BUS 259 Ch. 10 MINE

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Overall Score91% Excellent Diversity and perception issues have the power to increase firm performance. However, if individuals feel that their differences are ignored or looked down upon, those differences will hinder team performance. What's more, issues in perception can further hinder team performance as individuals may misunderstand each other. Solving individual inclusion issues helps lay the foundation for healthy team dynamics. Solving broader systemic issues can ensure inclusion is a priority across the company. Based on your score, you performed exceptionally well on this exercise. Congratulations! Effectively Manage Diversity81% Satisfactory Effectively managing diversity is a skill any good manager needs. In this exercise, it was important to help turn differences into strengths instead of points of conflict among team members. Treating each individual with respect and valuing their unique skills and perspectives helps set the team up for success. Based on your score, you performed satisfactorily on this portion of the exercise. However, it is still recommended that you review the diversity and perception portions of your textbook as you could have scored even higher on this portion dimension. Control Distortion in Perceptions100% Excellent Understanding how and why people have distorted perceptions helps to effectively manage individuals and teams. In this exercise, many of the diversity and inclusion issues stemmed from common errors in perception. Helping your subordinates see their own perception issues can enable team members to function more cohesively and take advantage of the value that comes from differences. Based on your score, you performed exceptionally well on this portion of the exercise. Great job!

* What should you tell Janice? - What can I do differently as your new team leader to further support you? 3/3 * Which of these is the best option to help Janice? - Define the "work from home" policy to help legitimize Janice's time working from home. 3/3 * Why do you think defining our policy is important to address company-wide? - This policy enables employees more autonomy over their work location which will attract a broader and more diverse group of applicants in the future 1/3 - This policy definition makes it more fair for everyone by allowing men and women to work from home as it fits their job duties 1/3 - Defining our policy supports mothers, in particular, by normalizing a practice of flexible work locations for all employees so that mothers can care for their children without be thought of as shirking their responsibilities. 3/3 * Is there anything we can do about this? - I understand how frustrating this is, and I'll work on specific steps to make the environment more inclusive. 3/3 * What specific steps will you take to address Carlos's issue? - Have the team meet off-site to build relationships by talking about their backgrounds and how that helps them contribute to the team. 3/3 * Why are we doing this? - Building relationships helps us understand our differences and appreciate them at a deeper level and it's tough to do that during work hours. 3/3 * Is there anything we can do about this? - Have an all-team meeting to discuss how diversity and inclusion impact each team member. 3/3 1/1 * Which issue do you think is best to address at the meeting? - Stereotypes 4/4 * What can you do to specifically address Megan's issues arising from sex-role stereotypes in your next team meeting? - Have a discussion with the whole team about how tasks are assigned - focusing on the ancillary tasks - and why one person may be selected over another 3/3 * do you see any issues with how project leadership has been assigned in the past? - Carlos and Megan are at a disadvantage because they have not been able to lead as many projects as Janice 0/3 **The women are at a disadvantage because they lead more projects but those are lower dollar value projects 3/3 * What issue, if any, needs some further attention? - There is an issue with pay disparity between men and women on the team 4/4 Do you see any issues with how project leadership has been assigned in the past? 0/3

Narrator: After hearing about the off-site meeting, Janice asks to discuss it with you. Janice: It's difficult for me to find childcare outside of work hours. I don't really understand why this is required and it seems unfair since I'm the only one with kids at home. Why are we doing this? * This is important, so I think I can arrange for the company to cover your child care for this special company outing. * Building relationships helps us understand our differences and appreciate them at a deeper level and it's tough to do that during work hours. * Your children have gotten in the way of your advancement. If you want to move up, you're going to have to put in the effort. * Carlos has felt slighted so we all need to be there so he can feel hear.

**Building relationships helps us understand our differences and appreciate them at a deeper level and it's tough to do that during work hours.** **Effectively Manage Diversity 3/3** Janice: I guess I can see that. One night out won't be too hard to handle. Narrator: Bringing the team together with the right attitude is important. Good work!

Carlos: That sounds good, but I'm curious what your're going to come up with. Narrator: What specific steps will you take to address Carlos's issue? * Send an email to all team members sharing the company's policy on workplace harassment and stereotyping, drawing attention to the sections on ethnic stereotypes. * Have the team meet off-site to build relationships by talking about their backgrounds and how that helps them contribute to the team. * Link diversity priorities to performance evaluations and organizational goals. * Have an all-team meeting where Carlos will share his issues and everyone will brainstorm solutions to the problem.

**Have the team meet off-site to build relationships by talking about their backgrounds and how that helps them contribute to the team.** **Effectively Manage Diversity 3/3** ** I'm excited for the off-site meeting. I think this could really help**

Ordering Question Click and drag on elements in order Arrange the stages of an employee's career in the correct order of occurrence. (Place the first stage at the top.) Instructions Decline Maintenance Establishment Exploration

1. Exploration 2. Establishment 3. Maintenance 4. Decline

1a. What were the cultural differences that the American business partner needed to be familiar with about Japanese culture? * He needed training and development on cross-cultural communication skills. * He needed to be trained in Japanese foods and customs. * He lacked basic understanding of how to do business with someone from a different culture. * He was rushing his Japanese partner into signing a deal, which backfired on him.

All of these choices are correct

How did the manager handle the stress her employees were experiencing with the two-week project deadline? * She explored the idea of time off on Fridays to help balance work-life priorities? * She listened to her employees' concerns of being overworked and underpaid * She engaged in negotiation for better work-life balance * She explored OT for one of her employees * All of these choices were correct

All of these choices were correct

14. __________ refers to training that encourages employees to have conversations about difficult topics and perspectives without fear of blame or shame * Unconscious bias training * Diversity training * Inclusion training * Ally training

Ally training


An employee remaining with a company after downsizing.

After the meeting Megan stops by your office. Megan: Thank you for that meeting. It felt good to talk through some of those issues and I really felt heard. Narrator: The next day, Amanda asks to meet with you to go over your progress Amanda: I'm glad to hear you've solved a few specific problems! Now you should turn your attention to your team as a whole. Here are some summarized reports on your team. They show how many projects each team member has led and the value of those projects. Obviously, higher-value projects are more important. Amanda: Do you see any issues with how project leadership has been assigned in the past? Materials have been updated. * Everything looks pretty well distributed * Carlos and Megan are at a disadvantage because they have not been able to lead as many projects as Janice * The men are at a disadvantage because the women have led more projects. * The women are at a disadvantage because they lead more projects but those are lower dollar value projects.

Carlos and Megan are at a disadvantage because they have not been able to lead as many projects as Janice. **Effectively Manage Diversity 0/3** **Amanda: I see they haven't led as many projects, but they're also still new to the organization. I don't think it's a problem.**

40. _____________ refers to a work schedule that allows employees to work fewer days, but with longer hours. * Telecommuting * Flextime * Compressed workweek * Job autonomy

Compressed workweei

Janice: I'm not sure what you can do. I deserve to take the lead on some high-profile clients. And if the company has issues with me working from home every so often, then someone should tell me that. Everyone says it's ok, but I still feel penalized. Narrator: After you leave Janice's office, you sit down to figure out what you can do to support her and respond to her complaints. A few ideas come to mind. Which of these is the best option to help Janice? **Effectively Manage Diversity 3/3** * Assign the next high -profile client to Janice to quickly resolve the perceived discrimination * Define the "work from home" policy to help legitimize Janice's time working at home. * Create a formal rotation for leading client proposals to ensure fairness across all employees * Research on-demand child care options to help Janice on the days when her kids are sick.

Define the "work from home" policy to help legitimize Janice's time working at home.

17. Which of the following statements is false in the context of diversity programs? * Diversity programs have a large effect on changing behavior * Managers should be used as trainers in diversity training * The content of diversity training should include cases and exercises * None of the answer choices are correct - each of the above statements is true

Diversity programs have a large effect on changing behavior

39. Which of the following is true of early retirement programs? * They should be an integral part of a strategy to lay off employees * Eligibility is usually based on age and years of service * These programs should be informal * These programs are often involuntary

Eligibility is usually based on age and years of service

22. Which of the following is true of repatriation? * Employees are guaranteed a higher standard of living * Employees may leave the company if their assignments upon returning home have less responsibility * Expatriates tend to experience little or no stress * Adjustment tends to be fairly easy

Employees may leave the company if their assignments upon returning home have less responsibility

34. ______________ refers to giving employees the option of choosing when to work during the workday or workweek * Telecommuting * Compressed workweek * Job autonomy * Flextime


What can you do to speficially address Megan's issues arising from sex-role stereotypes in your next team meeting? * Simply tell them that Megan is not the secretary and that from here on, the men will be making all the coffee runs and planning meals. * Let Megan and Janice list all the ways they've been negatively treated as women in the workplace. * Have a discussion with the whole team about how tasks are assigned - focusing on the ancillary tasks - and why one person may be selected over another * Point out that women can do all the things men can do and often do them better

Have a discussion with the whole team about how tasks are assigned - focusing on the ancillary tasks - and why one person may be selected over another **Control Distortion in Perceptions 3/3** ** Narrator: Thinking about the tasks themselves and assigning them accordingly will likely help you surface the underlying stereotypes that play into the assignment of tasks.**

The day after the off-site meeting, Carlos stops by your office. Carlos: I just wanted to say thank you for the effort you put in with the off-site meeting. A few people even came up and apologized for things they said in the past even though I never said anything. I think we're moving in the right direction. Thanks Narrator: As Carlos leaves, you head to meet Megan at a local coffee shop to talk about her concerns. Megan: It seems like I'm always treated as the "secretary." When someone needs to take notes, get coffee, or plan a meal for clients it always falls on me. At first I thought it was just because I was young and new, but Carlos is younger and started at the same time as I did, yet he doesn't seem to get the same treatment. Is there anything we can do about this? * Create a new system to address each of the things that Megan is feeling dumped on her. * Have an all-team meeting to discuss how diversity and inclusion impact each team member. * Assign the tasks to Carlos. * Lecture the staff about discriminating against women and how the company stands in opposition to gender stereotypes.

Have an all-team meeting to discuss how diversity and inclusion impact each team member. Megan:**That sounds pretty formal, but if you think it will work, I'm excited to give it a shot.** **Effectively Manage Diversity 3/3** **Control Distortion in Perceptions 1/1**

To avoid staff shortages in the future, the manager could implement which of the following strategies? * Hire, train, and develop new staff now for future projects. * Fire non-performers * Transfer employees to other departments * Avoid accepting more projects * Offer retirement incentives

Hire, train, and develop new staff now for future projects.

You stop by Janice's office to tell her about the new policy. Janice: Thanks for going to bat for me. It feels good to be supported and I think I can be an evern stronger contributor now. Narrator: You leave Janice's office and head back to your office to meet with Carlos. Carlos: I've got to be honest, I'm tired of the jokes about me being Mexican, I am Hispanic, but I'm from Honduras. I laugh along with the jokes because I don't want to appear too sensitive. I feel like at best they don't care about me, but it could be even worse than that. **Is there anything we can do about this?** * What was it like growing up in Honduras? * I understand how frustrating this is, and I'll work on specific steps to make the environment more inclusive. * You know you're highly valued and it's just good-natured joking. * Who specifically says these things? I'll make sure they know that's not how we operate and make sure everyone knows what they've done.

I understand how frustrating this is, and I'll work on specific steps to make the environment more inclusive. **Effectively Manage Diversity 3/3** Carlos: That sounds good, but I'm curious what your're going to come up with. Narrator: What specific steps will you take to address Carlos's issue?

The American partner could have benefited from which of the following training programs? * Japanese culture and customs * Chinese culture and customs * U.S. culture and customs * American foods * Chinese foods

Japanese culture and customs

30. _____________ refers to employees changing jobs, usually between companies, every two or three years. * Job hopping * Job rotation * Job migration * Job skipping

Job hopping

31. Which of the following is true of job hopping? * Job hopping makes it difficult for a company to downsize if necessary * Job hopping makes it difficult to sustain continuity in employee-customer relationships * Job hopping reduces a company's opportunity to hire employees with a variety of experiences. * Hiring employees who job hop decreases the company's flexibility and adaptability.

Job hopping makes it difficult to sustain continuity in employee-customer relationships

20. ________________ refers to an expatriate's familiarity with job tasks and work environment in the host country * Cross-cultural experience * Cultural novelty * Job novelty * Cultural facility

Job novelty

43. _________ result(s) in a loss of talent and productivity that results from turnover, retraining, and recruitment costs. * Dual career paths * Job hopping * Individual contributor career paths * all of the answer choices are correct


Select all that apply Identify the common obstacles faced by military veterans when they seek employment or when returning to their jobs. Multiple select question. Lack of experience in the workplace Incomplete skill sets and education credentials Lack of attention to detail and self-discipline Difficulty working in structured situations with clear-cut guidelines and expectations

Lack of experience in the workplace Incomplete skill sets and education credentials


Legal protection for the expression of an idea.

16. Which of the following is not a standard in the context of the fair use doctrine? * the purpose for which the copyrighted material is being used * the proportion of the copyrighted material being used * how much money the copyright owner can lose as a result of the use * None of the answer choices are correct - each is a standard.

None of the answer choices are correct - each is a standard.

36. ______________ is a way to reduce head count and lower labor costs. * Offering an early retirement plan * Encouraging flextime * Job hopping * Compressing the workweek

Offering an early retirement plan


Preparing expatriates for return to the parent company and country from a foreign assignment.


Providing employees with the option of choosing when to work during the workday, workweek, or work year.

___________ prepares expatriates for return to the parent company and home country from the foreign assignment.


__________ involves leaving a job and a work role and making a transition into life without work.


What was the deal breaker for the Japanese businessman? * Rushing him into signing a contract without first building a relationship. * Not knowing the American culture * Price was too high for the product * Roger was no longer the business partner * He had a plane to catch

Rushing him into signing a contract without first building a relationship

The ____________ Act is designed to assist states in building school-to-work systems that prepare students for high-skill, high-wage jobs. * School-to-Work Opportunities * Workforce Innovation and Opportunity * Workforce Innovation and Opportunity * Sector Partnership

School-to-Work Opportunities

.Make a conscious effort not to think stereotypically (stereotyping example: that person's blonde; therefore, she must be dumb). NeverSometimesRegularly 2.Listen with interest to the ideas of people who don't think like you do. NeverSometimesRegularly 3.Respect other people's opinions, even when you disagree. NeverSometimesRegularly 4.Spend time with individuals who are different from you with regard to age, race, gender, cultural background, physical ability, economic status, education, etc. NeverSometimesRegularly 5.Believe your way is not the only way. NeverSometimesRegularly 6.Adapt well to change and new situations. NeverSometimesRegularly 7.Enjoy traveling, seeing new places, eating different foods, and experiencing other cultures. NeverSometimesRegularly 8.Try not to offend or hurt others. NeverSometimesRegularly 9.Allow extra time to communicate with someone whose first language is not yours. NeverSometimesRegularly 10.Consider the effect of cultural differences on the messages you send and adjust them accordingly. NeverSometimesRegularly

Score 0 50 50 50/5050 out of 50 40 to 50 If your score is 40 or higher, this might indicate that you have high appreciation for diversity.

True or false: Retirement always leads to a transition from full-time work to a life without work.

TRUE Reason: This is false. For some employees, retirement involves making a transition out of their current job and company, seeking full- or part-time employment elsewhere, or recycling into another career.

41. _____________ refers to a work arrangement that gives employees flexibility in terms of both hours and where they work. * Telecommuting * Flextime * Compressed workweek * Work-life balance


Do you see any issues with how project leadership has been assigned in the past?

The women are at a disadvantage because they lead more projects but those are lower dollar value projects. **Effectively Manage Diversity 3/3** **Amanda: That's a good point. The women have more work, but less recognition**

Amanda: Here are a few more data points for you. Take a look at the evaluations and compensation data for the team. Given what you've observed so far, examine the evaluation and compensation data. Materials on the right have been updated Amanda: What issue, if any, needs some further attention? * There is an issue with pay disparity between men and women on the team. * Janice is being paid much more than Megan and Carlos * The data actually suggests that the team is set up well. * The men should be assigned to lead more projects to be given the opportunity to raise their evaluation scores.

There is an issue with pay disparity between men and women on the team. **Effectively Manage Diversity 4/4** ** Good point. The evaluations suggest that the women are performing as well or better than the men and have similar experience. Nonetheless, they are being paid significantly less.**

Which of the following is true of early retirement programs? Multiple choice question. Organizations only offer such programs to employees who have been on the payroll for more than 30 years. Training does not play any role in early retirement programs. They do not offer employees financial benefits to leave a company. They are normally offered to employees when organizations seek to cut labor costs.

They are normally offered to employees when organizations seek to cut labor costs.

32. Which of the following statements is most true regarding dual career paths? * They were designed to enhance work-life balance for working families * They were designed to help chart future employment prospects for individual contributors * They were designed to meet the needs of Millennials * They were designed to help with early retirement

They were designed to help chart future employment prospects for individual contributors

Amanda asks to talk with you about the new policy. Amanda: I understand you want to define a more clear set of policies and procedures for working from home, but we need to justify this for the entire company. Why do you think defining our policy is important to address company-wide? **Effectively Manage Diversity 1/3** **Defining our policy supports mothers, in particular, by normalizing a practice of flexible work locations for all employees so that mothers can care for their children without be thought of as shirking their responsibilities.** * This policy enables employees more autonomy over their work location which will attract a broader and more diverse group of applicants in the future. * Working from home helps decrease our carbon footprint by distributing energy consumption among many locations rather than centralizing it here. * This policy definition makes it more fair for everyone by allowing men and women to work from home as it fits their job duties.

This policy enables employees more autonomy over their work location which will attract a broader and more diverse group of applicants in the future. * While this is true, there are better justifications that speak to the main issue underlying this change. Being honest about the rationale will only support your case. Try again.** **Effectively Manage Diversity 1/3** This policy definition makes it more fair for everyone by allowing men and women to work from home as it fits their job duties. ** While this is true, there are better justifications that speak to the main issue underlying this change. Being honest about the rationale will only support your case. Try again. Defining our policy supports mothers, in particular, by normalizing a practice of flexible work locations for all employees so that mothers can care for their children without be thought of as shirking their responsibilities. **Effectively Manage Diversity 3/3** Amanda: I think that will work- we;ve been trying to empower the females in our workforce and especially working on retaining our moms. Narrator: This supports Janice and creates a more inclusive environment for the rest of the company. Good work!

35. The ______________ Act makes it easier for veterans to find employment when they return from service. * Workforce Investment * Age Discrimination in Employment * Equal Employment Opportunity * Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment

Amanda: I'm excited to have you leading this team, lisa greene! However, it's important that you know there are some issues to deal with each team member. You may want to start by talking to Janice. Narrator: You have three team members. Here is some brief background on them. Janice: Senior Sales Manager Tenure at Firm 17 Carlos Junior Sales Manager 4 Megan Junior Sales Manager 4 Amanda: I'm excited to have you leading this team, lisa green! However, it's important that you know there are some issues to deal with each team member. You may want to start by talking to Janice. You stop by Janice's office to talk about her issues Janice: You know I've got two kids at home by myself, so sometimes I work from home to take care of them when they're sick. I work as much as anyone else, but I'm never selected as the lead for high-profile clients. I think I'm being penalized for having a family to care for. **What should you tell Janice?** * What can I do differently as your new team leader to further support you? * Let her know that we need people we can count on to be here consistently and that she should find better childcare * You don't need to worry because the company needs you because you're African American and the company really lacks diversity. * I'm sure you've had an equal number of high-value clients as everyone else. **Effectively Manage Diversity** 3/3

What can I do differently as your new team leader to further support you? This is a great way to show your support for Janice and understand her challenges more specifically

66 of 68

Your most challenging concepts Recognize various aspects of using copyrighted material in employee training modules. Recall the key aspects of retirement. Recall the features of sector partnerships.

25. Which of the following is not a career stage discussed in the text? * exploration * establishment * acceptance * decline


29. ______________ involves changing one's major work activity after having been established in a specific field. * Job repositioning * Job novelty * Career recycling * Telecommuting

career recycling

21. Which of the following causes overseas assignments to fail? * including an employee's family in orientation programs? * high tolerance and ambiguity * asking employees to self-manage the repatriation process * developing technical skills over cross-cultural preparation

developing technical skills over cross-cultural preparation

The richest developmental network is ____________ * traditional * receptive * entrepreneurial * opportunistic


28. In the ____________ stage, individuals concerned with achieving more responsibility and financial success. * exploration * decline * establishment * maintenance


26. The establishment stage of an employee's career involves _____________________ * pursuing the type of education and training an employee needs * finding employment, achieving more responsibility, and financial success * a self-assessment of interests, values, and preferences * being perceived as someone with many years of experience

finding employment, achieving more responsibility, and financial success

18. The ___________ refers to a barrier to advancement for women and minorities * adverse effect * funnel effect * glass ceiling * discrimination effect

glass ceiling

Strength of a network tie is based on frequent interactions, reciprocity, and * how long you have known each other * how similar you are to each tie * how close you are in age * how good you feel in each other's company

how similar you are to each tie

42. A(n) _________________ is primarily designed for employees with outstanding technical skills. * dual career path * individual contributor career path * management career path * traditional career path

individual contributor career path

33. _____________ refers to having two employees divide hours, responsibilities, and benefits of a full-time job. * Job rotation * Job sharing * Job enlargement * Job shadowing

job sharing

27. In the _____________ stage, individuals are concerned with keeping their skills up to date and being perceived as someone who is still contributing to the company. * exploration * decline * establishment * maintenance


The most diverse network contains __________________ * few people with different backgrounds * numerous people with the same background * a few tightly connected people * numerous people with varying backgrounds * many people

numerous people with varying backgrounds

Paul has worked hard in establishing a network of mentors from his job, his community, and his church. While he has limited contact with each mentor, Paul does occasionally ask for and receive advice from them. This is an example of a(n)__________ network. * receptive * entrepreneurial * traditional * opportunitistic


37. _______________ involves employees transitioning from full-time employment to full-time retirement by working part-time. * Compressed retirement * Early retirement * Phased retirement * Golden parachure retirement

phased retirement

15. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on which of the following? * age * disability * religion * veteran status * All of the answer choices are correct


38. Which of the following relates to employees making a transition into life without work? * retirement * retrenchment * retreatment * recycling


Narrator: In planning a meeting with the team, you're thinking about what specifically to address. Your HR department has a list of diversity and inclusion topics/issues that is displayed on the right. Narrator: Which issue do you think is best to address at the meeting? Materials on the right have been updated: Human Resources Department Potential Diversity/Inclusion Topics for Department Meetings (in no particular order) Stereotypes Pygmalion Effect Implicit Bias Disabilties That Halo Effect The Recency Effect Confirmation Bias Generation Gaps Ethnic Differences * Implicit Bias * The Recency Effect * The Halo Effect * Stereotypes

stereotypes **Control Distortion in Perceptions 4/4** Narrator: Sex-role stereotypes are the primary issue here, so it's definitely worth addressing directly.

13. Legal action against a company may likely NOT be incurred when _____________ * employees incur injuries during training conducted by the company * employees incur injuries or damages in training conducted by a vendor or consultant * the company uses small amounts of copyrighted material * decisions about training and development opportunities are made on the basis of age.

the company uses small amounts of copyrighted material

24. Which of the following is true of virtual expatriates? * They expose the family to the culture shock of an overeas move * They are more expensive than traditional expatriates * They lack a strong personal relationship with local employees * They have no interactions with the home office

they lack a strong personal relationship with local employees

23. ______________ refer to employees who have an assignment to manage an operation abroad without being located in that country. * Virtual expatriates * Inpatriates * Offshore employees * Intrapreneurial employees

virtual expatriates

Receptive developmental networks are characterized by __________ ties and ___________ diversity. * weak;high * strong;high * weak;low * strong;low

weak;low weak ties and low diversity

19. An expatriate is an employee_________________ * who participates in succession planning * who has been headhunted from a firm to join another company * who works in a country other than his or her country of origin * working for a multinational company in his home country

who works in a country other than his or her country of origin

Work-life ______ refers to helping employees deal with the stresses, strains, and conflicts related to trying to balance work and nonwork demands. Multiple choice question. enrichment interface balance conflict


compressed workweek

A work schedule that allows employees to work fewer days but with longer hours, for example, four days ten hours each day.

job sharing

A work situation in which two emplyoees divide the hours, responsibilities, and benefits of a full-time job.

The act that prohibits individuals with disabilities from being discriminated against in the workplace is the _____. Multiple choice question. Americans with Special Needs Act of 1987 Civil Rights Act of 1969 Civil Rights Act of 1944 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

career recycling

Changing one's major work activity after having been established in a particular field.

________ training refers to learning efforts that are designed to change employee attitudes about diversity and/or develop skills needed to work with a diverse workforce.


True or false: During the on-site phase of cross-cultural preparation, expatriates are typically left to navigate the new unfamiliar environment of their host country alone by their company.


True or false: Early retirement programs do not have any major problems.


True or false: Managers need to understand that employees should be punished for the use of work-life balance policies.


The federal law that provides up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave in a one-year period for parents with new infants or newly adopted children is the ______ Act. Multiple choice question. Family and Medical Leave Family and Infant Relief Pregnant Women Leave Medical Emergency

Family and Medical Leave

Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act

Focuses on ensuring that all students can benefit from career and technical education to prepare them for employment.

How does one recognize a successful long-term diversity program at an organization? Multiple choice question. The program is seen as a one-shot program. Managers are considered to be the root cause of all problems. Managers are compensated for meeting diversity objectives. The program does not have a tutorial on appropriate skills and behaviors.

Managers are compensated for meeting diversity objectives.

Select all that apply In the context of training and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which of the following are included under reasonable accommodation for individuals with disabilities? Multiple select question. Modifying training policies** Making readers or interpreters available for trainees** Standardizing instructional media for all individuals Accommodating the religious beliefs of employees even if doing so poses an undue hardship on an organization

Modifying training policies Making readers or interpreters available for trainees

True or false: Organizations need to ensure that their training programs make employees aware of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. True false question.TrueFalse


managing diversity and inclusion

The creation of an environment that allows all employees (regardless of their

managing diversity, equity, and inclusion

The creation of an environment that allows all employees (regardless of their demographic grouop) to contribute to organizational goals and experience personal growth.

cross-cultural preparation

The education of employees (expatriates) and their families who are to be sent to a foreign country.

A(n) ___________ ______________ is a sequence of job positions involving similar types of work and skills that employees move through in the company.

career path

__________ ________ involves changing one's major work activity after having been established in a specific field.

career recycling

Job______ refers to employees changing jobs, usually between companies, every two to three years.


_____________ retirement involves employees transitioning from full-time employment to full-time retirement by working part time.


The process of helping employees prepare to exit from work is known as ______. Multiple choice question. phased retirement preretirement socialization retirement socialization early retirement

preretirement socialization

_____________ involves leaving a job and a work role and making a transition into life without work.


While creating employee training modules, organizations need to ensure that ______. Multiple choice question. they provide users free access to training content after a certain period of time they do not include training materials from websites that are not copyrighted they upload their training content on the Internet and allow users to use it elsewhere they do not use copyrighted material without permission

they do not use copyrighted material without permission

School-to-Work Opportunities Act

A federal law designed to assist states in building school-to-work systems that prepare students for high-skill, high-wage jobs or future education.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

A federal law that prohinits discrimination against individuals 40 years of age or older.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

A federal law that provides for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for parents with new infants or newly adopted children; also covers employees who must take a leave of absence from work to care for a family members who is ill or to deal with a personal illness.

unconscious bias

A judgment outside of our consciousness that affects decisions based on background, culture, and personal experience.


A person working in a country other than his or her nation or origin

phased retirement

A phase during which older employees gradually reduce their hours, which helps them transition into retirement.

joint union-management training program

A program created, funded, and supported by both union and management to provide a range of services to help employees learn skills that are directly related to their jobs and that are "portable" (valuable to emplyoers in other companies or industries).

career path

A sequence of job positions involving similar types of work and skills that employees move through in a company.

early retirement program

A system of offering (usually older) employees financial benefits to leave a company.

Identify a true statement about joint union-management programs in current times. Multiple choice question. They cater to employees by teaching them skills that are relevant to their occupation. They are only concerned with finding new jobs for displaced employees. They are run specifically by employers, and unions make no contributions to them. They streamline workforce development systems by eliminating existing programs.

They cater to employees by teaching them skills that are relevant to their occupation.

An accurate statement about job hopping is that ______. Multiple choice question. hiring employees who job hop decreases a company's flexibility and adaptability X organizations do not benefit in any manner from job hopping X employees who job hop are most likely to have high expectations for job security X job hopping allows people to work in a diverse range of industries

job hopping allows people to work in a diverse range of industries

Select all that apply The fair use doctrine signifies that organizations can utilize small amounts of copyrighted material in their employee training modules without asking permission or paying a fee so long as the use meets four standards. What do these standards relate to? Multiple select question. The number of authors who developed the copyrighted material The proportion of the copyrighted material that is utilized The amount of money that the owners spent to develop the copyrighted material The reason for utilizing the copyrighted materials

1. the purpose for which the copyrighted materials are being used 2. what the copyrighted work is 3. the proportion of the copyrighted material you are using 4. how much money the copyright owner can lose as a result of the use Republishing or repackaging under your own name material that you took from the Internet can be a violation of copyright law **The proportion of the copyrighted material that is utilized The reason for utilizing the copyrighted materials**

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act

An act that covers deployed employees' rights, such as guaranteeing jobs when they return, except under special circumstances.

Select all that apply What are the goals of diversity training? Multiple select question. To permit people to contribute to their company regardless of their personal orientation To provide reasonable accommodation to all employees even if they are not suitably qualified To create a working environment in which employees are only focused on the job To eradicate stereotypical practices that hamper employee development

1. to eliminate values, stereotypes, and managerial practices that inhibit employees' personal development; and therefore 2. to allow employees to contribute to organizational goals regardless of their race, sexual orientation, gender, family status, religious orientation, or cultural background **To permit people to contribute to their company regardless of their personal orientation To eradicate stereotypical practices that hamper employee development**

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADEA)

A 1990 act prohibiting workplace discrimination against people with disabilities.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOW)

A 2014 federal law that created a new, comprehensive workforce investment system that is customre focused, that provides Americans with career management information and high-quality services, and that helps match U.S. companies with skilled workers.

glass ceiling

A barrier to advancement to an organization's higher levels

dual-career path system

A career path system that enables technical employees to either remain in a technical career path or move into a management career path.

Which of the following companies is most likely to be diverse? Multiple choice question. A company that administers comprehensive diversity training A company in which manager involvement in diversity training is voluntary A company that does not celebrate any holidays X A company in which diversity is not a part of the business strategy and corporate goals X

A company that administers comprehensive diversity training

Which of the following is true of preretirement socialization programs? Multiple choice question. Employees who attend such programs experience the same amount of financial problems as those who do not attend them. Employees who attend such programs experience the same amount of psychological problems as those who do not attend them. Employees are only taught about the psychological aspects of retirement in such programs. Employees are encouraged to learn how retirement would impact their lives.

Employees are encouraged to learn how retirement would impact their lives.


Employees are given a mandatory temporary leave during which they do not receive pay but they still receive benefits.

Which of the following is true of the repatriation phase of cross-cultural preparation? Multiple choice question. Employees need to receive language training and training focused on the new country's culture and customs. Employees are likely to suffer from a great deal of stress when they return because of organizational changes. Employees are involved in a continued orientation to the host country and its customs and cultures. Employees should allow their companies to manage the repatriation process.

Employees are likely to suffer from a great deal of stress when they return because of organizational changes.

Which of the following is true of expatriates? Multiple choice question. Expatriates are most likely to be successful overseas if they travel without their family. Expatriates are not dependent on the comfort levels of their spouse to complete an expatriate assignment. Expatriates are most likely to be successful overseas if they are introverted. Expatriates tend to be less successful if their company does not prepare them to work in other cultures.

Expatriates tend to be less successful if their company does not prepare them to work in other cultures.

sector partnerships

Government agencies and industry trade groups that help identify skills that local employers require and work with community colleges, universities, and other educational institutions to provide qualified employees.

work-life balance

Helping employees deal with the stresses, strains, and conflicts related to trying to balance work and nonwork demands.

reasonable accommodation

In terms of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and training, making training facilities readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities; may also include modifying instructional media, adjusting training policies, and providing trainees with readers or interpreters.

Identify a true statement about phased retirement. Multiple choice question. It does not benefit individual employees. It allows organizations to deal with a lack of skilled labor in the labor market. It involves employees transitioning from part-time employment to full-time employment. It does not benefit organizations.

It allows organizations to deal with a lack of skilled labor in the labor market.

How does job hopping impact companies? Multiple choice question. It allows companies to create and sustain a culture that supports relationships between employees. It normally leads to an increase in a company's productivity. It allows them to hire people who possess a high degree of experience from working in different organizations. It reduces the flexibility and adaptability of a company.

It allows them to hire people who possess a high degree of experience from working in different organizations.

Which of the following is true of managing diversity and inclusion? Multiple choice question. It never requires a company to change its organizational culture. It involves the establishment of a working environment that permits workers to positively contribute to a company. It always leads to an enhancement in the performance levels of employees in an organization. It does not provide companies with any competitive advantages.

It involves the establishment of a working environment that permits workers to positively contribute to a company.

Identify a true statement about the glass ceiling. Multiple choice question. It adversely affects minorities only. It is caused by a lack of access to training programs. In order to break it, companies should promote development for managers only. In order to break it, companies must not make the change public.

It is caused by a lack of access to training programs.

Which of the following is true of recycling? Multiple choice question. It does not involve changing one's major work activity after having been established in a specific field. It is not encouraged by companies as it is considered to be a waste of training resources. It is limited to older employees who are nearing retirement. It is characterized by an analysis of one's skills, values, interests, and potential job chances.

It is characterized by an analysis of one's skills, values, interests, and potential job chances.

Identify a feature of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Multiple choice question. It requires organizations to make "reasonable accommodation" to a qualified person who is disabled. It has created a specific set of guidelines regarding the type of accommodations that companies should make to avoid violating the ADA. It does not prohibit companies from discriminating against employees who have been with them for less than 3 months. It requires employers to provide reasonable accommodation even if employees do not ask for it.

It requires organizations to make "reasonable accommodation" to a qualified person who is disabled.

Select all that apply Which of the following are true of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)? Multiple select question. It is designed to assist individual states in building school-to-work systems. It prohibits job-related discrimination against individuals who are aged 40 or older. It streamlines the workforce by establishing a common set of metrics for evaluating programs. It gives states the flexibility to direct funds to develop skills needed in their region and for their workforce.

It streamlines the workforce by establishing a common set of metrics for evaluating programs. It gives states the flexibility to direct funds to develop skills needed in their region and for their workforce.

Identify a characteristic of layoffs. Multiple choice question. Layoffs only take place when a company is purchased by another company. Job loss is commonly not observed during mergers and acquisitions. Layoffs typically lead to an increase in a company's profits. Layoffs typically have negative effects on workload and commitment of survivor employees.

Layoffs typically have negative effects on workload and commitment of survivor employees.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Legislation that makes it illegal to deny access to employment or deprive a person of employment because of the person's race, color, religion, gender, or national origin

Select all that apply Which of the following are true of training in companies? Multiple select question. Organizations are required to ensure that their training programs are approved by the federal government. Organizations need to display that employees are utilizing skills learnt in training while working. Companies are only required to provide training to managers. Companies need to provide training to all employees to reduce the risk of legal problems.

Organizations need to display that employees are utilizing skills learnt in training while working. Companies need to provide training to all employees to reduce the risk of legal problems.

What is a characteristic of an effective dual-career path? Multiple choice question. People are provided the chance to choose their career based on their interests and skills. Individual contributors' base salaries are higher than that of managers.X Salary, status, and incentives for technical employees do not compare favorably with those of managers.X The individual contributor career path is used to satisfy poor performers.X

People are provided the chance to choose their career based on their interests and skills.

Identify a characteristic associated with diversity programs' long-term success. Multiple choice question. Programs are tied to the business objectives of companies. Programs are seen as one-shot programs. Manager involvement is optional. Managers and demographic groups are blamed for problems.

Programs are tied to the business objectives of companies.

How do companies ensure that their training programs are most effective? Multiple choice question. Programs should be accessible to all employees regardless of age or gender. Programs and development opportunities must favor native workers. Programs should only include material that is directly related to employees' occupations. Programs do not need to include the details of protective acts such as the Civil Rights Act.

Programs should be accessible to all employees regardless of age or gender.

Select all that apply What are the key components of effective managing diversity programs? Multiple select question. Requesting HR teams to broaden their recruitment horizon Making work-life balance initiatives available to managers only Ensuring that women and minorities are present on all important committees Not considering diversity goals to be business objectives

Requesting HR teams to broaden their recruitment horizon Ensuring that women and minorities are present on all important committees

___________ ___________ refer to government agencies and industry trade groups that help identify the skills that local employers require and work with community colleges, universities, and other educational institutions to provide qualified employees.

Sector partnerships

For companies, job hopping leads to a loss of talent and productivity that results from turnover, retraining, and recruitment costs. True false question.TrueFalse



The leaving of a job and work role to make the transition into life without work.

job hopping

The practice of employees changing jobs, usually between companies, every two to three years.

What is the most common area addressed through diversity training? Multiple choice question. The important aspects of minority cultures The corporate responsibilities of each employee The social hierarchy of an organization The prevalence of stereotypes, assumptions, and biases

The prevalence of stereotypes, assumptions, and biases

preretirement socialization

The process of helping employees prepare for exit from work

Select all that apply The fair use doctrine signifies that organizations can utilize small amounts of copyrighted material in their employee training modules without asking permission or paying a fee so long as the use meets four standards. What do these standards relate to? Multiple select question. The amount of money that the owners spent to develop the copyrighted material The reason for utilizing the copyrighted materials The number of authors who developed the copyrighted material The proportion of the copyrighted material that is utilized

The reason for utilizing the copyrighted materials The proportion of the copyrighted material that is utilized

What do work-family programs lead to? Multiple choice question. They lead to a very high degree of work-life conflict. They decrease the job performance of employees. They allow companies to draw and hold on to talented professionals. They increase the stress levels of employees.

They allow companies to draw and hold on to talented professionals.

How do layoffs impact a company? Multiple choice question. They have a detrimental effect on employee morale. They typically lead to increased profits. They always lead to a decrease in productivity. They increase the commitment of survivor employees.

They have a detrimental effect on employee morale.

What do joint union-management programs do? Multiple choice question. They are only concerned with helping displaced employees find new jobs. They are designed to assist the states in building school-to-work systems. They help broaden employees' horizons by teaching portable skills. They seek to include work-based learning in all school-to-work systems.

They help broaden employees' horizons by teaching portable skills.

Select all that apply Which of the following are true of career paths? Multiple select question. People with technical expertise are not able to move into a management career. Developing career paths only involves analyzing work and information flows. They lead to an increase in employees' skill set. They allow organizations to provide employees with paths that best fit their life situation.

They lead to an increase in employees' skill set. They allow organizations to provide employees with paths that best fit their life situation.

Which of the following is true of work-life balance policies? Multiple choice question. They must ensure that employees have work-life balance without hurting the company. They do not require employees to ever physically go to their office. They should be exclusive to those employees who have infant children. They do not help companies attract and retain talented employees.

They must ensure that employees have work-life balance without hurting the company.

Identify an accurate statement about the training programs conducted by organizations. Multiple choice question. They must include training on the ADEA and on how age stereotype can affect treatment of older employees. They should only have content about skills that are necessary for an employee's job. They must not utilize content that is freely available on the Internet. They need not have content about protective legislation such as the ADEA.

They must include training on the ADEA and on how age stereotype can affect treatment of older employees.

diversity training

Training programs designed to change employees' attitudes about diversity and/or to develop skills needed to work with a diverse workforce.

The act that covers deployed employees' rights, such as guaranteeing jobs when they return except under certain circumstances, is known as the _____ Act. Multiple choice question. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Selective Training and Service Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Veterans' Reemployment Right

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment

When is an employee on a foreign assignment most likely to succeed overseas? Multiple choice question. When the employee has been provided with technical training only When the employee is sent without his/her family When the employee is conscious of cultural differences When the employee belongs to a minority group in his/her country

When the employee is conscious of cultural differences


Working in a remote location (distant from a central office), where the employee has limited contact with peers but can communicate electronically (also called teleworking).

What does work-life conflict lead to? Multiple choice question. Reduced health risks Increased productivity Reduced turnover Bad mental health

bad mental health

A true statement about reasonable accommodation is that _____. Multiple choice question. reasonable accommodation does not involve the modification of instructional media used in training companies are not obliged to provide reasonable accommodation if employees do not request for it reasonable accommodation does not involve the adjustment of existing training policies employers are required to make reasonable accommodation even if persons are not qualified to participate in training

companies are not obliged to provide reasonable accommodation if employees do not request for it

A(n) _______ __________ ___________ system enables employees to remain in a technical or sales career path or move into a management career path.


An accurate statement about the on-site phase of cross-cultural preparation is that ______. Multiple choice question. employees are prepared for return to the parent company and home country from the foreign assignment employees are briefed on the language and the culture of the host country for the first time employees must be encouraged to develop social relationships at work and outside work employees should prevent their families from attending orientation programs with them

employees must be encouraged to develop social relationships at work and outside work

Match the stages of an employee's career with their descriptions. Instructions Exploration stage Establishment stage Maintenance stage Decline stage Involves employees attempting to identify the type of work that interests them Involves finding employment, making an independent contribution, and achieving more responsibility and financial success Involves individuals being concerned with keeping their skills up to date and being perceived as someone who is still contributing to his or her company Involves individuals preparing to phase out of work and retire

exploration state - employees attempt to identify the type of work that interests them (consider interests, values, and work preferences and begin pursuring the type of education and training they need establishment stage - involves finding employment, making an independent contribution, achieving more responsibility and financial success, and establishing a suitable lifestyle. maintenance stage - individuals are concerned with keeping their skills up to date and being perceived as someone who is still contributing to the company - many years of experience much job knowledge and an in-depth understanding of how business is conducted. decline stage - involves individuals preparing to phase out of work and retire. Although individuals can go through these stages in a linear fashion and at a certain ages (e.g. exploration typically occurs before age 30), most individuals do not because today's careers are boundaryless and often change Exploration stage Involves employees attempting to identify the type of work that interests them Establishment stage Involves finding employment, making an independent contribution, and achieving more responsibility and financial success Maintenance stage Involves individuals being concerned with keeping their skills up to date and being perceived as someone who is still contributing to his or her company Decline stage Involves individuals preparing to phase out of work and retire

_______ ________ refers to a barrier to advancement to higher-level jobs in the company that adversely affects women and minorities.

glass ceiling

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is designed to ______. Multiple choice question. encourage partnerships between educational institutions and industries provide financial support to contract workers in private organizations help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market assist the states of the United States in building school-to-work systems

help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market

The School-to-Work Opportunities Act is designed to ______. Multiple choice question. help only students who have a four-year college degree or more match employers with the appropriately skilled workers help the states in creating high-quality school-to-work systems help job seekers access employment and training to succeed in the labor market

help the states in creating high-quality school-to-work systems

An accurate statement about the School-to-Work Opportunities Act is that ______. Multiple choice question. it streamlines workforce development systems by eliminating existing programs it does not require that every school-to-work system include work-based learning it provides states with the flexibility to direct funds to develop skills needed in their region and workforce it advocates collaborations between educational organizations, companies, and labor unions

it advocates collaborations between educational organizations, companies, and labor unions

An accurate statement about the Family and Medical Leave Act is that _____. Multiple choice question. it is not applicable to people who need to take a leave of absence to care for an ill family member it provides up to six months of unpaid leave in a one-year period for parents with newly adopted children it is applicable to people who need to take a leave of absence to care for a personal illness it provides up to six months of unpaid leave in a one-year period for parents with new infants

it is applicable to people who need to take a leave of absence to care for a personal illness

Sector partnerships normally focus on jobs that require ______. Multiple choice question. less than a four-year college degree only more than a two-year postgraduate diploma but less than a doctorate more than a high school diploma but less than a four-year college degree more than a high school diploma only

more than a high school diploma but less than a four-year college degree

When compared to employees who utilize work-family programs, employees who do not use such programs experience _____. Multiple choice question. more work-family conflict a lower level of turnover lower levels of stress better job performance

more work-family conflict

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