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revolve (ri-VOLV) (1 - The plane revolved 162 degrees onto its back. [ I ] The earth revolves around the sun, roughly in a circle. [ I ] fig. His life revolves around /= He is only interested in/ football.)

...에 관한 것을 다루다, 돌다, 전개되다, 순환하다 (1. to move in a circle or a curve around a central point, or to cause something to do this)

hinge (hinj)

...에 달려 있다, 경첩, ...에 따라 결정하다 (1. a folding device, usually made of metal, that is attached to a door, gate, or lid on one side, allowing it to open and close)

dignify (DIG-nu̲h̲-fahy) (2 - I'm not even going to dignify that stupid question with an answer.)

...에 위엄을 주다, 위엄을 갖추다, ...을 고귀하게 하다 (1. to cause something to be respected and considered important) (2. to cause something to be respected and considered important when that is not deserved)

hypnotize (HIP-nu̲h̲-tahyz) (1 - The crowd sits hypnotized by Harper's trumpet.)

...에 최면술을 걸다, 최면을 걸다, ...을 매료하다 (1. to produce hypnosis in someone, or to completely influence someone)

incense (IN-sens) (2 - The editor felt readers would be incensed by my article.)

...에 향을 피우다, 향, 아첨 (1. a substance that is burned to produce a sweet smell) (2. to cause someone to be extremely angry)

empower (em-POU-er) (1 - We want to empower individuals to get the skills they need.) (2 - The state constitution does not empower counties to create housing authorities.) (2 - Company programs encourage worker empowerment.)

...에게 권능을 부여하다, 권리를 주다, 지위를 향상시키다 (1. to encourage and support the ability to do something) (2. To _______ is also to give legal authority for something)

simulate (verb SIM-yu̲h̲-leyt; adjective SIM-yu̲h̲-lit, -leyt) (1 - Researchers are developing new techniques to simulate crashes.)

...을 가장하다, ...인 체하다, ...을 흉내내다 (1. to create conditions or processes similar to something that exists)

encompass (en-KUHM-pu̲h̲ s) (1 - The plan encompasses repaving the street and planting 40 new trees.)

...을 둘러싸다, ...을 포함하다, 포위하다 (1. to include several different things)

chew (choo) (1 - The steak was tough and hard to chew.)

...을 씹다, 씹어서 으깨다, 씹기 (1. to crush food into smaller, softer pieces with the teeth so that it is easier to swallow)

appal (u̲h̲-PAWL) (1 - I was appalled at/by the lack of staff in the hospital. The state of the kitchen appalled her.) (1 - an appalled silence/fascination)

...을 오싹하게 하다, 질리게 하다, 놀라게 하다 (1. to make someone have strong feelings of shock or of disapproval)

chariot (CHAR-ee-u̲h̲ t)

...을 전차로 나르다, 1인승 이륜 전차, 전차 (1. a two-wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse, used in ancient times by the military and in racing)

insulate (IN-su̲h̲-leyt, INS-yu̲h̲-) (1 - We've saved a lot on our heating bills by insulating the attic.) (2 - As a member of a rich and powerful family, she was insulated from ordinary life.)

...을 절연하다, 분리하다, 보온하다 (1. to use a material to cover or go around the surface of something in order to prevent heat, electricity, etc., from escaping or entering) (2. to protect someone or something from outside influences)

interchange (verb in-ter-CHEYNJ; noun IN-ter-cheynj) (1 - They hope to encourage the free interchange of ideas.)

...을 주고받다, 교환하다, 교환 (1. an exchange, esp. of ideas or information, between different people or groups) (2. a connection between two roads that allows vehicles to move from one road to the other without crossing the flow of traffic)

apprehend (ap-ri-HEND) (1 - Last night police apprehended the suspect.)

...을 체포하다, 이해하다, 염려하다 (1. to catch and put a person under police control; to arrest)

lick (lik) (1 - to lick a stamp/lollipop) (2 - He has licked the cancer.) (3 - Chuck couldn't read a lick.)

...을 핥다, 침을 바르다, 전혀 (1. to move the tongue across the surface of something as a way of eating it or making it wet or clean) (2. to defeat someone or something, or to solve a difficult problem) (3. a small amount)

buck (buhk) (1 - It cost me ten bucks.) (3 - The horse bucked every time he got in the saddle.) (4 - As a designer, she bucked the trend and succeeded with her own original ideas.)

1 달러, 벅, 돈, 책임을 전가하다, 저항하다 (1. a dollar) (2. a male deer) (3. /esp. of a horse/ to jump into the air with the head down and the back arched) (4. to oppose or refuse to go along with something)

twofold (adjective TOO-fohld; adverb TOO-FOHLD) (1 - a twofold increase in the price of natural gas) (2 - The problem is twofold.) (3 - The sport saw its popularity increase twofold.)

2배의, 두 부분이 있는, 배로 (1. twice as big or as much) (2. having two parts) (3. by two times)

gilt (gilt) (1 - gilt-rimmed eyeglasses)

gild의 과거·과거 분사형, 금을 입힌, 금가루를 칠한 (1. covered with a thin layer of gold or a substance that looks like gold)

fraught (frawt) (1 - Writing about science at a popular level is a task fraught with difficulty.)

가득찬, 내포한, 걱정하는 (1. full of /unpleasant things such as problems or dangers/)

subdue (su̲h̲ b-DOO, -DYOO) (1 - She'd be hard to subdue if she got mad.)

가라앉히다, 제압하다, 억제하다, 완화하다 (1. to reduce the force of /someone or something/)

rung (ruhng) (2 - fig. Community colleges occupy the lower rung of the state's higher education system.)

가로장, 가로대, 바퀴살 (1. past participle of ring ) (2. /fig./any of the short bars that form the steps of a ladder /= a device used for climbing/, or a level or stage of progress)

wig (wig) (1 - a blond wig)

가발, ...에게 가발을 씌우다 (1. a covering of hair that can be removed and is worn on the head to hide a lack of hair or to cover your own hair)

parole (pa-rawl) (1 - a life sentence without parole parole verb [ T ] us ​) (1 - He was paroled after serving ten years.)

가석방, 말, 가석방시키다 (1. the release of a prisoner before that person's period in prison is finished, with the agreement that the person will behave well)

accelerate (ak-SEL-u̲h̲-reyt) (1 - He stepped on the gas and accelerated rapidly to pass a car.)

가속하다, 빨라지다, 성장, 촉진시키다, 증가 (1. to move more quickly, or to make something happen faster or sooner) (2. to make something, esp. a process or a very small piece of matter, move faster)

thorn (thawrn) (1 - Rose bushes have thorns.)

가시, 고통을 주는 것 (1. a small, sharp, pointed growth on the stem of a plant)

scissors (SIZ-erz) (1 - a pair of scissors)

가위 (1. a cutting device consisting of two blades, each with a ring-shaped handle, which are joined in the middle so that their sharp edges move against each other, used esp. for cutting paper or cloth)

guise (gahyz) (1 - The men who arrived in the guise of criminals were actually undercover police officers.)

가장, 옷차림, 복장 (1. the appearance of someone or something, esp. when intended to deceive)

postulate (verb POS-chu̲h̲-leyt; noun POS-chu̲h̲-lit, -leyt) (1 - Astronomers postulate that the comet will reappear in 4000 years.) (1 - He suggested an original and interesting postulate.)

가정, ...을 요구하다, ...을 가정하다 (1. to suggest or accept that a theory or idea is true as a starting point for reasoning or discussion)

abominable (u̲h̲-BOM-u̲h̲-nu̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - The abominable working conditions made many workers sick.)

가증스러운, 진저리나는, 불쾌한 (1. very bad or unpleasant)

sham (sham) (1 - I thought the meeting was a total sham and a waste of time.) (2 - a sham battle)

가짜의, 가짜, ...인 체하다 (1. someone or something that is falsely represented, esp. as being important or powerful) (2. pretended; not real)

spurious (spyo̲o̲ r-ee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - They made spurious claims of personal injury.)

가짜의, 사생아의, 의사의 (1. based on false reasoning or information that is not true, and therefore not to be trusted)

concise (ku̲h̲ n-SAHYS) (1 - She wrote up a concise summary of the day's events.)

간결한, 간명한, 명료한 (1. expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words; short and clear)

cot (kot)

간이 침대, 어린이용 침대, 오두막 (1. a narrow bed made of strong material attached to a frame, esp. one that can be folded and easily carried)

soy (soi) (1 - soy milk/burgers/margarine)

간장, 콩 (1. made from soybeans)

grind (grahynd) (1 - Every morning I go to the kitchen and grind some coffee. Add a teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper.) (2 - Laborers grind and shape steel bars into decorative fences.) (3 - Ursula grinds her teeth at night.) (4 - Karen came to the hotel for a rest from the daily grind.)

갈다, 가루로 만들다, 멈추다, 단조로운 일정, 속셈 (1. to crush a substance between hard, moving surfaces into small pieces or a powder) (2. to rub an object against a hard surface in order to make it sharper, thinner, or smoother) (3. If you _____ two sets of objects, you press and rub them together in a way that makes an unpleasant noise) (4. difficult or unpleasant activity that is tiring or repeated too often)

reed (reed)

갈대 (1. a type of tall, stiff grass that grows near water) (2. A ____ is also a thin strip of wood in some musical instruments, such as the clarinet or oboe, that produces sound when air is blown over it.)

rib (rib) (2 - barbecued ribs) (4 - The two leaders ribbed each other good-naturedly during the press conference.)

갈비뼈, 옆구리, 놀리다 (1. one of the bones that curve around from the spine /= the line of bones down the center of the back/ on each side of the upper part of the body to form the chest) (2. A ___ is also a piece of meat taken from this part of an animal) (3. Ribs are also the thin, curved pieces of metal or wood that shape and support the sides and bottom of a boat or the top of an umbrella /= a cover that protects from rain or sun/.) (4. to laugh at or joke about someone in a friendly way; tease)

supervise (SOO-per-vahyz) (1 - The Red Cross supervised the distribution of food to refugees. She supervises 75 employees in our order department.) (1 - City schools were placed under state supervision last week.) (1 - He applied for a supervisory position in the bank.) (1 - a nursing/construction supervisor I have to get off the phone - my supervisor just walked into the office.)

감독하다, 관리하다, 감시하다 (1. to be responsible for the good performance of an activity or job, or for the correct behavior or safety of a person)

empathize (EM-pu̲h̲-thahyz) (1 - It's very easy to empathize with the characters in her books.)

감정 이입을 하다, 공감하다 (1. to be able to understand how someone else feels)

hawk (hawk) (2 - She was hawking flowers at the parking lot exit.)

강경론자, 매, 덤벼들다 (1. a type of large bird that catches small birds and animals for food) (2. to sell goods in public places by calling out to people)

puppy (PUHP-ee) (1 - Our dog has just had four puppies.)

강아지, 새끼 (1. a young dog)

force (fawrs, fohrs) (1 - The force of the wind knocked down many trees during the hurricane. [ U ] She had to use force to get the old window open.) (3 - The sheer force of her words kept the audience glued to their seats. [ C ] He was a powerful force in national politics for 30 years.) (4 - social forces at school) (5 - the armed forces the Air Force UN forces continue to provide relief in the war-torn region.) (7 - a sales force the police force [ C ]) (9 - If the piece won't fit in the hole, don't force it. He forced his way through the crowd to reach the exit.) (10 - I forgot my house key, so I had to force a window.) (11 - I hate string beans, so I had to force myself to eat them. [ + to infinitive ] Anderson was forced to leave the game with a bruised knee. I didn't actually want any more dessert, but Julia forced it on me. If callers have information about the crime and would like to give their names that is fine, but we're not going to force the issue /= make them give their names/.)

강요하다, 군대, 힘, 세력, 효력 (1. physical, often violent, strength or power) (2. A _____ is a power that causes an object to move or that changes movement.) (3. strong influence and energy, or a person with strong influence and energy) (4. power to make someone do something, or to make something happen, esp. without offering the possibility of choice) (5. an organized and trained military group) (6. _____ is also military strength.) (7. a group of people who do the same job) (8. If a person or group joins or combines forces with another person or group, they agree to work together.) (9. to use physical strength or effort to make something move or open) (10. To _____ a lock, door, window, etc., is to break it in order to get in) (11. to make someone do something, or make something happen, esp. by threatening or not offering the possibility of choice)

tonic (TON-ik) (2 - Seeing his grandchildren was the perfect tonic for him.)

강장제, 원기를 돋우는 것, 튼튼하게 하는 (1. a liquid medicine intended to make you feel better generally rather than treating a particular health problem) (2. A _____ is also anything that makes you feel better)

grate (greyt) (2 - They have grates across every window.) (3 - The trolley's wheels grated horribly as it went around the curve.) (4 - His constant whining for attention is beginning to grate on my nerves.) (5 - Would you grate the cheese? Add the grated carrots to the salad.)

강판에 갈다, 갈다, 화상 (1. a structure made of iron bars for holding wood or other fuel, esp. in a fireplace) (2. A _____ is also a structure of metal bars that covers an opening) (3. /of two hard objects/ to rub together, often making an unpleasant sound, or to make an unpleasant sound of this kind) (4. to have an annoying or painful effect) (5. to rub food against the rough surface of a metal device having holes through which small pieces of the food fall as they break off)

miscellaneous (mis-u̲h̲-LEY-nee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - His bedroom is full of guitars, keyboards, and miscellaneous instruments.)

갖가지 주제를 다루는, 잡다한 흥미를 가지는, 다재한 (1. consisting of a mixture of various things that are not necessarily connected with each other)

congenial (ku̲h̲ n-JEEN-yu̲h̲ l) (1 - We spent a relaxed evening with congenial friends.)

같은 성질인, 성미와 맞는, 기분 좋은 (1. pleasant and friendly; producing a feeling of comfort or satisfaction)

ant (ant)

개미 (1. a small insect that lives in large and highly organized social groups)

mend (mend) (1 - Could you mend this hole in my shirt? The country is seeking to mend relations with the US.) (2 - The bones in my broken wrist took eight weeks to mend.)

개선하다, 고치다, 낫다 (1. to repair cloth that is torn or something that is damaged) (2. to become well again after an illness or injury)

amend (u̲h̲-MEND) (1 - The terms of the contract were amended in later years.)

개정하다, 수정하다, 보상 (1. to change the words of something written, esp. a law or a legal document)

revise (ri-VAHYZ) (1 - With the final exam, you don't revise it after the teacher reads it.) (2 - Her book is available in a new revised edition.)

개정하다, 수정하다, 새로운, 조정하다, 바꾸다 (1. to change or correct something, esp. a piece of writing) (2. Br To ______ is to study again what you have been learning in order to prepare for an exam.)

salon (su̲h̲-LON; French sa-lawn) (1 - a beauty/tanning/hair salon) (2 - the Paris salon of Gertrude Stein)

객실, 현대 미술 전람회, 미술 전람회 (1. a store where you can obtain esp. a beauty service or fashionable clothes) (2. a regular meeting of important or influential people, esp. of writers or artists at the house of someone famous)

colossal (ku̲h̲-LOS-u̲h̲ l) (1 - The whole business has been a colossal failure/mistake. It was a colossal waste of time.)

거대한, 놀랄 만한, 훌륭한 (1. /esp. of something bad/ very great)

prodigious (pru̲h̲-DIJ-u̲h̲ s) (1 - Americans are the world's most prodigious consumers.) (1 - a prodigiously gifted artist)

거대한, 막대한, 놀라운 (1. extremely great in ability, amount, or strength)

reap (reep) (1 - They didn't reap any benefits from that deal.)

거둬들이다, 이익을 얻다 (1. to obtain or receive something as a result of your own actions) (2. If you ____ a crop, you cut and collect it.)

boycott (BOI-kot) (1 - The union called on its members to boycott the meeting.) (1 - She organized an economic boycott of the company's products.)

거부, 보이콧, 불매, 불참, 배척하다 (1. to refuse to buy a product or take part in an activity as a way of expressing strong disapproval)

defy (verb dih-FAHY; noun dih-FAHY, DEE-fahy) (1 - They defied an evacuation order and stayed in town during the hurricane. He defied the odds /= did what no one expected/ and won the race for mayor.) (1 - She is defiant, angry, and tough.) (1 - When I said she might fail, she replied defiantly, "No, I won't!")

거부하다, ...할 수 없게 하다, ...에도 불구하고, ...와는 달리 (1. to refuse to obey or to do something in the usual or expected way)

turtle (TUR-tl)

거북, 자라 (1. an animal that lives in or near water, having a thick, outer shell that covers and protects its body)

edifice (ED-u̲h̲-fis) (1 - The state capitol is an imposing edifice topped by a large dome.)

건물, 체계, 조직 (1. a large building)

rag (rag) (1 - I use these rags for cleaning. They were dressed in rags /= in old, torn pieces of clothing/.)

걸레, 누더기, 헝겊, 신문, 넝마 (1. a piece of usually old, torn cloth)

latch (lach) (1 - Make sure the cabinet door is latched so the cat can't get in.)

걸쇠, 빗장, ...에 걸쇠를 걸다 (1. a fastening device for a door or gate)

masterpiece (MAS-ter-pees, MAH-ster-)

걸작, 명작, 대표작 (1. something made or done with great skill, esp. an artist's greatest work)

autopsy (AW-top-see, AW-tu̲h̲ p-) (1 - Police said they were awaiting the results of an autopsy.)

검시, 부검, 시체 해부 (1. the act of cutting open and examining a dead body in order to discover the cause of death)

coward (KOU-erd) (1 - A coward is someone who sends you a nasty letter without signing it.) (1 - a cowardly act)

겁쟁이, 비겁한 사람, 소심한 (1. person who is not brave, is easily frightened, or tries to avoid danger or difficulties)

crab (krab)

게, 크랩 (1. a sea animal that has five pairs of legs and a round, flat body covered by a shell, or its flesh eaten as food)

guerrilla (gu̲h̲-RIL-u̲h̲) (1 - guerrilla warfare)

게릴라, 유격대 (1. a member of an unofficial military group that is trying to change the government by making sudden, unexpected attacks on the official army forces)

bulletin (bo̲o̲ l-i-tn, -tin) (1 - The museum publishes a monthly bulletin about coming events.)

게시, 보고, 협회, 속보 (1. a short piece of news on television or radio, or a short report or news item released by an organization)

slack (slak) (1 - His jaw went slack, and he looked puzzled.) (2 - The teachers are kind of slack about enforcing rules.) (3 - There was too much slack in the cable.) (4 - the midsummer slack)

게으름, 바지, 해이해져, 되는대로의, 여유 (1. not tight; loose) (2. showing a lack of activity; not busy or happening in a positive way) (3. the state of being too loose or not tight enough) (4. a period when something is slower or less active than usual)

strenuous (STREN-yoo-u̲h̲ s) (1 - I think football is much more strenuous than baseball.) (1 - He strenuously denies that he is guilty.)

격렬한, 분투적인, 활기찬 (1. needing or using a lot of effort or energy)

seclusion (si-KLOO-zhu̲h̲ n) (1 - He's been living in seclusion since he retired from acting. In some societies women are kept in seclusion, so that they are hardly ever seen in public. After being with a tour group all week I was glad to return to the seclusion of my own home.)

격리, 은퇴, 은둔 (1. the state of being alone, away from other people)

upheaval (uhp-HEE-vu̲h̲ l) (1 - The long garbage strike in 1970 caused much political upheaval.)

격변, 융기, 대변동 (1. /a/ great change, causing or involving difficulty or trouble)

maxim (MAK-sim) (1 - She lived by the maxim, "Do right, risk consequences.)

격언 (1. a brief statement of a general truth, principle, or rule for behavior)

pang (pang) (1 - hunger pangs pangs of remorse)

격통, 양심의 가책, 고통 (1. a sudden, sharp feeling of pain or painful emotion)

dummy (DUHM-ee) (1 - They use crash-test dummies in order to improve safety equipment in cars.) (2 - Taxpayers are not dummies, and they are going to know how politicians are trying to fool them.) (3 - They set up a dummy corporation to try to hide their identities.)

견본, 인체 모형, 모조의 (1. a large model of a human) (2. a stupid or silly person) (3. not real but having a similar appearance to something else)

apprentice (u̲h̲-PREN-tis) (1 - He worked for two years as a plumber's apprentice apprentice verb [ I/T ] us ​) (1 - I apprenticed with my father, who was a stonemason.)

견습생, 도제 (1. someone who works for an expert to learn a particular skill or job)

traction (TRAK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - I reduce the air pressure in all four tires during winter for better traction on slick, icy roads.) (3 - His broken leg was put in a cast and was in traction.)

견인, 수축, 전차 (1. the ability of a wheel or tire to hold the ground without sliding) (2. the pulling of a heavy load over a surface, or the power used to do this) (3. medical ________ is also a state in which an injured part of the body is gently pulled with special equipment)

drawback (DRAW-bak) (1 - One of the drawbacks of working for a big company is that you have to follow a lot of rules.)

결점, 단점, 결함 (1. a disadvantage or problem; the negative part of a situation)

flaw (flaw) (1 - A flaw in the steering mechanism led to a recall of 200,000 cars.)

결점, 흠, 결함 (1. a fault or weakness, esp. one that happens while something is being planned or made and that makes it not perfect)

nexus (NEK-su̲h̲ s) (1 - Times Square is the nexus of the New York subway.)

결합, 연쇄, 연합 (1. an important connection between the parts of a system or a group of things)

vigilance (VIJ-u̲h̲-lu̲h̲ ns) (1 - The police said that it was thanks to the vigilance of a neighbour that the fire was discovered before it could spread.)

경계, 조심, 불면증 (1. more careful attention, especially in order to notice possible danger)

stadium (STEY-dee-u̲h̲ m) (1 - a football stadium Yankee Stadium)

경기장, 스타디움, 구장, 운동장 (1. a large structure consisting of many rows of seats surrounding an area of land on which sports are played and where sometimes other public events happen)

longitude (LON-ji-tood, -tyood)

경도 (1. the position to the east or west of an imaginary circle around the earth that goes through the North Pole, the South Pole, and Greenwich, England)

tilt (tilt) (1 - He tilted his chair back and put his feet up on the desk. [ T ] The woman tilted her head back, laughing at something Pascal had just said.) (2 - UN spending has tilted away from development toward relief, O'Reilly says.) (3 - The house was on a tilt /= not horizontal/.)

경사, 기울다, 갸우뚱하다 (1. to cause something to move into a sloping or uneven position, or to be in this position) (2. /fig./ Something that tilts toward/away from something increases or lessens its support for it) (3. a sloping or uneven position, or a movement into this position)

ramp (ramp) (1 - Wide ramps flanked the stairs at the entrance.) (2 - an entrance/exit ramp)

경사로, 화가나서 덤비다, 사취하다 (1. a surface connecting a higher and a lower level; a slope) (2. A ____ is also a road that lets you drive onto or leave a large road, such as an expressway)

marvel (MAHR-vu̲h̲ l) (1 - Tourists marvel at the panoramic view. I marvel at her patience with the children.) (2 - This gadget is a technological marvel.)

경이로움, 놀라다, 경탄하다 (1. to show or experience great surprise or admiration) (2. a person or thing that is very surprising or admirable)

scenic (SEE-nik, SEN-ik) (1 - They took the scenic route on the way home.)

경치가 좋은, 경치 좋은, 무대 장치의 (1. having or showing beautiful natural surroundings)

corollary (KAWR-u̲h̲-ler-ee, KOR-; especially British, ku̲h̲-ROL-u̲h̲-ree) (1 - Unfortunately, violence is the inevitable corollary of such a revolutionary change in society.)

계, 추론, 결과 (1. something that results from something else)

stair (stair) (1 - The top stair creaked loudly as she stepped on it.)

계단 (1. a step in a set of stairs)

calculus (KAL-kyu̲h̲-lu̲h̲ s)

계산법, 치석, 결석 (1. the mathematical study of continually changing values) (2. the mathematical study of continually changing values)

apocalyptic (u̲h̲-pok-u̲h̲-LIP-tik) (1 - apocalyptic visions of a nuclear confrontation apocalyptic warnings about our destruction of the environment)

계시의, 천계의 계시록의, 대참사의 도래를 예언하는 (1. showing or describing the total destruction and end of the world, or extremely bad future events)

bracket (BRAK-it) (2 - Most college students are in the 18 to 22 age bracket. Her new job puts her in a higher income/tax bracket.) (4 - Deleted text is bracketed.) (5 - The mayor likes to bracket having more cops with the lower crime rate.)

계층, 브라켓 , 층, 받침대, 괄호 (1. either of a pair of marks [ ], or the information inside them, used in a piece of writing to show that what is inside these marks should be considered as separate from the main part) (2. a set group with fixed upper and lower limits) (3. a metal or wood piece, usually L-shaped, whose vertical part is fastened to a wall and whose horizontal part is used to support something, such as a shelf) (4. to enclose something in brackets) (5. to consider something as similar to or connected to something else)

forlorn (fawr-LAWRN) (1 - As I left little Bobby on his first day of school, he gave me such a forlorn look.)

고독한, 버림받은, 쓸쓸한 (1. looking or feeling alone and sad because you need help but do not expect to get it)

profess (pru̲h̲-FES) (1 - They professed to have no knowledge of the event. [ T ] She continues to profess her innocence.) (1 - a professed belief)

고백하다, 자칭하다, 공언하다 (1. to claim something, sometimes falsely)

glee (glee) (1 - Malone pumped his fist with glee after scoring the game-winner.) (1 - gleeful childrengleefully adverb us ​) (1 - She talks gleefully about her adventures.)

고소해 하기, 큰 기쁨, 환희 (1. happiness or great pleasure)

orphan (AWR-fu̲h̲ n) (1 - She was orphaned at an early age.)

고아 (1. a child whose parents are dead)

tranquil (TRANG-kwil) (1 - I lay on the dock under a tranquil blue sky.) (1 - The tranquility of the forest helps me relax.) (1 - Vets had to tranquilize the coyote before moving her.)

고요한, 조용한 (1. calm, quiet, and peaceful)

stereotype (STER-ee-u̲h̲-tahyp, STEER-) (1 - All jobs can be made to fit stereotypes, but accountants are particularly easy targets.) (1 - That unfortunate statement stereotypes all men as wimps.) (1 - I'm not your stereotypical Texan.)

고정 관념, 정형화하다, 상투적인 문구 (1. an idea that is used to describe a particular type of person or thing, or a person or thing thought to represent such an idea)

tack (tak) (2 - When this tack didn't work, I tried another.) (3 - We tacked up a few decorations for the party.)

고정하다, 방향, 택, 압정, 부과 (1. a short, sharp nail with a wide, flat end, or a thumbtack) (2. one of several possible ways of dealing with something) (3. to fasten something with tacks)

affliction (u̲h̲-FLIK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Malnutrition is one of the common afflictions of the poor.)

고통, 고뇌, 불행 (1. something that makes you suffer)

archaic (ahr-KEY-ik) (1 - Some people like to show off by using archaic words.)

고풍의, 원시적인, 낡은 (1. of or belonging to the past; from an ancient period in history)

predicament (pri-DIK-u̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt for 1, 3; PRED-i-ku̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt for 2) (1 - With no money and no job, he found himself in a real predicament.)

곤경, 상태, 경우 (1. an unpleasant or confusing situation that is difficult to get out of or solve)

pelvis (PEL-vis) (1 - pelvic muscles)

골반, 신우 (1. the bones that form a bowl-shaped structure in the area below the waist at the top of the legs, to which the leg bones and spine /= row of bones in the back/ are joined)

axiom (AK-see-u̲h̲ m)

공리, 경구, 격언, 이치, 원칙 (1. a statement or principle that is generally accepted to be true)

complicity (ku̲h̲ m-PLIS-i-tee)

공모, 연루, 공범 (1. involvement with others in a crime or in another activity that is wrong)

deduct (dih-DUHKT) (1 - The company deducts $31.93 each week from my salary for health insurance.) (2 - Homeowners can deduct the interest they pay on their mortgages.)

공제하다, 빼다, 감하다 (1. to take away an amount or part from a total) (2. To ______ is also not to have to pay taxes on an amount that you have earned)

rapport (ra-PAWR, -POHR, ru̲h̲-) (1 - She has a good rapport with her staff.)

관계, 협조, 일치 (1. agreement or sympathy between people or groups)

shrub (shruhb)

관목 (1. a plant with a wooden stem and many small branches that usually does not grow very tall)

idiom (ID-ee-u̲h̲ m) (1 - Mastering the use of idioms can be hard for a learner. "Shoot yourself in the foot" is an idiom that means to do something that hurts yourself.) (2 - Anger and shouting simply aren't a part of his idiom.)

관용구, 숙어, 용어 (1. a group of words whose meaning considered as a unit is different from the meanings of each word considered separately) (2. An _____ is also the particular style or manner of expression used by a person or group)

arthritis (ahr-THRAHY-tis) (1 - an arthritic knee)

관절염 (1. a disease in which a person's joints become swollen, and in which there is some loss in the ability to move them without pain)

clown (kloun) (2 - The people running this school are a bunch of clowns.) (3 - Stop clowning around and get serious!)

광대, 시골뜨기 (1. an entertainer who wears silly clothes and makes people laugh by performing tricks without speech) (2. /infml/ A _____ is also someone who behaves in a foolish or stupid way) (3. to act silly)

plaza (PLAH-zu̲h̲, PLAZ-u̲h̲) (1 - New York City's Rockefeller Plaza)

광장, 시장, 쇼핑 센터 (1. an open, public area in a city or town, or a group of buildings with stores, often including an open, public area)

haunt (hawnt, hahnt; for 10 also hant) (2 - His experiences in Vietnam still haunt him.) (3 - This restaurant was one of our old haunts.)

괴롭히다, 유령이 있는, 나타나다, 머리에서 떠나지 않다 (1. to often appear somewhere, or to appear to someone in the form of a ghost /= spirit of a dead person/) (2. to cause someone to worry or feel anxiety because of being thought about too often) (3. a place often visited)

bully (bo̲o̲ l-ee) (1 - He managed to bully her into giving him her car.) (2 - Teachers usually know who the bullies are in a class.)

괴롭히다, 폭력, 왕따, 따돌림, 불량배 (1. to threaten to hurt someone, often frightening that person into doing something) (2. a person who threatens to hurt someone, often forcing that person to do something)

stagnant (STAG-nu̲h̲ nt) (1 - Hot, stagnant air filled the subway.) (2 - Jobs become scarce in a stagnant economy.)

괴어 있는, 정체된, 불경기의 (1. /of liquids or air/ not flowing or moving, and often smelling unpleasant) (2. not growing or developing)

crank (krangk) (1 - He just seemed like a harmless crank to me.)

괴짜, L자형의 손잡이, 크랭크를 돌리다 (1. a person who has strange ideas and behaves in strange ways) (2. a handle or bar on a machine that you can turn to make another part turn)

chock (chok)

굄목, 쐐기, ...을 쐐기로 고정시키다 (1. a block of wood that can be put under a wheel or a heavy object to prevent it from moving)

bang (bang) (1 - He banged his head on the open cupboard door.) (2 - I sat down at the piano and banged out a tune.) (3 - She ran out of the room and slammed the door with a bang.)

굉음, 두드리다, 앞머리, 헛수고하다, 훌륭히 (1. to make or cause something to make a sudden loud, usually short noise, esp. by hitting two things together) (2. To ____ out something is to do something quickly) (3. a sudden loud, usually short noise)

suburb (SUHB-urb) (1 - Most of the people who live in the suburbs work in the city.) (1 - He grew up in a wealthy suburban community near Chicago.)

교외, 외곽, 근교, 변두리, 부근 (1. an area outside a city but near it and consisting mainly of homes, sometimes also having stores and small businesses)

upbringing (UHP-bring-ing) (1 - Who can argue with the healthy upbringing of happy children?)

교육, 양육, 자람, 성장, 가정교육 (1. the way in which someone is treated and trained as a child)

symphony (SIM-fu̲h̲-nee)

교향곡, 교향악단, 심포니 (1. a long piece of music usually in four parts and played by an orchestra /= large group playing different instruments/)

swap (swop) (1 - The two computers can easily swap data.) (1 - They proposed a straight swap of food for tools.)

교환하다, 바꾸다, 교환 (1. to exchange one thing for another)

insidious (in-SID-ee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - Cancer is an insidious disease.) (1 - His negative attitude slowly and insidiously spoiled the atmosphere around the office.)

교활한, 음흉한, 방심할 수 없는 (1. /of something unpleasant or dangerous/ gradually and secretly causing harm)

sly (slahy) (1 - She thought that by being sly, she could fool people. A cat can be a very sly animal.) (1 - He winked slyly and lowered his voice, as if he had some secret to reveal.)

교활한, 음흉한, 익살맞은, 은밀한 (1. not letting others know true opinions or intentions, or dishonest)

precept (PREE-sept) (1 - common precepts of decency)

교훈, 격언, 가르침 (1. a rule for action or behavior, esp. one based on moral consideration)

didactic (dahy-DAK-tik) (1 - Children's books possess a practical, didactic purpose - to instill a love for reading.)

교훈적인, 훈시적인, 남을 가르치고 싶어하는 (1. intended to teach, or to improve morals by teaching)

palate (PAL-it) (2 - I let my palate dictate what I eat.)

구개, 미각, 맛의 감별력 (1. the top part of the inside of your mouth) (2. A person's ______ is also the ability to taste and judge good food and drink)

caliber (KAL-u̲h̲-ber) (1 - It's not easy to recruit high caliber personnel.) (2 - a .)

구경, 도량, 역량 (1. the degree of quality or excellence of something or someone) (2. the width of the inside of a pipe, esp. of the long, cylindrical part of a gun, or the width of a bullet)

subscribe (su̲h̲ b-SKRAHYB) (1 - She subscribes to a couple of magazines.) (1 - cable TV subscriberssubscription noun [ C ] us ​) (1 - a magazine subscription)

구독하다, 가입하다, 찬성하다 (1. to pay money to an organization in order to receive a product or use a service regularly)

stoop (stoop) (1 - The mother stooped to button up the coat of her little girl.) (3 - He walks with a stoop because of arthritis.)

구부정하다 (1. to bend the top half of the body forward and down) (2. a structure that is part of the front of a house consisting of a few steps leading up from ground level, often with a raised, flat area near the door) (3. a bending of the top half of the body forward and down)

fabrication (fab-ri-KEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - He was late, so he fabricated an excuse to avoid trouble. He claims that the police fabricated evidence against him.) (1 - The evidence he gave in court was a complete fabrication.) (2 - She fabricated charges that her boss was stealing money.) (2 - That story is a complete fabrication.)

구성, 위조, 제작 (1. to invent or produce something false in order to deceive someone) (2. to invent or produce something in order to deceive)

configuration (ku̲h̲ n-fig-yu̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The two-lane configuration of the road leads to congestion.)

구성, 형상, 상대적 배치 (1. the particular arrangement of the parts of something or of a group of things)

bead (beed) (1 - She fingered the beads of her rosary. fig. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he worked in the sun.)

구슬 (1. a small, often round piece of plastic, wood, glass, or other material with a hole through it, which is put on a string to make jewelry such as a necklace)

courtship (KAWRT-ship, KOHRT-) (1 - They were married in 1923 after a long courtship.)

구애, 구혼, 약혼 전의 교제 (1. the period in which two people have a romantic relationship that often leads to marriage)

referendum (ref-u̲h̲-REN-du̲h̲ m)

국민 투표, 훈령 요청서, 레퍼렌덤 (1. a vote in which all the people in a country or an area decide on an important question)

throng (thrawng, throng) (1 - A huge throng had gathered around the speaker.) (2 - The narrow streets were thronged with tourists. [ I always + adv/prep ] Reporters thronged around her.)

군중 (1. a large group of people) (2. to be or go somewhere in very large numbers)

oyster (OI-ster)

굴, 과묵한 사람 (1. a water creature that grows within a shell, some types of which can be eaten, and other types of which produce pearls /= small, round, white stones used in jewelry/)

bridle (BRAHYD-l) (2 - Homeowners bridled at the new regulations.)

굴레, 굴레를 씌우다, 속박 (1. a set of leather straps that are put around a horse's head to allow its rider to control it) (2. to show annoyance or anger)

starve (stahrv) (1 - Many people could starve because of the drought.) (2 - I'm starved because I missed lunch today.) (2 - The animals died of starvation.)

굶기다, 굶주리다, 굶어 죽다, 배고프다, 기아 (1. to become weak or die because there is not enough food to eat) (2. If you say you are starving, you want to eat)

bake (beyk)

굽다 (1. to cook inside an oven)

roast (rohst) (1 - roast beef/turkey) (2 - a beef roast) (3 - a lobster roast)

굽다, 볶다, 로스트, 불고기 (1. to cook meat or other food by dry heat in an oven or over a fire) (2. a large piece of meat cooked in an oven) (3. A _____ is also an outside event at which food is cooked over a fire)

grill (gril) (1 - We love to grill outside and eat on the back porch in the summer.) (2 - After being grilled by the police for eight hours, Johnson signed a confession.)

굽다, 심문하다, 그릴, 다그치다 (1. to cook something on a frame of metal bars, usually over a gas or coal fire) (2. to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time) (3. a frame of metal bars on which food is cooked over a fire)

fungus (FUHNG-gu̲h̲ s)

균, 곰팡이, 버섯 (1. a plant without leaves, flowers, or color that lives on other plants or on decaying matter)

cleavage (KLEE-vij)

균열, 쪼개짐, 분할, 가슴골, 분열 (1. the tendency of a mineral /= hard substance obtained from the earth/ to break in a particular way because of its structure)

stump (stuhmp) (2 - He seemed stumped by our questions.) (3 - Taylor stumped for him throughout the state.)

그루터기, 괴롭히다, 남은 부분 (1. the part of a tree, arm, etc. that is left after another part has been removed) (2. to confuse or cause someone to be unable to understand or explain something) (3. to talk in support of a politician or idea)

grease (noun grees; verb grees, greez) (1 - There's always a lot of grease when you cook lamb.) (2 - You ought to put some grease on that hinge.) (2 - Grease the pan.)

그리스, 기름, 뇌물 (1. animal fat that is soft after melting) (2. ______ is also any thick, oily substance)

pigment (PIG-mu̲h̲ nt)

그림 물감, 색소, 안료 (1. a natural substance that produces color in animals and plants, such as of skin, hair, and leaves) (2. _______ is also the substance in a paint or dye that gives it its color.)

sectarian (sek-TAIR-ee-u̲h̲ n) (1 - sectarian fighting)

근시안적인, 편협한, 분파의 (1. relating to a sect, or happening between sects)

eradicate (ih-RAD-i-keyt) (1 - A new vaccine eradicated polio.)

근절하다, 전멸시키다, 뿌리뽑다 (1. to get rid of or destroy something completely)

gloss (glos, glaws) (1 - The floor was waxed and buffed to a high gloss.) (2 - Special senses of words are glossed in this dictionary.)

글로스, 광택, 얼버무리다, 호도하다, 유광 (1. a smooth shine on the surface of something) (2. an explanation of a word or phrase in a text)

scrape (skreyp) (1 - Jackie scraped her knee on the wall as she was climbing over it. [ T ] Sheila scraped the snow off the windshield of her car. [ I ] The metal gate scraped along the ground when I opened it.) (2 - She had a few scrapes from the accident in the parking lot, but nothing serious.) (3 - Oh, he's had a few scrapes with the law when he was younger, but he's straightened his life out now.)

긁다, 상처, 벗기다, 닦다, 문지르다 (1. to remove something by rubbing something rough or sharp against it, or to rub part of your body against something rough that tears away or injures your skin) (2. a slight injury caused by having your skin rubbed against something rough) (3. /infml/ A ______ is also a difficult situation that you are in because of your own actions)

taboo (tu̲h̲-BOO, ta-) (1 - Dealing with mental illness is a sensitive issue, with a lot of taboos.) (1 - The article analyzes the ways in which English speakers deal with taboo words.)

금기, 터부, 금제의 (1. something that is avoided or forbidden for religious or social reasons)

ascetic (u̲h̲-SET-ik)

금욕주의자, 금욕적인, 고행자 (1. avoiding physical comforts and living a simple life)

zoom (zoom) (1 - Cars and trucks zoom past.) (2 - In two months the magazine's circulation zoomed to 26,000.)

급상승, 줌 렌즈, 폭음을 내며 급상승하다 (1. to move very quickly) (2. If costs, sales, etc., zoom, they increase quickly)

locomotive (loh-ku̲h̲-MOH-tiv)

기관차, 견인차 (1. the engine of a train that pulls it along)

rum (ruhm)

기묘한, 이상한, 별난 (1. a strong alcoholic drink made from molasses /= sweet liquid from sugar plants/)

astute (u̲h̲-STOOT, u̲h̲-STYOOT) (1 - He was politically astute, and was soon appointed to a number of powerful committees in Congress.)

기민한, 빈틈없는, 약삭빠른 (1. quick to see how to use a situation to your advantage)

offend (u̲h̲-FEND) (1 - I think she was offended that she wasn't invited to the party.)

기분이 상하다, 불쾌하게 하다, 성나게 하다, 위반하다, 해치다 (1. to cause to be upset or to hurt the feelings of someone, esp. by being rude or showing a lack of respect)

chivalry (SHIV-u̲h̲ l-ree)

기사도, 기사 제도, 기사단 (1. very polite behavior, esp. such behavior shown by men toward women)

parasite (PAR-u̲h̲-sahyt)

기생충, 식객, 기생 동물 (1. an animal or plant that lives on or in another animal or plant of a different type and feeds from it) (2. A ________ is also a person who uses others to obtain an advantage without doing anything in exchange.)

prosecute (PROS-i-kyoot) (1 - The banker was prosecuted for fraud.)

기소하다, 고소하다 (1. to officially accuse someone of committing an illegal act, and to bring a case against that person in a court of law)

deformity (dih-FAWR-mi-tee) (1 - She was born with a deformity of the spine.)

기형, 신체 장애자, 추함 (1. a part of the body that has not developed in the usual way or with the normal shape)

astray (u̲h̲-STREY) (1 - Our district was led astray, and as a result, we wasted valuable resources.)

길 잃다, 방황하다, 헷갈리다 (1. away from the correct path or way of doing something)

plume (ploom) (1 - She wore a hat with a tall white plume.) (2 - A black plume of smoke rose from the ship.)

깃털, 솜깃털, ...에 깃털 을 달다 (1. a long, large feather) (2. A _____ of something like smoke, steam, or dust is a long mass of it that rises up into the sky)

chasm (KAZ-u̲h̲ m) (1 - The little bridge over that deep chasm looked very unsafe.)

깊이 갈라진 틈, 간격, 작은 협곡 (1. a deep opening in earth or rock)

fathom (fat̲h̲ -u̲h̲ m) (2 - I just couldn't fathom what he was talking about.)

깊이를 재다, 바다나 광산에서의 길이의 단위이며 6피트, 알아내다 (1. a unit of measurement of the depth of water equal to 6 feet or 1.8 meters) (2. to discover the meaning of something)

crow (kroh) (2 - A rooster crowed repeatedly.) (3 - "I told you so," my little brother crowed.)

까마귀, 크로우, 자랑하다, 시골사람들 (1. a large, black bird with a loud cry) (2. /of a male chicken/ to make a loud cry) (3. Someone who crows expresses a lot of happiness or pride)

funnel (FUHN-l) (1 - Pour the batter through a funnel into hot oil.) (2 - The crowd funneled into the theater. [ T ] We've been funneling our money into renovations.)

깔때기, 보내다, 집중하다 (1. a tube with a wide opening at the top, sides that slope inward, and a narrow opening at the bottom, used for pouring liquids or powders into containers that have small openings) (2. to move or be moved through a narrow space, or to put something in a place or use something for a particular purpose)

flicker (FLIK-er) (1 - Candles flickered on all the tables in the restaurant. A smile flickered across her face.) (2 - The planes searched the ground for a flicker of movement among the wreckage.)

깜박이다, 나부끼게 하다, 깜박임 (1. to burn, shine, or move like a flame in quickly changing forms of light and dark) (2. any slight and quick expression)

blink (blingk) (1 - He stared at us without blinking.)

깜빡이다, 눈을 깜박이다, 쇠퇴하다, 짧은 기간 (1. to close and open the eyes quickly, once or several times) (2. If a light blinks, it flashes off and on.)

consternation (kon-ster-NEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The power failure caused consternation among local officials.)

깜짝 놀람, 대경실색, 경악 (1. a feeling of strong annoyance and anger, usually because of something bad that you cannot change or that is completely unexpected)

rouse (rouz) (1 - She roused him from his sleep.)

깨우쳐서 하도록 하다, 일으키다, 깨우다, 눈을 뜨다 (1. to wake someone or make someone more active or excited)

peel (peel) (1 - Peel, core, and chop the apples.) (2 - We peeled the wallpaper off the walls. [ I ] My back is peeling from that sunburn I got last weekend.) (3 - Ramon peeled his sweaty shirt off and hung it on a chair to dry.)

껍질을 벗기다, 벗겨지다, 옷을 벗다, 이탈하다 (1. to remove the skin of fruit and vegetables) (2. to remove a covering slowly and carefully, or of a covering to come off) (3. If you ____ off clothing, you take it off)

pinch (pinch) (1 - He pinched his nose together and breathed through his mouth. [ T ] I had to pinch myself so I'd know I wasn't dreaming.) (2 - a pinch of nutmeg/pepper)

꼬집다, 한줌, 끼다, 부담, 위기 (1. to tightly press something, esp. someone's skin, between your finger and thumb or between two surfaces) (2. a small amount of something, esp. the amount that you can hold between your finger and thumb)

fodder (FOD-er) (1 - fig. The charges of corruption in the State House are fodder for /= have encouraged/ late-evening jokes on television.)

꼴, 사료, 꼴을 주다 (1. food given to cows, horses, and other farm animals)

vase (veys, veyz, vahz) (1 - Please put this vase of flowers on the table.)

꽃병, 항아리 (1. a container for holding flowers or for decoration)

fortitude (FAWR-ti-tood, -tyood) (1 - Throughout his illness, he showed great fortitude.)

꿋꿋함, 인내, 용기 (1. bravery when dealing with pain or difficulty, esp. over a long period)

strap (strap) (1 - Her bag hung from its shoulder strap. I lost my watch when the strap broke.) (2 - I strapped on my helmet and rode off. We had to strap the mattress to the top of our car.)

끈, 혁대, 반창고를 붙이다 (1. a narrow piece of strong material, esp. leather, used for holding or fastening something) (2. to hold or fasten something with a strap)

incessant (in-SES-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - The region endured weeks of incessant rain.) (1 - Bob talks incessantly about their new baby.)

끊임없는, 잇따른 (1. /esp. of something unpleasant/ never stopping)

chuckle (CHUHK-u̲h̲ l) (1 - She was chuckling as she read the letter.) (1 - I always get a chuckle out of the Doonesbury comic strip.)

낄낄거리며 웃다, 만족한 미소를 짓다 (1. to laugh quietly)

dispense (dih-SPENS) (1 - Is there a tourism agency that dispenses city maps? This gasoline pump is capable of dispensing eight blends of gasoline.)

나눠주다, 조제하다, 분배해주다, 제공, 나오다 (1. to give out or provide an item or substance)

moth (mawth, moth)

나방 (1. an insect with wings which is similar to a butterfly and flies esp. at night)

helix (HEE-liks)

나사선, 귓바퀴, 이륜 (1. a shape curving continuously around a center point as of a line wrapped around a cylinder or a cone; a spiral)

sanguine (SANG-gwin) (1 - Some people expect the economy to continue to improve, but others are less sanguine.)

낙천적인, 쾌활한, 자신감이 넘치는 (1. /of someone or someone's character/ positive and hopeful)

snatch (snach) (1 - They snatched up their coats and hats and ran outside. Somebody snatched her purse when she wasn't looking.) (2 - We rushed in and snatched the best seats we could get.) (3 - I could hear snatches of conversation from the people in the booth next to ours.)

낚아채다, 빼앗다, 가로채다, 거머쥐다, 움켜쥐다 (1. to take hold of something suddenly and without warning) (2. To ______ something is to do it in the short amount of time available) (3. a brief part /of something/)

hack (hak) (1 - We hacked a path through the underbrush. [ I ] He hacked away at the logs, splitting enough wood for a fire.) (2 - Someone managed to hack into the company database.) (3 - a political/party hack)

난도질하다, 늙은 말, 고용된 (1. to cut something or someone with rough or uneven movements) (2. to access someone else's computer system without permission in order to obtain or change information) (3. a person who willingly works or acts mostly for money or other rewards without worrying about independence, beliefs, or reputation) (4. A ____ is also a writer who produces a lot of work for money without caring very much about its quality.)

ovary (OH-vu̲h̲-ree)

난소, 씨방 (1. either of the pair of organs in a woman's body that produce eggs, or the part of any female animal or plant that produces eggs or seeds)

glide (glahyd) (1 - She glided along on her skates.)

날다, 미끄러지다, 글라이드, 바르다, 시간이 지나가다 (1. to move easily and continuously, as if without effort)

shrill (shril) (1 - a shrill voice shrilly adverb us ​) (1 - The terrified woman shrilly ordered the goat out of her kitchen.)

날카로운 (1. not pleasant to hear; loud and high)

baron (BAR-u̲h̲ n) (2 - media/press barons a drug baron)

남작, ...왕, 봉건 영주 (1. a low-ranking male member of the nobility /= group of people from a high social class/) (2. an extremely powerful person in a particular area of business)

nap (nap) (1 - While the children nap after lunch, their teachers will get a break.)

낮잠 (1. a brief sleep, esp. during the day)

visceral (VIS-er-u̲h̲ l) (1 - He has a visceral feel for our problems.)

내장의, 내장을 침범하는, 본능적인 (1. based on emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought)

apathy (AP-u̲h̲-thee) (1 - There is a growing sense of apathy among teens and a feeling that there are no opportunities, he said.) (1 - apathetic voters)

냉담, 무관심, 무감각 (1. lack of interest, or the attitude of not caring resulting from it)

aloof (u̲h̲-LOOF) (1 - Is she aloof and arrogant or just shy? When they argued, I remained aloof.)

냉담한, 초연한, 떨어져서 (1. not taking part in things, esp. in a way that seems unfriendly)

surpass (ser-PAS, -PAHS) (1 - Our team's achievements surpass those of teams in earlier years.)

넘어서다, 앞서다, 돌파하다, 초과하다, 극복하다 (1. to do or be better or more than something else)

wretch (rech) (1 - The poor wretches had no chance to survive.)

녀석, 불행한 사람, 철면피 (1. someone who has suffered a lot and deserves sympathy)

oar (awr, ohr)

노 (1. a long pole with a wide, flat part at one end which is used to row a boat /= move it through water/)

paddle (PAD-l) (2 - She paddled her canoe across the lake.)

노를 젓다, 패들, 노 모양의 막대기 (1. a short pole with a wide, flat part at one or both ends, used for moving a small boat through the water) (2. A ______ is also a flat blade held with a short handle that is used in some games such as table tennis for hitting a small ball.)

rust (ruhst) (1 - Stainless steel won't rust.)

녹슬다, 녹병, 부식하다 (1. a red-brown substance that forms on the surface of iron and steel as a result of decay caused by reacting with air and water)

fuse (fyooz) (3 - The two cells are fused with a jolt of electricity. [ T ] The heat of the fire fused many of the machine's parts together.)

녹이다, 녹다, 도화선 (1. a safety device for protecting an electrical system which contains a material that will melt if too much electricity passes through the system) (2. a cord or tube along which a flame moves to light fireworks or bomb, or a device inside a bomb that causes it to explode at a particular time or when it hits something) (3. to join or become combined, or to cause things to join)

wondrous (WUHN-dru̲h̲ s) (1 - a wondrous sight/sound/thing Our new improved moisturizer has wondrous effects on tired-looking skin.)

놀라운, 놀랍게, 경이로운 (1. extremely and surprisingly good)

tease (teez) (1 - Don't tease the dog by showing her the treat if you're not going to give it to her. [ I ] I was only teasing /= joking/, I didn't mean anything by it.)

놀리다, 괴롭히다, 분간하다 (1. to intentionally annoy a person or animal by saying something that is not true or pretending to do something, often in a playful way) (2. a person who likes to annoy other people by saying false things or pretending to do something)

perch (purch) (1 - A baseball cap, turned backwards, was perched on his head.) (1 - From their perches in the towers, the prison guards could see the entire prison yard.)

높은 곳, 앉다, 자리잡다 (1. /of a bird/ to rest on a branch or other object, or of a person or thing to sit or be on the edge or top of something)

elevate (verb EL-u̲h̲-veyt; adjective EL-u̲h̲-veyt, -vit) (1 - He was elevated to the chairmanship of the House Armed Services Committee. They hoped to elevate the position of women in society.) (2 - She wore high heels that elevated her a few inches above 5 feet.)

높이다, 상승, 올리다, 증가, 향상시키다 (1. to give someone a higher or more important position) (2. to raise or lift up)

primer (PRIM-er or, esp. British, PRAHY-mer) (1 - As a primer for Navaho thinking, this book is a good place to start.)

뇌관, 초급 독본, 초보 (1. a basic text for teaching something) (2. a type of paint put on a surface before putting on the main paint)

bribe (brahyb) (1 - Congressmen have been accused of accepting bribes to pass bills favoring particular companies.) (2 - He was accused of bribing a building inspector.)

뇌물을 주다, 금품을 제공하다, 매수하다 (1. the act of giving someone money or something else of value, often illegally, to persuade that person to do something you want) (2. to give someone money or something else of value, often illegally, to persuade that person to do something you want)

nude (nood, nyood) (3 - The first Olympians of ancient Greece competed in the nude.)

누드, 나체의, 벌거벗은 (1. not wearing any clothes) (2. a picture or other piece of art showing a person who is not wearing any clothes) (3. If you are in the nude, you are not wearing any clothes)

perennial (pu̲h̲-REN-ee-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Each year, the nation's marketers try to answer the perennial question, What do consumers really want?)

다년생 식물, 영구적인, 다년생의 (1. lasting a long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time) (2. a plant that lives for more than two years)

polish (POL-ish) (1 - He polished the hardwood floor.) (3 - shoe/furniture/silver polish) (4 - The rest of the cast comes nowhere near equaling his polish onstage.)

다듬다, 광택, 폴란드의, 닦다, 세련되다 (1. to make something smooth and shiny by rubbing) (2. If you ______ your nails, you paint them with a colored or colorless liquid to make them shine.) (3. ______ is a cream or other substance that you use to clean or shine something) (4. Someone or something with ______ has great skill or perfect style)

attic (AT-ik)

다락방, 고전적인 (1. a space in a house just under the roof, often used for storing things)

squirrel (SKWUR-u̲h̲ l, SKWUHR- or, esp. British, SKWIR-u̲h̲ l)

다람쥐 (1. a small furry animal with a long tail which climbs trees and feeds on nuts and seeds)

limp (limp) (1 - Jackson limped off the field after injuring his ankle.) (1 - He walks with a slight limp.) (2 - The lettuce in this salad is completely limp.)

다리를 절다, 절뚝거리다, 파행적인 (1. to walk with an irregular step, esp. because your foot or leg is hurt) (2. not firm or stiff)

versatile (VUR-su̲h̲-tl or, esp. British, -tahyl) (1 - He was a versatile guitarist, and recorded with many leading rock bands. It is an especially versatile insecticide known to control a range of insects.) (1 - Daniels possesses the versatility to play right and left end and tackle.)

다재 다능한, 다용도의, 다목적, 다양한, 다기능 (1. /of people/ able to do many different things or to adjust to new conditions, or /of things/ able to be used for many different purposes)

duel (DOO-u̲h̲ l, DYOO-)

다툼, 투쟁, 겨루기 (1. a formal fight, using guns or swords /= weapons with long, sharp blades/, arranged esp. in the past between two people to decide an argument)

dart (dahrt) (1 - She darted out from between two parked cars.) (2 - a tranquilizer dart)

다트, 쏘다, 꼬챙이, 쏘아보다 (1. to move quickly or suddenly) (2. a small object with a thin pointed end that is thrown or shot) (3. a fold sewn into a piece of clothing to make it fit better)

dagger (DAG-er)

단검, 칼표, 적의 (1. a short, pointed knife that is sharp on both sides, used esp. in the past as a weapon)

notch (noch) (1 - The rope had jammed in a V-shaped notch.) (2 - Suddenly he raised his voice a notch.) (3 - Her band notched another Grammy Award last night.) (4 - He notched the end of the beam.)

단계, 등급, 표시 (1. a cut in a hard surface) (2. an imaginary point or position in a comparison of amounts or values; degree) (3. to achieve or keep a record of something) (4. to cut a _____ in a hard surface)

deter (dih-TUR) (1 - High prices are deterring a lot of young couples from buying houses.) (1 - The company says this alarm is an effective deterrent against theft.)

단념시키다, 방해하다, 저지하다 (1. to prevent or discourage someone from doing something)

ephemeral (ih-FEM-er-u̲h̲ l) (1 - ephemeral fame)

단명한, 덧없는, 단명한 것 (1. lasting for only a short time)

monotonous (mu̲h̲-NOT-n-u̲h̲ s) (1 - She stood all day ironing a monotonous succession of clothes and sheets.)

단조로운, 지루한 (1. boring because of never changing)

maple (MEY-pu̲h̲ l)

단풍나무, 메이플 (1. a type of large tree that grows in northern areas of the world, or the wood of this tree)

emphatic (em-FAT-ik) (1 - Godard is emphatic about his preference.) (1 - He emphatically denied the rumors.)

단호한, 강조된, 강경한 (1. strong and determined in speech or action, so that what is said or done gets attention)

rattle (RAT-l) (1 - The windows rattled when the wind blew. [ T ] Manny slammed the door, rattling the cups on the shelf.) (2 - We could hear the rattle of stones as they fell down the well.)

달그락거리다, 동요하다, 떠들어대다 (1. to make a noise consisting of quickly repeated knocks) (2. a noise consisting of quickly repeated knocks) (3. A ______ is also a baby's toy that rattles when it is shaken.)

lunar (LOO-ner) (1 - a lunar eclipse)

달의, 태음의, 달에 관한 (1. of or relating to the moon)

fowl (foul) (1 - I now eat more fish and fowl and less red meat.)

닭, 가금 (1. a bird of a type that is used to produce meat or eggs)

ivy (AHY-vee)

담쟁이덩굴, 덩굴 식물의 총칭, 담쟁이 (1. an evergreen plant that often grows along the surface of trees or buildings)

reconnaissance (ri-KON-u̲h̲-su̲h̲ ns, -zu̲h̲ ns) (1 - Aerial reconnaissance showed the location of the enemy's tanks.)

답사, 정찰, 정찰대 (1. the process of obtaining information about enemy forces or positions by sending out small groups of soldiers or by using aircraft)

donkey (DONG-kee, DAWNG-, DUHNG-)

당나귀, 얼간이 (1. a gray or brown animal like a small horse with long ears)

refractory (ri-FRAK-tu̲h̲-ree) (1 - This is a chronic and disabling condition that is refractory to treatment.) (2 - a refractory child)

당할 수 없는, 용해하기 어려운, 완고한 (1. not affected by a treatment, change, or process) (2. difficult to control; unwilling to obey)

browse (brouz) (1 - I browsed in a bookstore until she showed up. [ T ] You can browse the library's computerized card catalog.)

대강 훑어보다, 먹다, 풀을 뜯어 먹다 (1. to look at or through something to see what is there)

coronation (kawr-u̲h̲-NEY-shu̲h̲ n, kor-)

대관, 대관식, 국왕 대관식 (1. a ceremony at which a person is made king or queen)

brace (breys) (1 - The weather forecasters told us to brace ourselves for a heavy storm.) (2 - She braced herself against the dresser.) (3 - You will need to brace the walls.) (4 - He was recently fitted with a brace for his bad back.)

대비하다, 버팀대, 치열 교정기, 기운을 내다 (1. to prepare yourself physically or mentally for something unpleasant) (2. to support yourself or a part of your body) (3. To _____ an object is to support or strengthen it) (4. something that supports, fastens, or strengthens)

algebra (AL-ju̲h̲-bru̲h̲) (1 - algebraic numbersalgebraically adverb us ​) (1 - Solve the equation algebraically.)

대수, 대수학 (1. a part of mathematics in which signs and letters represent numbers)

abbey (AB-ee)

대수도원, 애비 (1. a building for monks /= religious men/ or nuns /= religious women/ to live in)

stead (sted) (1 - The marketing manager was ill and her deputy ran the meeting in her stead.)

대신, 대리, 이익 (1. in place of someone) (2. → standsb in good _____ )

surrogate (noun, adjective SUR-u̲h̲-geyt, -git, SUHR-; verb SUR-u̲h̲-geyt, SUHR-) (1 - She seems to regard him as a surrogate for her father.)

대용물, 대리인, 대리 (1. someone or something that replaces or is used instead of someone or something else; a substitute for another)

artillery (ahr-TIL-u̲h̲-ree) (1 - He served as an artillery officer.)

대포, 포병 (1. large guns that are moved on wheels or metal tracks, or the part of an army that uses these)

caravan (KAR-u̲h̲-van)

대형 포장 마차, 이동식 주택, 캐러밴을 짜서 여행하다 (1. a group of people with vehicles or animals who travel together for safety through a dangerous area, esp. across a desert on camels)

sap (sap) (1 - Depression can sap the energy and self-esteem from an individual.)

대호를 파다, 수액, 활력 (1. to gradually weaken someone's strength) (2. the liquid within a plant that carries food to all parts of it) (3. a foolish person)

tournament (to̲o̲ r-nu̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt, TUR-) (1 - a chess/golf tournament)

대회, 경기, 토너먼트, 시합 (1. a competition involving many competitors in a single sport or game)

thicket (THIK-it)

덤불, 얽힘 (1. an area of trees and bushes growing closely together)

loaf (lohf) (1 - Get a loaf of white bread from the corner store.) (2 - He just wanted to loaf for a while before beginning the new job.)

덩어리, 빈둥거리며 하다 (1. bread that is shaped and baked in a single piece and can be sliced for eating) (2. to avoid activity, esp. work)

debut (dey-BYOO, di-, DEY-byoo, DEB-yoo) (1 - Cassavetes made his film debut in "Taxi" in 1953.) (1 - I'll be debuting this song next Saturday night.)

데뷔, 첫경험, 처음, 선보이다, 시작 (1. a first public appearance or activity)

ax (aks) (2 - Three staff members got the ax yesterday. If the budget is cut, educational programs will get the ax. Everyone is scared to death wondering where the ax will fall next.) (3 - The company has already axed 14 people, and many more may lose their jobs. Yesterday the airline axed three of its daily flights to Chicago.)

도끼, 해고, 속셈 (1. a tool consisting of a heavy iron or steel blade at the end of a long wooden handle, used for cutting wood) (2. The __ is the order to give up your job or to stop or prevent something from happening) (3. to order someone suddenly to give up a job, or to stop or reduce something suddenly)

gamble (GAM-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Some people like to gamble even though the odds are against them. [ M ] He gambled away most of his money.) (2 - We're gambling that enough people will show up at the concert to cover our expenses.) (2 - Starting up a new business is always a gamble.) (2 - Gambling in the form of state lotteries is used to raise money for education.)

도박하다, ...을 걸다, 모험하다 (1. to risk losing money in the hope of winning a lot more money, esp. if the result of a future event happens as you hope) (2. To ______ is also to do something that you think is worth doing although it might not succeed or you might lose money)

hike (hahyk) (1 - We plan to hike from lake to lake. I've got to hike back to my car to get my jacket.) (2 - Dairies have hiked milk prices again.) (3 - a 10-mile hike) (4 - a tax hike)

도보 여행하다, 하이킹, 도보 여행 (1. to walk a long distance, esp. in the countryside) (2. to increase the cost of something) (3. a long walk, esp. in the countryside) (4. an increase in the cost of something, esp. a large or unwanted increase)

ware (wair) (1 - Meissen ware) (2 - tableware the kitchenware department)

도자기류, 상품, 용품 (1. pottery /= objects made out of clay/ of a particular type or make) (2. used, often in shops, to refer to objects of the same material or type, especially things used in cooking and serving food)

flu (floo) (1 - Robby has a bad case of the flu.)

독감, 감기, 인플루엔자 (1. an infectious illness like a very bad cold that also causes a fever)

dictator (DIK-tey-ter, dik-TEY-ter) (1 - dictatorial powers)

독재자 (1. someone who rules a country with complete power, has complete control over the armed forces, and destroys any political opposition)

antitrust (an-tee-TRUHST, an-tahy-) (1 - The government is expanding its antitrust investigation against Microsoft.)

독점 금지의, 트러스트 반대의 (1. involving laws or actions that are intended to make business competition fair and to prevent any company from being a monopoly)

avert (u̲h̲-VURT) (1 - The last-minute agreement averted renewed fighting.) (2 - The shy man was standing before me, his eyes averted.)

돌리다, 비키다, 피하다 (1. to prevent something bad from happening; avoid) (2. to turn away your eyes or thoughts)

roam (rohm) (1 - Our dog just likes to roam.)

돌아다니다, 배회하다, 로밍, 살다 (1. to walk or travel without any real purpose or direction)

fauna (FAW-nu̲h̲)

동물군, 한 지역·한 시대의 동물상, 동물지 (1. all the animals of a particular area or period of time)

zoo (zoo) (1 - The children love to visit the elephants at the zoo.)

동물원 (1. an area in which animals, esp. wild animals, are kept so that people can go and look at them)

oriental (1 - oriental cuisine/fruits/plants) (2 - After she came out of the station, she paused to orient herself.) (3 - Incoming freshmen have advisers to help orient them to the university.) (4 - oriental cuisine/art)

동양의, 동방의 (1. the countries of East and Southeast Asia) (2. to discover the position of yourself in relation to your surroundings) (3. to make someone familiar with a new place) (4. the countries in the east and southeast of Asia)

commotion (ku̲h̲-MOH-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - There was a commotion outside the embassy.)

동요, 소란, 격렬한 움직임 (1. a sudden, brief period of noise, confusion, or excited movement)

fable (FEY-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Latisha loves the fable about the grasshopper and the ant.)

동화, 꾸며낸 이야기 (1. a short story that tells a moral truth, often using animals as characters)

assimilate (verb u̲h̲-SIM-u̲h̲-leyt; noun u̲h̲-SIM-u̲h̲-lit, -leyt) (1 - We hoped the students would assimilate the information contained in the lecture.) (2 - Once outsiders, they had now been assimilated into the cultural mainstream.)

동화하다, 소화하다, 흡수하다 (1. to take in and make a part of your basic knowledge something learned from others, so that you can use it as your own) (2. People who are or become assimilated in a society become similar to others by learning and using the customs and culture of the new society)

hog (hawg, hog) (2 - Don't be a hog - take only as much as you can eat.) (3 - He's always hogging the newspaper /= using it so that no one else can read it/.)

돼지, 독차지하다, 부유한, 자동차를 마구 몰다, 잘하는 (1. a pig, esp. one allowed to grow large so that it can be used as food) (2. a person who takes more than necessary of something, esp. food) (3. to take or use more than necessary of something)

swine (swahyn) (2 - He can be such a swine sometimes.)

돼지, 멧돼지, 야비한 사람 (1. a pig, esp. when raised for food) (2. a person whom you consider to be extremely unpleasant and unkind)

revert (ri-VURT) (1 - Please revert by email.)

되돌아가다, 복귀하다, 회고하다 (1. to reply)

relapse (verb ri-LAPS; noun ri-LAPS, REE-laps) (1 - She briefly relapsed twice after being released from the hospital.)

되돌아가다, 재발, 다시 빠지다 (1. to return to a previous bad condition or a worse way of life after making an improvement) (2. the return of an illness suffered previously)

redeem (ri-DEEM) (1 - After his poor performance in the golf tournament two weeks before, he was determined to redeem himself by playing well. Very few TV talk shows have any redeeming values /= have good qualities that make their bad qualities less important/.) (2 - You can redeem the bond at any time, but you will lose some interest.)

되찾다, 상환하다, 회복하다 (1. to improve yourself, or to take action to improve the way other people think of you or something you have done) (2. to buy back something, or to exchange something for money or for goods or services)

mole (mohl)

두더지, 스파이, 사마귀, 몰, 방파제 (1. a small, dark, furry mammal that lives in passages it digs under the ground) (2. a small, dark, permanent spot or lump on a person's skin) (3. a person who works within an organization, such as a government department, and secretly reports information about its activities to its enemy) (4. a unit of measurement of the amount of a substance expressed in grams)

scalp (skalp) (1 - His hair was cut so short you could see his scalp.)

두피, 머리, 암표 (1. the skin on the top of the head where the hair grows) (2. to cut the hair and skin off someone's head) (3. to sell tickets increased prices without official permission)

posterior (po-STEER-ee-er, poh-) (1 - Park your posterior on that seat.)

뒤의, 엉덩이, 둔부 (1. a person's buttocks)

jagged (JAG-id) (1 - a jagged piece of glass a jagged edge)

들쭉날쭉한, 톱니 모양의, 다듬지 않은 (1. rough and uneven, with sharp points)

dessert (dih-ZURT) (1 - He had apple pie with ice cream for dessert.)

디저트, 후식 (1. sweet food eaten at the end of a meal)

dean (deen) (1 - Langer is the dean of the law school.)

딘, 학장, 원장, 처장 (1. a high-ranking official in a college or university responsible for a department, teachers, students, etc.)

stale (steyl) (1 - stale bread Stale air smells very bad. I used to like that sitcom, but it's getting kind of stale.)

딱딱해진, 상한, 진부한, 김빠진 (1. not fresh or new)

beetle (BEET-l)

딱정벌레, 쇠똥구리, 사슴벌레, 비틀, 풍뎅이 (1. any of various insects with a hard, shell-like back)

perspiration (PUR-spu̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - During the break between games, she had a drink of water and wiped the perspiration off her face and arms with a towel. Beads /= drops/ of perspiration glistened on his brow.)

땀, 발한, 노력 (1. polite word for sweat /= a clear liquid passed through the skin/)

slap (slap) (1 - In the movie, he kisses her and she slaps his face.) (2 - Once I got to the counter, I slapped down my passport.) (3 - She testified that she had only given her child a slap and had not meant to hurt her.)

때리다, 부과하다, 찰싹, 모욕, 타격 (1. to hit someone quickly with the flat part of the hand) (2. to put or move something quickly or with force) (3. a quick hit with the flat part of the hand)

tramp (tramp) (1 - I've been tramping through museums all day.) (2 - Tramps knew the houses where you got good food.) (3 - We listened to the rhythmical tramp of soldiers' feet.)

떠돌이, 짓밟다, 걷다, 방종한 여자 (1. to walk with heavy steps) (2. a person who travels around, asking for temporary work, food, or money from other people) (3. a long walk, or the sound of people all walking together with heavy steps)

shudder (SHUHD-er) (1 - I shuddered, remembering the frightening stories I had heard.) (2 - When the car flipped over, a shudder went through the crowd watching the race. Just thinking about that film sends shudders down my spine.)

떨다, 전율, 몸서리치다 (1. to shake suddenly and briefly, esp. because of an unpleasant thought or feeling) (2. a sudden and brief shaking movement of the body, esp. because of an unpleasant emotion)

shiver (SHIV-er) (1 - Your creepy look makes me shiver. Robbins shivered in the chill air.) (1 - "The temperature is down to 12 degrees," she said with a shiver.)

떨다, 전율하다, 오한 (1. /esp. of a person or animal/ to shake slightly and quickly because of feeling cold, ill, or frightened)

quiver (KWIV-er) (1 - The dog quivered with fear.) (1 - A quiver of excitement ran through the crowd.)

떨리다 (1. to shake slightly; tremble)

degrade (dih-GREYD or for 3, dee-GREYD) (1 - degrading water/air quality degraded sound quality The state is funding projects to restore degraded wetlands.) (3 - His depiction in the movie degrades him.)

떨어뜨리다, 비하, 훼손, 악화, 퇴화 (1. to reduce the quality of something) (2. A substance that degrades changes to chemical structures that are more simple.) (3. to cause someone to seem to be worth less and lose the respect of others)

swarm (swawrm) (1 - Swarms of reporters descended on the little town.) (2 - In summer, mosquitoes swarm around that pond. The playground swarmed with little kids.)

떼, 몰려들다, 군중 (1. a large group of insects, esp. bees, or any large, busy group) (2. to move in a large group)

drip (drip) (1 - The sweat dripped down his nose and cheeks.) (1 - He heard the drip of a leaky faucet.)

똑똑 떨어지다, 링거 주사, 젖은, 물이 새다 (1. to fall in drops, or let liquid fall in drops)

dung (duhng)

똥, 거름, 비료를 주다 (1. solid excrement from animals, esp. cattle and horses; manure)

rap (rap) (1 - We heard him rap on the door. [ T ] She rapped the table to get everyone's attention.) (2 - On his new album he raps about his hard life and hard times.) (5 - The smell of the Great Salt Lake has given it a bad rap.)

랩, 질타하다 (1. to hit suddenly and forcefully) (2. to perform the type of popular music of African-American origin that features rhythmic speaking set to a strong beat) (3. a type of popular music of African-American origin that features rhythmic speaking set to a strong beat) (4. an accusation that someone has committed a crime, or punishment for a crime) (5. a judgment, report, or reputation)

membrane (MEM-breyn)

막, 박막 (1. a thin, soft layer of tissue that covers organs or connects parts of living things, or the outer covering of a cell)

gratify (GRAT-u̲h̲-fahy) (1 - He was gratified to see how well his students had done.) (1 - It was a big game for us, and a very gratifying win.)

만족시키다, 기쁘게 하다 (1. to please someone, or to satisfy a wish or need)

fiddle (FID-l) (1 - He stood there fiddling with his keys.)

만지작거리다, 빈둥거리며 시간을 허비하다 (1. to move things around or touch things without a particular purpose) (2. a violin)

cartoon (kahr-TOON) (2 - a popular political cartoonist)

만화, 만평 (1. a drawing, esp. in a newspaper or magazine, that tells a joke or makes an amusing political criticism) (2. a movie made using characters and images that are invented and drawn)

animate (verb AN-u̲h̲-meyt; adjective AN-u̲h̲-mit) (1 - He knows exactly what to say to animate a crowd.)

만화영화, 애니메이션, 움직이는, 생기 (1. to cause someone or something to be more active or full of life)

prolific (pru̲h̲-LIF-ik) (1 - He was probably the most prolific songwriter of his generation.)

많은, 다작의, 왕성하게, 다산의, 활발한 (1. producing a great number or amount of something)

slew (sloo) (2 - There's a whole slew of new movies that I want to see.)

많음, 다량, slay의 과거형 (1. past simple of slay) (2. a large amount or number)

dainty (DEYN-tee) (1 - a dainty wrist/hand dainty flowers)

맛있는 것, 우아한, 화사한 (1. small and attractive in a delicate way)

oblivion (u̲h̲-BLIV-ee-u̲h̲ n) (2 - He wrote one extraordinary book and then faded into oblivion.)

망각, 잊혀짐, 오블리비언 (1. the state of being unconscious or lacking awareness of what is happening around you) (2. the state of being completely forgotten by the public)

retina (RET-n-u̲h̲, RET-nu̲h̲)

망막 (1. the area at the back of the eye that receives light and sends an image to the brain so that seeing can happen)

customize (KUHS-tu̲h̲-mahyz) (1 - The website allows users some customization.) (1 - The company specializes in customized computer systems.)

맞춤, 맞추다, 주문식, 특화, 커스터마이즈 (1. to make or change something according to the buyer's or user's needs)

parameter (pu̲h̲-RAM-i-ter) (1 - Aspin outlined the parameters of the debate between Congress and the Pentagon.)

매개 변수, 한계, 조건 (1. a fixed limit that establishes how something should be done)

ambush (AM-bo̲o̲ sh) (1 - Seven commandos were wounded in an ambush.) (1 - The Air Cavalry was ambushed and suffered big losses.)

매복, 잠복, 복병 (1. a sudden and surprising attack on a person or group by one or more people who have been hiding and waiting for them)

***** (hawr, hohr or, often, ho̲o̲ r) (3 - The film begins with a young couple who're just about to get married.)

매춘부, 매춘 하다, 매춘부를 사다 (1. a female prostitute) (2. a woman whose behaviour in her sexual relationships is considered immoral) (3. short form of who are)

prostitute (PROS-ti-toot, -tyoot) (2 - Hundreds of widowed or hungry women have had to prostitute themselves to survive.fig. Some critics say that he is prostituting his writing talent /= using it in a way that does not deserve respect, esp. to earn money/.)

매춘부, 매춘하다, 창녀 (1. someone, usually a woman, who has sex with people for money) (2. to sell yourself by having sex with people for money, or to force someone else to __________ himself or herself)

mattress (MA-tris)

매트리스, 침상 (1. the part of a bed that you lie on, made of a strong cloth cover filled with firm but comfortable material)

onslaught (ON-slawt, AWN-) (1 - fig. With the nice weather, the beach towns are expecting an onslaught of tourists.)

맹공격, 맹습 (1. a violent and forceful attack)

devour (dih-VOU-u̲h̲ r, -VOU-er) (1 - He devoured the entire plate of spaghetti. fig. She devoured /= read eagerly and quickly/ the novels of Jane Austen.)

먹어치우다, 집어삼키다, 게걸스럽게 먹다 (1. to eat eagerly and in large amounts, so that nothing is left)

edible (ED-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Only the leaves of the plant are edible.)

먹을 수 있는, 식품 (1. suitable or safe for eating)

fabulous (FAB-yu̲h̲-lu̲h̲ s) (1 - This is a fabulous place!) (2 - fabulous profits)

멋진, 재미있는, 터무니없는 (1. very good; wonderful) (2. great in size or amount)

medal (MED-l) (1 - She won three Olympic gold medals.)

메달, 훈장, 상 (1. a small metal disk given to someone to recognize a brave action or special service, or the winning of a competition esp. in sports)

razor (REY-zer) (1 - an electric razor)

면도기, 면도칼, 면도날 (1. a device with a sharp blade for removing hair from the skin's surface)

nomenclature (NOH-mu̲h̲ n-kley-cher, noh-MEN-klu̲h̲-cher, -cho̲o̲ r) (1 - the nomenclature of nuclear physics)

명명법, 학명, 술어 (1. a system for naming things, esp. in a particular area of science)

meditate (MED-i-teyt) (1 - This exhibition does not attempt to meditate on the consequences of the disaster.) (2 - Try yoga or meditation to relax.)

명상하다, 숙고하다, 기도하다, 계획하다 (1. to think seriously about something, esp. over a period of time) (2. If you meditate, you give your attention to one thing, and do not think about anything else, usually as a religious activity or as way of calming or relaxing your mind.)

renown (ri-NOUN) (1 - an artist of national renown renowned adjective us ​) (1 - The region is renowned for its natural beauty.)

명성, 유명 (1. the state of being famous)

anthology (an-THOL-u̲h̲-jee)

명시 선집, 선집, 명문집 (1. a collection of stories, poems, etc., by different writers)

libel (LAHY-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - The whole story was a vicious libel. [ U ] Angry at what the newspaper had printed, she sued for libel.) (1 - The general contends the network libeled him in a television broadcast.) (1 - libelous articles)

명예훼손, 모욕, 중상하다 (1. a piece of writing that says bad, false, and harmful things about a person, or the legal claim you make when you accuse someone in court of writing such things about you)

lucid (LOO-sid) (1 - The author's prose is lucid and entertaining. He didn't seem very lucid after the accident.)

명쾌한, 명료한, 번쩍이는 (1. /of speech or writing/ clearly expressed and easy to understand, or /of a person/ thinking or reasoning clearly)

mosquito (mu̲h̲-SKEE-toh)

모기 (1. a small flying insect that bites people and animals, and sucks their blood)

replicate (adjective, noun REP-li-kit; verb REP-li-keyt) (1 - Researchers tried to replicate the original experiment.)

모사하다, 복제하다, 복사를 뜨다 (1. to copy or repeat something) (2. To _________ an organism, cell, or DNA means to produce an exact copy of it.)

downfall (DOUN-fawl) (1 - In the end, ambition was his downfall.)

몰락, 낙하, 전복 (1. something that causes the destruction of a person, organization, or government and that causes a loss of power, money, or health)

sneak (sneek) (1 - He sneaked out of the house, going out through the back way. [ T ] I sneaked a look at my watch. [ T ] Make sure you sneak a little bit of protein into your snacks. [ I always + adv/prep ] He snuck out of the budget meeting and went back to the lab.)

몰래, 슬그머니, 살짝, 살금살금, 아무 소리 없이 (1. to go or do something secretly, or take someone or something somewhere secretly)

ransom (RAN-su̲h̲ m) (1 - The kidnappers demanded a huge ransom. [ U ] The man's brother was held for ransom.) (2 - The executive was ransomed for a million dollars.)

몸값, 배상금, 속전 (1. a sum of money demanded in exchange for someone or something that has been taken) (2. to free someone who has been taken away by paying money)

torso (TAWR-soh)

몸통, 토르소, 나체 흉상 (1. the main part of the human body without the head, arms, or legs)

numb (nuhm) (1 - My fingers are so cold, they're numb.) (2 - At the sound of breaking glass, she went numb with fear.)

무감각해진, 완화시키다, 망연자실케 하다 (1. /of a part of the body/ unable to feel anything) (2. If you are ____ with a strong emotion, you are not able to feel anything else or to think clearly)

wanton (WON-tn) (1 - He displayed a wanton disregard for the facts.)

무성한, 방종한, 바람둥이 (1. causing harm or acting without showing care for others, often intentionally)

ruthless (ROOTH-lis) (1 - a ruthless ruler To compete abroad requires ruthless cost-cutting at home.)

무자비한, 무정한, 냉혹한 (1. cruel, or determined to succeed without caring about others)

anarchy (AN-er-kee) (1 - Civil war has led to anarchy. The crowd was restless and verging on anarchy.) (1 - Belief in freedom doesn't make you an anarchist.)

무정부 상태, 무질서, 정치적·사회적 혼란 (1. a lack of organization and control in a society or group, esp. because either there is no government or it has no power)

amorphous (u̲h̲-MAWR-fu̲h̲ s) (1 - Plans for a 40-acre shopping center section remain so amorphous that the project has been shelved.)

무정형의, 비결정질의, 조직이 없는 (1. having no fixed form or shape; not clear or not determined)

override (verb oh-ver-RAHYD; noun OH-ver-rahyd) (1 - The legislature voted to override the presidential veto.)

무효로 하다, ...을 짓밟다, ...을 타고 넘다 (1. to ignore or refuse to accept a suggestion, idea, or method that already exists or operates)

sojourn (noun SOH-jurn; verb SOH-jurn, soh-JURN) (1 - They sojourned in Memphis to celebrate Elvis Presley's birthday.)

묵다, 체류하다, 체류 (1. a temporary stay at one place, esp. while traveling)

acquiescence (ak-wee-ES-u̲h̲ ns) (1 - Reluctantly, he acquiesced to/in the plans.) (2 - The bank acquiesced to an extension of the loan.) (2 - His acquiescence in these policies has made it possible for him to increase his support among some voters.)

묵인, 묵종, 타협 (1. to accept or agree to something, often unwillingly) (2. to accept or agree to something, often without really wanting to)

tattoo (ta-TOO) (1 - An eagle was tattooed on his chest.)

문신, 새기다, 툭툭 (1. a permanent picture, pattern, or word on the surface of skin, created by using needles to put colors under the skin)

spindle (SPIN-dl)

물레가락 (1. a part of a machine around which something turns, or a rod onto which thread is twisted when it is spun /= made by twisting/)

jug (juhg)

물병, 마시다 (1. a large container for liquids that usually has a handle and a narrow opening at the top)

broth (brawth, broth)

묽은 수프, 국, 육즙 (1. a thin soup, often with vegetables or rice in it, usually made with the liquid in which meat bones have been boiled)

maze (meyz) (1 - He felt like a rat in a maze. fig. You have to weed through the maze of complex rules in order to fill out your tax forms.)

미로, 당혹하게 하다, 미궁 (1. a complicated and confusing network of passages)

labyrinth (LAB-u̲h̲-rinth)

미로, 미궁, 미로 무늬 (1. a confusing set of connecting passages or paths in which it is easy to get lost)

mint (mint) (4 - The new roof cost us a mint.)

민트, 조폐국, 박하, 미사용의, 주조하다 (1. an herb whose leaves have a clean smell and taste, used to flavor food, drinks, and candy) (2. A ____ is also a candy with this strong, fresh flavor.) (3. a place where the new coins and paper money of a country are made) (4. /infml/ A ____ is also a very large amount of money) (5. to make a new coin)

vanilla (vu̲h̲-NIL-u̲h̲ or, often, -NEL-u̲h̲) (1 - vanilla yogurt)

바닐라, 평범한, 바닐라 에센스 (1. a substance made from the seeds of a plant, used to give flavor to sweet foods)

fling (fling) (1 - I rushed right up to him and flung my arms around his neck and hugged him. She flung open the door and greeted us warmly.)

바람, 던지다, 내던지기, 퍼붓다, 버리다 (1. to throw or move something suddenly and with force) (2. a short period of doing enjoyable things that you usually do not do)

jerk (jurk) (1 - She jerked the phone out of his hands. [ I ] The bus jerked to a halt.) (2 - What a jerk - he parked in my spot!)

바보, 갑자기 움직이다, 놀리다 (1. to make a short, sudden movement, or to cause someone or something to move in this way) (2. a foolish, annoying person)

barge (bahrj) (2 - You ought to knock instead of just barging into my office.)

바지선, 끼어들다, 바즈, 헤치고 나아가다, 부딪치다 (1. a long boat with a flat bottom, used for carrying heavy loads) (2. to force your way rudely or suddenly and quickly)

philanthropy (fi-LAN-thru̲h̲-pee) (1 - Minnesota has long been considered a beacon of philanthropy.) (1 - a philanthropic organizationphilanthropist noun [ C ] us ​) (1 - As a philanthropist he donated substantial sums to many educational and charitable institutions.)

박애, 자선, 인류애 (1. the giving away of money, esp. in large amounts, to organizations that help people)

bounty (BOUN-tee) (1 - City officials offered a bounty for his capture.) (2 - I was amazed by the bounty of our garden.)

박애, 현상금, 관대함 (1. a sum of money paid as a reward) (2. a large amount of something, esp. food)

insurrection (in-su̲h̲-REK-shu̲h̲ n)

반란, 폭동, 반역 (1. an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government or ruler and take control of the country, usually by violence)

refute (ri-FYOOT) (1 - Are you refuting the evidence?)

반박하다, 논박하다, ...을 논파하다 (1. to prove a statement, opinion, or belief to be wrong or false)

prop (prop) (1 - She propped the door open with a footstool. He was reading in bed, propped up by pillows.) (2 - The US joined with other nations in a coordinated effort yesterday to prop up the value of the dollar.) (3 - The only props used in the show are a table, a chair, and a glass of water.)

받치다, 지주, 받침대, 프로펠러, 소도구 (1. to support something by putting something else under or against it) (2. /fig./ To ____ up something/____ something up is to support something that would fail or become weaker without such help) (3. an object that is used on a theater stage or in a movie) (4. an object used to support something or hold it in position)

paw (paw)

발, 손, 발로 긁다 (1. the foot of an animal, such as a cat, dog, or bear, that has claws or nails) (2. /infml/ A person who paws someone else feels or touches the other person, often in a sexual way that is too forceful.)

heuristic (hyo̲o̲-RIS-tik or, often, yo̲o̲-)

발견적 교수법, 스스로 발견하게 하는, 발견적 학습의 (1. /of a method of teaching/ allowing students to learn by discovering things themselves and learning from their own experiences rather than by telling them things)

ballad (BAL-u̲h̲ d)

발라드 (1. a song or poem that tells a story, or a slow love song)

ballet (ba-LEY, BAL-ey)

발레, 무용극 (1. a type of dancing in which controlled movements of the body are designed to express the beauty of physical motion, often while telling a story, or a piece of music for such dancing)

excerpt (noun EK-surpt; verb ik-SURPT, EK-surpt) (1 - This article is excerpted from the full report.)

발췌, 인용, 대목 (1. a short part taken from a speech, book, etc.)

claw (klaw) (1 - Our cat likes to sharpen her claws on the legs of the dining table.) (2 - Watch out - the lobster's claws pinch.) (3 - Nora's cat attacked him and began clawing his back.) (4 - The team trailed, 24-13, after one quarter but clawed to 26-18 by halftime.)

발톱, 집게발, 할퀴다, 쥐어뜯다 (1. one of the sharp, curved nails at the end of each of the toes of some animals and birds) (2. A ____ is also the curved, movable part at the end of the leg of some insects and sea animals, such as crabs and lobsters) (3. to cut esp. flesh with claws) (4. Someone who claws his or her way somewhere uses a lot of effort to achieve something)

illuminate (verb ih-LOO-mu̲h̲-neyt; adjective, noun ih-LOO-mu̲h̲-nit, -neyt) (1 - The buildings were illuminated at night.) (2 - This article illuminates the basic principles of economics.)

밝게하다, 부각되다, 명확히 하다, 미소짓다, 눈부시게 꾸미다 (1. to put light in or on something) (2. If you __________ a subject, you explain it)

ark (ahrk)

방주, 성궤, 피난처, 평저선 (1. /in the Bible/ a large wooden ship built by Noah in order to save his family and a male and female of every type of animal when the world was covered by a flood) (2. /in the Bible/ a wooden box that contained the writings of Jewish law, and that represented to the people of Israel the idea of God being present and leading them)

impede (im-PEED) (1 - Shortages of medicine were impeding the effort to control diseases.)

방해하다, 지체시키다, 훼방놓다 (1. to slow something down or prevent an activity from making progress at its previous rate)

pear (pair)

배 (1. a sweet, juicy, yellow or green fruit with a round base and slightly pointed top)

ration (RASH-u̲h̲ n, REY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Rations of rice were distributed to the refugees.) (1 - Even their clothing is rationed.) (1 - food rationing)

배급하다, 할당하다 (1. a limited amount /of something/ that one person is allowed to have, esp. when there is not much of it available)

excretion (ik-SKREE-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Most toxins are naturally excreted from the body.) (1 - Excretion is one of several activities common to both plants and animals.)

배설물, 배설 (1. to get rid of material such as solid waste or urine from the body) (2. to get rid of waste from the cells or from the body)

badge (baj)

배지, 증표, ...에 배지를 달다, 신분증 (1. a small piece of metal worn to show your membership in a group or your authority within an organization such as the police)

deploy (dih-PLOI) (1 - When airbags deploy, they save lives. [ T ] Automobiles deploy air bags in crashes of 8 to 12 miles per hour.) (2 - The UN is deploying observers.) (2 - the deployment of missiles/troops)

배치하다, 전개하다, 알맞게 사용하다 (1. to put something into use) (2. To ______ is also to move weapons or military forces to where they will be used when they are needed)

platinum (PLAT-n-u̲h̲ m, PLAT-nu̲h̲ m)

백금, 플래티나제의, 100만 장 이상 팔린 (1. a valuable metal that is silver in color, does not react easily with other elements, and is used in jewelry and in industry)

forsake (fawr-SEYK) (1 - I thought she might forsake ballet in favor of Irish dancing.)

버리다, 그만두다, ...을 저버리다 (1. to leave forever or to give up completely)

discard (verb dih-SKAHRD; noun DIS-kahrd) (1 - Cut the melon in half and discard the seeds. He makes toys from things people discard.)

버리다, 폐기, 포기, 가치없는 , 처리 (1. to throw away or get rid of something because you no longer want it)

mushroom (MUHSH-room, -ro̲o̲ m) (1 - wild mushrooms mushroom soup a pizza with mushrooms) (2 - If your business were to mushroom, would you be happy?)

버섯, 우후죽순격의 (1. any one of many types of fast-growing fungus /= plants without leaves or flowers/ with a round top and short stem, many of which are used as food) (2. to grow quickly)

clasp (klasp, klahsp) (1 - He clasped the vase, afraid he would drop it.) (2 - She had a firm clasp on her daughter's hand.)

버클, ...을 걸쇠로 채우다, 꽉 쥐다 (1. to hold someone or something firmly in your hands or arms) (2. a firm hold on something with your arms or hands) (3. A _____ is a small metal device used to fasten a belt, a bag, or a piece of jewelry.)

bug (buhg) (1 - Some tiny white bugs had eaten the leaves of my house plants.) (2 - The flu bug is going around, and almost everyone is sick.) (3 - He said they had eliminated all the bugs in the software, and we hoped this was true.) (5 - When I was about 17, I was bitten by the acting bug and began to try out for parts.) (6 - My lawyer is bugging me for stuff I just don't have.) (7 - She suspected that her phone had been bugged.)

벌레, 곤충, 버그, 괴롭히다, 바이러스 (1. an insect) (2. A ___ is also a small organism that causes an illness) (3. a mistake or problem in the way something works) (4. a small device that is easily hidden, used to record people's conversations without their knowledge) (5. a strong enthusiasm for something) (6. to annoy someone repeatedly) (7. to hide a listening device in something)

hive (hahyv)

벌집, 벌떼 (1. a place where bees live, esp. a bee____ /= container/, or the group of bees living there)

modal (MOHD-l) (1 - The first verb in the following sentence is a modal: We ought to pay the gas bill.)

법의, 법에 관한, 양식의 (1. a verb, such as "can", "might", and "must", that is used with another verb to express an idea such as possibility that is not expressed by the main verb of a sentence)

deviant (DEE-vee-u̲h̲ nt)

벗어난, 비정상적인 사람, 비정상인 (1. differing from the accepted standard)

veranda (vu̲h̲-RAN-du̲h̲) (1 - I went up the walk onto the big veranda and knocked on the door.)

베란다 (1. a raised, open area, often covered, attached to the front or side of a house, esp. common in the southern US)

whim (hwim, wim) (1 - The whims of rock stars can be hard to satisfy.)

변덕, 일시적 기분, 종잡을 수 없는 생각 (1. a sudden desire or idea)

erratic (ih-RAT-ik) (1 - an erratic schedule)

변덕스러운, 별난, 괴짜 (1. changing suddenly and unexpectedly)

constipation (kon-stu̲h̲-PEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - If you ate more fibre you wouldn't get constipated.) (1 - to get/have/suffer from constipation) (2 - A diet that is high in fiber may relieve constipation.)

변비, 변비증, 침체 (1. unable to empty your bowels as often as you should) (2. unable to excrete the contents of the bowels often enough or in large enough amounts)

dialectic (dahy-u̲h̲-LEK-tik)

변증법, 논리적 토론술, 변증적인 (1. a way of discovering what is true by considering opposite theories)

alias (EY-lee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - He admitted that the name Rupert Sharp was an alias. Paul Sopworth, alias /= also known as/ Rupert Sharp, went to prison today.)

별명, 가명, 일명 ... (1. a false name that someone is known by)

stellar (STEL-er) (1 - stellar light) (2 - The cellist gave a stellar performance before an enthusiastic audience.)

별의, 별 같은, 주요한 (1. of a star or stars) (2. /of people or their activities/ extremely high in quality; excellent)

chick (chik)

병아리, 새끼, 여자, 소녀 (1. a baby bird, esp. a young chicken)


병원균, 병원체 (1. any small organism that can cause disease)

morbid (MAWR-bid) (1 - He has a morbid sense of humor.)

병적인, 병적으로 과민한, 우울한 (1. too interested in unpleasant subjects, esp. death)

withhold (with-HOHLD, wit̲h̲-) (1 - Has the government been withholding crucial information? The governor said he would withhold judgment until he receives the committee's report.)

보류하다, 숨기다, 원천징수, 억제하다 (1. to refuse to give something, or to keep back something)

remuneration (ri-myoo-nu̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n)

보상, 보수, 급료 (1. pay for work or services)

atonement (u̲h̲-TOHN-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - He said that young hooligans should do community service as atonement for their crimes.)

보상, 속죄, 예수의 속죄 (1. something that you do to show that you are sorry for something bad that you did)

bail (beyl) (1 - The judge set bail at $100,000.) (2 - I'd float around for hours fishing and bailing out the water leaking in.)

보석, 괸 물을 퍼내다, 파래박 (1. a sum of money given to a law court by a person accused of a crime so that the person can be released until the trial, at which time the money will be returned) (2. to remove water from a boat by using a container)

gem (jem) (1 - The necklace was studded with diamonds, rubies, and other gems.) (2 - The building was an architectural gem.)

보석, 보물 (1. a precious stone, esp. when cut into a regular shape; jewel) (2. If you say that something or someone is a gem, you mean that you value the quality or beauty of that person or thing highly)

stride (strahyd) (1 - She strode across the room and demanded to speak to the manager.) (2 - They have already made great strides in improving service.) (3 - He reached me in one long stride.)

보폭, 발전, 진전, 성큼성큼, 활보 (1. to walk somewhere quickly with long steps) (2. an important positive development) (3. a step, esp. a long step)

pedestrian (pu̲h̲-DES-tree-u̲h̲ n) (1 - Bicyclists and pedestrians use the path.) (2 - The lyrics are pretty pedestrian.)

보행의, 도보의, 평범한 (1. a person who is walking, esp. in an area where vehicles go) (2. showing little imagination; not interesting)

lottery (LOT-u̲h̲-ree) (1 - Even if she won the lottery, Paige says she'd still keep her job.)

복권, 추첨, 로또 (1. a system of selling numbered tickets and giving prizes to those people whose numbers are chosen by chance)

plural (plo̲o̲ r-u̲h̲ l) (1 - a plural verb "Cats" and "cattle" are plural nouns.) (1 - "Geese" is the plural of "goose.)

복수의, 다원적인 (1. being the form of a word used to talk about more than one thing)

avenge (u̲h̲-VENJ) (1 - In the second half of the movie, they team up to avenge the wrongs done to them.)

복수하다, 복수를 하다, 원수를 갚다 (1. to get satisfaction by harming or punishing the person responsible for something bad done to you or your family or friends)

peach (peech) (2 - a set of peach towels)

복숭아, 훌륭한 사람 (1. a round fruit with sweet, juicy, yellow flesh, soft red and yellow skin, and a large seed in its center) (2. /of/ a pink-orange color)

convex (adjective kon-VEKS, ku̲h̲ n-; noun KON-veks) (1 - a convex lens)

볼록면의, 볼록한, 볼록 렌즈 (1. curved or swelling out)

outreach (verb out-REECH; noun, adjective OUT-reech) (1 - The center was awarded a grant for counseling and outreach to the homeless.)

봉사 활동, ...의 끝까지 달하다, ...을 넘다 (1. an effort to bring services or information to people where they live or spend time)

stitch (stich) (1 - She sewed neat, firm stitches.) (2 - A cut on his left ankle required six stitches.) (3 - I got a stitch while I was running.) (4 - His name is stitched onto the back of his boxing trunks.) (5 - The operation started at 8 a.m., and Bobby was stitched up by midafternoon.)

봉합하다, 꿰매다, 바느질하다, 바늘땀, 매다 (1. a piece of thread sewn in cloth, or the single movement of a needle and thread into and out of the cloth that produces this) (2. A ______ is also a length of special thread used to join the edges of a deep cut in the flesh) (3. a sharp pain in the side of your stomach or chest) (4. to sew two things together, or to repair something by sewing) (5. Someone who has been stitched up has had a deep cut closed with stitches)

beacon (BEE-ku̲h̲ n) (1 - fig.) (2 - a radar/navigation beacon)

봉화, 수로 표지, 표지를 설치하다 (1. a light that acts as a signal or warning) (2. A ______ is also a device that sends a signal or information)

adjunct (AJ-uhngkt) (1 - Canada's economy is not an adjunct to the US's but rather is expanding on its own.) (2 - adjunct professors/faculty)

부가물, 부속하는, 부속물 (1. something added or connected to something larger or more important) (2. An _______ is also a temporary teacher at a college or university)

levy (LEV-ee) (1 - A levy was imposed on cotton imports.) (1 - Taxes and fees levied on motorists would pay for the new highway.)

부과하다, 징수하다, 징수 (1. an amount of money, such as a tax, that you have to pay to a government or organization)

pier (peer) (1 - a fishing pier)

부두 (1. a structure built out over the water on posts, along which boats can land) (2. a thick, strong column used to support a structure such as a bridge)

bump (buhmp) (1 - The mosquito bites left bumps on her face.) (2 - The child fell and bumped his head.) (3 - I knew if they got someone more qualified, I'd be bumped.)

부딪치다, 마주치다, 혹, 장애물, 어깨를 나란히 하다 (1. a raised area on a surface) (2. to hit against something or someone, esp. by accident) (3. to move someone or something from a place, rank, or job)

sullen (SUHL-u̲h̲ n) (1 - They stared at him with an expression of sullen dislike. fig. The skies looked very sullen /= dark and unpleasant/.)

부루퉁한, 삐친 (1. silent and unpleasant)

beak (beek)

부리, 주둥이 (1. the hard, pointed part of a bird's mouth)

brittle (BRIT-l) (1 - As you get older your bones become increasingly brittle.)

부서지기 쉬운, 덧없는, 깨지기 쉬운 (1. delicate and easily broken)

smash (smash) (1 - Some kids smashed her bedroom window. [ I ] Her cup fell and smashed to pieces on the stone floor. [ M ] Police had to smash the door down to get into the house. [ M ] The band reportedly smashed up their hotel room.) (2 - She smashed her right knee in the accident. [ I ] His car flipped over and smashed into a tree.) (3 - The government smashed the rebellion.) (4 - I heard a smash and glass breaking.) (5 - Robinson hit a smash to my left.)

부서지다, 깨다, 충돌하다, 큰 성공, 박살내다 (1. to break into small pieces, esp. by hitting or throwing) (2. to hit or move with force against something hard, usually causing damage or injury) (3. to defeat or destroy completely) (4. the sound of something breaking into small pieces) (5. a forcefully hit ball)

pertain (per-TEYN) (1 - regulations pertaining to high-tech industries Seaweed's properties, as they pertain to skin care, are still in dispute.)

부속하다, 속하다, 따라다니다 (1. to relate to or have a connection with something)

concomitant (kon-KOM-i-tu̲h̲ nt, ku̲h̲ n-) (1 - Loss of memory is a natural concomitant of old age.) (2 - Any increase in students means a concomitant increase in money for the university.)

부수물, 부수적인, 동시에 일어나는 (1. something that happens with something else and is connected with it) (2. happening and connected with another thing)

flint (flint)

부싯돌, 라이터돌 (1. a very hard gray or black stone)

rig (rig) (1 - The station had rigged gasoline prices. Until this year, all elections were rigged by the ruling party.) (2 - I rigged up a TV antenna from a coat hanger.) (3 - an oil rig a camera/plow rig) (4 - A huge rig, a sixteen-wheeler, rolling downhill, flew right by me.)

부정 수단으로 조작하다, 의장, 계략 (1. to arrange an event or amount in a dishonest way) (2. to fix a piece of equipment in place, or to put something together quickly, for temporary use) (3. a structure used to support machinery and equipment for a particular purpose) (4. a large truck consisting of at least two sections, including an engine to drive it and another part to hold a load)

sparse (spahrs) (1 - plants with sparse foliage sparse attendance a sparse vocabulary sparsely adverb us ​) (1 - This area is very sparsely settled because there isn't much water.)

부족한, 희박한, 빈약한 (1. small in number or amount and not dense or close together)

hatch (hach) (1 - The birds hatched out the next afternoon.) (2 - They hatched a plan for a surprise birthday party.) (3 - a cargo hatch)

부화하다, 해치, 계획을 세우다 (1. to break an egg so a baby animal can come out) (2. to create or decide on a plan, esp. a secret plan) (3. an opening through a floor or wall, or the cover for an opening, esp. on a ship)

denominator (dih-NOM-u̲h̲-ney-ter)

분모, 공통의 특징, 기준 (1. in a fraction /= part of a whole number/, the number written below the line, showing how many parts the whole contains)

eruption (ih-RUHP-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Since the volcano last erupted, many houses have been built in a dangerous position on its slopes.) (2 - At the end of a hot summer, violence erupted in the inner cities.) (3 - The crowd erupted in applause and cheering.) (4 - Two days after he'd been exposed to the substance, a painful rash erupted on his neck.) (4 - a volcanic eruption There was a violent eruption of anti-government feeling.) (5 - The crowd erupted in cheers. The building erupted in flames when the plane struck it.)

분출, 발생, 분화 (1. When a volcano erupts, it explodes and flames and rocks come out of it) (2. to start suddenly and violently) (3. to suddenly express your feelings in a noisy way) (4. If spots erupt on your skin, they suddenly appear) (5. to burst out suddenly or explode) (6. If a volcano /= type of mountain/ erupts, it begins to throw out hot rocks and burning substances.)

crater (KREY-ter) (2 - The meteorite left a crater six feet deep.)

분화구, ...에 폭탄 구멍을 내다, 구멍이 생기다 (1. a large hole in the top of a volcano /= mountain made from liquid rock/) (2. A ______ is also a large hole made by something hitting the ground with force)

disparity (dih-SPAR-i-tee) (1 - He will oppose a gross disparity in salary increases between teachers and other state employees.)

불균형, 불일치, 부동 (1. a lack of equality and similarity, esp. in a way that is not fair)

insomnia (in-SOM-nee-u̲h̲)

불면증, 잠을 잘 수 없음, 불면 (1. the condition of being unable to sleep)

loom (loom) (1 - Record budget deficits, now running well above $200 billion a year, loom over the recovery.)

불안하게 다가오다, 어렴풋이 보이다, 불쑥 나타나다, 베짜기 (1. to appear, esp. when seeming large and threatening) (2. a piece of equipment on which thread is woven into cloth)

opaque (oh-PEYK) (1 - opaque watercolors) (2 - The majority of readers found his poetry difficult, even opaque.)

불투명한, 불명료한, 우둔한 (1. /of a substance/ preventing light from traveling through, and therefore not allowing you to see through it) (2. ______ also means difficult to understand)

discord (noun DIS-kawrd; verb dis-KAWRD) (1 - The plan to build the highway created discord in our community.)

불화, 불일치, 알력 (1. a lack of agreement or feeling of trust between people)

bandage (BAN-dij) (1 - They bandaged his wounds.)

붕대, 밴드 (1. a strip of cloth that is used to cover an injury on someone's body to protect it)

plaque (plak) (1 - The plaque on the building pays tribute to the founder's generosity.) (3 - About 20 companies are working on treatments for Alzheimer's that would interfere with plaque formation.)

브로치, 장식판, 장식 액자 (1. a flat object, often of stone or metal, with text that records information about a person, place, or event) (2. a substance that grows on your teeth if you do not brush them regularly) (3. ______ is also a substance that may grow inside the body with certain diseases)

bloc (blok) (1 - a powerful voting bloc)

블록, 연합, 세력권 (1. a group of countries or people that have similar goals and work together to achieve them)

scaffold (SKAF-u̲h̲ ld, -ohld)

비계, 교수대, 발판 (1. a structure workers can stand on while working on a building, or a structure from which to hang /= kill by hanging from a rope around the neck/ criminals sentenced to death)

pessimistic (pes-u̲h̲-MIS-tik) (1 - The tone of the meeting was very pessimistic. The doctors are pessimistic /= not hopeful/ about his chances of recovery.)

비관적인, 회의적인 (1. thinking that bad things are more likely to happen or emphasizing the bad part of a situation)

sarcastic (sahr-KAS-tik) (1 - a sarcastic comment/remark Are you being sarcastic?) (1 - "Thanks so much for your help," Tim said sarcastically.)

비꼬는, 빈정대는, 냉소적인, 풍자적인 (1. using sarcasm)

censure (SEN-sher) (1 - The Senate rarely censures its members.)

비난, 비난하다, 불신임의 표명 (1. strong criticism or disapproval, esp. when it is the official judgment of an organization)

rebuke (ri-BYOOK) (1 - He was publicly rebuked for his involvement in the scandal.) (1 - a sharp rebuke)

비난하다, 꾸짖다, 심한 비난 (1. to criticize someone strongly because you disapprove of what the person has said or done)

denounce (dih-NOUNS) (1 - The teachers denounced the contract offer as inadequate.)

비난하다, 비판하다, 반대하다, 매도하다, 파기하다 (1. to criticize someone or something strongly and publicly)

accuse (u̲h̲-KYOOZ) (1 - He was accused of failing to pay his taxes. She accused me of lying.) (1 - He denied the accusation, saying he was innocent.)

비난하다, 혐의를 받다, 고소하다, 피의자 (1. to say that someone is responsible for a crime or for having done something wrong)

pigeon (PIJ-u̲h̲ n) (1 - We fed the pigeons in the park.)

비둘기, 전서구, 피죤 (1. a large, usually gray-and-white bird that lives esp. in cities)

obese (oh-BEES) (1 - Obesity and lack of exercise are bad for the heart.)

비만, 뚱뚱한, 살찐 (1. extremely fat)

shriek (shreek) (1 - the shriek of sea gulls She heard a high-pitched shriek.) (1 - We shrieked with laughter.)

비명, 시끄러운 울음소리 (1. a loud, high cry)

trance (trans, trahns) (1 - The sound of the waves lulled me into a trance.)

비몽사몽, 최면 상태, 신들린 상태 (1. a mental state between sleeping and waking in which a person does not move but can hear and understand what is being said)

hush (huhsh) (1 - A hush fell over the crowd.) (1 - Hush! You'll wake the baby!)

비밀에 붙이다, 입다물어, 정적 (1. quiet or silence, esp. after noise)

esoteric (es-u̲h̲-TER-ik) (1 - Literary readings can sometimes seem esoteric, but we are trying to make them more attractive to more people.)

비밀의, 심원한, 난해한 (1. intended for or understood by only a few people who have special knowledge)

clandestine (klan-DES-tin) (1 - a clandestine meeting clandestinely adverb us ​) (1 - The virus clandestinely burrowed its way into computers across the globe.)

비밀의, 은밀한, 비밀히 행해지는 (1. planned or done in secret)

extrinsic (ik-STRIN-sik, -zik) (1 - Extrinsic forces were responsible for the breakdown of the peace talks.) (2 - Eczema can have extrinsic causes.) (3 - The extrinsic eye muscles are six muscles external to the eye which control the way the eye moves.)

비본질적인, 외부의, 고유의 것이 아닌 (1. coming from outside, or not related to something) (2. coming from outside the body) (3. _________ muscles are some distance from the body part they move)

abject (AB-jekt, ab-JEKT) (1 - They live in abject poverty. My experiment was an abject failure.)

비열한, 비참한, 천한 (1. extreme and without hope)

sneer (sneer) (1 - You may sneer /at it/, but a lot of people like this kind of music.) (1 - "Is that the best you can do?" he asked with a sneer.)

비웃다, 냉소하다, 냉소 (1. to show in an expression on your face or in your manner of speaking that someone or something is so foolish that it deserves to be ridiculed)

figurative (FIG-yer-u̲h̲-tiv) (1 - literal and figurative meanings art) (2 - Figuratively speaking, negotiators succeeded in building a bridge over a wide river in reaching this agreement.)

비유적인, 수식 문구가 많은, 표상적인 (1. /of words and phrases/ used not with their basic meaning but to suggest part of that meaning) (2. __________ art is based on the shapes of real objects.)

reel (reel) (1 - a reel of film) (2 - Reeling a bit, he tripped and fell.) (3 - Our team is reeling from five straight losses.)

비틀거리다, 휘청거리다, 릴, 얼레 (1. a round or cylindrical device on which a rope, wire, film, or other long, thin strip or object is rolled, or the amount of something stored on this) (2. to move from side to side as if you are going to fall while walking or standing) (3. If you reel, or your mind or brain reels, you feel very confused or shocked)

aviation (ey-vee-EY-shu̲h̲ n, av-ee-) (1 - Charles Lindbergh was the first aviator to fly nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean.)

비행, 항공, 비행술 (1. the activity of flying aircraft, or of designing, producing, and maintaining them)

delinquent (dih-LING-kwu̲h̲ nt) (1 - She was delinquent in paying her taxes.)

비행의, 의무 불이행의, 비행 소년 (1. late in paying money owed)

meager (MEE-ger) (1 - The food at my grandmother's house was meager and barely edible.)

빈약한, 메마른, 결핍한 (1. very small in amount or number; only as much or not as much as is needed or thought to be suitable)

broom (broom, bro̲o̲ m) (1 - I use that broom to sweep the kitchen floor.)

빗자루 (1. a brush with a long handle, used for cleaning the floor)

comb (kohm) (1 - Combs have been used from ancient times by women to hold and fix their hair.) (2 - The police combed the surrounding woods for evidence.) (3 - She combed her hair and put on some lipstick.)

빗질하다, 자세히 조사하다, 제거하다 (1. a strip of plastic, wood, or metal with a row of long, narrow parts along one side, which is used to arrange or hold the hair) (2. to search a place or an area very carefully) (3. to arrange your hair by pulling a ____ through it)

glacier (GLEY-sher)

빙하 (1. a large mass of ice that moves slowly over land, esp. down the side of a mountain, often moving rocks with it and changing the shape of the land)

suction (SUHK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Cylinder vacuum cleaners work entirely by suction.)

빨기, 흡인, 흡입력이 생기기 (1. the process of reducing air pressure by removing air or liquid from an enclosed space, or the force created by this reduction that causes two surfaces to stick together)

suck (suhk) (1 - The two-year-old sucked his thumb. [ I ] Sometimes a baby will hold the pacifier in her mouth without really sucking. [ I/T ] We were all sucking /on/ lollipops.) (2 - The vacuum cleaner sucks dirt into a disposable bag.) (3 - We all thought the movie sucked.)

빨다, 형편없다, 아첨하다 (1. to pull liquid or air into your mouth without using your teeth, or to move the tongue and muscles of the mouth around something inside your mouth, often in order to dissolve it) (2. Something that sucks something in a particular direction pulls it with great force) (3. to be bad or worthless)

subtraction (su̲h̲ b-TRAK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The test involves simple addition and subtraction.)

빼기, 감하기, 공제 (1. the process of taking one number or amount away from another number or amount)

audacity (aw-DAS-i-tee) (1 - Our mayor has the audacity to claim credit for improvements he had nothing to do with.)

뻔뻔스러움, 대담, 용맹 (1. unusually strong and esp. rude confidence in yourself)

pluck (pluhk) (1 - Astronauts plan to use the shuttle's robot arm to pluck the satellite out of space.) (2 - She plucked her eyebrows. I don't think I could pluck a chicken.) (3 - Jenkins's idea of swinging is plucking violins. [ I ] fig. Her stories are designed to pluck at your heartstrings.) (4 - Her 80-plus years have not dulled her pluck.)

뽑다, 용기, 빼앗다 (1. to remove something, esp. with a sudden movement) (2. If you _____ something, you remove hair or feathers from it by pulling) (3. to pull at something with your fingers and then release it) (4. bravery and a strong desire to succeed)

sow (soh) (1 - Settlers sowed the seeds they had brought with them.)

뿌리다, 암퇘지 (1. to put seeds in the ground so that plants will grow) (2. an adult female pig)

outgoing (OUT-goh-ing or for 5, -GOH-) (1 - Sherry is a very outgoing person.) (2 - the outgoing chairman)

사교적인, 나가는, 떠나가는 (1. friendly and willing to meet new people) (2. leaving a particular job, office, or position)

rampant (RAM-pu̲h̲ nt) (1 - Weeds are growing rampant in the garden.)

사나운, 만연하는, 뒷발로 일어선 (1. happening a lot or becoming worse, usually in a way that is out of control)

ferocious (fu̲h̲-ROH-shu̲h̲ s) (1 - ferocious wild dogs)

사나운, 포악한, 잔인한 (1. fierce and violent)

hound (hound) (1 - Socialists were hounded by the FBI in the 1950s.)

사냥개, 하운드, ...을 추적하다 (1. to chase someone or refuse to leave someone alone, esp. because you want to get something from that person)

vanish (VAN-ish) (1 - Her smile vanished.)

사라지다, 자취를 감추다 (1. to disappear or stop existing, esp. suddenly)

forage (FAWR-ij, FOR-) (1 - Wild dogs roam the streets, foraging for food.)

사료, 먹이, 채집하다, 식량, 찾아다니다 (1. to go searching, esp. for food)

scribe (skrahyb)

사본 필사자 (1. a person who made written copies of documents, before the invention of printing)

quadrant (KWOD-ru̲h̲ nt)

사분원, 사분면, 상한의 (1. one of four rectangular areas that a coordinate plane /= area with vertical and horizontal measures/ is divided into)

casualty (KAZH-oo-u̲h̲ l-tee) (1 - The number of casualties from Sunday's tsunami continues to rise. New team uniforms were a casualty of the budget cuts.)

사상자, 희생자, 피해자, 부상자 (1. a person hurt or killed in a war or other destructive event, or something prevented by an event)

iniquity (ih-NIK-wi-tee) (1 - They fought long and hard against the iniquities of apartheid. The writer reflects on human injustice and iniquity.)

사악, 심한 부정, 무도 (1. a very wrong and unfair action or situation)

carnival (KAHR-nu̲h̲-vu̲h̲ l) (1 - There's a carnival in Payson Park this weekend.)

사육제, 카니발, 순회 흥행 (1. a place of outside entertainment where there are machines you can ride on and games that can be played for prizes) (2. A ________ is also a time of public enjoyment and entertainment when people wear unusual clothes, dance, and eat and drink, usually in the streets of a city.)

puberty (PYOO-ber-tee)

사춘기, 성숙기, 결혼 적령기 (1. the stage in a person's life when the person develops from a child into an adult because of changes in the body that make the person able to have children)

excision (ek-SIZH-u̲h̲ n, ik-) (1 - The document had been sanitised by the excision of secret material.) (2 - With a wide local excision, the cancerous tissue and some surrounding healthy tissue is cut out.)

삭제, 제거, 적출 (1. the act of removing something) (2. the act of removing tissue, organs, or tumours in an operation)

sporadic (spu̲h̲-RAD-ik) (1 - She makes sporadic trips to Europe. The storm caused sporadic flooding throughout the region.) (1 - I've been working sporadically this year.)

산발적인, 때때로 일어나는, 드문 (1. not happening or appearing in a pattern; not continuous or regular)

stroll (strohl) (1 - We could stroll into town if you like.) (1 - Sometimes he would take a stroll before dinner.)

산책하다, 거닐다, 배회하다 (1. to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, esp. for pleasure)

homicide (HOM-u̲h̲-sahyd, HOH-mu̲h̲-) (1 - He was convicted of homicide.)

살인, 살인범, 살인자 (1. the crime of killing a person; murder)

abstain (ab-STEYN) (1 - Some families abstain from eating fried food.)

삼가다, 절제하다, 끊다 (1. to not do something you could do, esp. something that is unhealthy or gives you pleasure) (2. If you _______ from voting, you do not vote although you are permitted to vote.)

shovel (SHUHV-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Sally is outside shoveling snow away from the driveway.)

삽, 삽질하다 (1. a tool consisting of a wide blade attached to a long handle, used for digging up or moving loose material, such as earth or snow)

interpolation (in-tur-pu̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n)

삽입, 삽입된 사항, 내삽법 (1. to add words to a text) (2. to interrupt someone by saying something)

ambivalent (am-BIV-u̲h̲-lu̲h̲ nt) (1 - My wife loves the opera, but I have ambivalent feelings about it.)

상반하는 감정을 품은, 상반된 감정이 공존하는, 불확실한 (1. having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel)

reunion (ree-YOON-yu̲h̲ n) (1 - a family reunion a high school reunion)

상봉, 재회, 동창회, 레위니옹 (1. a gathering of people who have been together before, esp. as a special event at a planned time)

appellant (u̲h̲-PEL-u̲h̲ nt)

상소인, 항고인, 항소의

shark (shahrk) (2 - a loan shark)

상어, 고리 대금업자 (1. a type of large fish that has rows of sharp teeth) (2. /infml/ A _____ is also a person who cheats other people, esp. if they seem trusting)

mercantile (MUR-ku̲h̲ n-teel, -tahyl, -til)

상업의, 상인의, 무역의 (1. related to trade or business)

senate (SEN-it) (1 - The US Senate has 100 members. He served in the state senate.)

상원, 의회, 원로원 (1. the group of politicians who have the most power to make laws in a government) (2. In Canada, members of the ______ give advice about laws but do not make laws.)

emblem (EM-blu̲h̲ m) (1 - A dove is often used as an emblem of peace.)

상징, 문장, 기장 (1. an object that is used to represent a particular person, group, or idea, or a picture of the object)

lettuce (LET-is)

상추, 쌈채소, 레터스 (1. a plant of large, green leaves, eaten raw in salads)

refresh (ri-FRESH) (1 - A good night's sleep will refresh you.) (1 - Lemonade is a good refresher on a hot summer day.)

상쾌하게 하다, 재충전하다, 되살리다, 새롭게 하다 (1. to give new energy and strength to someone)

tint (tint) (2 - Here, the ocean is gray with a blue tint.)

색조, 엷은 빛깔, 빛깔 (1. to color something slightly) (2. a variety of a color, or a pale color) (3. A ____ is also a substance used to change slightly the color of something, esp. hair or paint.)

incline (verb in-KLAHYN; noun IN-klahyn, in-KLAHYN) (1 - Marge inclined her head to whisper something to me.) (1 - an inclined roof/roadway/surface) (2 - The road has a steep incline for the next ten miles.)

생각, 경향이 있다, 기울다, ...하고 싶어지다, 유혹 (1. to lean down, or to place something with one part toward the ground and the opposite part raised) (2. a slope)

ginger (JIN-jer)

생강, 생기를 불어넣다, 황갈색 (1. the spicy root of a tropical plant, used esp. as a powder in cooking and baking)

genesis (JEN-u̲h̲-sis) (1 - the genesis of life on earth)

생성, 창세기, 제네시스, 발생, 기원 (1. the time when something came into existence; the beginning or origin) (2. In the Bible, _______ is the first book of the Old Testament, describing how God created the world.)

plum (pluhm) (2 - Senior staff members get all the plum assignments.)

서양자두, 매화 (1. a small, round fruit with a smooth, usually red-purple skin, sweet flesh, and a single large seed) (2. something that is very good and worth having)

lyric (LIR-ik) (1 - lyric poetry)

서정적인, 서정시, 서정시적인 (1. expressing emotions, and often having the quality of a song)

lagoon (lu̲h̲-GOON)

석호, 늪, 작은 늪 (1. an area of sea water separated from the sea by a sandbar /= raised area of sand/ or reef /= a line of rocks and sand/)

slumber (SLUHM-ber) (1 - She felt as if she had awakened from a long slumber.) (1 - The small town slumbered in the moonlight.)

선잠, 잠, 잠자다 (1. sleep)

antecedent (an-tu̲h̲-SEED-nt) (1 - The book dealt with the historical antecedents of the Civil War.) (2 - In the sentence, "Joe threw the ball to Wendy, and Wendy threw it back," "the ball" is the antecedent of "it.)

선조, 전례, 선행하는 (1. something existing or happening before, esp. as the cause of an event or situation) (2. An __________ is also a word or phrase that a pronoun refers to) (3. An antecedant is also the part of a conditional statement that follows the word "if.")

providence (PROV-i-du̲h̲ ns) (1 - He trusts in divine providence.)

섭리, 신의 뜻, 신 (1. the care and control of God or of a force that is not human in origin)

regimen (REJ-u̲h̲-mu̲h̲ n, -men, REZH-) (1 - His doctor put him on a strict regimen of exercise and low-fat food.)

섭생, 양생법, 지배 (1. a set of rules about food, exercise, or behavior that you follow, esp. in order to improve your health)

citadel (SIT-u̲h̲-dl, -u̲h̲-del) (1 - The town has a 14th century citadel overlooking the river.) (2 - At the age of 32, she managed to enter one of the citadels of high fashion.)

성, 성채, 거점 (1. a strong castle in or near a city, where people can shelter from danger, especially during a war) (2. a powerful organization in which finding a job is difficult for someone who does not know people who work there)

cumbersome (KUHM-ber-su̲h̲ m) (1 - Critics say that the process for amending the Constitution is cumbersome, but others defend it.)

성가신, 다루기 힘든, 다루기 어려운 (1. difficult to do or manage and taking a lot of time and effort)

constellation (kon-stu̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n)

성좌, 별자리, 배열 (1. a group of stars in the sky that appear to form a pattern and that have a name)

platoon (plu̲h̲-TOON)

소대, 같은 포지션에 번갈아 쓰다, 집단 (1. a military unit consisting of a group of about 20 soldiers who are all members of a company)

tumult (TOO-mu̲h̲ lt, TYOO-) (1 - mental tumult [ C usually sing ] a tumult of emotion [ U ] The garden sits amid the tumult of downtown Vancouver.) (1 - The honoree received tumultuous applause.)

소동, 혼란 (1. noise and excitement, or a state of confusion, change, or uncertainty)

fuss (fuhs) (1 - Let's see what all the fuss is about. [ U ] She learned to make good food without too much fuss.) (2 - She was never one to fuss about insignificant things. Some people like to be fussed over /= receive a lot of attention/. She sat there fussing with her bright red dress /= touching and moving it nervously/.)

소란, 야단법석, 불편함, 논쟁 (1. the condition of being excited, annoyed, or not satisfied about something, esp. about something that is not very important) (2. to become upset or excited)

rustic (RUHS-tik) (1 - We stayed in rustic cabins, with no electricity.)

소박한, 시골뜨기의, 촌스러운 (1. typical of the country /= land not in cities/, esp. because of being attractively simple)

sausage (SAW-sij or, esp. British, SOS-ij)

소시지 (1. a food made of meat that has been cut into very small pieces, mixed with spices, and put into a thin and usually edible tube)

vortex (VAWR-teks)

소용돌이, 회오리바람, 선풍 (1. a mass of air or water that spins around very fast and pulls objects into its empty center)

din (din) (1 - The teacher had to yell to be heard over the din.)

소음, 시끄러운 소리, 울리다 (1. a loud and unpleasant noise or mixture of noises, esp. one that continues for some time)

cherish (CHER-ish) (1 - We cherish the many memories we have of our dear mother.)

소중히 여기다, 고이 간직하다, 기리다 (1. to keep hopes, memories, or ideas in your mind because they are important to you and bring you pleasure)

muster (MUHS-ter) (1 - I shouted with all the lung power I could muster.) (2 - Opponents will have to muster at least 23 votes to defeat the bill.)

소집하다, 집합, 모이다 (1. to produce or encourage an emotion or support for something) (2. to gather together as a group or force, or to cause a force to gather, esp. in preparation for a fight)

brochure (broh-sho̲o̲ r, -SHUR) (1 - travel brochures)

소책자, 안내서, 브로셔 (1. a type of small magazine that contains pictures and information on a product or a company)

socket (SOK-it) (1 - The bulb screwed easily into a socket. Somehow the bone was pulled from its socket.)

소켓, 꽂는 구멍, ...을 소켓에 끼우다 (1. a hollow or curved part into which something fits)

digest (verb dih-JEST, dahy-; noun DAHY-jest) (1 - Some people have difficulty digesting milk.) (2 - He could digest an enormous amount of information with amazing speed.) (3 - The Sunday newspaper includes a digest of last week's major stories.)

소화하다, 이해하다, 다이제스트, 요약하다 (1. /of the body of a living creature/ to chemically change food into smaller forms that the body can absorb and use) (2. to take information into your mind in a way that gives you the ability to use it) (3. a short written report containing the most important parts of a longer piece, or a short written report of recent news)

summon (SUHM-u̲h̲ n) (1 - The president summoned an emergency meeting of his advisers. I have been summoned to appear in court.) (2 - I couldn't summon any strength. He summoned up enough energy to prepare a revision of his novel.) (3 - He recollects the streets of Paris when he was a student and summons up the faces of fellow students.)

소환하다, 불러내다, 끄집어내다 (1. to order someone come to a particular place, or to officially tell someone to be present) (2. To ______ is also to find, call, or gather together something for use) (3. To ______ is also to remember or imagine something)

proverb (PROV-erb) (1 - A Chinese proverb says that the longest journey begins with a single step.)

속담 (1. a short statement, usually known by many people for a long time, that gives advice or expresses some common truth)

tempo (TEM-poh) (1 - Tracy likes the tempo of city life.) (2 - It sounded like they were playing at different tempos.)

속도, 템포 (1. the speed of a movement or activity) (2. _____ is also the speed at which music is played, sometimes written as a number at the beginning of a piece)

slang (slang) (1 - computer/teenage slang slangy adjective us ​) (1 - a slangy style of writing)

속어, 은어 (1. very informal language that is used esp. in speech by particular groups of people and which sometimes includes words that are not polite)

rogue (rohg) (1 - Buzzy's a fun-loving teenage rogue.) (1 - A rogue employee might tap into the computer.)

속이다, 악한, 사기꾼 (1. a person, organization, or country that does not behave in the usual or acceptable way)

detriment (DE-tru̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - She was very involved with sports at college, to the detriment of her studies.) (1 - chemicals that have a detrimental effect on the environment)

손상, 손해, 해 (1. harm or damage)

impair (im-PAIR) (1 - Lack of sleep impaired her ability to think clearly.) (1 - The law bans discrimination against anyone with a mental or physical impairment.)

손상시키다, 해치다, 손상하다 (1. to damage or weaken something so that it is less effective)

incur (in-KUR) (1 - We incurred heavy expenses to repair the poor work done by the builder.)

손실, 비용, 적자, 부채, 부담 (1. to experience something bad as a result of actions you have taken)

knob (nob) (1 - Turn the knob on the left to start the washer.)

손잡이 (1. a round handle or a small, round device for controlling a machine or electrical equipment)

restitution (res-ti-TOO-shu̲h̲ n, -TYOO-) (1 - The company has agreed to make restitution of $44,930 and to pay an equal fine.)

손해 배상, 상환, 보상 (1. payment for damage or loss of property, or the return of items stolen or lost)

seam (seem) (1 - My jacket came apart at the back seam.) (2 - a coal seam)

솔기, 터지다, 이음매 (1. a line where two things join, esp. where two pieces of cloth or other material have been sewn together) (2. a long, thin layer of rock or another substance that formed between layers of other rocks)

candid (KAN-did) (1 - We had a candid discussion about her poor job performance.)

솔직한, 진솔한, 자연스러운 (1. truthful and honest)

invoice (IN-vois) (1 - You need to have a copy of your original invoice if you want a refund.) (2 - When they ship the CDs, the company will invoice you.)

송장, 청구서, 인보이스 (1. a statement listing goods or services provided and their prices, used in business as a record of sale) (2. to send someone an invoice)

clamp (klamp) (1 - A small clamp at the bottom edge holds it in place.) (2 - Clamp the pieces together while the glue dries.) (3 - He abruptly clamped his jaw shut.)

쇠집게, 단속하다, 잠그다, 물리다 (1. a device used to hold something tightly) (2. to use a device to hold something tightly) (3. If you _____ something, you hold it firmly so that it does not move)

shawl (shawl)

숄, 쇼올 (1. a large piece of cloth worn especially by women or girls over their shoulders and/or head)

riddle (RID-l) (1 - Scholars have not completely solved the riddle of the sphinx.) (2 - By the end of the game we had riddled the wall around the dartboard with a dozen little holes.)

수수께끼, 리들, 풀어 주다 (1. a question that has a surprising or amusing answer, or something that is a mystery or is hard to explain) (2. to make a lot of holes in something)

lucrative (LOO-kru̲h̲-tiv) (1 - The owner and general manager offered the player a lucrative lifetime contract.)

수익성, 많은 돈이 되는, 이득, 호황, 수완이 좋은 (1. producing much money or making a large profit)

ponder (PON-der) (1 - She ponders the reaction she'll receive. [ I ] The back porch is a quiet place where I can ponder.)

숙고하다, 깊이 생각하다, 심사숙고하다 (1. to consider something carefully for a long time)

adept (adjective u̲h̲-DEPT; noun AD-ept, u̲h̲-DEPT) (1 - He's adept at making people feel at ease.)

숙련된, 숙련자, 숙달된 (1. skilled)

martyr (MAHR-ter)

순교자, 목숨을 바치는 사람, 끊임없이 시달리는 사람 (1. a person who suffers greatly or is killed, esp. because of political or religious beliefs) (2. to be killed or be made to suffer because of your beliefs)

amenable (u̲h̲-MEE-nu̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l, u̲h̲-MEN-u̲h̲-) (1 - He was amenable to suggestion, and really worked hard to improve himself.)

순종하는, 복종할 의무가 있는, 제재를 받는 (1. willing to accept or be influenced by a suggestion)

lush (luhsh) (1 - The lake, with its lush scenery, is a favorite with canoeists.)

술, 푸르게 우거진, 호사스러운 (1. /of plants, or an area of land with plants/ growing close together and in large numbers)

saloon (su̲h̲-LOON)

술집, 객실, 응접실 (1. a place where alcoholic drinks are sold and drunk; a bar)

privy (PRIV-ee) (1 - Only top management was privy to /= knew about/ the proposed merger.)

숨은, 비밀의, 옥외 변소 (1. having secret knowledge)

occult (u̲h̲-KUHLT, OK-uhlt) (1 - The magazine is a quarterly /= one that is published four times a year/ dedicated to tales of the supernatural, horror, and occult.)

숨은, 신비한, 초자연적인 (1. relating to mysterious or supernatural powers and activities)

gasp (gasp, gahsp) (1 - When he collapsed on stage, the audience gasped. [ T ] "Help me!" he gasped.) (1 - The circus acrobats drew gasps from the crowd.)

숨이 차다, 헐떡거리다 (1. to take a short quick breath through the mouth, esp. because of surprise, pain, or shock)

ram (ram) (1 - Someone rammed /into/ my car in the parking lot. [ T ] fig. The governor tried to ram the budget through in the last days of the legislative session.)

숫양, 램, 사기꾼의 한패 (1. to hit or push with force) (2. an adult male sheep) (3. /abbreviation for/ random-access memory /= a type of computer memory that can be searched in any order and changed as necessary/)

char (chahr) (1 - Grill the peppers until the skin starts to char.)

숯으로 만들다, ...을 까맣게 태우다, 까맣게 타다 (1. to burn and become black or to burn something so that it becomes black) (2. to clean and tidy a house or office for payment) (3. → charwoman )

hoarse (hawrs, hohrs) (1 - He was hoarse from shouting.)

쉰 목소리의, 쉰, 목이 쉰 (1. /of a voice/ sounding weak and not very well controlled, often because it has been used too much or the speaker has a cold)

puff (puhf) (1 - Ricardo was puffing hard after he raced up five flights of stairs.) (3 - One eye was puffed and her cheek was bruised dark as a coal smear. [ T ] The child held a deep breath and puffed her cheeks until they turned red.) (4 - We felt a puff of wind as the door open and closed.) (5 - a cream puff)

슈크림, 뻐끔뻐끔, 부풀어오르다 (1. to breathe quickly and with a lot of force, usually as a result of an activity that needs a lot of physical effort) (2. To ____ is also to breathe in and blow out smoke from a cigarette, cigar /= rolled tobacco/, or pipe /= device for smoking/.) (3. to swell or increase in size) (4. a small burst of smoke, air, or something that can rise into the air in a small cloud) (5. a small, round cake or other food, esp. one made from pastry with a filling inside) (6. an act of puffing out air, often with a soft sound) (7. A ____ is also an act of breathing in and blowing out smoke.)

scout (skout) (4 - Retired folks were scouting for homes in Florida. [ I ] When not traveling worldwide to scout out ideas, they visit with their daughter Sarah.) (5 - I scouted for the Angels baseball team for about 15 years.)

스카우트, 정찰 (1. a Boy _____ or Girl Scout) (2. someone whose job is to look for people with particular skills, esp. in sports or entertainment) (3. A _____ is also a person, esp. a soldier, sent out to get information about the enemy.) (4. to go to look in various places for something you want or to check for possible danger) (5. In sports, to _____ is to have the job of trying to find young players with the ability to play the sport well)

scramble (SKRAM-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - She scrambled to safety away from the fighting. [ + to infinitive ] fig. Poultry farmers scrambled /= worked hard and fast/ to provide water to their flocks as pipes burst in Georgia's coldest weather this century.) (2 - We had bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast.) (4 - fig. There was a mad scramble /= many people moving at once/ for the best seats in the theater.)

스크램블, 서로 다투다, 돌진하다, 휘저어 익히다 (1. to move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using the hands) (2. to mix together and cook the transparent and yellow parts of eggs) (3. to change a radio or telephone signal while it is being sent so that it cannot be understood without a special device) (4. an act of moving or climbing quickly)

scrub (skruhb) (1 - After the tomato sauce boiled over, I had to scrub the stove. [ I ] You scrub and scrub, but those marks never come off.)

스크럽, 닦다, 문지르다, 씻다, 제거하다 (1. to clean something by rubbing it hard) (2. low trees and bushes that grow in dirt that is not especially good or where it is windy and dry)

steak (steyk)

스테이크 (1. a thick, flat slice of meat or fish that is cooked quickly)

stew (stoo, styoo) (1 - It tastes good if you boil it, fry it in oil, and then stew it with chilies.) (2 - You're not still stewing over the election results, are you?) (3 - She has been in a stew over plans for her wedding.)

스튜, 찌개, 끓이다 (1. to cook food slowly in liquid or to cook slowly in liquid) (2. to be anxious or upset about something) (3. the state of being anxious and upset about something) (4. a dish consisting usually of meat or fish and vegetables cooked slowly in a small amount of liquid)

spike (spahyk) (1 - railroad spikes) (3 - The upward spike in prices was attributed to bad weather in farm areas.) (4 - In Hungary you would find yourself eating a local dish of goulash copiously spiked with paprika.fig. Their writing is spiked with a dry, cutting wit.)

스파이크, 대못, 이삭 (1. a long metal nail used to hold something in place, or a shape that is long and narrow and comes to a point at one end) (2. Spikes are also pointed pieces of metal fixed on the bottom of special shoes, used in some sports to catch in the ground and prevent falling or sliding, or the shoes themselves.) (3. A _____ is also a sudden increase, often shown on a graph /= type of drawing/ by a long, narrow shape that comes to a point at the top) (4. to add a strong or dangerous substance, usually to a drink or to food)

sponge (spuhnj) (1 - He wiped off the table with a soapy sponge.) (2 - He's been sponging off her for years.) (3 - Sponge the stain promptly with cold water. [ M ] She's always sponging off the kitchen counter.)

스펀지, 해면, 빌붙다 (1. a substance that is full of holes, soft when wet, and able to absorb a lot of liquid, used for washing and cleaning) (2. to get money, food, or other needs from other people rather than by taking care of yourself, or to live by getting help from other people) (3. to wash or clean, esp. by using a wet ______ or cloth)

sludge (sluhj) (1 - The dirty water left a layer of sludge in the bottom of the pail.)

슬러지, 침전물, 진흙 (1. wet dirt, or any other thick, wet substance)

ghetto (GET-oh)

슬럼가, 빈민가, 유대인 거리 (1. a very poor area of a city in which people of the same race or religion live, or a part of a society or group that is in some way set apart)

slogan (SLOH-gu̲h̲ n) (1 - That old campaign slogan really means that there should be jobs and enough food for all citizens.)

슬로건, 구호, 표어 (1. a short, easily remembered phrase used to describe the character of something, esp. a political idea or a product)

slick (slik) (1 - Maz was such a slick fielder, one of the best in baseball.) (2 - He was a slick politician with an answer for everything.) (3 - roads slick with ice) (4 - His hair was slicked back.)

슬릭, 매끈하게, 유막, 교활한, 미끄러운 (1. operating or performing skillfully and effectively and without seeming to try hard) (2. _____ can sometimes mean skillful and effective but lacking in sincerity) (3. having a smooth, shiny surface so that you tend to slide when walking or riding on it) (4. to cause hair to be smooth and shiny)

mug (muhg) (2 - He was mugged in broad daylight.) (2 - He helped the police nab the mugger who jumped him.)

습격하다, 과장된 표정을 짓다, 컵 (1. a large cup with a handle on the side, used esp. for hot drinks, and usually used without a saucer /= plate below it/) (2. to attack a person, using force or threats of force to steal the person's money or possessions)

marsh (mahrsh) (1 - The marshes along the coast are home to many shorebirds.) (1 - marshy ground)

습지, 늪 지대 (1. an area of low, wet land, usually covered with tall grasses)

humid (HYOO-mid or, often, YOO-) (1 - New York is very hot and humid in the summer.)

습한, 습기가 많은, 눅눅한, 습도가 높은 (1. /of air and weather/ containing extremely small drops of water in the air)

beset (bih-SET) (1 - Many problems have beset the team in recent months.)

시달리다, 부진, 포위하다 (1. hurt or troubled by something bad)

cereal (SEER-ee-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Do you want cereal or eggs?) (2 - Wheat, rice, and corn are cereals.)

시리얼, 곡물 (1. a food made from grain that is eaten esp. for breakfast) (2. a type of grass that is grown to produce grain)

punk (puhngk) (1 - punk music/rock) (2 - Some punk tried to steal my coat.)

시시한, 젊은 불량배, 애송이 (1. a style or culture popular among young people, esp. in the late 1970s, expressing opposition to authority through shocking behavior, clothes, and hair, and through fast, loud music) (2. a young person who fights and is involved in criminal activities)

eclipse (ih-KLIPS) (4 - The state of the economy has eclipsed all other issues during the election campaign.)

식, 가리다, 이클립스, 능가하다, 에클리제 (1. a period of time when the light from an object in the sky cannot be seen because another object has come between you and it) (2. In a solar eclipse, the moon travels in between the earth and the sun.) (3. In a lunar eclipse, the earth travels in between the moon and the sun.) (4. to become much more important and noticeable than something)

flora (FLAWR-u̲h̲, FLOHR-u̲h̲)

식물상, 식물구계, 식물지 (1. all the plants of a particular area or period of time)

poignant (POIN-yu̲h̲ nt, POI-nu̲h̲ nt) (1 - The monument is a poignant reminder of those who died in the war.)

신랄한, 통렬한, 날카로운 (1. causing a feeling of sadness)

mystic (MIS-tik) (1 - His ideas might sound familiar to New Age mystics today.)

신비주의의, 신비론자, 비전의 (1. a person who tries to communicate directly with God or other forces controlling the universe)

profane (pru̲h̲-FEYN, proh-) (1 - profane language His letter is too profane to print, but it is very funny, too.)

신성을 더럽히는, 세속적인, 불경스런 (1. /esp. of words/ offensive because of not respecting religion, or offensive because of being rude)

moan (mohn) (1 - We could hear someone moaning within the rubble of the collapsed building.) (1 - We could hear moans and screams, but we couldn't tell where they were coming from.)

신음, 불평, 한탄하다, 끙끙거리다 (1. to make a long, low sound because of pain or suffering, or to say something in a complaining way)

groan (grohn) (1 - Nick let out a groan.)

신음하다, 괴로워하다, 불평하다 (1. a low, sad sound that is continued for a while and that is made by someone who is suffering from pain or unhappiness)

dogma (DAWG-mu̲h̲, DOG-) (1 - liberal/conservative dogma)

신조, 교리, 교의 (1. a fixed belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to accept without any doubts)

corporeal (kawr-PAWR-ee-u̲h̲ l, -POHR-)

신체상의, 육체적인, 물질적인 (1. physical and not spiritual) (2. relating to the body)

corporal (KAWR-per-u̲h̲ l, -pru̲h̲ l)

신체의, 성체포, 하사 (1. a person in the military of low rank, below a sergeant)

oracle (AWR-u̲h̲-ku̲h̲ l, OR-) (2 - Professor Ross is regarded as the oracle on eating disorders.)

신탁, 하나님의 말씀, 성경 (1. /especially in ancient Greece/ a female priest who gave people wise but often mysterious advice from a god, or the advice given) (2. someone who knows a lot about a subject and can give good advice)

seminary (SEM-u̲h̲-ner-ee)

신학교, 학교, 죄악의 온상 (1. a college where people are trained to become priests, ministers, or rabbis)

honeymoon (HUHN-ee-moon) (1 - We went to Hawaii on our honeymoon.) (2 - The first year of the presidency is regarded as a honeymoon.) (2 - They are honeymooning in Jamaica.) (2 - This resort is popular with honeymooners.)

신혼 여행, 밀월, 밀월 여행 (1. a vacation or trip taken by two people who have just been married) (2. A _________ is also an early period in a relationship when criticism is not given)

yarn (yahrn) (2 - a boys' adventure yarn)

실, 이야기를 하다 (1. thick thread used for making cloth or for making a piece of clothing esp. by knitting) (2. a story, usually a long one with a lot of excitement or interest)

averse (u̲h̲-VURS) (1 - Few politicians are averse to appearing on television.)

싫어하는, 싫어하여, 반대하는 (1. strongly disliking or opposed to)

odious (OH-dee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - an odious person/task)

싫은, 미운, 증오할 (1. extremely unpleasant; causing and deserving hate)

errand (ER-u̲h̲ nd) (1 - He would clean, do errands, and babysit for their 7-year-old daughter. I've got to run a few errands and then stop by my mother's.)

심부름, 볼일 (1. a short trip you make to do something, such as buying or delivering things in the neighborhood)

abyss (u̲h̲-BIS) (2 - The country is sinking/plunging into an abyss of violence and lawlessness. She found herself on the edge of an abyss.)

심연, 혼란, 나락, 혼돈, 지옥 (1. a very deep hole that seems to have no bottom) (2. a difficult situation that brings trouble or destruction)

crusade (kroo-SEYD) (1 - She's involved in the crusade for racial equality.) (2 - He crusaded tirelessly for civil rights.) (2 - a crusader for social justice)

십자군, 운동, 성전 (1. a long and determined attempt to achieve something you strongly believe in) (2. The Crusades were a series of wars in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries fought between Christians from Europe and Muslims in the region around the eastern Mediterranean Sea.)

bud (buhd) (2 - In early spring the trees begin to bud.)

싹, 봉오리, 버드, 시작되는, 미뢰 (1. the part of a plant that develops into a flower or leaf) (2. to produce buds)

rot (rot) (1 - The fallen apples rotted on the ground. [ T ] Dampness rotted the old wood.) (1 - Rot weakened the beams in the house.)

썩다, 낡다, 기운을 잃다 (1. to decay, or to cause something to decay or weaken)

ebb (eb) (1 - He could feel his strength ebbing /away/.)

썰물, 쇠퇴하다, 간조 (1. /of the sea or its tide/ to move away from the coast and fall to a lower level, or, more generally, /of something/ to become less or disappear) (2. the tide when it is moving away from the coast)

tsunami (tso̲o̲-NAH-mee)

쓰나미, 해일, 지진 해일 (1. a very large and dangerous ocean wave that is caused by an earthquake under the sea)

pat (pat) (1 - He patted me on the shoulder. Pat the vegetables dry with a paper towel.) (4 - You've got a pat response to every question that comes along.)

쓰다듬다, 두드리다, 토닥거리다 (1. to touch someone or something lightly and repeatedly with an open hand) (2. a small, flat piece of butter) (3. a light touch made with your open hand) (4. /esp. of an answer/ having been already prepared and therefore said without thinking much about the question)

junk (juhngk) (1 - I cleared all the junk out of the garage.) (2 - Why don't we junk this old TV and get a new one?)

쓰레기, 가치없는, 헤로인, 변칙의 (1. things that are considered to be useless, worthless, or of low quality) (2. to throw out something because it is does not work well or is worthless)

rubbish (RUHB-ish) (1 - All that was left of the property was a pile of rubbish nine feet high. I can't believe they broadcast such rubbish.)

쓰레기, 쓸데없는, 하찮은 (1. worthless and unwanted things or ideas; garbage)

crap (krap) (1 - She thinks that most of what's on television now is crap.)

쓰레기, 형편없다, 헛, 똥, 저런 (1. something that is bad or worthless; nonsense)

lavish (LAV-ish) (1 - The team has the most lavish training facility in the league.) (1 - They live in a lavishly furnished apartment overlooking Central Park.)

아낌없이 주다, 낭비하는, 사치스러운 (1. spending, giving, or using more than is necessary or reasonable; more than enough)

aspirin (AS-per-in, -prin)

아스피린, 그 정제, 진통제 (1. a drug taken to reduce pain, fever, and swelling)

adore (u̲h̲-DAWR, u̲h̲-DOHR) (1 - Both girls adored their father.) (1 - His adoration of his wife is obvious.)

아주 좋아하다, 존경하다, 흠모하다, 숭배하다 (1. to love and respect someone very much, or to like something very much)

haze (heyz) (1 - A brownish haze hung over the field.) (2 - Ten fraternity members had their heads shaved during hazing last week.)

아지랑이, 괴롭히다, 안개 (1. fog caused by water, smoke, or dust, or an effect of heat that prevents things being seen clearly) (2. to force people new to a group, esp. a sports team or college social group, to take part in activities that are silly, embarrassing, and sometimes harmful in order to be accepted as a member)

flatter (FLAT-er) (1 - They were flattered by the invitation from the mayor.) (1 - Saying I was the best ever was too obvious an attempt at flattery.)

아첨하다, 납작해지다, 자만하다, 돋보이게 하다 (1. to make someone feel important or attractive, or to praise someone in order to please him or her)

ache (eyk) (1 - She has a fever, muscle aches, and a cough.) (2 - earache/headache/toothache) (3 - They did pushups until their arms ached. [ I ] fig. Her heart ached /= She felt very sorry/ for the people who had lost their loved ones in the plane crash.)

아프다, 통증, ...하고 싶어 못 견디다 (1. a continuous pain that is unpleasant but not usually strong) (2. ____ is often used in combination) (3. to have a continuous pain that is unpleasant but not usually strong)

villain (VIL-u̲h̲ n) (1 - In her version of the story, Hoover emerges as the villain.)

악당, 악한, 악역 (1. a bad person who harms other people or breaks the law, or a cruel or evil character in a book, play, or film)

stench (stench) (1 - the stench of rotting fish)

악취, 기미, 낌새 (1. a strong, unpleasant smell)

patio (PAT-ee-oh, PAH-tee-oh)

안뜰, 베란다, 테라스 (1. an outside area with a solid floor next to a house, where people can sit)

reassure (ree-u̲h̲-sho̲o̲ r, -SHUR) (1 - Her smile didn't reassure me.) (1 - His reassuring manner convinced her she was safe.) (1 - I bent down and patted the dog reassuringly.)

안심시키다, 확신시키다 (1. to comfort someone and stop that person from worrying)

allergy (AL-er-jee) (1 - Your rash is caused by an allergy to peanuts.) (1 - I'm allergic to cats.)

알레르기, 혐오, 이상 과민증 (1. a condition that causes illness when someone eats certain foods or touches or breathes in certain substances)

overwhelm (oh-ver-HWELM, -WELM) (1 - The number of refugees overwhelmed the relief agencies in the area.) (2 - He was overwhelmed by feelings of remorse for what he had done.)

압도하다, 사로잡히다, 감동을 받다, 흥분하다, 주눅이 들다 (1. to be too much to deal with) (2. To _________ is also to cause someone to feel sudden strong emotion)

precede (pri-SEED) (1 - John Adams preceded Thomas Jefferson as president.) (1 - The table on the preceding page shows the test results.)

앞서다, 선행하다, 전에, 우선하다 (1. to be or go before someone or something in time or space)

patriot (PEY-tree-u̲h̲ t, -ot or, esp. British, PA-tree-u̲h̲ t) (2 - Candidates love to associate themselves with patriotic values.) (2 - This really calls into question his patriotism.)

애국자, 패트리어츠, 패트리어트 미사일 (1. a person who loves his or her country and defends it when necessary) (2. A _______ during the American Revolution was a person who believed in or fought for independence from Britain)

mourn (mawrn, mohrn) (1 - Frank is mourning the death of his father.) (1 - We heard the mournful cry of a wolf.) (1 - He gazed mournfully out the window.) (1 - The family is in mourning.)

애도하다, 슬퍼하다, 장례의, 추모하다, 조의를 표하다 (1. to feel or express deep sadness, esp. because of someone's death)

accessory (ak-SES-u̲h̲-ree) (1 - We sell plants, seeds, fertilizer, and gardening accessories, such as tools and gloves.)

액세서리, 장신구, 부대적인 (1. something extra that improves or completes the thing it is added to) (2. someone who helps another person to commit a crime but does not take part in it)

nocturnal (nok-TUR-nl) (1 - Most bats and owls are nocturnal.)

야간, 야행성의, 밤의 (1. of the night, or active during the night)

barbarian (bahr-BAIR-ee-u̲h̲ n) (1 - They thought I was some kind of barbarian because I didn't know how to use a computer.)

야만인 (1. a person who has no experience of the habits and culture of modern life, and whose behavior you therefore consider strange or offensive)

sordid (SAWR-did) (1 - a sordid story sordid details) (2 - The sordid condition of many of the city school buildings was shocking.)

야비한, 더러운, 답답한 (1. morally ugly, so that being involved makes you feel dirty) (2. dirty and in bad condition)

pill (pil) (1 - a sleeping pill)

약, 정제 (1. a small, solid substance that a person swallows whole, esp. as medicine)

pharmacy (FAHR-mu̲h̲-see)

약국, 약학, 조제술 (1. a store or a part of a store where medicines are prepared and sold)

plunder (PLUHN-der) (1 - After the battle the soldiers began looting and plundering. [ T ] fig. He plundered his ballet scores in writing his later operas.) (1 - We met after school and divided our plunder so each boy would have about the same amount.)

약탈하다, 약탈, 강탈 (1. to steal goods forcefully from a place, esp. during a war)

mutton (MUHT-n)

양고기 (1. the meat from an adult sheep)

cabbage (KAB-ij) (1 - Cabbages with a dark color are good for you. [ U ] We had corned beef and cabbage.)

양배추 (1. a large, round vegetable that is green or red and can be eaten cooked or raw)

facet (FAS-it) (1 - There's always one facet of my golf game that isn't working.)

양상, 작은 면, 일면 (1. one of the parts or features of something)

parchment (PAHRCH-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - I found a scrap of parchment dating from the 17th century.)

양피지, 양피지 사본, 졸업증서 (1. the dried, pale skin of some animals which was used in the past for writing on, or a paper made to look like this)

molar (MOH-ler)

어금니, 어금니의, 질량의 (1. containing one mole of a substance in each liter of a liquid) (2. any of the large teeth at the back of the mouth, used for crushing and chewing food)

bleak (bleek) (1 - It was a bleak, unpleasant day in December.) (2 - With no job, the future looked bleak.)

어두운, 암담한, 비관적인, 황량한 (1. /esp. of a place or the weather/ cold and not welcoming) (2. _____ also means without hope)

torpedo (tawr-PEE-doh) (1 - No one on the ship saw the torpedo coming, not even the men on watch.) (2 - The ship was torpedoed by a submarine. fig. In fact, both sides torpedoed the ceasefire /= destroyed its chances for success/.)

어뢰, ...을 어뢰로 공격하다, 공뢰 (1. a bomb designed to travel under water which explodes when it hits something) (2. to hit something with a torpedo)

mingle (MING-gu̲h̲ l) (1 - Her excitement at starting the new job was mingled with fear.) (2 - He seems to be mingling with the other guests.)

어울리다, 섞이다 (1. to mix with; combine) (2. to be with or among other people, esp. talking to them)

dizzy (DIZ-ee) (1 - She felt dizzy and needed to sit down. fig. In the computer industry, change comes at a dizzy pace /= very fast/.)

어지러운, 현기증이 나는, 현혹시키다 (1. having or causing a feeling of spinning around and being unable to balance)

lexicon (LEK-si-kon, -ku̲h̲ n)

어휘, 사전, 어휘 목록 (1. all the words used in a particular language or subject, or a dictionary)

rein (reyn)

억제하다, 고삐, 통제하다 (1. a long thin piece of material, esp. leather, used to control a horse)

stringent (STRIN-ju̲h̲ nt) (1 - Members of the organization have to be willing to abide by the stringent rules. The city has stringent fire-safety standards.)

엄격한, 엄중한, 강화, 까다로운, 엄한 (1. extremely limiting or difficult; severe)

austere (aw-STEER) (1 - Despite their wealth, they lead an austere life. She depicts the austere beauty of the desert.)

엄한, 엄격한, 검소한 (1. plain and without decoration, comforts, or anything extra) (2. An _______ person does not seem friendly.)

rigor (RIG-er) (1 - She studied ways to improve academic rigor in high schools.)

엄함, 어려움, 고됨 (1. high standards)

tangle (TANG-gu̲h̲ l) (1 - She pulled the tangle of wires out of the box. Her hair was in a tangle.) (2 - I tangled the cables and don't know which is which. [ I ] Her hair tangles easily.)

엉키다, 걸리다, 연루되다, 옥신각신하다 (1. a messy mass of things) (2. to become or cause something to become a messy mass of things)

prostrate (PROS-treyt) (1 - She lay there prostrate, exhausted after a long day's work.)

엎드리게 하다, 엎드리다, 엎드린 (1. lying flat with the face down)

ale (eyl)

에일, 맥주, 마을 축제 (1. a type of beer, esp. one that is darker and more bitter than other beers)

trough (trawf, trof or, sometimes, trawth, troth) (2 - Investors have to live through stock market troughs.)

여물통, 경기의 바닥, 홈통 (1. a narrow, open box to hold water or food for animals) (2. a low point between two high points, as on a graph or record of activity)

excursion (ik-SKUR-zhu̲h̲ n, -shu̲h̲ n) (1 - My class is going on an excursion to Niagara Falls.)

여행, 소풍, 견학 (1. a short trip usually made for pleasure, often by a group of people)

juncture (JUHNGK-cher) (1 - Negotiations are at a critical juncture.)

연결, 접합, 시점 (1. a particular point in time or stage in a series of events)

annuity (u̲h̲-NOO-i-tee, u̲h̲-NYOO-) (1 - A small annuity lets her travel.)

연금, 연금의 부금, 연부금 (1. an amount of money paid to someone every year, usually until that person's death, or the insurance agreement or investment that provides money that is paid this way)

defer (dih-FUR) (1 - You can order the furniture now and defer payment until September.)

연기하다, 결정을 맡기다, 경의를 표하다 (1. to delay something until a later time; to postpone)

chronicle (KRON-i-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - This book is the most eloquent chronicle of an empire's downfall that I have seen. infml The diary, although a personal story, is really a chronicle of an important period of history.) (2 - His one-man show chronicles the life of Mark Twain.)

연대기, ...을 연대기에 싣다, 이야기 (1. a record of events in the order in which they happened) (2. to make a record or tell the history of something)

chronology (kru̲h̲-NOL-u̲h̲-jee) (1 - He gave a detailed chronology of the events of the past three days.) (1 - Give me the dates in chronological order.) (1 - Please name the presidents chronologically.)

연대기, 연표, 연대학 (1. a list or explanation of events in the order in which they happened)

liaison (lee-ey-zawn, LEE-u̲h̲-zon, -zu̲h̲ n or, often, LEY-; lee-EY-zu̲h̲ n, -zon; French lye-zawn) (1 - There is an unfortunate lack of liaison between the departments.)

연락, 관계하다, 정사, 동맹, 연결 (1. communication between groups and the useful relationship that this creates, or a person who does the communicating between the groups) (2. A _______ is also a romantic relationship.)

federation (fed-u̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Canada is a federation of provinces and territories.)

연맹, 연합, 협회, 조합, 연방 (1. a group of organizations, states, etc., that have united to form a larger organization or government)

pathos (PEY-thos, -thohs, -thaws) (1 - The dying girl's speech generates genuine pathos.)

연민의 정을 자아내는 성질, 비애감, 애절감 (1. a quality in life or art that causes feelings of sadness or sympathy)

commonwealth (KOM-u̲h̲ n-welth)

연방 (1. a country or state that is governed by its people or their elected representatives) (2. A ____________ is an organized group of independent self-governing countries.) (3. A ____________ is also a US state.) (4. A ____________ is also a self-governing place associated with the US, such as Puerto Rico.)

streak (streek) (1 - Streaks of gray and black colored the marble. The comet appeared as a dazzling streak in the sky.) (2 - He seems to have a mean streak that I hadn't noticed before.) (3 - What will the team do after this memorable eight-game winning streak?) (4 - The space shuttle rose from its launching pad and streaked into the sky.) (5 - Her cheeks were streaked with sweat and dirt.)

연속, 계속, 스트리킹 (1. a mark of a color that is different from what surrounds it, or a thin strip of light) (2. an obvious characteristic in a personality) (3. a period during which a series of things happens) (4. to move quickly) (5. to make lines of a different color in or on something)

recital (ri-SAHYT-l) (1 - a piano recital)

연주회, 리사이틀, 독주회 (1. a performance of music or dance, usually given by one person or a small group of people)

frenzy (FREN-zee) (1 - Duncan's game-winning shot sent the crowd into a frenzy. [ C usually sing ] The Saturday night sale can best be described as a buying frenzy.) (1 - a frenzied crowd)

열광, 광란, 광란 발작 (1. excited, uncontrollable, and sometimes violent behavior or emotion)

mania (MEY-nee-u̲h̲, MEYN-yu̲h̲) (1 - He was surprised by his wife's sudden mania for exercise.)

열광, 조병, ...광 (1. a unusually strong and continuing interest in an activity or subject) (2. a mental illness that causes a person to be in a state of extreme physical and mental activity)

buzz (buhz) (1 - Something was buzzing around me as I tried to sleep.) (2 - All were expected to run, literally, into McLaughlin's office whenever he buzzed them.) (3 - The place was buzzing with excitement.) (4 - the buzz of conversation) (5 - I'll give you a buzz early next week.)

열광, 즐거운, 소문, 신호음, 전화하다 (1. to make a continuous, low sound such as the sound some insects make, or to move quickly while making this sound) (2. Someone who buzzes you calls you by using a device that makes a low, continuous sound) (3. to be filled with excitement, activity, or sounds) (4. a continuous, low sound) (5. /infml/ A ____ is also a telephone call)

freak (freek) (1 - She died in a freak automobile accident. A freak midsummer hailstorm caught us all by surprise.) (2 - My eight-year-old grandson is a real sports freak. This guy is a control freak /= wants to control everything/.) (3 - In my school, everyone thought you were some kind of freak if you didn't like sports.)

열광자, 별난, 이상한 현상 (1. extremely unusual or unlikely) (2. a person who is enthusiastic about the stated thing) (3. someone or something that is strange or unusual and not like others of its type)

aspire (u̲h̲-spahyu̲h̲ r)

열망하다, 갈망하다, 바라다

fervor (FUR-ver) (1 - The country was swept by patriotic fervor.)

열정, 열렬, 백열 (1. strong, sincere feelings)

consul (KON-su̲h̲ l)

영사, 집정, 집정관 (1. a government official who lives in a foreign city in order to take care of the people from the official's own country who are traveling or living there and to protect the trade interests of that government)

manor (MAN-er)

영지, 영주의 저택, 본채 (1. a large old house in the country with land belonging to it, especially in Europe) (2. the area in which a person works or which they are responsible for)

ripple (RIP-u̲h̲ l) (1 - The stone hit the water and caused a ring of ripples to spread out.) (2 - A ripple of laughter ran through the crowd. The story created ripples of alarm here in Washington.) (3 - A shy smile rippled nervously over his features.)

영향, 잔물결, 일다 (1. a small wave or a slight movement of a surface, esp. the surface of water) (2. A ______ is also a sound or feeling that is slight but is noticed) (3. Something that ripples moves in a way that is not obvious but is noticeable)

foresee (fawr-SEE, fohr-) (1 - He foresaw the need for cars that would be less polluting.)

예견하다, 내다보다 (1. to realize or understand something in advance or before it happens)

servitude (SUR-vi-tood, -tyood)

예속, 노예 상태, 징역 (1. the state of being under the control of someone else and of having no freedom; the condition of a slave)

etiquette (ET-i-kit, -ket)

예절, 에티켓 (1. the set of rules or customs that control accepted behavior in particular social groups or social situations)

orgasm (AWR-gaz-u̲h̲ m)

오르가슴, 극도의 흥분, 성적 흥분의 절정 (1. the moment of greatest pleasure in sexual activity)

haughty (HAW-tee) (1 - They show a haughty contempt of others.)

오만한, 거만한, 건방진 (1. unreasonably proud and unfriendly)

insolent (IN-su̲h̲-lu̲h̲ nt) (1 - Students were often inattentive, sometimes even insolent, and showed relatively little interest in their work.)

오만한, 건방진, 무례한 (1. /of a person or a person's behavior/ intentionally and rudely showing no respect)

concave (adjective, verb kon-KEYV, KON-keyv; noun KON-keyv) (1 - a concave lens)

오목한, 오목면, ...을 오목하게 하다 (1. curved inward)

filth (filth) (1 - The floor was covered in filth.) (2 - People complain about the filth on TV and in the press.)

오물, 쓰레기, 불결 (1. thick, unpleasant dirt) (2. sexually offensive words or pictures)

meek (meek) (1 - He's slight, meek, and balding, and hardly heroic.) (1 - Jennifer meekly suggested that maybe it won't happen.)

온순한, 유순한, 미약한 (1. quiet and unwilling to disagree or fight or to strongly support personal ideas and opinions)

owl (oul)

올빼미, 부엉이, 야행성의 (1. a bird with a flat face, large round eyes, a hook-shaped beak, and strong, curved nails, that hunts small mammals at night)

exponent (ik-SPOH-nu̲h̲ nt, EK-spoh-nu̲h̲ nt) (1 - He was the leading exponent of the behavioral approach to psychology.)

옹호자, 대표자 (1. someone who supports an idea, plan, or position) (2. a number or sign that shows how many times another number is to be multiplied by itself)

obstinate (OB-stu̲h̲-nit) (1 - an obstinate two-year-old) (2 - the obstinacy of the human spiritobstinately adverb us ​) (2 - The engine obstinately refused to start.)

완고한, 고집센, 고치기 힘든 (1. unwilling to change your opinion or action despite argument or persuasion; stubborn) (2. An _________ thing or problem is difficult to deal with, remove, or defeat.)

pea (pee)

완두콩, 쌍둥이, 콩알만한 (1. an edible, round, green seed, that grows with others in a pod /= outer covering/, from which they are removed to be cooked as a vegetable)

consummate (verb KON-su̲h̲-meyt; adjective ku̲h̲ n-SUHM-it, KON-su̲h̲-mit) (1 - consummate skill) (2 - The deal was consummated with a handshake.)

완전한, 뛰어난, 완성하다 (1. perfect; complete in every way) (2. to complete) (3. To __________ a marriage is to make it complete by having sex.)

mitigate (MIT-i-geyt) (1 - Getting a lot of sleep and drinking plenty of fluids can mitigate the effects of the flu.)

완화하다, 줄이다, 저감, 경감, 덜어주다 (1. to make something less severe or less unpleasant)

distort (dih-STAWRT) (1 - Agony distorted his face. There are those who would distort the facts to serve their own political ends.) (1 - The article presents a distorted view of life in small-town America.) (1 - Dole charged his opponent with making deliberate distortions of his record.)

왜곡하다, 뒤틀다, ...을 일그러뜨리다, 비틀다, 곡해하다 (1. to change something from its natural or usual shape or condition)

obscene (u̲h̲ b-SEEN)

외설한, 성적 흥분을 일으키는, 지겨운 (1. offensive, rude, or disgusting according to accepted moral standards)

chant (chant, chahnt) (1 - We sat for hours listening to the chanting.) (1 - She led the delegates in the chant, "No more taxes.)

외치다, 노래를 부르다, 구호, 기도하다, 외다 (1. to sing a prayer or song to a simple tune, or to repeat or sing a word or phrase continuously)

intercept (verb in-ter-SEPT; noun IN-ter-sept) (1 - to intercept a letter The ball was intercepted by Grady.)

요격하다, 방해, 가로채다 (1. to stop or catch something or someone that is on the way from one place to another so that it does not reach the intended place)

cuisine (kwi-ZEEN) (1 - Southern/Japanese/Mexican cuisine)

요리, 음식, 식, 조리법 (1. a style of cooking)

chef (shef)

요리사, 주방장 (1. a skilled and trained cook who works in a restaurant, esp. the most important cook)

stronghold (STRAWNG-hohld, STRONG-) (1 - Bears could return to the area that was once their last stronghold in Texas. That county has always been a Democratic stronghold.)

요새, 본거지, 성채 (1. a place that is well defended or is a center for particular beliefs or activities)

valiant (VAL-yu̲h̲ nt) (1 - The team made a valiant effort to take the lead in the third quarter, but they were too far behind.)

용감한, 씩씩한, 단호한 (1. brave or determined, esp. when conditions are difficult or dangerous)

prowess (PROU-is) (1 - athletic prowess)

용기, 역량, 용감한 행위 (1. great ability or skill)

lava (LAH-vu̲h̲, LAV-u̲h̲)

용암 (1. hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano, or the solid rock formed when liquid rock cools)

stumble (STUHM-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - She stumbled over a toy. He stumbled around in the dark.) (2 - He stumbled through several early career choices. Several times the reader stumbled over lines in the poem.)

우연히, 발견하다, 비틀거리다, 걸림돌, 부진하다 (1. to hit your foot against something while walking and almost fall, or to walk awkwardly as if you might fall) (2. to make a mistake, or to pause unexpectedly when speaking)

vie (vahy) (1 - Several companies are vying for the contract to build the new hospital.)

우열을 다투다, 겨루다, 경쟁하다우열이 없다 (1. to compete)

cosmos (KOZ-mu̲h̲ s, -mohs)

우주, 코스모스, 질서 (1. the universe considered as a system with an order and pattern)

shuttle (SHUHT-l) (1 - You can take the shuttle across town. The New York to Boston shuttle is usually on time.) (2 - A van shuttles between the hotel and the airport every ten minutes.)

우주선, 왕복하다, 우주 왕복선, 셔틀 (1. a vehicle or aircraft that travels regularly between two places, carrying people or things) (2. A _______ is also a space shuttle.)

resonant (REZ-u̲h̲-nu̲h̲ nt) (1 - a resonant voice)

울려 퍼지는, 울리는, 공명음 (1. /of sound/ clear and continuing)

howl (houl) (1 - Toby stepped on a nail, and he howled in pain. The wind howled. [ + that clause ] fig. The senators kept howling /= loudly complaining/ that there was not enough money in the budget to pay for the president's plan.) (2 - the howl of the wind fig. The loudest howl /= strongly expressed complaint/ seemed to come from farmers in the Midwest.)

울부짖다, 웃음·조소를 짓게 하는 것, 하울링 (1. to make a long, high, crying sound, like that of a dog) (2. a long, high, crying sound)

wail (weyl) (1 - The four babies were wailing in unison. [ I ] Air-raid sirens wailed. [ + that clause ] fig. Investors wailed /= complained/ that interest rates were skyrocketing.) (1 - The wail of the siren woke me up.)

울부짖음, 통곡, 구슬픈 소리를 내다 (1. to make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness, or to make a sound like this)

tick (tik) (1 - That clock ticks too loudly.) (1 - the ticking of a clock) (3 - I could hear the ticks of the passing seconds.)

움직이다, 외상, 자녀가 있고 둘 다 출근하는 부부 (1. to make a quiet, short, regularly repeated sound like that made by a clock) (2. any of several types of very small animals that suck the blood of other animals) (3. a quiet, short, regularly repeated sound)

inert (in-URT, ih-NURT) (1 - The inert figure of a man lay in the front of the car.) (2 - an inert gas)

움직일 수 없는, 자력으로 행동할 수 없는, 불활성의 (1. not moving or not able to move) (2. not reacting chemically with other substances)

orator (AWR-u̲h̲-ter, OR-) (1 - a skilled orator)

웅변가, 연설자, 변사 (1. someone who is good at public speaking)

conical (KON-ik)

원뿔형의 (1. shaped like a cone)

ledger (LEJ-er)

원장, 대장, 원부 (1. a book in which items are regularly recorded, esp. business activities and money received or paid)

sanitary (SAN-i-ter-ee) (1 - He worked to improve sanitary conditions in New Orleans.)

위생적인, 청결한 (1. relating to being clean and healthy, esp. to the protection of health by the removal of dirt and waste, including human waste)

hypocrisy (hi-POK-ru̲h̲-see) (1 - Critics are accusing him of hypocrisy and deceit.) (1 - The biggest hypocrites in sports are owners who yell about players' salaries.) (1 - It's hypocritical for him to criticize her for doing the same things that he does.)

위선, 가장, 양의 탈을 쓰기 (1. pretending to be what you are not, or pretending to believe something that you do not)

solace (SOL-is) (1 - She found solace in her memories of her grandmother.)

위안, 솔러스 (1. help and comfort when you are feeling sad or worried)

feat (feet) (1 - a feat of unusual strength Getting the house painted was quite a feat.)

위업, 공적, 묘기 (1. an act that shows skill, strength, or bravery)

forge (fawrj, fohrj) (1 - He was accused of forging his father's signature on the check.) (2 - Baker had worked for months to forge a peace plan that both sides could accept.) (3 - She forged ahead with her plans to stage a protest in Washington.) (4 - a blacksmith's forge)

위조하다, 만들다, 대장간 (1. to make an illegal copy of something in order to deceive) (2. to make or produce, esp. with difficulty) (3. to move forward in a determined way although progress is difficult) (4. a working area with a fire for heating metal until it is soft enough to be beaten into different shapes)

atrophy (a-tru̲h̲-fee) (1 - After several months in a hospital bed, my leg muscles had atrophied. In the 1980s, their political power gradually atrophied /= became weaker/.)

위축, 쇠약, 위축시키다 (1. /of a part of the body/ to be reduced in size and therefore strength, or, more generally, to become weaker)

wink (wingk) (1 - He winked when he said it.)

윙크, 한숨도 못자다, 눈짓 (1. to close one eye briefly as a way of greeting someone or of showing that you are not serious about something you have said)

fluid (FLOO-id) (1 - The doctor drained some fluid from her lungs.) (2 - Dr. Tay says I need rest and lots of fluids.) (3 - a dancer's fluid movements The situation remains fluid - we offered her the job, but she hasn't responded yet.)

유동성의, 액체, 수분, 순조로운 (1. a substance that flows and is not solid) (2. medical Fluids are liquids that you drink) (3. having a flowing or changing quality)

phantom (FAN-tu̲h̲ m)

유령, 허깨비, 환영의 (1. something that appears or seems to exist but is not real or is imagined) (2. A _______ is also a ghost.)

apparition (ap-u̲h̲-RISH-u̲h̲ n)

유령, 환영, 도깨비 (1. something you believe, imagine, or dream you see, esp. the form of a person; ghost)

relic (REL-ik) (1 - The ship was a relic of the Spanish-American War.)

유물, 유적, 유골 (1. an object from the past, esp. one that has no modern use but is often valued for its meaning or importance in history) (2. A _____ is also a part of the body or clothing of a saint /= holy person/, or something that belonged to a saint.)

semblance (SEM-blu̲h̲ ns) (1 - She's raising two kids, holding down a full-time job, and trying to maintain some semblance of a personal life.)

유사, 외관, 유사함 (1. a similarity to something, or the appearance of being or having something)

rumor (ROO-mer) (1 - Rumors about her are circulating at school.) (1 - The rumored plan to sell the company never actually took place.)

유언비어, 소문, 루머, ...설, 유포하다 (1. an unofficial, interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented, and that is communicated quickly from person to person)

ape (eyp) (1 - Chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans are all apes.) (2 - Because of snob appeal, high-priced American clothing stores ape British usage and call suspenders "braces.)

유인원, 영장류 (1. a mammal that has long arms and no tail or a short tail and that is related to monkeys) (2. to copy something or someone)

fluent (FLOO-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - She was fluent in French by the time she was five. He speaks fluent Chinese.) (1 - This job requires fluency in two or more African languages.) (1 - I'd like to speak English fluently.)

유창한, 능통한, 구사하는 (1. /of a person/ able to speak a language easily and well, or /of a language/ spoken easily and without many pauses)

spill (spil) (1 - I just spilled gravy on my shirt. [ T ] He tried to fill the sugar bowl and managed to spill sugar all over the floor. [ I ] Some milk spilled on the floor.) (2 - The tanker started to leak oil and officials worried about a major oil spill.) (3 - Jockey Luis Ortega suffered a broken ankle in a spill at Hollywood Park yesterday.)

유출, 쏟다, 엎질러지다, 흘리다, 누설하다 (1. to cause a liquid to flow or fall over the edge of a container or beyond the limits of something, or of a liquid to flow or fall in this way) (2. an amount of something that has flowed or fallen out of a container) (3. A _____ is also a fall)

effusion (ih-FYOO-zhu̲h̲ n)

유출, 유출물, 분출 (1. a flow of a gas through a small hole in a container)

kindergarten (KIN-der-gahr-tn, -dn) (1 - Callie will start kindergarten in September.)

유치원 (1. a class for young children, usually children four and five years old, which is often the first year of formal education)

jolly (JOL-ee) (1 - That clown looks pretty jolly.)

유쾌한, 즐거운, 매우, 비위를 맞추다 (1. happy and pleasant)

vogue (vohg) (1 - Bowling has come back in vogue.)

유행 (1. the state of being popular or fashionable for a period of time)

lure (lo̲o̲ r) (1 - The lure of the city for creative people has existed for centuries.) (3 - The university hopes to lure a new coach with an attractive salary package.)

유혹하다, 유치하다, 끌어들이다 (1. anything that attracts people or animals, or the qualities that make something attractive) (2. A ____ is an object used to attract fish or wild animals in order to catch them.) (3. to attract a person or animal)

marshal (MAHR-shu̲h̲ l) (1 - The president is trying to marshal support for his plan.) (2 - The mayor was the honorary grand marshal of the St. Patrick's Day parade.) (3 - He was conducted to the airport by federal marshals and deported.)

육군 원수, 연방보안관, 집결시키다, 마샬 (1. to gather or organize people or things, esp. in order to achieve a particular aim) (2. an official who arranges and controls a public ceremony) (3. a government official who is responsible for putting the decisions of a law court into effect) (4. In some parts of the US, _______ is also a title used for police or fire department officers of high rank.)

nurture (NUR-cher) (1 - As a record company director, his job is to nurture young talent.)

육성하다, 양육하다, 키우다, 교육하다, 양성하다 (1. to feed and care for a child, or to help someone or something develop by encouraging that person or thing)

carnal (KAHR-nl)

육체의, 육욕적인, 속세의 (1. relating to the physical feelings and desires of the body)

sleek (sleek) (1 - The two horses paused, their sleek sides heaving gently as they waited.)

윤기 나는, ...을 매끈매끈하게 하다, 매끈한 (1. /esp. of hair or shapes/ smooth, usually curved and shiny, and therefore looking healthy and attractive)

shrug (shruhg) (1 - My brother just shrugged in reply, too lazy to answer in words.) (1 - Bill's only explanation was a careless shrug of his shoulders.)

으쓱하다 (1. to raise your shoulders to express that you do not know, do not care, or are not sure about something)

hermit (HUR-mit)

은둔자, 세속을 버린 사람, 독거성 동물 (1. a person who lives alone and apart from society)

benefactor (BEN-u̲h̲-fak-ter, ben-u̲h̲-FAK-)

은인, 후원자, 은혜를 베푸는 사람 (1. someone who gives money to help an organization, society, or person)

galaxy (GAL-u̲h̲ k-see) (2 - a galaxy of Hollywood stars)

은하, 화려한 집단 (1. one of the large, independent groups of stars in the universe) (2. A ______ is sometimes used to describe a gathering of famous people)

beverage (BEV-er-ij, BEV-rij) (1 - cool, refreshing beverages What's your favorite beverage?)

음료, 마실 것 (1. a drink of any type)

intrigue (verb in-TREEG; noun in-TREEG, IN-treeg) (1 - I was intrigued by his slow, deliberate way of talking and the serious look in his eyes.) (1 - She has written an intriguing account of growing up on a farm as one of ten children.) (2 - In that tale of political intrigue, he combined great dialogue with an interesting plot and a surprise ending.)

음모를 꾸미다, 끌다, 호기심을 돋우다 (1. to interest someone, often because of an unusual or unexpected quality) (2. the making of a secret plan to do something, esp. something that will harm someone)

phonetic (fu̲h̲-NET-ik, foh-)

음성의, 발음에 의거한, 음성을 나타내는 (1. relating to the sounds made in speaking)

retribution (re-tru̲h̲-BYOO-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - He was seeking retribution for the crime committed against him.)

응보, 보복, 징벌 (1. deserved punishment)

apparel (u̲h̲-PAR-u̲h̲ l) (1 - children's/women's apparel riding/sports apparel)

의류, 의복, 어패럴 , 의상, 옷 (1. clothes, esp. of a special type)

vest (vest) (1 - My grandfather always wore his vest buttoned up. The state requires that there be a life vest for each person in the boat.) (3 - Political power is now vested in an elected parliament.)

의복을 입다, 조끼, 셔츠 (1. a piece of clothing like a coat without sleeves that reaches to the waist) (2. Br A ____ is an undershirt.) (3. to give someone or something the power to do something)

volition (voh-LISH-u̲h̲ n, vu̲h̲-) (1 - It was announced that he resigned of his own volition /= because he chose to/, but I believe he was forced out.)

의욕, 결단력, 의지 (1. the power to make your own decisions)

barber (BAHR-ber)

이발사, 바버 (1. a person whose job is cutting hair, esp. of men and boys)

drown (droun) (1 - He drowned in a boating accident.) (2 - drowning in debt/sorrow)

익사하다, 물에 빠지다, 몰아내다 (1. to die by being under water and unable to breathe, or to kill someone by causing this to happen) (2. to have or experience too much of something)

ludicrous (LOO-di-kru̲h̲ s) (1 - Some stories that initially seemed ludicrous turned out to be true.)

익살맞은, 바보 같은, 웃음을 자아내게 하는 (1. ridiculous or foolish; unreasonable or unsuitable)

artifact (AHR-tu̲h̲-fakt) (1 - The museum has artifacts dating back to prehistoric times.)

인공물, 인공 유물, 가공품 (1. an object, such as a tool, that was made in the past)

contiguous (ku̲h̲ n-TIG-yoo-u̲h̲ s) (1 - The two states are contiguous with/to each other, but the laws are quite different.)

인접하는, 인접하고 있는, 접근하는 (1. next to or touching another, usually similar, thing)

hostage (HOS-tij) (1 - Inmates at the jail held 12 hostages and demanded to meet the governor.)

인질, 볼모 (1. someone who is made a prisoner in order to force other people to do something)

influenza (in-floo-EN-zu̲h̲)

인플루엔자, 독감 (1. flu)

puppet (PUHP-it) (2 - The mayor is a puppet who does what business leaders tell him to.)

인형, 꼭두각시, 괴뢰 (1. a type of toy that looks like a person or animal and is moved by a person using strings or putting a hand inside it) (2. disapproving A ______ is also a person or group whose actions are controlled by someone else)

anecdote (AN-ik-doht) (1 - He told some funny anecdotes about famous people.)

일화 (1. a short, often amusing story about an event, usually involving a particular person)

gestation (je-STEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The gestation period of rats is 21 days.)

임신, 잉태 기간, 잠복기 (1. /the period of/ the development of a child or young animal inside its mother's uterus)

lessee (le-SEE)

임차인, 차지인, 차가인 (1. a person who has the right to use something such as land, a building, or a piece of equipment, according to a lease /= legal agreement/)

enlist (en-LIST) (1 - He enlisted in the air force.) (3 - The program enlists businesses in hiring inner city kids.)

입대하다, 협력하다, 참가하다 (1. to join /an organization, esp. the armed forces/) (2. An enlisted man/woman is a person in the armed forces who is not an officer.) (3. to ask someone for help or support, or to ask for and obtain help and support)

granular (GRAN-yu̲h̲-ler) (1 - a granular texture) (2 - The analysis needs to be more granular.)

입상, 과립상의, 입자상, 사질 (1. made of, or seeming like, granules) (2. including small details)

inmate (IN-meyt) (1 - The inmates were living in terrible conditions.)

입소자, 피수용자, 입원 환자 (1. a person who is forced by law to stay in a prison or hospital)

complacency (ku̲h̲ m-PLEY-su̲h̲ n-see) (1 - We're finally making a profit, but there is no reason for complacency.) (1 - a complacent attitude)

자기 만족, 만족, 평온한 만족감 (1. a feeling of calm satisfaction with your own abilities or situation that prevents you from trying harder)

porcelain (PAWR-su̲h̲-lin, POHR-; PAWRS-lin, POHRS-) (1 - a porcelain figurine)

자기, 자기 제품, 포셀린 (1. a hard but delicate, shiny, white substance made by heating a special type of clay to a high temperature, used esp. to make cups, plates, and small, decorative objects)

automotive (aw-tu̲h̲-MOH-tiv, AW-tu̲h̲-moh-tiv) (1 - automotive equipment/fuels/supplies)

자동차의, 자동 의, 자동차 설계의 (1. relating to road vehicles)

chop (chop) (1 - Cal went out to chop some wood for the fireplace.) (2 - Chop the ends off the carrots.) (3 - She chopped up some celery for the salad.) (4 - a lamb/pork/veal chop)

자르다, 베다, 갈비, 패다, 줄어들다 (1. to cut something into pieces with a sharp tool, such as an ax) (2. To ____ something off is to separate it from what it was part of by cutting) (3. If you ____ up something, you cut it into small pieces) (4. a small piece of meat with a bone still in it)

conceit (ku̲h̲ n-SEET) (1 - He's a great musician, and not conceited at all.)

자만, 자부심 (1. the habit or attitude of thinking yourself better than others, even when there is no reason to think so)

progeny (PROJ-u̲h̲-nee) (1 - Housewives chased their progeny out-of-doors.)

자손, 결과, 후계자 (1. the young of a person, animal, or plant; offspring)

meridian (mu̲h̲-RID-ee-u̲h̲ n)

자오선, 경선, 자오선의 (1. an imaginary line that passes from the North Pole to the South Pole through any place on the surface of the earth, used to show the position of places on a map)

consonant (KON-su̲h̲-nu̲h̲ nt) (2 - Except for the vowels in English - a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y - all the letters are consonants.)

자음 (1. a speech sound produced by human beings when the breath that flows out through the mouth is blocked by the teeth, tongue, or lips) (2. A _________ is also a letter that represents a sound produced in this way)

shrimp (shrimp) (2 - It's hard to believe this sculpted athlete was once a shrimp. Note: This word can be offensive unless you are using it humorously with someone you know well.)

작은 새우, 작은 새우를 잡다, 작은 새우로 만든 (1. a small sea creature with a shell, ten legs, and a long tail, or its flesh eaten as food) (2. a short or small person)

pouch (pouch) (1 - The raincoat is folded inside a small waterproof pouch.)

작은 주머니, 우편낭, ...을 주머니에 넣다 (1. a bag or soft container) (2. A _____ is also a pocket of skin on the lower part of the body of some female animals, such as kangaroos, in which they carry their young.)

cascade (kas-KEYD) (1 - fig. A cascade of golden hair fell down her back /= Her hair seemed to flow down her back/.) (2 - The blast shattered windows, sending pieces of glass cascading to the pavement.)

작은 폭포, 직렬, 폭포가 되어 떨어지다 (1. a short, steep waterfall /= place where a river falls to a lower level/, often one of a series) (2. to fall quickly and in large amounts; to flow)

dormant (DAWR-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - a dormant volcano Most roses being sold now are dormant, and without any soil around their roots.)

잠자는, 휴면 중인, 웅크리고 휴면 상태인 (1. /of things/ not active or growing, but having the ability to be active at a later time)

tug (tuhg) (1 - We tugged the sled up the hill. [ I ] He had to tug hard.) (1 - She felt a tug at her sleeve.)

잡아당기다, 끌다 (1. to pull something quickly with force or effort)

glove (gluhv) (1 - leather/rubber gloves a pair of gloves)

장갑, 글러브 (1. a covering for the hand and wrist, with separate parts for the thumb and each finger, that provides warmth or protection)

prolong (pru̲h̲-LAWNG, -LONG) (1 - They're trying to prolong their lives.) (1 - Grasslands were damaged by the prolonged drought.)

장기화하다, 연장하다, 길어지다, 지속되다, 오랫동안 (1. to make something last a longer time)

naughty (NAW-tee) (1 - a naughty girl a naughty word)

장난꾸러기인, 버릇없는, 말을 듣지 않는, 행실이 나쁜 (1. /esp. of children/ behaving badly and not being obedient, or /esp. of behavior or language/ not socially acceptable)

amuse (u̲h̲-MYOOZ) (1 - It's a relief when your child can amuse herself for a whole hour.) (2 - His subtle humor amused me. Her ability to hack into computer systems did not amuse her superiors.) (2 - One amusing story after another kept the audience laughing.)

재미있게 하다, 즐겁게 하다, 놀라게 하다, 관심을 두다 (1. to keep the attention of someone by entertaining that person) (2. to make someone smile or laugh)

bustle (BUHS-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Thomas bustled around the apartment, getting everything ready.) (2 - the bustle of the downtown business district)

재촉하다, 분주히 돌아다니다, 웅성거림 (1. to do things in a hurried and busy way) (2. busy activity)

tact (takt) (1 - The editors of this book have shown tact and good sense in their selections.) (1 - You were very tactful about the awful meal my mother fixed.) (1 - I tried to say as tactfully as I could that she was totally wrong.)

재치, 재주 (1. the ability to say or do things in such a way that you do not make anyone unhappy or angry)

plow (plou) (2 - His truck left the road and plowed through some small trees. [ T ] He picked the book up again and plowed his way through two more chapters.) (3 - If we're hit by higher taxes, we'll have a little less to plow back into the business.) (4 - It rained so much I thought I'd have to plow the crops under. [ I ] I won't be able to drive to the store until they plow.)

쟁기, 갈다 (1. a large farming tool with blades that dig into the earth, or a large, curved blade fixed to the front of a vehicle that moves snow or sand) (2. to force your way, or to advance slowly although it is difficult) (3. to invest money in a business to make it successful) (4. to dig into the earth with a large farming tool to make the earth ready for planting, or to move snow or sand away from an area with a large, curved blade fixed to the front of a vehicle)

plough (plou) (2 - These fields have been under the plough for centuries.) (3 - Farmers start ploughing in the spring. We're going to plough the top field next week. Large areas of grazing land have been ploughed up to grow wheat.)

쟁기, 갈다 (1. a large farming tool with blades that digs the soil in fields so that seeds can be planted) (2. If land is under the plough, crops are grown on it) (3. to dig land with a plough) (4. a group of seven bright stars that can only be seen in the northern part of the world)

storage (STAWR-ij, STOHR-) (1 - Fire broke out in a basement storage area. Much of the art they've acquired is still in storage /= being kept in a safe place and not yet in use/.)

저장, 보관, 창고, 비축 (1. the act of putting things in a special place for use in the future, or the place where you put things)

antagonist (an-TAG-u̲h̲-nist)

적대자, 악역 (1. a person who opposes or disagrees with another)

equator (ih-KWEY-ter)

적도 (1. an imaginary line around the earth or another planet at an equal distance from the North Pole and the South Pole)

enmity (EN-mi-tee)

적의, 증오, 원한 (1. strong dislike or hate)

booty (BOO-tee) (1 - His game-show booty amounted to $2.5 million.)

전리품, 약탈물, 엉덩이 (1. an amount of money or things of value) (2. the buttocks)

annihilation (u̲h̲-nahy-u̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - a city annihilated by an atomic bomb informal) (2 - He was annihilated in the finals of the competition.) (2 - During the Cold War the threat of nuclear annihilation was always on people's minds.informal The opposition party's candidate suffered annihilation /= complete defeat/ at the polls.) (3 - The approaching tornado was annihilating everything in its path.) (3 - The annihilation of smallpox is a triumph of medicine.)

전멸, 소멸, 섬멸 (1. to destroy something completely so that nothing is left) (2. to defeat completely) (3. to destroy completely, leaving nothing)

jargon (JAHR-gu̲h̲ n, -gon) (1 - technical jargon legal/computer jargon)

전문어, 은어, 허튼소리 (1. words and phrases used by particular groups of people, esp. in their work, that are not generally understood)

mobilize (MOH-bu̲h̲-lahyz) (1 - We're teaching people to mobilize and show their support for their libraries.) (1 - Both parties have engaged in massive mobilization efforts .)

전시 동원하다, 유통시키다, 동원되다 (1. to organize people to support something or to make a part of an organization ready for a special purpose)

voltage (VOHL-tij) (1 - high/low voltages)

전압, 볼트수, 강도 (1. the force of an electric current, measured in volts)

contagious (ku̲h̲ n-TEY-ju̲h̲ s) (1 - a highly contagious strain of flu) (2 - The mood was contagious, and soon everyone was laughing.)

전염성의, 접촉 전염성의, 전염성 있는 (1. /of a disease/ able to be caught by touching someone with the disease or something the person has touched or worn, or /of a person/ having this type of disease) (2. /fig./ __________ also means moving easily from one person to another)

prelude (PREL-yood, PREYL-, PREY-lood, PREE-) (1 - The dinner was only a prelude to a much larger meeting.)

전주곡, 서막, 서곡 (1. something that comes before a more important event or action and introduces or prepares for it) (2. a piece of music that introduces a longer piece of music, or a short piece of music written esp. for the piano)

infallible (in-FAL-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Memory is not infallible.) (1 - His stubborn belief in his own infallibility kept him from listening to others.)

절대 보증할 수 있는, 결코 틀리지 않는, 절대 옳은 (1. never wrong, or never failing)

lame (leym) (2 - Saying she'd lost her homework was a pretty lame excuse, if you ask me.)

절름발이의, 서투른, 불충분한 (1. not able to walk correctly because of physical injury or weakness of the legs or feet) (2. /esp. of an excuse or argument/ weak and not deserving to be believed)

precipice (PRES-u̲h̲-pis) (1 - We stood at the edge of the precipice and looked down at the sea.)

절벽, 벼랑, 위기 (1. a very steep side of a cliff or mountain)

mucous (MYOO-ku̲h̲ s) (1 - mucous membrane/secretion/tissue)

점액의, 점액 모양의, 점액을 함유한 (1. relating to mucus /= a slippery lubricant and protective substance/)

ignition (ig-NISH-u̲h̲ n)

점화 장치, 연소, 발화 (1. the act of starting to burn) (2. An engine's ________ is the electrical system that starts the engine.)

prefix (noun PREE-fiks; verb PREE-fiks for 3, 4, 6; pree-FIKS for 5) (1 - In the words "unknown" and "unusual," "un-" is a prefix meaning "not.)

접두사, 식별번호, 국번 (1. a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change the meaning or make a new word)

tidy (TAHY-dee) (1 - a tidy house) (2 - He made a tidy sum/profit.)

정리하다, 깨끗한, 상당한 (1. /of appearance or behavior/ neat) (2. /of amounts of money/ large)

facade (fu̲h̲-SAHD, fa-) (1 - The façade is made of limestone.) (2 - Behind her façade of gentleness was a tough competitor.)

정면, 외관, 앞면 (1. the front of a building) (2. A person's façade is the image that person presents to others)

invincible (in-VIN-su̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - an invincible army She seemed nearly invincible on the tennis court this year.)

정복할 수 없는, 무적의, 불굴의 (1. impossible to defeat or prevent from doing what is intended)

chaste (cheyst) (1 - The main character lives a chaste, modest life.)

정숙한, 순결한, 고상한 (1. without having any sexual activity or involvement outside of marriage)

psychosis (sahy-KOH-sis) (1 - psychotic delusions)

정신 이상, 정신병 (1. a severe mental illness)

butcher (bo̲o̲ ch-er)

정육점, 도살하다, 죽이다, 망치다 (1. a person whose job is to kill animals for meat or who prepares and sells meat in a store) (2. A _______ is also a murderer, esp. of a lot of people.) (3. to kill animals and prepare them to be sold as meat) (4. To _______ is also to kill people in a cruel way.)

vertex (VUR-teks)

정점, 정상, 꼭대기 (1. the point where two lines meet to form an angle, or the point that is opposite the base of a shape)

refine (ri-FAHYN) (1 - Sugar and oil are refined before use.) (2 - We haven't finished refining the plan yet.)

정제하다, 세련되다, 개선하다, 다듬다, 순화하다 (1. to make a substance pure by removing unwanted material) (2. To ______ something also means to improve it by making small changes)

nipple (NIP-u̲h̲ l)

젖꼭지, 고무 젖꼭지, 유두 (1. the dark part of the skin in the middle of a human breast, or the similar part of an animal, through which females can supply milk to their young) (2. A ______ is also the part of a bottle used for feeding babies through which liquid comes out.)

primal (PRAHY-mu̲h̲ l) (1 - The appeal of music is primal.)

제1의, 근원의, 원시의 (1. characteristic of the earliest time in the existence of a person or thing; basic)

naught (nawt) (1 - All our effort was for naught.)

제로, 영, 무 (1. nothing)

enact (en-AKT) (1 - For the second year, national lawmakers failed to enact environmental legislation.)

제정하다, 규정하다, 상연하다 (1. to make a law, or to make an idea into a law)

trillion (TRIL-yu̲h̲ n) (1 - Distances in space can be measured in trillions of miles.)

조(兆) (1. 1,000,000,000,000)

pony (POH-nee)

조랑말, 포니 (1. a small type of horse)

beware (bih-WAIR) (1 - In grassy areas, beware of ticks.)

조심하다, 경계하다, 주의하다 (1. to be very careful about something or someone)

pact (pakt) (1 - a peace pact)

조약, 협정, 약속 (1. a formal agreement between two people or groups of people)

maneuver (mu̲h̲-NOO-ver) (2 - A clever maneuver by the chairman secured a valuable contract for the company.) (3 - I maneuvered the grocery cart around piles of boxes to the checkout counter.) (4 - The management tried to maneuver her into resigning.)

조작, 작전, 연습, 운신, 정략 (1. a planned and controlled movement of military forces) (2. a planned action that is intended to obtain an advantage) (3. to handle and move something carefully or with difficulty) (4. to cause someone to act in a particular way)

masonry (MEY-su̲h̲ n-ree)

조적, 석조, 석벽, 석공일, 석축 (1. something, esp. the walls of a building, made of bricks or stone)

helm (helm)

조타 장치, 타각, 중세 초기의 투구 (1. the handle or wheel that controls the direction in which a ship or boat travels)

guild (gild) (1 - the Screen Actors Guild)

조합, 길드, 생장·영양 섭취 방식이 비슷한 식물군 (1. an organization of people who do the same job or have the same interests)

patriarch (PEY-tree-ahrk) (1 - a patriarchal society)

족장, 가장, 장로 (1. a powerful and usually older man in charge of a family, or the male leader of a society in which men hold power)

diploma (dih-PLOH-mu̲h̲) (1 - It's hard to find a good job if you don't have a high school diploma.)

졸업장, 학위, 증서, 자격증 (1. a document given by a school, college, or university to show that you have successfully completed a course of study)

sire (sahyu̲h̲ r) (3 - The large bay colt was sired by Pleasant Colony.)

종마, 부수, 보다 (1. the male parent of an animal with four feet) (2. used as a form of address to a king) (3. to be the male parent of an animal)

brood (brood) (1 - infml I moved in with Annie and her brood.) (2 - He brooded over the insult.)

종족, 품다, 골똘히 생각하다 (1. /infml/a group of young birds all born at the same time, or a person's children) (2. to think silently for a long time about things that make you sad, worried, or angry)

culprit (KUHL-prit) (1 - Two eyewitnesses identified her as the culprit.) (2 - The culprit was identified as a microorganism that contaminated mayonnaise.)

죄인, 미결수, 범죄자 (1. someone who has committed a crime or done something wrong) (2. A _______ is also anything that causes harm or trouble)

inflict (in-FLIKT) (1 - Why would anyone inflict harm on a helpless animal?)

주다, 가하다, 입히다 (1. to force someone or something to experience something unpleasant)

impart (im-PAHRT) (1 - If the movie has any lesson to impart, it's that parents shouldn't aim for perfection.)

주다, 알리다, 전하다 (1. to give a feeling or quality to something, or to make information known to someone)

mantra (MAN-tru̲h̲, MAHN-, MUHN-) (2 - "Moderate" is the new Republican mantra, he said.)

주문, 만트라, 기도 (1. a word or sound that is repeated as a prayer) (2. A ______ is also any word or expression used repeatedly)

syringe (su̲h̲-RINJ, SIR-inj) (1 - As a diabetic, she uses a syringe to inject herself with insulin.)

주사기, 세척하다, 주입기 (1. a tube for collecting blood or other liquids or for putting liquids into the body usually through a needle that can be put under the skin)

dice (dahys) (2 - Peel and dice the carrots.)

주사위꼴로 자르다, 주사위, 주사위 놀이를 하다 (1. two small cubes /= square, box-shaped solids/ that are the same, each with a different number of spots on each of its six sides, used in games) (2. to cut food into small squares)

rubric (ROO-brik) (1 - Read/Follow the rubric carefully.)

주서, 붉게 인쇄한 것, 전례 법규 (1. a set of instructions, especially on an exam paper, usually printed in a different style or colour)

staple (STEY-pu̲h̲ l) (1 - Put a staple in the upper left-hand corner.) (3 - Because of the storm, most stores were low on staples such as bread and milk. Scandals are a newspaper staple.) (4 - staple foods) (5 - Please staple the reports together.)

주요한, 주요 산물, 기본 식품 (1. a short, thin, U-shaped piece of wire with ends that bend to fasten sheets of paper together) (2. A ______ is also a small, thick, U-shaped piece of metal with sharp ends that is hammered into a surface to hold something in place.) (3. a basic food, or a main product or material) (4. basic or main) (5. to use a ______ to fasten sheets of paper together)

distract (dih-STRAKT) (1 - She liked to work with the radio playing and said it did not distract her.) (1 - It's impossible to work with all this distraction.)

주의를 빼앗다, 관심이 멀어지다, 산만하게 하다, 초점을 흐리다 (1. to take someone's attention away from what that person is doing or should be doing)

kettle (KET-l)

주전자, 솥 (1. a covered container with a handle and a spout /= opening for pouring/, used for boiling water)

valet (va-LEY, VAL-it, VAL-ey) (1 - Valet parking is available for our customers.)

주차 담당원, 하인, 모자걸이 (1. /esp. in the past/ the personal male servant of a wealthy man, or /in the present/ an employee of a restaurant or hotel, who puts your car in a parking space for you)

stalk (stawk) (1 - Cynthia says those flowers have pretty tall stalks.) (2 - He spent the weekend stalking deer to photograph them. Celebrities are often stalked by photographers and reporters.) (3 - She didn't say anything but stalked furiously out of the room.)

줄기, 접근하다 (1. any stem on a plant, esp. the main stem) (2. to follow an animal or person as closely as possible without being seen or heard) (3. to walk in an angry or proud way)

scant (skant) (1 - I paid scant attention to the movie's plot.) (2 - Pour the batter by scant 1/4 cups onto the hot griddle.)

줄이다, 빈약한, 부족한 (1. very little or not much) (2. _____ can also mean not quite a full measure of something)

suspend (su̲h̲-SPEND) (1 - Relief agencies suspended aid yesterday.) (2 - Two students were suspended for damaging school property.) (3 - The lights were suspended from long cords.)

중단하다, 정지하다, ...을 연기하다, 달다, 지연되다 (1. to stop doing an activity) (2. A person who is suspended from a job, school, or an activity is not allowed to be involved in it, usually as a punishment) (3. to hang down from something)

felony (FEL-u̲h̲-nee) (1 - Robbery is a felony.)

중죄, 흉악 범죄 (1. a serious crime that can be punished by more than one year in prison)

increment (IN-kru̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt, ING-) (1 - She was in the habit of saving in small increments each week.) (1 - Workers were promised two incremental pay increases a year.)

증가, 증가량, 이익 (1. one of a series of amounts that increase a total)

augment (verb awg-MENT; noun AWG-ment) (1 - He augmented his income by taking a second job.)

증강, 증가시키다, 강화, 늘다 (1. to make something larger or fuller by adding something to it)

attest (u̲h̲-TEST) (1 - As one who worked there for years, I can attest that applications are carefully reviewed. [ I ] Her wealth was attested to by her fur coat and designer shoes.)

증명하다, ...을 입증하다, 증언하다 (1. /of a person/ to state with authority that something is true, or /of a situation or event/ to show that something is likely to be true)

animosity (an-u̲h̲-MOS-i-tee) (1 - I have no animosity toward him whatsoever.)

증오, 악의, 원한 (1. a strong dislike or unfriendly feeling)

wallet (WOL-it, WAW-lit) (1 - a leather wallet)

지갑 (1. a small, folding case for paper money, credit cards /= plastic cards you use to buy things/, other cards that you want to carry with you, and sometimes coins)

municipality (myoo-nis-u̲h̲-PAL-i-tee)

지방 자치체, 시 당국, 자치체 당국 (1. a city or town with its own local government, or this local government itself)

duration (do̲o̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n, dyo̲o̲-) (1 - He planned a stay of two years' duration.)

지속기간, ...동안, ...하는 중, 내내 (1. the length of time that something lasts)

linger (LING-ger) (1 - We went to small cafes where we could linger over cappuccino. The smell lingered in the kitchen for days.) (1 - She has lingering doubts about his ability to do the job.)

지속되다, 남아 있다, 서성대다, 그림자를 드리우다 (1. to take longer than usual to leave or disappear)

lore (lawr, lohr) (1 - He published several books on Indian lore and hunting.)

지식, 교훈, 민간 전승 (1. knowledge and stories, usually traditional, about a subject)

infernal (in-FUR-nl) (1 - What an infernal noise!) (2 - He described a journey through the infernal world.)

지옥의, 지독한, 극악 무도한 (1. very bad or unpleasant) (2. having the qualities of hell /= the place where some people believe bad people go after death/)

blot (blot) (2 - I've spilled some coffee - can you bring me some paper towels to blot it up?) (3 - Ink blots covered the page.) (4 - This arrest is a blot on his reputation.)

지우다, 덮다, 오점 (1. to spoil a letter, drawing, etc. with scattered drops of ink) (2. to dry something by using a paper or cloth to absorb a liquid) (3. an unwanted mark or spot of liquid) (4. A ____ is also a fault that spoils the appearance or reputation of someone or something)

bolster (BOHL-ster) (1 - The UN is sending more troops to bolster the peacekeepers.)

지지하다, 보강하다, 긴 베개 (1. to support something, or make something stronger) (2. a long pillow /= cloth bag filled with material/, usually shaped like a tube)

endorse (en-DAWRS) (1 - We're not endorsing tax increases. My wife has publicly endorsed Lunny for city council.) (3 - He endorsed the check and deposited it in his account.)

지지하다, 통과시키다, 동의, 광고하다, 지원 (1. to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone) (2. If someone endorses a product, a statement saying the person likes or uses the product is used in advertising the product.) (3. to write your name on a check)

seismic (SAHYZ-mik, SAHYS-)

지진의, 지진에 의한, 격심한 (1. relating to, or caused by an earthquake /= sudden violent movement of the earth's surface/)

geology (jee-OL-u̲h̲-jee) (1 - a geological survey)

지질학 (1. the study of the rocks and physical processes of the earth in order to understand its origin and history)

dowry (DOU-ree)

지참금, 천부의 재능, 혼수 (1. in some societies, an amount of money or property that a woman's parents give to the man she marries)

detain (dih-TEYN) (1 - A suspect is being detained by the police for further questioning.) (2 - We were detained in traffic and arrived at the theater a little late.)

지체하게 하다, 구류하다, 붙들다 (1. to force someone officially to stay in a place) (2. To ______ someone is also to delay that person for a short period of time)

stratum (STREY-tu̲h̲ m, STRAT-u̲h̲ m) (1 - the upper strata of society earth science) (2 - Engineers could inject seawater into sandy strata beneath the city.)

지층, 계층, 층 (1. a single layer of something) (2. a single layer of the earth)

dungeon (DUHN-ju̲h̲ n)

지하 감옥, 아성, 최하위 (1. an underground prison)

subway (SUHB-wey) (1 - Take the subway to Times Square.)

지하철 (1. an underground, electric railroad in a city) (2. Br A ______ is an underground passage that people who are walking can use to cross under a busy street.)

topography (tu̲h̲-POG-ru̲h̲-fee) (1 - Volcanoes have sculpted the topography of the island.) (1 - Borden drew the first topographical map of Texas.)

지형학, 국소 해부학, 지형도 제작 (1. the natural features of land, esp. the shape of its surface, or the science of mapping those features)

orthogonal (awr-THOG-u̲h̲-nl)

직각의, 직각, 직교의 (1. relating to an angle of 90 degrees, or forming an angle of 90 degrees)

brink (bringk) (1 - The company was on the brink of collapse.)

직전, 위기, 벼랑 (1. the edge of a cliff or other high area, or the point at which something good or bad will happen)

firsthand (FURST-HAND) (1 - He has firsthand experience of what war is like.)

직접 구입한, 직접, 직접 얻은 (1. obtained personally, or directly from someone who is personally involved in something)

gin (jin)

진, 조면기 (1. a type of colorless, strong alcoholic drink)

oscillation (os-u̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The needle on the dial oscillated between full and empty.) (2 - My emotions oscillate between desperation and hope.) (4 - She oscillates between cooperation and hostility.) (4 - Mealtimes strongly influence this daily oscillation in blood sugar, or glucose, concentrations.)

진동, 한 번 흔들리기, 동요 (1. to move repeatedly from one position to another) (2. If you oscillate between feelings or opinions, you change repeatedly from one to the other) (3. /of a wave or electric current/ to change regularly in strength or direction) (4. to move repeatedly from side to side or up and down between two points, or to vary between two states or amounts, or feelings or opinions)

pendulum (PEN-ju̲h̲-lu̲h̲ m, PEN-du̲h̲-) (2 - In labor-management relations, the pendulum has swung wildly in the direction of the players.)

진자, 추, 흔들이 (1. a device consisting of a weight hanging on a rod or cord that moves from one side to the other, esp. one that forms a part of a clock) (2. A ________ is also power or control of an activity that changes from one group to another)

soothe (soot̲h̲) (1 - I picked up the crying child and tried to soothe her.) (1 - a soothing ointment for sunburn)

진정시키다, 가라앉히다, 완화하다, 덜다, 안심시키다 (1. to cause someone to be less upset or angry, or to cause something to hurt less)

veritable (VER-i-tu̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - If current projections hold, Montgomery County will experience a veritable explosion in its school-age population /= it will have many more students/.)

진정한, 실제의, 진실의 (1. /used to emphasize how great or unusual something is by comparing it to something else/)

berth (burth)

진출하다, 선석, 정박하다, 선실 (1. a bed in a boat or train, or a place for a ship or boat to stay in a port)

porter (PAWR-ter, POHR-)

짐꾼 (1. a person whose job is to carry bags at railroad stations and airports) (2. A ______ is also a person whose job is to clean, esp. in a large building.)

butler (BUHT-ler) (1 - The British butler was brilliantly played by Anthony Hopkins.)

집사, 주류 관리인, 버틀러 (1. the most important male servant in a house)

converge (ku̲h̲ n-VURJ) (1 - Six fire trucks converged on the burning factory.) (1 - There's a convergence of interests among the US, Canada, and Latin America.)

집중하다, ...을 한 점에 모으다, 모이다 (1. to move toward the same point and come closer together or meet)

weave (weev) (1 - How long does it take to weave three yards of cloth? [ I/T ] past tense wove /woʊv/ weaved, past participle woven /ˈwoʊ·vən/ weaved) (3 - The taxi weaved through traffic to get us to the airport.) (4 - The blanket has a loose weave.)

짜다, 엮다, 누비고 지나가다, 좌우로 흔들리다 (1. to make cloth by repeatedly passing a single thread in and out through long threads on a loom /= special frame/) (2. You can also _____ dried grass, leaves, and thin branches into hats, containers, and other items.) (3. to frequently change direction while moving forward, esp. to avoid things that could stop you) (4. the way in which cloth has been woven)

stab (stab) (1 - He was stabbed with a fork.) (2 - He's recovering from stab wounds.) (3 - Cheri felt a sudden stab of guilt.) (4 - I wouldn't even take a stab at estimating its cost.)

찌르다, 시도, 도전 (1. to injure someone using a sharp, pointed object) (2. the act of injuring someone with a sharp, pointed object) (3. A ____ is also a sudden feeling) (4. A ____ is also an attempt to do something that you may not be able to do)

rip (rip) (1 - I ripped my sleeve. [ T ] The wind ripped the flag to shreds. [ M ] The letter made me so angry, I ripped it up. [ M ] He lost control of the car and it ripped down a fence.) (2 - The previous owner ripped out the fireplace.) (3 - A hurricane ripped through Rhode Island yesterday.)

찢다, 바가지를 씌우다, 벗다, 훔치다, 터지다 (1. to tear something quickly and with force, or to break apart something) (2. To ___ out something is to remove it) (3. to move quickly or violently)

debit (DEB-it) (1 - We have debited your account $30.)

차변, ...의 차변에 기입하다, 차변 기입 (1. money taken out of a financial account, or a record of money taken)

partake (pahr-TEYK) (2 - Feel free to partake of the food and drink displayed on tables.)

참가하다, 함께 하다, 참여하다 (1. to become involved with or take part in something with other people) (2. To _______ of food or drink is to eat or drink some of it)

penance (PEN-u̲h̲ ns) (1 - They are doing penance for their sins.)

참회, 고행, 벌하다 (1. activity that shows you regret some previous action, sometimes for religious reasons)

repository (ri-POZ-i-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee) (1 - a nuclear waste repository fig. The proverbs amounted to a repository of wisdom.)

창고, 저장소, 저장실 (1. a place where things are stored)

quarry (KWAWR-ee, KWOR-ee) (2 - Using video cameras can be tricky for researchers trying to blend in with their quarry .) (3 - The gray limestone in this area was once quarried for use in bridges and buildings.)

채석장, 원천, 출처 (1. a large hole in the ground that workers dig in order to use the stone and sand for building material) (2. a person, animal, or group being hunted or looked for) (3. to dig stone and sand from a quarry)

inception (in-SEP-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Since its inception in 1968, the company has been at the forefront of computer development.)

처음, 시작, 인셉션, 설립, 초기 (1. the beginning of an organization or official activity)

frivolous (FRIV-u̲h̲-lu̲h̲ s) (1 - I'm very frivolous - I just like to have fun. With our justice system there are a lot of frivolous cases that go to court.) (1 - We don't have a monthly budget, but we don't spend frivolously either.)

천박한, 하찮은, 사소한 (1. /of people/ behaving in a silly and foolish way, or /of activities or objects/ silly or unimportant)

evacuation (ih-vak-yoo-EY-shu̲h̲ n)

철수, 비우기, 배출

drastic (DRAS-tik) (1 - In the desert there's a drastic change in temperature from day to night.) (1 - Our lives changed drastically when dad died and we had to move.)

철저한, 맹렬한, 격렬한 (1. /of a change/ severe and sudden; extreme)

blueprint (BLOO-print) (2 - The report provided a blueprint for relieving the county's crowded jail facilities.)

청사진, 상세한 계획, ...을 계획하다 (1. a plan for a building or machine, printed with white lines on a blue background) (2. a complete plan that explains how to do or develop something)

cherry (CHER-ee)

체리, 벚나무 (1. a small, round, soft, red or black fruit with a single, hard seed in the middle, or the tree on which the fruit grows)

nascent (NAS-u̲h̲ nt, NEY-su̲h̲ nt) (1 - Everyone in this nascent business is still struggling with basic issues.)

초기의, 발생기의, 생기려고 하는 (1. in the earliest stages of development)

pristine (PRIS-teen, pri-STEEN; especially British PRIS-tahyn) (1 - The car seemed to be in pristine condition.)

초기의, 원시 시대의, 본래의 (1. original and pure; not spoiled or worn from use)

shabby (SHAB-ee) (1 - The man wore a long, shabby coat. We parked near Bobby's shabby trailer.) (2 - Her salary is $305,000 this year - not too shabby /= very generous/.)

초라한, 낡은, 허름한, 보잘것없는 (1. looking old and in bad condition because of wear or lack of care) (2. not fair or showing respect; unacceptable)

rudimentary (roo-du̲h̲-MEN-tu̲h̲-ree, -tree) (1 - She has only a rudimentary grasp of the language.)

초보의, 미발달의, 기본의 (1. only basic, and not deep or detailed)

novice (NOV-is) (1 - I'm just a novice at making videos.)

초심자, 풋내기, 미숙자 (1. a person who is beginning to learn a job or an activity and has little or no experience or skill in it)

transcend (tran-SEND) (1 - The group makes music that transcends traditional pop categories.)

초월하다, ...을 능가하다, 넘다 (1. to go beyond or rise above a limit, or be greater than something ordinary)

muzzle (MUHZ-u̲h̲ l) (3 - Frank will continue to muzzle his critics.) (4 - Dangerous dogs should be muzzled.)

총구, 주둥이, 코끝 (1. the mouth and nose of an animal, esp. a dog or a horse, or a covering put over this in order to prevent the animal from biting) (2. the end of a gun barrel /= the cylindrical part of a gun/, where the bullets come out) (3. to prevent someone from speaking or expressing his or her thoughts) (4. to put a covering over the mouth and nose of an animal, esp. a dog or a horse, in order to prevent the animal from biting)

premier (pri-MEER, -MYEER, PREE-meer) (1 - He was widely regarded as one of the world's premier authorities on heart disease.) (2 - the premier of Ontario)

총리, 최고의, 주지사 (1. best or most important) (2. the leader of the government of some countries, or the leader of the government of a part of a country)

chancellor (CHAN-su̲h̲-ler, -sler, CHAHN-) (1 - Helmut Kohl became the first chancellor of a united Germany in 1990.)

총장, 각종 대법관의 칭호, 수상 (1. a person in a position of the highest or high rank, esp. in a government or university)

primordial (prahy-MAWR-dee-u̲h̲ l) (1 - primordial gases)

최초의, 근본적인, 원시의 (1. existing at or since the beginning of the world or the universe)

deduce (dih-DOOS, -DYOOS) (1 - In an attempt to deduce what happened to the jet, investigators are looking at other similar planes.)

추론하다, 더듬다, 밝히다 (1. to reach an answer by thinking about a general truth and its relationship to a specific situation)

purge (purj) (1 - They purged the senior ranks of the department by offering them generous retirement packages.) (2 - The system is designed to purge impurities from the city's drinking water.) (2 - The purge of alleged Communists and progressives had started as early as April.)

추방하다, ...을 깨끗이 하다, 정화 (1. to rid a group or organization of unwanted people) (2. to remove something bad or wrong)

putative (PYOO-tu̲h̲-tiv) (1 - The putative leader of the terrorist cell was arrested yesterday.)

추정의, 소문에 들리는, 추정되고 있는 (1. generally thought to be or to exist, even if this may not really be true)

speculate (SPEK-yu̲h̲-leyt) (1 - I'm just speculating about what happened. Officials refused to speculate on the cause of the crash.) (2 - He made his money speculating in the gold and silver markets.)

추측하다, 분석하다, 예상하다, 짐작하다, 내다보다 (1. to form opinions about something without having the necessary information or facts; to make guesses) (2. to buy and sell with the hope that the value of what you buy will increase and that it can then be sold at a higher price in order to make a profit)

congratulate (ku̲h̲ n-GRACH-u̲h̲-leyt or, often, -GRAJ-, ku̲h̲ ng-) (1 - I congratulated Jill on winning the award.)

축하하다, 경축하다 (1. to praise someone by expressing pleasure at that person's success or happiness)

exodus (EK-su̲h̲-du̲h̲ s) (1 - The hurricane warning caused a mass exodus.)

출국, 이주, 출애굽기 (1. the movement of a lot of people from a place at the same time)

bleed (bleed) (1 - Before help could reach him, the man bled to death. [ T ] fig. Because of the taxes, our state is bleeding jobs /= many jobs are leaving/.)

출혈하다, 피를 흘리다, 번지다 (1. to lose blood)

pancreas (PAN-kree-u̲h̲ s, PANG-)

췌장, 이자 (1. an organ in the body that produces insulin /= a chemical substance that controls the amount of sugar in the blood/ and substances that help to digest food)

inauguration (in-aw-gyu̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n, -gu̲h̲-)

취임, 개업, 개통

dentist (DEN-tist)

치과의사 (1. a person whose job is treating people's teeth)

gallop (GAL-u̲h̲ p) (1 - The horse suddenly broke into a gallop.)

치솟다, 질주하다 (1. /of a horse/ to run fast so that all four feet come off the ground together in each act of forward movement)

stigma (STIG-mu̲h̲) (1 - There's a stigma associated with low-income food programs.)

치욕, 낙인, 오명 (1. a strong lack of respect for a person or a group of people or a bad opinion of them because they have done something society does not approve of) (2. the part of the pistil /= female part/ of a flower that receives the pollen /= powder produced by the male part/)

genial (JEEN-yu̲h̲ l, JEE-nee-u̲h̲ l) (1 - a genial personality)

친절한, 온화한, 따뜻한 (1. friendly and pleasant)

saliva (su̲h̲-LAHY-vu̲h̲)

침, 타액 (1. the natural, watery liquid in the mouth that keeps it wet and helps prepare food for digestion)

bunk (buhngk) (1 - I had the lower bunk, and my older brother had the upper bunk.) (2 - Most doctors think his theories are bunk.)

침대, ...을 결석하다, 침대에서 자다 (1. either of two beds arranged one above the other) (2. complete nonsense, or something that is meant to deceive)

commend (ku̲h̲-MEND) (1 - Lamos should be commended for creating important opportunities for minority actors.) (1 - The reporter did a commendable job under difficult circumstances.)

칭찬하다, 추천하다, 위탁하다 (1. to formally praise or mention with approval someone or something)

cocktail (KOK-teyl) (1 - Would you like a cocktail? [ C ]) (2 - The cocktail of drugs to treat TB is taken for six to nine months.) (3 - I'd like the shrimp cocktail, please.)

칵테일, 혼합물 (1. a drink made by mixing two or more drinks together) (2. A ________ is also a mixture of different things) (3. a small dish of particular foods sometimes eaten at the beginning of a meal)

cuff (kuhf) (2 - The boys cuffed Zackie on the shoulder.)

커프스, 소맷부리, 손목 윗부분 (1. /in a shirt/ the thicker material at the end of a sleeve around the wrist, or /in a pair of pants/ the turned-up part at the bottom of a leg) (2. to hit someone with your hand) (3. short form ofhandcuff)

curl (kurl) (1 - He loved that dark curl at the back of her neck. [ C ] We watched the curls of smoke rise from his pipe.) (2 - If I don't curl my hair, it looks too stringy.)

컬, 몸을 웅크리다, 컬링을 하다 (1. a piece of hair having a curving shape, like part of a circle, or something else having a circular shape) (2. to form or cause something to form a curving or twisted shape)

cape (keyp) (1 - Cape Cod)

케이프, 망토, 곶 (1. a very large piece of land that sticks out into the sea) (2. a loose coat without sleeves which is fastened at the neck and hangs from the shoulders)

cork (kawrk) (1 - The waiter took the cork out of the bottle.)

코르크, 마개 (1. a light material obtained from the bark /= outer layer/ of a tree, or a small, soft cylinder of this material that is pushed into the top of a bottle to close it)

coma (KOH-mu̲h̲) (1 - He had a high fever and fell into a coma.)

코마, 혼수, 혼수 상태 (1. a state of being unconscious, in which a person cannot be waked, usually caused by illness or injury)

cholera (KOL-er-u̲h̲)

콜레라 (1. a serious infection of the bowels caused by bacteria esp. in water, causing severe diarrhea and sometimes death)

comma (KOM-u̲h̲)

콤마, 표범나비류의 일종 (1. a mark /,/ used in writing to separate parts of a sentence showing a slight pause, or to separate the various single items in a list)

hum (huhm) (1 - Debbie always hums to herself when she listens to music.) (2 - Factories that make paper products are humming at 97% of capacity.) (3 - We could hear the constant hum of traffic outside the window.)

콧노래를 부르다, 윙윙거리다, 웅얼거리다, 활기가 있다 (1. to make a continuous, low sound, or to sing a tune with closed lips) (2. /fig./ If something is humming, it is very busy and full of activity) (3. a continuous, low sound)

moustache (MUHS-tash, mu̲h̲-STASH)

콧수염 (1. a mustache)

quilt (kwilt) (1 - a patchwork quilt quilted adjective us ​) (1 - a quilted coat)

퀼트, 누비이불, 덮개 (1. a covering for a bed, made of two layers of cloth with a layer of soft filling between them, and stitched in lines or patterns through all the layers)

chunk (chuhngk) (1 - A large chunk of plaster crashed down from the ceiling.) (2 - Her books must be read in chunks to follow the plot.)

큰 덩어리, 규모가 큰, 부분 (1. a thick piece or lump) (2. /infml/ A _____ is a large part of something)

cavern (KAV-ern)

큰 동굴, ...을 가두다, 공동 (1. a large cave)

clutch (kluhch) (1 - The preschooler clutched his mother tightly.) (3 - several clutches of the infant sea turtles /klʌtʃ/ [ C ]) (4 - The herders tend to small clutches of cattle and llamas.) (6 - Moose, always reliable under pressure, was a tremendous clutch hitter.)

클러치, 쥐다, 긴장한, 손아귀 (1. to hold or try to hold something tightly, often because of a state of fear or anxiety) (2. a device in a car or other vehicle that you press with your foot in order to change gears /= set of wheels that control power/) (3. a group of eggs or young animals hatched from eggs) (4. A ______ is also a group of people, animals, or things) (5. a small bag with no handle or strap, used esp. by women for carrying small personal items) (6. able to do something when it is especially needed)

clover (KLOH-ver)

클로버, 토끼풀 (1. a small plant with three round, green leaves that are joined together)

tar (tahr) (3 - They'll be tarring our street this week.)

타르, 부추기다, 선원 (1. a black substance, sticky when hot, used esp. for making roads) (2. a substance in tobacco smoke that causes harm to the lungs) (3. to put ___ on a surface, esp. a road)

batter (BAT-er) (1 - Thunderstorms were battering Kansas again on Sunday. [ T ] fig. He had been battered by opponents who turned public opinion against him.)

타자, 공격하다, 반죽 (1. to hit someone or something again and again) (2. any liquid mixture containing milk, eggs, and flour, as used to make cake, pancakes, or other similar food, or to cover food before frying it) (3. /in baseball/ the player whose turn it is to hit the ball)

primacy (PRAHY-mu̲h̲-see) (1 - Satellite television, boasting 300 digital channels, was threatening the primacy of cable TV.)

탁월함, 제1위, 수위 (1. the state of being important or most important)

carbohydrate (kahr-boh-HAHY-dreyt, -bu̲h̲-) (2 - Eat your carbohydrates within two hours after your workout.)

탄수화물, 함수 탄소, 탄수화물을 포함하고 있는 음식 (1. a substance such as sugar or starch that provides the body with energy) (2. A ____________ is also a food that contains a large amount of ____________ such as bread, fruits, and vegetables)

secession (si-SESH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - Dabney had opposed secession at first.)

탈퇴, 분리, 탈당 (1. the act of leaving an organization or government, esp. the decision of a state to separate from the government of the United States)

embark (em-BAHRK) (1 - We embarked at Miami for our Caribbean cruise.)

탑승하다, 시작하다, 배를 타다 (1. to go on to a ship or an aircraft)

ascribe (u̲h̲-SKRAHYB) (1 - To what do you ascribe the enormous success of your latest book? People like to ascribe human feelings to animals /= believe animals have human feelings/.)

탓으로 돌리다, ...에 돌리다, 탓하다 (1. to consider something to be caused, created, or owned by someone or something)

tablet (TAB-lit) (1 - aspirin tablets) (2 - The archaeologists found six tablets recording business transactions from over three thousand years ago.) (3 - His pen swept across his drawing tablet.)

태블릿, 알약, 판 (1. a small, round, solid object made of medicine; a pill) (2. a piece of stone or other hard material used for writing, esp. in ancient times) (3. sheets paper that have been fastened together at one edge, used for writing or drawing; a pad)

ledge (lej) (1 - a window ledge)

턱 (1. a narrow, flat area like a shelf that sticks out from a building, cliff, or other vertical surface)

pedestal (PED-u̲h̲-stl) (1 - Museum staff plan to replace the cracked pedestal under the statue.)

토대, 기초, 대 위에 놓다 (1. a base for a statue, or a base for a column)

tow (toh) (1 - The town tows abandoned cars and then fines their owners.) (2 - My car broke down and Bob gave me a tow.)

토우, 견인차, 끌기 (1. to pull a car, boat, aircraft, etc., using a rope or a chain attached to another vehicle) (2. the act of pulling someone's vehicle using a rope or chain attached to your vehicle)

embargo (em-BAHR-goh) (1 - They put an embargo on imports of steel.)

통상 금지, 출항을 금지하다, 금지 (1. a government order to temporarily stop trading certain goods or with certain countries)

unification (yoo-nu̲h̲-fi-KEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Germany was transformed after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the unification of the country.)

통일, 통합, 단합 (1. the forming of a single thing by bringing together separate parts)

plump (pluhmp) (1 - plump hands a plump, middle-aged woman The berries are plump and juicy.) (2 - The nurse plumped the pillows.)

통통한, 포동포동한, 살찐, 불룩하게 만들다 (1. having a soft, rounded shape; slightly fat) (2. to shake or pat something to make it bigger, rounder, and softer)

consolidate (ku̲h̲ n-SOL-i-deyt) (1 - Our offices had been spread among three buildings, and then we consolidated into one new high-rise.) (2 - The governor consolidated his power, getting his allies into key state jobs.)

통합하다, 강화하다, 공고해지다, 튼튼해지다, 굳히다 (1. to bring together or unite things that were separate) (2. To ___________ is also to make stronger by some action or event)

degenerate (verb dih-JEN-u̲h̲-reyt; adjective, noun dih-JEN-er-it) (1 - Standards of courtesy have degenerated since I was a girl.) (2 - He was a lazy, degenerate young man.)

퇴화하다, 퇴보하다, 타락한 (1. to become worse) (2. bad or worse in quality or character, or /of a person/ morally bad)

incarceration (in-kahr-su̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or incarcerated.) (2 - We were incarcerated in that broken elevator for four hours.) (2 - We're spending billions of dollars each year on incarceration.) (3 - The governor announced his plan to incarcerate repeat offenders.) (3 - We're spending billions of dollars each year on incarceration.)

투옥, 감금, 유폐 (1. to put or keep someone in prison or in a place used as a prison) (2. to keep someone in a closed place and prevent them from leaving it) (3. to put or keep someone in prison)

fry (frahy) (1 - She was frying eggs and getting the coffee ready.) (1 - We had fried chicken and mashed potatoes for supper.)

튀기다, 감자튀김, 튀김, 프라이, 망가지다 (1. to cook food in hot oil or fat)

splash (splash) (1 - She splashed her face with cold water. [ I ] Kids love to splash around in mud puddles.) (2 - a splash of sunlight The child's red dress brought a splash of color to the picture.) (3 - I wiped up the splashes from the floor. Jimmy jumped into the pool with a splash.)

튀기다, 착수하다 (1. to scatter liquid or to cause liquid to scatter through the air or onto something) (2. a bright area of color or light) (3. an amount of liquid scattered, or the sound made by liquid being scattered)

trot (trot) (2 - She trotted along behind them, determined to keep up.) (2 - The horse was moving at a slow trot.)

트로트, 빠른 걸음으로 가다, 꺼내다, 달려가다 (1. /of a horse or other animal with four legs/ to move in a way that is slightly faster than walking) (2. A person who trots runs slowly)

trophy (TROH-fee) (2 - Under the long high-beamed ceiling, affixed to stone walls, were the trophies - heads of a rhinoceros and an African buffalo with huge horns.)

트로피, 우승컵, 상, 전리품 (1. a prize, such as a large silver cup or bowl, given to the one who wins a competition or race) (2. A ______ is also something used as a symbol of success)

prerogative (pri-ROG-u̲h̲-tiv, pu̲h̲-ROG-) (1 - It's the president's prerogative to nominate judges who share his political philosophy.)

특권, 특전, 대권 (1. a special advantage that allows some people the freedom to do or have something that is not possible or allowed for everyone)

slit (slit) (1 - I slit open the envelope with a knife.) (2 - Cut slits in the piecrust. Her eyes are like little slits.)

틈, 기다란 구멍 (1. to make a straight, narrow cut in something) (2. a straight, narrow cut in something)

interstitial (in-ter-STISH-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Deficiencies of sodium and water can cause shrinkage of the interstitial space.) (3 - the interstitial parts of the movie that punctuate the main action)

틈새의, 틈새에 있는, 틈새로 된 (1. relating to spaces between cells, tissues, or organs in the body) (2. relating to connective tissue that supports the working parts of an organ in the body) (3. relating to the space or time between things)

dispatch (dih-SPACH) (1 - Within seconds the university police can identify the exact origin of the alarm and dispatch officers to investigate.) (2 - In her latest dispatch, our correspondent reports on new negotiations.)

파견, 파병, 보내다, 급파, 배치 (1. to send someone or something to a place for a particular purpose) (2. a report sent to you from another place) (3. If something is done with dispatch, it is done quickly.)

surf (surf) (2 - You can turn on your computer now and go surfing on the Web. He spends a lot of time surfing TV channels.) (3 - They go surfing every weekend.)

파도타기를 하다, 밀려오는 파도, 흰 파도 (1. the waves on the sea when they approach the coast or hit against rocks) (2. to move quickly from one place to another within a system to learn what each place is offering) (3. to use a surfboard /= long, narrow board/ to ride waves toward a beach)

rubble (RUHB-u̲h̲ l or for 3, 4, ROO-bu̲h̲ l)

파편, 잡석, 거친돌 (1. broken wood, stones, bricks, etc., that are left when a building falls down or is destroyed)

plank (plangk) (1 - They walked across the creaky, wooden-plank floor of the old house.) (2 - He prepared the peace plank in the Democrats' 1864 presidential platform.)

판자, 널빤지 (1. a long, flat piece of wood or other material, esp. one wide enough and strong enough to walk on) (2. an important principle on which the activities of a political or other group are based)

parody (PAR-u̲h̲-dee) (1 - Brando did a parody of the character he played in "The Godfather.) (1 - Downey started the show by parodying a performance artist.)

패러디, 풍자, 익살, 흉내, 패로디 (1. a piece of writing or music that copies the style of a serious piece in a way that is intentionally humorous)

flutter (FLUHT-er) (1 - The flags fluttered in the breeze.) (3 - There was a flutter of wings overhead.)

펄럭이다, 흩날리다, 두근거리다 (1. to move in quick, irregular motions, or to cause something to move this way) (2. If your heart flutters, it beats faster than usual, often from excitement.) (3. a quick, irregular movement)

pedal (1 - bicycle pedals You have to press down hard on the gas pedal to get this car up hills.) (1 - He struggled to pedal /his bike/ up the hill.)

페달, 페달을 밟다, 발의, 태도 (1. a small part of a machine or vehicle that you can press down with your foot to operate the machine or make the vehicle move)

pastry (PEY-stree) (1 - pie pastry) (2 - We were offered a selection of pastries for dessert.)

페이스트리, 빵과자 (1. a mixture of flour, fat, and water which is used as a base or covering for other foods and baked) (2. A ______ is also a sweet, baked food made of a mixture of flour, fat, and water and often filled with fruit or cream)

migraine (MAHY-greyn or, British, MEE-)

편두통 (1. a severe continuous pain in the head, often with vomiting and difficulty in seeing)

compile (ku̲h̲ m-PAHYL) (1 - We're compiling some facts and figures for an article on the Russian economy.)

편집하다, 수집하다, 통계내다, 작성되다, 집계하다 (1. to collect information from a variety of places and arrange it in a book, report, or list)

placid (PLAS-id) (1 - a placid child The placid lake was perfect for canoeing.)

평온한, 조용한, 차분한 (1. calm and peaceful)

repeal (ri-PEEL) (1 - Legislators repealed the sales tax.) (1 - Senators called for the law's repeal.)

폐지, 폐지하다, 무효로 하다 (1. /of a government/ to make a law no longer a law)

renounce (ri-NOUNS) (1 - Gandhi renounced the use of violence.)

포기하다, ...을 부인하다, ...을 단념하다 (1. to say publicly that you no longer own, support, believe in, or have a connection with something)

relinquish (ri-LING-kwish) (1 - He refused to relinquish control of his company.)

포기하다, 양도하다, 그만두다 (1. to give up something, such as a responsibility or claim)

vintage (VIN-tij) (2 - a vintage pistol/airplane/car "Sophisticated Lady" is vintage Duke Ellington.) (3 - vintage clothing) (4 - vintage champagne)

포도주, ...년식, 오래됨 (1. the wine made in a particular year, or a particular year in which wine was made) (2. /esp. of something old/ of high quality and lasting value, or showing the best characteristics typical of the person who created it) (3. used but of good quality) (4. /of wine/ of high quality that was made in a particular year, and that can be kept for several years in order to improve it)

predator (PRED-u̲h̲-ter, -tawr)

포식자, 약탈자, 맹수, 천적, 범죄자 (1. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food)

mutiny (MYOOT-n-ee) (1 - Walker's superiors charged him with mutiny.) (1 - Mutinous troops failed to overthrow the government.) (1 - The crew mutinied and took over the ship.)

폭동, 반란, 항명 (1. refusal to obey orders, or a violent attempt to take control from people in authority, esp. in the military or on a ship)

torrent (TAWR-u̲h̲ nt, TOR-) (1 - Heavy storms turned the river into a raging torrent. fig. The TV station received torrents of angry letters .) (1 - The torrential rains caused mud slides.)

폭발, 급류, 토렌트 (1. a large stream of water that moves very fast)

tempest (TEM-pist)

폭풍우, ...을 격렬히 휩쓸다, 대소동 (1. a violent storm)

demeanor (dih-MEE-ner) (1 - The boss has a calm, reassuring demeanor.)

품행, 태도, 행실 (1. a way of looking and behaving)

copious (KOH-pee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - She took copious notes, filling page after page.)

풍부한, 많은, 풍부하게 산출되는 (1. in large amounts; more than enough)

allegory (AL-u̲h̲-gawr-ee, -gohr-ee) (1 - Apples represent people in this allegorical contest between wilderness and civilization.)

풍유, 우화, 비유 (1. a story, play, poem, picture, or other work in which the characters and events represent particular moral, religious, or political qualities or ideas)

endemic (en-DEM-ik) (1 - Some of these problems are endemic to big US cities.)

풍토병, 지방병, 특유한 (1. /esp. of a disease or social condition/ found particularly in a specific area or group)

proletariat (proh-li-TAIR-ee-u̲h̲ t)

프롤레타리아 계급, 무산자 계급, 노동자계층 (1. the people in a society who do not control production and must work in order to live, or the lowest social and economic group in a society)

prism (PRIZ-u̲h̲ m)

프리즘, 분광기, 각기둥 (1. a transparent object, often glass, that separates white light into different colors)

flare (flair) (1 - The candle flared then went out.) (2 - These trousers flare slightly at the ankle.) (3 - The dispute threatens to flare into a lawsuit. The argument quieted down then flared up again.) (4 - The boat is equipped with flares.)

플레어, 확 타오르다, 나팔꽃 모양으로 벌어지다 (1. to burn brightly either for a short time or on and off) (2. to become wider, or to make something wider) (3. to happen in a sudden and often violent way) (4. something that produces a flame or bright light and is usually used as a signal, or the flame or light itself)

pivot (PIV-u̲h̲ t) (1 - Boston was the pivot of his emotional and intellectual life.) (2 - She pivots her left foot. [ I ] He pivoted on his heels and headed out. [ I ] Future deals will pivot on easing commercial conflicts /= they will depend on this/.)

피벗, 회전축, 회전축으로 회전하다 (1. a fixed point supporting something which turns or balances, or a person or thing on which something else depends) (2. to turn or twist)

footage (fo̲o̲ t-ij) (1 - Footage showing entire city blocks in flames flickered nightly on TV.)

피트 수, 전체 길이, 장면 (1. film or videotape that shows a single event or place)

tumble (TUHM-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Rocks tumbled down the hill. She lost her balance and tumbled into the mud. fig. Stock prices tumbled /= quickly lost a lot of value/.) (1 - I took a tumble and hurt my knee.)

하락, 굴러 떨어지다, 무너지다 (1. to fall or roll quickly and without control)

snack (snak)

한 입, 가벼운 식사를 하다, 간식 (1. a small amount of food, esp. when eaten between meals)

lament (lu̲h̲-MENT) (1 - He lamented his students' lack of interest in the classics.) (2 - Baker's lament was that his schedule kept him away from his family too often.)

한탄하다, 아쉬워하다, 비탄하다, 애도하다 (1. to express sadness and regret about something) (2. an expression of sadness over something, or a complaint)

circumcision (sur-ku̲h̲ m-SIZH-u̲h̲ n)

할례, 심신의 정화, 유대인 (1. to cut the protecting loose skin off a boy's penis, for medical, traditional, or religious reasons) (2. to cut off the foreskin)

confluence (KON-floo-u̲h̲ ns)

합류, 군중, 합류점 (1. the place where two rivers flow together and become one larger river)

haven (HEY-vu̲h̲ n)

항구, 피난처, 안식처 (1. a safe or peaceful place)

salvage (SAL-vij) (1 - After the storm, we were able to salvage some of our belongings, but the house was destroyed.)

해난 구조, 구출하다, 침몰선의 인양 (1. to save something valuable from damage, destruction, or loss)

antidote (AN-ti-doht) (1 - an antidote for snake venom) (2 - Exercise can be an antidote to depression.)

해독제, 교정 수단, 치료법 (1. a chemical, esp. a drug, that acts against the bad effects of a poison to limit the harm it can do) (2. /fig./ An ________ is also a way of preventing or acting against something bad)

hash (hash) (1 - hash and eggs)

해시 요리, 다지다, 마리화나 (1. a mixture of meat and potatoes cut into small pieces and baked or fried)

pirate (PAHY-ru̲h̲ t) (1 - A lot of this software is pirated.)

해적, 불법 복제 (1. to illegally copy and sell something, such as recorded music, a film, etc., without permission) (2. a person who sails on the sea and attacks and steals from other ships)

pest (pest) (1 - The aphid is a garden pest.) (2 - My brother is such a pest.)

해충, 유해물, 작은 동물 (1. an insect or small animal that is harmful or damages crops) (2. /infml/ A ____ is also an annoying person, esp. a child)

aroma (u̲h̲-ROH-mu̲h̲) (1 - the aroma of coffee and frying eggs aromatic adjective us ​) (1 - an aromatic pine forest)

향기, 방향, 기품 (1. a strong, usually pleasant smell)

fragrant (FREY-gru̲h̲ nt) (1 - fragrant flowers The sauce itself was light, fragrant and slightly sweet.)

향기로운, 달콤한 (1. with a pleasant smell)

nostalgia (no-STAL-ju̲h̲, -jee-u̲h̲, nu̲h̲-) (1 - Hearing her voice again filled him with nostalgia.) (1 - Jenny grew nostalgic for home on Thanksgiving Day.)

향수, 회향병, 그리움 (1. a feeling of pleasure and sometimes slight sadness at the same time as you think about things that happened in the past)

spice (spahys) (1 - Cinnamon, ginger, and cloves are all spices. [ U ] This curry needs a little more spice.) (2 - "Variety is the spice of life" is a common expression.)

향신료, 양념, 스파이스, 맛 (1. a flavoring for food made from part of a plant, such as its fruit, seeds, or root, usually dried and often made into a powder) (2. _____ can also mean excitement or interest)

herb (urb or, esp. British, hurb)

허브, 약초, 엽채류 (1. a type of plant with a soft stem, used in cooking and medicine)

bluff (bluhf) (1 - The landlord claimed to have the right to raise his rent, but we believed he was bluffing and refused to pay it.) (2 - Council Bluffs, Iowa) (3 - The threat to go on strike was no bluff, the union leaders insisted.)

허세, 허풍떨다, 엄포놓기, 절벽, 벼랑 (1. to try to trick someone into believing something, esp. in order to get an advantage over that person) (2. /used in many names of places/ a cliff or steep slope, often above a river) (3. an attempt to trick someone)

dedicate (verb DED-i-keyt; adjective DED-i-kit) (1 - He dedicated his life to helping the poor.) (2 - This book is dedicated to my children, Claire and Tom.)

헌신하다, 바치다, ...을 위한, 전념하다, 전용의 (1. to give completely your energy, time, etc. to something) (2. If you ________ a book, play, performance, etc., to someone or something, you say publicly that it is in honor of that person or thing)

judicious (joo-DISH-u̲h̲ s) (1 - The law allows for the judicious use of force in some situations.) (1 - Spend your money a little more judiciously.)

현명한, 신중한, 명민한 (1. having or showing good judgment in making decisions)

foreman (FAWR-mu̲h̲ n, FOHR-) (1 - After four years on the job, he was promoted to foreman.)

현장 주임, 감독, 십장 (1. a skilled person who is in charge of a group of workers) (2. law In a court of law, the _______ on the jury is the person who is in charge of and speaks for the jury.)

canyon (KAN-yu̲h̲ n)

협곡 (1. a deep valley with steep sides and usually a river flowing along the bottom)

ravine (ru̲h̲-VEEN)

협곡, 계곡, 골짜기 (1. a deep, narrow valley with steep sides)

sibling (SIB-ling) (1 - I have four siblings.)

형제, 형제자매, 자매, 남매 (1. a brother or sister)

fraternity (fru̲h̲-TUR-ni-tee) (2 - the coaching fraternity)

형제애, 동포애, 남학생 사교 클럽 (1. a social organization for male students at a college or university) (2. A __________ is also a group of people who have the same job or interest)

comet (KOM-it)

혜성 (1. a body of rock and ice that travels around the sun and that, as it nears the sun, develops a long tail of small pieces that can be seen)

boon (boon) (1 - Spring rains are a boon to local farmers.)

혜택, 유쾌한, 은혜 (1. something good or very helpful)

aerobic (ai-ROH-bik) (1 - She does aerobics. I go to aerobics /= to a class where we are taught such exercises/ once a week.) (1 - aerobic exercise) (2 - I do aerobics and weight training at the gym.) (2 - aerobic exercise)

호기성의, 유산소의, 호기성 세균의 (1. energetic physical exercises, often performed with a group of people to music, that make the heart, lungs, and muscles stronger and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood) (2. energetic physical exercises that make the heart, lungs, and muscles stronger and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood)

amber (AM-ber) (1 - He has a collection of prehistoric insects preserved in amber.) (2 - The lights turned to amber.) (2 - an amber light an amber necklace)

호박, 황색, 호박색의 (1. a hard, transparent, yellowish-brown substance that was formed in ancient times from resin /= a substance produced by trees/ and is used in jewellery) (2. the yellowish-orange traffic light that shows between the green and the red to warn drivers that the lights are about to change)

convoy (verb KON-voi, ku̲h̲ n-VOI; noun KON-voi) (1 - a convoy of supply ships)

호송하다, 호위대, 호위함 (1. a group of ships or vehicles that travel together, esp. for protection)

denomination (dih-nom-u̲h̲-NEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The petition was signed by clergy from over 20 Protestant denominations.) (2 - The machines take coins of any denomination.) (2 - He avoids denominational rivalries.)

호칭, 명명, 단위 (1. a religious group whose beliefs differ in some ways from other groups in the same religion) (2. a unit of value, esp. of money)

havoc (HAV-u̲h̲ k) (1 - The storm created complete havoc in the park.)

혼란, 피해, 파괴, 재앙, 황폐 (1. confusion and lack of order that result in damage or trouble)

groove (groov) (1 - The window slides along a groove in the frame.)

홈, 최고조 (1. a long, narrow, hollow space cut into a surface)

tout (tout) (1 - Various studies have been published touting the benefits of pre-kindergarten programs.) (2 - The President was in Ohio on Saturday, touting his accomplishments and urging supporters to re-elect him.)

홍보, 거론되다, 극찬, 내세우다, 돌아다니다 (1. to advertise or praise something, often to encourage its use or sale) (2. If you ____ someone's good character, knowledge, skills, achievements, etc., you praise those characteristics)

pomp (pomp) (1 - Pomp and pageantry accompanied the royal couple on their state visit.)

화려, 장관, 허식, pompadour (1. showy, formal ceremony, esp. on public occasions)

gaily (GEY-lee) (1 - gaily colored blouses)

화려하게, 명랑하게, 유쾌하게 (1. brightly, or in a happy manner)

volcano (vol-KEY-noh) (1 - volcanic ash/rock)

화산 (1. a mountain made from burned materials that may throw out hot rocks and lava /= hot liquid rock/ from a hole in its top)

cosmetic (koz-MET-ik) (1 - Whether the change is more cosmetic than concrete is a matter of opinion.)

화장용의, 성형의, 미용의, 겉치레의 (1. /esp. of changes and improvements/ intended to improve the appearance of something without changing its basic structure; superficial)

wreath (reeth) (1 - The bride wore a wreath of flowers on her head.)

화환, 화관 (1. a ring made of flowers and leaves or evergreens /= plants that are green all year/)

steadfast (STED-fast, -fahst, -fu̲h̲ st) (1 - steadfast beliefs a steadfast friend)

확고한, 고수하다, 확고부동한, 불변의 (1. staying the same for a long time; not changing or losing purpose)

refund (verb ri-FUHND, REE-fuhnd; noun REE-fuhnd) (1 - The theater refunded our money when the performance was canceled.) (1 - If you overpaid, you should demand a refund.)

환불하다, 환급하다, 반환하다, 돌려주다, 반품하다 (1. to pay back money received or spent)

mirth (murth) (1 - Chen could not contain his mirth.)

환희, 명랑, 희희낙락 (1. laughter or amusement)

brisk (brisk) (1 - I took a brisk walk. Business has been brisk lately. A brisk /= cold but pleasant/ wind blew across the field.) (1 - She moved briskly toward the car.)

활발한, 호조의, 올라간, 밝은 (1. quick, energetic, and active)

devastate (DEV-u̲h̲-steyt) (1 - Waves of corporate downsizing have devastated employee morale. I was so devastated I was crying constantly. The town was devastated by a hurricane in 1928.) (1 - The tornado has already left a trail of devastation through four states from Nebraska to Missouri.)

황폐시키다, 황폐화하다, 유린하다 (1. to cause great damage or suffering to something or someone, or to violently destroy a place)

rapture (RAP-cher) (1 - Life was rapture for a little while.)

황홀감, 무아지경 (1. extreme pleasure and happiness)

circuit (SUR-kit) (1 - Big electronic circuits can carry huge amounts of data.) (2 - Holiday phone calls always overload the circuits.) (3 - She has ridden on tough racing circuits such as the New York and Florida tracks.) (4 - Fish swam continuously, making the endless circuit of the tank.) (5 - She has won a number of tournaments on this year's tennis circuit.) (7 - The circuitry in this computer is protected from power surges.)

회로, 서킷, 순회, ...계 (1. a closed system esp. of wires through which electricity can flow) (2. A _______ is also a system that allows people to communicate with each other) (3. something shaped like a circle, esp. a route, path, or sports track that starts and ends in the same place) (4. A _______ can be a path or route in the shape of a circle) (5. a regular series of events that happen in different places) (6. an area under the authority of a particular court) (7. the connected arrangement of the wires and other parts of a closed system through which electricity can flow)

shunt (shuhnt) (1 - Seals can shunt blood away from their skin to maintain body temperature. You can't just shunt your problems aside.)

회피하다, 전철하다, 옆으로 돌리다 (1. to move someone or something to the side or away)

evade (ih-VEYD) (1 - She's trying to evade my questions. He was convicted of evading taxes.)

회피하다, 피하다, 면하다 (1. to avoid something unpleasant or unwanted, or to manage not to do /something that should be done/)

traverse (TRAV-ers, tru̲h̲-VURS) (1 - Moving sidewalks traverse the airport.)

횡단하다, 가로지르다, 횡단 (1. to move or travel through an area)

halo (HEY-loh)

후광, 영광, 「할로겐의」뜻 (1. a ring of light around or above the head of a holy person in a religious drawing or painting)

inlet (noun IN-let, -lit; verb IN-let, in-LET)

후미, ...을 박아 넣다, 작은 만 (1. a narrow channel of water that goes from a sea or lake into the land or between islands)

rue (roo) (1 - She gave him a rueful smile.)

후회하다, 뉘우치다, 비탄 (1. to feel sorry about an event and wish it had not happened; regret)

warp (wawrp) (1 - Water poured in, ruining carpets, warping walls, destroying wiring.) (2 - The novel is an appraisal of how totalitarianism can warp a society.)

휘게 하다, 구부리다, 왜곡하다 (1. /of a surface or hard material/ to bend or twist so that the surface is no longer flat or straight) (2. to cause something or someone to no longer do what is usual or right)

respite (RES-pit) (1 - The center provides a respite for teens in trouble.)

휴식, 일시적 중단, 연기 (1. a pause or rest from something difficult or unpleasant)

recess (ri-SES, REE-ses) (1 - Congress returns from its August recess next week. After lunch, the kids have recess.) (2 - He pointed his flashlight into the dark recesses of the cave.)

휴식, 휴회, 쉬다, 휴정, 휴가 (1. a period of time in which an organized activity such as study or work is temporarily stopped) (2. a secret or hidden place) (3. A ______ is also an alcove.)

truce (troos) (1 - We seemed to be arguing so much, we have declared a truce in my family.)

휴전, 정전, 중단, 방지 (1. a temporary agreement to stop fighting or arguing, or a brief interruption in a disagreement)

mimic (MIM-ik) (1 - She was mimicking the various people in our office.) (2 - This substance mimics calcium and can replace it in bones.) (2 - He was a fine mimic.) (2 - The mockingbird is known for its mimicry of other birds.)

흉내내다, 흉내쟁이, 가짜의 (1. to copy the way someone speaks and moves, esp. in order to amuse or insult people) (2. To _____ is also to have the same or similar effect as something else)

sob (sob) (1 - I never heard such sobs.)

흐느끼다, 훌쩍거리다 (1. to cry in a noisy way, taking in sudden, short breaths)

blur (blur) (2 - It all happened so long ago that it's just a blur to me now.) (2 - The exhibit consisted of blurry, blown-up, black-and-white photographs.) (3 - These deals are blurring the distinction between local and long-distance telephone service.) (4 - My childhood memories are already blurring.) (4 - People who develop meningitis can get a stiff neck, blurred vision, and headaches.)

흐릿해지다, 희미해지다, 몽롱해지다, 모호, 흔들림 (1. something whose shape is not clear) (2. A ____ is also something that you cannot remember clearly) (3. to become unclear, or to make something hard to see) (4. If a memory has blurred or something has blurred it, it becomes hard to remember clearly)

vampire (VAM-pahyu̲h̲ r)

흡혈귀, 악랄한 착취자, 함정 (1. an imaginary creature, said to be a dead person returned to life, who sucks blood from people at night)

relish (REL-ish) (1 - I enjoyed our vacation, but didn't relish the twenty-hour trip back home.) (2 - We have relish for the hamburgers and hot dogs.)

흥미, 맛, 풍미 (1. to like or enjoy something) (2. a type of sauce, usually made of vegetables cut into small pieces, vinegar, and spices, that adds flavor to food) (3. the enjoyment you get from doing something)

disperse (dih-SPURS) (1 - It took several hours for the crowd to disperse.)

흩어지게 하다, 퍼뜨리다, 흩어지다 (1. to scatter or move away over a large area, or to cause this to happen)

dilute (dih-LOOT, dahy-; adjective DAHY-loot) (1 - Dilute the bleach in water before adding it to the wash.) (2 - He disinfected the tub with a solution of diluted bleach.)

희석하다, 묽게 하다, 약화시키다, 누그러뜨리는 , 덜하다 (1. to make a liquid weaker by mixing it with water or another liquid) (2. If you ______ a substance you make it weaker or less pure by mixing it with another substance.) (3. made weaker or less pure by the addition of another substance)

hysterical (hi-STER-i-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - Calm down, you're getting hysterical. She broke into hysterical laughter /= laughter that is uncontrollable/. infml That joke was hysterical /= extremely amusing/.) (1 - Gillian was laughing/crying hysterically.)

히스테릭한, 광란의, 분별이 없어진 (1. unable to control your emotions or behavior because you are very frightened, excited, etc.)

arduous (AHR-joo-u̲h̲ s or, esp. British, AHR-dyoo-) (1 - In those days, a trip to the West was an arduous journey.)

힘드는, 고된, 분투적인 (1. difficult and tiring, or needing a great deal of effort)

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