cardiovascular disease risk factors and defining criteria

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physical inactivity

- not meeting the minimum threshold of 500-1000 MET-min of moderate to vigorous physical activity or 75-150min/week of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity


- men over 45 - women over 55

hypercholerolemia and dyslipidemia (lipids)

- LDLs over 130 or HDLs under 40 in men or under 50 in women - non-HDL-C over 160 - on lipid lowering medication (statins)

obesity (body mass index/waist circumference)

- BMI over 30 - waist girth (central abdominal adiposity) over 120cm (40in) for men and over 88cm (34in) for women

cigarette smoking

- current cigarette smoker or those who quit within previous 6 months or exposure to environmental tobacco smoke - pipe and cigars count - oral chewing tobacco doesn't count

impaired blood glucose

- fasting glucose over 100 or 2 h plasma glucose values in oral glucose tolerance test over 140 or HbA1C (gluconated hemaglobin) over 5.7% - OGTT: used on pregnant women to test for gestational diabetes and can determine how body is metabolizing glucose

family history

myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, or sudden death before 55 in male first degree relative or before 65 in female first degree relative

hypertension (BP)

systolic blood pressure over 130 and/or diastolic blood pressure 80, based on an average of over 2 readings obtained on over 2 occasions, or on antihypertensive medication

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