CGN4600 Final Review

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How can the US use lessons learned from Clean Cities to better the air quality in non-attainment counties and meet NAAQS standards?

The presentation outlines the top five cleanest cities in the US and the reasons for this ranged from presence of wind, legal regulations restraining pollution, and prioritized funding for pollution measuring and monitoring equipment. Also addressed in the presentation was the EPA map highlighting counties in the US that are designated "Nonattainment" due to presence of pollutants that exceed regulation. These areas clearly cluster around the two largest and most densely populated cities in the US: Los Angeles, CA and the New England area near New York City. Some of the success of the clean cities can be attributed to the size of the city but it is significant that these cities commonly prioritize agricultureover industry. For the nonattainment areas to become cleaner, referencing the cleanest cities in the country, agriculture must be more greatly prioritized and green land must break up the consuming industrial concrete areas. Recognizing that this is a large change and would take significant time to develop and adjust life to, in the meantime, these areas must prioritize establishing and enforcing legal regulations of pollutants with consequences for perpetrators that create change. There must also commonly exist green and renewable energy sources such as wind farms and solar energy panels. The cornerstone of this plan requires financial prioritization of environmental safety in these areas. Ewings 12 Environmental Best Practices first suggest practice of systematic approach to environmental planning. This was unfortunately not prioritized in the development of New York or LAand is a significant reason why the areas are as polluted as they are, but green public transportation would significantly alleviate this problem. High speed rails would significantly alleviate the carbon emissions from traffic in the LA area, allowing the population to spread out more, and provide areas that could be converted into green space.

What is the purpose of FDOT Traffic Engineering Manual (TEM)?

The purpose of the FDOT Traffic Engineering Manual (TEM) is to provide traffic engineering standards and guidelines to be used on the State Highway System. The manual covers the process whereby standards and guidelines are adopted, as well as chapters devoted to highway signs, traffic signals, markings, and specialized operational topics.

What would happen if sufficient capture in the Colorado River is not available to meet the demands imposed by substantially increased pumpage?

The response will be constrained and a new equilibrium may never be achieved.

Where does funding for repair, maintenance and new construction projects come from in the state of Florida? With a primary source of funding coming from taxes on gasoline, provide recommendations of other sources of funding that would offset the reduction caused by the decrease in gasoline usage as there is an increase in electric vehicles usage.

The state of Florida generates funding for roadway repair, maintenance and new construction projects from Gasoline and License taxes (49.9%) and Tolls and User Fees (22.1%). In order to compensate for the reduced revenue from gasoline taxes, recommendations would be to increase taxes on gasoline and gasoline fueled vehicles to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles. As electric vehicle usage becomes the normal, non-residential vehicle charging stations could have fees associated with its use and at residential areas a separate electric meter could be added that would measure electrical usage to solely account for charging electric vehicles. Finally, similar tax rates and programs would apply to electric vehicles as it would for gasoline as gasoline vehicles are permanently phased out/

What are the three common techniques used to release the stored energy found in biomass? - James Caskey

The three common techniques are: combustion (in which biomass is burned to produce high pressure steam), bacterial decomposition (in which biomass is decomposed to create renewable natural gases), and conversion to fluid fuel (in which gasification and pyrolysis are used to convert solid biomass to a liquid or gaseous fuel).

From the case study presented by Group 8. What was the company discussed and what was their leading pollutant? Additionally, what are the health effects of drinking water contaminated by this company?

Tyson Foods was the company discussed in the case study and their leading pollutant was chicken manure which contained excess nitrogen. Tyson released 20 million pounds of toxic pollutants into U.S. waterways in 2014. Some of the health effects of drinking water contaminated by Tysons pollutants are blue baby syndrome, which when a mother consumes to much nitrogen during pregnancy, and cancer.

What challenges can cities face that may lead to transportation infrastructure failure?

Unanticipated population growth can take a toll on transportation infrastructure. If a city's capital improvement cycle does not account for unprecedented population growth, overuse without enough scheduled maintenance and/or improvements can lead to damaged or unsafe roadways. Another cause of failed infrastructure is a lack of planning/ funding for improvements (including technological advancements). Cities that are unable to keep up with and incorporate smart technology into their transportation infrastructure may struggle to maintain a safe and efficient roadway system.

According to the Air Quality Index (AQI), what level of concern represents the values index from 101 to 150? (Vladimir Becerra)

Unhealthy for sensitive groups

Which of the following had no notable change after the implementation of the 'Zero Fare' transit system?

Use of bicycles

What is Sump Depressurization?

Uses a sump pump, which was originally designed to pump water but instead is used for radon. This sump depressurization can be passive or active depending on whether a fan is used. Also requires a pipe system similar to the sump pump system. This system is 60-90% effective while sub-slab systems are 50-90% effective

Which travel mode choice decrease the most in Tallin Estonia during the 2013 "Zero Fare" transit system?

Walking trips

What are some major water borne diseases?`

- Ecoli: transmitted by decal-oral transmission which lives in the intestines. Illness ranges from mild diarrhea to more severe symptoms. 10% of people with a STEC infection end up developing a serious case which can have up to 5% fatality rate. - Pseudomona and aeruginosa: nonfermenting bacterium. Causes several infections such as respiratory, bone,joint, soft tissue, gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections. Mortaily ranges from 18% to 61% - Salmonella: causes acute gastroenteritis. In severe cases can lead to other infections such as bacteremia, meningitis, arthritis, and osteomyelitis.

What are the different thermal desalination processes?

- Multi-Effect Distillation (MED) - Multistage Flash Desalination (MSF) - Vapor Compression Solar Desalination (SD)

What are the causes of water scarcity?

- Pollution: Pesticides, oil, fecal matter, carcasses, ect. - Overuse: The average American family uses 300 gallons of water a day - Agriculture: Irrigation is one of America's largest uses of freshwater - Thermo-Electric Power: 160 billion gallons of water, every day in America, that is heated into steam to spine turbines.

What is the importance of transportation practice in future planning and what are the objectives?

- Transportation is the second largest source of gas emissions. - Accounts for 70% of oil consumption - Need to lower the impact of current transportation systems to the environment. - Increase the efficiency of transportation systems to lower accidents.

This presentation highlighted Radon mitigation strategies. However, retrofitting a home after it is built can be more costly than implementing radon prevention features up front. What are some techniques that can be used during home construction to prevent Radon gas from entering a home?

1) A layer of gravel underneath the slab of the home will allow for gases released from soil to move more freely underneath and out from under the home. This layer is known as a "gas flow layer" or "air flow layer." 2) A vapor barrier between a gravel layer and the slab can serve two purposes. It blocks Radon gas from entering the home and prevents the concrete from clogging the gravel layer when it is poured so that it may function properly as a gas flow layer. 3) Sealing and caulking all cracks, crevices, or other openings in and around the slab can help prevent Radon gas from entering the home.

Name the three factors of countermeasures against speeding.

1. Engineering. Traffic Control Devices to Reduce Speed, Road and Street Designs and Traffic Calming. 2. Enforcement. Public support for speed enforcement activities depends on the confidence of the public that speed enforcement is fair, rational, and motivated by safety concerns. 3. Education. Citizen concerns and behavior often drive speed management policies and any associated education efforts.

Name the two major sources of air pollution and give three examples of each source.

1. Natural sources: forest fire, volcanos, solar radiation, or organic compounds from plants and sea salt. 2. Human sources: incinerators, chemical manufactures, paper mills, hazardous-waste, cement plants, phosphate plants, or paper plants.

The price of basic materials through its producer pricing index shows that it has grown ______ percent since the 2008 financial crisis.


When does it consider that a housing affordability median multiple moderately unaffordable?

3.1 to 4.0

Half of all renters in the US are cost-burdened, meaning more than how much of their income is spent on rent?


What portion of the overall energy produced by GRU comes from renewable sources and are there any plans to expand this?

36% of the energy GRU produced comes from renewable sources. GRU plans to add 50 megawatts of solar power generation to its renewable energy installed capacity (25.5 MW) to keep working towards the city's carbon-reduction goals.

The Colorado River provides water for how many people in the southwestern United States?

40 Million

The United States EPA uses the Air Quality Index to determine the health safety of air pollution in a city. Which of the following index scores is the LEAST hazardous?

40, The lower the index the less hazardous and lower abundance of damaging particulate matter in the air.

Lumber represents what percent of the cost of building a home?

5 to 10%

How can a no-fare transit system affect a city?

A) Improve job finding prospects B) Increase travel C) Encourage use of public transportation D) All of the above • Answer: (d)

What Southern Florida city was the first to commit to 100% clean energy?

A. St. Petersburg

What percentage of freshwater comes from bodies of water that are above ground (i.e. lakes, rivers)?

Approximately 1%, the remaining 99% is either in ice caps, glaciers, or ground water

How can cities plan for and manage nutrient pollution in their waterways?

Addressing the issue of nutrient pollution in waterways is best managed by mitigating and ultimately, preventing the source of pollution from entering the watershed. In most cases, modeling the pollutant's travel through the watershed from origin to outfall can help the city identify major sources, paths, and collector areas. The city can then implement strategies that will reduce the amount of pollutant entering their waterways directly at the source as well as slow the spread of the pollutant throughout the watershed by targeting major waterway channels and collectors for filtration and treatment.

What are some advantages and disadvantages to having a radon mitigation system?

Advantages include having lower in-home radon levels and a much lower level of humidity and dampness inside a building or house. A disadvantage would be that having a radon mitigation system include having small energy increase, causing bills to go up.

Walking along busy streets can be dangerous for pedestrians. What are some ways the city of Gainesville and the University of Florida can make walking along busy streets safer for pedestrians?

After the death of students along University Avenue, the city of Gainesville add speed bumps. Speed bumps help to control the speed of vehicles, reducing the amount of reckless driving. Additionally, pedestrian walking signs that flash to notify a driver that a pedestrian is about to cross the street help to reduce pedestrian fatalities. These signs help notify the driver and reduce the risk of a driver not seeing a pedestrian at night. No turn signs also make walking safer. These signs tell drivers when they cannot turn on red so that they do not run over pedestrians crossing at a crosswalk.

Are there any disciplinary actions for cities that sign the Climate Protection

Agreement and do not follow the guidelines given by it? (Vijay Sharma) There does not appear to be any disciplinary action involved for cities that do not follow the terms of the agreement. Rather, signing the agreement is a public commitment by cities to reach the targets of the Kyoto Protocol in their communities and encourage their state governments, federal government agencies, and Congress to join the effort towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

How much is the confidence of people in self-driving vehicles?

Although autonomous vehicles are statistically safer, people do not trust them very much. 75% of US voters said they want Congress to delay self-driving vehicles as there are still some problems with the technology and room for improvement. In another statistic, 57% of the people surveyed stated that they would not feel comfortable buying a car that drives itself if money is not an issue. Despite the safety statistics compared to conventional cars, it will take a while for people to adopt autonomous cars.

What are some of the main challenges that come with the attempt of creating a Model City?

Answer: Some of the challenges would include the amount of funding needed since there would need to be an abundant amount of infrastructure to implement digital technology and to hire tech experts. If there aren't enough experienced or skilled professionals that could pose a problem. There also must be money invested into cyber security since hackers can break in and potentially shut down the city.

A high Air Quality Index can lead to many human health problems. Name three possible effects of air pollution on human health.

Any three of: Red eye irritation, chemical changes in lungs, thickened mucus, child brain damage, birth defects, heart disease, lung cancer, emphysema

With the University of Florida's master plan of dedicating more acreage for conservation and ecosystems and effectively minimizing residential acreage, what is one method of achieving this feat in compliance with the university's master plan for the future?

As the university plans to become more eco-friendly and environmentally sufficient, the university could develop larger building structures that would fit more students/staff in a smaller amount of land, creating less urban sprawl if placed in or around popular areas on campus.

What government mechanism can be used to further shift the public opinion toward the implications of better transportation practices?

As we look at the issue of transportation being the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, the need for a large public opinion shift is very needed in society. The simple solution for the US government could be to create legislation that limits any one individual from creating a predetermined amount of greenhouse gasses. Although this could help I do not think that this is the best method. The US Government should invest more into infrastructure that incorporates EV vehicles, better public transport and other traffic mitigation methods. The US government must incentivise companies to convert fleet vehicles into the use of electric vehicles by tax breaks or by tax hikes for the use of less efficient means of transportation. A large disconnect that is evident with the implementation of EV is that EV are not as capable at pulling large loads whilst maintaining battery efficiency. This is the reason that the US government should invest into research with the goal of creating a type of electrical system that could be subject to moving goods across the country. A large majority of goods arrive on diesel ships, then onto diesel semi, brought to the home in gas powered cars, and used with coal burnt energy. This is the problem. It is systemic and one must understand that it is not sustainable. Therefore a new system must be developed and must be welcomed by the people, utilized by corporations, and encouraged by the government.

Which US city has the biggest percentage of renter population?


Give an example of a city actively incentivizing to reduce their carbon footprint.

Atlanta is implement a 22 mile pedestrian friendly loop called beltline. The trail has many activities and connects the entire city and allows kids to go to work and people to walk to work. This project added 1100 new acres of green space. With more than 2 millions users annually, its hard to deny the impact this project has made.

What are some benefits to autonomous rideshare vehicles?

Autonomous rideshare vehicles provide safer conditions for pedestrians and riders, are available at lower costs for riders due to a larger vehicle pool, and establish a new base level of service for future vehicle pools.

Which of the following terms describes the concept of draining groundwater from a well?

B. Cone of Depression

Name five of the Speed Influence Factors:

Choose five from: 1. Public Awareness, 2. User behavior, 3. Roadway design, 4. Surrounding, 5. Land uses, 6. Traffic conditions, 7. Posted speed limits, or 8. Enforcement

Why is carrying a FSC certification so important for a company that works in any of the stages between the forest and the final user?

Because it ensures that any company in this supply chain, including harvesters, processors, manufacturers, distributors, printers, or retailers are selling forest products that are coming from responsibly managed sources. Ideally, this will add commercial value and a competitive advantage to any product certified in FSC, while being environmentally responsible.

What are the regulations put in place having to do with producing clean drinking water safe from pollutants?

Coagulation and filtration using iron salts is applied to reduce phosphate levels in the water and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1986 recommended that no more than 0.1 mg/L of phosphorus for streams that don't empty into reservoirs and no more than 0.05 mg/L for streams that do discharge into reservoirs, and no more than 0.024 mg/L for reservoirs.

Which of the following are negative health effects caused by air pollution? (Select multiple)

Decreased lung function, Coughing, Respiratory infections

What practices are put forth in the Mayors Climate Protection Agreement?

Develop an energy plan that accounts for runoff, adopt new land use policies that reduce sprawl, prioritize more efficient forms of transportation such as bicycling and public transit, support development of clean and renewable energy sources, update building codes to prioritize energy efficiency, make city fleet vehicles more fuel efficient, evaluate water management systems and look for ways to make them more energy efficient, encourage more recycling, maintain urban forests, educate the public on the importance of research and use of renewable energy.

What are the health risks involved with drinking unclean drinking water?

Drinking unclean drinking water can be a gamble for people in developing countries. Unclean water can have E. Coli, which could lead to diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome. Bacterias are also a worry. Some bacterias found in contaminated drinking water can cause severe infection in the bone, respiratory system, joints, soft tissue, as well as urinary tract infection. Mortality rates range from 18% to 61% for these infections. Another problem with drinking dirty water is Salmonella. Salmonella poses a severe threat to public health due to its multi-drug resistance.

What is one way that farmers are working to reduce their water consumption and help restore water levels in the Colorado River?

Drip irrigation, maintaining the soil so that it consumes less water

On the University of Florida's campus students complain about the lack of parking on campus and in the city of Gainesville. How has the University of Florida and the city of Gainesville addressed this issue and what are the benefits of the technology they have implemented?

Due to the high demand for parking and limited space the city of Gainesville and the University of Florida use parking garages to allow for high density parking. Parking garages allow for a higher volume of parking because multiple floors of parking increase the amount of parking spaces per plot of land. Within these structures' decals, the Passport App, and meters are used to pay for parking. Paying for parking allows the University and the city of Gainesville to have a return on their investment. The use of technology such as the Passport App allows the city to save money because people can pay using their phones rather than having to pay a parking attendant to collect the charges. Additionally, parking decals allow the University of Florida to monitor parking on campus and allow students to pay a fee once a year to park on campus. This saves students the hassle of dealing with meters or parking attendants. Meters are also an effective way to pay for parking without the need for parking attendants. However, meters tend to be more expensive for the consumer.

Which of the following is NOT one of the best housing practices?

Energy-spending features

What does phosphorus and nitrogen cause excess of?

Eutrophication (excess nutrients causing dense growth of plant life and animal death through lack of oxygen.)

Connecting Chapter 1 to Chapter 3. How do Ewings 11 best development practices reduce greenhouse gas emissions and connect to his 12 best environmental practices?

Ewings best development practices focuses on developing in clusters, higher-density housing near commercial centers, concentrated commercial development, separating automobiles from pedestrian-oriented uses, and making shopping centers and business parks into all-purpose centers. Developing in clusters with compact commercial centers near high-density housing promotes walking and biking as modes of transportation rather than cars. Reducing the need for cars will reduce greenhouse gas emissionssuch as CO2. Separating pedestrian centers from automobiles reduces the dangers of walking or biking because there is less risk of being hit by a car. Creating shopping centers and business parks into all-purpose centers allows the use of Ewings 12 best environmental practices. Creating recreation within commercial areas and business parks allows habitats to be maintained. Important habitats in an area can be preserved and made into parks that businesses and commercial areas circle. These areas can then be connected to walking paths throughout the community that preserve additional wildlife and serve as wildlife corridors. Preserving habitats and wildlife is important for the ecosystem services they provide. Trees and forested areas serve to sequester carbon which can help with carbon dioxide emissions from cars and surrounding industrial areas. Additionally, preserving wetlands can help filter stormwater and improve water quality throughout the community. Developing in clusters also allows land to be developed on least porous soil to minimize runoff helping to preserve any wetlands and surrounding bodies of water and improving water quality.

Which of these best practices is least effective at addressing the housing affordability crisis?

Expanding single family zoning

What is FSC certification?

FSC certification aims to ensure that products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. There are two types of certifications which are Forest Management and Chain of Custody. An independent FSC-accredited Certification Bodies is involved to verify that the operations conform to the requirements contained within an FSC forest management standard.

High amounts of air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrous dioxide, and other manufactural emitted gasses can alter the temperature of the nearby area but not the weather. T/F?


What is SHIP program of Florida Housing?

Florida Housing administers the State Housing Initiatives Partnership program (SHIP), which provides funds to local governments as an incentive to create partnerships that produce and preserve affordable homeownership and multifamily housing. The program was designed to serve very low, low and moderate-income families. SHIP funds are distributed on an entitlement basis to all 67 counties and 52 Community Development Block Grant entitlement cities in Florida.

What are some methods that the agriculture industry could use to reduce water pollution?

From the presentation we saw that agriculture takes nearly 70% of the earth's water supplies and is the leading cause of water degradation around the world. One way the agriculture industry could reduce water pollution would be to use organic supplies and remove the use of harsh chemicals. Another way they could help stop water pollution would be to treat their water before it runs into the ground by using manure management plans, nutrient management techniques, and control livestock access to water ways. To further ensure that the pollutants do not reach the ground water supply the agriculture business can also add conservative buffers to catch runoff and utilize efficient landscaping techniques. A method that society can use in partnership with the agriculture industry is to eat locally. Mass farm factories like the Tyson case study from the presentation produce too much waste in one area than the earth cannot properly filter at a time. Therefore, it would be advantageous to spread out the industry so that each plant can be small enough to minimize excess waste but also provide for its locals.

Burning wood from forests could cause deforestation if the wood harvested faster than trees can grow, how does GRU address this potential risk?

GRU's Deerhaven Renewable Generating Station responsibly sources wood by successfully implementing a forest management plan. GRU will primarily use wood from woodlots that had to be thinned, trees that fall down or have to be cut down and mainly waste wood to feed the biomass power plant.

Where has Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) been implemented in the US?

GSI has been successfully implemented in Baltimore (Maryland), Phoenix (Arizona), and Portland (Oregon). Based on a study conducted in 2018, Portland has many more GSI developments compared to Phoenix or Baltimore. However, Baltimore has the most diverse portfolio of GSI types. In Phoenix, as focused on flood control, retention basins have been the dominant GSI type for decades. These cities and each of their stormwater management strategies can provide good examples for other cities considering implementing GSI.

What is the city of Gainesville and DOT trying to improve on and invest in?

Gainesville has had multiple fatalities and injuries occur on their roadways in recent years, to counteract this they are seeking new programs and investments. In 2022 they are investing $750,000 in the Vision Zero strategy; this is a multi-modal safety project which will attempt to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries. This act will specifically look to help pedestrians and bikers move about the city safely. The measures that are planned to be taken are installing bike lanes, widening paths/sidewalks, adding no right on reds at intersections, raising medians, and improving pedestrian interval times at intersections. Other 2022 investments include $250,000 for a street lighting study, and $100,000 for street lighting and tree trimming. Both of these investments are looking to improve the roadway safety of Gainesville.

What modern technologies can Gainesville use to improve transportation safety around the city?

Gainesville has recently pioneered a working autonomous shuttle that connects the Innovation District with Downtown and Campus, some of the most traveled areas of town. The vehicle uses numerous sensors that connect with lights, sensors on buildings, and traffic signals that help it know its intended route as well as make use of its highly trained and tested anti-collision software. The vehicle can detect its own distance from surrounding vehicles and has been programmed accordingly to make the safest vehicle decision resulting from actions of those vehicles. The vehicle is also able to detect pedestrians and cyclists and can stop to prevent accidents. As the software and testing continue this technology will only become smarter and safer. The AV shuttle runs on battery power and can run for one day during peak business and travel hours which has the capacity to run on renewable energy sources. Given the high volume of student and faculty traffic, lack of parking, and high propensity for dangerous collisions, this can be one of the safest and most efficient technologies that Gainesville can maximize to improve transportation safety and efficiency for the city.

What are some renewable sources of energy that can be used in the desalinization process?

Geothermal, Solar, Wind

What are the five major air pollutants designated by the Environmental Protection Agency? (Morgan Busby)

Ground-level ozone, particle pollution (particulate matter), carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide

What are the possible causes and effects of water pollution on aquatic life?

Here are some of the causes and effects of water pollution on Aquatic life: · Contamination of the aquatic environment can make it difficult for light to pass through. When this is the case, photosynthesis can't take place, thereby disrupting the growth of micro-organisms and plants that contribute to the growth of freshwater fish. · When there is a build-up of contaminants in the water, either as toxic chemicals or biological waste, it affects the amount of oxygen in the water, which makes it difficult for the inhabitants to breathe. It can also result in immune suppression and reproductive problems, which can spell doom for aquatic life. · Oil spills from ships are also one of the primary causes of pollution in the oceans and seas. Oil spills can remain for years without washing off, and since they are almost impossible to mop out, they can leave lasting damage to the aquatic animals in their habitat. · Heavy metals from industrial activities can get transported to nearby rivers and lakes, which harm the fish living there and, ultimately, the humans who consume the fish for food. Heavy metal poisoning can lead to congenital disabilities resulting in slow development and is also carcinogenic. · The deposition of industrial waste from large manufacturing and processing industries can also result in the death of the inhabitants of an aquatic environment. The world needs its oceans and seas to be clean to support the healthy growth of fish and other edible sea creatures. Also, our water bodies need to be safe enough for fish to breed in since they are a rich source of protein and other nutrients we desperately need for survival.

The total number of passenger cars is expected to double in the next 30 years. What is one way to reduce this rate and describe why it is efficient?

High-speed rail. This is efficient because it can get people across long distances at a fast rate. Unlike walking or riding a bike, you are not limited by distance. In fact, the streamlined high-speed rail network can be more efficient to a passenger than if they were to drive a car. Passengers are also able to focus on other tasks as they are not the driver in this case. The one investment that the public would have to make using high-speed rail is an upfront cost, likely through taxes, so that the network can be built and expanded. The rail can also profit over time as the public continues to use it. Rail can be seen as an alternative to those who do not want to pay high monthly costs for a car loan or auto insurance, but still need mobility.

What is the least affordable city in terms of housing?

Hong Kong

Which city has applied disincentives to car ridership and ownership which helped create a highly profitable transit system?

Hong Kong

What are the problems of flood warning system in Germany?

In 2021 Germany Floodplain Disasters, some residents reported that the warning time was too short and lately happened that they could not prepare for it. Although German authorities received early warnings from the European Flood Awareness System four days before the start of the downpour, the alert could not be timely reached to the residents. In addition, flood forecasting and warning is decentralized in Germany which makes the works difficult from technical aspects (such as processing measured data with different formats and references) and required lots of collaboration/coordination.

Using the concept of garden city discussed in this video, list one city that you believe to be a garden city and explain why you selected it.

I believe that Augusta, Georgia is a garden city. We learned in this presentation that a garden city is one that includes varying types of residences and a combination of both agricultural and industrial land use. Augusta has many types of homes, including lodges, apartments, villas, townhouses, and condos. It also is very close to the metropolis of Atlanta and has its own downtown section of the city. Lastly, there is plenty of agriculture in the forms of farms and ranches. Augusta is also home to Augusta National Golf Club, one of the world's renowned golf courses.

What are the benefits of biomass for energy generation?

Improved air quality and carbon regulation, creates fuel diversity, it is more reliable, and incorporates responsible forestry management practices.

In what ways could Sadowski's Affordable Housing Act be an applicable solution to today's housing crisis?

In 1992 Sadowski solved the housing crisis by implementing a tax on real estate that pooled money to provide affordable housing for those in need. The idea here is taking money from those with privileged access and sharing it with those less fortunate so that they can have the basic human right of "adequate housing" (US Universal Declaration of Human Rights since 1948). But the question today is where we can take money from to give to those in need since there are so many in need. Currently, there is a benefit of the state of Florida that pandemic laws are less restricted than some other states in the US, causing many non-Floridians to want to move here. However, because the rate of construction cannot keep up with the rate of people moving in, there is a gap between many people needing housing and few housing opportunities. Doubly problematic, construction is especially slow due to the pandemic causing a natural increase in prices of obtaining and transporting materials and sickness in workers. Using Sadowski's logic in collecting tax from those with privileged access and using it to support those in need, today there must be more tax collected from non-Floridians trying to move into the state and it support affordable housing to those in-state in need. The fact of the matter is more people from out of state cannot move in without causing crisis to many of those living here. It is the responsibility of the government to protect those who live here by first setting up laws that give Floridan's first access to available housing and secondly to tax those who can afford the privilege of moving to the state. This will significantly slow the influx problem and affordable housing problem simultaneously. It could be advantageous to work together with temporary housing tycoons like Air B and B and the tourism industry to make sure that people moving here from out of state only have access to rental property that is taxed heavily in the favor of affordable housing to Floridians. As the state moves further in time from the COVID 19 pandemic, the rate of housing construction will be able to increase and hopefully catch up with the number of people it needs to support. It will be the critical job of urban planners to protect the state and develop undeveloped areas of Florida safely with the looming dangers of the climate crisis.

How does the U.S. Mayors of Protection affect urban city and planning?

In the realm of Land Development, civil engineers are tasked with designing site plans and often create master plans for cities. In the design consideration, there are many standards that are set by each county or municipality. The U.S. mayors protection is a set of standards that vouch for environmental and sustainable practices when it comes to development. Because of this, in city planning there has been a reduction in energy consumption and carbon footprint, environmental conservation, and longer lasting construction.

What are the effects of inadequate affordable housing and how do companies view affordable housing?

Inadequate affordable housing causes issues in food security, health care, transportation, and social services. Additionally, a lack of housing near job centers can increase pollution from increased traffic. Inadequate housing is also an issue for companies because employees with health issues and stress from inadequate living conditions can lead to less productivity.

What are some ways to create a smart environment for Model Cities, like the Tioga?

Incorporate many trees to blend within living spaces, emphasize preservation of both trees and greenspace, increase water consumption practices for irrigation, create multiple and easily accessible pedestrian paths that promote connectivity through the city.

What are the current problems caused by increase of motor vehicles in megacities?

Increase in vehicles is outpacing city road infrastructure and traffic management, increase in vehicle and pedestrian crashes, longer commute times, increase in pollution

Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding India's pollution problems?

India will most likely not experience climate change impacts and extreme weather events due to the pollution.

How much does it cost to install a radon mitigation system in a home?

Installing a radon mitigation system typically costs between $800 and $2,500 in an existing home but in a new home under construction the installation of passive techniques and materials resist- radon gas during construction typically costs between $350 and $500.

What makes the GRU South Energy Center Unique?

It operates using reclaimed water and is the first facility like this east of the Mississippi and only the second in the nation. It produces 3.5MW of electricity

What does the PEA say about typical and allowable radon levels in home to be acceptable that would not pose risks to human health.

It was found that the average home averaged about 1.3 picocurries per liter (pCI/L). The maximum concentration that the EPA as set for radon is 4.0 pCi/L.

What is the purposed of a radial pattern?

It's the central point of the city like the central business district. Its purposed is to link suburbs or satellites of that city.

Describe the City of Letchworth and draw comparisons to Howards ideal garden city.

Letchworth is the first implementation of Howards idea, although not fully what Howard envisioned. The city was not perfectly circular and the railroad did not run on the outskirts of town but instead through the middle of town. It did implement Howard's ideas of having a central park and garden, residential and commercial builds also located at the center with industrial areas lining the outside of the circle.

What is the single most important determination of site development costs?

Lot Frontage

What are some of the defining characteristics of a Model City?

Model Cities are typically characterized by net zero (or close to net zero) carbon emissions, good financial health, pedestrian accessibility (most things can be accessed by walking or hiking), green-space amenities and welcoming landscape architecture, smart homes with energy saving designs and neighborhood connectivity, and a high functioning education system. All of these components of a Model City fuel the economy and help financial growth.

Name the three facets of a good clean air action plan.

Motor vehicle pollution control - restricting the number of vehicles and investing in public transport. Coal-fired pollution control - controlling total coal consumption and replacing coal-fired plants with clean energy. Technological application - investing in clean energy production and improving the energy efficiency of buildings and products.

What are the two types of categories for particle pollution size (Particulate Matter)? (Joshua Allen)

Particulate matter 2.5 (Fine) & Particulate matter 10 (Coarse)

Name the leading cause of death in Gainesville and one way that it can be reduced.

Pedestrian and bicycle crashes; Name any of: Traffic control, road and street design, reductions in speed limits, additional enforcement

What are the dangers of phosphorus leaching into the environment?

Phosphorus leaching can result in increased growth of algae and other aquatic plant growth. This increased density of plant growth will absorb the dissolved oxygen in the water which other aquatic organisms, such as fish, need to breath. Other issues is that the algae can release toxins into the water ways which are harmful animals and human health if consumed.

What are some of the ways water pollution can affect humankind?

Pollution can affect people around the world in many different ways. Human health is always an important subject and the main concerns are different in developing and developed countries. In developing countries water treatment plants may not be possible, so if water pollution occurs then the water will either significantly damage people's health or render their main drinking source un-usable. In developed countries we still worry about pollution in terms of fish being high in mercury or other heavy metals, toxins leaking into un-treated aquifers and wells, recreational waterways not having harmful substances that would hurt the eyes or skin. Another way water pollution is affecting humans is available food sources, fish is the primary protein source for many countries, with pollution taking place close to the shore it is hurting the local fishing crop in countries and taking away their main source of protein. Water pollution also harms countries economy, such as the tourism industry in Australia, which has seen the great barrier reef shrink in recent years due to coral die offs from poor water chemistry and a high PH. The medical field has also explored aquatic life in more recent times to find scientific breakthroughs as 75% of the earth is covered in water, and aquatic life has such a high biodiversity.

What is Porous pavement?

Porous pavement has a porous material on the top layer that allows rainwater and stormwater to flow freely through it, providing water quality treatment and stormwater attenuation. This ultimately reduces stormwater runoff, provides flood protection, and treats water before discharging to waterways or the aquifer.

Name four sources that produce sulfur dioxide. (Vladimir Becerra)

Power plants, Refineries, Volcanic Eruptions, and sea spray

How has the pandemic affected affordable housing in the State of Florida?

Prior to the pandemic 2 million of Florida's lower income homes where unstable and there was a 340,000 shortage of affordable houses. The pandemic has accelerated housing unaffordability. The hike of housing prices is due to an increase in demand for housing [1]. It was found that Americans wanted to move to warmer and safer places with lower taxes and less government lockdowns such as the Southeast [1]. Such places included Florida, which explains the increase in housing prices. The increase in housing prices is what has accelerated housing unaffordability. One million very low-income families are one paycheck or medical issue away from homelessness.

What makes the landscape master plan essential as part of the UF campus comprehensive plan, and what are the landscape master plan's objectives?

Quality landscapes provide an important sense of identity for a collegiate community and have a significant role in the health and happiness of enrolled students. Attractive and comfortable outdoor spaces offer students opportunities to gather. The UF landscape objectives include five key targets for the campus: • A welcoming campus • A strengthened campus core • An interconnected campus • A campus connected to its natural systems • An adhesive campus image

What is Radon and what are the concentration variations depending on the surface is dispersed?

Radon is a colorless,odorless,tasteless radioactive gas. Uranium and Thorium are widely dispersed in the environment and represent the major source of radioactivity in the ground. Typical concentrations are 1-10ppm for both uranium and thorium, in sandstone, shale or limestone (and3-12ppm for uranium and 10-80pmm for thorium in granite). The corresponding activities range from 0.02 to 0.60 Bq/g.

How does the process of artificial recharge help replenish an aquifer?

Recharge is a natural process in which water percolates its way into the groundwater table. This process is driven by rain causing water to seep into the land's surface, and then through porous rock layers. The problem with recharge is that it is too slow to be a viable source for the aquifer on its own. Too little rain and overconsumption of water will cause the aquifer to be drained faster than it can naturally recharge. This is where artificial recharge comes in. This process impounds water on the land surface to increase the percolation rate into the groundwater table. The aquifer can now be recharged closer to its consumption rate. One consequence of artificial recharge is that water will not be as naturally filtered by porous mineral layers by the time it reaches the water table.

What is a prominent strategy to control phosphorus loss in residential bodies of water?

Reducing the amount of surface runoff and improving quality of stormwater runoff.

Why is runoff bad for bodies of water?

Runoff adds nutrients to water that promotes excessive aquatic plant growth and can cause marine life to die from lack of oxygen.

How are the SHIP funds used?

SHIP funds which is the 70% of the money taken from the doc stamps are used to assist very low or low to moderate income families. If the money is granted to a local government then they must establish a housing program, an explicit strategy, adjust land use or exact policies, form partnerships to keep rent low, and have a limit for how much the rent or mortgage payments can be. According to the Florida housing finance cooperation "SHIP dollars may be used to fund emergency repairs, new construction, rehabilitation, down payment and closing cost assistance, impact fees, construction and gap financing, mortgage buy-downs, acquisition of property for affordable housing, matching dollars for federal housing grants and programs, and homeownership counseling."

In Lanzhou China, SO2, NO2, and PM10 are the most common and harmful air pollutants. What is the common way that these gases are produced and released into the atmosphere?

SO2 - coal burning processes that include petroleum refineries, cement manufacturing, paper pulp manufacturing, and metal smelting NO2 - vehicle fuel burning, cars, trucks and buses, power plants, and other off-road equipment PM10 - Inhalable participle matter that is greater than 10 micrometers in diameter. This can come from bruning gasoline, oil, diesel fuel or wood but also dust from (construction sites, landfills and agriculture, wildfires.)

Which safety countermeasure did the United Kingdom adopt that reduced speeding by over 4 percent?

Safety Speed Cameras, which combines a radar sensor to detect speeding with a camera to identify a speeding vehicle and automatically issue a warning or citation to the vehicle's registered owner.

Which is the first municipality in Utah to pursue an overlay zone for affordable housing?

Salt Lake City

Give an example of a significant traffic impact that the transportation division should not be surprised to experience?

Significant traffic means that the average number of daily trips, or the average number of peak hour trips, on any existing street would increase by 20 percent or greater and by 100 vehicles. This increase in traffic could be caused by a short-term problem, such as a condensed vehicle accident, or a long-term problem, such as roadway construction blocking multiple lanes. Both examples however will eventually subside. However, over-development is an issue that may not subside smoothly or with single solution. This issue can cause significant traffic that is more constant than the other examples.

What are the benefits of using Green Stormwater Infrastructure?

Studies show that Green Stormwater Infrastructure reduces water pollution from stormwater runoff, mitigates flood risk, increases water supply efficiency, reduces smog and particulate pollution, and improves wildlife habitats in urban areas.

What are some effective Radon Mitigation strategies?

Sub-slab depressurization removes radon gas from underground and helps to seal off the house from radon infiltration. heat recovery ventilator (HRV) improves ventilation within the home and reduces radon levels and other indoor pollutants.

What is Air Quality Index (AQI) and how does EPA's AQI Forecast & AirNow help people in acting towards protecting their health?

The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a color-coded index EPA uses to communicate daily air pollution for ozone, particle pollution, NO2, CO and SO2. A value in the unhealthy range, above the national air quality standard for any pollutant, is of concern first for sensitive groups, then for everyone as the AQI value increases. Fewer unhealthy air quality days means better health, longevity, and quality of life for all of us. EPA provides a daily AQI forecast so people can act to protect their health. A map is shown with the current AQI forecast for PM and ozone combined. The map and others can be found at the AirNow website. AirNow is a partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Park Service, NASA, Centers for Disease Control, and tribal, state, and local air quality agencies. AirNow is one-stop source for air quality data. This website asks for our current location to highlight air quality in our local area first, while still providing air quality information at state, national, and world views. A new interactive map even lets us zoom out to get the big picture or drill down to see data for a single air quality monitor. AirNow's centralized data system includes current and forecast air quality maps and data for more than 500 cities across the U.S, Current fire conditions including fire locations, smoke plumes, and air quality data from permanent and temporary air quality monitors , Health and air quality information for the public, healthcare professionals, teachers and students.

What are the reasons causing and consequence of CSO (combined sewer overflow)?

The CSO is due to poor planning of early infrastructure in the past that combined sewer systems were built to collect both stormwater runoff and sanitary sewerage in the same pipe which could not handle excessive sewer during change of weather conditions (e.g. extensive rainfall and snowmelt). The CSO has a substantial effect on water pollution because CSO may contain untreated human and industrial waste, toxic materials, and debris impairing water body.

What were some of the major benefits to the Solar Workforce Program in St. Louis, Missouri?

The Solar Workforce Program has two-fold benefits since it relies on renewable energy that is clean and is a far healthier form of energy when compared to burning fossil fuels. Additionally, part of the initiative was to train and hire people to work and perform the construction of the solar panels. Many people were employed and able to grow in their technical capabilities. The Solar Workforce Program was able to support a healthier environment and economy.

Describe "The Three Magnets", and how Howards ideal garden city benefits from it?

The Three Magnets are the Town, the Country, and the Town-Country. The Town magnet represents all the benefits and downside of living in a town. This is similar to the Country magnet in that it reflects on the benefit of green spaces as well as the lack of society. The Town-Country magnet is the incorporation of the other two magnets in that it brings together both a large population and the benefit of green spaces, parks, and clean air. Howards ideal garden city is reliant on the balance of The Three Magnets. With the heavy turn from rural to urban living, the Garden city could potentially provide benefits in all aspects of social living.

What are the main reasons that cause drinking water issues in developing countries?

The causes vary but the overall root is the socio-economic disparity between them and the developed countries which have proper means and methods for safe water practices. According to UNICEF around 150,000 children die every year due to preventable water availability/safety related diseases.

Based on Newberry, FL information and statics to use for Tioga, FL what is the overall crime rate and average income (per capita) of the city and how does it compare to the state of Florida and the U.S. as a whole and does that number, based on the comparison trend towards a more or less model city. If the trend towards a less model city, provide brief solutions to improving those numbers for a more model city or is any action needed and provide a reason why.

The city of Newberry experiences about 90 crimes annually which is 12.26 per 1,000 residents. This is less than the state of Florida which is about 21.72 per 1,000 residents and also less than the U.S. as a whole which is 19.47 per 1,000. So Newberry and the Tioga are overall safer than by comparison. The average income for the city of Newberry is about $64,644 which is higher than the state of Florida as a whole which is $58,368 and is lower than the U.S which was $69,560. Actions to increase the average income is not necessarily required as the amount may best fit the average cost of living index for the city. Since this number is below the average for Florida as a whole, no actions are required. Therefore Newberry and Tioga trend towards a model city in average income.

How did Germany pay to fix damages caused by severe flooding?

The federal government agreed to spend $16 billion on repairs. The 16 states together would spend $14 billion. This created a $30 billion reconstruction fund.

According to Ebenezer Howard, what solutions does the garden city movement provide to congestion and other urban planning issues?

The garden city movement is a systematic urban planning program that focuses on the creation of garden cities, these having certain characteristics, such as respecting an specific ratio of industrial land area encircled by mostly agricultural land area to prevent industrial congestion and to better the quality of urban life.

What is the leading cause of water degradation and how does it affect local water ecosystems such as lakes?

The leading cause of water degradation is water pollution that comes from agriculture. Agriculture run off contains excess levels of nitrogen and phosphorus which enter surrounding lakes or other bodies of water. These excess levels of nitrogen and phosphorus lead to eutrophication. Eutrophication is when excess levels of nutrients cause algae blooms and dense plant growth leading to a decrease in dissolved oxygen. This kills the animals living in the body of water destroying the ecosystem.

I understand that people as individuals can make a difference in reducing air pollution, but without government involvement there won't be much of a difference, so what are some ways the government can help reduce air pollution?

The main air pollution contributors in the country are transportation, industry, and the electricity generation sector. The government is already implementing many measures and laws, but there are evenmore that they will need to add over the years if they want to limit pollution enough to not incur major climate change issues. In the transportation sector the government needs to provide support to the electric car industry as electric cars produce a small fraction of the pollutants (mainly CO2) that combustionengines produce. A way the government is currently helping them out is planning to implement a large electric vehicle charging network, which will make EV's more feasible for many Americans. In industry the name of the game is efficiency, many companies still pollute quite a bit because they have not updated their processes or machinery, having the government provide more stringent regulations on electricity usage and pollutants emitted could help lower their pollution. In the electricity generation sector, the government needs to step in and require a higher usage of sustainable electricity generation for all states. A state like West Virginia still gets more than 95% of their electricity from coal which is the worst polluter of the fossil fuel group. If the U.S supports sustainable electricity companies like solar and wind generators, then we could lower our reliance on natural gas and coal. In general, most 1st world countries have the goal of being 100% clean electricity by 2050 to stay ahead of climate change, the U.S needs to adjust do the same.

What are some of the challenges that come with public transportation?

There are environmental impacts that come with using buses as they often have outdated technology and produce a lot of contamination of the atmosphere. A solution to this would be to use more efficient vehicles such as buses that lean more towards electric or are hybrid with lower emissions. Public transport delays also cause issues as people could easily miss their bus if they don't arrive at the exact time. A solution to this would be to integrate more technology such as having apps on smartphones to let people be able to track a bus or a train, they're trying to catch to ensure they don't miss it.

What are some ways in which radon can get into homes?

There are three predominant ways for radon to enter a hous. The first occurs during construction, when radon is present in some of the building materials, such as marble and granite. Another way is for it to come through any rocks and soil that lie under the foundation of the house. The third way is for radon to be dissolved in the water supply. It is detrimental to consume water that contains radon, as it is linked with chronic lung cancer.

What are some of the benefits of Traffic Management Systems?

There is a reduction in traffic congestion, reduced car emissions from idle cars, and faster response times for all emergency, fire, or police responses.

With an increasing population and increased demand of people living near/in megacities, why should priority be given by the public & elected officials to implement more efficient methods of transportation such as Mass Transit, Autonomous Vehicles, and EV's?

These solutions are better for the environment, causing less air pollution while also improving a declining/outdated infrastructure.

What are some of the responsibilities of the Traffic Operations Department?

They are responsible for managing, repairing, and maintaining traffic signals county wide including software and hardware as well as maintaining service contracts with local law enforcement agencies, state and county wide transportation.

To mitigate flood damage, how will buildings and homes be built differently?

They will be built with dry and wet floodproofing techniques. Dry floodproofing consists of reinforcing doors and windows, to prevent water from entering the building. Wet floodproofing consists of using better materials that can withstand rain and water once the water has entered the building.

What are a few examples of projects that the Transportation/Strategic Planning division would handle?

This agency manages any of the following projects listed: transportation investments and capital projects, bicycle and pedestrian program projects, technology implementation or pilot projects, parking operations and traffic impacts in a city.

What preventative methods are available to prevent prolonged high level exposure to Radon gas?

Three methods to revert the radioactive Radon gas away from the interior of a home or building are Sub Slab Depressurization (SSD) system, Passive Soil Depressurization (PSD) system, and Sump Depressurization (SD). Since the soil under the building is the leading cause for concentration of Radon gas, these methods focus on reverting the gas through piping toward expulsion at the top of the dwelling. For the SSD system there is a blower motor pulling a vacuum on the soils under the basement of the home allowing the radon to be pulled through the piping out of the top of the home. For the PSD system it utilizes the naturally occurring stack effect to draw the radon through piping out of the house above the roofline. However, this method falls short in reducing radon with larger applications, for example duplexes. SD utilizes a sump pump to make a radon containing air passageway that collects in the sump and can be released above the roof as with the previous methods. The SD can be from 60 - 90% effective.

What are the prices of the real estate market in Taiga?

Tioga's home cost range can range from roughly $55k to $5M. In December 2021. Tioga had a median listing of $315k, the median sold of $287k, and $177prince/sq ft. Tioga has affordable condominiums making it an affordable city.

Why is it important to variate the income of families living in certain communities?

To avoid the stigma of a community being labeled as a "ghetto"

What are the conservation goals that are outlined in UF's master plan?

To ensure that the current conservation areas are healthy and viable, to preserve the linkages between conservation areas, to increase the amount of protected land around Lake Alice, to retain the open areas that are in the west part of campus, and to increase overall amount of conserved land by 7.3 acres

The objectives of the Environmental Protection Agency for reporting the AQI include all the below, EXCEPT - (Eeshan Bendre)

To manage the health of the public due to the AQI

What are the goals for the Department of Recreational Sports in the UF campus masterplan?

To offer an experience for students to enrich their lives through sports, adventure, and play. This means that these sources of recreation should be accessible for all students and in close proximity to academic facilities. These facilities should educate students and encourage healthy lifestyles.

What is the South Energy Center's purpose?

To satisfy all energy needs for the UF Health Shands Cancer Hospital, by providing electrical power, chilled water, steam and medical gases.

What are some strategies for treating phosphorous runoff

Treating runoff must include the containment or capturing of the phosphorous before processing. Some methods include chemical treatment of the runoff, and even manipulating animal diets and grazing patterns.

What are the challenges we face with rapid growth of urban population and increasing motor vehicle usage?

We are facing severe mobility problems, traffic congestion, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The transportation sector has become the largest GHG contributor in the US. This is not only a problem that concerns the US. The total number of passenger vehicles in the world could double from 1.1B in 2017 to 3B in 2050. This has triggered warnings on climate change, such as the "code red for humanity"-United Nations. Emissions of greenhouse gasses from human activities are responsible for roughly 1.1 degrees Celsius of global warming since 1850-1900 and global temperature is expected to reach or exceed 1-5 degrees Celsius of warming.

After the flooding events of 2012, where there any improvement to flood management practices in Germany?

Yes, according to the German Committee for Disaster Reduction, some of the improvements where for the country to have more consideration of flood hazards in spatial planning and urban development, comprehensive mitigation and preparedness measures within properties, more effective flood warnings, a more coordinated disaster response, and more targeted maintenance of flood-defense systems.

What is zero discharge in DHR (dynamic hydro reactor) referring to?

Zero discharge is referring to the zero liquid discharge in DHR which means no wastewater is discharged into the environment with close monitoring of water samples collected from wells and stormwater outfalls to ensure no adverse impact on the environment.

What are the different home styles in a typical example of "life cycle" housing?

· A family produces a single young adult who moves into apartments or rented space · A single young adult becomes a couple who moves into town homes · A couple becomes a family with 1 child, they move into a small family home · The family grows and has more children and moves into a large family home or the child becomes an adult, and the parents move into a smaller home

What are the sources of Nitrogen and Phosphorous in urban area runoff?

· Fertilizers (Nitrates) · Human/Animal Waste (Manure) · Automotive Detergents · Yard Waste · Industrial Waste Discharges

What property owners and managers can do to help reduce excessive phosphorus use?

· Switch from a furrow irrigation system to a drip irrigation system, sprinkler, or pipes with gates. · Use green strips (a strip of vegetation that traps sediment). · Build retention ponds for sediments.

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