From vestibular ganglion (1st neuron) Some terminate directly on *flocculonodular lobe* of the cerebellum Most terminate on the vestibular nuclei
Vestibular nerves
Precise, graded, spatial, and temporal related information about motor activity (firing rate of 70/sec, simple spikes, Na+ channel) Have to be summated (more easily modified)
What kind of information do mossy fibers provide?
Molecular layer (where their dendrites are located) Input from climbing fibers (from inferior olivary nucleus) and parallel fibers (from granule cells of cerebellar cortex)
What layer do Purkinje cells receive input in?
*Red nucleus* (motor for arms) and *thalamus* (projects to cerebral cortex) via the *dentate-rubro-thalamic tract* (or *dentatorubrothalamic tract*) The dentate nucleus is the most lateral nucleus, therefore it makes sense that it is responsible for lateral distal musculature fine motor control
Where does the dentate nucleus project to?
More than the rest of the brain combined
# neurons in cerebellum
Midline structure of cerebellum
Dentate nucleus
Output of cerebrocerebellum
Many project to the *flocculonodular lobe* of the cerebellum (Archicerebellum) and the *vermis* via the *inferior cerebellar peduncle* as *mossy fibers* Vestibular nuclei also project to the *fastigial nucleus* (which also receives input from the flocculonodular lobe)
Axons from medial and inferior vestibular nuclei
Decomposes into its parts - *decomposition of movement*
Cerebellar damage - what happens to learned skill?
Regulation and coordination of movement (all aspects of cortex project to cerebellum) Portions of cerebral cortex which control movement project to *pontine nuclei* via the *corticopontine fibers*.
Cerebral cortex communication with cerebellum
From inferior olivary nucleus with branch to deep nuclei (early excitation) and another branch to a Purkinje cell (output from Purkinje cell causes late inhibition of the deep nuclei)
Climbing fibers source and branching
Highly conserved neuronal circuitry across vertebrate species (can survive if born without a cerebellum - it is important but it is a *supporting* structure)
Conservation/importance of cerebellum
Projects to the vestibular and reticular nuclei which project to brainstem motor pathways (UMN axons)
Fastigial nucleus projections
Precise, coordinated movements of the extremities, especially UE
Function of cerebrocerebellum
Axial and lower extremity movements - gait and station
Function of spinocerebellum
Eye movements, neck and trunk movements (Vestibular - where head is in 3D space, cerebellum - where body is in 3D space)
Function of vestibulocerebellum
Receive input from vestibular nuclei Synapse on Purkinje cells which project to the *fastigial nucleus*
Granule cells in flocculonodular lobe
Widespread input to inferior olive from all sensory and motor systems plus from the deep cerebellar nuclei Back up to cerebellum via climbing fibers (climbing fibers wrap around Purkinje cell like "climbing vine")
How does sensory and motor information return to the cerebellum?
Convey unconscious propioceptive information from spinal cord to cerebellum which is used to regulate muscle tone and balance
Information carried by spinocerebellar pathways
Dentate nucleus of the cerebellum Projects to premotor cortex
Input to and projections from ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus
Pontine nuclei, inferior olive
Input to cerebrocerebellum
Unconscious propioception from DRGs via spinocerebellar tracts, inferior olive
Input to spinocerebellum
Vestibular ganglion, vestibular nuclei, inferior olive
Input to vestibulocerebellum
Three layers: 1. *Molecular layer* (stellate cells, basket cells, Purkinje cell dendrites, parallel fibers from granule cells, climbing fibers from inferior olivary nucleus) 2. *Purkinje cell layer* (cell bodies of Purkinje cells, long axons that project from cerebellar cortex to deep nuclei of cerebellum) 3. *Granule cell layer* (cell bodies of granule cells, axons stay in cerebellar cortex) Above molecular layer = external granule cell layer in newborns (where granule cells are located at birth), in adults = subarachnoid space
Layer of Cerebellar Cortex
From vestibular, spinal cord, and pontine nuclei with one branch to the deep nuclei and the other to granule cells (from granule cells to Purkinje cells by way of parallel fibers)
Mossy fibers source and projections
DRG neurons have peripheral processes that innervate propioceptors in the legs and axons that enter the spinal cord and terminate on spinal border cells
Neuron 1 Anterior spinocerebellar tract system (ASCT)
DRG neurons have peripheral processes that innervate propioceptors in the arms and axons that enter the spinal cord, travel ipsilaterally in the fasciculus cuneatus and terminate in the lateral cuneate nuclei (accessory cuneate nuclei) located in the medulla
Neuron 1 Cuneocerebellar tract system (CCT)
DRG neurons have peripheral processes that innervate propioceptors in the legs and axons that enter the spinal cord, travel ipsilaterally in the fasciculus gracilis and terminate in Clarkes' nucleus
Neuron 1 Posterior Spinocerebellar Tract (PSCT)
Cell bodies in the spinal cord (*T12 to L5*) have axons that cross to the CL side and ascend as the ASCT to the pons where they will cross again and enter the cerebellum via the superior cerebellar peduncle and then terminate on granule cells of the cerebellar cortex Axons of ASCT which terminate on granule cells are one type of mossy fiber
Neuron 2 ASCT
Cell bodies in the lateral cuneate nuclei give rise to axons that travel in the cuneocerebellar tract that travels to the cerebellum via the inferior cerebellar peduncle to terminate on granule cells of the cerebellar cortex. The axons of the CCT that terminate on granule cells are one type of mossy fiber.
Neuron 2 CCT
Cells in Clarkes' nuclei (*T1-L2*)
Neuron 2 PSCT
Granules cells of cerebellar cortex
Neuron 3 ASCT
Granule cells of the cerebellar cortex
Neuron 3 CCT
Granule cells of cerebellar cortex
Neuron 3 PSCT
Fastigial nucleus (vermis), globose and emboliform nuclei (paravermis)
Output from spinocerebellum
Vestibular nuclei
Output from vestibulocerebellum
Granule cells in vermis and paravermis project to Purkinje cells which then project to *globose* and *emboliform* nuclei (collectively, the *interposed nuclei*) These nuclei project to the *red nucleus*
Pathway of information beginning in vermis and paravermis
Pontine nuclei (receiving input from cerebral cortex) project to contralateral granule cells in the lateral portions of the cerebellar hemispheres (neocerebellum) via the *pontocerebellar fibers* and the *middle cerebellar peduncle* Granule cells project to *Purkinje cells* which project to *dentate nucleus* Dentate nucleus projects to contralateral *ventral lateral* (VL) nucleus of the thalamus via the *superior cerebellar peduncle* and the *dentatorubrothalamic tract* (the interposed nuclei project to the red nucleus via this same tract)
Pontine nuclei projections, pathway
Error detection (increase firing when there is an error), complex spike, causes the Purkinje cell to be less responsive to parallel fibers that fired at the same time as the complex spike - Long Term Depression (LTD) Correctional modification
Purpose of climbing fiber signaling in cerebellar "learning"
*Motor learning* (LTD and Ca+) and *error detection* (complex spikes, increased firing from 1-2/sec to 4-6/sec when error is detected) Helps fine tune system if it makes an error (error correction)
Purpose of climbing fibers
Fine tuning Purkinje cells, simple spikes, firing close together, Long Term Potentiation (LTP) The hippocampus uses LTP and LTD
Purpose of parallel fiber signaling in cerebellar "learning"
Important for motor coordination and sensory coordination and processing - it integrates, compares, refigures output May play a role in short-term memory, attention, impulse control, emotion, cognition, task planning, even in such conditions as schizophrenia and autism *Timing*!! Motor memory and learning Receives info from most of the sensory systems and from virtually all other components of the limb and eye movement systems Compares information about the intention of an upcoming movement by receiving info from motor pathways with what actually occurs by retrieving from sensory systems
Roles of cerebellum
Huge - second only to cerebral cortex
Size of cerebellum
Primarily to vermis and adjacent paravermis (paleocerebellum)
Spinocerebellar input
1,128 sq cm (the surface area of the cerebral cortex is 1,900 sq cm)
Surface area of cerebellum
Each granule cell receives synapses from *4 mossy fibers*. Each Purkinje cell receives about *80,000 synapses* from parallel fibers. Therefore each Purkinje cell could receive information from *320,000 mossy fibers*.
Synaptic convergence on Purkinje cells
One mossy fiber branches to *600 granule cells*, each granule cell via parallel fibers synapses with *1,000 Purkinje cells* Therefore, one mossy fiber could contribute to the excitement of *600,000 Purkinje cells*
Synaptic divergence from mossy fibers
1. *Vestibulocerebellum* (Archicerebellum) - Flocculonodular lobe (eye movements, neck and trunk movements) 2. *Spinocerebellum* (Paleocerebellum) - Vermis and Paravermis (axial and lower extremity movements - gait and station) 3. *Cerebrocerebellum* (Neocerebellum) - lateral portion of cerebellar hemispheres (precise, coordinated movements of the extremities, especially UE)
Three main functional subdivisions of the cerebellum
Cortex and deep nuclei
Two main parts of cerebellum
Climbing fibers (from inferior olive) Reticulocerebellar fibers Vestibulocerebellar fibers Cuneocerebellar fibers Posterior spinocerebellar fibers
What are the input fibers to the cerebellum via the Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle (ICP)?
Timing The cerebellum fine tunes the force of muscle movement simultaneously and sequentially across multiple joints to produce smooth flowing, goal directed movement. The elements of *ataxia* are from a fundamental defect in control of force and the exact timing of the starting and stopping movements (result = *dysmetria* - over and under shooting of goal directed movement)
What is the structure and function of the cerebellum designed for? How does cerebellar dysfunction lead to ataxia?
Thoracic spinal cord ASCT
What part of the spinal cord is this?
Circled area: nodulus Cutting in midline - therefore this is a view of the vermis
What portion of the cerebellum is visible?
Purkinje cell axons Mossy fibers and climbing fibers also have collateral projections to deep nuclei
What projects to deep nuclei
Vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum --> feedback loops Cerebrocerebellum --> feed-forward loop
What type of loops does the cerebellum form?
Procedural memory (i.e. learning how to ride a bike) When learned, motor acts are no longer consciously thought about but automatic and subconscious
What type of memory is involved with motor learning?
Deep cerebellar nuclei
Where do Purkinje cells project to?
On granule cells
Where do mossy fibers terminate?
*Contralateral* Purkinje cells of the cerebellum via the *Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle* (*ICP*) as *climbing fibers* (wrap around dendrites of Purkinje cells) Another name for ICP = restiform body
Where does the inferior olivary nucleus project to?