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What are the options if there is a disagreement with finding incapacity for Consent?

Apply for a review to get a sub-decision maker.

How do you become a member of the CMTO?

Apply to the registrar with application fee.

Ethical Dilemma

Arises when we have a conflict of values, loyalties and obligations in which a choice has good and bad elements.

What are peer assessors?

Assess and RMT

What powers does he/she have?

Broad Powers.

Who`s property is the certificate?


Who can use the title of Doctor?

Chiropracters, Optomitrists, Physicians and surgeons, Psychologists & Dentists


Collage of Massage Therapists of Ontario

What does the fitness to practice committee do?

Determines if an RMT is incapacitated. Suffering from substance abuse or mental / physical disorder affecting competence.

What are the duties of the Advisory Council?

Duties are to advise M.O.H or HPRAC.

What are the duties of the Health Professions Board?

Hear appeals of registration committee and review complaints.

What does the appeals committee do?

Hears all appeals related to exams.

What does the discipline committee do?

Holds hearings of allegations of members for professional misconduct or incompetence,

What are the costs of both types of certificates?

GC - $550 IC - $160 (with inflation)

What is a health information custodian?

Generally this includes anyone involved in the delivery of health care services or all those registered under the RHPA.


Health Care Consent Act

What level of government is PIPEDA?


What does SAT stand for?

Self Assessment Tool.

What does the executive committee do?

Manages collages business between council meetings. Then reports all actions to council at next meeting.

MTA stands for?

Massage Therapy Act

What are the Mandatory Reporting Obligations.

Report sexual, elder or child abuse to appropriate college or governing body.

How must a client ask for correction of information?

A written request.

How many hours are needed in practice to hold a GC?

500 in past 3 years

How long does one have to appeal for a certification exam issue?

72 hours

What is the required number of statutory committees?


What is the maximum number of years that can be served?

9 years.

What must you do if you fail the certification exam 3 times?

Obtain a new diploma.

Who administers PHIPA?

Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner.


What you must fulfill to become an RMT

How many council members are elected by the college?


What is the fine for breaking the protected titles law?

25.000 1st offence and 50K second.

Who administers the RHPA?

Minister of Health

How many years in a cycle?

3 years.

What is the tern of an elected council member?

3 years.

How many CEU`s per cycle?


How long to grant access to health information?

30 days

How many council members are appointed by government?


What is the time between peer assessments?

5 - 7 years

How much liability insurance is enough?

2 million.

How many from catagory A?

20 CEU`s

Ethical Principals

1. Autonomy (self governing) 2. Non-Maleficence (do no harm) 3. Beneficence (do good) 4. Fidelity (Faithfull)

What are the 4 requirements of consent.

1. must relate to Tx 2. must be informed 3. given voluntarily 4. not be obtained by misrepresentation or fraud

What are the 6 requirements to make it informed?

1. nature of Tx 2. Expected benefits 3. Material risks 4. Material side affects 5. Alternative courses of action 6. Consequences of not having Tx

Characteristics of a Professional

1. specialized knowledge 2. possess credentials 3. primary commitment to people they serve 4. societal control is minimal

What must be present in the client health record?

1.Client name and address 2.Date, time and duration of visits 3.Name, address of primary care physician 4. Relevant medical history 5.All written reports received 6.All advice given by member 7.All referals given to client 8.Written consent 9. Tx plan

Under what circumstances may you discontinue services to a client?

1.Client requests the discontinuation. 2.Alternative services are arranged 3. client is given reasonable opportunity to arrange alternative services. 4.client is abusive and member has made all reasonable attempts to arrange alternative services

What are the 4 primary records that must be kept by a therapist?

1.Daily App Record 2.Equipment Service Record 3. Financial Record 4.Client Health Record

What are the two classes of registration for Massage Therapy?

1.General 2.Inactive

What are the 5 registration requirements for both classes?

1.No conviction of crime that affects fitness to practice 2.No current proceedings of pro misconduct, incapacity or incompetence in Ontario. 3. Canadian Citizen 4.Speak or write English or French 5.If more than 3 years from graduation must do refresher course b4 being registered

What are the 2 conditions to meet before you can treat?

1.The client is capable of consenting? 2. The sub-decision maker gives consent.

What must be included in the client financial record?

1.Tx details 2.Fee charged 3.Record of receipt

Under what circumstances would the certificate of registration be revoked?

1.found guilty of sexual abuse or misconduct. 2.suspension over 2 years longer Canadian citizen/permanant res 4.not enough liability insurance

How many from catagory B?

10 CEU`s

How long must you keep records?

10 years from last visit or 18th birthday.

How long does the ICRC have to investigate and dispose of complaint.

120 days or HPRAB will investigate.

CMTO council consists of how many members?


How long do you have to notify the CMTO of a change of address?

14 days in writing

How many hours equals 1 CEU?

2 hours

Define Incompetence.

A lack of skill, knowledge or judgement in care of clients. Therapists ability to practice with in standards or regulations.

What is a policy statement?

A policy is B&W and set. Consequences could be loss of licence and/or possible professional misconduct.

What is a position statement?

A position statement is a grey area, always in flux. Consequences = "slap on wrist".

What is the purpose of the advisory council?

Advise HPRAB

What is the term used when a client asks you not to disclose information about personal health info?

An individual is said to have placed their information in a "Lock Box"

What is kept in the Professional Portfolio.

Answers to mandatory articles, and CEU records.

Who can file a complaint?



Information Complaints and Reports Committee.

Professional Promise

To serve & protect the well being and best interest of clients first and foremost

Tests of justice, publicity and universality.

Justice - "Is it fair" Publicity - "What if made public" Universality - "What if everyone did it"

What is a quorum?

Minimum number of members required to make a decision.

What are the components of the daily financial record that must be kept?

Name and time of appointment.

What are the requirements for an inactive certificate?

None - you cannot practice.

What does the quality assurance committee do.

Oversee`s the Quality Assurance program and appoints peer assessors.

Which CMTO committee does the advisory council monitor?

Patient Relations

What is the peer assessors role?

Peer assesors may enter and inspect your practice, client records and request your participation in programs to evaluate skill and knowledge.

What does PIPEDA stand for?

Persoanl Information Protection and Electronic Document Act


Personal Health Information Protection Act

What committee does the Peer assessors report to?

Quality Assurance Committee

What are the protected titles for a Massage Therapist?

Registered Massage Therapist and the french equivalent.

What does RMTAO stand for

Registered Massage Therapists Association Ontario

Primary Purpose pf CMTO

Regulate the Massage profession and govern it`s members. Develop, establish and maintain particular standards.


Regulated Health Professionals Act

What is the client (patient) relations committee do.

Responsible for all programs and measurs designed to address, prevent or deal with sexual abuse of client by members.

What does the registration committee do?

Responsible for matters relating to eligibility for registrants.

Ethical Issue

Situation which raises a moral question about the right (good) or wrong(bad) course of action.

Define incapacity.

Suffering from a physical or mental condition and in the best interest of the public if members practice is restricted. inability to practice safely or competently d/t physical or mental disability.

Primary Purpose of RMTAO

The RMTAO exists in order to advance the massage therapy profession in Ontario on behalf of the Massage therapist.

What are the capacity requirements?

The ability to understand having/not having the treatment.

Define RMT scope of practice.

The practice of massage therapy is the assessment of the soft tissue and joints of the body. Treatment and prevention of physical dysfunction and pain of the soft tissue and joints by manipulation to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function, or relieve pain.

What happens when a complaint is lodged against you?

The therapist receives a copy of the complaint and is requested to respond in writing with in 30 days.

What is the age of consent?

There isn't one.

What is the result if you practice before you are registered?

This is a contravention of title use. You may be denied registration as a result.

An agent is..(not Mr Smith ; )

Those who perform services on behalf of health care custodians.

What do you do of client asks you not to note certain info in file?

You note it according to practice of standards.

What information is protected?

personal health nfo oral or written.

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