BJC Unit 4 Lab 2
Network interface hardware
(Link Layer): All Internet devices connect through a physical interface that uses a protocol to manage the connection to the local network. These local protocols are the least abstract because they deal directly with your physical hardware.
Open Standards
anyone can look up a protocol and code with it to make new hardware or software without permission.
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
are the experts in charge of developing and approving these protocols
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)
controls the DNS hierarchy and the allocation of IP addresses. They help define how the domain name system functions and expands
is an arrangement of things with the biggest or highest category at the top and things ranked into subcategories below
Application Layer Protocols
manage how data is interpreted and displayed to users. These protocols give meaning to the bits sent by lower-level protocols; user and server computers must agree on what the bits mean, and application protocols (like HTTP) offer this. (this is the highest level of abstraction because they manage how data is interpreted and displayed to users)
Transport Layer Protocols
manage the breakdown of a message into packets to be transmitted by lower level protocols and also the reconstruction of the message from the packets upon arrival
Internet Layer Protocols
manage the pathways that the data packets travel across networks.
End-to-end architecture
means that routers only know how to find an IP address; they don't do anything with the content of the message
Packet Switching
means that the Internet sends short bursts of information, not long continuous strings
networking device that routes traffic between sub networks on the internet (computer that passes information from one network to another)
standards that ensure that the variety of devices interact with each other smoothly.
DNS (Domain Name System)
the hierarchical addressing protocol that is human-readable
IP (Internet Protocol)
the hierarchical addressing protocol that manages routing of data between computers; we are upgrading from IPv4 to IPv6 for more addresses
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
the protocol that assures reliable transmission of data
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
the protocol that your browser uses to access an HTML web page