BSC 196 Saad/Bowden FINAL

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In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p 2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1. If the dominant allele frequency is 0.8, what percent of the population will be homozygous dominant?


The genetic material of which kind of cells is included in a single, circular molecule of DNA devoid of any histone proteins

A. BACTERIA b. protozoa c. insects d. flowering plants e. yeasts

Which meristem helps in increasing girth?

A. LATERAL MERISTEM b. intercalary meristem c. primary meristem d. apical meristem

Upon exposure to blue light, plants not only begin to grow toward the light, but move their chloroplasts to the sunny side of each cell. The adaptive advantage of moving chloroplasts to the sunny side of each cell _

A. MAXIMIZES LIGHT ABSORPTION BY THE CHLOROPLASTS FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS b. increases production of phototropic hormones c. maximizes heat absorption by the chloroplasts for cellular respiration d. increases adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production during the light-independent reactions

Which of the following are seedless vascular plants?

A. MOSSES b. Horsetails c. Liverworts d. Bryophytes

Which of the following flower parts develops into a seed?

A. OVULE b. ovary c. stamen d. carpel

Green algae are believed to be closely related to the first plants because both groups _____.

A. POSSESES CHLOROPHYLS A AND B b. have a cell wall that contains chitin c. store reserve food as glycogen d. All of these

What are the primary sites of ethylene production in high concentrations in plants?

A. SHOOT APICAL MERISTEM AND YOUNG LEAVES b. roots c. seeds d. ripening fruits

The diploid generation of plants is called _____.

A. SPOROPHYTE b. spore c. gametophyte d. gamete

Protists are _____.

A. UNICELLULAR b. multicellular C. unicellular and multicellular

The cell wall of bacteria:

a. Helps prevent the cell from bursting b. Protects the cell C. ALL ARE CORRECT d. Contains peptidoglycan e. Gives the bacterium a distinctive shape

Ancestors of the Galapagos finches had two different types of seeds to eat on some islands. Some seeds were very small, and required small beaks to handle, other seeds were very large and required large strong beaks to crack. This led to ____ among the Galapagos finches

Disruptive selection

The correct sequence of taxonomic categories beginning with domain in descending order are:

a. Kingdom - phylum - order - class - genus - family - species b. Kingdom - class - phylum - order - family - genus - species c. Kingdom - phylum - order - class - genus - family - species D. KINGDOM - PHYLUM - CLASS - ORDER - FAMILY - GENUS - SPECIES e. Kingdom - phylum - class - order - genus - family - species

Arrange the following structures from largest to smallest, assuming that they belong to two generations of the same angiosperm. 1. ovary 2. ovule 3. egg 4. carpel 5. embryo sac

a. 4, 2, 1, 5, 3 b. 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 c. 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 D. 4, 1, 2, 5, 3

Approximately how long ago did LIFE first evolve on earth

a. 4.5 billion years B. 3.5 BILLION YEARS AGO c. 1 billion years d. 600 million years e. 100,000 years

Which of the following is not characteristic of a prokaryote?

a. Cell wall b. DNA C. NUCLEUS d. Plasma membrane

The water vascular system is characteristics of:

a. Echinoderms only b. Echinoderms and chordates c. Chordates only d. Arthropods only

How many of the following statements are correct? The protist in this diagram... - is feeding through phagocytosis - is in the same supergroup as photosynthetic protists - has alveoli on its surface - is responsible for the human disease malaria

a. One is correct b. Two are correct c. Three are correct d. Four are correct

Which of the following is not a characteristic of all chordates?

a. Phayngeal arches B. DIPLOBLASTIC c. Body cavity d. Cephalized

Which is the correct sequence for levels of biological organization occurring beyond the individual?

a. Population - ecosystem - community - biosphere b. Community - population - ecosystem - biosphere c. Community - population - biosphere - ecosystem D. POPULATION - COMMUNITY - ECOSYSTEM - BIOSPHERE e. Ecosystem - population - biosphere - community

The great _____ forests turned into the coal we use today to fuel our modern society

a. Precambrian B. CARBONIFEROUS c. Silurian d. Devonian

Which trait appeared at the arrow in the cladogram below?

a. Sporic life cycle b. Euphylls c. Pollen d. Wood

Members of Archaea are often referred to as extremophils because they live in conditions of extreme

a. Temperature b. Salinity c. Heat D. ALL ARE CORRECT

There are no fungi that _____

a. are parasites b. decompose dead tissue C. DO PHOTOSYNTHESIS d. reproduce sexually

According to geochemists which of the following would have been the most unlikely condition on the primitive Earth?

a. atmospheric cooling b. crust formation c. gas cloud encircling the Earth D. HIGH LEVELS OF OXYGEN e. water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen among the early gases

if two species are close competitors, and one species is experimentally removed from the community, the remaining species would be expected to ______

a. change its fundamental niche b. decline in abundance c. become the target of specialized parasites D. EXPAND ITS REALIZED NICHE

The fetal placenta and umbilical cord are formed from the

a. chorion and amnion b. chorion c. chorion and uterus d. amnion e. chorion and allantois

In models of sigmoidal (logistic) population growth, _____.

a. density-dependent factors affect population growth rate b. new individuals are added to the population most rapidly at intermediate population sizes C. POPULATION GROWTH RATE SLOWS DRAMATICALLY AS N APPROACHES K d. all of the above are true e. a and c

Pollen grains transport _____ without water.

a. eggs b. embryos C. MALE GAMETOPHYTES d. glucose

Which of the following is not descriptive of deuterostomes?

a. embryo divides by radial cleavage B. LARVA IS A TROCHOPHORE c. anus develops from the blastopore d. includes echinoderms and chordates

The _____ of the angiosperms increase the dispersal of seeds.

a. flowers b. cones C. FRUITS d. peduncle

Early embryonic development of echinoderms is similar to that found in

a. gastropods b. arthropods c. cephalpods D. HUMANS e. other protostomes

The plant hormone auxin has affects on plant cells that are

a. growth inhibitory B. GROWTH STIMULATORY c. both growth inhibitory and growth stimulatory d. neither growth inhibitory nor growth stimulatory

Which of the following is an example of a pre-zygotic isolating mechanism?

a. hybrid sterility b. hybrid inviabilty C. GAMETIC ISOLATION d. hybrid breakdown e. fusion

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of the arthropods?

a. jointed appendages b. exoskeleton C. COELOM d. segmented body e. All of the above are characteristic of the arthropods

Which one of the following is not a crustacean?

a. lobster b. copepod C. HORSESHOE CRAB d. barnacle e. crayfish

The location of growth and development in plants is known as a(n)

a. node B. MERISTEM c. operon d. root e. leaf

Protist contributions to the functioning of the biosphere include _____

a. performing photosynthesis b. decomposing dead organic material c. forming symbiotic relationships with other living things D. ALL OF THE ABOVE

The rootlike hairs that anchor nonvascular plants are called ____

a. protonema b. thalli C. RHIZOIDS d. stomates

Which of the following was NOT a challenge for survival of the first land plants?

a. sources of water b. sperm transfer c. desiccation D. ANIMAL PREDATION e. absorbing enough light

Which of the following is characteristic of sponges?

a. symmetry b. sexual reproduction c. tissues d. organs e. adult mobility

Conifers _____.

a. usually have evergreen needle-like leaves b. produce resin, which protects them from attack by fungi and insects c. are cone-bearing trees d. All of these

The primitive atmosphere had little if any __

a. water B. FREE OXYGEN c. carbon dioxide d. nitrogen

The production of oxygen and food by the _____ contributes significantly to the health of the biosphere.

a. water molds b. paramecium C. DIATOMS d. sporozoans

Prokaryotes reproduce _____.

asexually by binary fission

The ostrich and the emu look very similar and live in similar habitats, however they are not very closely related. This is an example of _______.

divergent evolution

When imbalances occur in the sex ratio of sexual species that have two sexes (i.e., other than a 50:50 ratio), the members of the minority sex often receive a greater proportion of care and resources from parents than do the offspring of the majority sex. This is most clearly an example of _______ selection.


In the sage grouse males congregate at areas called leks. Females visit leks and move around, observing the displays of different males. Eventually each female will stop and mate with one of the males, perhaps at a second visit. This is an example of?

intersexual selection

According to Darwin, natural selection usually:

preserves favorable variations and rejects harmful variations in a population.

A species of bird in the forest have specialized beaks for pecking through nuts and eating them. The birds with the larger beaks are able to crack open the bigger nuts and the birds with the smaller beaks are able to crack open the small nuts, but the birds with the medium beaks can't pick through the small nuts or crack the big nuts and are eventually eliminated due to natural selection. The two extremes in beak sizes are selected for causing the big birds to grow bigger with bigger beaks and the small birds to become smaller with smaller beaks. Their genome becomes different that they can no longer interbreed. What type of speciation is this an example of

sympatric speciation

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