Biotech Exam 2

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single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) maps

Pharmacogenomics is a study of inter-individual variations in whole-genome to candidate gene ______, haplotype markers and alterations in gene expression or inactivation that might be correlated with pharmacological function and therapeutic response


RNAs are chemically unstable and rapidly degraded by ______.

biopharmaceutical drugs

Recombinant DNA technology is the basis for producing ________.


Recombinant DNA technology is the basis for understanding biochemical, cellular and physiological function (or dysfunction) of _____.


Recombinant DNA technology is the basis of tests for production, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, also known as _____.


Restriction enzymes are _____ so that they can cut/digest DNA at specific recognition sequences.

protective mechanism

Restriction enzymes exist as a ______, so that if foreign DNA goes into an organism, it can cleave the foreign DNA to restrict it.

exon 7

SMN2 has a mutation that causes inefficient inclusion of ______.


Sanger sequencing results in chain ______.


Since yeast artificial chromosomes are linear, they must have a _____ on each end to protect the ends.

mutant genes

Single gene defects are caused by individual _______.

endonucleases, exonucleases

Some clinical trials of gene therapy have seen innate immune responses by _____ and ____ because they are ubiquitous, resilient and very effective.


Spinraza (Nusinersen) allows ____ protein to substitute for missing ____ protein.

2'-O-(2-methoxyethyl), phosphates, thioate

Spinraza (Nusinersen) is an antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) drug with two major modifications- the bases have ______ nucleosides and the _____ are replaced with a _____ linkage.


Stem cells in the morula are ____.

genetic testing

The term ______ covers an array of techniques including analysis of human DNA, RNA or protein.

recognizing, removing, DNA polymerase, DNA ligase

The three common steps in DNA Excision repair systems consist of _____ the DNA damage or mismatch, _____ the offending base(s) and filling in the resulting gap with a _____ and re-seal the nick with a ______.


The three common steps in DNA ______ repair systems consist of recognizing the DNA damage or mismatch, removing the offending base(s) and filling in the resulting gap with a DNA polymerase and re-seal the nick with a DNA ligase.

Zoo blot

The use of Southern blotting to test the ability of a DNA probe from one species to hybridize with the DNA from the genomes of a variety of other species.


The use of adult stem cells, human embryonic stem cells and the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) are being seriously explored to meet the needs of people with chronic illness. The goal of ____ medicine is to regenerate damaged tissues or organs to effectively treat or even cure chronic diseases such as Parkinson's disease, type 1 diabetes, heart failure, liver failure or kidney failure.

antibiotic resistance

The yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) vector does not require a _______ gene, unlike the vectors propagated in bacteria.


The_____ mutation was identified by performed DNA sequencing on chromosome 17.


There are approximately _____ types of rare diseases and disorders.

karyotype anomalies

There are concerns about _______ in conception via intracytoplasmic sperm injection.


There is proofreading activity by _____ in DNA polymerase in case an incorrect base pair is inserted.


This technique, known as ______, introduces a DNA fragment into a plasmid by taking a test tube of bacteria and another test tube of DNA that was ligated overnight, mixing these together and placed in an apparatus's cuvette. This cuvette has electrodes on each side that touch each other and the apparatus delivers electrical impulses that punch holes into the cell wall/membrane of E. coli so that the plasmid can get into the bacterial DNA. The (hopefully) recombinant plasmid is plated onto a plate with antibiotic media and left overnight in an incubator The next day, there will be colonies on the plate with the recombinant plasmid because of antibiotic resistance.

lambda phage

Through the _____, the lambda DNA is injected into the E. coli cell.

UV light

Thymine dimers can be caused by ______.


Thymine dimers cause complications during ____ because their intrastrand crosslink puts a kink in the DNA

oligo(dT) primer, reverse transcriptase, digested, DNA polymerase

To produce cDNA from mRNA, a ______ anneals to the mRNA polyA tail. ______ copies the mRNA into DNA. The mRNA template is _____. Then ______ copies DNA to produce double-stranded cDNA.

plaques, nitrocellulose membrane, lyse, radioactive DNA probe

To screen a genomic library, you must grow _____ or bacterial colonies if screening a plasmid library. Then overlay and remove a piece of _______ onto the plate creating a replica of the plate. _____ the viruses causing the DNA from each to permanently bind to the nitrocellulose membrane at that location. Add a _______ to the gene of interest on the membrane. Then line the film with the plate and "pick up" the corresponding plaque or colony.

B-galactosidase, permease, transacetylase

Transcription of the polycistronic mRNA of the lac operon results in expression of _____, _____ and _____.


Transgenic animals can be created through ____ of DNA.

self-complementary adeno-associated viral serotype 9 (ssAAV9)

Treatment of spinal muscular atrophy uses ________ virus.

translated, degradation, alteration

Targeting RNA (pre or post splicing) can inhibit the message from being _____, cause _____ of the message, or cause _____ of the message that could improve its translation.

approximately 1%

The 180,000 exon coding regions of the human genome make up how much of the entire genome?

integrate, blood brain barrier

The AAV9 virus is used in gene therapy treatment of spinal muscular atrophy because it does not _____ in the genome and it is good at getting past the _____.


The BRCA1 mutation is a deletion of 4 base pairs in chromosome 17 which results in a _____ mutation.

FoundationFocus CDxBRCA

The FDA approved the _______ as a companion diagnostic for use with Rubraca, which is the first next-generation-sequencing (NGS)-based companion diagnostic approved. The NGS test detects the presence of deleterious BRCA General mutations that would be able to predict the response of the drugs.


The Mus musculus (mouse) _____ is a rough replica of that of humans.

radiation sensitive mutant

The RAD from RAD51 protein means _____.


The ____ gene on the Y chromosome is the gene that regulates sex determination.


The ____ mouse is homozygous and nude, and lacks a thymus.


The ____ mouse is the most common mouse strain used in research. Black colored and supposedly docile


The ____ mouse results from inbred lines and has a mutation in the albino locus that results in a lack of pigmentation.


The _____ mouse is also referred to as B6.


The _____ pattern of the same gene are similar between human and mouse

multiple cloning site (MCS)

The _____ provides more options to clone a DNA fragment.

yeast artificial chromosome (YAC)

The advantage of using the ____ vector is that it can incorporate/clone very large pieces of DNA


The clear areas on the bacterial lawn or petri dish, are referred to as ______.


The ex vivo treatment of epidemolysis bullosa was able to work because of the patient's own ______ that had the ability to regenerate and differentiate after they were modified with the correct genetic information.

3', 5' (goes backwards up the DNA strand)

The exonuclease in DNA polymerase goes in a ___ to ____ direction when proofreading a newly synthesized DNA strand

Exome DNA sequencing

The first demonstrated use of _____ was in November 2009 when it identified the gene responsible for Miller syndrome

Miller Syndrome

The first demonstrated use of exome DNA sequencing was in November 2009 when it identified the gene responsible for _____.

dilute brown non-agouti (DBA)

The first inbred mouse strain, known as ______.

polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

The first notorious use of the ________ technology was during the O.J. Simpson trial.


The genetic marker may be a part of a _____ or may have no known function.

polymerase chain reaction

The identification of MSI-H tumor status for patients interested in using nivolumab was determined using local laboratory-developed _____ tests.


The inner mass cells are stem cells that are _____.


Two technologies, affymetrix and agilent technologies, can be used to analyze gene expression patterns to determine differences between _____.


Typically ____-___ genes make up a polycistronic gene.


Using _____, you can sequence the RNA that is expressed in a gene and also monitor levels of expression.


Using genetic engineering, the rat growth hormone gene was cloned behind a mouse metallothionein promoter. Because of this, the gene is only expressed when there is _____ in the mouse's drinking water.

southern blotting

Using the technique known as ______, an investigator can detect a single DNA fragment amongst millions of DNA fragments.


The key feature of site-directed/oligonucleotide directed mutagenesis is that the nucleotide change is incorporated into the _____.

promoters, repressor encoding gene, operator, polycistronic

The lac operon that encodes B-galactosidase has two ____, a _____, a _____ and a _____ mRNA made up of three genes.

Shotgun method

The method to sequence a genome in which random DNA with primer binding sites at the end of each segment and it is randomly sequenced, then the computer and bioinformatics software sequences it for you.

reproductive cloning

The nucleus is taken out of an oocyte, and is replaced by a somatic cell nucleus and then implanted into a surrogate female


The outer cells of the blastocyst give rise to the _____.

bacteria protein

The outside of the lambda phage is a coat of ________.


The pUC18 vector has a ______ reporter gene, also known as B-galactosidase.


The pUC18 vector has a lacZ reporter gene, also known as _________.


The pUC18 vector has a multiple cloning site. This site is also referred to as the _____.

inner mass cells

The part of the blastocyst that gives rise to all layers in the embryo (ex: endoderm, ectoderm, mesoderm)

infect, DNA/RNA

Viral-based gene therapy utilizes the ability of viruses to _____ cells, or deliver ______.


Viruses would be used to infect cells in gene therapy only after _____ the ability of the viruses to replicate and propogate.

Southern Blotting

The procedure for screening a genomic library is similar to the technique for _______.


The sequence of ___ RNA can be designed to target nearly any genomic sequence.


The severity of spinal muscular atrophy depends on residual ______ expression.

5' cap, 3' poly (A) tail, coding region

What are the 3 key features of mRNA that can be modified?

equal division, sectional division, gradient division

What are the 3 types of division that an adult stem cell can accomplish?

DNA template, DNA primers, DNA polymerase, dNTPs

What are the four things required for polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?

1. origin of replication 2. at least one antibiotic resistance gene 3. cloning sites

What are the three features that all vectors propagated in bacteria have in common?

artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization (IVF), IntraCytoplasmic Sperm injection

What are the three methods of reproductive assistance?

1. Denaturing 2. Annealing 3. Extension

What are the three steps of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?

1. recombinant plasmids 2. reporter constructs (ex- green fluorescent protein) 3. large molecules (YACs, BACs)

What are the three types of transgenes?

agarose, acrylamide

What are the two gels that can be used in gel electrophoresis?

1. lytic pathway 2. lysogenic pathway

What are the two pathways that can occur once the viral lambda DNA is injected into the E. coli cell?

non-homologous end joining, homologous recombination

What are the two ways that a cell can repair damage occurring on both strands on DNA?

1. chemically competent cells 2. electroporation

What are the two ways that you can introduce a DNA plasmid into a bacteria, such as E. coli cells?

Types I, II, III, IV; Type I

What are the types of spinal muscular atrophy? Which type is most severe?

DNA plasmid vectors

What can propagate or deliver a cloned piece of DNA?

yeast artificial chromosomes

What cloning vector would you must likely use to clone human chromosome 4?

Clustered Regularly Interspace Short Palindromic Repeats

What does CRISPR stand for?

CRISPR associated protein 9

What does Cas9 stand for?


What does Hox mean?


What does cDNA complement?


What does the "c" represent for cDNA?

gene of interest

What gene would you add a radioactive DNA probe to?

Viruses are very good at infecting cells

What is the advantage of using viral-based gene therapy?

there is no 3' OH

What is the difference in a dideoxy analog and a typical DNA base?

VDJ recombination (non homologous end joining, antibody diversification)

What is the function of the ligase 4 protein?


What is the lifetime risk of developing cancer if you have BRCA1 and BRCA2?

very high, family history

What is the lifetime risk of developing cancer with Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) (Lynch Syndrome)? ______ causes an even higher risk.

3 billion

What is the number of base pairs in the human genome?

100kb to 1000kb; 200bp to 15kb

What is the range of the size of DNA that can be inserted into a yeast artificial chromosome? Typically in bacteria, the size of the DNA fragment is _____ to ____.


What is the survival motor neuron protein that is naturally expressed in most people?


What is the unique shape of yeast artificial chromosome?

F1 hybrid

What mouse might be represented by this notation: CBA X C57BL/10?

mice with rat growth hormone behind mouse metallothionein promoter

What was the 1st example of a transgenic mouse?

Haemophilus influenzae

What was the first complete genome to ever be sequenced?

Homo sapiens

What was the first complete mammalian to be sequenced?

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding yeast)

What was the first eukaryote to be sequenced?

Caenorhabditis elegans (nematode)

What was the first multicellular organism to be sequenced?

Haemophilus influenzae

What was the first prokaryote to be sequenced?


When DNA polymerase detects an error, the mispaired base enters the ____ site, where it is chewed away/removed.


When SMN2 has a mutation, exon 7 is spliced out during ______.


When _____ gene was disrupted in mice, they found that it affected mammary gland development as well as the formation of tumors.

glucose, lactose

When _____ is present, there are less than 10 molecules of B-galactosidase. When ____ is present, there are thousands of molecules of B-galactosidase.

sticky/overhang, blunt

When a restriction enzyme cleaves the DNA it can leave a _____ end or a ____ end.


When inserting a plasmid with the lacZ gene into bacteria, the colonies that you would want to harvest would be what color? This would indicate that the gene had been disrupted and the desired plasmid was inserted into the bacterial DNA.

first cell division of the embryo

When is the embryo implanted into the mom during in vitro fertilization?

about the size of the middle section that was taken out

When splicing together lambda DNA that has the middle section removed by restriction digestion, what size does the new foreign DNA that will be placed in the middle need to be?

smaller, year

When the BRCA1 gene was disrupted in mice, the development of mammary glands was abnormal since the ducts were _____, and the formation of tumors occurred in about a _____ because of extensive chromosome instability.


When the immune system recognizes foreign antigens, diversification occurs, then immunoglobulins have double strand breaks. If you cannot repair these breaks through VDJ recombination/NHEJ, you now have _____.

recombinant fragment, single-strand break, homologous recombination

When using CRISPR for gene editing, introduce the desired _____ to the CRISPR/Cas9 plasmid. Then a DNA ______ will occur. Then _____ allows for repair of the broken DNA which introduces the gene of interest to that DNA.

double-strand break, non homologous end joining

When using CRISPR to create a deletion in the gene of interest, a DNA _____ will occur, then ______ allows the ends of the DNA to come back together and causes a gene mutation.


When using CRISPR, the CRISPR/Cas9 plasmid are introduced into the cell by using _______.

at specific recognition sequences (locations) within the DNA

Where do restriction enzymes cut DNA?


Which type of mouse would be used as an incubator for a patient's cancerous tumor into and used to see which treatments work?

Dr. Kary Mullis, Columbia, SC

Who is the inventor of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)? Where is he from?

locus heterogeneity (which gene/protein is affected)

Why do some xeroderma pigmentosum patients have cancer susceptibility and neurodegeneration?

Cas9, guide RNAs

CRISPR utilizes a ____ protein and specific _____ to either disrupt host genes or insert sequences of interest.

point mutations

Cancer cells with dMMR have many thousands of _______.

mutation-association neo-antigens (MANA)

Cancer cells with dMMR have many thousands of point mutations. These can cause resulting proteins to become _______.

chromosomal aberrations

Cancer risk of patients with xeroderma pigmentosum comes from the sensitivity to ______ caused by UV light.

5', 3' overhang

Cohesive end formation of the restriction enzyme generates a ____ or ______.

double strand break repair

Consequences of defects in _____ include clastogenesis, partial or whole chromosome loss, chromosome fusion/translocation

personalized medicine

Customized drug therapy, integrated healthcare, omics based medicine and systems medicine are all synonyms for _____.

restriction endonuclease

DNA is digested with a ______ enzyme.

lagging strand

DNA ligase is used to join the ends of DNA breaks that were originally caused by restriction enzymes, but DNA ligase is also the same enzyme used in _____ synthesis.

DNA cloning

DNA plasmid fragments can be inserted into specific ______ sites.

host bacteria, E. coli

DNA plasmid vectors are replicated by _______, usually _________.

antibiotic resistance

DNA plasmid vectors contain _____ genes.


DNA plasmids are isolated/purified from _____.

DNA template, RNA primer

DNA polymerase requires a _______ and a _______ to complete DNA replication.

inherited together

DNA segments close to each other on a chromosome tend to be ________.


DNA sequence that is a restriction enzyme recognition site

3'-OH, 5'-PO4 (phosphate)

DNA single strand breaks between _____ and ____ ends are directly repaired by a DNA ligase.


Defects in NER can also affect ____. Not being able to fix this damage causes the neurological symptoms of XP.

transcription coupled repair

Defects in _____ cause the many diseases that can occur from mutations in the same gene, XP-D.

history, semen

Diagnosis of male infertility relies almost exclusively on a good ____ and ____ analysis.

protein, biochemical

Different mutations in the same gene can cause different diseases depending on what the ____ does and what ____ activity is disrupted.

antibiotic resistance gene

Do not introduce a _______ into an organism that is not already resistant to that antibiotic


Each gamete carries only one ___ pair.


Each gene segregates equally into ____.


Each restriction enzyme site will have a ______.

allelic heterogeneity

How can different mutations in the same gene cause different diseases- XP, Cockayne's syndrome and trichothiodystrophy (TTD)?


How many exons does the BRCA1 gene have?


How many restriction enzyme sites does the pUC18 vector's multiple cloning site contain?

DNA polymerase

Human _____ has an error frequency of 1 in 22,000.


Humans have two genes related to survival motor neuron proteins, _____ and _____.


If a patient with xeroderma pigmentosum has the ____ gene affected, then "classical" XP results with neurological symptoms.


If a patient with xeroderma pigmentosum has the ____ gene affected, then "classical" XP results with no neurological symptoms.


If bacterial colonies are ____, nothing has been cloned to disrupt the B-galactosidase gene.


If bacterial colonies are ____, something has been cloned and has disrupted the B-galactosidase gene.

B-galactosidase OR lacZ gene

If the ________ gene from the pUC18 vector is expressed in the bacteria, the bacterial colony will turn blue.

too small

If the two ends of the lambda DNA come back together after the removal of the middle section by restriction digestion, it is ______ to be packaged.


If we cannot repair double strand breaks, abnormal fusion events between ____ may occur.

1st- all heterozygous dominant 2nd- 3/4 dominant, 1/4 recessive

If you cross a homozygous dominant individual and a homozygous recessive individual, the 1st generation offspring will be ______. If you then cross 2 of those offspring, the 2nd generation is _____.


In 2017 the FDA approved ______, a gene therapy to treat patients with a rare form of inherited vision loss.


In 430 normal fertilizations there were 0% karyotype anomalies, but in 430 intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles, there were ___% karyotype anomalies.

DNA glycosides, apurinic/apyrimidic endonuclease, DNA polymerase, DNA ligase

In Base excision repair, _____ recognizes and removes damaged base(s). ____ produces a strand break. _____ re-inserts a new base. ____ seals the nick.

double-strand break, homologous

In CRISPR, a DNA _____ is generated at the targeted site. The DNA repair machinery of the cell will use a _____ donor template DNA fragment to incorporate the desired modifications into the targeted gene.

microsatellite instability

In Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) (Lynch Syndrome) genomes, ______ makes these cancers different. These cancers have mutations in mono, di and tri nucleotide repeats.

autosomal dominant

In Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) (Lynch Syndrome), a mutation in only one copy of the gene can cause this syndrome, so it is inherited in a ______ manner.

mRNA, cDNA, sequencing adaptors, reference genome, base resolution expression profile

In RNA-seq, ____ are converted into a library of ____ fragments. _____ are ligated onto the ends of cDNA, then a short sequence is obtained using high-throughput sequencing. Sequence reads are aligned with the _____, then a _____ is produced which has the RNA expression level on the y axis and the nucleotide position on the x axis

RNA expression level, nucleotide position

In RNA-seq, a base resolution expression profile is produced that has ______ on the y axis and _____ on the x-axis

dicer, antisense strand, RISC

In RNAi (RNa interference), double stranded RNA (can be added exogenously) is cut by _____ into 22-base pair fragments. The ____ of the 22-base pair fragment, the mRNA and RISC bind together. ____ cleaves the mRNA (with the complementary sequence) preventing translation.

antisense strand, mRNA, RISC

In RNAi, after the ds RNA is cut by dicer into 22-base pair fragments, the ____ of the 22-base pair fragment, the ____ and ____ bind together.


In RNAi, after the ds RNA is cut by dicer into 22-base pair fragments, the antisense strand of the 22-base pair fragment, the mRNA and RISC bind together. ____ then cleaves the ____ (with the complementary sequence) which prevents translation.


In RNAi, double stranded RNA is cut by dicer into ____-base pair fragments.

DNA, gel electrophoresis, nitrocellulose, radioactive probe, radioactive probe, autoradiography

In Southern blotting, one would digest _____ and separate the fragments by _____. Then you would transfer the fragments to a ______ membrane. After that, you would add a ________ that binds (hybridizes) to a specific fragment on the membrane. Then you would detect the ______ (same as blank above) bound to DNA fragment by ______.


In ____, a DNA double-strand break is generated at the targeted site. The DNA repair machinery of the cell will use a homologous donor template DNA fragment to incorporate the desired modifications into the targeted gene.


In _____ of DNA, you take a recently fertilized mouse egg, inject DNA into the male pronucleus (because it is larger than the female pronucleus) using a micropipette. Then hopefully, the DNA integrates into the male genome. The male and female nuclei will now fuse together to form a zygote. Then you implant the zygote into a pseudopregnant female.

in vivo, SMN cDNA, vector genomes

In _____ treatment of spinal muscular atrophy, the AAV9 virus is modified with ______. Then patients are injected with 6.7x10^13 or 2.0x10^14 _____ per kg of body weight.

bacterial NER

In _____, damage is recognized by the uvrABC proteins. uvrABC puts nicks on either side of the damage to remove the fragment. DNA polymerase resynthesizes the patch removed. DNA ligase seals the nick.

microchip hybridization

In _____, you use a slide or chip with thousands of spots that correspond to single genes. mRNA or cDNA from two different samples are labeled with two different dyes. If a gene is expressed at similar levels, the colors cancel out. If a gene is expressed at a higher level than the other sample, that dye will fluoresce brighter. Then computer algorithms quantitate fluorescent and compare relative expression levels.

base excision repair

In ______, DNA glycosidase recognizes and removes damaged base(s). Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease produces a strand break. DNA polymerase re-inserts a new base. DNA ligase seals the nick.

IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

In ______, a holding pipette holds the egg, and a sharp pipette injects the sperm into the oocyte.

in vitro fertilization

In ______, hormonal stimulation to generate mature follicles, eggs are then harvested from female follicles and are placed in a petri dish with husband or donor sperm, and wait for fertilization to take place. Then the first cell division will take place in the petri dish (morula stage) before they are implanted into the mom.

bacterial mismatch repair

In ______, mismatch is recognized by MutS. A second protein, MutL, is recruited to mismatch. The daughter strand is nicked by an endonuclease MutH. Exonuclease digests past the mismatch. DNA polymerase re-synthesizes the patch removed. DNA ligase seals the nick.

real-time RT-PCR

In ______, you use mRNA and reverse transcriptase to make cDNA. Then you monitor the expression of products using 2 primers and performing PCR

homologous recombination

In _______, double strand breaks are recognized. Resection occurs through exonuclease. The 3'-end of the damaged DNA invades the undamaged sister chromatid, which serves as a template for DNA synthesis

microarray gene expression analysis

In ________, DNA spots representing different genes are arrayed on a solid surface. Fluorescent-labeled cDNA is then made from mRNA. Now, cDNA probes anneal to the target sequences. The expression of thousands of genes is determined through this technology.


In a colony, all colony cells are _____.

death due to disease

In a pedigree analysis, a line through the symbol means ______.

women, men

In a pedigree analysis, circles are _____ and squares are _____.


In a pedigree analysis, solid/shaded symbols represent a _____ individual.


In about 40% of couples, the infertility problem is due to ____ infertility.

uvrABC, either side, DNA polymerase, DNA ligase

In bacterial NER, damage is recognized by the _____ proteins. These proteins put nicks on _____ of the damage to remove the fragment. ____ resynthesizes the patch removed. ____ seals the nick.

MutS, MutL, MutH, digests, DNA polymerase, DNA ligase

In bacterial mismatch repair, mismatch is recognized by _____. A second protein, ____, is recruited to mismatch. The daughter strand is nicked by an endonuclease _____. Exonuclease _____ past the mismatch. ____ re-synthesizes the patch removed. _____ seals the nick.


In exome DNA sequencing, the enriched regions are sequenced using high-throughput _____ sequencing.

exonuclease, 3'-end, sister chromatid

In homologous recombination, double strand breaks are recognized. Resection occurs through ____. The _____ of the damaged DNA invades the undamaged ______, which serves as a template for DNA synthesis


In human cells, normal BRCA proteins interact with a DNA repair protein called ____.

restriction digestion

In lamda DNA, the removal of the middle section occurs through _____ digestion.

genes, fluorescent-labeled cDNA, probes, thousands

In microarray gene expression analysis, DNA spots representing different ____ are arrayed on a solid surface. _____ is then made from mRNA. Now, cDNA ____ anneal to the target sequences. The expression of _____ of genes is determined through this technology.

row, column

In microarray gene expression analysis, each ____ represents a single gene and each ____ represents an experimental sample.


In microchip hybridization, you use a slide or chip with thousands of spots that correspond to single genes. ___ or _____ from two different samples are labeled with two different dyes. If a gene is expressed at similar levels, the colors cancel out. If a gene is expressed at a higher level than the other sample, that dye will fluoresce brighter. Then computer algorithms quantitate fluorescent and compare relative expression levels.

pronucleus, micropipette, zygote, zygote, pseudopregnant

In microinjection of DNA, you take a recently fertilized mouse egg, inject DNA into the male ______ (because it is larger than the female one) using a ____. Then hopefully, the DNA integrates into the male ____. The male and female nuclei will now fuse together to form a ______. Then you implant the ____ (same word as last blank) into a _____ female.

the newly replicated daughter strand

In mismatch repair, which strand has the wrong base?

genomic library

In order to create a _____, the genomic DNA must be digested or sheared, then randomly ligated into the lambda DNA arms. Phage proteins are then added to package the DNA, then the bacteria is infected to propagate each clone.

lambda DNA, phage proteins, infected

In order to create a genomic library, genomic DNA is fragmented by shearing or enzymatic digestion. Then it is randomly joined to _____ pieces. _____ are added to package the DNA. Then the bacteria must be _____ to propagate each clone.

shearing, enzymatic digestion

In order to create a genomic library, one must first fragment genomic DNA by _____ or _______.

phosphates, thioate

In order to interfere with exonuclease activity, RNA molecules can be modified by replacing ____ with _____ linkages between sugars.

ribose, morpholino

In order to interfere with exonuclease activity, RNA molecules can be modified by replacing _____ with ___ rings.


In order to interfere with exonuclease activity, RNA molecules can be synthesized with modified _______.

vaginal plug, blastocyst embryo

In order to return a embryo stem cell modified by genetic recombination to its original environment, you check for a _____ in female mice to determine whether breeding occurred. After 3.5 days, the embryo stem cell is injected into the ______.

primers, excess primers, extension

In polymerase chain reaction, you would add excess ______ to the DNA you have, and heat to 100C to separate the complementary strands. Then the temperature is lowered to 50C to allow base pairing to occur, but the _____ will bind to complementary sites, resulting in annealing. Then the temperature will be raised to 72C, the optimal temperature for DNA polymerase, which will allow for _____ to occur, synthesizing new DNA.

base complementarity

In southern blotting, when the autoradiography is performed, you are able to detect the radioactive DNA probe because of the ______.


In spinal muscular atrophy, ____ is mutated/lost.


In the ____ pathway, the middle section of the lambda DNA can be removed by a restriction digestion, spliced with foreign DNA and the recombinant molecule packaged into an infective lambda phage virion that harbors foreign DNA.


In the _____ pathway the viral DNA integrates into the E. coli genome and replicates normally until activated under stressful conditions.


In the _____ pathway, the virus replicates and then lyses the bacteria cell. When done in a petri dish, this results in the dish having clear areas called plaques where the cells lysed.

ex vivo, unaffected, lentiviral, laminin B3 (LAMB3), transgenic

In the _____ treament of epidermolysis bullosa, skin cells were isolated from ______ area of the patients skin and then grown in lab. Cells infected with a ____ vector with a functional ______ cDNA. Cells were then grown into patches of _____ epidermal patches. 3 graft operations were able to replace 80% of the patient's skin with the grafts.


In the clinical setting, genetic tests can be performed to confirm a suspected diagnosis, to predict the possibility of future illness, to detect the presence of a carrier state in unaffected individuals, and to predict response to _____.

epidermolysis bullosa

In the ex vivo treament of _______, skin cells were isolated from an unaffected area of the patients skin and then grown in lab. Cells infected with a lentiviral vector with a functional laminin B3 (LAMB3) cDNA. Cells were then grown into patches of transgenic epidermal grafts. 3 graft operations were able to replace 80% of the patient's skin with the grafts.

inducer, polycistronic mRNA

In the lac operon, the _____, often lactose, can bind to and change the conformation of the repressor protein. The repressor can no longer bind to the operator, so ______ can be expressed.

repressor encoding

In the lac operon, the transcript of the ______ gene in the absence of lactose or any other inducer binds to the operator and prevents transcription of the polycistronic mRNA

operator, polycistronic mRNA

In the lac operon, the transcript of the repressor encoding gene in the absence of lactose or any other inducer binds to the _____ and prevents transcription of the _____.


In the strand invasion step of homologous recombination _____ binds to the 3' ends of DNA. ____ proteins help load ____ (same as first blank)

from bottom to top

In what direction is an autoradiogram read?

autonomously replicating sequence (ARS)

In yeast artificial chromosomes, the origin of replication is known as the ______.

bone marrow

In_____, a stem cell can give rise to red blood cells, white blood cells, bone and even heart muscle

Miller Syndrome

Individuals who have _____ have eyes that are slanted down, affected development of face and feet, malformed ears, but normal intelligence.


Investigators use a database to search for near matches to solve crimes committed by ____ of people in the database.

defective sperm, procedure itself

It is unsure of whether karyotype anomalies that occur in intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles stem from _____ or the _____.

9.5 years

It would take about _____ to read out loud without stopping the 3 billion bases in a person's genome sequence.

DNA ligase

Joining of cohesive ends occurs with the enzyme _____; it reseals DNA breaks that were originally caused by restriction enzymes.

SMN, spinal muscular atrophy

Loss of ____ protein causes motor neuron loss, or ________.


MMR repairs ____ errors such as base mismatches and insertion deletion loops.

base mismatches, insertion/deletion loops

MMR repairs replication errors such as ____ and ____.

adenine, guanine

MYH protein is a DNA glycosidase that removes ____ that is mispaired to an oxidatively damaged ______ base.

the 2nd century

Maladies were recognized to occur in families as early as ______.

300, tail

Mice and humans each have about 30,000 genes, yet only _____ are unique to either organism. Both even have genes for a ____, even though its not "switched on" in humans.

placenta-bearing mammals

Mice are a helpful tool to understanding human disease because many aspects of human development and disease are common only to ______.


Mice with a mutation that inactivates the ____ activity of pol delta get cancer.

antisense oligonucleotide (ASO), siRNA

Modifications to RNA to interfere with exonuclease activity should not change the interaction of _____ or _____ with the target mRNA.

they have a functioning SMN1 gene

Most people who have an SMN2 mutation are unaffected because ______.


Mutations in ____, ____ and ____ genes cause Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) (Lynch Syndrome).


Mutations in the ____ gene are associated with immunodeficiency


Mutations in the ____ gene can cause XP with neurological symptoms, combined XP and Cockayne's syndrome, or trichothiodystrophy (TTD).

MutYH (MYH protein)

Mutations in the _____ gene are associated with polyposis of the colon and colon cancer risk

killing of cells, chromosomal aberrations

Patients with xeroderma pigmentosum have a sensitivity to _____ and ______ caused by UV light

UV, thymine dimers

Patients with xeroderma pigmentosum have an inability to repair ___ damage, which is caused by ______.

several thousand, neurological

Patients with xeroderma pigmentosum have cancer rates that are increased ____ fold. Patients may also have ____ issues.

DNA plasmid vectors

circular DNA molecules


high penetrance allele- if you happen to have this particular mutation, you have a high risk of developing cancer. ____ and ____ genes are examples of this

double strand break, interstrand crosslink

homologous recombination can repair damage to both strands of DNA, such as _____ or ______.

sister chromatid

homologous recombination utilizes the _____ to repair damage to both strands of DNA.

Spinraza (Nusinersen)

injectable antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) that treats spinal muscular atrophy

Flanking sequence

known DNA sequence in PCR that the excess primers complement

cDNA, reverse transcriptase

mRNA is converted into _____ by the enzyme _____.


Xeroderma pigmentosum results in cancer susceptibility AND neurodegeneration for some patients because the clinical symptoms depend on which ____ in the NER pathway is affected.


Yeast artificial chromosomes require _____ since yeast are eukaryotic.


___ cells have the capacity to differentiate individuals into any tissue or even into a complete organism.


___ is a condition in which the legs of a fruit fly coming out of where the antennae should be because a Hox gene has been mutated


___% of breast cancers are not detected by mammography screening


____ alleles differ from the wild-type allele due to a mutation


____ and ____ proteins are similar in both sequence and function. When they are mutated, they result in hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) (Lynch Syndrome).

Thymine dimers

____ are infamous "bulky adducts" that would be targeted by NER


____ can introduce mutations in multiple genes in one step, which allows for rapid genome engineering.


____ cells have the capacity to form all three germ layers but cannot differentiate into a complete organism.

Checkpoint blockade

____ drugs facilitate immune recognition of the cancer cells as "non-self".

allelic heterogeneity

____ heterogeneity is different mutations in the same gene cause different disease

locus heterogeneity

____ heterogeneity is when two different genes are affected but both cause the same disease with varying symptoms

Rucaparib (Rubraca)

____ is a PARP inhibitor that was approved by the FDA to treat ovarian cancer tumors caused by a specific gene mutation (deleterious BRCA). It was approved alongside FoundationFocus CDxBRCA, a NGS test that will be able to predict a patients response to the PARP inhibitor.

Oncotype Dx

____ is a clinically validated multigenerational RT-PCR test used in clinical practice to quantify the likelihood of breast cancer reoccurrence for an individual

Nuclear transfer (cloning)

____ is a method in which the nucleus from an adult somatic (differentiated cell) is inserted into the emptied cytoplasm of an egg cell. The egg cell then reprograms the adult cell's genes so that it behaves like an all-purpose stem cell.

Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)

____ is a model organism for developmental biology.


____ is a model organism for single celled organisms.

lac operon

____ is a model system that helps us understand how gene expression is regulated.


____ is a nuclease that uses guide RNA with short sequences complementary to the targeted sequence.

Gel Electrophoresis

____ is a procedure used to separate DNA fragments by size.


____ is a set of alleles that make up a person's genetic constitution. Usually, we are talking about a single locus.


____ is a sub-specialty dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that prevent women from getting pregnant.

Spinraza (Nusinersen)

____ is an antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) drug with two major modifications- the bases have 2'-O-(2-methoxyethyl) nucleosides and the phosphates are replaced with a thioate linkage.


____ is an expression marker that indicates how aggressive/fast-growing a tumor is


____ is another word for X-ray. It is used for imaging in southern blotting

Eomaia scansoria

____ is the common ancestor of mice and humans that lived alongside the dinosaurs, looking like a creature about the size of a small rat. It is the earliest known representative of the Eutheria lineage, which gave rise to all modern placental mammals

Gene therapy

____ is the introduction of exogenous genetic material to connect or modify the function of a cell


____ is the phenotype only observed when both chromosomes of a pair carries a mutant allele.


____ is the preferred energy source for E. coli, but other sugars can also be used as nutrients


____ is the survival motor neuron protein that has a mutation that causes inefficient inclusion of exon 7, which causes little or no ____ protein to be made.


____ is when a person has a pair of identical alleles


____ is when a person has different alleles and is sometimes referred to as a genetic carrier

1, 10

____ out of ____ Americans has a rare disease


____ protein prevents mutations associated with oxidative DNA damage.


____ proteins help load RAD51 to the 3' ends of DNA in homologous recombination, so if there is a mutation in the ____ (same as first blank) proteins, then the proteins can't help with the strand invasion function and then there would be difficulties repairing double strand breaks.

a-BRCA2, a-RAD51

_____ and _____ co-localize, are in the same neighborhood, travel together and repair DNA damage together and are associated with each other


_____ approaches of gene therapy are unsuccessful so far because they were not efficient at getting into the DNA.


_____ are alternative variants of genetic information at a specific location.

Embryo stem cells

_____ are cells that have the potential to turn into every kind of cell that make up the 100 trillion cells of an adult human


_____ are large molecules that are also transgenes. The entire chromosomes can be injected into the male pronucleus

Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs)

_____ are modified RNA drugs that are complementary to an endogenous RNA.


_____ are the sections in gel electrophoresis in which the DNA fragments separate by size

genetic tests

_____ are used as a health care tool to detect gene variants associated with a specific disease or condition, as well as for non-clinical uses such as paternity testing and forensics

Zolgensma (AVXS-101)

_____ by AveXis/Novartis is the gene therapy drug treatment of spinal muscular atrophy.

Chemically competent

_____ cells are treated with calcium and then can punch holes in the cell wall/cell membrane of bacteria. This allows for DNA to ligate into a plasmid, creating a recombinant plasmid.


_____ cleaves lactose into galactose and glucose.

Hox (homeotic)

_____ genes that are transcription factor regulators in the fruit fly. They specify organs/appendages and their locations.


_____ in our bodies suppress mRNA

exonic reads

_____ indicate the number of times that sequences occurred in RNA-seq.

Olaparib (Lynparza)

_____ is a PARP inhibitor that the FDA approved to treat BRCA-defective ovarian and breast cancer. It was approved along with the genetic test, BRACAnalysis CDx (Myriad genetics) which can determined if a patient can be treated effectively with this PARP inhibitor.


_____ is a condition in which the fruit fly has two sets of wings because of a mutated Hox gene


_____ is a coordinated unit of gene expression with common functions in the same location along the DNA

RNAi (RNA interference), posttranscriptional gene silencing

_____ is a degradation mechanism that prevents mRNA from being translated into protein, also called _____.

BRCA1 mutation

_____ is a deletion of 4 base pairs in chromosome 17 which results in a frameshift mutation.


_____ is a drug that modulates RNA by targeting the RISC complex to degrade the message.

coding region

_____ is a feature of mRNA that is made up of exon that are spliced together.

Exome DNA sequencing

_____ is a method that is more affordable than whole genome sequencing and permits large numbers of samples to be analyzed

real-time RT-PCR

_____ is a method to prove that a gene identified by microarray or RNA-seq is actually expressed in your sample.

Bacteria (may have foreign DNA introduced)

_____ is a model organism that can be used to understand the structure of promoters, and therefore gene expression


_____ is a selective marker that is placed in yeast artificial chromosomes that lack the ability to produce uracil. This marker gives the chromosomes that ability. Otherwise they would not be able to grow in the absence of uracil

Nitrocellulose membrane

_____ is a substance similar to paper that is used to make a replica of the gel electrophoresis in southern blotting.

RNAi (RNA interference)

_____ is a very powerful technique to silence gene expression because it appears to broadly work for nearly all genes in many cell types.


_____ is an FDA-approved 70-gene microarray assay that is used to prove important prognostic information for individuals with primary invasive breast cancer with lymph node negative disease of either positive or negative ER status.

transgenic animal

_____ is an animal that carries a foreign DNA sequence that has been stably inserted into its genome

Mismatch repair (MMR)

_____ is an extra proofreading function in addition to the exonuclease of the polymerase


_____ is an observable expression of a genotype as a morphological, clinical, biochemical or molecular trait. It may be normal or abnormal in a given individual


_____ is located on chromosome 13 in humans, and can predict its location on chromosome 5 in mice.


_____ is software that is able to sequence complete genomes. This technology was used to identify 9/11 victims


_____ is the enzyme encoded by DHODH, the same gene that causes Miller Syndrome.

reverse transcriptase

_____ is the enzyme used to generate cDNA.


_____ is the phenotype observed when only one chromosome of a pair carries the mutant allele


_____ is the sum of all the RNA molecules produced in a cell under a given set of conditions


_____ million people in the US are living with a rare disease.

Knockout mutation

_____ occurs by replacement of a gene segment by homologous recombination that normally results in a nonfiction or "null" allele.

Wild type, normal

_____ or ____ alleles are the sequence present in a majority of individuals.


_____ protein is a DNA glycosidase that removes adenine that is mispaired to an oxidatively damaged guanine base.


_____ refers to multiple proteins encoded by a single mRNA

Nucleotide excision repair (NER)

_____ repairs "bulky adducts", including intrastrand crosslinks and helix distorting adducts.

Mismatch repair (MMR)

_____ repairs replication errors such as base mismatches and insertion/deletion loops


_____ sequences are the same going forward as they are going backwards, when the template strand is used to make a complementary strand.

RNAi (RNA interference)

_____ silences the expression of the target gene


_____ utilizes a Cas9 protein and specific guide RNAs to either disrupt host genes or insert sequences of interest.

homologous recombination

_____ utilizes the sister chromatid to repair damage to both strands of DNA.

Ambry Genetics

_____ was the first company to offer exome sequencing service

Clarence Cook Little

_____, a Harvard biologist from William Castle's lab, developed the first inbred mouse train, known as DBA (dilute brown non-agouti). He is convinced that studying a genetically pure breed will unlock the secretes of human disease such as cancer. This event is subsequently hailed as the birth of the modern lab mouse, and DBA mice are still used in genetics labs today.

Restriction enzymes

_____, because of their actions, may be used to determine the order of genes on chromosomes, to analyze the chemical structure of genes and of regions of DNA which regulate the function of genes, and to create new combinations of genes.

Restriction enzymes

______ are endonucleases that cut/digest DNA at specific recognition sequences.

Genetic markers

______ are used to track the inheritance of a nearby gene that has not yet been identified but whose approximate location is known.

ionizing radiation

______ causes double strand breaks.

Promoter regions

______ drive gene expression in prokaryotes and are responsible for the transcription factor binding to the promoter to drive the expression of mRNA.

Pedigree analysis

______ has been used since the mid-1800s to track human heredity.

Bacteriophage Lambda

______ is a model organism that provided fundamental understanding of regulation of gene expression and genetic recombination

exome DNA sequencing

______ is a strategy to selectively sequence the 180,000 exon coding regions of the human genome (approximately 1% of the entire genome) to identify novel mutations

Pharmacogenomics (PGx)

______ is a study of inter-individual variations in whole-genome to candidate gene single-nucleotide polymorphism maps, haplotype markers and alterations in gene expression or inactivation that might be correlated with pharmacological function and therapeutic response

Piebald Syndrome

______ is a syndrome in which both affected mice and humans have the same white patch on the stomach and forehead resulting from a mutation in the same (c-kit) gene.

polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

______ is a technique to amplify specific DNA sequences

pulsed-field gel

______ is a type of gel electrophoresis that pulses an electrical field around the gel, it can separate very large DNA fragments.

Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC)

______ is a vector that works the same as and has the exact same features as the bacterial vectors, but can incorporate very large pieces of DNA.


______ is an alternative to microarray technology

Chimeric embryo

______ is an embryo made from tissues from the original mom and the genetically modified embryonic stem cells.

quality control

______ is essential for forensics and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Mus musculus (mouse)

______ is physiologically similar to humans.

Recombinant DNA technology

______ is the basis for: -understanding biochemical, cellular and physiological function (and dysfunction) of proteins -tests for prediction, diagnosis, and treatment of disease (pharmacogenomics) -producing biopharmaceutical drugs


______ is the inducer of gene expression for B-galactosidase.

Pharmacogenetics (PGt)

______ is the study of inter-individual variations in DNA sequence related to drug absorption and disposition (pharmacokinetics) or drug action (pharmacodynamics)

therapeutic cloning

______ is the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer to regenerate different cell types

Base Excision Repair (BER)

______ repairs many types of base damage, including base loss and single strand breaks.

endonucleases, exonucleases

_______ and ____ chew up foreign DNA as an immune response

multiple cloning site

_______ can also be referred to as a polylinker.

BRCA2 defective

_______ cancer cells are the most sensitive to PARP inhibitors, they require a much lower concentration to kill cancer cells

somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)

_________ can be used for reproductive OR therapeutic cloning.


____tumor cells are extremely sensitive to PARP inhibitors.

Stem cell

a cell that carries the potential to develop into several different types of cells

adult stem cell

a cell that has the ability to differentiate into a limited number of cells (multipotent)


a disease associated with brittle hair and brittle skin


a mutation in the ____ gene causes Piebald Syndrome.


a neurotoxin but also used as a gel in gel electrophoresis; not as hazardous as a solid

Xeoderma Pigmentosum

a patient with ____ would have severe and extensive lesions in exposed areas of skin. The lesions have a high risk of developing into cancer. Patients have severe photosensitivity- only a few minutes in the sun cases 3rd degree burns.

recombinant plasmid

a plasmid with foreign DNA inserted into it

pUC18 vector

a vector with a cloning site, origin of replication, ampicillin resistance gene and a multiple cloning site, B-galactosidase (also known as the lacZ gene)

non-homologous end joining

a way of repairing a DNA double-strand break that reconnects broken ends, sometimes imprecisely

pre-implantation embryos

an embryo stem cell is derived from _______.

cleavage site

the position where restriction enzyme/endonucleases will cut the DNA

Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) (Lynch Syndrome)

this syndrome is characterized by mismatch repair associated cancer. uterine, stomach, breast, ovarian, urinary tract, pancreatic cancers....


uRA3 is a selective marker placed in yeast that lack the ability to produce ______.


undifferentiated skin cells (stem cells) that have self-renewal capacity

multiple cloning site

A DNA fragment is ligated into the ______ to generate a recombinant plasmid.


A _____ is used to digest DNA so that only a specific DNA fragment is left and it can be inserted into a plasmid.


A _____ is used to digest part of the plasmid so that a DNA fragment can be inserted into that plasmid.

genetic marker

A ______ is a DNA sequence with a known physical location on a chromosome.

F1 hybrid

A ______ mouse results from 2 inbred strains mixed together to make a 1st generation.


A challenge of gene therapy is that bodies and cells have aggressive defense mechanisms against any ____ DNA/RNA

pseudopregnant female, 18

A chimeric embryo in which embryonic stem cells were genetically modified to have a targeted mutation are implanted into a _________. A single incision is made to the mouse under a mild anesthetic. A needle punches a hole in the wall of the uterus and the embryo is implanted. About _____ days later, she will give birth to chimeric mice.


A dangerous mutation on chromosome _____ that puts a woman at a higher risk for developing breast cancer.


A disadvantage of viral-based gene therapy is not knowing where in the genome the DNA would be _____.

Cockayne's syndrome

A disease characterized by developmental delay, short stature, and neurological abnormalities (and severe photosensitivity when combined XP)


A disease is defined as orphan in the US when it affects fewer than _____ people.


A fraction, ___%, of DNA differs from person to person


A lamb (number 6LL3) that was made from reproductive cloning of the mammary gland of a Finn Dorset ewe

Sanger sequencing

A method in which dideoxynucleotides halt DNA polymerization at each base, generating sequences of various lengths that encompass the entire original sequence. Terminated fragments are electrophoresed and the original sequence can be deduced.

Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis

A primer containing a single mismatched nucleotide is used to produce a desired single change in the DNA sequence

RISC (RNA-induced silencing complex)

A protein complex that is responsible for the actions of RNAi (RNA interference)


A random genomic library must be _____ to identify a specific genomic fragment.

recombinant plasmids

A type of transgene, ____ are genes or cDNAs linked to promoters that allow altered expression

reporter construct

A type of transgene, ______ are desired gene promoters linked to expression cassette that can be assayed. Ex: Green Fluorescent Protein

99%, 81%

About ____% of genes in humans have counterparts in the mouse. ___% have identical, one-to-one counterparts.

1, 1000

Acrylamide, when used in gel electrophoresis, can separate DNA into fragments from ____ to _____ bases long.

self-renewal, differentiation

Adult stem cells have two functions: _____ and _____.

SMN2, exon 7

After injection, Spinraza (Nusinersen) binds to the ____ primary transcript which prevents ____ from being spliced out.

Spinraza (Nusinersen)

After injection, _____ binds to the SMN2 primary transcript which prevents exon 7 from being spliced out. The SMN2 mRNA containing exon 7 is now translated into protein. The SMN2 protein substitutes for the missing SMN1 protein.

100, 100

Agarose, when used in gel electrophoresis, can separate DNA into fragments from ____ base pairs to _____ kilo base pairs


An adult stem cell has the ability to differentiate into a limited number of cells, also known as _____.

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)

An enzyme, ______, promotes repair of single and double strand repair breaks.

homology-directed repair

Another name for homologous recombination (HR)


Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) are modified RNA drugs that are _____ to an endogenous RNA. This gives the drug the specificity needed to bind to one specific message.


Approximately ___% of couples either have trouble conceiving or cannot conceive at all.


B-galactosidase (lacZ) is known as the _____ gene in the pUC18 vector.

lactose, galactose, glucose

B-galactosidase cleaves the sugar ____ into ____ and ____.

base loss, single strand breaks

BER repairs many types of base damage, including ____ and _____.


BER would repair base damage caused by base loss. _____ are lost at a frequent rate, so BER is needed to fix this base damage.


BRCA-tumor cells are extremely sensitive to ____ inhibitors.

mouse and human genomes

By comparing ____ and _____, you can predict a gene's location in the opposite organism's chromosomes.


By using one of the two methods to introduce plasmids into bacteria, when the bacteria does not have the plasmids and is placed into a culture containing an antibiotic, these bacteria will _______.

antibiotic selection

By using one of the two methods to introduce plasmids into bacteria, when the bacteria has the plasmids and is placed into a culture containing an antibiotic, these bacteria will form colonies while bacteria without the plasmids will die. This is known as ______.

form colonies

By using one of the two methods to introduce plasmids into bacteria, when the bacteria have the plasmids and are placed into a culture containing an antibiotic, these bacteria will _______.

Automated DNA sequencing

fluorescence detection of oligonucleotide fragments produced by the dideoxy method


generation of chromosomal breaks


the gel in gel electrophoresis that is more precise in separating fragments

mRNA, protein

RNAi (RNA interference) is a degradation mechanism that prevents ____ from being translated into ____, also called posttranscriptional gene silencing.


RNAi (RNA interference) is also called ______.

RNA viruses

RNAi (RNA interference) is thought to be a defense mechanism against _____.

oligonucleotide probes (baits)

Exome DNA sequencing captures RNA coding regions by hybridizing genomic DNA to _____ that cover the human exome regions.


Exome DNA sequencing identified a single candidate gene _____, that is responsible for Miller syndrome. This gene encodes a key enzyme in the pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis pathway.

protein coding

Exome sequencing is a strategy that only sequences the _____ region of the human genome.


Exonucleases proofreading activity increases fidelity about ___-___ fold

BRACAnalysis CDx (Myriad genetics)

FDA approved the ______, a genetic test for the qualitative detection and classification of variants in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. This allows you to determine if a patient can be treated effectively with Olaparib (Lynparza)


FDA granted ______ accelerated approval for first tissue/site agnostic indication.


FDA granted ______ accelerated approval to treat MSI-H or dMMR colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome).


Feeding mice with the rat growth hormone gene genetically engineered behind the mouse metallothionein promoter cadmium caused these transgenic mice to _____ dramatically compared to mice without the transgene.


Following fertilization, totipotent stem cells make up the _____.


Gel Electrophoresis separates DNA fragments by ______.

homologous recombination

Gene disruption can occur by manipulating a gene from an embryo stem cell to create a deletion. You then take a targeted gene with this mutated gene and by ______, the targeted gene will "pick up" the mutation that you created. The embryo stem cell must then be returned to its origin to make an animal.

nucleic acids

Gene therapy and RNA therapies are challenging because they require delivering ____ into cells.


Gene therapy is the introduction of _____ genetic material to connect or modify the function of a cell


Gene therapy may be used to reintroduce a gene into a cell or organism in which a ____ gene is missing or mutated.

inherited disease

Genetic markers can help link a _____ with the responsible gene.


Going from DNA to RNA is called _____.


Going from RNA to protein is called _____.

gene expression

RNAi (RNA interface) is used for disrupting ______.


One of the first identified plasmid vectors that has an Ampicillin (Amp) resistance gene

RISC, degrade

Onpattro is a drug that modulates RNA by targeting the ____ complex to ____ the message.


Operons are unique to ____.

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase

PARP stands for ______.


Plaques are the area in which the bacteria cells have _____.


Pre-existing ______ to the virus would be a disadvantage of viral based gene therapy.


Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis can separate very large DNA fragments. It can even separate ____ chromosomes.

baker's yeast

RAD proteins were originally studied in _____.

Southern blotting

blotting technique that detects a DNA fragment

Western blot

blotting technique that detects a protein

Northern blot

blotting technique that detects an RNA fragment


something that can cause the breaks of chromosomes

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