Cellaur Respiration Study Guide.

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Animals eat plants and produce carbon dioxide and water. How do animals affect the amount of carbon in Earth's atmosphere?

They increase the amount of carbon in the atmosphere

a green pigment found in the chloroplasts of algae and plants


the main photosynthesis pigment in chloroplast


Specialized organelles found in all plant cells, which contain the plant cell's chlorophyll responsible for the plant's green color and the ability to absorb energy from sunlight


green organelles inside plant cells


Today these deposits are burned as fossil fuels, which include _________, ___________, and _________.

coal, oil, natural gas

an organism that obtains energy by feeding on other organisms. A heterotrophic organism that feeds on other organisms in a food chain


Oxygen is found everywhere on Earth, from Earth's ________(rocks) to the _________ where it is dissolved.

crust, ocean

In the past, huge deposits of carbon were stored as dead plants and animals ___________.


organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms in doing so they carry out the natural process of decomposition. Like herbivores and predators, they are heterotrophic which means they feed on organic matter to get their nutrients (mushrooms, molds)


Energy is released

both first and second stage

glucose molecules are broken down

both first and second stage

How do cells "withdraw" energy?

by breaking down the carbohydrates in the process of respiration

Cell store energy in the form of _________________________

carbohydrates (suagr and starches

This energy is used to concert water plus __________ ___________ gas into sugars that plants can use or energy by the process of photosynthesis.

carbon dioxide

How are the oceans involved in the carbon cycle?

carbon dioxide can dissolve into oceans

What are the products of respiration?

carbon dioxide, water, ATP

How does carbon exist in the atmosphere?

carbon exists in a chemical compound with oxygen

1. Rocks (fossil fuels, geosphere) 2. Ocean 3. Plants, Sticks, animals, and soils 4. Atmosphere

carbon reservior

What happens during respiration?

cells break down simple food molecules such as sugar and release the energy they contain

a long chain of linked sugar molecules that gives wood its remarkable strength. It is the main component of plant cell walls.


In another part of the cycle, animals eat ________ containing nitrogen, which is again returned to the soil by animal __________ or decaying ___________ and ______________

plants, waste, animals, plants

an organism that can make its own food. These include green plants with carry on photosynthesis and serve as a food source for other organisms


Higher organisms use nitrogen to make their _________.


How much of the atmosphere is made of carbon dioxide?


Describe two ways that carbon enters the atmosphere

1. Carbon can enter the atmosphere when cells convert sugar into energy in the process of cellaur respiration 2. When we burn fossil fuels, we're releasing stored carbon in the air

When carbon enters the deep ocean, how long does it stay there?

100s of years

By how much has CO2 increased in the atmosphere during the past 150 years?


How much does the deep ocean account for of Earth's carbon?


Our atmosphere is _______ nitrogen gas.


What percentage of the air we breathe is nitrogen?


How much carbon doed the surface ocean absorb form the atmosphere each year?

90 gigatons

Adenosine triphosphate, abbreviated ________ transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism


Even though considerable nitrogen is available in the air, most plants do not use the nitrogen found in air. Why not?

Because plants must secure their nitrogen in "fixed" form incorporated in compounds like nitrate ions, ammonium ions, urea

consists of all living things, including people


_______________ bacteria in the soil can break down the ammonia in to the gaseous form of nitrogen, which is not available for use by plants or animals.


Is the following sentence true or false? Respiration that takes place inside of cells is the same as breathing air in and out of the lungs.


Too much CO2 in the atmosphere can be responsible for the _______________ effect.

Greenhouse effect

How do plants on Earth affect the amount of carbon in Earth's atmosphere?

Plants decrease the amount of carbon in the atmosphere

when yeast and some other single celled organisms break down sugars


Why is nitrogen needed by plants and animals? Nitrogen is necessary for plants and animals because it helps produce ___________________, __________________, and __________________________- these help cells function correctly and make up our DNA

amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids

Animal waste decay by the action of bacteria which create ___________ and _________ products rich in nitrogen, and useful for plants to use again.

ammonia, nitrate

How do animals get the nitrogen they need?

animals get nitrogen from plants

Animals and plants cannot directly use all the nitrogen found in our _____________


the air above Earth's surface


the enormous energy of lighting that breaks nitrogen molecules and enables their atoms to combine with oxygen in the air forming nitrogen oxides

atmospheric fixation

an organism that makes it own food


organic material that comes from plants and animals (waster and decomposed materials)


Is the following sentence true or false? Fermentation releases more energy than respiration.


an energy releasing process that does not require oxygen


an energy-releasing process that does not require oxygen


takes place in the cytoplasm

first stage only

In what compounds can plants use nitrogen? Plants can only use nitrogen when it has been converted or "________"


fuels found in the earth in different forms (oil, coal, gas) formed over long periods of time

fossil fuels

the rocky, non-living part of Earth


a carbohydrate and is the most important simple sugar in human metabolism and is one of the primary molecules which serve as energy sources for plants and animals.


a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing CO2 and clorflurocarbons

greenhouse gas

an organism that cannot make its own food, includes animals such as the zebra and the lion


Nitrogen will react with oxygen in conditions with really ______ temperatures and pressures. This might happen during lighting.


composed of all of Earth's water


Where is the greatest percentage of nitrogen fixation found in?

in legume

Where oxygen gas produced?

in plants

Where do you start the carbon cycle?

in the atmosphere

your body burns more oxygen than you can replace

lactic acid

the ridged outer part of the earth which consists of the crust and upper mantle


are the cell's power producers. They convert energy into forms that are usable by the cell.


Only special bacteria can directly use nitrogen in our atmosphere and "fix" it so otehr organisms can benefit. These bacteria are called ___________-___________ bacteria.

nitrogen fixing

How does nitric acid form? Nitric acid forms when _______________________ reacts with _________________.

nitrogen oxide, water in rain

The __________ is the main regulator of CO2 in the atomsphere because CO2 dissolves it easily.


What role do rocks have within the carbon cycle?

overtime carbon can create rocks like limestone, dolomite, calcite, marble. This carbon is then trapped within the rock for a long time. It can gradually be removed from the rock as water reacts with it

Nitrogen will also combine with ___________ in combustion reactions. For example, this might happen when we're burning fossil fuel in power plants or in vehicle internal combustion engines.


To survive, what gas do we need to breathe in?


Atomospheric oxygen in the form of _________ provides protection from harmful ultravilent rays.


Chlorophyll is an extremely important biomolecule, critical in the process of ___________________.


Plants release 430-470 billion tons of oxygen during the process of _________________


the process by which plants and some other organisms capture the energy in sunlight and use it to make food


Plants use CO2 in the process of _____________ to make ___________ and oxygen.

photosythesis, sugar

tiny marine organisms that take in carbon to make the nutrition they need through a process called photosynthesis


colored chemical compounds that absorb light


Carbon dioxide is a slighty toxic, odorless, colorless gas. Carbon dioxide is a small but important part of air. It is a necessary raw material for ___________ which remove carbon dioxide form air using the process of photosynthesis.


located in the cytoplasm, they are the sites of cellular ____________ which ultimately generates fuel for the cell's activities


Animals use oxygen in the process of ____________ and make more CO2.


Oxygen is vital for ___________ by animals, a process which produces CO2 and water.


the process by which cells obtain energy from glucose


an animal that feeds on dead organisms especially a carnivores animal that eats dead animals rather than hunting its own prey. (vultures, hyenas, and wolves)


Takes place in the mitochondria

second stage only

oxygen is involved

second stage only

takes place in the cytoplasm of the organism's cells, oxygen is not involved

stage one of respiration

takes place in the mitochondria, require oxygen

stage two of respiration

Plants store glucose as ____________. The cereal grains (wheat, rice, corn, oats, barley) as well as potatoes are rich in it.


small openings on the undersides of the leaves that receive carbon dioxide


tiny openings on plants found typically on the outer leaf skin layer through which CO2 enters


What are the raw materials for repsiration?

sugar and oxygen

More CO2 is released in the atomsphere today than in the past because of what?

the burning of fossil fuels

How are fossil fuels created?

the carbon found in decaying plants and animals are trapped underground for millions of years and overtime becomes natural gas

How is temperature of the Earth partly controlled by carbon?

traps heat in the atmosphere with green house gases

Why is nitric acid important?

utilized by plants as nutrients

Another natural source for CO2 is what?


Oxygen is also necessary for the decomposition of ___________ into other elements necessary for life.


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