CEP Exam

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What is the minimum typical duration of acute static stretching per muscle group in isolation (no dynamic warmup activities) that would lead to performance impairments?

60 seconds

What is the recommended duration for static stretching for older adults?

60 secs

For optimal sleep, what should the temperature in the room be?

72 degrees/F/22 degrees C


Abducts arm; stabilizes the head of the humerus in glenoid cavity; one of the "rotator cuff" muscles

What is the name of the structure in the ilium where the femoral head connects that helps deepen the socket?


Preferential Activation

Activation exercises that are designed to provide isolated strengthening to specific muscles prior to moving into an intreated movement pattern by placing joints in the best position.

The supraspinatus is responsible for which eccentric action?

Adduction of the arm.

Overhead movements, often used in integrated dynamic movements, standing, unilateral and bilateral exercises, help to place increased stress on what other areas?

Core Musculature

Which test is indicated. if a client is unable to straighten their arms overhead?

Elbow and wrist extension

The _______ ______ is the appropriate muscle to activate if Scott demonstrates an excessive posterior pelvic tilt during overhead squat assessment.

Erector Spinae

What movement does the subtler joint load or absorb energy?


An underactive/lengthened Posterior Tibialis would lead to what movement impairment during the overhead squat assessment?

Excessive pronation

The most effective shoulder position is ________ when lengthening of the biceps.


Do you feel energized throughout the day and prior to activities? Would be found under what client intake screening?


Global muscular system (Movement System)

Muscles responsible predominantly for movement, important in transferring and absorbing forces form the upper and lower extremities to to the pelvis, and consist of more superficial musculature that originates from the pelvis to the rib cage, the lower extremities, or both

What type of stretching is known as PNF?


What is the head position for the seated thoracic rotation test?

Neutral with the nose in line with sternum.

Elbows extended and arms in line with Torso is considered ______ _________

Normal Mobility

What visual method should be used to observe a client during the static postural assessment?

Observe the client beginning with the feet and travel up to the head

Which client intake screening would the question " do you feel like your work is mentally stressful" fall under?


"Weightlifters shoulder" is a term associated with what clinical presentation?

Osteoarthritis of the AC joint

It is best to _______________ when during a push-up a client demonstrates scapular winging after 2 weeks of strengthening with no improvement.

Revisit the shoulder assessment to re-evaluate the potential root cause.

The serrates anterior muscle originates and inserts on what structures? Posterior scapula and anterior thorax Anterior thorax and posterior thorax Posterior thorax and glenohumeral joint Rib cage and medial border of the scapula

Rib cage and medial border of the scapula

_____ is presented in a foot that is over-supinated/inverted.


A Fitness professional observes his client rolling out his lumbar spine with a hard density foam roller. What should he recommend his client?

Rolling the lumbar spine is a contraindication is should be avoided.

Dysfunction in intrinsic core stabilizers (transverse abdomens and multifidus) can result in which of the following?

Sacroiliac instability and lowback pain.

An underactive/lengthened Serratus Anterior would lead to what visible movement impairment during the Davies test?

Scapular Winging

What is the abnormal curvature of the thoracic spine in the frontal plane called?


Which is a common cause of limited ankle dorsiflexion?

Short/overactive plantar flexors

______ ___ _______ is considered the most appropriate exercise for a beginner client if they demonstrated feet turned out during the assessment.

Single-leg Balance

During movement assessment, if the foot over-supinates, what compensation would one observe? a. knee dominance b. hyperextension c. knee valgus d. knee varus

d. knee varus

Polly demonstrates forward head posture during her assessment. Which of her muscles are most likely underactive? Lower trapezius, middle trapezes, and serratus anterior latissimus dorsi, pectorals major, pectorals minor, Teres major suboccipital, levato scapulae, sternocleidomastoid, and upper trapes deep cervical flexors, lower trapezius, middle trapezius, and rhomboids

deep cervical flexors, lower trapezius, middle trapezius, and rhomboids

Formal assessment sessions, a "feels right" strategy, and pre-formatted routines that are effective for the general population are the 3 methods to _______ _______ ________ strategies to different types of clients.

deliver optimal movement

Deep Longitudinal Subsystem (DLS)

primarily responsible for force transmission longitudinally from the trunk to the ground. Erector spinae, Thoracolumbar fascia, Sacrotuberous ligament, Biceps Femoris, Peroneus longus,

Which type of exercises are the "gold standard" for Achilles tendinopathy?


_____Percent of ACL ruptures occur during single-foot contact in physical activity secondary to uncontrolled lower extremity biomechanics?


The concentric tempo should last aprox how long?

1 second

The thoracic spine has __ vertebrae?


What is the typical duration for static stretching for professional athletes?

12-17 secs

Supine chin tuck activation exercise should be performed "slowly move your head straight back, hold this position for ___ seconds and then return back the the start position in ___ seconds

2 seconds/4 seconds

The Isometric temp should last approximately how long?

2 secs

The isometric tempo should last aprox how long?

2 secs

_ to _ times per week is the recommended days per week for self-myofascial rolling.

2 to 5 times per week

How many grams of lean protein are recommended for a pre-exercise meal for strength training athletes?

20-30 grams

What is the recommended number of active movements to include in Step 2 of the myofascial rolling program?

4 to 6

At 45 degrees, __ pounds of stress is added to the head.


What is the minimum duration of stretching per week for each muscle group to improve or maintain a healthy ROM?

5 mins

What is the most appropriate duration for a task-specific activities during warmup?

5-15 mins

In order to satisfy hydration needs, most average exercisers should consume which amount of water before bed and within 1 hour prior to exercise?

500 mL (16.9 oz)

Sports drinks should contain ___percent to ___ percent carbohydrate solution.


The head weighs aprox 10-12 pounds. However, when the neck is flexed 60 degrees, such as when looking down at a cellphone, how many pounds of stress does this place on the neck?

60 pounds!!!

At which joint might an increase in ROM serve as a preventative strategy by allowing the trunk to be more upright and minimizing shearing forces in the trunk?


What view of the body allows for the optimal assessment of frontal plane movements(adduction and abduction)?


Which Global muscle subsystem functions in the transverse plane and helps stabilize the front side of the LPCH?

Anterior Oblique

What joint is located between the first cervical vertebrae and the skull?

Atlanto-occipital joint

A client tells you his is not comfortable using a myofasical roller. What do you do?

Avoid making David use the roller.

Strengthening of one side unilaterally can also increase the strength of which of the following?

Contralateral Limb

Compression boots should be at what time surrounding a workout?

Before the workout

What assessment collects valuable subjective information and identifies "red flags" that may be the first glimpse at potential movement impairments?

Client Intake Screen

The glenohumeral joint is at 90 degrees of abduction and full external rotation describes what position of the shoulder?


Myofascial rolling is classified as what type of intervention?


How does the concept of tissue creep relate to stretching?

Creep is the capacity of fascia and other tissue to lengthen when subjected to a constant tension load resulting in less resistance to a second load application. A progressive deformation occurs over time. Prolonged stretching can lead to a permanent length change in muscles and tendons.

During a depth jump assessment most impairments will be observed during ____________.


Knee injuries often occur during landing and, therefore, it is important to assess if the client lacks musculoskeletal control of the lower extremity during landing if there are no compensations observed during earlier assessment. The depth jump is one such assessment. During a depth jump assessment most impairments will be observed during what phase?

Deceleration not finish/landing

Polly demonstrates forward head position during her assessment. Which of her muscles are most likely underactive?

Deep Cervical flexors, lower trapezuis, middle trapezius, and rhomboids

Performing a walking pattern with or without resistance is an example of activation for which subsystem

Deep Longitudinal

In order to obtain neuromuscular efficiency and optimization of human movement, total-body integrated exercises are called on to provide and control which of the following?

Degrees of Freedom

What category of movement assessments includes the Davies test?


Which category of movement assessments includes gait assessments? Transitional Dynamic Loaded Static


Which phase of the muscle action spectrum is the slowest during corrective exercise?


According to Screw-Home Mechanism, in an open-chain position and as the knee extends, what action best describes the motion of the tibia on the femur during the last 30 degrees? Abduction External rotation Internal rotation Flexion

External rotation

A client was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 6 months ago. She wants to begin stretching...what are the considerations before starting a program with her?

Fibromyaglia is considered a precaution and stretching should be down with caution.

Hanging effectively from a tree branch with an outstretched hand requires which full range of motion?


The ______ ________ ______ is considered to be overactive/shortened if restriction in 1st MTP extension is identified.

Flexor Hallucis Longus

A client with an Achilles tendon injury would be expected to have weakness in what lower leg muscle?


The _____hip muscle is best to activate when valves and overpronation are observed?

Gluteus Maximus

Which muscle is considered underactive/lengthened, leading to knee dominance during the split squat assessment?

Gluteus Maximus

Weaknesses in ______muscle may allow over-pronation deviations in subtler joint motion during gait?

Glutues Medius

Pain on the inside of the elbow is a symptom of what condition?

Golfers Elbow

This is a common neurophysiological effect that myofascial rolling creates for tissue relaxation.

Greater myofascial relaxation or "stretch tolerance"

Jared is a beginner client with weightless goals and several mind movement dysfunctions. During the beginning phases, the rep range for Jared during resistance training should be what?

High reps

For appropriate joint action to be achieved in the ______ ______ it is best to foam roll the posterior adductor Magnus and hamstring complex to reduce tension in the tissues.

Hip Flexion

A Corrective Exercise Specialist is implementing a static stretching program with a youth basketball team. What are the recommended acute training variables this type of stretching?

Hold 20-30 sec and repeat 1-4 reps daily

What are 2 common precautions to stretching?

Hypertension and joint replacement

Which of the following describes the ability of different muscles in the body to work together to allow coordination of global and refined movements?

INTERmuscular coordination not INTRA

__ ____ _______ is a common knee injury resulting from overuse and is usually caused by muscle weakness in the kinetic chain and is commonly seen in runners.

IT Band syndrome

Can Fitness professionals administer instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization to their clients.

In general, IASTM is a specialized conducted by a trained healthcare professional.

Georgia has completed Phases 1 and 2 of the Corrective exercise continuum for forward head posture. Which of the following is most appropriate activation exercise for her? Ball combo 1 Ball roll-outs Incline dumbbell scaption squat to row

Incline Dumbbell caption

Having a __________ is an abnormal movement associated with a seven-fold increase in ankle sprains?

Increased Postural sway

4 Steps in Corrective Exercise Continuum

Inhibit, Lengthen, Activate, and Integrate

Rearfoot pronation or eversion is associated with what coupled motion?

Internal Tibial rotation

Isolated strengthening is a technique used to increase what?

Intramuscular coordination

A client who demonstrated a non-neutral wrist during her assessment has completed Phases 1-3 of the CES continuum. What should be her next exercise?

Inverted row

A client with excessive lumbar lordosis, anterior titled pelvis, flexed hips, and flexed/hyper extended knees is what type of posture?

Kendall kyphosis-lordosis

A underactive/lengthened Gluteus Maximus would lead to what movement impairment during split squat?

Knee Dominance

What position should knees be in during a lumbar flexion test?

Knees Straight

Performing a gait assessment can be a great technique for observing dynamic range of motion. During which phase of gait is ankle mobility assessed?

Late midstance

Most ankle sprains occur at ________aspect of the ankle?


This global muscle subsystem activates synergistically to control movement in the frontal plane.


The activation phase primarily focuses on correcting which of the following? a. hypertonic muscles b. lack of flexibility c. muscle imbalance d. lengthened muscles

Lengthened muscles

Greatest strength gains take place while the muscle is under resistance while doing which of the following?


Which of the following tissues that surround the spine limit intersegmental motion, maintain the integrity of the lumbar spine, and may fail when proper motion cannot be created, proper posture cannot be maintained, or excessive motion cannot be resisted by the surrounding musculature?


In OSHA, tightness in hip flexors, erector spine, and latissimus dorsi will most likely contribute to which movement dysfunction?

Low back arch not excessive forward lean

Low sets and relatively light weights are needed to allow for the slow tempo and high repetition range to provide mild stress to specific areas of the body that benefit from regular activations with what following intensities?

Low-Level activations

Which muscle would be considered underactive/lengthened, leading to scapular elevation during a loaded pulling movement? a. low trapezius b. upper trapezius c. cervical extensors d. Serratus anterior

Lower Trapezius

When screening the limbo pelvic hip complex, which tests should the fitness professional begin with?

Lumbar Flexion and Extension

How should the client be positioned for the passive hip internal rotation test?

Lying Prone on the table with legs together

What is one potential limitation to using handheld myofascial rollers?

Most require the use of both hands and rolling is limited to lower extremities.

What term is used to describe how the CNS integrates sensory info with previous experiences?

Motor Control

If a client has a history of ankle sprains, which assessment can be used to determine if this has negatively influenced gluteal strength? Static LPHC posture with feet shoulder width apart Manual muscle test of the hamstrings Overhead Squat Ankle Mobility

Overhead squat

Knee Valgus and varus, an increased Q angle, poor quadriceps and hamstrings flexibility, poor eccentric deceleration capabilities, and playing on hard surfaces are all risk factors for developing what common knee injury?

Patellar tendinopathy

The _______ _______ muscle attaches to the coracoid process of the scapula.

Pectoralis Minor

It is most appropriate to static stretch the ______ for a client who demonstrates overpronation in the overhead squat?

Peroneus Longus


Posterior aspect of the sacrum. Processes of the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spine. Spinous processes one to four segments above the origin. Concentrically accelerates spinal extension and contralateral rotation. Eccentrically decelerates spinal flexion and rotation. Isometrically stabilizes the spine.

What term is used to describe the independent and interdependent alignment and function of all components of the human movement system at any given moment?


Activation exercises may not be considered normal but are designed to provide isolated strengthening to specific muscles prior to moving into an integrated movement pattern by placing joints in the best position for what?

Preferential activation.

The healthy elbow allows what motion?


Turning the palm toward the floor is what action? Radial deviation Ulnar deviation Supination Pronation


Afferent information from internal feedback is delivered to the central nervous system for use in monitoring and manipulating movement refers to how

Proprioception influence movement

Afferent information from internal feedback is delivered directly to the central nervous system to use in monitoring and manipulating movement is how ___ ___ ____?

Proprioception influences movement

Contraction of antagonist muscles induces what?

Reciprocal inhibition in active stretching

What muscle serves to decelerate knee flexion and hip extension?

Rectus Femoris

Which muscle is thought to be overactive/shortened if the client demonstrates knee extension during the modified Thomas test?

Rectus Femoris

A client can have __________due to a previous low back injury.

Reduced Proprioception

The Kendall Flat-back posture presents with which of the following static positions in the lower body?

Reduced lumbar lordosis, posterior tilted pelvis, and extended hips and knees.

_______ _________ is the tradeoff for enhance mobility in the glenohumeral joint structure.

Reduced stability

The heels elevated modification of the overhead squat assessment places the ankle in a plantar flexed position. How may this effect the squat?

Reduces the influence of the foot and ankle complex on the squat movement.

A client states he has a sharp pain in his right knee when he is completing his exercises. What should the CESpecialst do to ensure client safety?

Refer them to a qualified medical professional

Recent research pointed out that potential precautions and contraindications for myofascial rolling have not been thoroughly documented. Therefore, precautions and contraindications have been taken from which of the following?

Related myofascial therapies

The fitness professional uses activations to provide strength to muscles that lack the ability to appropriately eccentrically decelerate unwanted joint actions and do what else?

Stabilize unwanted movement

Jamie demonstrated a posterior pelvic tilt during the overhead squat assessment. What is an appropriate activation exercise for Jamie?

Standing Hip Flexor

Musculotendinious Strains can be prevented by what type of stretching?

Static Stretching

The combination of enhance motor unit activation, synchronization, and firing rate is known to increase what the specific muscle? a. intermuscular coordination b. strength c. tenancity d. ROM


When performing a static postural assessment on a client, the fitness professional notes that the client demonstrates a forward head posture. What muscle group is most likely shortened and overactive? Suboccipitals Deep cervical flexors Thoracic erector spinae Rhomboids


The anterior side of the scapula (sub scapular fossa) is designed to house the ________ muscle of the rotator cuff?


Integration techniques are used to reeducate the Human Movement system back into ____ Functional movement pattern?


What is the long-term impact that repeated heavy lifting can have on the kinetic chain?

Synergistic dominance

The ___ muscle is thought to be overactive/shortened if the client demonstrates knee abduction during the modified Thomas Test.


Ruth, a new client, complains of jaw pain and difficulty swallowing after completing her assessments with her CES. What is the most appropriate response?

Tell her to go see a healthcare professional.

What is the most appropriate term for overuse injury to a tendon?

Tendinopathy not Tendinitis

What is the appropriate term for overuse injury to a tendon? a. strain b. tendinitis c. tendinopathy d. sprain

Tendinopathy not tendinitis

___ ________________ _____ __ ______ is an effective tool to help understand a clients willingness to create behavior change in their workout routine.

The Transtheroretical Model of change

Research has shown a correlation between which two specific sleep variables that result in optimizing next-day performance? The specific foods and drinks that should be consumed at dinner time. The duration of deep sleep and nighttime anabolic hormone stress Using a weighted blanket and black out drapes The brand of bed and pillow the client owns.

The duration of deep sleep and nighttime anabolic hormone stress

What best describes a closed-packed position of the shoulder?

The glenhumeral joint is at 90 degrees of abduction and full external rotation.

Mobility Restriction Definition is

The inability to move a joint through what should be its full range of motion.

What dysfunctional movement is observed during scapular elevation?

The shoulders moving upward toward the ears.

What is important consideration regarding the "ideal amount of pressure" needed for positive response during myofascial rolling?

The users experience with myofascial rolling

The Four Muscle Subsystems

There are four basic muscle synergies in the human body - The Lateral System, The Deep Longitudinal, Posterior Oblique, and Anterior Oblique. Even though these muscle subsystems are classified individually, it is important to remember that they must recruit and activate in a cohesive manner.

What is the most common reason for compensations during the gait observed during late mid stance?

This is the point when maximum ankle mobility is required

Transverse Adominis

This muscle is the deepest of the abdominal group and helps with breathing but more importantly it activates the core and stabilizes the pelvis and low back during most movements. Ribs 7-12 anterior 2 thirds of the iliac crest of the pelvis and thoracolumbar fascia. Increases intra-abdominal pressure. supports the abdominal viscera. Isometrically stabilizes the LPHC.

Place 1 or 2 fingers on the belly of the muscle and apply light pressure on identified trigger points is how to inhibit ___

To inhibit the Sternocleidomastoid

What category of movement assessment includes Overhead Squat?


Which category of movement assessment includes split squat?


Which type of movement assessment should always be performed?


How long should a dynamic stretching warmup be?

Up to 90 seconds

When the _____ _________ is overactive/shortened, this leads to scapular ELEVATION during loaded pulling movement.

Upper Trapezius

The ______ _______ _____ test would be given if a client demonstrates feet turned out during the overhead squat assessment that was corrected with the heels elevated modification.

Weight-bearing lunge test

Posture and dynamic movement assessments reveal excessive wrist flexion. What muscle group should be lengthened?

Wrist Flexors

If wrist extension is limited with elbow flexion, one can assume the limitation is coming from _____ _____.

Wrist Joint

Which of the following best define the concept of regeneration within the recovery strategy framework? a. regeneration is the cumulative process of pre- and post-training routines to maintain optimal movement efficiency. b. regeneration of the process pre-training hydration and rest to maintain optimal recovery from strenuous exercise. c. regeneration is the processes of post-training nutrition to recover from repetitive exercise d. regeneration is the cumulative amount of sleep needed to maintain optimal energy levels.

a. regeneration is the cumulative process of pre- and post-training routines to maintain optimal movement efficiency.

What should the client do with the non-testing leg during the Modified Thomas test? a. the client holds their chest, putting the non-test hip in maximal extension. b. The client holds the knee so the hip and knee are at 90 degrees. c. The client holds the knee to their chest, putting the non-test hip in maximal flexion. d. The client holds the knee so the hip and knee are flexed to 120 degrees.

a. the client holds their chest, putting the non-test hip in maximal extension.

A sustained forward head posture also contributes to the development of TMJ (jaw disorders) causing __________ __ ______ _______ _____________ in the ____ and ____.

alteration of length-tension relationships in the head and neck.

What are the common neurophysiological mechanisms of myofascial rolling that result in decreased pain? a. roller pressure may increase viscosity, decrease pain, increase myofascial restriction, and decrease fluid changes. b. Roller pressure may modulate pain through stimulation of muscles and cutaneous receptors, afferent central nociceptive pathways (gate theory of pain), and descending anti-noccpetive pathways (diffuse noxious inhibitory control) c. Roller pressure may create greater myofascial relaxation or "stretch tolerance" through central nervous system (CNS) afferent input from the Golgi tendon reflex, gamma loop modulation, and mechanoreceptors. d. Roller pressure may increase viscosity, create myofascial restriction, increase pain, and increase cellular responses.

b. Roller pressure may modulate pain through stimulation of muscles and cutaneous receptors, afferent central nociceptive pathways (gate theory of pain), and descending anti-noccpetive pathways (diffuse noxious inhibitory control)

What are two common contraindications to stretching? a. marfan syndrome and neuromuscular disorders b. acute injury and recent musculoskeletal surgery c. hypertension and joint replacement d. Seniors and special populations

b. acute injury and recent musculoskeletal surgery

Which best describes the role of the plantar fascia during movement? a. improving talocrural dorsiflexion b. transferring the potential energy from ground reaction forces c. statically supporting the medial arch d. protecting the extrinsic foot muscles

b. transferring the potential energy from ground reaction forces

Which of the following best describes how to introduce tissue movement with the myofascial roller? a. roll in a slow continuous motion for 60 secs b. perform passive movements such as trainer assisted flexion/extension while maintaining pressure. c. perform active movements such as flexion/extension while maintaining pressure d. perform quick active movements while continuously rolling back and forth on the target tissue.

c. perform active movements such as flexion/extension while maintaining pressure

What best describes a closed-pack position of the shoulder? a. the glenohumeral joint has full internal rotation and adduction b. the glenohumeral joint has full internal rotation and 90 degrees of adduction c. the glenohumeral joint is at 90 degrees of abduction and full external rotation. d. the glenohumeral joint is at 90 degrees of abduction and full internal rotation.

c. the glenohumeral joint is at 90 degrees of abduction and full external rotation.

A structurally short Achilles tendon with restricted Dorsiflexion can be observed as having a ______

high-arched or over-supinated foot

A client can tolerate the level of discomfort during a prolonged stretch best describes the

psycho-physiological concept of stretch tolerance.

Regeneration is the cumulative process of pre- and post-training routines to maintain optimal movement efficiency defines the concept of ____________ within the ________________ framework.

regeneration recovery strategy


relating to the sacrum and the ilium. denoting the rigid joint at the back of the pelvis between the sacrum and the ilium.

Passive motion is defined as

the amount of mobility or motion obtained by the examiner without any assistance by the client.

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