CEP404- Final exam

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which of the following factors influence the length of time that a drug can be detected in someone's blood, urine, saliva, and other body tissues

1. an individuals rate of drug absorption 2. an individuals rate of metabolism 3. the rate of excretion from the body 4. the type of drug-testing method used

low serotonin levels (which cause depression) are associated with which of the following

1. compulsive shoppers among women 2. the development of eating disorders among women 3. risk taking among men 4. violence among men

which of the following are the most effective hiv disease prevention

1. drug-abuse treatment on demand 2. education on the risks of high-risk sexual activity and aids 3. needle-exchange programs that are tied to treatment

which statement is true about cell phone use

all of the above

PCP is particularly dangerous because of it has which of the following effects?

causes depersonalization, aggressiveness, and violent behavior

what is the major reason why some people become compulsive shoppers


which neurotransmitter regulates mood, emotional behavior, motor control, and orgasm


which neurotransmitter regulates mood, emotional behavior, motor control, and orgasms


DMT is a long-acting psychedelic


butane has oil is an extract of cannabis with very low THC concentration


carriers of a DRD2A1 allele gene have an excess of dopamine receptors


marijuana is not addictive and does not induce compulsive use


mephedrone is a popular club drug, especially europe. This drug's effects are most similar to those of marijuana


pathological gamblers rarely have other addiction


psychedelic drugs are relatively new synthetic drugs


when does a compulsive shopper experience the highest level of excitment

right before deciding to purchase an item

there is increasing evidence that the use of some psychedelic drugs under medically monitored conditions may effectively treat some addictions


the internet has an addiction potential because

1. it can be used to escape feelings 2. it is always available 3. it does not criticize 4. it produces stimulant-like rush

recovery from sexual addiction requires lifelong abstinence from sex


at low doses some drugs can enhance sexual arousal


children who grow up in a home with a drug-using alcohol-abusing family member take on distinctive roles that affect their personalities


excess hair and decreased breast size are found in female steroid users


false-negative results, not false positives, constitute the majority of urine-testing errors


in the united states, black americans with drug problems have a higher rate of incarceration and are likely to receive treatment through the criminal justice system, whereas whites are more likely to receive probation and treatment from medical and social service programs


inhalant effects resemble those of alcohol and sedative intoxication


problems handling money in a responsible manner is one of the hallmarks of almost any addiction


some people who take lsd may experience flashbacks that are similar to post-traumatic stress disorder


the effects of mescaline (peyote) are similar to those of LSD, especially the visions and hallucinations


the effects that alcohol and other drugs have on a person's sexuality (drive and experience) are caused by the drugs


the inability to resist an impulse that is originally pleasurable but ends up becoming harmful is called an impulse-control disorder


marijuana withdrawal has been associated with which of the following symptoms?

1. inability to concentrate and marijuana cravings 2. chills, aches, and sweating 3. sleep disturbances and slight tremors 4. decreased appetite and stomach pain

which of the following statements are true regarding the effects of heavy and prolonged use of cocaine and sexual health

1. it causes decrease in sexual desire among men and women 2. it disrupts women's menstrual cycle and causes difficulty achieving orgasm 3. it causes a decrease in the ability of men and women to achieve orgasm 4. men have difficulty achieving an erection

which of the following statements are true regarding retrograde amnesia

1. it is associated with the use of rohypnol 2. it is associated with the use of ghb 4. it refers to memory loss of events that occurred shortly before taking certain drugs

which of the following statements are true about the age groups that should be targeted for prevention of substance abuse and addictive behaviors

1. psychoactive drugs and addictive behaviors affect people's lives from conception to death 2. prevention programs should be available for every stage of a person's life

drugs affect sexuality by disrupting which of the following neurotransmitters

1. serotonin 2. dopamine 4. norepinephrine

the effects experienced after the use of indole psychedelics are caused by disruptions in which of the following neurotransmitters

1. serotonin 2. dopamine 4. norepinephrine

which regard to love, sex, and drugs, drugs are desirable to a wide range of ages and cultures, particularly when which of the following are present

1. shyness 2. lack of confidence 3. physical changes that diminish sexual abilities 4. physical changes that diminish sexual desire

which of the following are important aspects to consider in conducting accurate drug testing?

1. the length of time since the person last took the drug 2. the type of drug test being conducted 3. having a qualified person directly observe the collection of the sample 4. following established rigid chain of custody to ensure that the sample collected this accurately labeled, secured, stored, and tested

which of the following have been identified as risk factors for substance abuse among veterans and military service members?

1. the stress and the anxiety of combat and deployment 2. the regional availability of indigenous drugs like cannabis, and opiates 3. social norms that support a heavy-drinking culture within branches of the military

the effect an all arounder has on the user depends on which of the following factors

1. the user's mind-set 2. the physical setting in which the drug is used 3. the amount taken or dosage

which of the following statements are true about the effects of ketamine and pcp

1. they mentally disassociate users 2. the effects usually last one to six hours 3. bad trips are common

marijuana has been illegal in the united states since


what is the usual current strength of lsd street samples

20 to 80 ug

the average street cost for an ounce of marijuana in the united states is


receptors for 2-AG, an endogenous endocannabinoid, are found with greater frequency in other parts of the body than it is in the brain


the majority of the U.s. national drug control budget is allocated to demand reduction


the military is under strict congressional guidelines and cannot conduct drug testing whenever and wherever it chooses


the rate of heavy drinking is lower among military personnel than among society as a whol


the reason why people engage in compulsive behaviors are different from the reasons why they use psychoactive drugs


unlike opiate, steroids do not have distinct withdrawal symptoms


which disorder is similar to compulsive shopping


the three parts of the public health model used to explain the prevention model are

host, environment, and agent

At low doses this substance acts as a stimulant; at higher doses it is a powerful hallucinogenic psychedelic.


drugs that stimulate which neurotransmitter have the potential to treat sexual addiction


The sensation of a big win for a gambler is the equivalent of

the first intense rush of cocaine

compulsive shoppers have described the relief from depression and subsequent high from buying in terms similar to those describing

the high derived from cocaine

which statement best describes addictive behaviors

they alter brain chemistry in similar ways that psychoactive drugs do

"addiction" is the disease, whereas inhalant abuse, steroid misuse, or compulsive gambling, eating, shopping, or sex are the manifestation of the disease.


Psilocybin mushrooms cause less disassociation, panic, and psychotic reactions compared with LSD.


a "fry" is a marijuana join dipped in embalming fluid or formaldehyde, dried, and then smoked


an important lesson from all primary prevention programs is that to be successful a program must be continual. one-year attempts at inoculating students against alcohol/drug use have not been effective enough


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