BUSI 3250 Test 4 A, B, & C Quiz Questions

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Using cross-functional and customer participation in the design stage is a type of _______ engineering. A. Concurrent B. Parallel C. Nontraditional D. Sources


With respect to the current state of global problems, Mark Malloch Brown, former deputy secretary-general of the United Nations, suggests that: A. as the world becomes more closely connected, it becomes less governable at the national level. B. the UN is the only institution that can help us deal with complexity. C. complexity can be addressed with trade organizations such as the EU and NAFTA. D. military alliances are needed for increased peace in an increasingly complex world.


In synchronous manufacturing, a production increase at the bottleneck means an increase: A. in the machine's idle time B. for the entire production system C. in unwanted inventory D. in work stoppage


The output of synchronized manufacturing system is set: A. At the capacity of the operation with the highest output B. At the output of the slowest operation that is working at full capacity C. At the level that permits the system to be balanced D. So that all production operations can produce the same amount to eliminate stockpiling


What is a downside of flexible manufacturing? A. Changes are made slowly B. Changes in the production line cost money C. The company receives more, smaller orders D. Suppliers are not involved


Which of these measures would typically be used in measuring supply chain performance? A. Salesperson turnover B. Orders delivered on time C. Website click-through rate D. Advertising results


Which organization offers a matching service, bringing potential exporters together with business partners in specific markets? A. Global Markets Unit B. U.S. Department of Commerce C. Enforcement and Compliance Unit D. Small Business Administration


Managers generally mention three areas in which they lack knowledge related to exporting, including identification of foreign markets, export procedures, and: A. Identifying international agents B. Identifying international distributors C. Payment and financial procedures D. Hiring a customs broker


At the end of World War II, the UN called for the conference that set up the World Bank and the IMF. This conference was held in: A. San Francisco, California B. Yalta, Soviet Union C. Grasleben, Germany D. Bretton Woods, New Hampshire


Once a firm has determined there is a need for the firm's products in a foreign market, the next step is to: A. Request information from the International Trade Administration B. Choose between exporting or licensing C. Set up its own export operation D. Draft the export marketing plan


T/F: ASEAN, whose initial, political goal was to foster peaceful relations among members, includes China as its core member.


T/F: Logistics refers to managerial functions associated with the movement of raw materials and work in progress, but not finished goods.


T/F: On an open account, the buyer assumes all of the payment risk.


T/F: Permanent members of the UN Security Council vote on Security Council measures and only the Secretary- General of the UN has veto power.


T/F: The EU is administered by the European Commission, a group composed of six commissioners, elected at the EU level.


T/F: The World Bank is made up of one large institution, the International Development Association, and three smaller instututions.


T/F: When production equipment is similar, home office control of quality in foreign affiliates is more difficult because management must ensure that all plants adhere to the same standard.


T/F: A disadvantage for companies that insist on less risky transactions, such as a letter of credit, is that they may be losing business to competitors who sell on open accounts.


T/F: A straight bill of lading is nonnegotiable.


T/F: CIBER is an international business research and education program located at U.S. universities.


T/F: Free trade zones are areas designated by the government of a country for duty-free entry of imported goods.


T/F: It has been argued that the ultimate goal of effective supply chain management systems is to reduce inventory.


T/F: Often new exporters think that they won't have to localize their approach, assuming that a marketing technique or distribution system that works in one country will work in another.


T/F: One of the significant differences between formal and informal institutions is how they gain compliance.


T/F: Outsourcing is hiring others to do noncore activities.


T/F: The "over-the-wall" approach to product design involves an initial step in which the designers prepare the product's design, followed by sending the newly created design to the company's manufacturing engineers.


T/F: The International Finance Corporation (IFC) invests in companies and financial institutions in developing countries.


T/F: The United Nations operates with voluntary agreements, so it is essentially an informal institution.


T/F: The WTO has negotiated a TRIPS agreement whereby property rights do not take precedence over public health.


T/F: The sales agreement should specify as simply as possible the duties of the buyer and the firm.


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