Bone Markings
Smooth, nearly flat articular surface. (French for small face; small articular surfaces covered with hyaline cartilage.)
Condyle (KON-dyl)
Large, round articulating prominence. (A round bump on a bone where it forms a joint with another bone.)
A ball-like articulating surface. (A round articulating surface shaped like a ball; the rounded end of a bone that fits into a rounded cavity in another bone to form a joint.)
Fossa (FOS-a)
A bone depression. (Latin for "cavity"; a depression or small hollow; a concavity in a surface [especially an anatomical depression]; shallow, basinlike depression in a bone, often serving as an articular surface.)
Cotyloid (KOT-i-loid)
A cavity or deep articular depression ([e.g., acetabulum]; articular depression; deep concave circular surface that is stable, as where the head of the femur attaches. )
Fissure (FISH-ur)
A narrow opening between two bones. (A narrow, slitlike opening through a bone; [anatomy] a long narrow slit or groove that divides an organ [in this case, a bone] into lobes.)
Fovea (FOH-vee-a)
A pit or depression. (Latin for "pit"; a shallow non-articulating depression such as is found in the head of the femur; a tiny pit or depression.)
Epicondyle (EPI-KON-dyl)
A projection above a condyle. (An eminence (protuberance) at the articular end of a long bone, above or upon the condyle; a projection on a bone above a condyle serving for the attachment of muscles and ligaments.)
Trochanter (troh-KAN-ter)
A proximal process of the femur. (Greek for "runner"; one of the bony prominences developed near the upper extremity of the femur to which muscles are attached,
Trochlea (TROCK-lee-a)
A pulley-shaped articular process. (Greek for "spool"; a "keyed" tubular pulley-shaped articular design [e.g., trochlea of the femur]; a smooth, grooved articular process shaped like a pulley.)
A ridge on a bone not as prominent as a crest.
A significant border or ridge.
Tubercle (Tuberosity/Tubera)
A small rounded or rough bone prominence. (Latin for "knob"; a protuberance on a bone especially for attachment of a muscle or ligament.)
Foramen (foh-Ray-men)
An opening or hole in a bone. (Latin for "aperture"; a natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure; an opening in a bone through which blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments pass.)
Any prominent bone projection. (Latin for "proceed"; A crest, trochanter, tuberosity, or spine)
Malleolus (mal-LEY-oh-lus)
Hammer-shaped bone projection. (Latin for "little hammer"; the projection of bone as in the distal end of the tibia; a hammer-like projection located on the medial (tibial) and lateral (fibular) side of the ankle joint; a hammer-shaped knob on the end of a bone that attaches to ligament and tendon,)
Acetabulum (ah-see-TAB-yoo-lum)
Hipbone socket. (The socket or cavity (cotyloid) of the hipbone into which the head of the femur fits.)
Ala (Ah-lah)
Outward projections. (Latin for "wing"; outward projections as in the transverse process of the atlas [first neck bone] and large surface of the ilium region of the hipbone.)
Slender sharp bone projection. (Latin for "thorn.")