Business AS Level key terms
Job enlargement
Attempting to increase the scope of a job by broadening or deepening the tasks undertaken
Product differentiation
Making a product distinctive so that it stands out from competitors products in consumer's perception.
Market size
The total level of sales of all producers within a market
Off-the-job training
All training undertaken away from the business
Being fired from a job due to incompetence or breach of discipline
Fringe benefits
Benefits given, separate from pay, by an employer to some or all employees
Job redesign
Involves the restructuring of a job - usually with employee's involvement and agreement - to make work more interesting, satisfying and challenging
People or groups of people who can be affected by- and therefore have an interest in - any action by an organisation
When a company buys more than 50% of the shares of another company and becomes the controlling owner of it
When a job is no longer required, the employee doing this job becomes unnecessary through no fault of their own
Profit sharing
A bonus for staff based on the profits of the business - usually paid as a proportion of basic salary
Performance-related pay
A bonus scheme to reward staff for above-average work performance
Public corporation
A business enterprise owned and controlled by the state
A business formed by two or more people to carry on a business together, with shared capital investment and usually, shared responsibilities
Sole trader
A business in which one person provides the permanent finance and, in return, has full control of the business and is able to keep all the profits
Holding company
A business organization that owns and controls a number of separate businesses, but does not unite them into one unified company
A business that uses the name, logo and trading systems of an existing successful business.
A certificate confirming part ownership of a company and entitling the shareholder owner to dividends and certain shareholder rights
Job description
A detailed list of key points about the job to be filled - stating all its key tasks and resonponsiblities
Person specification
A detailed list of the qualities, skills and qualifications that a successful applicant will need to have
Ethical code
A document detailing a company's rules and guidelines on staff behavior that must be followed by all employees
Paternalistic leadership
A leadership style based on the approach that the manager is in a better position than the workers to know what is best for an organization
Laissez-faire leadership
A leadership style that leaves most of the business decision-making to the workforce - the reverse of autocratic style
Democratic leadership
A leadership style that promotes the active participation of workers in taking decisions
Employment contract
A legal document that sets out the terms and conditions governing a worker's job
Public limited company
A limited company, often a large business, with the legal right to sell shares to the general public
A payment made in addition to the contracted wage or salary
A payment to a sales person for each sales made
Piece rate
A payment to a worker for each unit produced
A person or institution owning shares in a limited company
Consumer profile
A quantified picture of consumers of a firm's products, showing proportions of age groups, income levels, location, gender and social class
A sense of self-fulfillment reached by feeling enriched and developed by what one has learned and achieved
Private limited company
A small-medium sized business that is owned by shareholders who are often members of the same family; this company cannot sell shares to the general public
Mission statement
A statement of the business's core aims, phrased in a way to motivate employees and to simulate interests by outside groups
Autocratic leadership
A style of leadership that keeps all decision making at the centre of the organisation
Market Segment
A sub-group of a whole market in which consumers have similar characteristics
An agreement by shareholders and managers of two businesses to bring both firms together under a common board of directors with shareholders in both businesses owning shares in the newly merged business
An employee who is responsible for setting objectives, organizing resources and motivating staff so that the organization's aims are met
Product orientation
An inward-looking approach that focuses on making products that can be made - or have been made for a long time - and then trying to sell them
Social enterprise
An organization that applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being, rather than maximizing profits for shareholders
Market orientation
An outward-looking approach based on consumer demand, as established by market research
Annual income that is usually paid on a monthly basis
Motivating factors
Aspects of a worker's job that can lead to positive job satisfaction, such as achievement, recognition, meaningful and interesting work and advancement at work
Hygiene factors
Aspects of a worker's job that have the potential to cause dissatisfaction, such as pay, working conditions, status and over-supervision by managers
External growth
Business expansion achieved by means of merging with or taking over another business, from either the same or different industry
Multinational businesses
Business organization that has its headquarters in one country, but with operating branches, factories and assembly plants in other countries
Direct competitor
Businesses that provide the same or very similar goods or services
Private sector
Comprises businesses owned and controlled by individuals or groups of individuals
Public sector
Comprises organizations accountable to and controlled by central or local government
Mixed economy
Economic resources are owned and controlled by both private and public sectors
Free-market economy
Economic resources are owned largely by the private sector with very little state intervention
Command economy
Economic resources are owned, planned and controlled by the state
Internal growth
Expansion of a business by means of opening new branches, shops or franchises
Primary sector business activity
Firms engaged in extracting natural resources so that they can be used and processed by other firms.
Secondary sector business activity
Firms that manufacture and process products from natural resources
Tertiary sector business activity
Firms that provide services to consumers and other businesses.
Niche Marketing
Identifying and exploiting a small segment of a larger market by developing products to suit it
Market Segmentation
Identifying different segments within a market and targeting different products or services to them
Creating value
Increasing the difference between the cost of purchasing bought-in materials and the price the finished goods are sold for
Job rotation
Increasing the flexibility of employees and the variety of work they do by switching from one job to another
On-the-job training
Instruction at the place of work on how a job should be carried out
Induction training
Introductory training program to familiarize new recruits with the systems used in the business and the layout of the business site.
Marketing strategies
Long-term plan established for achieving marketing objectives
Labour turnover
Measures the rate at which employees are leaving an organization. Measured by: (Number of employees leaving in 1 year/ average number of people employed) X 100
Time-based wage rate
Payment to a worker made for each period of time worked
Market share
Sales of the business as a proportion of total market shares. Calculated by: (Firm's sales in time period/total market sales in time period) X 100
Selling state-owned and controlled business organizations to investors in the private sector
Mass Marketing
Selling the same products to the whole market with no attempt to target groups within it
Someone who takes the financial risk of starting and managing a new venture
Emotional intelligence
The ability of managers to understand their own emotions, and those of the people they work with, to achieve better business performance
The art of motivating a group of people towards achieving a common objective
Opportunity cost
The benefit of the next most desired option which is given up
Added value
The difference between the cost of purchasing bought in materials and the price the finished goods are sold for
Marketing objectives
The goals set for the marketing department to help the business achieve its overall objectives
The internal and external factors that stimulate people to take actions that lead to achieving a goal
The management task that links the business to the customer by identifying and meeting the needs of customers profitably. Getting the right product at the right price to the right place on the right time.
Equilibrium price
The market price that equates supply and demand for a product
Consumer services
The non-tangible products sold to the general public
Limited liability
The only liability a shareholder has if the company fails is the amount invested in the company, not the total wealth of the shareholder.
Market growth
The percentage change in the total size of a market over a period of time
Consumer goods
The physical and tangible good sold to the general public
Capital goods
The physical goods used by the industry to aid in the production of other goods and services
The process of identifying the need for a new employee, defining the job to be filled and the type of person needed to fill it and attracting suitable candidates for the job
The quantity of a product that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price in a time period
The quantity of a product that firms are prepared to supply at a given price in a time period
The special feature of a product that differentiates it from competitors' products
Human resource management
The strategic approach to the effective management of an organization's workers so that they help the business gain a competitive advantage
Market capitalisation
The total value of a company's issued shares
Capital employed
The total value of all long-term finance invested in the business
Stakeholder concept
The view that businesses and their managers have responsibilities to a wide range of groups, not just shareholders
Societal marketing
This approach considers not only the demands of the consumers but also the effects on all members of the public involved in some way when firms meet these demands
Articles of Association
This document covers the internal workings and control of the business
Memorandum of Association
This states the name of the company, the address of the head office through which it can be contacted, the maximum share capital for which the company seeks authorization and the declared aims of the business.
Total value of sales made by a business in a given time period
Joint venture
Two or more businesses agree to work closely together on a particular project and create a separate business division to do so
Quality circles
Voluntary groups of workers who meet regularly to discuss work related problems and issues.
Work-related education to increase workforce skills and efficiency
Worker participation
Workers are actively encouraged to become involved in decision making within the organization
Corporate social responsibility
businesses that consider the welfare of society by taking taking responsibility for the impact of their decisions and activities on customers, employees, communities and the environment
Triple bottom line
economic, social and environmental