British Lit 1 final

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"An offer of marriage from Arthur of Camelot" (Oswald)

settings of medieval romance tend to be imaginary and vague

"Don't know, I've never been in this forest before" (Lancelot)

The knight gains a new perception that may create a moment of clarity or self-realization

"I never believed in anything before, but I believe in Camelot, and I will serve it best by leaving" (Lancelot)

The knight's triumph benefits a group or nation.

"If you must die, die serving something greater than yourself" (Arthur).

concealed or disguised identity

"Sire, we don't know anything about him, they say he fights for money" (Arthur's Knight).

"Go and catch a falling star / Get with child a mandrake root . . ."


"If all the world and love were young, And truth in every Shepherd's tongue, These pretty pleasures might me move, To live with thee, and be thy love. "

"The Nymph's Reply to the Shephard"

the knight's love for his lady

"There was once a man who loved you too much to try to change her" (Lancelot)

idealizes the hero-knight and his noble deeds

"Why did you risk your life for me?" (Guinevere)

"Come Live with me and be my love, / And we will all the pleasures prove . . . "

"the passionate shepherd to his love"

Analyze the revolutionary spirit of this age as seen in politics, philosophy, economics, and literature. Write one paragraph for each. 1. politics 2. philosophy 3. economics 4. literature Reference at least 3 writers and their texts assigned from this unit.

1. Politics- The revolutionary evolution of politics changed many times. Royalty and parliament reigned over what was said on religion as well as laws that citizens must conform to. People were not allowed to speak what they thought about concerning such matters. Roman Catholicism was forced on the people in the beginning. Over time other religions were formed and parliament was not happy. People suffered punishments for not following the laws of the crown. Eventually, enough people pushed for different religions and people of all classes were allowed to follow different religions. The crown gave permission for other religions as long as they pledged loyalty to the crown. Politics/laws ruled what was printed as well. Everything was censored to make sure treason was not committed. When William III reigned he did not renew those printing policies and writing freedoms were opened up for many people. Such people like Jonathan Swift wrote satires that criticized those in power for not helping all people of all classes and not addressing issues that affected the lower class as well as issues that would help the country as a whole. His satire "A Modest Proposal" was such a piece. Because the printing law changed different writings were allowed. Writings that showed all people how politics really worked. 2. Philosophy-The knowledge of how nature workes began to chang from only believing in a God that made everything and not to question how it happened to enlightenment to science. The discovery of how the blood works in the body, discoveries in space, and a realization that man is in control of his choices were emerging. People began to think more instead of believing what they had always been told. John Dryden expresses this way of thinking in his poem "Absalom and Achitophel." Several references state that what has been taught will be changed by new thinking. 3. Economics-Trading grew during this time as well as new people coming to England. This growth brought new products and new people with new ideas. The money increased as well as jobs. People were able to thrive better than they did prior to. Printing presses also brought jobs and money to aspiring writers with people purchasing subscriptions to papers to read their favorite writers. Alexander Pope was able to benefit from the printing press. He was the first English writer to earn a living as a writer. 4. Literature-Literature changed tremendously during this time. It went from using a language that was hard to understand to the common people to incorporating relatable words that all classes could understand. This shift in the language opened many doors for writers' written works to be appreciated by all classes not just the upper and royal classes. Literature was printed and made available to everyone because of the printing press.

In what year was the Norman Conquest?


alliterative verse

4 stressed words / words have the same beginning consonant sound

"Secondly, the poorer tenants will have something valuable of their own, which by law may be mae liable to distress, and help to pay their landlord's rent, their corn and cattle being already seized and money a thing unknown."

A Modest Proposal

"From harmony, from heavenly harmony"

A Song for St. Cecilia's Day

"Some beauties yet no precepts can declare, For there's a happiness as well as care. Music resembles poetry, in each Are nameless graces which no methods teach . . ."

An Essay on Criticism

"I do not pretend, in giving you the history of this royal slave, to entertain my reader with the adventures of a feigned hero . . ."

Aphra Behn

Refers to the "Golden Age."

Augustan Age

Writing during this period was very witty and satirical.

Augustan Age

"Heavenly grace had especially singled our a certain on of the brothers in / the monastery ruled by this abbes for he used to compose devout and / religious songs."


"Then a powerful demon, a prowler through the dark, / nursed a hard grievance. It harrowed him / to hear the din of the loud banquet / every day in the hall . . ."


The year 1340 saw the birth of _______.


What literary genres are found in The Canterbury Tales? Mark all correct answers.

Chivalric romance Satire Fabliau Arthurian romance Allegory (all)

What two elements are juxtaposed in Beowulf?

Christian Pagan

"And proud Lucifera men did her call, / That made her self a Queene, and crownd to be . . ."

Edmund Spenser

St. Anselm's Theory of Atonement

Emphasizes Christ's suffering as a human


English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries/ did not like the roman catholic church

Beowulf lacks elements of paganism found in most Anglo-Saxon literature.


Chaucer lived a short life, dying in 1360.


During this period, women were treated equal to men.


Women could marry into a higher social class.


After the Norman Conquest, the new ruling class introduced new words into the English language from what language?


Words from which language began to enter English vocabulary around the time of the Norman Conquest?


"One of the poems on which much praise has been bestowed is Lycidas; of which the diction is harsh, the rhymes uncertain, and the numbers unpleasing."

From Lives of the Poets / From Milton

Who would be called the English Homer and father of English poetry?

Geoffrey Chaucer

In 1707 Scotland joined England and Wales to create _________.

Great Britain

"As Johnson had now very faint hopes of recovery, and as Mrs. Thrale was no longer devoted to him, it might have ben supposed that he would naturally have chosen to remain . . ."

James Boswell

"This first book proposes, first in brief, the whole subject, man's disobedience, and the loss thereupon of Paradise wherein he was placed . . . "

John Milton

" I shall tell you the adventure of another lai, / just as it happened: / it was composed about a very noble vassal . . . "

Marie De France

Language spoken between 1100-1500 in England is known as

Middle English

"So on the morn King Arthur rode on hunting and sent word to the Queen that he would be out all that night."

Morte D'Arthur

What event greatly accelerated the progress of the English language?

Norman Conquest


Occurred during the 16th century/the church of England breaks ties with the roman catholic church

Language spoken before 1100 in England is known as

Old English

"Whose image thou art, him thou shall enjoy / Inseparably thine, to him shalt bear / Multitudes like thyself, . . .

Paradise lost

In 1476, William Caxton introduced the first _______.

Printing press

The _________ is a religious movement in which many moved from Catholicism to Protestantism during the tudor era.


What are the three periods of the Neoclassic period?

Restoration Age Augustan Age Age of Johnson

"Because the belt you are bound with belongs to me; it was woven by my wife so I know it very well."

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

"Whoso list to hunt, I know where is an hind, But as for me, hélas, I may no more. "

Sir Thomas Wyatt

"A woman's face with Nature's own hand painted / Hast though the master mistress of my passion;"

Sonnet 20/Shakespeare

Saw growth in journalism, novels, and print.

The Augustan Age

"Of tribulacion in mariage, / Of which I am expert in al myn age . . ."

The Canterbury Tales

"Attend to what I intend to tell you / a marvelous dream that moved me at night / when human voices are veiled in sleep."

The Dream of the Rood

Fabliau Robin A clerk makes a carpenter look like a fool. Nicholas

The Miller

Has a bag of fake relics Three drunks kill each other over gold

The Pardoner

"We find by the prophecy-- / Let be your din!-- / Of DAvid and Isay, / And mo than I min, / That prophesied by clergy / That in a virgin / Should he light and lie . . . "

The Second Shepherd's Play

"Unless I be relieved by prayer, Which pierces so that it assaults Mercy itself and frees all faults. As you from crimes would pardon'd be, Let your indulgence set me free."

The Tempest

". . . All shall be well for him who seeks / grace, / help from our Father in heaven where a fortress stands for us all."

The Wanderer

Married five times King Arthur Confession prologue One of the first female characters

The Wife of Bath

"The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea, The plowman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to darkness and to me. "

Thomas Gray

Repetition of the mystical number "3."

Three kisses OR Three temptations

A hero must be a warrior in Anglo-Saxon literature.


Chaucer served in the army.


Neoclassical theorists viewed man as imperfect and sinful by nature with a very limited potential.


Slaves were the lowest social class.


The Black Death occurred during Chaucer's lifetime.


The most important relationship was between a warrior and his king.


The text Beowulf was given this name by modern readers.



a long narrative poem


a period during the 16th and 17th centuries in which there was a rebirth or revival of the arts


a poem with 14 lines, written in iambic pentameter with a certain rhyme scheme


a term used for support of king Charles and his son/ royalists


an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. .


any word or phrase applied to a person or thing to describe an actual or attributed quality

The great chain of being

attributed to Plotinus/hierarchical order with God at the top

what epic conventions does millton employ in paradise lost?

begins in medias res invocation of his muse grand battles and love affairs supernatural intervention descent into the underworld catalogues epic similes (all)

also known as royalists


conventional imagery


flowery language


smooth, elegant, uncomplicated


The earliest manuscripts were published and preserved by ______.


The Miller


The Wife of Bath


An Ango-Saxon warrior finds honor in ______.


What are two common types of poems found in Old English poetry?

elegy epic

Chaucer finished the Canterbury Tales before his death.


Milton, like Dryden, chose to use heroic couplets, which was the standard form of epic and tragedy during the restoration period


adam and eve are conventional epic heroes


in paradise lost the epic battles is in the traditional battlefield as opposed to the expected moral and domestic arena


Toward the close of which century did English replace French as the language of conducting business in Parliament and in court of law?


"Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show, / That the dear She might take some pleasure of my pain . . ."

from Astrophil and Stella

Never trust a flatterer Chanticleer fable A fox

he Nun's Priest

pair of rhyming iambic pentameters, much used by Chaucer

heroic couplet


is a stylistic device defined as a two-word phrase that describes an object through metaphors.


lyrical poem of mourning



artistically liberal


bizarre imagery


sensual love, religious enlightenment, independence


Descriptions of ______ are often symbolic and reflect themes in Old English poetry.


In 1702, during the reign of Queen Anne, the first _____________ was published.


What rapidly accelerated the progress of language and culture in Anglo-Saxon England?

norman conquest

All of the following are characteristics of an Anglo-Saxon warrior except


The Nun's Priest


The Pardoner


the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices


All of the following are characteristics of Old English poetry except ____.

specific rhyme scheme


support given by an individual

Which people began their invasion and conquest of southwestern Britain around 450?

the Anglo-Saxons

What book was commissioned for a country-wide census in 1086?

the Domesday Book

A time of much political and religious turmoil, particularly in France and England.

the Englightenment

The belief that human reason can serve as a guide for religious, philosophical, and scientific understanding.

the Englightenment

Affective Piety

the humanization of Christ

which of the following are examples of English nationalism?

the puritan revolution the writings of john milton the work of William shakespeare the rise of the middle class (all)

During the Anglo-Saxon period, people were collected into groups known as ____.


During the tudor period, London's population declined.


Milton's epic utilizes other genres such as lyrical and pastoral poetry


a sense of pride in the English language is an example of English nationalism


during the tudor era, England experienced a renaissance


during the tudor period, society lacked the freedom of speech; therefore, social issues were indirectly addressed through entertainment


literacy continued to rise during the tudor era as Protestantism encouraged a direct encounter with the bible, in addition to moveable type


paradise lost forces a radical reevaluation of epic values


paradise lost's style is grand with elevated diction and complex syntax


unlike many other epics, paradise lost lacks a traditional hero.


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