CARS: Q Types

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Specific - Retrieval locate info in the passage will include a reference to a detail from teh passage

according to the passage... the passage states that the theory is rejectd by... which of the following is not mentioned.. Method: go back to specific part of passage

Reasoning - Structure Ask to describe how the author makes his argument. So you're identifying the logical structure of passage. may ask for the purpose of a particular reference. order to... .... as evidence that... the auther describes... *to make the point that* the author's claim... *is supported by* Method: go back to passage and identifiy main point of paragraph and separate claims from evidence.

General - Tone Attitude evaluate wheather the author has an opinion about something in the passage and if so to judge how strongly and positive or negtive that opinion is.

in this passage, the authors tone is one.... the authors attitude can best be described... the passage makes it clear that the author is.... Method: identify tone by the end of passage before working on questions.

Application - New Info new facts presented in the question STEM two types: *inferece* and strenghten/weaken questions.

suposse... new info... recent data... something or a fact has been proven.... Method: consider the new fact and apply it to the your understanding of the passage, come up with an answer first and then look at the answers.

Application - Analogy new info in the answer CHOICES take idea from the passage, GENERALIZE it and then apply it to a new situation new info is in the answer choices, different from strengthen is that *the new info in the correct choice will not make the original argument stronger than it already was. it will be similar in logic and likely on a different issue.

the authors discussion of... a) analogy b) wrong analogy c) right analogy Method: take idea from the passage, GENERALIZE it and then apply it to a new situation

General - Main Idea/Primary purpose summarie claims and implications made throughout passage in order to formulate a general statement of the central point

the main idea... the central thesis... the authors primary purpose... Method: sinthesize a bottom line and connect ideas as you read each paragraph

Specific - Inference chose answer best supported by the passage answer will be inferred or concluded, suggested or implied answers that may paraphrase the passage may the right one

the passage suggests... it can be inferred form the passage that... an assumption underlining the author discussion is that... the author implies... the author suggests... based on the info, it can be most reasonably concluded... with which of the following statemests woudl the author be most likely to agree? which of the following is best supported by the passage... Method: find relevant info or parraraph, check each answer against that info, chose the one that has the msot support.

Reasoning - Evaluate also ask to identifying the logical structure of passage *how well* is the author supporting his claims -weakly supported has no examples -strongly supported, 1 or 2 examples given

the support offered for this conclusion is... is the authors analysis of...well supported? the authors assertion that such model is incomplete is... the authors criticisms *is flawed because*... how well supported.... the authors argument is flawed because it:... Method: answer come in two parts: weak or strong and an explanation. Go back to passage and see if enough evidence is given and how well it supports argument.

Application - Strenghten new info in the answer CHOICES ask to find the answer that most supports passage the correct answer will make the author's argument more convincing ok for an answer to be extreme sometimes come in the form in EXCEPT/LEST /NOT which means do the opposite of strengthening, they weaken.

which of the following, if true... which of the following, if valid... woudl most strengthen method: take each statement as it were true and find the one that would make the arguement MORE convincing.

Application - Weaken new info in the answer CHOICES the answer choice will undermine or calls into questions the claim(s) made by author find the answer that is most inconsistent with passage info sometimes come in the form in EXCEPT/LEST /NOT which means do the opposite of weakening, they strengthen.

which of the following, if true... which of the following, if valid... woudl most weaken authors point? ...would undermine... into questions the authors conclusion that... ..woucl *cast the most doubt*... method: take each statement as it were true and find the one that would make the arguement LESS convincing.

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