CGS3767 Final Exam Study Guide

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What is a nibble number

the equivalent of one hexadecimal number

Name the Current Linux text editors explained in this class, used in the

vi, gedit, nano, pico, vim

Display the total amount of bytes in a file named abc.dat

wc -c abc.dat

Write the code to create an endless while loop in shell

while true do done

Write the code to create a for loop in shell


Using shell, find out and display the total amount of ACGT substrings found in the last 1,995 lines in a file named TheData

tail -1995 TheData | grep ACGT -o | wc -l

Using Linux terminal mode shell commands, create a shell file named lastName period sh with 0 bytes


What is the binary value of the decimal number 356

0001 0110 0100

What is the binary value of the hexadecimal number 164?

0001 0110 0100

What is the binary value of the decimal number 765

0010 1111 1101

What is the largest decimal number in one Binary number is:


What is the largest decimal number in one nibble number is:


In the following sequence of events, What are the BASES for the following systems: hexadecimal, binary, decimal

16, 2, 10

What is the decimal value of the hexadecimal number 9CA


What is the decimal value of the hexadecimal number AC2


What is the decimal value of the hexadecimal number AC9


The decimal value of the binary number 1100 0101 1111 is


In our class program 2, what was the total size of RAM in the computer we used as an example

32 gigs

The decimal value of the binary number 1101 1101 1100 is


How many bits does a nibble contain


How many bits does a nibble contain

4 bits

What is the decimal value of the number 1C7?


In our class program 2, how many RAM chips where in the computer we used as an example


As taught in this class, what new benefit the System.out.printf provide us?

Allows to easily align reports in columns

What is the name of FIU Department that helps students with Emotional Disabilities

CAPS Counseling and Psychological Services

Using Windows Batch language Write a While loop that will display FIU in five (5) different lines

COUNTER=0 :while if (%COUNTER%==5) { GOTO END } else { echo FIU set /p COUNTER=!COUNTER! + 1 } GOTO while :END

Using any loop accept 5 numbers, waiting 1 second between each number

COUNTER=0 while true do sleep 1 COUNTER=`expr $COUNTER + 1` echo "Program has been running for $COUNTER seconds..." if [ "$COUNTER" -gt 5 ]; then break fi done

Name three benefits of Virtual Computers

Can be moved from one Host to another, If one gets a virus it will not contaminate the others, Easy to clone

What is the name of FIU Department that helps students with Learning Disabilities

DRC Disability Resource Center

Name the Numerical systems and their bases, learned in class

Decimal 10, Hexadecimal 16, Binary 2

How do I offer Tutoring to all my students

In person and online using ZOOM

What does the wget command do?

Is a terminal mode command used to download files thru the URL

Name ALL the Operating Systems that run in Parallels, as learned in this class

Mac OS

Why did we install JDK in our ubuntu VM?

Needed to create our program 2 assignment

Using shell, what does ../../../chmod 755* do?

No such file or directory

Name 5 current text editors explained in this class

Pico, Nano, Gedit, VM, Notepad

Using the Windows Batch language, display the label "Type 1, 2, 3, 4 or 0 then press ENTER :"requesting the input of values 1, 2, 3, 4 or 0, then assign the input to the variable named keyboard

SET /P keyboard=Type 1, 2, 3, 4 or 0 then press ENTER :

What is a Virtual Machine (VM)?

Software that can be installed in a Host Computer, allowing us to install multiple Operating Systems, using the Host's hardware

Why must we NOT use tabs when writing Java programs in this class

The default amount of spaces for tabs in Windows is 4 spaces and in Ubuntu is 6 spaces

What do "java -version" and "javac -version" must have in common?

They have to be the same version

In our class program 2, if we display a chip number from the computer we used as an example, what does it mean?

This chip is damaged and needs to be replaced

What is the purpose of this website for our class

To find out what is allow in our class when writing Java programs

Using System.out.printf display the number 3767.01 so that the integer part displays using 12 spaces and the decimal part displays using 4 spaces

Using System.out.printf("%17.4f", 3767.01);

Name three benefits of Virtual Machines (VMs)

VMs can be used to train employees, VM can be cloned, VM can be moved to other computers

Name three Virtual Machines Software, as explained in class

VMware, Virtual Box, Parallels

Name the current Virtual Machines (VMs) used in this class

Virtual Box

Name the current Virtual Machines (VM) used in this class

Virtual Box or/and Parallel

What is the Major Problems of Virtual Machines explained in this class

When the host fails all VMs get disconnected OR If the file server fails (turns off, etc) all virtual machines get disconnected

Name ALL the Operating Systems that run in Hyper V, as learned in class


Name ALL the Operating Systems that run in VMware, as learned in this class

Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS

Name ALL the Operating Systems that run in VirtualBox, as learned in this class

Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS

Exit pico


Select the structure of the case shell command

case $CHOICE in esac

Using shell, write the code to append the first 5 lines in to an existing file named test.txt

cat | head -5 >> test.txt

Using shell, write the code to append your last 15 lines in to your temp file

cat | tail -15 >> temp

In Ubuntu, using terminal mode, move to your pgm1 folder

cd pgm1

Using shell commands, select the command that display a new empty screen


Using batch commands, select the command that display a new empty screen


Using Ubuntu shell commands, insert into a new one.txt file your name using a single line comment

echo "#myName" > one.txt

Using shell, enter/append into a new file named your own multi-line comments named anyThing and the name Michael

echo "<<anyThing" > echo "Michael" >> echo "anyThing" >>

Using shell commands, display your current directory name

echo "My current directory name is: $PWD";

Using shell, display My user name is ?? Todays date and time is ??

echo "My user name is $USER Todays date and time is `date`"

Using Shell language, display the label "Type 1, 2, 3, 4 or 0 then press ENTER :" requesting the input of values 1, 2, 3, 4 or 0, then assign the input to the variable named keyboard

echo Type 1, 2, 3, 4 or 0 then press ENTER : read keyboard

Using shell, append into an existing file named the calculation of the following number 4 + 3

echo `expr 4 + 3` >>

Using shell, append into an existing file named the calculation of the following number 4 *3

echo `expr 4 \*3` >>

Using shell, if firstNumber is higher or equal than secondNumber display first number is larger or equal otherwise display second number is larger

if [ $firstNumber ] -ge [ $secondNumber ]; then echo "first number is larger or equal" else echo "second number is larger" fi

Select the structure of the if shell command

if [ $myname == mr ]; then else fi

Why is terminal mode important in IT(Information Technology)?

it allows us to have full control of our computers

Using shell, what does the following code does echo "Please enter a list of numbers from 1 to 100 leaving one space between the numbers." read NUMBERS for NUM in $NUMBERS do if [ "$NUM" -lt 1 ] || [ "$NUM" -gt 100 ]; then echo "Invalid Number ($NUM) - Must be between 1 and 100!" else echo "$NUM is valid." #displays $NUM value fi done

it asks for and accepts a list of numbers, feeds them to an enhanced for loop if the number is < 1 or > 100 displays the corresponding number is invalid else displays the corresponding number is valid

In Ubuntu, using terminal mode, create a folder named pgm1

mkdir pgm1

In Windows, using terminal mode, create a folder named pgm1

mkdir pgm1

In the following sequence of events, Using Linux terminal mode commands, Create a directory named pgm4,Go into folder pgm4,Display all files and directories

mkdir pgm4, cd pgm4, ls

In Ubuntu shell assign a value to the Variable


What is the largest decimal number in one Hexadecimal number is:


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