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Which model below is the final LOINC model mentioned in the paper after going through the iterative refinement process? (Select one)


Which of the following are a benefit of using a standard vocabulary in the electronic health record? (more than one correct)

* Elimination of ambiguity, *Easier data analysis, *cost savings

The normalized name for a generic clinical drug, identified by an RXCUI, has the information in what of the following formats?

* Ingredient, strength, dose form

In Matney's paper, the authors describe that they developed a logical model as one of the first step in the creation of FHIR profile process. Which of the following were reasons to make that decision?

* Logical Models are a platform-independent , *Logical Models are language and implementation agnostic, Logical Models are not limited by the constraints of the programming language

According to the Introduction to Modeling lecture Health Information should be:

* Unambiguous

SNOMED CT supports the following features to facilitate usability: (Select all that apply)

* subsets, *qualifiers, *cross-mapping (mapping to other coding systems), *extensions

All the following options are examples of controlled terminologies, except for one. Please select the incorrect option:


What variant coding could be used in an EHR?

*Amino acid change notation, *Genomic DNA notation, *DNA transcript notation

Which of the following are parts of a CDA? (select all that apply)

*Body, *Header, *Section (The parts of a CDA are: Header, Body, Section and Entry)

Which are the levels of an audience that should be considered for an appropriate variant naming?

*Clinical Genetics Researchers, *Physicians/Nurses/Healthcare workers, *Patients and families, *Basic Genetic Researchers

Which of the following characteristics are NOT part of FHIR technical strengths

*Data representations in PHP

The HL7 CDA is a document markup standard that specifies the structure and semantics of which of the following clinical document?

*Discharge summary, *Procedure report, *Progress note

Which of the following is NOT a goal of a CDA

*Discourage longevity of all information encoded according to this architecture

Which of the following sentence are true about FHIR:

*FHIR supports rapid implementation using web technologies familiar to developers, *FHIR focus on standard to support both clinical and administrative aspects of healthcare, *The information models and APIs in FHIR support data interoperability

Once a medication is ordered, what data elements come into play when it is dispensed by the pharmacy? (select all that apply)

*Form, *Strength, *Packaging, *National Drug Code

Which of the following alternatives is incorrect about the HL7 Infobutton Standard?

*Has experienced very slow adoption among knowledge resource publishers

Which of the following are the strengths of HL7 V2? (Select all that apply)

*It is ubiquitous and currently used in many countries., *It is relatively simple and easy to implement. *It is approachable and the documentation is available

Which of the following categories are covered by LOINC (Select all that apply)

*Laboratory LOINC, *Clinical LOINC, *HIPAA attachments, *Survey Questions (e.g., Skilled nursing facility Minimum Data Set)

Controlled vocabularies need to change over time with the evolution of medical knowledge. Which of the following are considered bad practices or bad reasons to change a concept in a controlled vocabulary? (Select all that apply)

*Major name changes that change the meaning of concepts, *Delete old concepts and reuse their codes for new concepts, *Changing the codes of existing concepts

The components of a typical Knowledge Artifact are:

*Metadata, *Information Models, *Controlled Terminologies, *Expression (Logic)

Which of the following axis in LOINC is optional? (Select one)


Which of the following is true about "Concept Orientation"? (Select all that apply)

*Nonvagueness: Terms must correspond to at least one meaning, *Nonambiguity: Terms must have no more than one meaning, *Nonredundancy: Meanings must correspond to no more than one term, *Each concept has its single, coherent meaning, although the information conveyed when the concept is used may vary depending on context

The following items contain a list of parameters that can be used in an HL7 Infobutton request along with a proposed code system. Select the parameters that are paired with an appropriate code system.

*Patient age group; code system = MeSH, *Main search criteria = SNOMED-CT , *Subtopic = a subset of MeSH and SNOMED-CT codes

Which of the following ARE characteristics of a CDA

*Persistence, *Stewardship, *Potential for authentication, *Wholeness, *Human readability

Which are the smallest unit of transaction in FHIR?


What is the RxNorm term type (TTY) for "Acetaminophen 500 mg"? (Select one)

*SCDC (Semantic Clinical Drug Component)

SNOMED CT was created by the merger of which of the following terminologies? (select all that apply)

*SNOMED RT, *Clinical Terms version 3

Analyze the following HL7 V2 message. OBX||CE|883-9^Blood Group^LN||F-D1250^Group O^SCT|| Which terminology is the code "F-D1250" for "Group O" from?


What benefit do health care organizations realize from adopting the HL7 Infobutton Standard?

*Simple way of supporting clinical decision-making, *Seamless access to patient education material within EHR system, *More effective integration with online resources, since HL7-compliant resources are context-aware

Which of the following types of standards are needed to facilitate CDS implementations

*Standards for Knowledge Representation, *Standards for Data Representation and Mapping. *Standards for Leveraging Knowledge Resources to Deliver CDS

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a CDA


How is an NDC code formed?

*The first part is the labeler code, assigned by the FDA

According to Huff's paper, which of the following are considered to be principles of a good vocabulary? (Select all that apply)

*There should be version control associated with the coding system., *The code associated with a term should have no intrinsic or embedded meaning, * The coding system should be extensible, *There should be no cost or minimal cost associated with access to and use of the coding system, *The coding system should be acceptable for use internationally

What are the two major relationship types in SNOMED CT? Correct!

*is-a, *attributes

Which of the following are true concerning business process modeling notation? (select all that are true)

*message flows are represented by a dashed line, *gateways (i.e. where decisions may occur) are represented using diamonds, *sequence flows are solid arrows

Given 6 distributed healthcare application systems, how many interfaces have to be developed to facilitate interoperability among these systems without a common standard interface?

15 n(n-1)/2=6*5/2=15

Given 6 distributed healthcare application systems, how many interfaces have to be developed to facilitate interoperability among these systems if there is a common standard interface?


In the following HL7 v2 message, what is the LOINC code for the test name? (Select one) OBX||CE|883-9^Blood Group^LN||58460004^Group O^SMI|


The four levels of interoperability (in order from lowest to highest) are:

Basic or technical, syntactic, semantic, organizational

What are the three components in SNOMED CT core?

Concepts, Descriptions, Relationships

Which one of the following is NOT an exchange or messaging standard? (Select one)

Correct!, SNOMED-CT is not a messaging standard, it is a clinical terminology (terminology standard)

Which of the following Standards Development Organization (SDO) is NOT under American National Standards Institute (ANSI)? (Select one)

Correct, IHTSDO is not under ANSI, since is the international organization that maintains SNOMED-CT globally.

Which of the following is a classification of hospital case types into groups expected to have similar hospital resource use, based on diagnoses, procedures, age, sex, and the presence of complications or comorbidities.

Diagnosis Related Group (DRG)

the ONC Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap: 2018-2020

Expand data sources and users in the interoperability health IT ecosystem to improve health and lower costs

CDAs can NOT be a payload within an HL7 message


In HL7 V2, the data fields that have the null value and those that are not present are actually the same.


In today's EHRs environments, clinical genomic data can be displayed without the need for any additional technical integration


T/F Concept ambiguity is not allowed in a well-designed vocabulary, regardless of whether it is context-sensitive ambiguity or context-independent ambiguity.


T/F Controlled vocabularies should use meaningful hierarchical concept identifiers because the codes would be readable to a human to some extent and their hierarchical relations then can be understood.


T/F Since no vocabulary can guarantee domain completeness all of the time, we should include a catch-all term (e.g. Not Elsewhere Classified) which can be used to encode information that is not represented by other existing terms.


T/F The concept in a controlled vocabulary can be deleted once it is no longer used for coding patient data.


When a new LOINC code needs to be added, the LOINC committee adds several new codes representing all the allowable permutations of the six axes.


When searching for relevant content, knowledge resources can NOT use a combination of codes and terms included in an infobutton request to optimize the relevancy of the results.


A profile can add a non-required element of the parent resource but cannot eliminate elements

FALSE - A profile can eliminate a non-required element of the parent resource but cannot add elements

Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) is developed for reporting inpatient procedure services.

FALSE - HCPCS is used for hospital OUTPATIENT services and physician services. ICD-10-PCS is mainly used for reporting of inpatient procedures.

ICD-10-PCS is not hierarchical and it has a meaningless identifier for each concept.

FALSE - Not hierarchical but still has meaning defined by character and position (1st to 7th)

OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) is a genetic registry that contains only the genetic component of diseases

FALSE - OMIN is an encyclopedia of phenotypes/conditions with genetic component. It has identifiers and relevant information

SNOMED CT is free of charge to everyone.

FALSE - People in IHTSDO member countries can use SNOMED CT free of charge. Others need their own affiliate license.

Clinical attributes, or properties, of a medication, are its active ingredient, strength, form and product packaging

FALSE - Product packaging is a NON-clinical attribute

Concepts for proprietary drugs and other products specific to the US or UK are included in the SNOMED CT core content.

FALSE - Proprietary drugs and other products specific to the US or UK were originally represented in SNOMED RT and CTV3, respectively. These are not included intheSNOMED CT core content,but will contained in extensions.

The HL7 V2.7 specifications address issues of privacy, authentication, and confidentiality of data included in HL7 messages.

FALSE - Protection of Healthcare Information is out of the scope of HL7 V2

In order to become a comprehensive terminology, SNOMED CT tries to include all concepts from different languages, dialects, and local environments in its CORE content.

FALSE - SNOMED CT uses subsets and extensions to meet local needs

T/F In order to achieve real interoperability, information only needs to be exchanged. The information does not need to be understood or used.

FALSE - interoperability is defined as: -the ability of a system to exchange electronic health information with and use electronic health information from other systems without special effort on the part of the user."

Which of the following current reimbursement coding systems is not for procedures?


"A01.03 Typhoid pneumonia" is a code from which one of the following standards?


Which of the following is NOT correct about SNOMED CT?

It is maintained by the World Health Organization (SNOMED CT is maintained by SNOMED International (previously IHTSDO))

A LOINC code is a sequentially assigned unique number that has no embedded meaning.


A concept in SNOMED CT is identified by a meaningless numeric identifier, which never changes. It is never deleted, only inactivated and superseded.


A metamodel is a model that is used to represent another model typically using a modeling language


By using technologies already familiar to web developers FHIR leverages expertise and knowledge that already exists among them


CIMI Logical Model is an example of a fully defined reference model.


Consensus is emerging around the idea of delivering CDS as an app using standards-based platforms.


EHR vendors may send free-text terms in an infobutton request.


HL7 is an ANSI accredited Standards Developing Organization (SDO).


ICD-10-PCS (Procedural Coding System) has been developed as a replacement for ICD-9-CM Volume 3.


Interfaces are important to support intra-enterprise and inter-enterprise data sharing among different healthcare application systems.


LOINC makes names that allow both atomic (post coordinated) and molecular (pre coordinated) styles.


OBR and OBX segments are commonly used for sending genomic results in HL7 v2 messages


One of the emerging (next-Generation) CDS Standards is the HL7 FHIR Clinical Reasoning Module


One of the objectives of RxNorm is to provide unique identifiers and normalized names for prescribing a drug (in contrast to NDCs representing the medication being dispensed)


RxNorm is released in the NLM's Unified Medical language System (UMLS) Metathesaurus.


Stylesheet is a specific file that needs to be referenced at the beginning of the document, and is used to show the content of the CDA in a browser


T/F A formal definition for a concept is recommended for controlled vocabularies because of its computable features, support for automated vocabulary management, and collaborative vocabulary development.


T/F It is considered to be a good design principle to model contextual information for concepts (e.g. how the concepts should be used) in the vocabulary in a formal, explicit way.


T/F LOINC is free to use.


T/F Vocabularies should support multiple purposes. Implementing multiple granularities and multiple views of the vocabulary are good principles that support multi-purpose controlled vocabularies.


The HL7 V2 Standard is intended to standardize data interchanges, not the underlying applications systems.


The LOINC names are structured and fully specified to facilitate rapid matching between local vocabularies and the universal LOINC codes, either automated or manual.


The main evolutionary step in CDA R2 is that, whereas CDA R1 only used the RIM to derive the header, in CDA R2 both header and body are fully RIM derived


The major public sources of reference sequences are: GenBank (NCBI), Ensembl, DNA DataBank of Japan (DDBJ)


The term "Level 7" in HL7 (Health Level 7) refers to the highest implementation protocol level in the OSI model of the ISO since it corresponds to the conceptual definition of an application-to-application interface placed in the seventh layer of the OSI model.


When Warner et al were developing their app to display the genomic data, they needed to reconcile over 20 different genomic-related vocabularies to decide which one to use for their application.


T/F There is always a need for adding content to a controlled vocabulary. A formal methodology is needed for expanding content.

TRUE - Desideratum I: "Content, Content, and Content" section in the paper

The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification is developed and maintained by the World Health Organization (WHO)

TRUE - RxCUI is used and it is semantically meaningless

T/F According to the Hammond paper, "Syntactic Interoperability" can be included under his definition of "Functional Interoperability"

TRUE under: "Functional Interoperability" Hammond includes messaging standards, which are part of syntactic interoperability

T/F Semantic interoperability starts with atomic data elements which are the basic components that are fundamental in the expression of concepts to be documented and communicated as part of a healthcare or related process.


International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is developed under which one of the following organizations?

World Health Organization (WHO)

the ONC Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap: 2021-2024

achieve nationwide interoperability

Controlled Vocabularies

provide a list of concepts that describe clinical data

the ONC Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap: 2015-2017

send, receive, find and use priority data domains to improve health care quality and outcomes

Exchange Standards

specify the structure or the messages and the slots to convey complex information

In SNOMED CT, a set of concepts, descriptions and/or relationships appropriate for a specific country, language, dialect, specialty, organization, application, user or context is called which one of the following?


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