CAP 120 1st quiz study guide

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What are sample techniques to help with client exploration?

Confronting/challenging, facilitating insight, interpretations, and immediacy

What is facilitating insight?

Helping clients think more deeply about what causes and maintains their problems. Stimulate curiosity rather than defensiveness ("Help me understand how you have been able to be in this relationship that has been so difficult for you" vs "Why do you stay in this abusive relationship?")

What are the characteristics of an effective counselor (examples)?

Holds positive beliefs about people Has a healthy self-concept Grounds interventions in a theoretical rationale Is respectful of cultural differences Is able to fully listen and understand Possesses empathy, congruence, warmth, compassion, genuineness, and positive regard

What is diagnosing?

Identifying a pattern of symptoms that leads to a specific diagnosis

What is stage 3?

Identifying and setting goals- Establish goals and name specific changes desired

Define counseling and the 4 main goals

"A professional relationship that empowers individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals"

When do you terminate?

(1) the end is imposed by external time limits (brief therapy) (2) when goals have been achieved (3) when clients feel ready to terminate (4) when therapists feel that their clients are ready to terminate (5) when therapists feel that they are no longer working productively (6) when changing therapists is recommended (7) when the client needs higher levels of care (psychiatric care, in-patient treatment)

Couples and Family Therapist or Marriage and Family Therapist

(CFT) or (MFT)- Treat clients from a relationship framework (family/partner) Treat individuals, children, couples, and families Use a "Systems perspective"

Licensed Professional Counselor

(LPC)- Treat children, adolescents and adults, couples and families. Focus on mental health, wellness, education, and career goals Work from diverse frameworks Can have a specific area of focus: school counseling, substance abuse counseling

What are sample techniques of person centered therapy?

(NOT technique oriented) Entering the client's world Being genuine, warm, empathetic, and showing acceptance of and respect for the client

What are sample techniques of existential therapy?

(NOT technique oriented) Values clarification Focuses on finding "meaning", "freedom," "responsibility," and "choice"


(PsyD and PhD)- Clinical psychologists and Counseling Psychologists Focus on assessment, diagnosis,and treatment Clinical psychologists may focus on more disturbed clients and emphasize testing (assessment) Counseling psychologists may focus on client's strengths and empowerment•Both often do the same work and work in the same settings Both often do the same work and work in the same settings

What is stage 2?

Assessing or defining the present problem- gather information, identify problems, and assess problems

What are examples of working relationship ingredients?

Attention, active listening, empathy, acceptance (combination of support and challenge), appropriate warmth, showing concern for their well-being, respect, and genuineness

What does Gestalt therapy focus on?

Awareness of emotions Present experiences Here-and-now

What are sample techniques of cognitive therapy?

Challenging or disputing thoughts Finding alternative thoughts Changing language ("musts" "oughts" and "shoulds") Journaling, role-playing and homework

What does behavior therapy focus on?

Changing present behavior Re-learning Re-conditioning

What are therapy/counseling goals in stage 3?

Desired outcomes of the helping process that are agreed upon the helper and the client

What is immediacy?

Disclosing how the therapist is feeling in that moment about (1) the client, about (2) themselves in relation to the client, or about the (3) therapeutic relationship ("You seemed angry when I said that. I wonder what is going on inside")

Non-licensed Human Service Workers/Para-professionals

Education and training at the undergraduate level Non-licensed Community support worker, human service worker, social work assistant, substance abuse counselor, mental health technician, child care worker, etc.

What is stage 4?

Encouraging client exploration and action- explore alternatives and strategies and create a realistic plan

What is stage 1?

Establishing a working relationship- Build a quality therapeutic relationship

What are sample techniques of psychoanalysis?

Free association Dream analysis Interpretations Analysis of resistance Transference Counter transference Catharsis

What are sample techniques of Gestalt therapy?

Gestalt dream work "I" language Body awareness Empty-chair Two-chair Repetition and exaggeration

What are interpretations?

Going beyond what a client has overtly stated or recognized and present a new meaning for behaviors thoughts or feelings ("Could your anger at your husband right now be connected to your grief over your mother's death")

What is Confronting/challenging

Invite clients to look at the discrepancies, incongruities, denials, distortions, excuses, defensive behaviors, and evasions that prevent them from taking action to change their lives

What are the focuses of existential therapy?

Meaning in life Freedom (to choose what to make of our circumstances) Responsibility Choice


Medical Doctors Focus on mental health and physical aspects of psychological problems Diagnosis, treatment (some do psychotherapy), and prescription of medications

What are the focuses of psychoanalysis?

Past early experiences Unlocking the "unconscious"

What are skills for ending the counseling process (examples)?

Remind clients of the approaching end of the sessions (2-3 sessions before) Can space out the final few sessions (from weekly to every 3 weeks, this helps prepare the client) Let clients talk about feelings of separation and provide validation Review the course of the treatment/ make a summary: what skills/ lessons the client learned, what was most helpful in the sessions, what was less helpful, how do they feel using those lessons on their own Acknowledge client's progress (help client get a sense of accomplishment) Provide reassurance about the future (anticipating challenging situations) Let clients know they can return to counseling in the future if needed or if they have new issues

Social Worker

SW- Work with the inner world of a client Also understands the client's social environment Not only do counseling work but also casework, social policy and planning, research and development Bring social change on levels beyond the individual

When do you start building the working relationship?

Start building a quality relationship since the beginning

What does a counselor provide?

Support and relief to people in emotional pain Guidance to change unhelpful/damaging behavior Help to gain insight (understand themselves in new ways) Assistance when dealing with existential concerns ("where am I going?") Support to learn skills to live life more effectively (coping skills, communication skills, assertiveness skills, relaxation skills) A source of feedback about how clients appear to others (information that others might hesitate to provide)

What are sample techniques of behavior therapy?

Systematic desensitization In-vivo exposure Relaxation training Anger management Homework Role -playing Modeling

What is stage 5?

Termination- review what clients learned and make long-term plans

What does person centered therapy focus on?

The client (is at the center of the therapeutic process) Unconditional positive regard

What are the motives for becoming a counselor?

The need to make an impact The need to reciprocate The need to care for others The need for self-help The need to be needed The need for recognition and status The need to provide answers The need for control

What is informed consent?

The process of informing and obtaining the consent of the client to participate in counseling/therapy

What is the initial assessment?

The process of obtaining information and discovering relevant factors in a client's life, so the therapist can develop a tentative hypothesis on the client's issues.

What is the working relationship/ working alliance/ therapeutic alliance?

The relationship between the helper and the client

What is theoretical orientation?

Therapists adopt a specific psychotherapy theory, which helps them conceptualize clients and define treatment

What are action plans?

They are realistic, attainable, simple, easy to understand, concrete, measurable, can be done independently, can include tasks that are repetitive

What are the focuses of cognitive therapy?

Thoughts (automatic/ irrational/unhelpful) Core schemas

What are sample questions of initial assessment in stage 2?

What are you experiencing nowadays? How are you feeling (which symptoms)? For how long? When did it start? Who is your social support? What are some significant past events -including trauma-(mental health history)? Tell me about any contextual considerations (e.g., culture) related to current issues?

What are sample questions of an initial session in stage 1?

What brings you here? What brought you here today? What has been going in your life recently that prompted you to seek professional help at this time? Have you experienced counseling/therapy before? How was it? What did you do in the past when you faced other/similar problems? What expectations did you have when coming here? Are there any fears hopes, or reservations? Please feel free to share What would you like to accomplish in counseling/therapy?

What are sample questions of therapy/counseling goals in stage 3?

What would you like to achieve from our work together? Where would you like to be in your life at this time? What specific feelings, thoughts or behaviors are you most interested in changing? What kind of future do you most want for yourself?

What is client conceptualization?

understanding and synthesizing the client's information (symptoms, history, presenting problem, etc.)

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