Causes of the civil war

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Known as black moses

Harriet Beecher stowe

Who proposed many solutions for CA problem? Who reject?

Henry clay; Illinois senator douglass

Who approved and don't approve the wilmot proviso

House of Representatives (northern domination) approved but senate didn't

last whig president and why

Millard fillmore; S didn't like how he support CA as free and N don't like because he support fugitive slave act

an agreement, proposed in 1819 by Henry Clay, to keep the number of slave and free states equal

Missouri compromise

Did northerners like fugitive slave act; what did they do?

No; personal liberality laws

How did the American Party differ from the Free-Soil Party? The American Party was proslavery, not antislavery. The American Party focused on immigration rather than slavery. The American Party was more successful at building a diverse coalition. The American Party took a more controversial position on the issue of slavery.

The American Party focused on immigration rather than slavery.

Topeka had what type of gov


free-soil party

antislavery political party

popular sovereignty

A belief that ultimate power resides in the people.

If you are a slave catcher and kid app slaves in the north


What did the Dred Scott ruling have in common with the Fugitive Slave Act? Both eased the worries of moderates throughout the nation. Both helped reduce tensions between the North and the South. Both extended the rights of slave owners into non-slave states. Both led Congress to reconsider the wisdom of earlier compromises.

Both extended the rights of slave owners into non-slave states.

Gold discovered in this state and attracted many from the world. What did this state ask for?

CA; drafted constitution asked to be a free state in the union

How did John Calhoun's response to the Clay Compromise differ from Daniel Webster's? Calhoun felt that unity between the North and South should be preserved at all costs. Calhoun believed that the South should secede if the two sides could not agree. Calhoun believed that slavery should be limited to states where it had always been legal. Calhoun felt that popular sovereignty meant each state should decide the slavery issue.

Calhoun believed that the South should secede if the two sides could not agree.

What was the solution to CA problem

Compromise of 1850-based on clay's proposals

Based on the trend shown in this map, which of the following is a likely reason for the fort seizures? Control of the coastal regions was important to Confederate leaders. The Confederacy employed a quick invasion strategy for taking Union territory. Public support for the Confederacy was weak in most areas outside of Texas. Proslavery forces finally seceded from the Union and took the forts accordingly.

Control of the coastal regions was important to Confederate leaders.

What three groups wanted to prohibit slavery in the new land

Democrats, whigs, free-soil party

introduced bill to set up gov in Nebraska territory, pressure from S led to him amending ...

Douglass, to divide region into Kansas and Nebraska (each at its own popular sovereignity)

In this cartoon, Abraham Lincoln is seen to the left, in a hat, while the other candidates for president in 1860 are to the right. What does the cartoon suggest about the election? In the four-man race, Lincoln clearly stood apart from the other candidates. Lincoln was the one candidate that most Americans believed had good motives. Because of the rules of the electoral college, Lincoln would have to fight hardest to win the election. The major party candidates tried to cooperate to keep anybody but Lincoln from winning the election.

In the four-man race, Lincoln clearly stood apart from the other candidates.

How did the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act affect opinions about slavery in the North? It intensified northerners' fears about slave uprisings. It convinced northerners that slavery was not a threat to them. It allowed political leaders to set aside the slavery issue for several years. It drove moderate northerners to side with the abolitionists.

It drove moderate northerners to side with the abolitionists.

members pretended to know nothing when questioned about their organization


Fugitive slave act

Law that required all citizens to aid in apprehending runaway slaves

Based on this selection from the text of the Fugitive Slave Act, which of the following best explained why it angered many people in the North? It overturned state laws forbidding the ownership of slaves and outlawing the slave trade. It required people who may be opposed to slavery to assist in capturing and returning runaway slaves. It drastically increased the law-enforcement costs of the federal government and resulted in higher taxes. It resulted in a growth of the government bureaucracy needed to process cases related to runaway slaves.

It required people who may be opposed to slavery to assist in capturing and returning runaway slaves.

Why does South Carolina's Declaration of Secession most likely quote Article Four of the United States Constitution in this selection? It demonstrates that states have a right to leave the union according to the Constitution. It shows that states were required by the Constitution to return escaped slaves even before the Fugitive Slave Act was passed. It shows that the Constitution requires slavery to be permitted in every state and territory of the union. It proves that the Constitution prohibited the federal government from drafting soldiers to fight in the Civil War.

It shows that states were required by the Constitution to return escaped slaves even before the Fugitive Slave Act was passed.

How did Frederick Douglass believe the Dred Scott decision would affect the abolitionist cause? It would hurt the cause by turning northerners away from abolitionism. It would hurt the cause by allowing slavery in all states. It would help the cause by freeing some slaves. It would help the cause by inspiring resistance.

It would help the cause by inspiring resistance

Davis wilmot

PA congressman proposed the wilmot proviso law to ban slavery in the land won from mexico

Which statement best explains how posters like this one helped contribute to secession? Abolitionist posters led to rebellions by enslaved people, which made southerners want their own government to defeat them. Posters opposed to the Dred Scott decision led southerners to fear attempts to ban slavery in the territories. Posters opposed to the Fugitive Slave Act caused southerners to believe northerners would never accept slavery in the South. Secessionist posters promoted the idea that the South should secede and enforce the Fugitive Slave Act.

Posters opposed to the Fugitive Slave Act caused southerners to believe northerners would never accept slavery in the South.

What happened when CA asked to be a free state and why

Southern states threatened to break away from union. Cuz it would break balance.

The violence in the Kansas Territory referred to as "Bleeding Kansas" demonstrated which of the following? Leaders in both the North and the South were already making military preparations for a civil war. The Missouri Compromise was a better way to diffuse sectional tension than the Compromise of 1850. Southerners had a good basis for their worries that northern abolitionists were trying to incite slave rebellions. The policy of allowing popular sovereignty over slavery in the territory increased rather than decreased sectional tensions.

The policy of allowing popular sovereignty over slavery in the territory increased rather than decreased sectional tensions.

Based on this quotation from the Free-Soil Party's 1848 platform, what did the leaders of that party have in common with most southern leaders at that time? They both believed that slavery was at least partly a states' rights issue. They both believed that all states should recognize that slaves were property. They both believed that slavery was essential to the nation's economy. They both believed that slavery should be forbidden in the new territories.

They both believed that slavery was at least partly a states' rights issue.

Why did southern politicians oppose the Wilmot Proviso? They wanted to make sure the domestic slave trade continued to be large enough to keep the cost of enslaved people high. They wanted to ensure that there was a balance of slave and free states so that measures to restrict slavery continued to be blocked by the Senate. They wanted to enable as many enslaved people as possible to migrate to the new territories in order to reduce the chances of an uprising in the Deep South. They wanted to allow the southern population to grow quickly so that slave states could outvote free states in the House of Representatives.

They wanted to ensure that there was a balance of slave and free states so that measures to restrict slavery continued to be blocked by the Senate.

Who embraced popular sovereignty

Whigs and Democrats

Who won the election? Position?

Whigs candidate, Zachary Taylor, hero of Mexican-American war, slaveholder

What was the questions Americans had to face

Will slavery be allowed in the new territories west of the Mississippi River

Uncle Tom's Cabin

a novel published by harriet beecher stowe in 1852 which portrayed slavery as brutal and immoral

This excerpt from Douglas's speech is an argument for allowing slavery in every state in the union. splitting the union into two separate nations. accepting the principle of popular sovereignty. outlawing the publication of abolitionist views.

accepting the principle of popular sovereignty.

compromise of 1850

admitted CA as free state and permit popular sovereignity for Mexico lands and fugitive slave law

Underground railroad; before or after Civil war

before; white and blacks help escaped slave travel to N/canada

harriet tubman

born into MD slavery, escaped and travel to philly, conductor of Underground railroad

believed he was God's angel avenging the evil of slavery.


executed five proslavery settlers


The founding of the Free -Soil party was the first effort to dismantle the Wilmot Proviso. addressed voter's concerns about the extension of slavery by promising to keep it out of the new territories. was motivated by those supporting slavery in the new territories. called for popular sovereignty as a way to resolve the slavery issue.

called for popular sovereignty as a way to resolve the slavery issue.

roger taney and action

chief justice for dred scott; ruled that slaves and their descendants were property, not citizens, and not entitled to sue in the courts. It also ruled that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional because it was illegal for Congress to deprive an owner of property

e information on this map shows that naval power was the most important factor in the Union victory. the Union had an easy time disrupting Confederate supply lines. control over the Mississippi River was important to both sides. the Confederacy should have been able to invade Union territory.

control over the Mississippi River was important to both sides.

kansas-nebraska act

created kansas and nebraska with popular sovereignty

who won the 1856 election democrat vs republican; how

democrat james buchanan large s support

bleeding kansas

describe violence of anti and proslavery in kansas

sued for his freedom

dred scott

what people did Kansas attract

farmers and those with political motives

end position of kansas


The event described in this text demonstrates which of the following? how involved in politics ordinary citizens were in the early 1850s how political leaders were able to avoid a civil war in the early 1850s how the issue of slavery led to internal divisions in the parties of the early 1850s how polarizing and controversial the issue of slavery had become by the early 1850s

how polarizing and controversial the issue of slavery had become by the early 1850s

The attack of Senator Charles Sumner by Representative Preston Brooks demonstrates which of the following? how both parties attempted to rally support from the public how simple it should have been to compromise on the issue of slavery how the issue of slavery intensified the passions of those on both sides how worried southerners were that they were losing power in Congress

how the issue of slavery intensified the passions of those on both sides

what did the know-nothings divide over

if there should be slavery in the west

ex of how popular sovereignity is not the answer o slavery


nullified the missouri compromise by allowing slavery to spread to free states

kansas-nebraska act

where is topeka and what did it want

kansas; statehood/independance

violent outbreaks occurred especially around..


personal liberty laws

laws passed in the North that nullified the Fugitive Slave Act; granted rights to escaped slaves

candidates for illinois senate; who won; what similarity

lincoln and douglass; douglass; get rid of slavery issue with law

did north support popular sov


This cartoon was most likely drawn by someone who hoped that passage of the Fugitive Slave Act would spark a slave uprising. opposed the Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Act. was tired of how the issue of slavery had come to dominate political debate. thought that Congress had done a good job compromising on the issue of slavery.

opposed the Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Act.

Passage of the Fugitive Slave Act had the most direct consequences for which of these groups? people involved with the Underground Railroad moderates in both the Democratic and Whig parties northern merchants involved in the domestic slave trade settlers in the territories acquired during the Mexican-American War

people involved with the Underground Railroad


people who opposed immigration

Know-Nothings; rapid quickly?

political party known as AMerican Party that opposed immigration; YES

what happened in Lawrence, Kansas

proslavery group raided it

new antislavery party that grew quick in north

republican party

what party lincoln; opposed/support kansas-nebraska act

republican; oppose

explain brown's plan; improve issue?

seize federal arsenal/gun shop in Harpers Ferry, VA. FAILED; NO

What type of gov/constitution was built near Missouri border

slaver encouraged gov

brown executed


The 1860 presidential election made it clear that the majority of American voters favored the abolition of slavery. the American political system was sharply divided along sectional lines. the doctrine of popular sovereignty could not work at the national level. slavery was only one of several issues that the public considered important.

the American political system was sharply divided along sectional lines.

It can be inferred from this graphic that the events of the 1850s resulted in unity among Democrats. the decline of the Whig Party. a decline in the popularity of third parties. the disappearance of the Republican Party.

the decline of the Whig Party.

Which feature of the Dred Scott ruling does Lincoln object to in this speech? the denial of citizenship to African Americans the ruling that congress could not ban slavery in the territories the exclusion of African Americans from Constitutional protections the ruling that slavery was now legal in all states and territories

the ruling that congress could not ban slavery in the territories

The "Christiana Riot" was one of many events to reflect what point of view? a growing abolitionist sentiment among white southerners white southerners' discontent with the Compromise of 1850 white northerners' refusal to obey the new Fugitive Slave Act the rising popularity of the idea of secession amongst white northerners

white northerners' refusal to obey the new Fugitive Slave Act

did douglass support popular sovereignity


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