Carbs #1 and some of Carbs #2

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Glucose, major

**Because our bodies can break down carbohydrates (simple- sugars + complex-starches) into ____________, carbohydrates are the ___________ source of energy (in the form of calories) for our bodies

4, Protein, 4, 9

**MUST KNOW:** Carbohydrates provides ___ calories per gram ____________ provides ___ calories per gram Fat provides ___ calories per gram


3 or more monosaccharides that are large and complex


A disaccharide that consists of 1 ring of glucose and 1 ring of fructose. It is processed from cane and beet sugar.


A disaccharide that consists of 1 ring of glucose and 1 ring of galactose. When milk ___________ is digested - an enzyme (lactase) splits this disaccharide into two monosaccharide rings. Once split apart - these tow monosaccharides can be easily digested.


A disaccharide that consists of 2 rings of glucose. It is a component of "malt", a product that comes from grain to soften and germinate in water. It is found in beer and commonly found in processed foods that have been sweetened including cereals and pasta.

quickly, glucose

A key issue is how _________ carbs are digested and converted into _______


A monosaccharide that is also known as "milk sugar" is the least sweet sugar. It is found in dairy products. It comes from the digestion of milk sugar (When a molecule of ____________ is combined with a molecule of glucose, the result is a double sugar called lactose)


A monosaccharide that is the body's primary source of energy. It is not found in food but it is derived from the breakdown of dietary starch, fructose, and galactose. It is in processed foods and part of milk. Sometimes referred to as dextrose


A monosaccharide that is the sweetest sugar. It is most commonly found in fruit. The riper the fruit, the more ___________ it will contain. It is found in honey and some root veggies. ex. High __________ corn syrup


A polysaccharide that is the most common carbohydrate consumed and they are the key ingredients in food staples including grains, potatoes, rice, corn, and legumes (beans - seeds of the plant). It is produced by green plants to store energy. It is the primary source of energy for the body once it is converted into glucose.

High Fructose Corn Syrup

A sweetener made by processing the starch found in corn into fructose. Taking the starch in corn and converting it into sugar (fructose). It is cheap, liquid, and easy to store


All active tissues of plants and animals need a constant source of __________

Sun, plants

All energy comes from the _______. We need __________ to capture it.

Complex Carbohydrates

Also known as polysaccharides since they contain MANY chains of simple sugars. It provides the most health benefits + nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Foods such as bread, legumes, rice, pasta, and starchy vegetables contain complex carbohydrates Foods in this category are further divided into starches and dietary fiber. Starches & Gloycogen - Potatoes; Vegetables (amylose & amylopectin) Fiber 1) Insoluble (ex. Bran) 2) Soluble (ex. Oatmeal)

Simple Carbohydrates

Also referred to as "sugars" (or saccharides) are further divided into 3 forms of single sugars (mono-saccharides) and 3 forms of double sugars (di-saccharides) Simple Carbs --Mono-saccharides (1 sugar) 1) Glucose 2) Fructose 3) Galactose --Disaccharides (2 sugars) 1) Sucrose 2) Maltose 3) Lactose

Complex Carbohydrates

Also referred to as polysaccharides, as it contains MANY (poly) singular sugar units. These sugars are large and complex and ar further divided into STARCH, GLYCOGEN & FIBER


Chains of carbon that are fully hydrated with water (H2O). Composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms (CHO) - which make up the building blocks for a sugar, Or saccharide molecule.

Roots, stems

Common storage sites for plant starches: 1) _______ like Sweet Potatoes 2) Underground _________ like White Potatoes 3) Fruits like Winter Squashes 4) Seeds like Beans and Grains

blood sugar, slower

Complex carbs are healthier than simple carbs since complex carbs are digested slower and consequently elevate _____________ ___________ levels at a _________ rate


Disaccharides - meaning just ___ sugar molecules


Disaccharides are the result of 2 _____________ rings that are linked together

5 to 1

Dr. Greger follows the ___________ rule when buying grain products. Divide the total carbs by the dietary fiber and if the ration is 5 or less, then that is good


Glucose is sometimes referred to as _____________

Because starch molecules are too big to stimulate th sweet taste on our tongue

If a starch is the source of so much sugar (glucoses) why - don't starches taste sweet?

problems, glucose, converting, larger

If our bodies need glucose --- Why do plants store starch and not glucose? Plant cells have __________ storing __________ since glucose molecules absorb water until they burst. Plants compromise by __________ glucose into starch, which as a much ________ molecule, does not pull water into their cells

Starch, glucose

Krebs cycle when oxygen is present: Process: (Beginning --> Middle --> End) _________ --> __________ --> Pyruvic acid --> ATP + CO2


MAJOR DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AMYLOSE & AMYLOPECTIN: The ________ to which starch is digested and converted into glucose. All comes down to how fast plant starches are digested and converted into glucose

Simple carbs

Made up of 1 (monosaccharide) (single sugar ring) or 2 (disaccharides) (two sugar rings) sugar molecules


Means not requiring oxygen


Means requiring oxygen


Monosaccharides - meaning just __ sugar molecule


Part of simple carbohydrates and are Single sugars (1 sugar) that are: 1) Glucose 2) Fructose 3) Galactose


Part of simple carbohydrates and are double sugars (2 sugars) that are: 1) Sucrose 2) Maltose 3) Lactose


Part of the whole grain that contains the majority of starch (and protein). It is protected by outer layers.


Part of the whole grain that is the plant's seed since it contains the genetic material for a new plant. Also called the embryo. Also provides heathy oils, proteins. and fats


Part of the whole grain that is the primary source of fiber. It is the protective outer layer of the shell - it is high in fiber and B vitamins.

lactose intolerant

People who are _________ _______________ lack the lactase enzyme needed to split this disaccharide into 2 monosaccharides. But they can use bacteria to digest ________. In doing so, the bacteria produces large amounts of methane gas. But if lactose is not digested - it can result in osmotic diaherra and discomfort.


Plant starch digested much slower and for that reason is the healthier starch


Plant starch that is digested faster since digestive enzymes have more to work with -- but in this case, it's not healthy since when we digest things faster, still are hungry and not yet satiated


Provide calories or energy needed for growth + metabolism. "Macro" means large, and _____________ are needed in large amounts Include: Carbs, fats, and protein

lactic acid

Rather than producing CO2, when exercising anaerobically (when oxygen levels are insufficient), muscle cells produce a different waste product called: _______ ________. The accumulation of this waste product in muscle cells during vigorous anaerobic conditions contributes to the pain/burn we feel in our muscles

complex, both, mono

Rules for this course (veggie/fruit criteria): 1) Vegetables: are foods composed primarily of ________ carbohydrates (starches + fiber). They're usually part of the main or side dish of a meal 2) Fruits: are foods containing _______ complex carbohydrates (starches + fiber) and varying amounts of simple carbohydrates in the form of a _______saccharide (fructose). They are usually considered a dessert or snack


Simple and complex carbs ________ depending upon their structure


Starch in WHOLE grains is protected by the grain's outer layers - which _________ digestion


Sweet potatoes are much _________ and contain more nutrients than white potatoes.


The Body's main source of fuel/energy


The bran and the _________ are the healthiest parts of the whole grain

Krebs Cycle

The process of metabolizing carbs into energy or ATP, the primary source of energy within our cells

modern, bran, germ

Though the whole grain provides many nutrients, _________ processing of whole grains removes the _______ and the ________, exposing the starch containing the endosperm. Removing these parts, removes many valuable nutrients including a variety of vitamins, protein, fiber, and minerals

Amylose and Amylopectin

What are the 2 primary categories of plant starch?

Bran, germ, endosperm

What are the 3 parts of the whole grain?

Glucose, Fructose, and Galactose

What are the 3 types of Monosaccharides?

Sucrose, Maltose, and lactose

What are the 3 types of disaccharides?

Glucose, oxygen, and Fiber

What are the three elements photosynthesis produces?

Insoluble and soluble fibers

What falls under the "Dietary fiber" category in Complex carbs?

Potatoes, Vegetables, plant starches

What falls under the "Starches & Glycogen" in Complex carbohydrates?

Standard American Diet

What is SAD? SAD is loaded with highly processed foods that contain simple CARBS

Photosynthesis, starches

What is this process called?: Plants use the sun's solar energy to convert water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) into... 1) Oxygen 2) Fiber 3) Glucose *all stored as ____________


When it comes to determining how quickly a starch contains in grains is digested (and consequently how quickly our blood sugar rises) depends to a large degree upon how much the grain has been ____________

glucose, acid, CO2

When our bodies have adequate oxygen (aerobic conditions) in a process known as the Krebs cycle, ___________ is metabolized producing pyruvic ______ - which is then converted into Adenosine TriPhosphate or ATP. Under aerobic conditions, this process also produces _______ as a waste product - which we exhale

separates, slower

When sucrose is digested, the fructose ring _____________ from the glucose and then the fructose travels to the liver, where is its slowly converted into glucose and then slowly released into the blood. For this reason, sucrose actually elevates blood sugar levels ___________ than other foods - such as highly processed carbs found in white bread and junk food. So WHY is sucrose slower? because the fructose ring splits from the glucose ring and takes time to get converted into glucose and released into the blood again.


When sucrose is processed, it is bleached and crystalized -- resulting in what is commonly known as "__________ sugar" - which lacks any vitamins and minerals that are found in unprocessed sugar cane and beets.


While simple carbs are quick and easy to digest, complex carbs (polysaccharides) are relatively _______ molecules that require more time and energy to be metabolized and digested.


Whole grain vs. White grain - ________ grain is digested rapidly and makes us want to eat more because the most nutritious parts are removed - also rapid increase in glucose


Whole grains with intact brain are metabolized (converted to glucose) MUCH _____________ and have a slow increase in glucose


______________ carbs are the healthier carbohydrates since they are digested so much slower. This delay, the prolonged time before starches are converted into sugars, is one of the reasons foods containing these carbs are not as sweet as foods containing other sugars (monosaccharides)

Monosaccharide, ease

______________ digestion: As the simplest sugars - these simple carbs are digested quickly and with ________. Since they are absorbed so quickly, any meal that contains more than 50 grams of any of these simple carbs will produce a tummyache


__________________ (glucose, fructose, and galactose) are building blocks for all complex carbohydrates


means sugar



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