Bulletin 5 - Substance abuse policy

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Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.6 Alcohol Screening and Confirmation Tests b.) If the initial screening test is (value)________________________, a confirmation test shall be performed. The technician shall advise the employee not to ____________________________ prior to the confirmation test. To ensure the integrity of the results, the confirmation test must be conducted no earlier than (time) _________________ after completion of the screening tests, but no later than (time) _________________ after completion of the screening test.

- 0.020 or greater - eat, drink, or put anything into his/her mouth - fifteen (15) minutes - thirty (30) minutes

Section 9: Random Drug Testing 9.4 On each day that random testing is to be conducted, HR shall generate a list of up to (#) ____________ employees per platoon group. The list shall be generated using _________________________. Once the list of employees subject to random testing for the period is generated, HR shall forward the list to ____________________________. The PSO shall effectuate notice to the employee. The immediate supervisor will then be notified for ________________________. The Division Head shall be notified to initiate personnel relief for the selected member. The employee will have (time)________________ to report to the PFC for testing upon relief. The employee will sign a notice at the PFC regarding the random drug/alcohol screening.

- 2 employees - employee payroll identification numbers only - the MSO and the Professional Standards Officer (PSO) - proper journal entries - 90 minutes

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.4 Testing of Urine Samples for the Presence of Controlled Substances and Drugs g.) ___________________________ will not be released to any employee of the D.C. Fire & EMS Department or anyone else unless ____________________ or unless ________________________.

- Information relating to test results - he or she has a need to know this information in the performance of his or her duties - the employee has executed and signed a release form

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.4 Testing of Urine Samples for the Presence of Controlled Substances and Drugs c.) If the confirmation test is positive, the ____________, upon receiving the results, shall conduct a _______________________________ to determine ____________________________. If an employee tests positive on the confirmation test for _______________ and is unable to submit sufficient documentation for the reasons for the positive test, additional testing on the same sample shall be conducted to determine ____________________________________.

- MRO - medical review and evaluation of the results - if there is any non-prohibited reason for the positive results - opiates - the origin of the opiates

Section 5: Events for Which Testing is Required 5.6 When employees are ordered for testing as a result of any of the aforementioned events, the supervisor or manager shall prepare a ____________________, identifying __________________. The Special Report shall be ________________________.

- Special Report thoroughly describing the circumstances and factors that gave rise to the referral - all witnesses to the incident or behavior, all statements made by and to the employee, and all orders given to the employee. - forward through the chain of command to the appropriate AFC

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.4 Testing of Urine Samples for the Presence of Controlled Substances and Drugs b.) If the initial screening test is positive for any of the prohibited substances, _________________________________. The confirmation test shall use__________________________.

- a confirmation test shall be conducted - GC/MS methodology

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.6 Alcohol Screening and Confirmation Tests c.) The confirmation test shall be conducted as follows: i. In the presence of the employee, the technician must complete an _____________ on the EBT to be used and show the reading to the employee. If the reading is 0.00, the test may proceed. If it is greater than 0.00, ______________________. If the second air blank does not produce a reading of 0.00, __________________________. The number on the substituted device and the reason for the substitution must be noted on the form. Once taken out of service, an EBT may not be used again until _____________________________, with proper documentation, and it has been verified that the device is operating correctly. ii. Procedures for obtaining the sample used in the confirmation test shall be the same as described in Section 10.5(c). iii. The technician shall record the test results, sign and date the testing form, have the employee do the same, and ________________________________.

- air blank - the air blank must be repeated - a different EBT must be used - after an external calibration check has been performed - provide a copy to the employee

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.2 Employees must list _______________ on the back of the drug screening form as directed. This will include ____________________.

- all medication - both prescribed and over-the-counter medication(s)

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.4 Testing of Urine Samples for the Presence of Controlled Substances and Drugs a.) The initial screening test shall be conducted at _________________________ to conduct such testing, by qualified personnel. The initial screening test must be a _____________________________________.

- an independent laboratory certified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - forensic drug test, specifically using EMIT methodology.

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.5 Collection of Alcohol Testing Samples c.) Alcohol testing shall be performed using ____________________________________. Selection of the mouthpiece shall be made either by _________________________________ or _________________________. Testing procedures shall conform to _______________ instructions. The employee shall be shown the displayed test result, and the result shall be documented on the testing form ________________________.

- an individually wrapped or sealed mouthpiece - the employee being tested or - by the technician in full view of the employee. - the manufacturer's - in view of the employee

Section 6: Substances Subiect to Testing 6.2 Screening for drugs not listed in Section 6.1 shall be conducted _____________________________ when _________________________.

- at the discretion of the MRO in accordance with the procedures set forth in this order - there is reasonable suspicion that a member has used another illegal or controlled substance

Section 5: Events for Which Testing is Required 5.2 Reasonable Suspicion. The immediate supervisor or manager shall make a reasonable suspicion referral after ___________________ for testing of an employee when there is a ___________________________. Reasonable suspicion means _________________________. Reasonable suspicion may be based on ______________________________. The observations may include indications of___________________.

- conferring with another officer or Battalion Fire Chief ; - reasonable basis to suspect that a test would show the employee is under the influence of alcohol, controlled substance(s), or drugs in violation of this policy ; - specific, contemporaneous observations that can be articulated concerning the appearance, behavior, speech, or body odors of the employee ; - direct observation, a pattern of erratic behavior, work performance indicators of drug and alcohol abuse, as well as any other reliable indicators ; - the chronic and withdrawal effects of alcohol, controlled substance(s), or drug abuse

Section 9: Random Drug Testing 9.6 An employee selected for testing who is on duty or in an administrative leave status pending disciplinary action, shall not be ______________________________________, except in extremely unusual circumstances. Extended time to report to the PFC may be allowed by the PSO if _______________________________. Such circumstances must be __________________________.

- excused from testing, allowed to reschedule testing, or allowed to take sick or other leave after being notified of testing - the member resides outside of the Metropolitan area - documented by the PSO

Section 4: Use of Prescribed Drugs and Over-the-Counter Medications 4.2 An employee taking either prescribed or over-the-counter medication(s) who _________________________ must immediately notify his/her immediate on-duty supervisor of this fact. The supervisor shall then direct the employee to ___________________, where _________ shall determine whether the employee may resume normal duties.

- feels any unanticipated side effects, or who feels he/she is in any way impaired, - report to the PFC - the MRO

Section 9: Random Drug Testing 9.5 If the employee is on duty but is not in quarters, the PSO will _________________________. In this case, the MSO shall ____________________________. Under no circumstances may the officer or supervisor _____________________________. The person being selected for testing shall _______________________ as the needs of the Agency dictate.

- gain the assistance of the Division Head to locate and give notice to the member - ensure that the employee completes the random testing process - disclose to any other person that the employee has been ordered to report before the order is communicated, by the PSO (or by the MSO), directly to the employee - be replaced during the testing at the work site

Section 8: Management Responsibility 8.2 Any employee who unintentionally ingests, or is forced to ingest, alcohol, a controlled substance(s), or drugs, shall ______________________________. The supervisor shall ___________________________________.

- immediately report the incident to their supervisor - ensure appropriate medical steps are taken to protect the employee's health and safety

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.6 Alcohol Screening and Confirmation Tests a.) A breathalyzer shall be deemed negative if it is (value)___________________. If the screening test result is negative, the technician shall (three things) _____________________________________. No further alcohol testing shall be performed during this visit.

- less than 0.020 - record the results, sign and date the testing form, and provide a copy to the employee

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.3 Collection of Urine Specimens for the Purpose of Testing for Controlled Substances and Drugs. b.) The specimen jar containing the collected sample will be __________________ and sealed by _______________________________.

- marked immediately after use for proper identification - the person giving the sample

Section 8: Management Responsibility 8.5 The Department will notify the representative labor organizations (frequency)_______________ of the number of confirmed positive drug and alcohol tests.

- monthly

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.4 Testing of Urine Samples for the Presence of Controlled Substances and Drugs e.) Depending on where the employee is assigned, the MSO shall ____________________________. The initial notification will be transmitted by ____________________________. The employee shall be sent a copy of such memorandum.

- notify the appropriate AFC of the test results - confidential written memorandum

Section 4: Use of Prescribed Drugs and Over-the-Counter Medications 4.1 Employees taking either prescribed or over-the counter medication(s) which has the potential to impair job performance must _________________________. The _____________________ on the packaging will not be exceeded. The supervisor shall direct the employee to report to the PFC _____________________. The employee shall advise the MRO of ___________________. The MRO shall determine __________________________. An employee who, in good faith, believes that it is not necessary to report his/her use of medications under this subsection _____________ later be disciplined for disclosing his/her use of such medications on the disclosure form required prior to testing, as provided in Section 10.2.

- notify their immediate on-duty supervisor of this fact prior to assuming duty ; - recommended dosage ; - if there is a concern that the employee is unable to work in a safety sensitive position ; - the name, dosage, and known side effects of the drug ; - whether the employee is able to assume duty ; - shall not

Section 5: Events for Which Testing is Required 5.3 Arrests. An employee arrested ________________ for a violation of the _________________, or a violation of any comparable statute in another jurisdiction shall be referred to the PFC for ____________________________.

- on or off duty - Controlled Substances Act - testing prior to his or her next regularly scheduled duty shift

Section 5: Events for Which Testing is Required 5.4 Post Accident: b. Following any vehicular or other type of accident occurring while a covered employee is on duty and which results in _______________________ and in which __________________________________________, the employee shall be referred for drug and alcohol testing.

- personal injury or property damage, or both, - the cause of the accident could reasonably be believed to have been the result, in whole or in part, from the use of alcohol, controlled substance(s), or drugs on the part of the employee

Section 7: Prohibited Conduct 7.1 All employees, including those who are not defined as covered employees, under this policy are ________________________________, as required by the federal ________________________.

- prohibited from the use of alcohol, controlled substances and/or drugs while on duty - Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1998

Section 8: Management Responsibility 8.3 Supervisors and managers authorized to make testing referrals based upon reasonable suspicion shall ___________________________________. Documentation that such training has been successfully completed must be __________________________. Officers and Supervisors possessing current certifications as an EMT or Paramedics are considered as ______________________________________. Supervisors and/or managers who have not completed such training may not _______________________________.

- receive training in drug abuse detection and recognition; documentation; intervention; and any other appropriate topics - maintained in the employee's personnel or official Department training file - having met the training and documentation requirements by virtue of their NREMT and NREMTP credentials - refer any employee for testing based upon reasonable susp1c1on

Section 8: Management Responsibility 8.4 An employee seeking help for a possible drug or alcohol dependency who has not tested positive and/or violated this policy may ______________________________, provided that _______________________________.

- seek assistance in confidence through programs such as EAP, COPE, private doctor, and the PFC without fear of disciplinary action - this is his/her initial request for formal assistance

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.3 Collection of Urine Specimens for the Purpose of Testing for Controlled Substances and Drugs. c.) Specimens submitted will be ___________________________ for the ____________________________________ listed in Section 6 of this Bulletin.

- sent out and tested - presence of controlled substances and the drugs

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.3 Collection of Urine Specimens for the Purpose of Testing for Controlled Substances and Drugs. e.) A _____________ will be taken. If a positive result is obtained from the sample used for the confirmation test, at the employee's request,_______________________________________________. The independent laboratory must be certified by ______________________________________________ to perform job-related forensic testing for alcohol, controlled substances, and drugs at the time the test is performed. The independent laboratory results must be ______________________________. If the second sample does not yield a positive result, __________________________________________.

- split sample - the split sample may be sent for testing to an independent laboratory - the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - furnished by the laboratory directly to both the MRO and the employee - no disciplinary action shall be taken against the employee

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.3 Collection of Urine Specimens for the Purpose of Testing for Controlled Substances and Drugs. d.) Chain of custody will be __________________________________.

- strictly accounted for by each person who handles the specimen

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.5 Collection of Alcohol Testing Samples a.) Alcohol testing shall be performed by____________________________ who meets the qualifications and training requirements set forth in 49 C.F.R. § 40.211 et seq. and who have been ________________________________. Alcohol testing shall be performed at a location and under the conditions specified in ____________________. Alcohol screening and confirmation tests shall be performed using an EBT device. In addition, the EBT device used to perform a confirmation test shall ________________________________.

- technicians (screening test technicians and breath alcohol technicians) - certified to perform tests using the specific EBT device(s) - 49 C.F.R. §§ 40.221 and 223 - conform to the requirements specified in 49 C.F.R. § 40.231 (b)

Section 9: Random Drug Testing 9.3 The selection of employees for random testing shall be made by _______________________________. The names shall be selected by __________________________. Under the selection process, each covered employee will have _____________________________. FEMS currently is divided into (#) __________ platoons , random testing will be based on the platoon system. The day work chief officers, members of other Divisions and other civilian employees in safety sensitive positions will be assigned to ___________________.

- the D.C. Fire & EMS Department's Office of Human Resources (HR) - a scientific computer-generated random selection method - an equal chance of being selected for testing each time a selection is made - 4 platoons - one of the four platoons

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.4 Testing of Urine Samples for the Presence of Controlled Substances and Drugs d.) If the MRO's review determines that the positive confirmation test results cannot be explained by any non-prohibited reason, the MRO will notify ________________ of the results of the review.

- the MSO

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.6 Alcohol Screening and Confirmation Tests d.) Any positive confirmation test (0.020 or greater) requires that _____________________. The employee must remain in a non-duty status for (time) _____________, and must be tested prior to assuming duty. All return to duty tests must be below 0.020, the employee will not be allowed to resume duty if the return to duty test is (value) ____________________. In addition, if the testing results are 0.020 or greater, the results shall be ______________________. The MRO shall evaluate the results and determine if _______________________________________________. If the MRO determines that the positive confirmation test result cannot be explained by any non-prohibited reason, the MRO will _______________________.

- the employee be immediately removed from duty - 24 hours - 0.020 or greater - transmitted to the MRO - there is a non-prohibited reason for the result. - notify the MSO of the results of the review.

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.l When an employee reports to the PFC or other designated testing facility for the purpose of a physical examination or any drug or alcohol testing, that employee shall be required to have in his/her possession _________________________. The purpose of this requirement is to _____________________. (Other detailed instructions regarding preparation for a physical examination are contained in Article XI of the Order Book and shall be followed in their entirety by employees reporting for a physical examination).

- their official identification card or other positive proof of identification - ensure that the employee being tested is the individual he/she claims to be

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.4 Testing of Urine Samples for the Presence of Controlled Substances and Drugs i.) Samples resulting in a negative confirmation test will be disposed of by the testing lab. Samples resulting in a positive confirmation test will be preserved for at least (length of time) ________________, or, if disciplinary charges are initiated, until all related proceedings have been concluded, whichever is (sooner or later)_________.

- twelve (12) months - later

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.3 Collection of Urine Specimens for the Purpose of Testing for Controlled Substances and Drugs. a.) A _______ specimen will be submitted at _______________________.

- urine - the PFC or other designated testing site

Section 8: Management Responsibility 8.1 Pre-Duty and On-Duty Use and Possession. b. No supervisor having knowledge that an employee is _____________________________________, shall permit the employee to drive a vehicle on District of Columbia business or perform safety sensitive functions, unless _______________________________.

- using, has used or is in possession of a controlled substance(s) or illegal drugs that have the potential of impairing his/her performance while on duty - the use is approved in accordance with Section 4 above

Section 8: Management Responsibility 8.1 Pre-Duty and On-Duty Use and Possession. a. No supervisor having knowledge that an employee is using alcohol ________________________________, shall permit the employee to __________________________________________.

- while on duty, or has used alcohol within four hours prior to reporting for duty - drive a vehicle on District of Columbia business or to perform safety sensitive functions

Purpose: It is the mission of the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department (D.C. Fire & EMS) to _______________________, and to provide the citizens of the District with the best possible services available. ____________________ is in direct contradiction to that mission and will not be accepted.

-fully protect the safety of the public and its employees -Substance abuse

Define: Disabling damage EXAMPLES OF EXCLUDED DAMAGE (4)

1. Damage which can be remedied temporarily at the scene of an accident without special tools or parts 2. Tire disablement without other damage even if no spare tire is available 3. Headlight or tail light damage 4. Damage to turn signals, horn, or windshield wipers which make them inoperative.

Define: Screening Test (2 parts)

1. In testing for controlled substances or illegal drugs an EMIT analysis under which "negative" urine specimens are excluded from confirmation. 2. In alcohol testing, analytic procedures using an EBT device to determine whether an employee may have a prohibited concentration of alcohol in a breath or blood specimen.

Section 7: Prohibited Conduct 7.2 In accordance with Chapter 39 of the District Personnel Manual (DPM), 6 D.C.M.R. 3900 et. seq., the following conduct shall subject covered employees to disciplinary action: (9 things)

1. Pre-Duty Use: Use of alcohol by an employee within four (4) hours prior to reporting for duty; 2. Consuming alcohol or drugs while on duty; 3. Reporting for duty or remaining on duty if it is determined that the member has an alcohol concentration of .020 or greater as indicated by an alcohol breath test: 4. Refusing an order to submit to testing required under this policy; Using drugs at any time; 5. Reporting for duty or remaining on duty while taking controlled substances, prescribed or over-the-counter medications that have the potential to impair the employee's performance of duties, unless the employee has complied with the provisions of Section 4; 6. Testing positive under this policy for alcohol, controlled substances and/or drugs; 7. Willfully tampering with, adulterating, or substituting a sample submitted for a test that is duly authorized under this policy; 8. Referring a covered employee for drug or alcohol testing without following the procedures required under this policy; or 9. Disclosing information, including medical information and testing results, required to be kept confidential under this policy to unauthorized persons.

Define: Evidential Breath Testing (EBT) Device Device Requirements (3 things)

1. The EBT Device used to perform any screening or confirmation test must be one that is approved by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) for this purpose, and that appears on the NHTSA's conforming products list, as required under 49 C.F.R. §§ 40.229 and 40.231 at the time that the test is performed. 2. In all cases, an EBT device used to perform any test under this policy must be properly used, calibrated, inspected, and maintained strictly in accordance with the requirements of 49 C.F.R. § 40.23 3. 3. A test performed with an EBT device that does not meet the aforementioned requirements shall not be valid.

Section 6: Substances Subiect to Testing 6.1 Covered employees will be tested for (11 things) ____________________________. The Department reserves the right to test for other substances if suspected.

1. cocaine, 2. marijuana, 3. phencyclidine (PCP), 4. opiates- with an expanded opiates panel, 5. amphetamines, 6. benzodiazepines, 7. methadone, 8. propoxyphene, 9. barbiturates, 10. quaaludes, and their derivatives, 11. alcohol.

Section 5: Events for Which Testing is Required Name 5 events

1.) Annual Physical Examination 2.) Reasonable Suspicion. 3.) Arrests. 4.) Post Accident. 5.) Random Testing

Define: Post-Accident Employee

A covered employee who, while on duty, is involved in a vehicular or other type of accident resulting in personal injury or property damage, or both, in which the cause of the accident could reasonably be believed to have been the result, in whole or in part, from the use of alcohol, controlled substances, or drugs on the part of the employee.

Define: Evidential Breath Testing (EBT) Device

A device for the evidential testing of breath for the presence of alcohol. The testing performed with an EBT device may be either screening tests or confirmation tests.

Define: Medical Review Officer (MRO)

A licensed physician responsible for receiving laboratory results generated by the drug testing program who has knowledge of substance abuse disorders and has appropriate medical training to interpret and evaluate an employee's confirmed positive test result together with his or her medical history and other relevant biomedical information.

Define: Safety Sensitive

A position with duties and responsibilities that require the incumbent to provide services that affect health, safety, and welfare of children, youth, and adults including but not limited to, educational activities; assessment, case management and support services; medical or clinical services; prevention and intervention services; mentoring services; healthcare services; public safety services, including counseling or education intervention about safety, crime prevention, fire safety, youth problem solving; or driving a motor vehicle to transport children or youth.

Define: Independent Confirmation Test

A second test of specimen by an independent laboratory. The independent laboratory must be certified by the US Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to perform job-related forensic testing for alcohol, controlled substances and drugs at the time the tests are performed.

Define: Substituted Sample

A urine sample that is certified by the laboratory as having a creatinine level of less than 2 mg/dL, or as "creatinine not detected."

Define: Dilute Sample

A urine sample with creatine and specific gravity values that are lower than expected for human urine and, specifically, a sample that has a creatinine concentration equal to or greater than 2mg/dL, but less than 5mg/dL


Alcohol concentration of 0.020 to less than 0.040 will require the employee to undergo mandatory rehabilitation. Alcohol concentration of 0.040 or greater will result in a recommendation of termination.

Define: Positive Breathalyzer Test

An alcohol concentration of 0.020 or greater.

Define: Motor Vehicle Operator

An employee who drives any type of vehicle, including but not limited to, passenger vehicle, ambulance, engine, ladder truck (including tillerman) in the performance of his or her duties.

Define: Youth

An individual between thirteen (13) and seventeen (17) years of age, inclusive.

Define: Drug

Any illegal drug; does not include the prescribed use of controlled substances and other medications.

Define: Controlled substance

Any of the substances listed in Schedules I through V of the District of Columbia Uniform Controlled Substances Act of 1981, effective August 5, 1981 (D.C. Law 4-29; D.C. Official Code §§ 48.901 et. seq. 2006 Repl.) (Controlled Substances Act); as it may be amended from time to time.

Define: Disabling damage

Damage which precludes departure of a motor vehicle from the scene of the accident in its usual manner, including damage to motor vehicles that could have been driven, but would have been further damaged if so driven.

Section 6: Substances Subiect to Testing Note: To obtain information concerning screening and confirmation levels, a written request must be made to the__________________________.

Department Medical Services Officer (MSO).

Define: EMIT

Enzyme-multiplied-immunoassay test

TRUE OR FALSE Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.4 Testing of Urine Samples for the Presence of Controlled Substances and Drugs h.) Employees tested may not request, in writing, a copy of the Department's notification of his/her test results. Said request shall not be honored.

FALSE: Employees tested may request, in writing, a copy of the Department's notification of his/her test results. Said request shall be honored.

TRUE OR FALSE Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.5 Collection of Alcohol Testing Samples b.) If an employee is ordered to undergo both drug and alcohol testing, the drug testing shall be performed first, unless doing so is impracticable.

FALSE: If an employee is ordered to undergo both drug and alcohol testing, the alcohol testing shall be performed first, unless doing so is impracticable.

Define: GC/MS

Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry methodology

Define: Trained Observer

Managers and/or supervisors who have received training in drug abuse detection and recognition; documentation; intervention; and any other appropriate topics.

Define: MSO

Medical Services Officer

Define: PFC

Police and Fire Clinic

Define: Refusal to Submit (8 situations)

Refusal to submit to an alcohol, controlled substance, or drug test means that a covered employee: 1.) Fails to appear for any test within 1.5 hours after being relieved of duty and directed to do so by the Agency; 2.) Fails to remain at the testing site until the test process is complete; 3.) Fails to provide a sufficient amount of breath, urine, or blood specimen, for any alcohol, controlled substance, or drug test required by this policy, without a valid medical reason; 4.) In the case of a directly observed or monitored collection in a drug or alcohol test, fails to permit the observation or monitoring of the employee's provision of a specimen; 5.) Fails or refuses to take a second test when required under this policy; 6.) Fails to undergo a medical examination or evaluation, as directed by the MRO, as part of the verification process; 7.) Fails to cooperate with any part of the testing process (e.g. refusal to empty pockets when so directed by the collector, confrontational behavior that disrupts the collection process); or 8.) Is reported by the laboratory performing the test, and verified by the MRO, as having a verified adulterated or substituted test result

Define: Reasonable Suspicion

Specific, contemporaneous observations that can be articulated concerning the appearance, behavior, speech, or body odors of an employee, that there is a reasonable basis to suspect that a test would show the employee is under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or drugs.

TRUE OR FALSE Policy Statement: The use of Urinalysis Testing for drug use and/or abuse of a controlled substance, and the use of a Breathalyzer Test for abuse of alcohol shall constitute the primary means of detecting and deterring drug and alcohol use and abuse within the D.C. Fire & EMS Department.


TRUE OR FALSE Policy Statement: The use of illegal drugs and abuse of controlled substances or alcohol by employees of the D.C. Fire & EMS Department will not be tolerated. Such conduct jeopardizes the safety of the public whom we are sworn to protect and our employees.


Define: Tampering

Tampering with a sample in order to prevent a valid test by adulteration, dilution, substitution, or any other means.

Define: Random Testing

Testing conducted on a covered employee at an unspecified time to determine whether the employee has used alcohol, controlled substance(s) or drugs in contravention of this policy.

Define: Drug and alcohol testing

Testing in accordance with Section 10 of this policy for alcohol, controlled substances, and/or drugs.

Define: Shy Bladder Protocol

The protocol to be used for employees who are unable to produce a urine sample within a reasonable time.

Define: Split Sample

The splitting of the original specimen into two samples. One sample undergoes immediate drug screening and the other is transferred to storage to be available for screening by an independent laboratory.

Define: Split Sample

The use of alcohol, controlled substances, or illegal drugs in violation of this policy.

Define: Confirmation Test

When testing for alcohol, controlled substance, or illegal drugs, a second analytical procedure that is independent of the screening test in order to ensure reliability and accuracy

Define: Adulterated Sample

a urine specimen containing a substance that is not a normal constituent or containing an endogenous substance at a concentration that is not a normal physiological concentration.

Define: Covered Employee

a.) D.C. Fire & EMS Department personnel; including the D.C. Fire & EMS Chief, the Assistant Fire Chief (AFC), the Deputy Fire Chiefs (DFC), the Battalion Fire Chiefs (BFC), the Fire Marshal, Captains, Pilots, Marine Engineers, Lieutenants, Sergeants, Assistant Pilots, Assistant Marine Engineers, Firefighters, Fire Inspectors, and Fire Investigators, EMS Supervisors, Emergency Medical Technicians, and Paramedics, and all other personnel who hold positions involving the direct care and custody of children, including but not limited to; educational activities, assessment, case management, support services, medical or clinical services, prevention and intervention services, mentoring services, healthcare services, public safety services, including counseling or public education intervention about safety, crime prevention, fire safety, youth problem solving, or driving a motor vehicle to transport children or youth. b.) All employees who are responsible for the maintenance, repair and inspection of official government vehicles. c.) All employees who are required to possess a commercial drivers license, (i.e. Fleet Maintenance Division) to the extent that this policy does not conflict with the US Department of Transportation rules and regulations (in the event of a conflict, the Department of Transportation rules and regulations shall govern).

Section 5: Events for Which Testing is Required 5.1 Employees who are required to undergo an annual or other duly ordered physical examination shall be subject to ___________________.

alcohol, controlled substance(s) and drug testing

Section 9: Random Drug Testing 9.1 All covered employees shall be subject to random on-duty testing for the presence of (3 things)___________________________.

alcohol, controlled substances and drugs.

Define: Breath

alveolar breath

Section 10: Testing Procedures 10.4 Testing of Urine Samples for the Presence of Controlled Substances and Drugs f.) A positive confirmation test will result in ____________________ in accordance with Section 13 of this Policy.

disciplinary charges

Section 4: Use of Prescribed Drugs and Over-the-Counter Medications 4.3 Transportation to the PFC shall be arranged to ensure that an employee who ________________________ is not required to transport him/her self.

feels impaired, or who is potentially impaired,

Define: Alcohol Concentration (or alcohol content)

he alcohol in a volume of breath expressed in terms of grams of alcohol per 210 Liters of breath as indicated by an evidential breath test device.

Section 5: Events for Which Testing is Required 5.4 Post Accident: a. Following a vehicle accident involving a government vehicle or equipment that meets any of the conditions listed below, a covered employee who has been involved, either as a driver or in another direct fashion (such as controlling traffic in an interSection), shall be referred for drug and alcohol testing when any of the following occur: (4 conditions)

i. The accident results in loss of human life; ii. One (1) or more motor vehicles (either District government or private) incur(s) disabling damage, requiring the motor vehicle to be transported away from the scene by a tow truck or other motor vehicle; iii. Anyone receives bodily injury which requires immediate medical attention away from the scene. iv. The employee receives or is likely to receive a citation under District of Columbia law or lhe law of another jurisdiction for a moving violation arising from the incident;

Define: Children

persons twelve (12) years of age or younger

Section 5: Events for Which Testing is Required 5.5 Covered employees shall be subject to ________________ for the presence of alcohol, controlled substances and drugs in accordance with Section 9 of this Policy.

random testing

Section 9: Random Drug Testing 9.8 An employee on military leave, sick leave over 30 calendar days, or leave without pay ______________________________.

shall not be subjected to random testing

Section 9: Random Drug Testing 9.7 If an employee selected for testing is on previously approved administrative leave, annual leave, sick leave, or scheduled day off when selected for random testing, he/she ___________________________.

shall not be tested that day but will be notified upon their return to duty and tested on his/her next scheduled work day that the PFC is open

Define: Alcohol Use

the drinking or swallowing of any beverage, liquid mixture or preparation (including any medication), containing alcohol.

Define: Alcohol

the intoxicating agent in beverage alcohol, ethyl alcohol, or other low molecular weight alcohols in methyl and isopropyl alcohol no matter how it is packaged or in what form the alcohol is stored, utilized or found.

Define: Alternative Breath Collection Protocol

the protocol to be used when an employee attempts, but cannot provide a sufficient amount of breath to complete alcohol testing.

Section 9: Random Drug Testing 9.2 Random testing shall be conducted throughout the year. The minimum annual percentage rate of covered employees subject to random testing shall be ___________________________________.

twenty (20) percent of the average total number of covered employees on the payroll on the first day of each calendar quarter (January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1).

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Homework #1 - Part 1 (auto-graded)

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Ch. 24 Nursing Management of the Newborn at Risk: Acquired and Congenital Newborn Conditions, 23, OB COURSE POINT QUIZ 3/3, Ch20, Quiz 7, Chapter 19, Maternity Nursing, Chapter 18, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, *Chapter 21, Chapter 12, Chapter 11, Chapter...

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The New Deal: First Hundred Days, Alphabet Soup Programs (New Deal and Second New Deal)

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ECO285 Final Exam Practice Questions

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Solving Systems Algebraically, quick check

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MUSIC 118C - Final Lessons 21-39

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