Ch. 1- 4 Test

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Which thought does not go with open-mindedness?

"His idea will never get us a top grade."

How many attitudes are discussed as necessary for dialogue?


The Credo for Ethical Communication, created in 1999 by the National Communication Association consists of ____principles.


A person seeking what is good for his or her community, not necessarily what is best for himself or herself is an example of:

A good person

Someone described as having "no internal filter" is likely

A low self-monitor

The concept of face refers to

A psychological image that can be granted and lost and fought for and presented as a gift. The public self-image that every member of society wants to claim for himself/herself. The projected image of one's self in a relational situation.

If we assume that another person is doing something because of factors in his or her environment, then we are making

A situational attribution

Which of the following is an example of face threat?

A straight A student receives a D on a test. A boy confesses his true feelings to his friend about them only to be rejected romantically. A self-sufficient single parent breaks their leg and can no longer drive.

According to Tannen, what is the overall basis for male communication?

Achieve status

Our schemas about people typically take any of the following forms except:

Active constructs

According to John Medina, the most time for development in the human brain is

Age 2 The teenage years

If you assume someone is late because they have poor time management skills, you are making

An interpersonal attribution

Interrupting someone is an example of a communication type that debunks which of the following myths about communication?

Any communication is good communication

The authors describe communication as a tool and that just like any tool, can be used in a negative way. Which communication myth does this debunk?

Any communication is good communication

Gender roles

Are consistent across society Meet social expectations regardless of expression Vary across cultures

Jose's parents told him he can't take his car back to campus because of his poor grades. Now Jose has to rely on his parents to come pick him up from campus when he wants to visit home. This threatens Jose's...

Autonomy face

Which of the following is not a way to mitigate any damage to face that might occur?

Be quiet

Diversity in our cognitive abilities and preferences does not include:


Diversity of thought is just as important as physical differences among people. Ideology includes:

Beliefs Emerge in politics as ideals put into action Set of ideas

Amira just joined the track team and has already broken the school record in two events but does not believe she is a talented runner since she only just started. Her coaches and teammates, however, see great potential. This falls into which quadrant of the Johari Window?


Taking students on a field trip to the river to learn about the ecosystem appeals most to which type of learning described in the Multiple Intelligence Theory?


Being late for an appointment violates which characteristic of dialogue discussed in the book?


Cameron is closed-minded and assumes that all messages can only be interpreted in one way. Which aspect of a competent communicator is Cameron lacking?

Cognitive complexity

Actions that create mutual equality:

Collaboration Sharing of goals

Which of the following would likely keep your message from being accessible?

Combining red and green on your slides

Presentness involves:

Commitment to the moment. Giving others your undivided attention.

Ever since Chad's mom died, he has not been talking as much to his partner. His partner believes that Chad needs to discuss his recent loss and continues to ask him about it. Chad eventually grows tired of his partner pushing and decides to end the relationship. Which myth does Chad's partner likely buy into?

Communication can solve any problem.

In American culture when someone hands you their business card it is appropriate to fold the card and toss it in your bag or pocket. This is not, however, acceptable in Japanese culture and is highly insulting. Knowing the different expectations surrounding what to do when someone gives you their business card demonstrates which concept from the book?

Communication competence

Which item below is not a communication myth?

Communication is a very broad field

Pearson always knows the answer to the questions the professor asks. His peers often seek his help outside of class since they know he is an expert in the material. Lately, though, Pearson has incorrectly answered the professor's questions in front of the whole class. This threatens Pearson's...

Competence face

Which is not included in the three components of moral integrity, as explained by law professor, Stephen Carter?

Considering your personal cost when acting on a decision

Which of the following is/are not part of the action model of communication?


A competitive form of communication where parties critically listen to each other with the goal of defeating the opponent's argument is called



Decodes messages

Which part of the communication process involves interpreting the symbols within a message?


Which statements are true about Geert Hofstede?

Defined culture as "collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from another." He was one of the first social psychologists to study culture.

Which of the statements below is not true about Race?

Determines athleticism

Woodward argues that the United States is made up of eleven nations, indicated by:

Different histories Varying ancestries A set of deep-seated attitudes

All the items listed below are examples of psychological noise except

Distractions in the room

Sonja asked her friend Chris to go to lunch. Sonja needed to share some life-changing news with Chris and was hoping to receive support and advice. Chris, however, did not even ask Sonja how she was doing before jumping into telling her stories from his most recent trip to Australia. Chris could be considered...


Casey lacks the ability to understand and feel what their friends express to them. Casey is lacking which of the following?


All of the following are indicative of a feminine culture, except:

Emphasizes competition


Encodes messages

Which part of the communication process involves creating a message?


Which of the following best describes the style of communication known as dialogue?

Encourages others to want to listen. Encourages others to want to speak.

You and your friend are discussing a political issue. You know that your friend holds opposing viewpoints to you, so you are careful to state your position in a way that does not offend them or prompt them to become defensive. Which aspect of a competent communicator are you demonstrating?

Ethics and civility

Just as cooking a lot does not make someone a chef, talking a lot does not make someone an expert communicator. Which communication myth does this statement help explain?

Everyone is an adept communicator

Which statement is true of the interaction model of communication?

Feedback and context are part of the interaction model.

Which statement is true about one of the most common conversational miscues people make?

Finishing someone else's thoughts is an interruption in the communication process and considered rude by most.

Which one of the following is not one of the three tips to help enhance your ability to use communication to understand and respect differences between people?

Focus on similarities

Taylor calls Sam, but Sam does not pick up. Taylor assumes Sam is ignoring the call, but in reality, Sam's phone has been misplaced. What is this an example of?

Fundamental attribution error

Which generation refers to those men and women who fought in WWII?

GI Generation

Which is not indicative of dialogic behaviors?

Gathers ideas to support personal beliefs

George Hebert Mead proposed which concept?

Generalized others

Which generation refers to those who tend to be independent, resilient and adaptable?

Generation X

Joan and Steve are working on a group project. Joan makes PowerPoint slides that Steve believes will earn them a bad grade. Rather than being direct, Steve tries to tactfully talk to Joan about her work. Which attitude necessary for dialogue is Steve neglecting in his approach?


Communication competence is

Having the ability to effectively and appropriately interact in any given situation.

One of your hobbies is painting and you are actually quite good, but nobody else knows about your talent. This falls into which quadrant of the Johari Window?


In Brenda's culture, she constantly asks questions about the status of her relationship with others in the workplace. This is an example of:

High uncertainty avoidance culture

Elaine attends many fundraisers sponsored by the Methodist Church in her community such as feeding the homeless population, which is comprised of at least 10% LGBTQ self-identified persons. However, she was brought up in a Baptist Church in which she does not always agree with their teachings but still attends church services. This is an example of which of the following:

How cultures collide Co-cultures

Those who are high self-monitors in communication pay close attention to which of the following?

How they look during communication How they sound and react during communication What they say when in situations with others

Tannen believes that, more than anything else, women seek:

Human connection

Devon was born in Jamaica and identities as a Jamaican male. He came to the United States to go to college. His parents and siblings reside in Jamaica. His skin color is black. These facts represent all but one of the terms below. Which one is not represented?


Javier's family goes on vacation every year for spring break. Javier likely belongs to which type of culture?


Respect is the practice of acknowledging the _ dignity of other people as human beings.


Calling the receptionist at the dentist's office to make an appointment is an example of which of the five fundamental motives that drive our need to communicate?


The consistent application of our values is known as


Which statement is not true about Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory?

Intelligence Quotients determine the extent of human learning.

A news reporter is conducting an interview with a politician remotely. The two are having a conversation from two, separate locations. Which of the three models of communication does their interaction represent?

Interaction model

Which is true about dialogue?

It involves a deep understanding for people's perspective.

Which statement is not true of sexual orientation?

It is not a personal choice, dictated by genetics

Which of the following is not true of ethnicity?

It is the one determining factor of your culture

Which is true of the Johari Window?

It was developed by two psychologists

A classic example of a collectivistic culture is


Which of the following is not one of the four areas included in the Johari Window?


If your self-concept is blind, which of the two factors of the Johari Window are present?

Known to others and not known to self

What is an example of a high-context culture?


Assertiveness includes

Making a position known in a clear, calm and confident manner

Which of the following is not a component of the semantic triangle?


A commanding officer giving orders to its troops is likely an example of


What are examples of styles of communication that are not considered dialogue?

Monologue Debate

The idea that more communication can actually elicit an opposing viewpoint from someone is in line with which of the following communication myths?

More communication will ultimately make people agree with you

Which of the following would most likely change a person's self-concept?

Moving to a new city Getting married Being diagnosed with a serious illness

Which metaphor most represents the transaction model of communication?

Multi-Player Video Game

When forming a perception of my brother's new girlfriend, I only focus on her poor vocabulary and the fact that she smells bad. What type of influence on perception am I experiencing?

Negativity bias

All of the following except ______ are considered supportive dialogic behaviors.


Al was talking to her mom about work but was distracted by the recent death of her dog. This distraction is an example of which of the following?

Noise; psychological

Al was talking to her mom about work, but was distracted by the recent death of her dog. This is an example of which of the following?

Noise; psychological

Agreeableness means

Not equating a persons character or identity simply with a position they might take on an issue Recognizing the person is not the argument Creating a much more comfortable climate for communication

Individual account managers have the best understanding of what their clients need most. The CEO knows the needs of the whole company. These two varying perceptions demonstrate that perception is influenced by


Good manners refer to polite behaviors that encourage positive relationships. Which manner below does not belong on the list in most communication settings?

Offer part of your lunch to a friend

A couple is in disagreement about which house they should buy. Partner one listens while partner two points out some ideas about each house that partner one had not initially thought about. Partner one readily accepts these points. Which attitude necessary for dialogue does this represent?


Which part of the perception process is described as the categorization of stimuli we select to pay attention to?


Which of the following is the correct combination of components that make up the ongoing process of how self-concept is shaped by others?

Perception of others' response; Self-concept; Behavior; Actual responses of others

Michael Phelps holds four individual and three team Olympic swimming records. This is an example of:

Physical ability

Oscar sits next to a window air conditioner in his first-grade class and often does poorly when given oral instructions. This is an example of:

Physical noise

Out of the five characteristics exhibited by a competent communicator, which characteristic does not apply?

Physicality messaging

What are the three fundamental parts of civility?

Politeness, respect for self, respect for others

In the initial stages of a romantic relationship, which of the following is most likely to occur?

Positivity bias

Sam met a girl who ignored him the first time they talked. Even though the two now talk frequently Sam can't let go of the past. What is this an example of?

Primary effect

During the organization stage of perception, when you are interacting with someone, you may ask yourself, "is this person in a good mood?" Which type of schema are you using to organize your experience?

Psychological constructs

A new neighbor moved in next door from Georgia. Based on the stereotype I hold about people from the South, I invited her over to my house for sweet tea only to find out she doesn't like it. Which type of influence affected my perception process?

Psychological influences and biases

Your professor says that the conclusion to your speech will hold more weight than your introduction in your final speech grade. Your professor is likely prone to the

Recency effect

We communicate to fulfill what needs?

Relational and Identity Identity and Physical Instrumental

Which fact below does not fall under religious diversity?

Religion is a topic that is discussed in 90% of households.

Spencer walks into the library and shouts "hello!" to a friend across the room. Everyone else in the room stares at Spencer and his friend cringes. Spencer takes note of their reactions and uses a whisper the next time he speaks. Which characteristic of a competent communicator does Spencer possess?

Responsiveness and adaptability

Which aspect of being a competent communicator involves adjusting your communication based on the responses of others and various situations?

Responsiveness and adaptability

During the organization stage of perception, when you are interacting with someone, you may find yourself focusing on the fact that they are a veterinarian. Which type of schema are you using to organize your experience?

Role constructs

Scholarly work that demonstrated that talking to babies can help them develop language skills supports the idea that communication fulfills which of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Safety and Physiological

Which scenario below best represents individualistic culture?

Sam lives only with her immediate family.

Which of the following statements is true based on what Edward T. Hall believes about culture?

Saudi Arabia is a high-context culture where less emphasis is placed on words.

The metaphor that describes your brain as being like a computer with numerous folders filled with files about related concepts, memories, experiences, individuals, and thoughts is used to explain the concept of:


The image we have of who we believe we are is known as


When I tell jokes, the people I am with always laugh. Their response to me, influences my conclusion that I am funny. This highlights which aspect of self-concept?

Self-concept is shaped by others.

The idea that a person can define themselves by their gender at one point in time and then by their religious beliefs in another instance supports which aspect of self-concept?

Self-concepts are multifaceted

"The new guy in the office isn't from around here. I can tell because I heard him speaking Spanish on the phone." This is an example of a lack of:


Making intentional mean-spirited statements and actions, including "ist" language threatens which attitude necessary for dialogue?


The action model is also known as

Shannon-Weaver model

Which of the statements below best describes a restrained culture?

Social and familial norms regulate behavior

Giving complete attention involves

Staring at the other person Showing interest in what the other person is saying Being fully present

Someone who identifies with long-term culture would most likely

Start saving for retirement early in their career. Take care of their body by exercising and eating well. Write down their career goals .

Which behavior is not considered a supportive behavior?


Cell is to biologists as __ is to communication scholars.


According to Ogden and Richards, Spanish or Arabic are examples of

Symbol systems

Hofstede believed which of the following about culture?

The dimensions of culture fall along a continuum

Mutual equality, as practiced in a group, includes:

The practice of avoiding power and superiority. Not imposing personal opinions.

Which statement below is true

The term sex and gender can be used interchangeably.

The following statement debunks which of the five myths about communication: I can communicate by using debate, by only listening, or by using dialogue.

There is only one type of communication

"How much money will we have left after you buy tickets for the game?"

This is an example of a dialogic question.

"So what you are telling me is you did not pick up the dog's poop when you walked him despite being yelled at by neighbors, yesterday?"

This statement is judgmental This message implies a position This is a nondialogic question

The image or idea of an object in your head is described as which part of the semantic triangle?


Which model of communication treats the communicators as both sender and receivers simultaneously?

Transactional model

Keeping an open mind and seeing potential good in others are behaviors considered in this element of dialogue, _________.

Unconditional Positive Regard

A component of dialogue originated by Carl Rogers; accepting others with a positive attitude

Unconditional positive regard

When showing politeness, participants need to:

Understand social norms for each respective culture and make considerations, accordingly. Use tact when speaking to others

Which is true of high power distance?

Unequal share in the decision-making process

When you decide to attend to a professor wearing a swimsuit to class, it is because the stimuli is


In order to practice the dialogic behavior "own your own statements", you should do which of the following?

Use "I" language

Gender is a social construction that includes all of the __________ associated with being masculine, feminine, androgynous and so on.

beliefs, attitudes, actions, and roles

Examples of channel in the models of communication include:

text messages and email television and radio your own voice

A waiter at a five-star restaurant told you to retrieve your table's dinner from the kitchen, that he was too busy. This encounter goes against your expectations. Which of the following can be used to explain what happened?

Expectancy violation theory

Gender identity is based on

Expression of self

Being assertive is the same thing as being aggressive.


Ogden and Richards in their book, The Making of Meaning, propose that symbols and words give meaning, not people.


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