Boat Certification Exam PRACTICE

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Where should your passengers be while you are tied to the dock and fueling your vessel? a. seated in the vessel b. on the dock and away from the vessel c. on the vessel wearing a PFD d. on the vessel securing the gear


Which action may cause the loss of steering ability in a PWC? a. running at maximum throttle b. letting off the throttle control c. turning too quickly d. turning too slowly


Which of the following is legal operation of a PWC in Rhode Island? a. operating close to a person being towed behind another vessel b. operating at headway speed in a direct path to the operating area for PWCs c. weaving through congested traffic d. operating at 20 miles per hour along the shoreline


Why should you avoid operating your PWC above "slow, no wake speed" near shore? a. Engine efficiency is reduced. b. It helps prevent erosion. c. It's harder to stop a fast boat in shallow water. d. It's more likely to swamp or capsize near shore.


A life jacket must be readily accessible. What does this mean? a. It should be sealed in its original plastic bag. b. It should be kept with the anchor and anchor line. c. You can put it on without delay in an emergency. d. You keep it in a locked cabinet with other gear.


According to Rhode Island law, children of what age are required to wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket while underway on an open vessel less than 65 feet in length? a. those under 11 years of age b. those under 12 years of age c. those under 13 years of age d. those under 14 years of age


At which part of a fire should you aim when using a fire extinguisher? a. top b. side c. base d. middle


How do you avoid overloading your vessel? a. Limit everyone on board to ten pounds of gear. b. Don't permit large ice chests on board. c. Don't allow the load weight or number of passengers to exceed the maximum stated on the capacity plate. d. Make sure that there are at least 10 inches of freeboard when everyone and their gear are on board.


How full should you fill the fuel tank on a PWC? a. Leave a little empty space in the tank. b. Fill the tank all the way up. c. Tip the PWC to top off the fuel tank. d. Overfill slightly to avoid any air pocket


How should a vessel's registration number and validation decal be displayed? a. on the transom of the boat b. on only the starboard side of the boat c. on both sides of the forward half of the boat d. on only the port side of the boat


In Rhode Island, how far must a PWC operating at more than "headway speed" stay from swimmers, divers, the shoreline, or moored vessels? a. 50 feet b. 100 feet c. 200 feet d. 300 feet


What does a falling barometer indicate? a. fair weather b. little change in weather for two days c. foul weather approaching d. no winds expected tomorrow


What is the main purpose of the lateral system of red and green buoys and markers? a. to show the outer boundaries of federally controlled waterways b. to mark channels outside of which it is illegal to boat c. to mark the edges of safe water areas d. to provide convenient mooring locations


What should you do to prevent carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning while boating? a. Close off all living compartments to prevent the gas from entering into those areas. b. Have all passengers stay in the back of the vessel when traveling into the wind. c. Never allow swimmers to enter an enclosed area under a swim or dive platform, even for one second. d. Make sure all passengers are kept well hydrated (about eight ounces of water per hour) to prevent CO from entering into blood stream.


When must navigation lights be displayed? A. at night when there is a risk of collision with another boat B. only when adrift at night C. from sunset to sunrise and during periods of restricted visibility D. only when you are anchored or in fog


When should you turn on the power ventilation system to help eliminate fuel vapors in the bilge? a. before filling the fuel tanks b. while the fuel tanks are being filled c. after fueling and before starting the engine d. after starting the engine


Where is the best place to store a fire extinguisher on a boat? a. in the engine compartment b. in a locked storage compartment c. in a readily accessible location d. in a locker with the dock lines and other gear


Which is true about operating a boat in Rhode Island while intoxicated? a. Boating while intoxicated does not apply to canoes, kayaks, or other manually propelled vessels. b. In Rhode Island, boating while intoxicated caries only civil penalties, which include fines and loss of your right to operate a vessel. c. By operating a vessel on Rhode Island waters, a boater has consented to alcohol testing by a law enforcement official. d. Your blood alcohol concentration must be .10% or greater to be considered unlawfully intoxicated.


Which marker indicates that there is diving activity in the area? a. a white buoy with a blue stripe b. a white buoy with an orange box and the word "diver" c. a rectangular red flag with a white diagonal stripe d. an orange flag with a white cross


A boat's capacity plate gives the maximum weight and/or number of people the boat can carry safely in certain weather conditions. What are these conditions? a. during hurricanes b. during thunderstorms c. in good weather d. in winds up to 104 knots


According to Rhode Island law, who must be on board, in addition to the operator, if the vessel is towing a skier? a. an observer at least 12 years old in a position to observe the skier b. an observer at least 12 years old in a position to watch for other boats or obstacles in the area c. an adult at least 18 years of age d. an adult at least 24 years of age


How does the effect of alcohol consumed while boating compare to the effect on land? a. about the same effect whether on land or out boating b. much greater effect while boating c. much greater effect when on land d. slightly greater effect when on land


How should you pull someone out of the water and onto a small boat? a. over the stern with the engine turned off b. over the stern with the engine idling in neutral c. over the side that is beside the operator d. over the side and just forward of the steering station


If you have a recreational vessel with installed toilet facilities, what other equipment must be on board? a. an operable marine sanitation device b. a serviceable discharge sensor c. an ignition control device d. a waste management placard


If your inboard/outboard boat runs aground, what action should you take in addition to shifting the weight away from the point of impact? a. Stop the engine and lift the outdrive. b. Put the boat in reverse and gun the engine. c. Put the boat in forward and gun the engine. d. Keep the engine running and drop the anchor.


Under which condition is a person at the greatest risk of developing hypothermia? a. after being in the wind for a long time b. when deprived of liquid c. when exposed to cold air d. when immersed in cold water


What determines how many wearable PFDs are required on a vessel? a. length of the vessel b. ages of the persons on board c. number of persons on board d. type of waterway where vessel is operating


What should a vessel operator do to keep a proper lookout? a. Watch for navigational hazards. b. Watch for good fishing locations. c. Listen to your vessel's engine. d. Listen to the passengers talking.


What should the operators of a PWC and a motorboat do when approaching head-on? a. Both vessels should turn to starboard (right). b. Both should maintain course and swerve to port (left) at the last moment. c. The motorboat should turn to starboard (right), and the PWC should turn to port (left). d. The motorboat should turn to port (left), and the PWC should turn to starboard (right).


What should you do if you are operating power-driven vessel A and power-driven vessel B begins to cross on your starboard (right) side? a. Give way by slowing down and changing course. b. Speed up to pass in front of the other vessel. c. Maintain your present course and speed. d. Turn sharply to port (left).


What type of waste products may be discharged into U.S.- controlled waters? a. none b. paper c. plastic d. aluminum


When two vessels are operating in the same general area, who is responsible for avoiding a collision? a. the operators of both vessels b. the operator of the faster vessel c. the operator of the slower vessel d. the operator of the smaller vessel


Which PFD is designed to be thrown to someone in the water? a. ring buoy b. ski belt c. offshore jacket d. near-shore vest


Which of these should you leave with a friend or relative before taking an extended outing on the water? a. float plan for your trip b. vessel registration certificate c. operator's license d. insurance policy


Which side of a vessel has a green light at night? a. starboard (right) side b. port (left) side c. stern d. bow


You are allowed to tie up to a mooring buoy with permission. What does a mooring buoy look like? a. white with a blue horizontal band b. white with orange bands and markings c. white with red vertical stripes d. white with black vertical stripes


According to Rhode Island law, during what hours is it illegal to operate a personal watercraft? a. between sunset and sunrise b. between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise c. between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise d. between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.


How do noise and vibration "stressors" affect you when operating a vessel? a. make you more alert to potential hazards b. make you tire more rapidly c. improve your reaction time in emergencies d. increase your awareness of other boats nearby


How long should you run your boat's power ventilation system (exhaust blower) in order to eliminate fuel vapors in the bilge? a. at least 30 seconds b. at least 4 minutes c. at least 20 minutes d. run it continuously while operating


On Rhode Island waters, how far must a powerboat vessel stay away from a diver-down flag? a. at least 25 feet b. at least 50 feet c. at least 75 feet d. at least 100 feet


What can you do to prevent the spread of aquatic nuisance species from one waterway to another? a. Drain the motor, live well, and bilge while close to the shore. b. Allow your boat to dry before its next use. c. Make sure to release all live bait into the waterway prior to leaving the area. d. Run your engine at a high RPM prior to coming to shore to clean props of any vegetation


What do the rating symbols on a fire extinguisher indicate? a. expiration date of the extinguisher b. type of fire it will extinguish and relative size of extinguisher c. number of times the extinguisher can be used d. recommended frequency of inspections


What part of a low-head dam poses the greatest hazard from a strong, recirculating current or boil? a. top of the dam face b. base of the dam c. 100-150 feet upstream from the dam d. upstream gate of the lock


What should you do immediately if a boat motor catches on fire? a. Signal for help. b. Shut off the fuel supply. c. Abandon the boat. d. Grab a fire extinguisher.


What sound-producing device(s) is required when boating on Rhode Island waters in an 18-foot powerboat? a. none b. some means of making an efficient sound signal capable of a four-second blast c. a whistle, or a horn and a bell, capable of a five-second blast d. a horn system installed into the vessel capable of a ten-second blast


When boating in an 18-foot boat, what equipment are you legally required to have on board? a. VHF marine radio b. visual distress signals (VDS) c. emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) d. compass and nautical chart


According to Rhode Island law, during what hours is it illegal to tow a person behind a boat on water skis or other device? a. between sunset and sunrise b. between two hours after sunset and two hours before sunrise c. between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise d. between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise


According to Rhode Island law, what are the conditions that require operators or owners of vessels involved in a boating accident to report the accident immediately to the DEM or to local or state police? a. accident results in death or personal injury b. more than one vessel was involved c. accident results in damage in excess of $2,000 d. accident results in death, disappearance, personal injury, and/or damage in excess of $2,000


According to Rhode Island law, what is the maximum speed allowed for "no wake speed"? a. 20 miles per hour b. 15 miles per hour c. 10 miles per hour d. 5 miles per hour


How do you treat a victim of cold water immersion or hypothermia? a. Provide lots of hot coffee. b. Make the victim walk around. c. Put the victim in a tub of hot water. d. Seek medical help immediately.


What is indicated by a white marker with an orange crossed diamond and black lettering? a. controlled area, such as a no-wake zone b. information, such as places to find food c. danger or hazard, such as rocks d. exclusion or keep-out area, such as a swim area


What is the best way to find out about hazards on a local waterway? a. Contact your local police. b. Contact the U.S. Coast Guard. c. Consult a local marina. d. Consult a nautical chart


What is the cause of most boating accidents? a. hazardous sea conditions b. equipment failure c. bad weather d. human error


What is the purpose of an inboard engine's ventilation system? a. provide a flow of fresh air for the cabin area b. provide a flow of fresh air for the carburetor intake c. avoid backfiring of the carburetor d. avoid explosions by removing flammable gases


What should a motorboat operator do when someone is being pulled into the boat from the water? a. Put the engine in forward gear at the slowest speed. b. Attach the ignition safety switch lanyard. c. Keep the engine idling in neutral. d. Turn off the engine.


What should you do to reduce the risk of capsizing or swamping in rough water? a. Anchor from the stern. b. Shift most of the weight to the stern. c. Seat passengers in the bow. d. Turn at controlled speeds.


When are you not responsible for any damage or injury caused by the negligent operation of your vessel? a. The vessel is being operated by an immediate family member. b. The vessel is being operated by someone who has your written consent. c. The vessel is being operated by someone who has your implied consent. d. The vessel is being operated by someone who stole it.


When boating at night, what does a single white light on a vessel tell you? a. A sailing vessel is approaching on your starboard (right) side. b. A sailing vessel is approaching on your port (left) side. c. A power-driven vessel is approaching head-on. d. You are overtaking another vessel or it is anchored.


Where are the exhaust outlets located that could cause a swimmer to get a fatal dose of carbon monoxide? a. at the bottom of swim steps b. beside the last rung of a bow ladder c. near an outboard engine d. under a swim platform


Why should you never use a boat's engine to drive it onto a trailer (power load)? a. You may damage the propeller on the launch ramp. b. You may damage the engine. c. The boat's forward motion will likely uncouple the trailer hitch. d. The propeller's wash can erode sediment just beyond the ramp's surface.


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