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In humans, the gene for curly hair (H) is incompletely dominant to the gene for straight hair (h). Individuals that are heterozygous (Hh) have wavy hair. Two wavy-haired heterozygous parents have a child. What is the likeliness that the child will have wavy hair?

1/2 or 50%

How many cell divisions occur during meiosis?


In a sample of double-stranded DNA, 30 percent of the nitrogenous bases are adenine (A). What percentage of the nitrogenous bases in the sample are thymine (T)?


The following DNA strand is used as a template for transcription: 3'{ GGCACTCATTCAA } 5' Which of the following RNA strands will be produced?


A template strand of DNA is 3'{ TACCGATTGCA } 5 What is the complementary DNA strand that is created from this template during replication?


A pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot in a pulmonary artery blocks the flow of blood in the pulmonary circuit. What would happen to an individual that has a pulmonary embolism?

A lack of blood oxygenation Because there is a physical blockage of blood-flow from the heart to the lungs, blood would not be properly oxygenated. Deoxygenated blood won't be able to reach the lungs (to get oxygenated) if blocked by the clot in the pulmonary artery.

Which ecological level consists of a group of one species living in a given area?

A population A group of one species living in a given area is a population.

Which of the following are products of cellular respiration?

ATP and carbon dioxideIn cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen react to form ATP, water, and carbon dioxide.

Photosystem II (PSII) inhibitors are a class of herbicides that work by blocking a key step of the light-dependent reactions, eventually shutting down the pathway completely. Which products of photosynthesis would not be produced as a result of this herbicide?

ATP and sugars Since the light-dependent reactions completely shut down, its key product, ATP, wouldn't be produced. If ATP isn't produced, the Calvin cycle wouldn't occur, so sugars wouldn't be synthesized.

Which of the following hormones plays a direct role in the "fight or flight" response?

Adrenaline Adrenaline (epinephrine) is one of several hormones that plays a role in eliciting a "fight or flight" response when the body is stressed.

Which of the following best describes a community?

All of the species living in a given area Communities consist of all the species living in a given area.

occurs when ammonium (NH4+​)left is produced through decomposition.


What is the relationship between anabolism and catabolism?

Anabolism builds molecules using the energy produced during catabolism. Anabolic reactions require energy to build larger molecules from smaller molecules. This energy is provided by catabolic reactions, which release energy as they break down complex molecules into simpler ones.

What happens during anaphase?

Anaphase During anaphase, the chromosomes pull apart and separate.

Which ecological level consists of all the ecosystems found on Earth?

Biosphere The regions on Earth that can support life make up the biosphere.

Which of the following answer choices correctly sequences the path of urination in the body?

Blood enters nephron, filtration, reabsorption, excretion through urethra The pathway of urination is blood entering the nephron, filtration, reabsorption, and finally, excretion through the urethra.

is produced in the mouth after mastication (chewing) mixes food with saliva.


In a species of yeast, a new individual develops as an outgrowth on a parent, which then separates from the parent once it has matured. What type of reproduction is this?

Budding The yeast is undergoing the process of budding. The outgrowth that forms is a "bud," which grows attached to the parent yeast before breaking off and developing further.

is involuntary and striated. It is found only in the heart and is specialized to help pump blood throughout the body

Cardiac muscle

Soft connective tissue found between joints


Which structure reduces friction between joints?

Cartilage Cartilage is found between joints. It acts as a shock absorber to reduce friction.

What compound do plants use to absorb the energy from sunlight?

Chlorophyll pigment Chlorophyll, a pigment found in chloroplasts, absorbs light energy, which is then utilized by the cell to produce carbohydrates.

During photosynthesis, where do sugars like glucose eventually form in a plant cell?

Chloroplast; stroma In a plant cell, the Calvin cycle produces G3P, which is eventually converted into sugar molecules such as glucose within the chloroplast's stroma.

Where do the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis occur in a plant cell?

Chloroplast; thylakoid membrane The light-dependent reactions occur along an electron transport chain embedded on the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast.

are short, hair-like structures that "wave" like grass in the wind, helping move the cell through its environment.


A plant biologist is asked to develop strawberry plants with larger, sweeter berries. Through selective breeding, the biologist successfully produces the new strawberry plant. What is one method the biologist can use to produce many identical strawberry plants of the same kind?


What is a function of the somatic nervous system?

Controlling the movement of skeletal muscles The somatic nervous system regulates voluntary activities such as muscular movement.

Several scientists travel to a remote coast to study the biodiversity of the area. How could the scientists calculate the species richness of the ecosystem?

Counting the total number of different species Species richness is calculated based on the number of different species found within a given area.

Which of the following statements best explains the mechanism for DNA replication?

DNA replication is semi-conservative. As the two strands of DNA unwind from each other, each acts as a template for synthesis of a new, complementary strand. This results in two DNA molecules with one original strand and one new strand.

is the process where nitrogen gas is released back into the atmosphere.


When ponds freeze, they freeze at the surface first before freezing at the bottom. Which property of water explains why this might happen?

Density ( water is less dense as solid than liquid)

What happens during Meiosis II?

During process Z, sister chromatids are separating to form four haploid gametes. This occurs during meiosis II.

Which of the following statements correctly describes each new molecule of DNA produced after DNA replicates?

Each new molecule contains one strand from the parent molecule and one newly synthesized strand.

At what stage of human development would you expect to first see a beating heart?

Embryonic stage

What statement is true regarding the nervous and endocrine systems?

Endocrine signaling is generally slower than the neural signaling.The endocrine system relies on the bloodstream, so its signaling is much slower than the nervous system's, which uses interconnected neurons to relay signals.

Which of the following describes the role of lipids?

Energy storage (Lipids are the cell's source of long-term energy storage.) Membrane structure (Special lipids called phospholipids make up the cell membrane. Proteins and carbohydrates also play a role in membrane structure, as they are embedded between the phospholipids.)

Which of the following could be a function of a phagocyte?

Engulfing a foreign pathogen Phagocytes protect the body by engulfing foreign particles or pathogens once they have bypassed the first line of defense (skin).


Equal amounts of solute in cell and solutionInto and out of cell at the same time

Sugar crosses the cell membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration using special proteins embedded in the membrane. Which of the following types of cell transport is this?

Facilitated diffusion In facilitated diffusion, molecules diffuse across the plasma membrane with assistance from membrane proteins, such as channel proteins and carrier proteins.

are long, whip-like "tails" that cells use to help propel the cell through its environment.


Why do you, as a living organism, need to continually consume food?

Food is broken down by catabolic pathways and converted to ATP, which is then used to fuel anabolic pathways. Food can only provide energy for the body if it's properly catabolized (broken down) through exergonic reactions, converted to ATP, and then used to power the endergonic, build-up reactions of anabolism.

New starfish can develop from broken arms that have detached from the original starfish. What type of reproduction is this?

Fragmentation Fragmentation occurs when an organism breaks into two or more fragments that develop into a new individual.

In which direction do substances move during passive transport?

From high to low concentration Passive transport moves molecules from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration, along the concentration gradient.

Which of the following is considered an accessory organ of digestion?

Gallbladder The gallbladder stores bile and releases it into the small intestine, but it is not a main part of the digestive tract.

A forensic scientist wants to compare the DNA of several suspects for a crime. Which technique could be used to produce bands of DNA fragments for this comparison?

Gel electrophoresis

Is a technique that uses an electric current to separate DNA fragments according to their size.

Gel electrophoresis

A scientist finds a gene in the DNA of a wild-growing plant that could increase the amount of lycopene, a cancer-fighting agent, in grapefruits. The scientist inserts this gene into the DNA of a grapefruit plant.

Genetic engineering

This process describes gene splicing - a type of genetic engineering that involves the isolation, removal, cloning, and insertion of specific genes into other organisms.

Genetic engineering

Viruses are parasites that use host cells to perform most of the functions of life. Which of the following is NOT provided by the host cell?

Genetic material for transcription Viruses have their own genetic material, but they cannot carry out most of the functions of living things outside of a host cell.

Which of the following hormones are produced by the pancreas?

Glucagon Glucagon is produced by the pancreas in response to low amounts of blood sugar. / Insulin Insulin is produced by the pancreas in response to high amounts of blood sugar.

What are the reactants in cellular respiration?

Glucose and oxygen In cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen react to form ATP, water, and carbon dioxide.

In the presence of oxygen, what is the first stage of cellular respiration?

Glycolysis Glycolysis is the first step in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

What are the three main stages of aerobic cellular respiration?

Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation Aerobic cellular respiration consists of glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.


Higher solute in solution than in cell/ Out of the cell

A boy jumps into a cold lake, causing his body temperature to decrease. As a result, his muscles, blood vessels, and nervous system work together to restore his body temperature. This is an example of what process?

Homeostasis The body works to regulate a constant internal body temperature using homeostatic mechanisms. When the boy's body temperature drops, these mechanisms help raise it again.

What process allows an organism to maintain internal stability despite a constantly changing environment?

Homeostasis The body works to regulate constant internal balance using homeostatic mechanisms.

Which of the following events occurs during meiosis I?

Homologous chromosomes separate.Meiosis I is the first round of cell division, where homologous pairs are separated.

What do biogeochemical cycles represent?

How certain nutrients move through the environment and are continually used and recycled Biogeochemical cycles show how important nutrients move through an environment, and are recycled between living and nonliving forms.

Which of the following answer choices sequences the events of human development listed above in the correct chronological order? I. Hollow ball of cells implants into uterusII. Major organs developIII. Final growth and differentiationIV. Sperm fertilizes egg

IV - I - II - III A zygote forms as the result of fertilization. It then divides rapidly, becoming a blastocyst, then an embryo, and finally a fetus.

evolutionary success is often described as "survival of the fittest," which can be misleading. Which statement better explains the concept of evolutionary success?

Individuals that inherit advantageous variations will outcompete others for resources and pass these variations to the next generation. Individual organisms that have traits that allow them to outcompete others for resources are more likely to survive and reproduce, creating more offspring with the same advantageous traits.

Which stage of the cell cycle contains the G1, S, G2 phase?


Which of the following is true of interphase?

Interphase is longer than the mitotic phase. Interphase is much longer than mitosis. In fact, many eukaryotic cells spend most of their lives in interphase.

Muscle that is controlled by the autonomic nervous system (not consciously controlled)

Involuntary muscle

What happens when a positive regulator (proto-oncogene) is overactivated?

It allows uncontrolled cell division to occur. When a positive regulator (proto-oncogene) becomes overactivated, it becomes oncogenic and the cell may be permitted to proceed through the cell cycle in an uncontrolled fashion.

Which of the following is true about natural selection?

It can only act on traits that are heritable and show variation. For natural selection to act on a trait, there must already be variation for that trait. In addition, the trait must be heritable, or able to be passed from parent to offspring.

Which statement best describes a chromosome?

It contains genes that code for various traits.Chromosomes contain many genes - segments of DNA that determine specific characteristics.

What is true of the endocrine system?

It controls body processes through the use of hormones.

A biologist looks at an organism through a microscope. Which of the following observations tells the biologist that the organism is eukaryotic?

It has membrane-bound organelles. Only eukaryotes have membrane-bound organelles, so this is a distinguishing feature that tells the scientist that the cell is eukaryotic.

How does apoptosis aid in normal embryo development?

It helps sculpt body parts by removing unnecessary cells. Apoptosis occurs during embryo development to make sure that extraneous body parts are not present once the embryo has fully formed.

Which of the following is true regarding the large intestine?

It is the major site of water absorption. The large intestine absorbs any excess water that is not absorbed by small intestine.

Which of the following is true of meiosis?

It produces haploid cells. Meiosis results in the formation of gametes, haploid cells containing half of the genetic information of a somatic cell.

Which of the following is true regarding glycolysis?

It requires glucose as a reactant. During glycolysis, glucose is converted into pyruvate, ATP, and NADH. occurs in

Which of the following statements are true about meiosis II?

Its goal is to separate sister chromatids. After homologous chromosome pairs are separated in meiosis I, sisters chromatids need to be separated in meiosis II. It results in the formation of four haploid (n) gametes. Meiosis reduces the ploidy (number of sets of chromosomes) from diploid (2n, two sets) to haploid (n, one set), forming gametes in the process. After telophase II of meiosis II, four haploid (n) gametes are formed.

The point at which two (or more) bones meet.


What structure removes excess water, urea, and metabolic waste from blood?

Kidney The kidneys filter blood using their structural units, nephrons.

Near the end of a marathon, a runner notices that she is unable to maintain her fast pace, and her legs feel very cramped and tired. Which of the following explains the runner's observations?

Lactic acid has been produced from anaerobic respiration. Muscle cells can continue to produce ATP when oxygen runs low using lactic acid fermentation. However, this often results in muscle fatigue and pain.

Connective tissue that attaches bone to bone at a joint


Which of the following occurs during the light-dependent reactions?

Light energy is captured. During the light-dependent reactions, light energy is captured by chloroplasts and stored as ATP.

Salmonella enterica is a type of rod-shaped bacteria. A student wants to view a live S. enterica cell as it reproduces. What microscopy tool should the student use to examine the cell?

Light microscope Light microscopes are great tools for viewing living cells, since cells do not need to be fixed in a vacuum.

A biological macromolecule is made up of glycerol and fatty acids.


What is the cell membrane made of?

Lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates The cell membrane is made of lipids (phospholipids and cholesterol), as well as various proteins and carbohydrates.

Lipid — chemical messenger

Lipids, such as the sex hormone testosterone (type of steroid), can act as chemical messengers throughout an organism's body.


Lower solute in solution than in cell/ Into the cell

Which scientist concluded that all living organisms are made of cells?

Matthias Schleiden Schleiden, along with Theodor Schwann, concluded that all living organisms, such as plants and animals, are made of cells.

Which two scientists determined that all living things are composed of cells?

Matthias Schliden and Robert Schwann

Which cell structure is involved in the generation of metabolic energy?

Mitochondria The mitochondria are responsible for breaking down sugar molecules and converting their energy to ATP for the cell.

Which monomer serves as the building block of glycogen, a polymer made up of many glucose molecules?


carry information from the brain and spinal cord to muscle fibers throughout the body.

Motor neurons

What is the function of negative regulator (tumor suppressor) genes?

Negative regulators (tumor suppressors) prevent the formation of cancerous tumors when they are working correctly.

Nitrogen is made bioavailable through the process of nitrogen fixation, when atmospheric nitrogen is converted into forms that are usable by other organisms.

Nitrogen fixation

Which part of the nucleotides' structure is responsible for the incredible variation that exists amongst all types of organisms?

Nitrogenous base

What is the correct order (first to last) in which air moves through the human respiratory system after inhalation?

Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs Air enters the nose before moving through the pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi before finally reaching the lungs.Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs Air enters the nose before moving through the pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi before finally reaching the lungs.

During meiosis, when does the ploidy (number of sets of chromosomes) get reduced from diploid (2n) to haploid (n)?

Once telophase I of meiosis I is complete After this stage is complete, the homologous pairs of chromosomes are completely separate from one another in two separate cells, thereby reducing the ploidy from diploid (2n) to haploid (n).

Palbociclib is a cancer drug that targets cells which no longer follow the normal rules and regulations of the cell cycle. Which of the following best describes a possible mechanism for how Palbociclib may function?

Palbociclib blocks the passage through an early cell cycle checkpoint. Palbociclib specifically blocks the G_11​start subscript, 1, end subscript checkpoint of the cell cycle, which means that all the phases thereafter (S, G_22​start subscript, 2, end subscript, mitosis) won't occur, so the cancer cells won't be able to grow and divide.

This helps maintain normal body functions and conserve physical resources. Once a threat has passed, this system will slow the heart rate, slow breathing, reduce blood flow to muscles, and constrict the pupils. This allows us to return our bodies to a normal resting state.

Parasympathetic system:

Female New Zealand mud snails are able to produce viable offspring that develop into mature adults from unfertilized eggs. What type of reproduction is this?

Parthenogenesis Parthenogenesis occurs when the unfertilized egg of a female develops into a mature adult without any contribution from a male of that species.

After a devastating forest fire, the surrounding area contained no life. After some time, small plants began to grow along the remaining soil. Which of the following best describes the new plants?

Pioneer species A pioneer species colonizes disturbed, vegetation-free, or soil-free environments, such as the environment found after the forest fire.

Water is often referred to as a universal solvent because it can dissolve many substances. What property of water makes it such a good solvent?

Polarity Water is polar, which makes it good at dissolving other polar and charged substances.

Which of the following is true regarding positive and negative feedback?

Positive feedback amplifies signals and negative feedback opposes signals. Positive feedback loops amplify a starting signal while negative feedback loops act to oppose the triggering stimulus.

A volcanic eruption makes a local island completely devoid of life. Over the next few years, some small lichens began to colonize the remaining rock and soil. This is an example of which of the following?

Primary succession Primary succession occurs when new land is formed or bare rock is exposed, providing a habitat that can be colonized for the first time.

What is one of the functions of the human skeleton?

Producing blood cellsRed and white blood cells are produced in the marrow of some bones.

What is a likely result of crossing over during meiosis I?

Production of recombinant gametes During crossing over, homologous chromosomes trade parts, ultimately resulting in recombinant gametes at the end of meiosis.

what happens during prophase?

Prophase During prophase, the nuclear envelope breaks down and chromosomes condense.

Which are functions of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)?

Protein modification / Lipid synthesis

What helps substances cross the cell membrane during facilitated diffusion?


Proteins - provide cell structure

Proteins are important macromolecules that play a role in maintaining cell structure. They are also important for cell signaling and catalyzing reactions, and they are crucial in the endocrine and immune systems as hormones and antibodies.

Which of the following is a primary function of carbohydrates?

Providing short-term energy storage

this cell has arm-like structures that allow it to "crawl" through its environment.


Which structure is the site of protein synthesis in the cell? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:


Which scientist was the first to observe cells under a microscope and give them their name?

Robert Hooke Hooke was the first person to observe dead cells as microscopic structures, coining the term "cell." Later, Anton von Leeuwenhoek would expand on his discovery as the first person to view living cells.

Which scientist confirmed that all cells must come from pre-existing cells?

Rudolf Virchow

A devastating fire destroyed a great deal of wooded forest. Many organisms were killed or displaced, but existing plants began to immediately shed seeds that recolonize the park. This is an example of which of the following?

Secondary successionSecondary succession occurs when a previously occupied area is recolonized after a disturbance kills most, or all, of its community.

Humans normally have 46 chromosomes spread out over 23 pairs. Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, occurs when there's an extra chromosome at the chromosome 21 pair (shown above). Which of the following answer choices best explains a mechanism as to how Down syndrome might occur?

Sister chromatids fail to separate at chromosome 21 during anaphase II in a parent's gamete. This failure to separate results in the formation of a gamete that has two chromosomes at spot 21 when they should only have one. When this gamete fuses with the other parent's gamete, a total of three chromosomes are at spot 21 in the offspring.

is voluntary and striated. These are the muscles that attach to bones and control conscious movement.

Skeletal muscle

is involuntary and non-striated. It is found in the hollow organs of the body, such as the stomach, intestines, and around blood vessels.

Smooth muscle

Which of the following are involuntary muscles?

Smooth muscle Smooth muscle is a type of involuntary muscle found lining the walls of hollow organs./ Cardiac muscle Cardiac muscle is a type of involuntary muscle found only in the heart.

is the part of the peripheral nervous system responsible for carrying sensory and motor information to and from the central nervous system.

Somatic Nervous System

Muscle tissue that has a striped appearance due to its fiber composition

Striated muscle

What is true of the Calvin cycle?

Sugar is produced. During the Calvin cycle, ATP from the light-dependent reactions is used to make sugars that the plant will use as fuel.

A carefully placed paperclip can float on top of water without sinking. Which property of water allows the paperclip to float?

Surface tension Water molecules on the surface form hydrogen bonds with one another, allowing them to resist external force.

states that some of the organelles in eukaryotic cells were once prokaryotic microbes. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are the same size as prokaryotic cells and divide by binary fission. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA which is circular, not linear

Symbiogenesis, or endosymbiotic theory

By regulating the flight-or-fight response,the sympathetic system prepares the body to expend energy to respond to environmental threats. When action is needed, the sympathetic system triggers a response by accelerating heart rate, increasing breathing rate, boosting blood flow to muscles, activating sweat secretion, and dilating the pupils.

Sympathetic system

Which of the following are involved only in adaptive immunity?

T cellsSome T cells (helper T) assist B cells and others directly kill infected cells (killer T) AntibodiesAntibodies are specialized Y-shaped proteins that can tag antigens for destruction. B cellsB cells produce antibodies and aid in immunological memory.

what happens during telophase?

Telophase During telophase, the chromosomes have already moved to opposite ends of the cell where daughter nuclei begin to reform.

Connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone


Which of the following connects the skeletal system to the muscular system?

Tendons Tendons connect bone to muscle.

What part of the respiratory system exchanges gases between the respiratory system and the circulatory system?

The alveoli The alveoli, found at the end of bronchioles, are the site of gas exchange between the lungs and the blood.

What cell structure is the site of photosynthesis in plants?

The chloroplast Chloroplasts are specialized organelles that act as the site for photosynthesis, during which they absorb light energy and convert it into sugars for the cell to use.

what happens during metaphase?

The chromosomes in this cell are aligned at the metaphase plate, so this cell is in metaphase.

what is chromatin?

The complex of DNA plus histones and other structural proteins

fluid mosaic model

The currently accepted model for the structure of the plasma membrane, called the

How do the innate and adaptive immune systems differ?

The innate immune system is nonspecific while the adaptive immune system uses immunological memory. The innate immune system is a general defense against all pathogens, and the adaptive immune system learns from past pathogens and engages in pathogen-specific defense.

A patient visits a neurologist because they no longer have control of moving their right arm. They claim that they try to "tell" their arm to move, but it just doesn't respond to the command. Which of the following statements best describes a possible diagnosis to explain this patient's symptoms?

The motor neurons of the somatic nervous system (SNS) are not functioning properly. The somatic nervous system (SNS) regulates voluntary activities, such as muscular movement. Motor neurons carry the impulses necessary to complete voluntary muscular movement.

Imagine that you're an endocrinologist and a patient visits you because they constantly feel restless. You notice that they have a high heart rate and high blood pressure, even at rest. Which of the following statements best describes a possible diagnosis to explain these symptoms?

The patient is experiencing an issue with their adrenal glands, causing a hyper-secretion (over-secretion) of adrenaline hormone. Normally, the "fight-or-flight" response only occurs at times of emergency. Because this patient is experiencing symptoms of the "fight-or-flight" constantly, they have too much adrenaline in their body due to hyper-secretion from adrenal glands.

When the herbicide glycolaldehyde is applied to a plant, its cells are unable to undergo the Calvin cycle. Which of the following answer choices best describes the most immediate effect of this herbicide on a plant's cells?

The plant's cells wouldn't be able to produce sugars, such as glucose. Since the Calvin cycle stops, the plant's cells can no longer do the "-synthesis" of photosynthesis because sugars, such as glucose, will no longer be produced.

Which circuit of the circulatory system provides blood flow between the heart and lungs?

The pulmonary circuit The pulmonary circuit transports blood and its components between the heart and the lungs.

Which statement is true of the adaptive, but not the innate, immune system?

The receptors are highly specific. The adaptive immune system relies on antigen-specific receptors to produce a highly focused immune response.

Which of the following occurs during meiosis II?

The separation of sister chromatids Meiosis II is the second round of cell division, in which sister chromatids are separated to form four haploid gametes.

The Calvin cycle takes place in which part of the chloroplast?

The stroma The stroma is the fluid-filled space within the chloroplast. This is where the second stage of photosynthesis, the Calvin cycle, takes place.

The light-dependent cycle takes place in which part of the chloroplast?

The thylakoid -Thylakoids are disc-like structures within a chloroplast that help absorb light. They are the site where the light-dependent reactions occur.

Which of the following occurs to the zygote immediately after fertilization?

The zygote divides, ultimately forming a hollow bundle of cells. Once a zygote forms, it begins to rapidly divide. It first forms a solid ball of cells before forming a hollow bundle of cells called a blastocyst.

What characteristic of phospholipids causes semipermeability of the cell membrane?

They are amphipathic molecules.

Which of the following is true regarding negative feedback responses?

They counteract the activity of the original stimulus. Negative feedback responses work to reverse the activity of the original stimulus.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the full value of a keystone species on its ecological community?

They have a disproportionate effect relative to their frequency in the population, so the ecosystem often collapses when they are removed.The removal of a keystone species often results in a loss of biodiversity or community structure.

Which of the following statements are true about the homologous chromosomes of a pair?

They usually have the same genes at the same relative locations.Homologous pair have the same genes at the same location (loci), but will possibly have different alleles.

What is a primary function of the respiratory system?

To acquire oxygen from the atmosphere One role of the respiratory system is to bring oxygenated air into the body.

Which of the following is a function of the cell wall?

To give the cell a rigid structure Cell walls are strong structures that surround the cell membrane of plant, fungal, and some bacterial cells. They can give cells a stiff, rigid shape.

Which of the following is a primary function of musculoskeletal system?

To support and move the body The muscular and skeletal systems work together to support the weight of the body and allow for its movement.

Which of the following is a function of the cytosol?

To suspend organelles and other subcellular parts Cytosol is a jelly-like fluid in which organelles and other subcellular parts are suspended.

What is a main function of the circulatory system?

To transport nutrients to every cell in the body The circulatory system transports nutrients through the body via blood.

The cell membrane of an animal cell is damaged due to a bacterial infection. What function is most immediately affected by the damage?

Transport of materials into and out of the cell The cell membrane controls what enters and exits the cell, therefore any damage to the cell membrane would affect transport.

What would happen to the path of excretion if there was a blockage in the ureters?

Urine would not be transported from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. Urine is produced by the kidneys, sent through the ureters into the urinary bladder, and stored there until urination.

What is the primary role of the stomach in the human digestive system?

Using muscular movement and enzymes to break down food The stomach acts as a site for mechanical and chemical digestion of food.

Muscle that can be consciously controlled

Voluntary muscle

As liquid water becomes ice, the space between water molecules increases. Which property of water does this change describe?Water

Water is less dense as a solid than a liquid. (The crystalline structure creates "openness" between the water molecules, making ice less dense than liquid water.)

What is the correct order of development (from first stage to last)? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:

Zygote - Blastocyst - Embryo - Fetus

Which of the following is circulated throughout the blood as a result of humoral immunity?


On a cool and brisk day, if you take a deep breath in and then exhale, you'll see a "fog" that forms as a result of your exhaled breath. Which of the following products of cellular respiration does that "fog" contain?

arbon dioxide and water The fog contains water, easily visible to you on a cold day as water vapor, along with carbon dioxide, an exhaled waste product. Both are products of cellular respiration, along with ATP.

is the part of the peripheral nervous system that's responsible for regulating involuntary body functions, such as blood flow, heartbeat, digestion, and breathing.

autonomic system


breakdown smaller molecules to produce energy

Sensory neurons:

carry information from the nerves to the central nervous system.

where does glycolis take place?


What microscopy tool would be most useful in observing the structure of a virus?

electron microscope ( Electron Microscope cannot be used to view live specimen)

where does krebs cycle and electron transport take place?


A plant is pollinated by a species of moth. The moths lay their eggs in the flowers of the plant for protection and food. Which of the following best defines the ecological interaction between the plant and the moths? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:


Golgi apparatus

packages proteins


requires energy to grow and build. / photosynthesis


s a passive transport process during which water moves from areas where solutes are less concentrated to areas where they are more concentrated.

what is histone?

specialized proteins that organize and give structure to the DNA

Mitochondria and chloroplasts are structures found in the eukaryotic cells. What is the theory regarding their origins?

they developed from prokaryotic cells that were engulfed by the other cells. Mitochondria and chloroplasts each contain their own DNA, suggesting that their origins stemmed from a prokaryotic organism.

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