Care of the Patient with a Reproductive Disorder

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6. The discharge instructions should include arm exercises for which postoperative patient?

Modified radical mastectomy

37. The nurse is assisting the physician in removing a small sample of tissue from the patient's cervix to have it evaluated. This procedure is called a cervical ?


14. The recommended age for a baseline mammogram is between?

35 and 39 years.

38. are benign tumors of the uterus.


10. Epididymitis may occur because of to the testicle.


32. The American Cancer Society recommends that baseline mammograms be performed on women?

between the ages of 35 and 39.

34. Vaginal fistulas are caused by an ulcerating process resulting from (Select all that apply.)

cancer. radiation. weakening of tissue from pregnancies. surgical interventions.

16. The patient, age 30, was diagnosed with primary genital herpes when she sought care for lesions on her vulva and perineum. Which instructions should the nurse give to her?

"Condoms should be used during all sexual activity to prevent transmission of the virus, even when lesions are not present."

12. The nurse provides discharge teaching for a patient regarding her activity level as she recovers from her modified radical mastectomy. Which statement by her indicates to the nurse that the teaching has been successful?

"I should sleep on the side opposite my mastectomy."

24. The nurse realizes that the patient who has had an abdominal hysterectomy needs further home teaching when she states?

"I understand I can lift anything less than 20 pounds."

29. Which statement by the patient/family indicates that more teaching about HPV is necessary?

"I understand I don't need to get the new HPV vaccine unless I am sexually active."

3. A patient tells the nurse that his wife, who has been diagnosed with inoperable ovarian cancer, is talking about dying and fear of death. He asks the nurse for suggestions that will be of assistance to his wife. Which response by the nurse would be most helpful?

"It is perfectly normal to want to talk about death. It is most helpful to support her by listening."

18. A Gram-stain smear of the patient's discharge reveals the presence of N. gonorrhoeae. He tells the nurse that he had sexual contact with a new girlfriend but does not think he was exposed to gonorrhea because she did not appear to have any disease. Which information should the nurse include in response to his comment?

"Many women are not aware that they have gonorrhea because they often do not have symptoms of infection."

11. A patient, age 26, has had a tubal insufflation (Rubin's test) to ascertain whether her fallopian tubes are patent. She complains of pain in her right shoulder. The nurse's most appropriate response would be?

"That is from the carbon dioxide passing from the fallopian tubes into your abdomen."

9. The nurse has taught a 23-year-old patient how to perform a testicular self- examination. Which statement by the patient indicates the need for further teaching?

"The best time to perform TSE is just before intercourse."

8. At what age should a male be taught testicular self-exam (TSE)?


31. What factor influences older women's reluctance to seek medical care for problems of the reproductive system?

Embarrassment and cultural factors

26. A patient, age 36, is scheduled for a unilateral orchiectomy for treatment of testicular cancer. He is withdrawn and does not initiate interaction with the nurse. Which action by the nurse is most appropriate?

Assess his concerns related to his diagnosis and treatment.

5. On the fourth postoperative day after a modified radical mastectomy, the nurse finds the patient with her back to the nurse. She is crying and tells the nurse she feels ugly and is worried that her husband will not be in love with her anymore. The nurse bases subsequent nursing interventions on diagnosis?

Disturbed body image related to removal of her breast

2. On the second postoperative day, a 63-year-old patient who has had an abdominal hysterectomy complains of gas pains and abdominal distention. She has not had a bowel movement since surgery. Which nursing intervention will best stimulate peristalsis and relieve distention?

Encouraging ambulation at least four times per day

19. The patient, age 56, is a mother of nine children. She undergoes an anterior and posterior colporrhaphy for repair of a cystocele and rectocele. On her return from the postanesthesia care unit, the nurse would expect which finding on assessment?

Indwelling catheter

1. The nurse admits a patient, age 72, who is scheduled for a vaginal hysterectomy. In what position will this patient be placed in the operating room for her surgery?


30. During a laparoscopy, a small incision is made beneath the umbilicus to view the abdominal cavity. What is the purpose of insertion of a Foley catheter into the bladder?

Maintain bladder decompression for an open view

13. A female patient, age 48, is undergoing a routine physical examination for the first time in 5 years. As a part of this examination she can expect to have a?

Papanicolaou smear.

27. During physical assessment of a patient, age 64, which finding would the nurse consider abnormal?

Serous nipple drainage

39. are produced in the seminiferous tubules and stored in the epididymis.


35. Select the interventions that should be performed with caution, in the affected arm, on patients who have undergone a modified radical mastectomy. (Select all that apply.)

Vaccinations Taking of blood pressure or samples Insertion of IV line

28. A patient, age 23, seeks care at the health clinic because he has developed a profuse, purulent urethral discharge, and urination is painful. During assessment of the patient, it is most important that the nurse gather information related to?

a history of recent sexual contact with an individual with a sexually transmitted disease.

25. An appropriate nursing intervention for the patient with a hydrocele is to?

apply ice packs.

36. A is performed to evaluate living tissue in order to establish or confirm a diagnosis or to follow the course of a disease.


15. Female infertility is most often related to?

infections of the reproductive tract.

17. If severe or chronic pelvic inflammatory disease is present, the complication that may result is?


20. A mammogram is the most useful method of diagnosing breast cancer because it?

is the most reliable method of detecting breast cancer before it becomes palpable.

23. Postmenopausal women should be instructed to perform breast self-examination (BSE)?

on the same date of their choice each month.

22. A patient, age 46, is recovering from an abdominal hysterectomy. Postoperative nursing interventions for her would include?

preventing urinary retention.

7. A 20-year-old college student regularly uses tampons while she is menstruating. She asks the nurse what outstanding sign she should report that might indicate toxic shock syndrome. The most correct response by the nurse would be to observe for?

sudden elevated temperature.

4. A patient, age 41, has had a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy for endometriosis. She asks the nurse if she will have "hot flashes." The nurse's response is based on the knowledge that

the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes were removed, and she will have surgically induced menopause.

21. The patient, age 52, is recovering from a modified radical mastectomy. After this procedure, the postoperative elevation of a patient's arm with proper positioning is important to prevent?

vascular and lymph stasis, thus lymphedema.

33. False negative results in mammography occur in specific age groups because:

younger women have greater density of breast tissue.

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