BSAD 222: Quiz 2

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Which Holland code describes people who thrive in environments that are unstructured and allows them to be innovative? Artistic Conventional Enterprising Investigative Realistic Social


Which Holland code refers to people who are list-makers, task-masters, methodical, and practical? Artistic Conventional Enterprising Investigative Realistic Social


The likelihood of someone having the same top 10 themes as you in the same order is 1 in ___.

6 billion

Which group of individuals are resentful that their needs are not being met at work and are acting out their unhappiness? Engaged Employees Not Engaged Employees Actively Disengaged Employees

Actively Disengaged Employees

Which group of people are highly involved in and enthusiastic about their work and workplace? Engaged Employees Not Engaged Employees Actively Disengaged Employees

Engaged Employees

True or False: People search for environments where they can use their skills and abilities but not express their values and attitudes.


True or False: Strengths can be used as a label to explain who you are and how you do things.


True or False: When you work for an organization whose leadership does not focus on their employees' Strengths, employee engagement is drastically higher than organizations who do have a focus on Strengths.


Which group of people are inquisitive, logical, and enjoy learning?Artistic Conventional Enterprising Investigative Realistic Social


Which group of people are defined as those who are psychologically unattached to their work and company? Engaged Employees Not Engaged Employees Actively Disengaged Employees

Not Engaged Employees

Which code describes someone who wants to make a difference through helping others? Artistic Conventional Enterprising Investigative Realistic Social


True or False: People of the same personality type working together create a work environment that fits their type.


True or False: People who choose to work in an environment similar to their personality type are more likely to be successful and satisfied.


Your interpretation of your Strengths will impact: how you talk about yourself to employers how you understand others how you lead how you succeed all of the above

all of the above

Your ___ of your Strengths helps you build your unique brand.


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