for oxygen

Which mechanism helps keep the stomach lining in place despite the destructive force of gastric juice?

Generation through mitosis of new cells to replace the stomach lining

In this list of organisms, all of them have a respiratory system that requires assistance from a circulatory system for gas exchange except


When bar-headed geese fly at very high altitudes (possibly over Mount Everest!), they breathe very thin air where the partial pressure of oxygen is very low compared to that at sea level. Which adaptation would help the geese efficiently exchange gases when flying at high altitudes?

Hemoglobin that has a high affinity for oxygen

Which statement about metabolism is false?

Humans store some extra energy in the form of glycogen reserves in the pancreas and spleen

Which of the following organisms has a gastrovascular cavity?


When you hyperventilate (breathe too fast), respiratory alkalosis (decreased concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood) can occur, which can cause you to faint. A common but potentially dangerous method to reverse respiratory alkalosis is to hold a paper bag over your mouth and take normal breaths, thereby rebreathing the exhaled air. How might this method reverse respiratory alkalosis?

Inhaling carbon dioxide exhaled into the bag will cause carbon dioxide to diffuse back into the blood and react with water to form carbonic acid, and blood pH will decrease.

Some crocodiles and turtles have an exceptional ability to divert blood flow through the heart when they are diving and no longer breathing and exchanging gases. What most likely occurs when these animals dive?

Instead of flowing to the lungs, blood travels to the rest of the body to support bodily functions.

After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow. You are trying to cut down on the number of dessert foods that you eat as one effort toward losing weight. You don't feel ready to cut all sweets from your diet, so you decide to buy a dessert snack item that comes in small packages (hoping that the smaller amount will satisfy your cravings for sweet foods). In the grocery store, you study the label shown here for 100-calorie pouches of Krispy Krackers. According to the Krispy Kracker label, which nutrient fulfills the highest percentage of that nutrient needed for human diets?


If the hemoglobin molecules in your red blood cells suddenly were unable to bind carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions, what would happen to your blood pH?

It would decrease

Which of the following vitamins is fat-soluble and, consequently, can be stored in body fat?


Which statement about animal digestive systems is false?

Meat is more difficult to digest than vegetable matter because of its protein content.

According to the accompanying figure, which amino acid is found in corn but not in beans?


The most recent evidence clarifying the relationship between modern humans and Neanderthals comes from analysis of

Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA

Which tissue would likely be found in the small intestine?

Nervous tissue

Prehensile tails are found among

New world monkeys

The fossil "hobbits" discovered in Indonesia may be a ___________ that lived __________.

Newly discovered species Homo; as recently as 18,000 years ago

Use the figure to answer the following question A person who is 5' 7" and weighs 170 pounds would be considered


Cigarette smoking can sometimes lead to development of a "smoker's cough," which results from paralysis of cilia in the airways. Why would the paralysis of cilia lead to smoker's cough?

Paralyzed cilia can no longer clear the airways of mucus, so coughing helps remove it.

Use the figure below to answer the questions that follows

Part B

Use the figure below to answer the questions that follow

Part C

Use the figure below to answer the following question. Which part of the figure shows a complete organ system?

Part D

The liquid part of human blood that consists of water, salts, and dissolved proteins is known as


Use the figure below to answer the questions that follow At which point(s) in the following figure would the blood have the highest concentration of CO2?

Point A only

After reading the paragraphs below, answer the questions that follow. Physicians routinely give their patients pulmonary function tests in order to measure characteristics of lung function. The most common of these tests, spirometry, measures both the volume and the speed of air entering and exiting the lungs. In this test, a person first breathes normally while breathing into a spirometer, a machine that measures air volume and air speed. Then the person takes the deepest breath possible and exhales as hard as possible for 6 seconds into the spirometer. The resulting data are plotted on a graph of volume (y axis) versus time (x axis). Spirometry is useful not only for assessing lung function in healthy patients but also for characterizing patients with lung conditions such as pulmonary fibrosis, asthma, or emphysema. A sample graph for a healthy adult male is shown below. Normal breathing occurs between points A and B, a maximal inhalation occurs at point C, and a maximal exhalation occurs at point D. Normal breathing resumes between points E and F. Patients with emphysema have lungs that are less elastic than normal. As a result, they cannot exhale as much air as a healthy person can, thereby leaving additional residual volume in the lungs. How would the preceding graph differ if an emphysema patient's data were plotted instead of a healthy person's?

Point D would be at a larger volume

The minimal amount of nutrients needed every day by healthy people to prevent nutrient deficiencies is called the

RDA, recommended dietary allowance.

Which statement is true?

Ray-finned fishes have a skeleton made of bone, while sharks have flexible skeletons made of cartilage.

When you hold your breath, which change in blood gas leads initially to the urge to breathe again?

Rising carbon dioxide concentration

Which option lists the major groups or genera from the fossil record in the correct order from earliest to most recent?

Sahelanthropus, Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Homo

Recall that the cuticle seals plant surfaces and helps plants conserve water, and the seed helps derived plant groups to reproduce effectively on dry land. The analogous adaptations in reptiles are ________ (analogous to the cuticle) and ________ (analogous to the seed).

Scales; the amniotic egg

The key derived character of the lobe-finned fish is the

Series of rod-shaped bones in their pectoral. And pelvic fins

After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow. Malnutrition can cause a variety of health problems, including being underweight, due to unbalanced or insufficient diet. It was estimated in 2011 that by 2015, approximately 14% of preschool-age children globally would be underweight (WHO and UNICEF Joint Global Nutrition Database, 2011). While this is a high percentage, it is a drop from approximately 25% just 25 years earlier. Consider the following data table and answer the questions that follow. Which subregion has shown the least variation in estimated prevalence (%) of underweight preschool children from the year 1990 to the year 2015? Which subregion has shown the least variation in estimated prevalence (%) of underweight preschool children from the year 1990 to the year 2015?

Southern Africa

Compared to other hominins, modern Homo sapiens display a particular ability for

Symbolic thought

Scientists have studied the effects of television watching on the metabolic rate of children and its potential implications for childhood obesity. In a study of 15 obese children and 16 non-obese children, it was found that the metabolic rate of all children significantly decreased while watching television compared to their metabolic rate when they were at normal rest. The drop was greater for obese children, but the difference in drops between the two groups of children was not statistically significant. What is a reasonable conclusion to draw from this study?

Television watching is an activity that should be carefully considered when studying factors that may affect childhood obesity.

The vertebrate group that includes all jawed vertebrates with two pairs of limbs is the


The epiglottis is a

flap of cartilage that flips down to cover the entry to the trachea during swallowing

There is a condition that affects the lungs such that the lungs cannot remove all of the CO2 that the body produces. Fortunately, animals' bodies respond to rising CO2 levels, which can prevent this condition from occurring. Which process occurs when CO2 rises?

The blood becomes acidic

Which system is closely associated with the exchange functions of the digestive, respiratory, and urinary systems?

The circulatory system

In an experiment to test the effect of a new weight loss drug, half of the people in the study received the drug, and the other half received a placebo (a pill that has no physiological effect). In addition, only males from the ages of 20 to 25 were selected to participate in the study. All participants received their treatments (drug or placebo) every day for 4 weeks. Which component of the study design served as the control group?

The participants who received a placebo

After reading the paragraphs below, answer the questions that follow. Physicians routinely give their patients pulmonary function tests in order to measure characteristics of lung function. The most common of these tests, spirometry, measures both the volume and the speed of air entering and exiting the lungs. In this test, a person first breathes normally while breathing into a spirometer, a machine that measures air volume and air speed. Then the person takes the deepest breath possible and exhales as hard as possible for 6 seconds into the spirometer. The resulting data are plotted on a graph of volume (y axis) versus time (x axis). Spirometry is useful not only for assessing lung function in healthy patients but also for characterizing patients with lung conditions such as pulmonary fibrosis, asthma, or emphysema. A sample graph for a healthy adult male is shown below. Normal breathing occurs between points A and B, a maximal inhalation occurs at point C, and a maximal exhalation occurs at point D. Normal breathing resumes between points E and F. How is spirometry a potentially flawed experimental method to measure lung volume?

The patient may be noncompliant and not put forth their best effort in the test.

The data in the accompanying table came from a study where 4,451 adults reported their dietary intake and researchers measured their BMIs to measure obesity rates. The results seem to suggest that low-carbohydrate diets are associated with higher body weights. However, this is a case of correlation and not causation. Therefore, what else could possibly explain these results?

The people who ate the most carbohydrates exercised more than the other groups.

Which statement about fish gills is true?

They have a large surface area

When taken by pregnant women, ________ decreases the chance of neural tube defects in infants.

folic acid

Which of these teeth is an incisor?

Tooth A

Which animals are ectothermic?

Turtles and lizards

Which environment is likely to have the lowest concentration of O2?

Warm salt water

The connection between structure and ________ is a basic concept of biology.


According to this figure, which two groups are most closely related?

gorillas and orangutans

The main function of an earthworm's gizzard is to

grind food

Connective tissue is different from other major tissue types in that it

has cells that are sparsely scattered through a nonliving matrix.

Animals that use their body surface for gas exchange effectively must

have a high ratio of body surface area to volume.

In a mammal, blood leaving the lungs goes to the


The oxygen-carrying component in red blood cells is


Sometime after a human baby is born, the production of the fetal hemoglobin protein ceases and the production of the adult hemoglobin protein begins. Imagine that a baby is born and this switch from fetal to adult hemoglobin does not occur. In which part of the world would this baby be well adapted to living?

high-altitude cities

After reading the paragraphs below, answer the questions that follow. Many amphibians (including many frogs, toads, and salamanders) spend the early part of their lives in water but live on land as adults. The adults of many species return to water to breed and lay their eggs. Frogs have small lungs and supplement their oxygen intake by breathing through the skin. Although large frogs have more total surface area than smaller frogs, the larger frogs have a lower surface area/volume ratio (less skin surface relative to their total body volume). To keep their respiratory surfaces moist, frogs are generally found in wet or very moist locations. In an experiment designed to investigate oxygen consumption in relation to body size, frogs from five different species were weighed and placed in a respirometer (a machine that measures oxygen consumption) for 1 hour. The table shows the results of the experiment. If you could alter the shape of a frog so that it was long and thin instead of compact, the frog's oxygen transfer efficiency would

increase, because the frog would have more surface area in relation to body volume

Smooth muscle is responsible for

involuntary body activities

After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow. Since the fall of 2012, public schools have had to meet new nutrition standards (which included offering more fruits and vegetables) for their lunches. In 2013, the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) reviewed data from the 2005 School Nutrition and Dietary Assessment to investigate whether students in schools that were already following the new standards (school group A) ate more fruits and vegetables than students in schools that were not following the new standards (school group B). You will be presented with some of the overall findings of the review and will then be asked questions related to these conclusions. Of all of the schools surveyed in 2005, 75% offered lunches that met new weekly standards for amounts of dark, green leafy vegetables. 85% offered lunches that met new weekly standards for amounts for red/orange vegetables. 21% offered lunches that met new weekly standards for legumes (such as beans). 97% offered lunches that met new weekly standards for amounts for "other" vegetables. This suggests that

a majority of schools need to serve more legumes in their lunches.

To learn more about the variation in digestive systems, you surf the Web and search for images of digestive systems from different animals. You find an image of a digestive system that contains a colon that is shorter than the small intestine and a relatively tiny cecum. What type of animal could this digestive system possibly be from?

a tiger (that eats meat)

An alimentary canal is best defined as

a tube-shaped compartment for the transport, digestion, and absorption of food.

An animal digestive tract that consists of two openings (a mouth and anus) is called an

alimentary canal

What part of the respiratory system does cigarette smoke most adversely affect?


Compared to the vital capacity, how much air can lungs actually hold?

always more

Evolutionary adaptations for survival on land produced tetrapods, which later evolved into

amphibians, reptiles, and mammals

Lions are not always successful hunters and may go days between meals. What evolutionary adaptation helps the lion survive periods of famine?

an expandable stomach

What prompts a newborn baby to start to breathe?

an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the baby's blood

Unlike sharks and rays, ray-finned fishes have

an operculum

To reduce the risk of cancer, it has been suggested that a diet high in ________ is beneficial.


The Salalizard is a fictional vertebrate that lives in the forest and appears to be half salamander and half lizard. You are not allowed to collect any wild animals, so you decide to take a video of it to show your colleagues. What behavior best distinguishes the Salalizard as either a salamander (amphibian) or a lizard (reptile)?

Where it reproduces

Which mechanism is most likely to be responsible if, when your blood sugar level rises, the level of sugar goes back down to a set point?

a homeostatic mechanism based on negative feedback

By far the largest number of extant fish species on Earth have

an operculum and swim bladder

What kind of connective tissue has an extracellular liquid matrix called plasma?


A leiomyoma is a benign tumor that affects smooth muscle. A large tumor of this type might be predicted to

cause uterine pain in female patients

The respiratory system includes all of these structures except the


A common knee injury in athletes involves the anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL. The ACL consists of tissue that connects the bones of the femur (upper leg bone) and tibia (lower leg bone). What kind of tissue would you expect to be damaged in an ACL injury?

fibrous connective tissue

A physiologist is a biologist who studies the

function of body parts

Fingernails are a component of the ________ system.


According to this figure, which group includes the closest living relatives to tetrapods such as amphibians, reptiles, and mammals?

lobe-finned fishes

Facelifts are a type of cosmetic surgery that are meant to tighten the skin to give the face a smoother, more youthful appearance. In addition to the skin, what else would you predict is also involved in this type of surgery?

loose connective tissue

Structure in the living world is organized into hierarchical levels. Which list correctly orders these hierarchical levels from least inclusive to most inclusive?

molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

Which is the most abundant kind of tissue in an animal, such as a gorilla?


Which type of tissue forms a communication and coordination system within the body?


Structure in the living world is organized into hierarchical levels. Which list correctly orders structures from least inclusive to most inclusive?

neuron, nerve tissue, brain, nervous system, human

An organ system consists of

organs that collectively perform a vital body function

The greatest incidence of skin cancer (melanoma) would be expected to occur in

people who are deficient in folate and live near the equator.

After you swallow the first bite of your food, your stomach becomes active. Polypeptides in the ingested food stimulate the stomach to release acid and enzymes, which creates more polypeptides. This greater concentration of polypeptides stimulates the stomach to release even more acid and enzymes, which continues until the contents of the stomach pass into the next digestive chamber. This phenomenon is best explained by

positive feedback control

Bioengineering to create organs for transplants involves

seeding a scaffold of connective tissue matrix with stem cells.

One advantage of gas exchange in water is that

it is easy to keep the exchange surface wet.

What part of the human brain contains control centers that establish a breathing rhythm?

medulla oblongata

Epithelial cells lining the small intestine have surface projections that increase the rate of nutrient absorption. These projections are called


Through chemical digestion, polysaccharides are broken down into


The essential amino acids

must be obtained from the food we eat.

Through chemical digestion, nucleic acids are broken down into


The reason animals need a continuous supply of oxygen is to

obtain energy from their food

Organisms suffering from malnutrition may have a diet deficient in

one or more essential nutrients

After reading the paragraphs below, answer the questions that follow. Many amphibians (including many frogs, toads, and salamanders) spend the early part of their lives in water but live on land as adults. The adults of many species return to water to breed and lay their eggs. Frogs have small lungs and supplement their oxygen intake by breathing through the skin. Although large frogs have more total surface area than smaller frogs, the larger frogs have a lower surface area/volume ratio (less skin surface relative to their total body volume). To keep their respiratory surfaces moist, frogs are generally found in wet or very moist locations. In an experiment designed to investigate oxygen consumption in relation to body size, frogs from five different species were weighed and placed in a respirometer (a machine that measures oxygen consumption) for 1 hour. The table shows the results of the experiment. From the data in the table, it is reasonable to conclude that

oxygen consumption per gram of body weight is the similar for all tested species.

The function of the sphincter between the stomach and small intestine is to

periodically release chyme into the small intestine in squirts.

The main function of the hindgut in the grasshopper is to

reabsorb water and compact wastes.

Heartburn is usually caused by the

reflux of chyme from the stomach into the lower esophagus.

Xerostomia is the scientific name for "dry mouth." Dry mouth can be a medical concern because chronic dry mouth can lead to dental problems as well as problems tasting, chewing, and swallowing. Dry mouth is likely due to an inadequate production of


Jaws appear to have evolved from

skeletal rods that supported gill slits near the mouth.

Imagine an invertebrate that lives in an estuary where salinity varies cyclically with the tides. If this individual is able to adjust the salt concentration of its body fluids, its salt concentration will have

slight fluctuations that are kept within a narrow range.

Which choice correctly pairs a mineral with one of its major functions in the body?

sodium, maintaining water balance in cells

If a person on a fad diet experiences muscle cramps, a physician would suspect that this individual is likely suffering from a deficiency of

table salt

The tracheal system of an insect is most like

the air duct system in a building

The human spine acts like a weight-bearing column. Compare this to the spine of a horse, which acts like an elastic suspension bridge. Which organism would you predict to experience more back pain and why?

the human, because in order to walk upright, the human spine must be compressed

Gills are unsuitable for animals living on land because

the large external surface area of gills would allow dehydration of the animal.

Which respiratory structure likely has the largest surface area for gas exchange to occur?

the lungs of a pig

Human skin color likely represents a locally adapted compromise between

the need to block UV radiation that destroys folate and the need to synthesize vitamin D

When you are breathing normally, exhalation results mainly from

the relaxation of the diaphragm and muscles between the ribs.

Which part of the body is likely to be much more diverse in mammals compared to that in other groups?

the teeth

What is the main digestive function of the pancreas?

to produce digestive enzymes and an alkaline solution

The flow rate of a gas through a tube is proportional to the diameter of the tube. Through which structure in the human respiratory system does air flow the fastest?


Which organ system removes nitrogen-containing waste products from blood?

urinary system

Which is a function of the nasal cavities in humans?

warming inhaled air

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