BLaw 3201 Ch 6 TB

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Anita tells Bob that unless Bob pays her $5,000, she will tell his customers that he was once arrested for shoplifting as a teenager. The fact that Bob shoplifted as a teenager is true. a.In most jurisdictions Anita has committed the crime of extortion. b.Anita has committed no crime since Bob actually did shoplift as a teenager. c.Anita has committed the crime of bribery. d.In all jurisdictions in the United States, Anita would have to have received the money from Bob to be charged with a crime.


Another name for an indictment is a(n): a.true bill. b.arraignment. c.information. d.preliminary hearing.


At common law, ____ was defined as a breaking and entering of a dwelling house at night with the intent to commit a felony. a.burglary b.bribery c.robbery d.theft


Cybercrime: a.may be categorized based on whether the computer was the instrument or the target of the crime. b.has not been regulated by state laws. c.has been controlled by comprehensive federal legislation. easy to detect.


If Steve, wanting to protect his warehouse, closes two pit bulldogs inside and they attack and kill an intruder, Steve would be found to have: a.subjective fault. b.objective fault. c.liability without fault. fault, as he was merely protecting his property.


Under RICO, a ____ is any of several criminal offenses such as murder, kidnapping, arson, extortion, and drug dealing a.predicate act b.liable act c.white-collar crime d.mala in se act


What happens if the police illegally seize evidence in violation of the Fourth Amendment? a.The evidence will be excluded from use at trial. b.The defendant's arrest is nullified. c.The defendant is entitled to another trial. d.The defendant will be paid for the expenses of his defense.


What principle was involved in the Weeks v. United States case? a.The exclusionary rule b.Double jeopardy c.Probable cause d.Vicarious liability


Which of the following is found in the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? a.A privilege against self-incrimination b.A requirement of probable cause c.A prohibition against cruel or unusual punishment d.The right to an attorney


An employer directs his vice-president of marketing to fix prices with their company's competitors. The employee does so. a.Only the employee is liable under these facts. b.Both the employee and the employer are liable under these facts. c.Only the employer is liable under these facts. d.Neither the employee nor the employer is liable under these facts.


At the ____ the accused is informed of the charge and the accused enters a plea. a.preliminary hearing b.arraignment c.indictment d.information


Paul is working as an undercover drug agent. He enrolls in classes at State University where he meets several students in business administration and invites them to come to his house for a party. No mention is made of any drugs, but he does say he will have a keg of beer. Shortly after his guests arrive, he gets out some marijuana and encourages the group to have some. All of them refuse, except Sam, who has never tried it before. When Sam lights up, Paul arrests him for possession of a controlled substance. a.Sam is clearly guilty as charged. b.Sam can raise the defense of entrapment, because Paul has enticed him to commit a crime he would not have done otherwise. c.Sam can raise the defense of duress. d.Sam can raise the Fourth Amendment to exclude the marijuana as evidence that has been illegally seized.


The criminal intent necessary to commit a crime is known as: a.actus reus. b.mens rea. c.vicarious liability. d.malice aforethought.


Two boys held up a liquor store at gunpoint and ran off with a bag of money. The police saw them run into Jill's apartment building where there are only four apartments off a common hall and no apparent way out of the building but the front door. The police knock on Jill's door. She says she's the only one there. The police can: the apartment without a warrant because Jill voluntarily answered the door. the apartment without a warrant because they are in hot pursuit of the fugitive. c.not search the apartment, because they have no reason to believe that the boys are in Jill's apartment rather than in the others. d.not search the apartment, because voluntary consent to enter is necessary.


A crime that is punishable by a fine or imprisonment in a local jail is a: a.felony. b.white-collar crime. c.misdemeanor. d.mala prohibita crime only.


A defendant who is indicted will next be: a.brought before a grand jury. b.tried. c.arraigned. d.fined.


Bill is the accountant for Cheatam and Sons Co. For many years he has kept two sets of books, one with real figures and another with figures he uses when the IRS audits. When Bill, while working on Cheatam's books, is arrested for fraud, what will happen to the books? a.They are privileged communications and therefore inadmissible as evidence against Bill. b.They are protected by the Fifth Amendment and therefore are inadmissible. c.They may be admitted as evidence since the Fifth Amendment does not protect business records. d.They may be admitted as evidence only if Bill consented to a search of his offices.


Losses due to computer crimes are estimated to be: a.minimal, as the federal government has passed comprehensive legislation prohibiting computer crime. the millions of dollars. the tens of billions of dollars. d.decreasing, as legislation and enforcement have been increasing


Mark carefully plots a course of action to embezzle $100,000 from his employer, Sue. He is fired before he ever gets a chance to put the plan in action. In cleaning out his desk, Sue finds his plans. Mark is: a.guilty of a crime because he intended to carry it out. b.guilty of a crime because he had mens rea. c.not guilty because he did not act on his plan. d.not guilty because he is no longer employed by Sue.


The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution: a.requires a speedy trial. b.prohibits double jeopardy. c.protects against unreasonable search and seizure. d.All of the above.


The ____ states that the federal government shall provide the accused with a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury . a.Fourth Amendment b.Fifth Amendment c.Sixth Amendment d.Eighth Amendment


The degrees of mental fault in criminal law include which of the following? a.Subjective fault, which involves negligence or carelessness b.Objective fault, which involves purposeful, knowing, or reckless conduct c.Liability without fault, where no requisite mental state or even knowledge of the act is required in some instances d.None of the above. e.All of the above


Which of the following is correct with respect to a grand jury? a.The grand jury decides guilt or innocence of the defendant. b.The grand jury always hears testimony from the defendant. c.The grand jury can issue an indictment if it finds sufficient evidence to justify a trial on the charges alleged. d.None of the above.


Which one of the following is NOT true of a criminal suit? a.A criminal suit is brought by the government, not by an individual. b.In a criminal suit, guilt is never presumed. c.A criminal suit often results in repayment to the victim. d.A criminal suit requires a higher burden of proof than a civil suit.


XYZ, Inc. has been convicted of bribing public officials. It is now time for sentencing. Possible sentences include: a.putting the corporation's president, who was not involved in the bribery, in jail. b.putting the corporate shareholders in jail. c.fining the corporation. d.None of the above. A corporation cannot commit a crime.


A warrant is required for a search by the police except where: a.the police are in hot pursuit of a criminal. b.voluntary consent is given to the search. c.evidence of a crime is in plain view of the police officer. d.All of the above.


Individuals may use reasonable force to protect themselves, their property, and other individuals. In this context, reasonable force would mean: a.deadly force is reasonable to protect property. b.deadly force is never reasonable to protect property. c.deadly force is reasonable if an attack threatens the victim with serious bodily harm. d.Both (b) and (c).


Robbery can be "aggravated robbery" under which of the following circumstances? a.The robber intends to kill if faced with resistance. b.Serious bodily injury to the victim occurs. c.The crime is committed by two persons rather than one person. d.All of the above. e.None of the above


Self-defense will NOT protect a person from criminal prosecution if she: a.shoots a man who is about to stab her with a knife. b.hits a man who is pushing her off the bus while it is still moving. c.shoots a man who is holding a realistic-looking cap pistol at her head. d.shoots a man who has shoplifted a rare, expensive diamond necklace from her store.


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act: a.establishes new criminal penalties as well as substantially increasing penalties for existing crimes. b.imposes fines and/or imprisonment of up to 20 years for knowingly altering, destroying, or falsifying any document with the intent of impeding a federal investigation. c.adds new financial disclosure requirements for corporations. d.All of the above. e.None of the above.


The improper taking of another's property by one in lawful possession of it, that violates a trust, is: a.robbery. b.theft. c.larceny. d.embezzlement.


The privilege against self-incrimination extends to which of the following? a.Providing a handwriting sample. b.Appearing in a line-up for identification purposes. c.Taking a blood test after an accident. d.None of the above are protected by the privilege against self-incrimination.


Which of the following is correct with respect to RICO? a.It subjects to penalties enterprises that engage in a pattern of racketeering, defined as the commission of two or more specified state or federal criminal offenses within a period of ten years. b.It was enacted with the stated purpose of terminating the infiltration of organized crime into legitimate businesses. c.It provides for both civil and criminal penalties for violators. d.All of the above are correct.


Which of the following is found in the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? a.Protection from excessive bail b.A prohibition against double jeopardy c.A prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment d.Both (a) and (c) above


A grand jury decision will result in a final judgment as to the guilt or innocence of the defendant.


Bill has had a problem with vandalism at his business. He rigs up a spring gun at the entryway to his store, so that any after-hours intruder will be shot upon entry. Bill may legally use this deadly force to protect his business.


Businesses suffer considerable loss as victims of criminal actions, but businesses cannot be perpetrators of criminal actions.


Carelessness or negligence is a form of subjective fault.


In a civil case, as few as six jurors are permitted, but there must be 12 jurors in a criminal case.


Murder is a mala prohibita type of crime.


RICO does not apply to businesses that are engaged in organized crime.


RICO provides for criminal penalties, but contains no provision for civil penalties.


Robbery and burglary are the same crime.


Selling liquor to a minor can result in criminal liability only if the seller intended to sell to an underage person.


The Fifth Amendment protects all individuals against unreasonable searches and seizures.


The Fifth Amendment would protect a defendant from having to give blood samples to the prosecution, since that could be a form of self-incrimination as interpreted by the courts.


The Fifth Amendment would protect a defendant from having to have his photograph taken, since this would be a type of communication.


The Sixth Amendment protects persons against self-incrimination, double jeopardy, and being charged with a capital offense except by grand jury indictment.


The State may appeal a verdict of "not guilty" if there is an error in the trial.


The crime of bribery is committed only when an illegal offer is accepted.


The defendant must testify in a criminal proceeding.


The elements of embezzlement are included in larceny.


The term actus reus refers to the mental intent element of a crime.


Under the United States legal system, you are guilty until proven innocent.


Unlike larceny, embezzlement requires the intent to permanently deprive the owner of his property.


A "bench trial" is one in which the decision is made without a jury.


A felony is a more serious type of crime than a misdemeanor.


A preliminary hearing is held in a criminal case to determine whether there is probable cause to believe the defendant is the one who committed the crime.


All federal crimes are statutory.


Although mens rea is a required element for most crimes, many regulatory crimes dispense with it.


Computer crimes are so commonplace that an estimated two out of every three copies of software are illegally obtained.


Corporations may be held liable for crimes.


Crimes consist of two basic element


Duress is a valid defense to larceny, but not to murder.


Embezzlement and forgery are considered white-collar crimes.


Employers may be subject to criminal penalties for the unauthorized act of a manager who is acting within the scope of employment.


If Sherea, a county commissioner, threatened Brent that unless she received a 15 percent interest in his proposed development she would use her influence to prevent approval of the development, she has committed criminal extortion.


In a criminal case, the defendant must be tried by jury if he so desires.


Mail fraud does not require the victim to be actually defrauded.


Robbery is a larceny accompanied by force.


Some states still recognize common law crimes.


The Federal Organizational Corporate Sentencing Guidelines encourage corporations to adopt a written code of conduct to deter crimes by their employees; compliance can lead to lesser penalties when crimes do occur.


The Federal Organizational Corporate Sentencing Guidelines may require restitution to victims of certain corporate crimes.


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act created a powerful Accounting Oversight Board with authority to review and discipline auditors.


The burden of proof in a criminal trial is "beyond a reasonable doubt."


Today most crimes are covered by statutory law rather than by the common law, although many of the crimes in statutory form had their origins in the common law.


Torts are civil cases, not criminal cases.


Vicarious liability is imposed upon one person for the acts of another.


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