CDIS 4013 Diagnostics Exam 2

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Identifying sound errors from a speech sample:

- number of errors - error types - consistency of errors - correctly produced sounds - intelligibility - speech rate - prosody


can reveal weaknesses in: -phonemic awareness -orthographic knowledge -semantic knowledge -morphologic knowledge -hearing weakness

3.5-7 years

ch, sh

late talkers

children who show delays in the earliest stages of language development. between 50-75% of late talkers outgrow the delay by age 3

true norms

collected from and apply to a randomly selected sample

2.5-4 years

f, y


front, center, back, high, mid, low

3-8 years


persisting after age 3



group of neurogenic speech disorders characterized by abnormalities in the strength, range, steadiness, tone, or accuracy of movements required for breathing, phonatory, resonatory, articulatory, or prosodic aspects of speech production-ASHA

pre-k and k screenings q

include: -phonological awareness skills -rapid naming of letters, numbers, objects -print awareness skills

descriptive assessment


4-7 years


psychometric assessment

just standardized

types of writing

narrative, expository, persuasive

2-3 years



pattern of speech used when talking to infants

language components

phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics

spoken language

provides the foundation for the development of reading and writing


quickly identify those that: communicate within normal limits, those that may have a communication disorder. make a referral if necessary

3-6 years

r, l

disappearing before age 3


2-6 years

t, ng

5-8 years

th (voiced)

4.5-7 years

th (voiceless)


the physical production of particular speech sounds; use of articulators or motor components

Expressive language delay (ELD)

the remaining 25-50% of late talkers demonstrate a


the study of speech sounds in language; a process or pattern

phonological processes

used in evaluating clients with moderate to severe articulation disorders - assessment of phonological processes Khan-Lewis phonological analysis -HCAPP (Hodson Computerized Analysis of Phonological Patterns)


voice, manner, place

3.5-8 years


assessment of early literacy

• Early indicators • Family history • First word not produced until after 15 months • Words not combined until after 24 months • Difficulty pronouncing words past 6 years • Poor memory for and awareness of rhymes


-Authentic assessment with focus on describing behaviors -Comparing past performance to current performance -Advantages: naturalistic context is emphasized, allows clinician to determine if the problems are affecting the client's day to day communicative interactions -Limitations: reliability and validity depend on the clinician and the language samples

categories of reading disabilities

-Developmental dyslexia -Language-based learning disability (LLD) -Hyperlexia

semantic skills

-Language meaning -Note: -Number of different words -Unusual use of words -Incorrect substitutions -Overgeneralizations -Undergeneralizations -Frequent use of empty words -Word finding problems

minimally verbal children

-Naming of familiar objects -Counting or reciting days of the week -Using simple phrases -Simple grammatical morphemes -MLU -Comprehension of words and simple phrases -pragmatics

conversational children

-Narrative ability -Ability to understand humor -Response to complex commands

characteristics of a poor reader

-Oral language disorder -Reduced phonemic awareness -Poor word recognition -Difficulty with phonetic decoding -Difficulty with grammar -Reduced vocabulary -Reduced comprehension of narratives -Poor social skills

CAAP-2 (clinical assessment of articulation and phonology)

-Pros/strengths: Standardized test (comparative norms, easily scored, different backgrounds) -Cons/weaknesses: Different backgrounds may not share same cultural knowledge Outdated images -Price: $296.00 for response forms/record forms, stimulus easel, foam animals, manual, tote -What does it test: tests articulation and phonology for ages 2 years, 6 months up to 11 years, 11 months (15-20 minutes to administer) -Reliability/validity: Compares to the Goldman Fristoe Articulation and Khan Lewis-very similar and very valid Reliable because the setup and procedure is the same -Scored by standard score, percentile rank, age equivalencies (mean is 100, SD is 15)

language disorder categories

-Specific language impairment -Language learning disability -Autism spectrum disorders -Brain injury -intellectual differences -deafness

language sampling

-collect a sample based on real conversations -collect multiple samples -vary the contexts and activities -ask others to interact -video/record it -transcribe the entire sample -indicate the speaker for utterances -use phonetic symbols only to transcribe unintelligible or partially intelligible -capitalize only propper nouns and "I" -keep punctuation to a minimum indicate utterances ending with slash -number of utterances

formal test limitations

-elicit phonemes in only one phonetic contect -word level -only consonants -inventory of sounds -reliability questionable for disorders such as apraxia

Brown's Grammatical Morphemes

-ing In, on Plural -s Irregular past tense Possessives Uncontractible copula be Articles Regular past tense Regular third person singular Copula auxiliary

word fluency

-rapid naming skills -based on speech -poor readers are usually able to name but are slower

language assessment

-screening -informal tests -standardized tests -speech-language sample -pragmatics -semantics -syntax -morphology


-the client's ability to make a correct or improved production of an errored sound -client imitates the clinician -the client is given instruction and produces sound - provides important prosodic information


-traditional language approach -emphasis on ranking according to norms -advantages: broad content area, high degree of objectivity, reliability, validity -disadvantages: may not adequately assess the complexity, may not fir the normed group

most common sound in English


least common sound in English



/jewo/ for yellow

nearly half of the total consonants used in English



/pipo/ for people


/top/ for soap

4 sequential stages of assessment

1. case history questionnaire and caregiver interviews 2. observation of the client in various settings 3. direct testing (formal assessment) 4. conversational language sampling

Piaget's stages of cognitive development

1. sensorimotor (imitation, means-end, object permanence) 2. preoperational 3. concrete operational 4. formal operational

what percentage of children will have some degree of language impairment?


making a LD diagnosis

A child with a language disorder will typically demonstrate one or more of the following deficiencies: • Delayed onset of language • Limited amount of language • Deficient cognitive skills • Academic problems • Poor listening skills • Limited conversational skill s• Inappropriate use of language

bound morpheme

A morpheme that must be "bound" with another morpheme to form a word. Ex: un, ish, es, ed, pre

Articulation and Phonology Assessments

ABA-2 Apraxia Battery for Adults -2 CAAP-2 Clinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology -2 Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment - 2 GFTA-3 Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation -3 KLPA-3 Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis -3 PAT-2 Phonological Awareness Test - 2

Neuro and Motor Assessments

ABCD Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia MIRBI-2 Mini Inventory of Right Brain Injury -2 MTDDA Minnesota Test of Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia RIPA-2 Ross Information Processing Assessment -2 SCATBI Screening for Cognitive Abilities in Traumatic Brain Injury WAB Western Aphasia Battery

Fluency and Voice Assessments

BAB Behavioral Assessment Battery for School Aged Children Who Stutter KiddyCAT Communication Attitude Test for Children Who Stutter OASES Overall Assessment of Speakers Experiences of Stuttering (Versions A,S, and T) SPI Stuttering Prediction Instrument SSI-4 Stuttering Severity Instrument -4 TOCS Test of Childhood Stuttering

early indicators of language disorder

Brain injury• Maternal drug abuse• Low birth weight (prematurity)• Genetic syndrome• Sensory deficits• Prolonged hospitalization• Neglect/abuse• Lack of smiling• Lack of joint attention• Reduced use of gestures• Lack of play activities• Delayed babbling• Early phonological difficulties

Language Assessments

CASL-2 Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language -2 CELF-5 Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals -5 EVT-2 Expressive Vocabulary Test -2 PLS-5 Preschool Language Scale -5 POEC Proficiency in Oral English Communication PPVT-4 Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test -4 REEL -3 Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Test -3 ROWPVT Bilingual Receptive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test Rosetti Infant and Toddler Language Scale TLC Test of Language Competence TOAL -4 Test of Adolescent and Adult Language TOLD Test of Language Development TOSS-P Test of Semantic Skill-Primary

Literacy and ASD Assessments

CSBS-DP Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile GORT-5 Gray Oral Reading Test -5 GSRT Gray Silent Reading Test Hear Builder: Phonological Awareness Assessment and Story Retel Test TNL Test of Narrative Language TOWL-4 Test of Written Language -4 WRMT Woodcock Reading Mastery Test III

if your client is having difficulty with affricates, which words will help determine stimulability?

Church, Judge /tʃ/, /d3/


Evaluate all aspects of language with particular emphasis on: • Phonological awareness • Word fluency/Reading fluency • Narrative schema knowledge

language disorder predictors

Family history• Limited and simplified syllable structure• Limited phonetic inventory• Frequent deletion of initial and final consonants• Numerous vowel errors• Atypical error patterns• Less symbolic play

nonverbal children

Play• Use of gestures, signs, symbols• Nonspeech vocalizations• Meaningful vocalizations• Appropriate use of objects• Imitation of words• Spontaneous production• Communicative intent


Price-digital $238.75; combination w/ GFTA $684.90 Strengths Objective norm referenced test Individual skills can be compared to larger group of similar individuals Widely recognized Weaknesses Administered exactly as instructed Test materials may not be appropriate some populations/cultures Rating (reliability/validity) Is reliable with the proper knowledge-clinician needs knowledge of IPA transcription and common/uncommon phonological processes Validity is valid because it measures the phonological processes What it does: Works w/ GFTA, has two components-Core Phonological Processes and Supplemental Phonological Processes Used after GFTA to test phonology To administer must be very young with multiple misarticulations who has poor intelligibility Use with ages 2 years, 0 months to 21 years 11 months

ABA-2 (Apraxia Battery for Adults- Second Edition)

Price: Strengths-Short, standardized (norm-referenced), inexpensive, few materials Weaknesses-Standardized-no individualization, evaluates isolated skills, assessing unnatural skills Rating (reliability/validity) Reliable and valid; replicable, measures apraxia deficits (validity) What it does Apraxia: motor speech disorder affecting person's ability to speak-ability to program speech is impaired 6 subtests; diadochokinetic rate, increasing word length, limb apraxia/oral apraxia, latency time/utterance time for polysyllabic words, inventory of articulation characteristics of apraxia Easy to use, roughly 20 minutes to administer,

Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment (FDA-2)

Price: $190 What does it test: 7 sections including reflexes, respiration, lips, palate, laryngeal, tongue, intelligibility Reliability/validity Uses test-retest reliability-reliable Face validity and content validity-valid Strengths Normed on wide age range (15-97) Sections allow for precise evaluating Short administering processes Able to comment on influencing factors noticed by clinician Weaknesses No exact interpretation of where client falls into percentile-generalized view Scores range from Normal, mild abnormality, abnormality obvious but able to perform, some production of task in poor quality, unable to undertake task/movement/sound

GFTA - 3 (Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation)

Price: $381 for complete kit; $706.75 english/spanish Strengths: Norm referenced, user friendly, large age range, different pictures/stories for different ages Weaknesses-Client may feel uncomfortable in certain environments; may not show how they would do in normal conversational speech; story recall may be difficult for younger ages Rating (reliability/validity) Is reliable and valid (internal consistency; test-retest stability; evidence based) What it does: Measures articulation Sounds in words; sounds in sentences; intelligibility; stimulability Ages 2 years to 21 years 11 months


Sentence structure• Parts of speech• Noun• Pronoun• Adjective• Verb• Adverb• Preposition• Conjunction• Interjection

reading fluency

Short and long passages • Average number of words the student correctly reads perminute • Take 2 unpracticed samples • 1. count number of correctly read words in the passage • 2. multiply by 60 • 3. determine the seconds it took to read the passage • 4. divide the number from 2. by 3.

narrative schema knowledge

Story structure or story grammar: Setting Initiating event Internal response Attempt Consequences reaction

4-8 years


free morpheme

a morpheme that can stand alone as a word


an average

Stimulability of consonants:

assesses stimulability of misarticulated phonemes

2-4 years


integrated assessment

both psychometric and descriptive -recommended

normally developing children have nearly adult like symbolic communication skills

by age 5

Rosetti Infant Toddler Language Scale

○ Price: $131 +$50 or $231 on Amazon ○ Strengths-criterion referenced test ○ Weakness-bilingual aspect of test is not accurate by around 2 months if just tested in primary language ○ Rating (reliability/validity)--yes to both ○ What it does ■ Ages birth to 3 years of age ■ Criterion referenced assessment that aims to establish basal and ceiling levels of a child's performance in each of the 6 developmental domains (interaction-attachment, pragmatics, gesture, play, language comprehension, and language expression) ■ Easy to use, directions simple and not specific; scoring not easy; time variable

TOSS-P (Test of Semantic Skills Primary)

○ Price: $203 for picture stimuli book, 20 test forms, and examiner's manual ■ $51 for additional set of 20 test ○ strengths ■ Clear, easy to administer ■ Norm referenced, objective, widely known/accepted, comparable results ○ Weakness ■ Pictures in black/white ■ Advanced questions for some ages; too many distracting details in pictures for younger ages ■ Lack of individualization, not natural, doesn't test other client's abilities or skills ○ Rating (reliability/validity) ■ reliable-test -retest and internal consistency methods ■ Valid-assess language skills present at ages/skills ○ What it does: Receptive and expressive diagnostic test-testing semantic skills ■ 10 subtests; 5 receptive and 5 expressive ● receptive-IDing labels, functions, attributes ● Expressive-stating labels, functions, attributes ■ Easy to use; time of administering is 25-35 minutes ■ Age range: 4 years 0 months to 8 years 11 months

ROWPVT-4 (Bilingual Receptive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test)

○ Price: $250 ○ Strengths-short, large age range, few materials, provides comparative norms ○ Weaknesses-outdated pictures, must be fluent in English and Spanish to administer test ○ Rating (reliability/validity) ■ Reliable and valid ○ What it does: Assesses person's ability to match a word to the corresponding picture ■ Ages 2+, 20 minute administer

TOAL-4 Test of Adolescent and Adult Language 4th Edition

○ Price: $277, Ages 12-24:11 ○ Strengths-measures various dimensions of language so it is clinically useful for different forms of english; easy to administer and score;reported to be unbiased to race, ethnicity, and gender ○ Weaknesses-lengthy, lots of writing; questions may not relate to some populations; directions are wordy and long ○ Rating (reliability/validity)--yes to both ○ What it does: Measure of spoken and written language in adolescents and young adults with varying levels of English ■ Identify adolescents and adults scoring significantly below peers and help improve language proficiency-determine strengths/weakness ■ Takes 60 minutes, 6 subtests to be completed in order

PLS-5 Preschool Language Scales Fifth Edition

○ Price: $395.50-$839.00 ○ Strengths-standardized, articulation screener, easy to administer ○ Weaknesses-unfamiliar environment and clinician, need to be experienced clinician to score correctly ○ Rating (reliability/validity)-yes to both; measured with and without diagnosed lang disorder, test-retest stability ○ What it does: comprehensive developmental language assessment w/ items to assess pre-verbal, interaction based skills, and emerging literacy skills ■ Tests auditory comprehension and expressive communication ■ Identify children (birth-7 year 11 month) who have a language delay ■ Completion time-45-60 minutes

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test

○ Price: $419 for complete kit ○ Strengths-comparable norms, easy to administer and score ○ Weaknesses-hard to administer if individual is blind or has hearing loss ○ Rating (reliability/validity) ■ Reliable and valid-easy instructions and easy to administer; test-retest reliability ○ What it does: Measure of receptive language and English language speakers ■ Age range includes 2 years 6 months to 90+

TOLD (test of language development)

○ Price: $500 ○ Strengths-help target specific oral language skills that need to be targeted in therapy; 9 total different subtests; standardized assessment; non-biased exam in regard to gender, race, and ethnicity ○ Weakness-expensive, test is not given in normal environment ○ Rating (reliability/validity) ○ What it does: Assesses spoken language in young children (Ages 4-8 years, 11 months) ■ 6 subtests (picture vocab, relational vocab, oral vocab, syntactic understanding, sentence imitation, morphological completion) ■ Identify children who are significantly below their peers in language proficiency, determine children's specific strengths and weaknesses in language skills, document children's progress in language as consequence of special intervention programs, and measure language in research ■ Takes 35-50 minutes

EVT-2 Expressive Vocabulary Test, 2nd edition

○ Price: $572 ○ Strengths-reliable and valid assessment that can screen populations of various ages for expressive language, examine labeling skills in preschool children and provide insight into reading difficulties ○ Weaknesses-interscorer reliability is not mentioned in the test manual, more information on item development, only measures one component of oral language and it should not be used as only measure to assess language proficiency ○ Rating (reliability/validity)-3 different reliability measures discussed in the manual like test-retest reliability, internal consistency, and alternate-form reliability-YES ○ What it does: assesses expressive vocabulary and word retrieval ■ Ages 2 years and 6 months and older, average 10-20 minutes to administer depending on clients knowledge ■ Client answers by point, increasing comfortability of the clients in an exam situation

CASL-2 Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language

○ Price: $799 ○ Strengths-selective administration aspect used w/ subtests (based on referral data about specific client), each section of test is specific language category, helps clinician specifically treat areas that need the most attention based on the scoring of the test ○ Weaknesses-small number included in clinical samples, lack of stimuli inclusion ○ Rating (reliability/validity) ■ Strong internal consistency and test-retest and interrater reliability ■ Validity is proven within the norm-referenced scoring and consistency of score outcomes from the participants ○ What it does: targets lexical/semantic, syntactic, supralinguistic, and pragmatic language skills in expressive and receptive oral language ■ Ages 3-21, not all subtests are administered to the entire age range ■ Test takes 5-10 minutes to complete each test, 45 minutes to complete the General Language Ability Index

CELF-5 Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-5th Edition

○ Price: $813.25 ○ Strengths-norm referenced, flexible (administer the test you needed), use subtests to determine client's strengths and weaknesses, able to do authentic assessment ○ Weakness-expensive, lots of parts (confusing what to administer) ○ Rating (reliability/validity) ■ Reliable yes, valid yes ○ What it does: Streamlined, flexible battery to assess semantics, morphology, syntax, and pragmatics for students ages 5-21 ■ Authentic tests of language ability (including observational and interactive measures) for complete picture of students' language skills

TLC-E Test of Language Competence-Expanded

○ Price: administration booklet is $75.33 on Amazon ○ Strengths-normative test, helpful subtests, stimulus booklet is easy to use ○ Weaknesses-difficult for the lower end of the age range, outdated, not common test ○ Rating (reliability/validity)--in the middle because it was not commonly used ○ What it does: evaluate delays in the development of language competence ■ Ages 5 year 0 months- 9 years, 0 months ■ Subtests: ambiguous sentences, listening comprehension; making inferences, oral expression; recreating speech acts, figurative language ■ Takes 45-60 minutes to administer; questions difficult to explain to child

REEL-4 Receptive-Expressive emergent language test

○ Price: manual $76; complete kit $128.00; Reel 4 complete $198, Reel 4 manual $80 ○ Strengths-more specific in age (12-24 mo/25-36 mo), little or no bias in regard to gender and race ○ weakness-caregiver/parent is reporting information-could be some reporter bias, clinician does not get to observe the child's language or behavior (told through someone else) error due to time sampling ○ Rating (reliability/validity)-yes to both ○ What it does: identify major receptive and expressive language problems from birth up to 36 months ■ Varies from 20 to 30 minutes ■ Expressive test measures current oral language production ■ Receptive test measures current response to sounds/language ● Vocab inventory Form Form A and Form B

Test of written language (TOWL-4)

● Price: $324 for whole kit ($100 for section) ● Strengths-wide age range, fun bright pictures, used by professionals ● Weaknesses-long test, wordy, hard to follow for kids with attention and motor issues, no Spanish version ● Rating (reliability/validity) ○ Is reliable and valid because it was used on different ethnicity and race-diverse ● What it does ○ Subtests-vocab, spelling, punctuation, logical, sentences, sentence combining, contextual conventions, story composition ■ Spelling-point out the incorrect spelling ■ Rewriting a story that was told to them ■ Purposely mistold a story so the client could fix it (the cow barked) ○ Ages 9-17 year, 11 months ○ Identifies poor writers who need help, documents strengths weakness and can help create writing programs ○ For the administering of it-show a demonstration picture and story, give the client a new picture to write a story about-five minute prep time

Gray Oral Reading Test 5th Edition

● Price: $327 for full kit; individual examiner record forms are $70 ● strengths-standardized/norm referenced, identifies client's strength/weaknesses, easy to use, relatively easy to score ● Weakness-administered exactly as instructed; scores affected based on experiences w/ books/printed materials, limited english ability, attention disorder, etc; comprehension questions can be confusing ● Rating (reliability/validity) ○ Norm referenced-in the United States, 33 states, used different gender, race, location, parents' education, income level, etc ○ Yes, to both ● What it does ○ Measures 6 years to 23 years, 11 months-takes 15-45 minutes to administer ○ Assess oral reading skills and to help identify students who are behind peers in oral reading to assess severity of problem ○ 16 stories that increase in difficulty and length; 5 comprehension questions per story ■ Client is timed as they read aloud; mark what they mispronounce or get wrong-record time of reading ○ Scores on rate, accuracy, fluency, comprehension

CSBS-DP Communication and symbolic behavior scales developmental profile

● Price: $399 ● Strength-easy to administer/use, normed referenced, standardized ● Weakness-age range is small, expensive, not in spanish, not individualization ● Rating (reliability/validity) ○ Reliable test-close to same score on a retest ○ valid, assessment measures what it says it would measure (published 2002) ● What it does ○ Measures 7 language predictors; helps identifies children who are at risk for disability or developmental delay ○ 6 months-2 years ○ 50-60 minutes to administer (speed of clinician); infant toddler checklist, caregiver question, behavioral sample

Woodcock reading mastery Test III

● Price: $400; training is $500 ● Easy to administer, standardized/norm referenced ● Weakness-lots of testing to be done (subtests within subtests), norms have been updated since 1998 ● Rating (reliability/validity)--yes ● What it does ○ Measures reading readiness and achievement ○ 4 ½ through 79 years and 11 months ○ Easy to use; takes 15-45 minutes to administer ○ Subtests include oral passage reading, fill in the blank, word attack, opposite words, etc

TNL (Test of Narrative Language)

● Price: 228 for second edition, 400 for the first edition ● Strengths-naturalistic date, norm referenced, in person or virtual, aids in diagnosing language based learning disability ● Weakness-follow up w/ dynamic assessment ● Rating (reliability/validity) ○ Highly reliable and validity because of how it represents US population ○ Test retest has minimum test error ● What it does ○ Used to measure ability of understanding and tell stories identifies language impairments, measures how well children use lang in narrative discourse and ability to answer literal and inferential comprehension ○ 5 years to 11 years 11 months ○ 6 subtests-narrative comprehension (recall/understand stories, make inferences) oral narration (incorporate events, consequences, and resolutions, grammar common in fictional stories)

HearBuilder: Phonological Awareness Assessment and Story Retell Test

● Price: 99.95 ○ Ages 4 years, 6 months-9 years 11 months ○ 15-20 minute administration time ● strengths/weaknesses ○ HPAT ■ Easy to administer and score ■ Used by other professionals ■ Standardized ■ Subtests highlights strengths/weakness ● Weakness-unnatural environment, only in english ○ HSRT ■ Similar ■ Weakness-small age range, hard to remember the length of the stories ● Rating (reliability/validity) ○ Scoring includes percentiles, standard scores, and age equivalents ○ Reliability and valid-yes ■ Replicate results multiple times ● What it does ○ HPAT ■ Looks for phonemes (rhyming syllables) ■ Want the client to identify speech sounds ○ HSRT ■ Objective ■ Testing ability to remember content of the story, reconstruct and retell, and to listen to a story

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