Business Communications Ch1-4 test

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To practice of accepting multiple cultures on their own terms, you should...

avoid judgments when people act or dress differently

When preparing for a conversation you expect will be difficult, such as discussing a poor performance review...

be sure to have all your facts in order to prevent arguments over details

Which of the following business dress styles might you find in a more relaxed office setting and includes slacks or skirts, nice-looking button-up shirts, blouses, and sweaters?

business causal

information overload is...

caused by the overuse or misuse of communication technology

When culture is fairly logical and consistent when viewed from the inside, it is said to be...


A _______ usually has a long life span and typically deals with regularly recurring tasks


Natural boundaries and national borders are no longer impassable barriers to business, thanks in part to...

communication transportation technologies

Conflict that forces important issues into the open and increases the involvement of team members is considered to be...


If you are listening mainly to understand the speaker's message, you are engaging in _________ listening

content listening

Intercultural communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between people whose cultural backgrounds...

could lead them to interpret verbal and nonverbal signs differently

Organizations benefit from a diverse workplace because business can...

create a better understanding of diverse markets

Which of the following can help a listener store information in long-term memory?

create mnemonics such as acronyms or rhymes

The ability to define and solve problems and form judgments about a situation is known as _________

critical thinking

The practice of accepting multiple cultures on their own terms is known as...

cultural pluralism

Social networking technologies can help a company create virtual communities that...

link employees to others with similar professional interests throughout the organization

For a formal meeting, appoint one person to record a ________ to summarize the important highlights of the meeting.


Which of the following best describes the negotiation process?

Reaching a mutually acceptable outcome when two parties have competing goals

During conversations with non-native English speakers, you should...

use examples that might be meaningful to the audience

When writing for audience whose first language differs from yours, it's important to...

use short, clear sentences

one way a listener can overcome barriers to effective listening is to...

use visualization

When people participate in a meeting by using communication technology instead of being physically present, they are participating in a...

virtual meeting

Gina is routinely late for staff meetings, and when she is in a meeting, she is continuously checking her cell phone, creating distraction for the staff. What type of conflict is being generated by Gina's activities?


When selecting participants for a decision making meeting, how should you determine who to invite?

Invite those who are in a direct position to help the meeting reach its objective

Which of the following is a characteristic of unethical communication?

It is intended to hide some negative information

Which of the following sentences contains an idiomatic expression?

Making our monthly sales quota will be a piece of cake

Which of the following occurs in the last step of the communication process and allows the sender to evaluate the effectiveness of the communication effort?

The audience provides feedback

The overlap between your negotiation range and your assessment of the other party's negotiation range referred to as ___________

The bargaining zone

When planning a meeting, the group leader prepares a(n) _________ of items to discuss, topics to present, or decisions to make


Use of parliamentary procedure

helps meetings run more smoothly

Which of the following represents the ability to create projects with word-processing apps, spreadsheets, presentation software and AI tools?

Information technology skills

Which of the following best describes the information technology paradox?

Information tools can waste as much time as they save

How can one show respect for others and communicate effectively in a culturally diverse business?

Adapt your communication style to that of the new cultures you encounter

How should you use personal appearance to make a good impression in the workplace?

Adapt your style to the style of the people you want to impress

Which of the following increases empathy in the communication process?

Addressing the needs of the audience in addition to your own

Which of the following best describes sponsored content in advertising?

Advertising content that is designed to look like a news story

Which of the following is an example of the social communication model in action?

An electronics store invites customers to submit YouTube videos showing how to install home theater systems

Which of the following best describes the social communication model?

An interactive, conversational approach that is usually open to all who wish to participate

During a planned conversation, how can an audience member signal his or her engagement in the conversation?

By expressing thoughts or confirmations after major points in the conversation

When working on a collaborative writing project, which simple tool can be used to allow all writers to suggest changes to the text while keeping edits separate and reversible?

Change tracking

Which of the following is the system used to deliver a message?


A project team that was experiencing conflict found middle ground, where a new solution was developed that satisfied everyone's expectations. Which conflict resolution technique was most likely used?


A team meets regularly to review safety procedures used on the plant floor. What type of team is this considered to be?


In preparing a bid to win a new customer account, the manager assembled a group from several areas of the organization with a wide variety of expertise. What type of team has this manager created?


___________ is a shared system of symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations, and norms for behavior


Which of the following is used to improve real-time collaboration within an organization?

Internal social networks

Which of the following is an example of an ethical dilemma?

Deciding whether to inform employees that layoffs are coming as they work on finishing a big project

Which of the following can be done to avoid presenting someone else's word or images as your own?

Documenting your sources

To resolve a conflict within the department, a manager has determined the highest level at which all parties were in agreement. In what way is the manager attempting to resolve the conflict?

Establishing common ground

Which of the following is a human or technological intervention that can block a message between the sender and the receiver?


Which of the following can help to resolve a disagreement during a difficult conversation with a subordinate?

Find common ground and visualize the situation from the audience's perspective

According to research, which of the following is used by those who are better at negotiating?

Higher emotional intelligence

Which of the following could create a distraction or communication barrier within the communication environment?


Which of the following AI methods emulates information processing in the brain?

Neural Networks

When deciding to divide writing among several people how can a team minimize gaps and overlaps in the writing process?

Outline the entire document first

Which of the following does the best part job of clarifying expectations and responsibilities for the receiver?

Please devise a solution to this problem and share it with me by this Friday

Which of the following is a benefit for companies that integrate mobile technology?

Potential increases in employee productivity

Which of the following best describes your target in a negotiation process?

The sum of values you would like to achieve

Which of the following is the purpose of an agenda in a planned conversation?

To define topics of conversation and who will lead the conversation

Which of the following best describes the communication process?

Transferring information and meaning

Because communication plays a critical role in the workplace, managers should

Use communication skills to provide clear policies and educate employees on important issues

Which of the following best describes intelligent communication technology (ICT)?

Using artificial intelligence to enhance the communication experience

In a content management system, how can users prevent two people from editing a document at the same time?

Version control

When preparing for the negotiation process, what needs to be considered when you work to understand and clarify your position?

What you hope to achieve through negotiation

How does compromise work in conflict resolution?

When compromising the two sides meet somewhere in the middle, with both sides giving up something

Which of the following best describes the advantage of paying attention to the nonverbal signals of a speaker?

You can better understand the information and emotions of the speaker

An extranet is...

a restricted website available to employees and to outside parties by invitation only

An example of downward communication is...

a sales manager giving instructions to a salesperson

In the five phases of team development described by Dr. Bruce Tuckerman, when do team members conduct an analysis of the project and the performance of the team?


A company that emphasizes _____________ will encourage short-term sacrifices for the promise of better outcomes in the long term

an orientation toward the future

When composing collaboratively, chances are you'll find it more efficient to...

assign the writing task to one person or divide larger projects among multiple writers

Employees with disabilities can use __________ to pursue a greater range of career paths, thereby giving employers access to a broader base of talent

assistive technologies

Many difficulties in intercultural communication occur because people in different cultures have different

assumptions about how people should think, behave, and communicate

When should a meeting agenda be distributed?

before the meeting

Conflict that saps productivity and damages morale is called...


The primary difference between constructive feedback and destructive feedback is that...

destructive feedback delivers criticism with no guidance for improvement

An ethical ________ involves choosing between conflicting alternatives that are not clear-cut


"All the characteristics and experience that define each of us as individuals" is the definition of...


The ability to understand people's emotions and manage your own emotions in a productive way is referred to as...

emotional intelligence

A reliable employee you supervise has come to speak with you about a leave of absence related to personal issues. To understand her feelings and needs, you should engage in ________ listening.

empathic listening

in participative management...

employees are involved in the company's decision making

to be a more effective meeting leader...

ensure all participants have the chance to be heard

In the United States, cultural norms generally include the idea that every person has the opportunity to pursue their dreams and goals, referred to as...


The accepted principals of conduct that govern behavior within a society are known as __________


A vital element of audience-centered communication is...


Especially effective in establishing dominance, ___________ can also regulate interaction and indicate attention or interest


The primary vehicle for expressing emotions is...

facial expression

One of the main advantages of collaboration via mobile devices is...


In the United States, the communication styles tend to be...

focused on content and transaction

In the first step of the communication process, the sender...

has an idea

Meeting a deadline is generally less important than building a relationship for business people in

high-context cultures

In the United States, frequent eye contact is often taken as a sign of...

honesty and respect

As used in everyday language, ________ mean more than the sum of their literal parts, so they cannot be taken literally

idiomatic phrases

In the United States, companies most often reward and promote an employee based on...

individual effort

a hidden agenda refers to...

individuals harboring motives, which they conceal from the rest of the group.

The nonverbal communication signal of touch...

is governed by cultural customs that establish who can touch whom and when

How can you show respect for personal space while at work?

knock before entering offices

In the United States, business people value punctuality and the efficient use of time, and expect...

meeting that should start and end at designated times

In general, business correspondence in other countries is often _________ than that written by U.S. business people

more formal

in which way does teamwork increase accountability by team members?

most people want to avoid letting others down

Activities such as effective listening, conversational skills, conflict resolution and collaboration depend on...

mutual respect and consideration

Good listening skills and an understanding of _______ are the foundation of good conversational skills

nonverbal communication

Which of the following best describes the process of standing and receiving information, both intentionally and unintentionally, without language?

nonverbal communication

To be a better speaker and a better listener, pay attention to...

nonverbal cues that reinforce the message

Cultures vary greatly on how willing they are to accept people who don't appear to fit prevailing norms of the culture, a social norm referred to as...

openness and inclusiveness

Formal meetings are conducted according to ________, a time-tested method for planning and running meetings effectively.

parliamentary procedure

In high-context cultures

people rely more on nonverbal circumstances and cues to convey meaning

In conversations with a nonnative English speaker with language whom you have a long standing business relationship, you notice that he consistently makes language mistakes that could hurt his credibility. In response, you should...

politely offer advice on the appropriate words and phrases to use

If you're leading a meeting, you can help to make sure it's productive by...

preparing carefully

When conducting an audio-only meeting, what can be sent with the agenda to let participants know what is expected of them?

prestudy materials

A team from the marketing department has been assembled to determine the best way to introduce a new product to the market. This team is considered to be a...

project team

Compared to low-context cultures, high-context cultures tend to take a(n)________ approach regarding the meaning of business contracts

relationship building

When ending a call, how can you ensure important information from the conversation is clear?

restate important information such as meeting dates and times

How women are viewed in business varies based on the culture's social norms as they relate to...

roles and status

When considering social norms and customs, the cultural influence that dictates who can communicate with whom, and the nature of the communication, is based on...

roles and status

Number and date formats...

should be used carefully when communicating with audiences from other cultures

As a contemporary approach to business communication, the ________ is interactive, conversational, and usually open to all who wish to participate

social communication model

__________ is the practice of assigning generalized attributes to an individual based on his or her membership in a particular culture or social group


Xenophobia is the fear of...

strangers, foreigners

When the nonverbal signals match the spoken words, nonverbal signals can _______ a verbal message


When a conflict is a permanent and regular part of being in business, it is considered to be...


Formal behavior rules that can be articulated include...

table manners

One member of a task force on which you serve is particularly good at helping other members get along and work through their differences. This individual plays a(n) ________ role.

team maintenance role

Which of the following takes place during the forming stage of teamwork?

team members discuss their positions and become assertive in establishing their role

Which team role focuses on ensuring everyone's voice is heard, all members participate, and member disputes are mediated?


Because of the low-context culture, when it comes to decision-making customs, North American executives...

tend to focus on the results of the decisions they face

Cultural competency refers to...

the ability to adjust one's communication style to accommodate cultural differences

In most organizations, rumors tend to be particularly active when...

the formal communication network is not providing the information employees want

Adapting your communication efforts to another culture requires knowledge about the culture and...

the motivation to change personal habits as needed

Groupthink refers to...

the willingness of individual group members to withhold contrary or unpopular opinions, even when those objections are legitimate, and to go along with majority opinion

Because in today's workforce there are often multiple generations working side by side, it is best to assume

there will be differences in values, expectations and communication habits

One way to show respect for others is to arrive promptly to a meeting. This is an example of __________ as a nonverbal cue

time and space

At a large business conference, you find yourself seated for lunch with several customers and vendors. A safe way to initiate conversation would be...

to discuss a work-related project

Within the context of social media, the term _______ refers to a sense of openness, of giving all participants access to the information they need to understand the messages they are receiving


An important aspect of mobile communication in the workplace is ________, which integrate voice, video, instant messaging and real-time collaboration into s single system

unified communication

As an approach to resolving conflict during team activities, a _________ proposes that both sides can satisfy their goals ( at least to some extent) and minimize losses for everyone involved

win-win outcome

Which of the following can create situational conflict?

workload imbalance

Which of the following is an example of an ethical lapse?

Sharing confidential information with a new employer about your previous (competing) employer's major clients

Which of the following is an example of collaboration?

Working with others on reports, presentations, and other projects

In the communication process mode _______ describes the step in which the audience extracts the idea from a message


An intentional false statement that damages someone's character or reputation is _______


Supervisors can be challenged to improve intercultural communication and connect diverse teams in several ways, including...

fostering cooperation and harmony

__________ offers instantaneous translation across dozens of languages in an effort to create real-time communication between people who don't have a common language

machine translation

When writing to business people whose first language is different than yours, you should...

make generous use of transitional words and phrases

If an incoming message doesn't fit into a person's view of reality, then he or she may use ________ to distort or ignore that information.

selective attention

"virtual offices" that give everyone on a team access to the same set of resources and information are called...

shared online workspaces

Because communication plays a critical role in the workplace, managers should...

use communication skills to provide clear policies and educate employees on important issues

Which of the following allows members to telecommute and work with independent contractors from remote locations?

virtual teams

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