Biology Semester 2 Final

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How long ago did the first humans appear on earth?

1.5 Billion years ago

After 17.1 thousand years, what percentage of the original carbon-14 would be left in an organism's remains?


How long ago were the organisms that produced the oldest fossil records alive?

3.5 billion years

When did the first life appear on the planet?

3.5 billion years ago

How old is our planet Earth?

4.6 Billion years old

7.8-How old is the planet Earth

4.6 billion years old

9.1-What is the most recent common ancestor of fungi and animals?

A Protist

A requirement of cladistics is that a grouping must include ________.

A common ancestor and all it's decendents

What is the endomembrane system?

A group of internal membranes and organelles that are highly connected within a eukaryotic cell

What is an emerging virus?

A virus that has just come to the attention of scientists

Which protist group includes members with plantlike traits such as chloroplasts and multicellularity?


Which of the following is evidence for evolution in action?

All are evidence for evolution; Mosquitos becoming resistant to pesticides, Bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics over time, and the different domesticated dog breeds customized for our needs.

Protists are ___________.

All eukaryotes

What is an adaptation?

All of the Above; A specialized feature, The result of natural selection, The accumulation of favorable traits over time

Which of the following statements is accurate?

All of the above are accurate statements; Prokaryotes come in a variety of shapes.Prokaryotes nutrition is highly diverse.Prokaryotes are found virtually everywhere on Earth.

Which of the following is a fungus?

All of the above are fungi

8.7-Why is it hard to classify protists?

All of the above are reasons why protists remain hard to classify.

Which of the following organisms are classified within the protists under algae?

All of the above are types of algae; Dinoflagellates, Diatoms, Seaweeds

Which of the following is a way in which bacteria help the environment?

All of the above are ways in which bacteria help the environment.

Which of the following was a scientist around the time of Charles Darwin?

All of the above were scientist. Wallace, Lamarck, and Lyell.

Which of the following are examples of macroevolution?

All of the above; Mass Extinctions, Creation of new species, and Evolution of novel biological features.

Which of the following are considered fossils?

All of the above; Mineralized bones, Footprints or other impressions preserved in stone, Animals frozen in ice or preserved in amber.

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen (N2 gas) into ammonium (NH4). Why is this conversion important for life on Earth?

Ammonium is a very important plant nutrient.

What is he leading hypothesis for what might have brought about the extinction of the dinosours?

An asteroid impact

Halophiles are a type of ________.


Which organisms are called extremophiles and flourish mostly in extreme conditions?


Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and kohlrabi are all the same species of plant. What is responsible for the differences in these vegetables?

Artificial Selection

7.3- Over time, bacteria have become increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Which of the following best explains this in terms of natural selection?

Bacteria that happen to have natural resistance to antibiotics survived and reproduced.

8.5-Which is not a method bacteria use to generate new combinations of genes?

Binary fission

How do fungi reproduce sexually?

By the fusion of gametes from two different fungi

How do viruses make copies of themselves?

By using the cellular machinery of the host cell they infected

Sixty-five million years ago, approximately 50% of all species became extinct, including dinosaurs. This is the largest mass extinction in the fossil record.


Today, we are in the________ geologic era


Which of the following best defines microevolution?

Changes in genes within a population over time.

Bacteria that have a spherical shape are called ________.


7.12-Which classification grouping includes the greatest number of species?


Which grouping includes all of the protists?

Domain Eukarya

7.13- Some of the "branches" of a phylogenetic tree do not extend to the end. What do these lines represent?

Extinct Species

8.8-What are the steps toward multicellularity, in the correct order?

First a colony of protists forms, then some become gametes, and finally others specialize in various tasks.

What does the term biogenesis mean?

Formation of life from nonliving chemicals

What is the leading scientific hypothesis explaining how the endomembrane system of eukaryotic cells originated?

From the inward folding of the plasma membrane

Color is an inherited trait in beetles. If brown beetles move into a population from a nearby island, which of the following statements is correct?

Gene flow causes the frequency of the brown allele to increase.

7.7- The evolution of populations due to chance is

Genetic Drift

Bacteria reproduce asexually via binary fission. This process generates ________.

Genetically identical bacteria

The modern evolutionary synthesis of the 1930s and 1940s melded together Darwin's findings with _______


Of those listed below, which category of classification is the most narrow?


8.10-Which specific cells are infected by the HIV virus?

Helper T cells

What does "fitness" mean when speaking in terms of evolution?

How many offspring an individual produces

How might global warming result in most grizzly bears having fur that is less dense in the future.

In any population of bears, some have thick fur, and some have thin fur, and some are in between. As the the temps increase the thin fur bears population will increase, as the thick fur bears will decrease.

7.1- How did Darwin's Ideas on evolution conflict with contemporary religious dogma.

In contrast to biblical teaching, Darwin argued that the earth was very old, and that species are constantly changing.

Where do you expect to find thermophiles?

In hot environments

Where would you expect to find methanogens?

In the digestive tract of cows

Natural Selection acts on ______, and ________ evolve.

Individuals; populations

7.6- What defines a population in evolution?

Interbreeding members of the same species that share a common space.

What might be the advantage to an ancestral cell if it maintained a photosynthetic bacterium within its cytoplasm rather than digest it?

It could now use photosynthesis to make its food.

In older classification schemes, the group called Reptilia was defined as consisting of lizards, turtles, and snakes. Birds were separated into the group called Aves. Why is Aves not a clade?

It does not include the reptiles

Which characteristic would NOT be advantageous for organisms in the million years after a catastrophic asteroid impact?

Large body size

What are the main steps of biogenesis, in the correct order?

Monomers, Polymers, self-replicating molecules, first cells

Which began first?

Multicellular life in the ocean

Can you inherit physical traits that your parents acquired during their lifetime?


Are all fungi prokaryotes?

No, they are all eukaryotes.

7.9- Which process of evolution does not change the total number of species?

Nonbranching Evolution

What are the three parts that make up the structure of most viruses?

Nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA), a capsid, and recognition spikes

7.4- In the Grand Canyon, fossils in rock layers at the bottom of the canyon are __________ than those in layers closer to the top.


8.6-How long did it take in the history of life on Earth to go from the first prokaryotic cells to the first eukaryotic cells?

Over a billion years

A particular antibiotic kills 99% of a bacterial population. What will be the result of the continued application of this antibiotic?

Over time, the antibiotic will become less effective at killing the bacteria.

7.2- Which two observations led Darwin to conclude that there is competition for survival?

Overproduction of organisms and limited food resources.

8.1- Which of the following gases was the least abundant in the earth's early atmosphere?


All prokaryotes are in the domain ________.

Prokaryotes are in two different domains

The domain Eukarya is divided into kingdoms. Which of these kingdoms includes members that are highly diverse and do not fit neatly into a single classification scheme?


What do scientists believe was the original genetic material able to copy itself without assistance?


What is a major role that fungi play in ecosystems?

Recycling nutrients from dead organisms back into the food chain

Food poisoning is often caused by a bacterium called ________.


The introduction of smallpox to the Americas by Europeans in the colonial era devastated populations of Native Americans. However, now very few people are vaccinated against the smallpox virus. Why?

Smallpox virus has been eliminated from the earth by vaccination of most of the people alive today.

8.4- Which statement is true regarding bacteria?

Some bacteria are pathogens and harmful to humans, whereas lots of bacteria are helpful to humans.

Individuals with variations that make them best suited to their environment are, on average, more likely to ____________.

Survive and reproduce

Before the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, what was the prevailing public consensus regarding species evolution?

That species were permanent and unchanging.

According to this phylogenetic tree, which bear is most closely related to the American black bear?

The Asiatic Black Bear

Which of the following is a key characteristic of the HIV virus that makes it so deadly?

The HIV virus uses the enzyme reverse transcriptase for reproduction.

8.9-Although most biologists do not consider viruses to be alive, viruses do share some characteristics with living things. Which of the following is the requirement for life that viruses lack?

The ability to reproduce on their own

Darwinian fitness is measured only in terms of

The contribution that an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation in comparison to the contributions from other individuals.

Which viral life cycle would result in a quicker death for an infected cell?

The lytic cycle

Which of the following statement is correct regarding the phylogenetic tree above?

The polar bear and the brown bear are the most recently evolved species.

What is the smallest unit that can evolve?

The population

What is the core theme that unifies all of biology?

The theory of evolution by natural selection.

8.3- What do the following groups of organisms have in common?methanogens, halophiles, thermophiles

They are all Archaea Species

8.2-If you look at unknown cells under a microscope, what could lead you to correctly conclude that they are prokaryotic cells?

They lack a nucleus

Humans are more related to fungi than to plants.


Based on the endosymbiosis theory that highlights where chloroplasts come from, how would you expect chloroplasts to divide when a plant cell divides?

Via binary fission

How did mitochondria and chloroplasts arise in eukaryotic cells?

Via endosymbiosis

What prompted Darwin to publish his book decades after he began writing it?

Wallace, a colleague, was about to publish a similar manuscript.

Pathogen is ________.

a name given only to bacteria that cause serious illnesses in humans

AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is caused by ________.

a virus

9.2-The edible portion of the mushroom is the ________.

above-ground reproductive structure

By what means do prokaryotes typically divide?

binary fission

In a population with brown and green alleles for color, genetic drift

has more effect on evolution of a small population

Fungi are made of bundles of threadlike ________.


An organism is considered truly multicellular when ________.

its cells cannot survive on their own

If color is an inherited trait in beetles, and birds are more likely to eat brown beetles than green beetles,

the frequency of the green allele will increase

Binary fission produces __________.

two genetically identical bacterial cells

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