Book Thief Vocab (30 Words)

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Definition: Without name Sentence: They came through twice in ten days, and soon after, the _________, prune-faced woman on Munich Street was proven absolutely correct.


Definition: Word Sentence: DUDEN DICTIONARY MEANING #4 Wort —Word: A meaningful unit of language / a promise / a short remark, statement, or conversation. Related words: term, name, expression.


Definiton: Necessary Sentence: Life had been altered in the wildesr possible way, but it was __________ that they act as if nothing at all had happened.


Definition: Twisted Sentence: The cardboard _________.


Definition: Waste time Sentence: The girl ________ in the doorway.


Definition: Banished from home Sentence: Max's _____ produced something else entirely.


Definition: Barren Sentence: Sorrow and __________ were clouted across his face.


Definition: Causing harm Sentence: Cold sweat—that _________ little friend—outstaying its welcome in the armpits and trousers.


Definition: Causing laughter Sentence: The very idea of it was _________, but he accepted it nonetheless.


Definition: Circumference Sentence: At first, the man looked down, past his _____, to the ground, but when his eyes returned to the painter, the question clearly made him uncomfortable. There was no reason for Hans to ask, but he did.


Definition: Confused Sentence: It was a kind of _______, inaugural silence.


Definition: Death's symbol Sentence: It was a year for the ages, like 79, like 1346, to name just a few. Forget the ______, ******* it, I needed a broom or a mop. And I needed a vacation.


Definition: Destruction Sentence: As for Liesel's other activities, she was still causing _____ with Rudy Steiner.


Definition: Difficult situation Sentence: What was easier to define was their ___________.


Definition: Disbelief Sentence: Hans couldn't resist an ___________ tone.


Definition: Draw back in pain Sentence: Papa shoved a cloth into the graze and Liesel ______ rather than answered.


Definition: Dry Sentence: The ____ voice, low and matter-of-fact, had an answer for everything.


Definition: Embarrassing Sentence: Often, when she stood over him, thare was the __________ thought that he had just woken up, his eyes splitting open to view her-to watch her watching.


Definition: Fear Sentence: DUDEN DICTIONARY MEANING #3 Angst —Fear: An unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. Related words: terror, horror, panic, fright, alarm.


Definition: Firm Sentence: Liesel was ________.


Definition: Gravity/Formality Sentence: Liesel had never seen them look at each other so much, or with such _________.


Definition: Group that follows Sentence: Diagonally across, Adolf Hitler stood in the corner with his _________.


Definition: Happiness Sentence: DUDEN DICTIONARY MEANING #1 Zufriedenheit—Happiness: Coming from happy—enjoying pleasure and contentment. Related words: joy, gladness, feeling fortunate or prosperous.


Definition: Misery Sentence: DUDEN DICTIONARY MEANING #6 Elend —Misery: Great suffering, unhappiness, and distress. Related words: anguish, torment, despair, wretchedness, desolation.


Definition: Overabundance Sentence: He had a gold tooth and a ________ of nostril hair.


Definition: Persistent Sentence: Her face was burning and there was a ______ ache in her arms and legs—a numbness that was simultaneously painful and exhausting.


Definition: Rainbow colored Sentence: The surprising point to make is that despite this __________ fear glowing as it did in the dark, they somehow resisted the urge for hysteria.


Definition: Required Sentence: There was an __________ march around the grounds.


Definition: Silence Sentence: DUDEN DICTIONARY MEANING #7 Schweigen —Silence: The absence of sound or noise. Related words: quiet, calmness, peace.


Definition: Sink down; hopeless Sentence: When his underpants came down, it was with ______ humiliation that he stood in the small, cool office.


Definition: Small world Sentence: It was a nice _________.


Definition: Snake-like Sentence: They crossed the bridge and ___________ up the hill to Grande Strasse.


Definition: Standing out Sentence: After ten minutes or so, what was most _________ in the cellar was a kind of non movement.


Definition: Taking measures against Sentence: ____________, you conclude, as I would, that Rudy died that very same day, of hypothermia.


Definition: To offer Sentence: Kugler _________ a warning. "Next time I kill you."

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