BYU Health Course1.

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According to your reading, adults should participate in a minimum of ________ minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity. 60 150 180 300


During which trimester is the baby's sex usually identifiable? A. second B. third C. first


Getting twelve hours of sleep daily: risk or protective factor for communicable and non-communicable diseases? A. risk factor B. protective factor


How does sensation-seeking change an adolescent's behavior? A. exercising independence from parents B. gravitating towards friends who are predictable C. becoming more aggressive D. experiencing mood swings


Miranda's mom is super strict. She often sets curfew really early and changes it occasionally. When Miranda asks why curfew is so early, her mom's reply is always, "Because I said so, and I'm your mom!" Miranda often sneaks out to be with her friends. When her mom finds out, Miranda receives really harsh punishments. Miranda's mom is what type of parent? A. authoritarian B. authoritative C. neglectful D. permissive


Push-ups would be an example of which type of activity? A. muscle-strengthening B. flexibility C. stretching D. aerobic endurance


Self-esteem is best described as _________. A. the level of confidence, value, and respect you have for yourself B. how satisfied you are with your progress and successes C. the measure of how valued and respected you are by others D. how well you perform in various areas as a member of society E. how attractive you believe you are


What does meiosis entail? A. the dividing of a single cell into four individual cells B. the creating of genetic disorders and anomalies C. the fusing of the sperm and the egg D. the separating of a single cell into two connected cells


What increases during the third trimester to prepare for birth? A. the baby's weight B. the strength of the amniotic sac C. the thickness of the baby's hair D. all of the above


What is the purpose of CPR? A. to help circulate blood from a victim's heart throughout the body B. to prevent a victim from bleeding out C. to keep a victim awake during a traumatic event D. to give bystanders something to do while waiting for medical personnel


Which form of birth control protects 100 percent against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections? A. abstinence B. surgery C. oral contraceptives D. barrier devices


Which is true about the testes? A. They produce about 120 million sperm each day. B. The sperm exit here and goes straight into the penis during ejaculation. C. The male reproductive system ends here. D. They produce both estrogen and sperm.


Which of the following is an example of an optimistic attitude? A. Life is full of experiences good and bad, but I can always find something to learn from each experience. B. I am the smartest person on this planet, which is why I don't have to study to get good grades. C. I can't do anything about what happens in the world around me. D. I would rather stay in my room and pretend bad things don't happen in the world than have to experience any negativity for myself.


Which of the following is most indicative of a manic phase of bipolar disorder? A. Lilly can only sleep a few hours each night because she's so full of energy all the time. B. Natalie has been anxious lately because her mom was recently diagnosed with cancer. C. Jake had a hard time concentrating at school because he was so excited for his first date that night. D. Tom is about to graduate but is struggling to see his future in an optimistic way.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of an unhealthy family relationship? A. mutual respect B. closed communication C. substance abuse D. perfectionism


Which of the following is the effect that would most likely accompany fad dieting? A. eventually gaining the weight back B. improving physical strength C. losing weight without negative health consequences D. avoiding illness


Which of the following questions would be most useful to ask yourself when determining the validity of a piece of health information found online? A. How long has it been since the info was last updated? B. Do I like and agree with the information presented? C. Are there pictures to help explain the information? D. Is the website aesthetically pleasing and colorful?


Which of the following statements is not true about mental illnesses? A. Mental illnesses are not very common. B. There are multiple types of treatment for those who have mental illnesses. C. By talking about mental illnesses, we can help reduce the stigma associated with them. D. People with mental illnesses can live rich and successful lives.


Which statement about the exhaustion phase of general adaptation syndrome is false? A. It occurs every time you experience a stressful situation. B. Your body starts to break down—as in injury or burnout—because it can no longer handle the consistently high stressful demands. C. It occurs when you spend a lot of time going back and forth between the alarm and resistance stages. D. Spending time in the exhaustion phase increases the likelihood of experiencing negative effects like ulcers, heart failure, depression, and headaches.


Which of the following is true about assertive communicators? Select all that apply. A. They do not back down when a conflict impacts things they value, but they also consider others' viewpoints . B. They agree with others to their faces and then try to sabotage them behind their backs. C. They are respectful and take other people's feelings into account.

A + C

Select each "I" statement. A. I feel unappreciated when you don't help with the dishes. B. You make me so angry when you talk to me like that. C. You are just trying to make me jealous! D. I feel hurt when you are late, because it makes me feel unimportant.

A + D

Which of the following are examples of negative coping strategies or defense mechanisms? Select all that apply. A. Michael has started arguing with his parents a lot because he's upset about being bullied at school. B. After long days at school, Savannah goes home and plays the piano for a while before starting on her homework. C. Anna spends most of her free time editing and posting pictures on Instagram instead of doing her homework, because she feels she's better at photography than at schoolwork. D. Lizzie likes to write in her journal before bed each night to vent about frustrations she had throughout the day. E. Greg plays video games for several hours at a time because he doesn't want to start working on his college applications, which are due the next week.

A, C, E

While Joseph was on a road trip, he passed by a small town with huge signs pointing out the bar just a few blocks away. What negative influence was pushed upon Joseph? personality type advertising boredom or experimentation media messages expectations family environment rebellion


Jana's family has a history of alcoholism. What are some health risks Jana should be worried about associated with heavy use of alcohol? Choose all that apply. A. heart damage B. liver inflammation C. pancreatic damage D. cancer

All of the above

Testosterone may manifest itself through ________. A. impulsivity B. aggression C. risky behavior D. all of the above

All of the above

Which is true about ovaries? A. the female reproductive system begins here B. they store all the eggs a female will ever need in her lifetime C. the hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced D. all of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a reason why adolescents' sphere of friends begins to change or increase? Select all that apply. A. more autonomy B. more class subjects to choose from C. more structured sports teams and extracurricular events

All of the above

A change in perspective often leads to a change in ______________. A. hair color B. behavior C. sleeping patterns D. skill level E. IQ


About how often does a woman have her menstrual period? A. every two to seven days B. every month C. every two weeks D. every two months


According to your reading, which of the following eating patterns is best characterized by 4-5 servings per day of fruit, 4-5 servings per day of vegetables, and 2-3 servings per day of low-fat dairy to lower blood pressure? A. vegetarian B. DASH diet C. Mediterranean D. ketogenic


According to your reading, which of the following eating patterns is best characterized by red wine and oil consumption, a high intake of plant-based foods (nuts, fruit, veggies, grains), and a consequent decrease in the risk of heart disease and cancer. A. fast food B. Mediterranean C. MyPlate D. DASH diet


At what age should females get their first Pap smear? A. 15 B. 21 C. whenever the woman first begins to be sexually active D. 13


Each of these statements is true except: A. Understanding your weaknesses can help you grow and improve. B. Understanding your weaknesses can help you boost your sense of superiority. C. Understanding your weaknesses can help you accept your vulnerability. D. Understanding your weaknesses can help you value who you are in your entirety. E. Understanding your weaknesses can help you see yourself in a true light.


Figaro has not been able to sleep for a few days. Which of these things could be causing his insomnia? A. He drinks coffee in the morning before school. B. He goes for a run around nine then gets ready for bed at ten. C. He often writes down his worries right before he goes to bed. D. He reads a book when he's not feeling sleepy.


How can muscle-strengthening exercises help you lose weight? A. Muscle-strengthening exercises don't help with weight loss. The body only converts fat tissue to energy during aerobic exercise. B. Maintaining muscle tissue requires more energy than fat tissue, even while the body is at rest. C. Muscle-strengthening exercises exhaust your muscles, so they become longer, thinner, and weigh less. D. Muscle strengthening exercises generally take longer than other types of exercise, so they help the body burn the most energy.


Is sickle cell anemia a communicable or non-communicable disease? A. communicable B. non-communicable


Scientists are working on a new allergy drug. They are in the testing stages where they look for side effects in test subjects. They find the drug makes the subjects drowsy and slows their reaction time. In addition, their heart rate decreases, and they seem to have poor concentration. What "type" of drug would this be classified under? A. dehallucinogen B. depressant C. hallucinogen D. stimulant


Verbal bullying includes which of the following? A. spreading rumors about someone B. making inappropriate sexual comments C. telling other people not to be friends with someone D. spitting on someone


What is ejaculation? A. the act of giving birth B. the point during intercourse where the sperm enters the female body C. the beginning of a woman's menstrual cycle D. the combination of the sperm and the egg's genetic material


What is the legal status of over-the-counter medicines in the USA? A. illegal B. legal without restrictions C. legal with restrictions


Where does an egg implant after fertilization? A. the inside of the fallopian tube B. the lining of the uterus C. the upper part of the vagina D. the lower part of the ovary


Which drug has been increasing in use since 2008? A. methamphetamine B. marijuana C. heroin D. cocaine


Which form of carbohydrate is known as blood sugar and is used by the body cells to produce energy and, in excess, is stored as fat? A. starch B. glucose C. glycogen D. sucrose


Which of the following does not occur during the birth process? A. breaking of the amniotic sac B. implantation of the embryo C. delivery of the placenta D. dilation of the cervix


Which of the following is not a characteristic of healthy relationships? A. making each other feel comfortable B. refusing to compromise and negotiate conflicts C. being able to disagree with each other respectfully D. respecting each other's opinions, thoughts, friends, and beliefs


Which of the following is not a component of effective communication? A. active listening B. "you" statements C. body language D. assertiveness E. "I" statements


Which of the following is not a right or expectation you should have in a relationship? A. to pursue separate interests B. to eliminate my partner's relationships C. to refuse physical affection at any time D. to be listened to seriously


Which of the following statements is true about suicide? A. Most people who commit suicide do not leave any warning signs. B. By recognizing warning signs and telling a trusted adult, you can save a life. C. Once someone makes up their mind to commit suicide, there is nothing you can do to stop them. D. Suicide is rare.


.Which hormonal supplement has been used to improve muscle mass but has numerous side effects and should be avoided? A. mydriatics B. loop diuretics C. anabolic steroids D. probiotics


How many inches should the chest be compressed for infants and children during CPR? A. halfway into the chest cavity for both infants and children B. 1 for infants, 1½ for children C. 1½ for infants, 2 for children D. 2 for infants, halfway into the chest cavity for children


In which food source(s) can you find large amounts of the vitamin that aids in wound healing and iron absorption? A. yogurt, cheese, and milk B. butter, olive oil, and seeds C. citrus fruits, red and green veggies, broccoli, and peppers D. pasta, bread, and cereal E. peanut butter, eggs, and pork


Jacqueline's favorite TV show often shows the main character with a glass of wine in her hand. Her life seems so put together, and Jacqueline wonders if the wine helps her relax. What kind of negative influence is Jacqueline feeling here? A. family environment B. rebellion C. media messages D. personality E. advertising F. expectations G. boredom or experimentation


Kate is dealing with a lot of stress in her life and begins to experience the three stages of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). These stages are ________. A. anger, denial, depression B. stress, adaptation, recovery C. alarm, resistance, exhaustion


Mariyah always ends her workout with a cool down. She finishes by doing a series of toe touches, quadriceps stretches, and calf stretches (all of these are accomplished by holding the position still for ten seconds). What kind of stretching is Mariyah using? A. aerobic stretching B. dynamic stretching C. static stretching D. ballistic stretching


Max is a healthy seventeen-year-old boy. What would be his maximum heartrate? A. 132 bpm B. 162 bpm C. 203 bpm D. 208 bpm


Of the following, which would be the least reliable website for nutrition information? A. B. C. D.


The six essential nutrients include carbohydrates, lipids (fats), ________, vitamins, minerals, and ________. A. protein; calories B. sugar; salt C. protein; water D. salt; cholesterol E. sugar; calories


What are the purpose of neurons? A. help you move and stretch B. provide framework and help shape the body C. Send electrical messages back and forth D. increase the efficiency of the immune system


What do alcohol and tobacco have in common? A. Both induce slurring of words in their users B. Both lead to lung problems C. Both increase risk of cancer. D. Both cause dental issues


What is the leading cause of death for teenagers in the United States? A. work accidents B. food poisoning C. motor vehicle accidents D. sports-related injuries


What is the legal status of tobacco in the USA? A. illegal B. legal without restrictions C. Legal with restrictions


What is usually the purpose of a terrorist attack? A. to hurt an individual person B. to hide weakness from others C. to scare as many people as possible D. to threaten families


When an abuser apologizes and tells the victim that they will never repeat the abusive behavior, they are in the _____ phase of the domestic violence cycle. A. violent episode B. controlling C. honeymoon D. tension building


Which laws allow you to leave your baby at the hospital or police station with no questions asked? A. good-Samaritan laws B. Patient's Bill of Rights C. safe-haven laws D. Affordable Care Act


Which of the following is not a pathway that communicable diseases can be transferred? A. animals B. food C. genetics D. air


Which of the following is not a warning sign of suicide? A. giving away prized possessions B. talking a lot about death C. experiencing sadness after loss of a loved one D. no longer participating in activities they once loved


Which of the following is the correct pathway for the passage of sperm? A. urethra—prostate—epididymis—vas deferens B. prostate—vas deferens—epididymis—prostate C. testes—epididymis—vas deferens—prostate D. testes—vas deferens—prostate—epididymis


Which of these activities would best improve physical strength and overall muscle tone? A. jogging B. stretching C. lifting weights D. bicycling


Who would be the best person to ask for accurate information about a weight-loss product? A. a friend who has used the product B. an editor of a health magazine C. a licensed health-care professional D. a salesperson from the product's company


Why is being resilient a characteristic of someone with high self-esteem? A. Being resilient is giving up and just letting things happen, that way we don't worry about our futures. B. Being resilient means we feel like the world is against us, and therefore we choose to become angry at the world. C. Being resilient means we understand that life isn't perfect, but we are also confident that we can learn and grow from hard things. D. Being resilient is seeing the world in a negative light because of all the hard things we've gone through.


You hear about new research on a diet and wonder whether the new information is valid. Which of the following questions should you ask yourself in evaluating the research? A. Does the information match what I learned in school? B. Has the writer's book sold many copies? C. Did the writer of the report cite other reliable sources? D. Does the writer use plenty of graphics to explain his or her findings?


13. Buzz likes taking long showers. What should he make sure to do directly after his shower? A. wash his towel B. wash his hands C. get ready for bed D. dry off completely


Cassie comes home from school upset because she received a bad grade on a paper. When her mom asks what is wrong, Cassie explains the problem and expresses her frustration. Her mom tells her that she cares about her and helps her make a plan to improve her grade on the next assignment. What characteristic of a healthy family is present in this scenario? A. negotiating conflict B. permissive parenting style C. the principle of "if it's broken, get a new one" D. open and effective communication


Folate is a nutrient recommended especially to ________ in order to ________. A. teens; promote muscle growth and strengthening B. women experiencing menopause; maintain bone density C. older men and women; prevent osteoporosis D. women in their late teens to mid-40s; prevent neural complications in a growing fetus E. infants; promote physical and cognitive development


Gantu works at an office all day every day. He is constantly sitting down with minimal breaks. What could he do to help his body cope with the stress of sitting in the same position for a long period of time? A. He should get a soda when he's feeling stressed. B. He should make sure to rest his neck on the back of his chair. C. On break, he should sit down on a more comfortable chair. D. It is important that he maintain a healthy posture and ergonomics.


Jillian is researching the effects of alcohol on the human body. What might she find in her research? A. Alcohol leads to a more regular heartbeat. B. Alcohol leads to increased tobacco use. C. Alcohol leads to lower blood pressure. D. Alcohol leads to heart damage.


Sperm production begins in the _______. A. prostate B. epididymis C. penis D. testes


The fitness of which two organs is improved the most by doing aerobic exercise? A. muscles and bones B. lungs and stomach C. brain and muscles D. heart and lungs


This parenting style has high expectations but also expresses a lot of love. A parent using this style is willing to help you but also wants you to learn and grow. A. permissive B. authoritarian C. neglectful D. authoritative


What do sugar molecule cells use for energy? (It is sometimes referred to as blood sugar.) A. glycogen B. sucrose C. cellulose (fiber) D. glucose E. starch


What is the best thing you can do for someone who is contemplating suicide? A. Ignore them; they won't really go through with it. B. Tell your entire class; that way you can all be on the lookout for signs. C. Keep it a secret; you don't want to break their trust. D. Tell a trusted adult who can get them the help they need.


What must a sperm overcome in order to reach the egg? A. the correct direction when reaching the Fallopian tube B. the acidic conditions of the vagina C. the possibility of physical deformities D. all of the above


Which STI sometimes has the symptom of warts on the genitals? A. gonorrhea B. chlamydia C. syphilis D. HPV


Which of the following foods is high in protein? A. apples B. carrots C. oatmeal D. eggs


Which of the following is a healthy lifestyle change? A. take a dietary supplement to reduce your appetite B. eat only green vegetables C. exercise for ninety minutes after every meal D. reducing sugar intake in diet


Which of the following is not a tested form of effective treatment for someone with a mental illness? A. medication B. light therapy C. exposure therapy D. eating gluten-free foods


Why is HIV/AIDS fatal? A. It attacks the nervous system, leading to paralysis and death. B. It causes infected sores, which can spread and cause organ damage. C. It causes mental degradation, which leads to death. D. It attacks the immune system, leaving the body susceptible to disease.


Kayleigh is getting a poor grade in her Economics 101 class. She decides to meet with her professor during his office hours to see what can be done. When the professor sees that she is really desperate, he moves towards her and says, "Maybe something can be arranged," and puts his hand on her knee. What type of sexual harassment is she a victim of? A. unfavorable environment B. hostile environment C.ergo et cetera D. quid pro quo

D ("Quid pro quo" is a fancy term for "you do what I want, or you won't get what you want.")

Oils, butter, and dairy products are major sources of ________. A. carbohydrate B. mineral C. water D. protein E. fat


The disposition to look at something in a positive way is ________. A. wishful thinking B. realism C. naïveté D. pessimism E. optimism


What is the main difference between organic foods and commercially grown foods? A. Organic food typically has more nutrients. B. Organic food is usually cheaper because it required less chemical treatment for growth. C. Organic food can only be found at specialty stores. D. Organic food typically has less nutrients. E. Organic food is raised with natural products (i.e., natural fertilizers and pesticides).


The bladder is completely closed off when the penis is sexually stimulated so that urination can't occur. false true


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