Cell Adhesion and Migration

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What drives Plasma Membrane Protrusion?

Actin Polymerization

what is attachment?

Actin cytoskeleton connects across the plasma memebrane to the substratum (ECM)

What are 6nm diameter, actin subunits make up linear polymers that can shrink, elongate, and generate force?

Actin filaments

What is protrusion

Actin-rich structures are pushed out at the front of the cell

Whats Serves as a nucleation sites to initiate the assembly of new filaments?

Arp2/3 proteins (actin related proteins)

What are Cells that grow only locally and cannot spread by invasion or metastasis Called?

Benign Tumor

What provides traction between cell and ECM?

Integrin attachment

What are critical transmembrane receptors that regulate cell to cell and cell to ECM connections called?


What are 10 nanometers in diameter, more stable than actin filaments. Like actin filaments, they function in the maintenance of cell-shape called?

Intermediate filaments

Motor Protiens

Provides the force to move the cell

What is now appreciated to be a dynamic entity with a complex role in regulating cellular behavior?

ECM function

What Gives Tissues Their Elasticity?


What is A process characterized by loss of cell adhesion, repression of cadherin expression and increased cell motility

Epithelial-mesenchymal transition or transformation (EMT)

Cells either float through our vessels, are attached to other cells, and/or are bound to or moving on the what?

Extracellular matrix (ECM).

Collagen is predominately generated by what?

Fibroblast cells

An Extracellular Protein That Helps Cells Attach to the Matrix


What are collagen, elastin, fibronectin, and laminin, which have both adhesive and structural functions.

Fibrous proteins

What is Formed by migrating growth cones and some types of fibroblasts, are essentially one dimensional. They contain a core of long, bundled actin filaments.


What intersect at integrins and the cytoskelton?

Focal adhesions

What is Herapin?


These are usually found covalently linked to protein in the form of proteoglycans, and (2) fibrous proteins

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs),

What enzyme degrades hyaluronan?


What do Glycosaminoglycans form?


What is Formed by epithelial cells and fibroblasts, as well as by some neurons, are two-dimensional, sheet-like structures.


What does Actin Polymerization extend?

Llamellipodium, and new attachments occur at focal adhesions

Besides key degradation enzymes, where else is the matrix engulfed and destroyed?


what are Cells that invade neighboring tissues, enter blood vessels, and metastasize to different sites called?


What is the trade name for a gelatinous protein mixture secreted by Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS)mouse sarcoma cells?


This Proteases , depend on bound Ca2+ ir Zn2+ for activity, and are secreted by cells in ECM for targeted opening of the matrix

Matrix Metalloproteases

What Demonstrates high expression of proteases that can degrade the ECM

Metastatic Cancer Cells

What are 23 nm in diameter hollow cylinders most commonly comprised of polymers of alpha and beta tubulin called?


What proples cell body forward?

Myosin contraction

What collagen type is basal lamina?


What happens when actin polymerization pushes out the membrane?

New focal adhesions occur from proteins within the membrane and the ECM.


Preferentially binds to ADP-actin, so it remains bound to actin monomers following filament disassembly and sequesters them in the ADP-bound form.

What Can Reverse the effect of cofilin and stimulate the incorporation of actin monomers into filaments (needs nucleation), and acts by stimulating the exchange of bound ADP for ATP, resulting in the formation of ATP-actin monomers.


What are 3 distinct cell crawling components?

Protrusion, Attachment, Traction

What is Formed by amoebae and neutrophils, are stubby three- dimensional projections filled with an actin-filament gel.


What provides mechanical support, determines cell shape, and allows the cell surface to move, thereby enabling cells to migrate, engulf and release particles, and divide?

The actin network

What is traction?

The bulk of the trailing cytoplasm is drawn forward

What is Shrinking at one end and elongation at another end of a filament causes net movement of the strand between the ends called?


When do cells of saccharomyces cerevisiae become polarized?

When treated with mating factor from cells of the opposite mating type

What does ECM function have influence in?

cell signaling, attachment, development, migration, proliferation, shape, and ultimately function

What are found on the outside of cells within the ECM?

fibronectin fibrils

What is the thin sheet, "pod" - foot) is an actin projection on the mobile ("leading") edge of a cell called?


Cell crawling involves 3 distinct components

protrusion, attachment, traction

Intermediate filaments also serve as what?

structural components of the nuclear lamina and to anchor organelles within the cell

What can increase MMP production or stimulate cells in the neighborhood?

Cancer Cells

What is an essential part of embryo development, blood vessel formation, the immune response and cancer metastasis?

Cell Migration

What is spatial differences in the shape, structure, and function of cells?

Cell polarity

What promotes disassembly of filaments?


What is a chain is about 1000 amino acids long and arranged as a left-handed helix, with three amino acids per turn and with glycine as every third amino acid... Gly-X-Y sequences called?


What enzyme degrades collagen?


The "skeleton" or cellular scaffolding within the cell's cytoplasm.


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