Building Systems Jenny's Notes

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60" clr

2 Wheelchair Passing Width (min)

2'-6" wide x 4'-0" long min

Clear Floor Space for Lavatory

2'-6" wide x 4'-0" long

Clear floor space (min wheelchair)


Evacuated Tube Collectors, Concentrating Collectors, & Flat Plate Collectors are all ____ Based collection systems.

Heating Degree Day


no problem, no need to heat

HDD65: 0 - 1000

good insulation is enough

HDD65: 1000 - 3000

moderate, use 2 systems

HDD65: 3000 - 5000

need serious heating

HDD65: 5000 - 7000

year long heating (just move)

HDD65: Over 7000

80" min

Headroom (min)


Thermal mass materials shouldn't exceed 6" thick.

5'-0" circle

Turning Space (min)

18" min length, 39" - 41" above floor 39" - 41" from the rear wall

Vertical grab bar

Concentrating Collectors

use metal reflectors to concentrate the sun's ray on a tube or point. Panels collect much higher temperature than flat plate collectors. They're far more effect use of surface area, but more complex and expensive

Design Day

used to design and size a heating system that determines the day cooler than 98% of all days in the year experience in a climate.

Globe Thermometer

used to measure radiant temperature. It's a dry bulb thermometer encased in a matte black copper sphere

Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE)

value displayed on all furnaces manufactured within the United States

British Thermal Unit: BTU

a measure of energy, typically noted as the amount of energy needed to raise one pound of water by 1° F

Air Changes Per Hour (ACH)

a rough estimate of how much whole room/building air is replaced by outdoor air per hour

Water Wall

a tank or collection of large vertical tubes are filled with water and put by a window, allowing some light to get into the space.

Thermal Conductivity (k)

ability of a material to transmit or conduct heat or electricity based on the physical properties of the material, expressed in BTU

Sensible Heat

amount of energy released or absorbed by a chemical substance during a change of temperature, changes the temperature but not the state, given in BTU


amount of insulation which will maintain normal skin Temperature of the human body, 1 Clo is the equivalent of a typical American man's suit in 1941.


an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure

Mean Daily Range

average temperature swing from night to day


exposing to the rays of the sun

Effective Temperature

fictitious temperature that produces the same physiological effect as the combined effects of temperature, humidity, and air movement NOT AN ACUTAL TEMP.

Heat sink

for the purpose of high mass cooling is a facility for rejecting heat accumulated by a building

Heat of Vaporization

heat given off by a vapor condensing to liquid, or the heat absorbed by a liquid evaporating to a gas without a change in temperature

Latent Heat

heat required to convert a solid into a liquid or vapor, or a liquid into a vapor, without change of temperature, given in BTU

Coefficient of Heat Transmission (U-value)

overall rate of heat flow through any combination of materials, used for determining the size of heating system.


liquid is absorbed into the air as latent heat

Evacuated Tube Collectors

multiple evacuated glass tube each contain an absorber plate fused to a heat pipe. The heat from the hot end of the heat pipes is transferred to the transfer fluid (water or antifreeze ix) of a domestic hot water or hydronic space heating system. More efficient than flat plate collectors because the vacuums that surrounds the outside of the tube greatly reduce convection and conduction heat loss to the outside.

Resistance (R)

number of hours needed for 1 BTU to pass through 1 ft2 of material or assembly of a given thickness when the change in temperature is 1 ºF


pleasantly low temperature


protecting from heat loss


radiant heat gain from the sun

Relative Humidity

ratio of moisture content of the air to the max possible moisture content at the same temperature

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)

ratio of solar heat gain through a fenestration to the total solar radiation incident (falling upon/striking) on the glazing (0.0 - 0.87)

Shading Coefficient (SC)

ratio of solar heat gain through a glazing product to the solar heat gain through an unshaded 1/8" thick clear double strength glass under the same set of conditions (0.0 - 1.0) SHGC is considered more accurate.

Indirect Gain systems

solar radiation strikes a thermal mass and is converted into heat and transferred into the occupied space


study of physical and thermodynamic properties of gas-vapor mixtures

Stack Effect (Chimney Effect)

tendency of a gas or air to rise in vertical shaft because its density is lower than the surround gas or air

Specific Heat

the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a material by 1 ºF, the capacity to store heat, given in BTU

Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT)

the average radiant temperature of your surroundings and is independent of air temperature (e.g.: when you ski it's cold out but you're warm from the sun and exercise)

Degree Day

the average yearly difference between the indoor Temperature and outdoor temperature. Typically a reference temperature of 65 ºF is used


the energy radiated by the surface of a body person per unit area

Solar Savings Fraction (SSF)

the extent to which a solar design reduces a building's auxiliary heat requirement relative to a reference energy conserving building

Wet Bulb Temperature

the lowest temperature that can be reached under current ambient conditions by the evaporation of water only, given in ºF

Emissivity (ε)

the measure of an object's ability to absorb and then radiate heat


the quality, state, or sensation of being warm, moderate and comfortable heat

Comfort Zone

the range of temperatures and humidities in which most people feel comfortable when dressed in typical indoor clothing & engaged in typical indoor activities

Thermal Comfort

the state of mind that expresses satisfaction with the surrounding environment

Dew Point (T)

the temperature at which water vapor starts to condenses out of the air. Above this temperature the moisture will stay in the air, given in ºF


the transfer of heat that requires a fluid medium like air to transfer (also, directions like up/down/sideways matters)

Mass Walls

thick walls are placed in the sunlight, often behind a large window or glass skin. They store incoming solar energy without increasing the building temperature, and slowly release heat when it's needed

16" - 18" to center from sidewall

toilet location

17" - 19" to top of seat

toilet seat height

Enthalpy (H)

total heat loss in a substance (latent heat + sensible heat), given in BTU


transfer of heat between surfaces that are not in direct contact


transfer of heat between two objects that are in direct contact

Dry Bulb Temperature

typically referred to as air temperature. It's an indicator of heat content and measured by a common thermometer, given in ºF

Thin Buildings

(type of building)____ are easier to daylight

Thick buildings

(type of building)_____ are more difficult to light, easier to heat, cores have more internal loads

Air Based Systems

-Use solar collectors to trap air instead of water to absorb and transfer heat -Operate a lower efficiency than liquid collectors because air doesn't transfer heat as efficiently as water

Conductivity (k/in)

400S (levels 1+2), all door numbers changed, dropped room numbers retagged, graphic cleanup, reload of stairs, redimension of partial plans, views for vertical circulation all created and put on sheets


A shaded south window will receive about ___ (FRACTION) of the solar radiation of a window that is not shaded


An unshaded southern window when compared to an unshaded northern window, receives about ____(%) more gains



Conductance (C)

BTU/Hr that pass through 1 ft2 of material of a given thickness when the change in temperature is 1 ºF

Building Element U-value x Area of material = Building performance



Coupled (or directly sunlit mass) requires ____ mass:glass ratio

1:50 max

Cross Slope


Decoupled mass (sun travels through space to get to mass) requires ____ mass:glass ratio

2'-6" wide x 4'-0" long min

Drinking Fountain Floor Space

36" max above floor

Drinking Fountain Spout Height

4" min height

Drinking fountain water flow

Design Dry Bulb

For cooling use ____ (2.5%): 2.5% of the time the weather is above the value listed for the city

Design Dry Bulb

For heating use _____ (97.5%); 97.5% of the time the outdoor temperature is above the value listed on the table for the city

34" max above floor to top of rim/counter

Lavatory Height

Eutectic Salts

Materials used to store and release heat by means of their latent heat capacity... they alternately melt and solidify in the normal solar operating temp range of 80 - 160ºF

40" bottom of frame



Phoenix HDD65


Photovoltaics: For every BTU, ____ (fraction) of it is good, the rest is waste



30" wide x 60" long min

Roll in Shower Front Clr

30" x 60" clr min

Roll in Shower Size

42" min length 12" max from rear wall 33" -36" above floor

Sidewall grab bar

7" - 9" to center from front of toilet 15" - 48" above floor

T.P. Dispenser!

36" wide x 48" long min

Transfer Front Clr

36" x 36" clr min

Transfer Showers Size


Water stores about ___ times as much heat per pound as concrete

32" clr at a point/36" clr continuous

Wheelchair Passage Width


When dry bulb temp equals wet bulb, relative humidity equals ___ (%)

Sun Spaces/Rooms (the odd one out)

basically a thermal storage wall on steroids, it's a thermally isolated from the rest of the house, and as the space heats up, vents between the two spaces are opened so solar heat can come in. It's the most marketable, but not the most effective. Also, you can't use it a greenhouse, you have to choose if you want to make heat or grow plants.

Roof Pond

best used in low humidity climates (e.g.: the southern US) and for one story or upper stories of a building. 6" - 12" of water are contained on a flat roof in large plastic or fiberglass containers covered by glazing. Spaces below are warmed by radiant heat from the water above.

Flat Plate Collectors

comprised of a 4' x 8' insulated glass box with piping manifold connected to the black metal plate. Solar energy is collected by the flat plate and transfers heat to tubing that circulates water underneath, which continues on to an insulated water tank


instrument used to measure the relative humidity of the air

Trombe Walls

like a mass wall but a convective loop is added by making a space between the mass and glass skin. A one way vent at the top lets warm air into the room and another one way vent at the base that lets the coldest air into the airspace.

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