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From medial malleolus anteriorly, to the calcaneal Tendon posteriorly mnemonic

Tom Tibialis posterior Dick Flexor Digitorum longus And Posterior tibial A. Very Posterior. tibial V. Nervous Tibial N. Harry Flexor Hallucis longus

what artery is prone to damage if there is a blow to head and neck of fibula?

anterior tibial

what two arteries supply fibularis longus muscle

anterior tibial and fibular (1)

what is falx inguinalis associated with

associated with internal oblique. falx inguinalis is the tendon that forms origin of IO and TA

why is the superficial fibular nerve called superficial

because it passes superficial to extensor retinaculum, different from most other structures circled are anterior tibiala rtery and vein and deep fibular nerve

what nerve must you take care not to damage when doing stuff around mcburney point (appendix removal)

iliohypogastric nerve

A stab wound immediately superior to the pubic symphysis would likely injure which visceral organ first? A. seminal vesicles B. rectum C. prostate D. bladder E. heart


if you ligate posterior tibial artery right at its beginning, which branch off it will lose blood supply?

fibular artery

what muscles does the superficial fibular nerve do

fibularis longus and brevis

what is the relationship between fibularis longus and cuboid bone?

fibularis longus tendon runs directly inferior to cuboid bone

what muscle is hurt if you fracture the calcaneus bone on the sustentaculum?

flexor hallicis longus

what nerves innervate the scrotum both anterior and posterior what about external genitalia and lower third of vagina

ilioinguinal and genitofemoral (2) ANTERIOR CUTANEOUS INNERVATION pudendal nerve innervates sensory part of external genitalia and lower third of vagina

genitofemoral nerve vs ilioinguinal in terms of the inguinal canal

ilioinguinal only goes through superficial ring and genitofemoral goes through whole canal (both rings)

what is the chief flexor of thigh and where does it insert?

iliopsoas. inserts on lesser trochanter

jejunum vs ileum

jejunum has Fewer mesenteric arterial arcades. plica circularis are close and tightly packed in jejunum and more spaced out in ileum. More digestion and absorption in jejunum

aganglionic megacolon. This condition is caused by an absence of which of the following kinds of neural cell bodies?

lack of parasympathetic post ganglionic neuron cell bodies (enteric system)

what is the artery that gives rise to deep plantar arteriala rch?

lateral plantar artery

The general surgeon has opened the lienogastric (gastrosplenic) ligament to reach the lesser sac and notes erosion of the ulcer into an artery. Which vessels lies in this ligament

left gastroepiploic

During an episiotomy (cutting a portion of vagina to allow for a breech baby to come out), what muscles MUST not be damaged?

levator ani (because it is a major part of pelvic diaphragm that supports)

what are the muscles of pelvic diaphragm/floor? whats their function?

levator ani and coccygeus they are the main support of uterus

what vessel can be damaged if the ligamentum teres capitis is fractures

obturator artery

thigh flexors and thigh adductors innervation

obturator nerve - adductors femoral enrve - flexors

whats the relationship between ligamentus teres hepatis and paraumbilical veins? why are paraumbilical veins important?

paraumbilical veins are important because they are a portal system that connects to epigastric veins from caval system. Paraumbilical veins are found right next to ligamentum teres hepatis (round ligament of liver) which is a remnant of left umbilica vein

Which nerve conveys sensory fibers from the cervix of the uterus?

pelvic splanchnic

what nerve innervates the sphincter urethrae?


what nerve innervates external urethral sphincter and bulbospongiosus

perineal branch of pudendal nerve

what artery does superior medial genicular branch off


what structure goes through the space between inferior pubic ligament and transverse perineal ligament?

top blue line is arcuate ligament (aka inferior pubic ligament) low blue line is transverse perineal ligament deep dorsal vein of penis goes through here

if a rupture happens at posterior wall of fundus of gallbladder, what port of colon will it be in touch with?

transverse colon

what muscles can be damaged if there is damage to perineal body(central tendon of the perineum)? 3 muscles total

transverse perineal (superficial and deep), bulbospongiosus, external anal sphincter,

during intramuscular gluteal injections, where do you place needle through to avoid hitting sciatic nerve?

upper lateral quadrant of the gluteal region to avoid the sciatic nerve

What relationship between uterine artery and pelvic cavity is important?

uterine artery never leaves the pelvic cavity

what muscle originates at femur and contributes DIRECTLY to stability of knee? why is rectus femoris not included?

vastus muscles remember that rectus femoris originates at hip bone

ductus venosus, ductus arteriosus form what

venosus - ligamentum venosum arteriosus - ligamentuma rteriosum

what bone provides isnertion for tibialis anterior/posterior and fibularis longus?

1 = tibialis anterior 2 = tibialis posterior 3 = fibularis longus MEDIAL CUNEIFORM

what vein does popliteal drain into?

femoral, which is off external iliac

trace blood from aorta to the tarsal arteries (indicate which artery you take pulse from on foot)

1 - medial tarsal 2 - dorsalis pedis Just remember that medial tarsal is a branch off it external iliac -femoral - popliteal - anterior tibial - dorsalis pedis - medial tarsal

know right colic left colic and middle colics

1 - right colic which comes from SMA 2 - left colic which comes from IMA 3 - middle colic which comes from SMA, above right colic bifurcation

perineal membrane what is the order from superficial to deep of these: deep perineal fascia, superficial perineal fascia, perineal membrane, superficial pouch, and deep pouch?

1 = space above perineal membrane which is deep perineal pouch 2= space below perineal membrane which is superficial perineal pouch 3 = deep perineal fascia 4 = superficial perineal fascia

normal position of uterus

Anteverted and anteflexed

spigelian hernia vs richters vs incisional

A Spigelian hernia occurs along the semilunar line below the umbilical region and can protrude through the skin richters involves strangulation and possible necrosis An incisional hernia occurs with dehiscence (breakdown and reopening) of an operative incision after surgery

paraumbilical hernia vs incisional hernia vs ventral hernia

A paraumbilical hernia occurs at the level of the umbilicus, near the midline. An incisional hernia occurs with dehiscence (breakdown and reopening) of an operative incision after surgery. A ventral hernia is a type of incisional hernia located on the ventral surface of the abdomen, occurring only after surgery.

unhappy triad and what causes the injury

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), MCL (medial collateral ligament), medial meniscus This injury may occur when a cleated shoe, as worn by football players, is planted firmly in the turf and the knee is struck from the lateral side

anterior tibial compartment syndrome

Anterior tibial compartment syndrome is characterized by ischemic necrosis of the muscles of the anterior tibial compartment of the leg resulting from damage to the anterior tibial artery

which of these formns anastomoses (A) Hepatic veins and IVC (B) Superior and middle rectal vein (C) Left and right gastric vein (D) Inferior and superficial epigastric veins (E) Suprarenal and renal veins

B 1 = middle rectal from internal iliac (caval) 2 = superior rectal from SMV (portal)

which kidney lies lower

Because of the large size of the right lobe of the liver, the right kidney lies a little lower than the left kidney.

(a) Splenic artery (B) Gastroduodenal artery (C) Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery (D) Left gastroepiploic artery (E) Proper hepatic artery which of these does NOT supply stomach?


Cancer cells from rectal cancer are likely to spread via which veins to what organ?

Cancer cells from rectal cancer are likely to spread to liver through portal system (above pectinate line)

i ate ten eggs at noon mnemonic

Caval opening/ foramen IVC T8 Vertebral level Esophageal Hiatus Esophagus, Vagal Trunks T10 Vertebral level Aortic Hiatus Aorta, Splanchnic nn., Azygos vv., Lymphatics T12 Vertebral level Remains open during respiration

Sliding vs paraesophageal hiatal hernia

In sliding hernias the gastroesophageal junction is displaced. The paraesophageal hernia is generally characterized by herniation of the fundus of stomach into the mediastinum; however, the gastroesophageal junction remains fixed

labioscrotal swellings forms what in males and females

Labioscrotal swellings form the scrotum in males and the labia majora in females

meckel diverticulum 2's

It is approximately 2 in. long, occurs in approximately 2% of the population, and contains two types of mucosal (gastric and pancreatic) tissues in its wall located 2 ft proximal to the ileocecal junction on the antimesenteric border of the ileum persistent remnant of the yolk stalk (vitelline duct)

loss of skin sensation and paralysis of muscles on the plantar aspect of the medial side of the foot. What nerve is likely damaged? innervations and functions of deep fibular, superficial fibular, and tibial? Where do these originate from? what nerve innervates intrinsic foot muscles extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis?

Likely damaged is the common fibular. Why? because it has the deep and superficial branches. Deep fibular does anterior leg muscles (dorsiflexors?) and the sandal thong area extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis (intrinsic foot muscles of toe extension) Tibialis anterior, EHL,EDL, fibularis tertius superficial fibular does fibularis longus and brevis, FOOT EVERSION flexors are posterior and are tibial nerve (plantar flexors, including soleus and plantaris and gastroc and popliteus) SCIATIC GIVES OFF COMMON FIBULAR AND TIBIAL

what ligament prevents anterior displacement of femur on tibia? what ligament prevents posterior displacement of femur on tibia?

PCL - anterior ACL - posterior shown in pic is PCL

pain in umbilical region is commonly referred from where? this is happening due to gallstones

Pain in the umbilical region can be indicative of referred pain from the large intestine. Gallstones can ulcerate through the wall of the fundus of the gall bladder and into the transverse colon, or through the wall of the body of the gallbladder into the duodenum. The stone would then most likely be entrapped at the ileocecal junction, possibly leading to an intestinal obstruction. This could lead predictably to the pain, cramping, and vomiting experienced by the patient.

A 54-year-old man comes to a hospital with abdominal pain, jaundice, loss of appetite, and weight loss. On examination of his radiograms and CT scans, a physician finds a slowly growing tumor in the uncinate process of the pancreas. Which of the following structures is most likely compressed by this tumor?


what muscle is paralyzed with gluteal gait? what nerve and where does this nerve exit from and superior to what muscle? (waddling gait) to what side does the pelvis fall?

SUPERIOR GLUTEAL NERVE which innervates gluteus medius. Exits greater sciatic foramen above piriformis pelvis falls towards unaffected side

Which structure has a Houston valve (transverse rectal fold), with its venous blood drained by the portal venous system?

The mucous membrane and the circular smooth-muscle layer of the rectum form three transverse folds; the middle one is called Houston valve. The venous blood returns to the portal venous system via the superior rectal vein.

biceps femoris and semimembranosus innervations

The biceps femoris is innervated by the tibial portion (long head) and common peroneal portion (short head) of the sciatic nerve. The semimembranosus is innervated by the tibial portion of the sciatic nerve

Which structure becomes necrotic after the medial femoral circumflex artery is severed?

The distal part of the femoral head receives blood mainly from the medial femoral circumflex artery, whereas the proximal part is supplied by a branch from the posterior division of the obturator artery. 1=obturator artery

what 2 nerves provide sensory innervation to penis

The dorsal nerve of the penis and the perineal nerve provide sensory nerve fibers.

pectineus innervation

The pectineus is innervated by both the obturator and femoral nerves.

the pelvic and prostatic nervous plexus contain what type of fibers?

The pelvic and prostatic plexuses contain both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers.

perineal nerve deep vs superficial

The perineal nerve divides into a deep branch, which supplies all of the perineal muscles, and superficial branches as posterior scrotal nerves that supply the scrotum

phallus forms what in males and females

The phallus (genital tubercle) forms the penis in males and the clitoris in females.

what are the three bones that form acetabulum

anterior - pubis posterior superior - ilium posterior inferior - ischium

gracilis function

The gracilis adducts and flexes the thigh and flexes the leg

anterior horn and lateral horn cell bodies and sympathetic chain ganglion cell bodies and celiac ganglion cell bodies

The lateral horn of the spinal cord contains cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic nerve fibers; the anterior horn contains cell bodies of general somatic efferent (GSE) fibers. The sympathetic chain ganglion contains cell bodies of sympathetic postganglionic fibers, which supply blood vessels, sweat glands, and hair follicles The celiac ganglion contains cell bodies of sympathetic postganglionic fibers, which supply the visceral organs such as stomach and intestine.

external pudendal, internal pudendal, and inferior epigastric (all LEFT) empty into what vein

The left internal pudendal vein empties into the left internal iliac vein. The left inferior epigastric vein drains into the left external iliac vein, and the left external pudendal vein empties into the femoral vein

what ligament and tendon supports the medial longitudinal arch?

The medial longitudinal arch is supported by the spring ligament and the tendon of the flexor hallucis longus muscle.

medial umbilical fold is a remnant of what artery?

The medial umbilical fold or ligament contains a fibrous remnant of the umbilical artery

transverse arch

The transverse arch is formed by the navicular, three cuneiform, the cuboid, and five metatarsal bones and is supported by the fibularis longus tendon which goes across whole foot

what are the 4 boundaries of perineum

The pubic arcuate ligament, tip of the coccyx, ischial tuberosities, and sacrotuberous ligament all form part of the boundary of the perineum.

quadrate and caudate lobe bile drainage

The quadrate lobe drains bile into the left hepatic duct, not the right hepatic duct, whereas the caudate lobe drains bile into the right and left hepatic ducts

renal fascia

The renal fascia lies external to the perirenal fat and internal to the pararenal fat, and it also surrounds the suprarenal gland

How can cancer spread from uterus to labia majora? What is the lymphatic drainage path the cancer would follow(this applies to scrotum, ovaries, anus too)? How does it compare to lymphatic drainage of testes?

The round ligament of uterus exits from uterus through deep inguinal ring, through inguinal canal, and through superficial inguinal ring. It is analogous to spermatic cord in males Carcinoma of the uterus can spread directly to the labium majus by traveling in lymphatics that follow the ligament superficial inguinal lymph node -> external iliac -> common iliac -> lumbar -> cisterna chyle -> thoracic duct lymphatic drainage of testes is straight to lumbar nodes and cisterna chyle and thoracic duct. testicular cancer spreads fast

venous and arterial supply of scrotum

The scrotum receives blood from the posterior scrotal branches of the internal pudendal arteries and the anterior scrotal branches of the external pudendal arteries testicular artery does NOT supply scrotum

what nerve innervates psoas major?

The second and third lumbar nerves innervate the psoas major muscle

biceps femoris and semimembranosus functions

The semimembranosus extends the thigh and flexes and rotates the leg medially. The biceps femoris extends the thigh and flexes and rotates the leg laterally. red= biceps femoris

what are the 2 muscles of urogenital diaphragm and what pouch are they in? What can happen to them with multiple child births?

The sphincter urethrae and deep transverse perineal muscles form the urogenital diaphragm the blue line is perineal membrane. Both of these muscles weaken with multiple child births and can cause weakness of urogenital diaphragm Both are in deep pouch

superficial dorsal vein of penis empties into what

The superfi - cial dorsal vein of the penis empties into the greater saphenous vein.

what does the sural nerve supply?

The sural nerve supplies the lateral aspect of the foot and the little toe.

opposite of tibialis posterior

The tibialis posterior can plantar flex and invert the foot. The extensor digitorum longus can dorsiflex and evert the foot 1 = tibialis psoterior

urethral folds forms what in males and females

Urethral (urogenital) folds form the spongy urethra and a portion of the shaft of the penis in males and the labia minora in females.

divisions of internal iliac mnemonic

VUVU PROG (anterior division) V = Vesical (inferior) - U = Umbilical - superior vesical - V = Vaginal - U = Uterine - P = Pudendal (internal pudendal) - R = Rectal (middle rectal) - O = Obturator - G = Gluteal (inferior gluteal) ILS (post division) I = Iliolumbar - L = Lateral sacral - S = Superior gluteal

where is external urethral sphincter located? (in what pouch)

deep pouch

lymphatic drainage of: a skin of penis and scrotum b testis and epidydmis c glans of penis

a superficial inguinal b lumbar c deep inguinal

What nerve provides cutaneous innervation to skin above pubis?

above pubis - iliohypogastric

what muscle is SOLELY innervated by obturator nerve and what is its function

adductor longus The adductor longus adducts and flexes the thigh.

what muscle is innervated by both obturator and sciatic (tibial portion)?

adductor magnus

where does adductor magnus insert

adductor tubercle of femur

afferent vs efferent for cremaster muscle

afferent = femoral branch of genitofemoral efferent = genital branch of genitofemoral

where does fertilization normally occur? what about ectopics?

ampulla of fallopian tube or infundibulum is for fertilization ectopics (implantation) normally happens at ampulla

if a spongey (penile) urethra is ruptured, where could it leak into? (basically what is difference between rupture of urethra at bulb vs shaft on penis)

bulb - it would break through gallaudets fascia but still be contained by colles fascia which is continuous and becomes scarpas at abdominal wall. At penile shaft, gallaudets is called bucks. shaft rupture - it would not rip bucks fascia and therefore would be contained at shaft of penis REMEMBER THAT IN THE SCROTUM, COLLES = DARTOS and campers fascia is fat

bulb of penis/vestibule locations

bulb of vestibule shown in superficial perineal pouch. bulb of penis would be same place above perineal membrane is deep perineal pouch

in what pouch are bulbourethral glands located and what is their function? What pouch is bulb of penis located?

bulbourethral gland which lubricates urethra for passage of ejaculate is in deep pouch bulb of penis is superficial pouch blue line is perineal membrane

soleus and gastrocnemius together form what

calcaneal tendon

what ligament provides primary support for the uterus?

cardinal ligament

define epispadias and hypospadia

defect in formation of spongy urethra, which causes urine to pass on dorsal aspect of penis = epispadia hypospadia same thing but urethra ends up on ventral side

which nerve runs adjacent to head and neck of fibula?

common fibular

what is it called when testes do not descend


dartos and tunica vaginalis derive from what

dartos - superficial fascia tunica vaginalis - serous membrane surround the testis and is derived from the peritoneum.

what are the two major foot muscles of inversion and their innervation

deep fibular - anterior tibialis tibial - posterior tibialis

foot drop what type of injury commonly causes it and what nerve is damaged?

deep fibular nerve, injury to lateral kneeinability to dorsiflex foot, foot slaps ground when walking.

deep inguinal ring vs superficial in terms of what they lie in

deep lies in transversalis fascia superficial lies in external oblique

what artery has two branches that one participates in knee anastomoses but the other does not?

descending genicular, which comes off femoral and has two branches: 1 articular branch 2 saphenous branch (which does not participate in knee anastomosis)

what does arcuate artery branch off?

dorsalis pedis

What muscle can do dorsiflexion and foot inversion?

extensor hallucis longus

if a tumor is confined within the broad ligament, what structure is at most risk?

fallopian tubes lie within broad ligament so it would be them

what muscle is responsible for plantar flexing foot and flexing leg at knee joint?


which muscle is in charge of lateral rotation and extension of thigh? what is its innervation

gluteus maximus. inferior gluteal nerve

abduction and medial rotation of thigh. what muscles and nerves?

gluteus minimus or medius both do it

what vein runs superficial to fascia lata and can often be used for coronary bypass?

great saphenous

where does obturator internus insert and where does its tendon pass through

greater trochanter. passes through lesser sciatic foramen

hematocele, gubernaculum,

hematocele - is an effusion of blood into the cavity of the tunica vaginalis gubernaculum - Gubernaculum testis is the fetal ligament that connects the bottom of the fetal testis to the developing scrotum. pulls the testes through the abdomen, through the inguinal canal in the groin, and down into the scrotum

ureter palpation during rectal vs vaginale xams

in rectal exams in males you cannot do ureter in females vaginal exam you CAN do ureter

what is the most common type of hernia in females

indirect inguinal

What is the cruciate anastomoses of thigh?

inferior gluteal connects to medial circumflex and comes off internal iliac femoral comes off external iliac and gives off deep femoral which gives off both medial circumflex femoral and lateral circumflex femoral. There is anastomoses between these circumflex and the inferior gluteal THIS FORMS CRUCIATE ANASTOMOSES OF THIGH 1 - lateral circumflex femoral 2- medial circumflex femoral 3 - inferior gluteal

where is a needle inserted for pudendal block?

inferior margin of ischial spine, right where pudendal nerve is

ischiorectal fossa contents

inferior rectal nerve, artery and vein are all in ischiorectal fossa

what is a key structure contained in ischioanal fossa

inferior rectal vessels and nerve

what forms inguinal ligament and the sac of a direct inguinal hernia?

inguinal ligament - aponeurosis of EO sac - peritoneum

Which fractured structure is likely to cause paralysis of the adductor magnus?

ischiopubic ramus and ischiotuberosity

what is unique about right colic vein and portal hypertension

it will be enlarged because right colic feeds into SMV and then feeds into Portal vein

Pain sensation originating from peritoneal irritation by gastric contents in the lesser sac is carried by...

lower intercostal nerves

what is an important nerve that enters the pelvic inlet?

lumbosacral trunk

what nerve helps contribute to sacral plexus and stays in the pelvic cavity?

lumbosacral trunk

which of the gluteal muscles does NOT insert on greater trochanter of femur?


what artery is the main supply for femur head?

medial femoral circumflex

what is the main support for lateral and medial longitudinal arches?

medial longitudinal arch - 1 head of talus - 2 lateral longitudinal arch support is cuboid

what is in median umbilica fold and medial umbilical fold and alteral umbilical fold

median - urachus medial - umbilical artery lateral - The lateral umbilical fold (ligament) contains the inferior epigastric artery and vein

what is the difference between tumors at middle lobe and posterior lobe of prostate and what do they result in?

middle lobe = benign prostatic hypertrophy which commonly results in obstruction of prostatic urethra posterior lobe = carcinoma

middle portion vs complete processus vaginalis remains patent. what happens?

middle portion - hydrocele complete - indirect inguinal hernia

pes anserinus

muscles to add stability to the medial aspect of the extended knee sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus

A 58-year-old man is admitted to a hospital with severe abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting resulting in dehydration. Emergency CT scan reveals a tumor located between the celiac trunk and the superior mesenteric artery. Which of the following structures is likely compressed by this tumor?

neck of pancreas

what muscle innervates obturator internus and what is special about its course? What is an important point about obturator internus insertion?

nerve to obturator internus does it and whats special is that it goes through greater and lesser sciatic foramina obturator internus inserts into greater trochanter

what happens if there is a blockage at proximal end of popliteal artery? How can blood get to foot?

popliteal artery gives off superior and inferior lateral and medial genicular arteries. Lateral circumflex femoral descends and is able to anastomose around knee area aorta -> external iliac -> femoral -> deep femoral -> lateral circumflex femoral which does anastomoses at knee instead of going straight from femoral and then popliteal to knee

fibular collateral ligament function. Why is it special with regards to knee capsule infections?

prevents adduction at the knee. Remember that this ligament is preserved from infections at knee capsule because it lies outside of it. ACL, PCL, and meniscus lie inside

where does deep dorsal vein of penis drain

prostatic venous plexus

what is the main mujscle of maintaining urinary continence


what nerve does the muscles of pelvic diaphragm and skin and genitalia of perineum? where does it arise from?

pudendal nerve from s2,s3,s4

What 3 muscles does femoral nerve innervate

quadratus femoris, sartorius, and vastus muscles

which muscles are powerful knee extensors? Where does its tendon insert?

quadriceps femoris (vastus and rectus femoris) tendon inserts right above patella

what muscles are responsible for leg extension?

quadriceps femoris (which includes rectus femoris, and all vastus muscles)

in an ectopic pregnancy rupture, where will fluid accumulate?

rectouterine pouch AKA pouch of douglas. It is the lowest point in female abdominopelvic cavity. To access it you must insert needle through posterior fornix

what muscle extends knee joint and flexes hip joint?

rectus femoris

right colic vs left colic in terms of origin

right colic = SMV (which feeds directly into portal) left colic = IMV (which feeds into splenic and then portal)

popliteus main function

rotates the femur laterally ("unlocks" the knee). This action results in unlocking of the knee joint to initiate flexion of the leg at the joint.

lower medial quadrant damage between the ischial tuberosity and the lesser trochanter damage over the sacrospinous ligament damage these are all referring to gluteal injections

sacro - damage the pudendal nerve and vessels ischial - may damage the sciatic and posterior femoral cutaneous nerves on the quadratus femoris. lower medial - damage the pudendal and sciatic nerves

what structures are in the adductor canal? What significant vein is not in adductor canal?

saphenous nerve and femoral artery and vein. great saphenous vein is outside of canal

what muscles flexes both thigh AND leg?


what do the ejaculatory ducts open into?

seminal colliculus, which then goes into prostatic urethra

what muscle extends thigh but flexes leg?


who sits more anterior, left renal vein/artery or aorta?

shown is left renal vein, anterior to left renal artery AND anterior to aorta

what vein is superficial and terminates in popliteal vein?

small saphenous vein

what veins do you connect to make a portal caval shunt in liver cirrhosis

splenic vein to left renal remember that splenic feeds right into portal vein

A 5-month-old boy is admitted to the children's hospital because of urine being expelled from the dorsal aspect of the penis. Which of the following embryologic structures failed to fuse in this patient?

spongy urethra

what ligament connects calcaneus to navicular?

spring ligament (plantarcalcaneonavicular)

where does the great saphenous vein begin and terminate? what nerve ascends with it?

starts right at medial malleolus basically, next to dorsal venous arch. Saphenous nerve ascends with it great saphenous then inserts into femoral and the saphenous branches off femoral nerve

The crus of the penis, bulb of the vestibule, spongy urethra, and great vestibular gland are in what pouch


skin over anterolateral leg was damaged in a bike accident. What nerve comes to mind when thinking of anterolateral leg skin

superficial fibular

what nerve innervates the fibularis brevis?

superficial fibular nerve

upper portion of uterus pain nerve

superior hypogastric

which part of pancreas is intraperitoneal


what bone has a groove for the flexor hallucis longus ?


medial rotation and flexion of thigh muscles and nerves

tensor fascia lata does both these functions

why is the anterior tibial artery prone to damage by hypertrophy of muscles?

the anterior tibial artery runs through interosseus membrane. its course is with with leg extensors (extensor digitorum longus 1) and (extensor hallucis longus 2). If these two muscles are damaged or hypertrophied, the anterior tibial artery is prone to damage.

what 2 nerves innervate the skin over greater trochanter and what 1 nerve innervates the tensor fascia lata?

the iliohypogastric nerve and superior cluneal nerves supply the skin over the greater trochanter, and the superior gluteal nerve innervates the tensor fasciae latae.

what is the order for prostatic urethra, prostatic sinus, seminal colliculus, prostatic ducts?

the order is prostatic ducts -> prostatic sinus -> seminal colliculus -> prostatic urethra

peritoneum on central part of diaphragm vs peritoneum on peripheral part innervation vs peritoneum on inferior part of diaphragm

the peritoneum on the central part of the diaphragm receives sensory fibers from the phrenic nerve, and the peripheral part of the diaphragm receives such fibers from the lower intercostal nerves. subcostal nerve = inferior part of diaphragm

piriformis muscle. What structure is likely damaged if someone is stabbed right above piriformis? What structure does piriformis pass through?

the piriformis originates at sacrum and goes through greater sciatic foramen. Superior gluteal nerve exits right above piriformis in greater sciatic foramen. Superior gluteal artery follows that path. These two can be damaged

what is the relationship between superior vesical and true pelvis

the superior vesical artery remains in true pelvis

what is the relationship between uterine artery and ureter? In what ligament are both of these found?

the uterine artery crosses above ureter ''water under the bridge'' and is commonly mistakenly ligated instead of ureter occurs in the transverse cardinal ligament

what is a unique point about superficial veins?

they follow the path of least resistance

aortic hiatus contents

thoracic duct and azygos vein

dorsiflexion of foot muscle

tibialis anterior

tibialis anterior, fibularis longus and brevis functions

tibialis anterior can dorsiflex and invert the foot, and the peroneus longus and brevis can plantar flex and evert the foot 1 fibularis brevis 2 tibialis anterior

what is the main muscle of plantar flexion and foot inversion?

tibialis posterior

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