Ch. 1

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What is an example of administrative principles?

"W.B., make sure your managers are spending time in five different areas: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. If they're overlooking an area, the company won't be as effective."

What are characteristics of weberian bureaucracy?

-Positions organized in a hierarchy of authority -Managers subject to rules and procedures that will ensure reliable, predictable behavior -Management separate from the ownership of the organization -Administration acts and decision recorded in writing -Personnel selected and promoted based technical qualification. -Division of labor with clear definitions of authority and responsibility.

What are the three primary subfields based on the humanistic perspective?

-The human relations movement -The human resources perspective -The behavioral sciences approach

Top 10 tools for managers

1. Customer relationship management 2. Employee engagement surveys 3. Benchmarking 4. Strategic Planning 5. Outsourcing 6. Balanced Scorecard 7. Mission and vision statements 8. supply chain management 9. Core competencies 10. Big data analytics

Assumptions of theory Y

1. People don't inherently dislike work; doing work is as natural as play. 2. People will show responsibility & self-control toward goals to which they are committed. 3. People accept & seek responsibility.

What do managers do?

1. set objectives 2. organize 3. motivate and communicate 4. measure 5. develop people

Today's workplace is changing. Managers are less likely to adopt a ________leadership style. Now managers are more likely to create a _______ flexible work environment.

A command and control; flexible

What is an example of organizing managerial work?

A construction project manager from Iron Horse Construction uses a team of experts to design the development of a new property on the top of a very steep ridge. The team includes geotechnical consultants, erosion control specialists, and contractors.

Modern management

A lively mix of ideas and techniques from varied historical perspectives, but new concepts continue to emerge.

Example of interpersonal manager

A manager of a local restaurant attends local chamber of commerce meetings.

Hawthorne studies

A series of research efforts that was important in shaping ideas concerning how managers should treat workers.

Scientific managment

A subfield of the classical perspective that emphasizes scientifically determined changes in management practices as the solution to improving labor productivity.

What is administrative principles?

A subfield of the classical perspective that focuses on the total organization rather than the individual worker and delineates the management functions of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling.

This individual was a practicing psychologist who observed that his patients' problems usually stemmed from an inability to satisfy their needs.

Abraham Maslow

Championed by Henri Fayol in the early 20th century, the ________________ delineates the management functions of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling.

Administrative principles

What is an example of big data analytics?

American Express looks at historical transactions to predict consumer behaviors. By watching how current and past customers have used their credit, American Express can predict churn and customer loyalty.

What is an example of Planning managerial work?

Author Simon Rick spends time every day reading. He says, "I try to read about subjects that I'm interested in, and that usually helps me come up with ideas for stories and characters and jokes."

Mary Follet

Brought up the concept of empowerment, facilitating rather than controlling employees.

What is an example of Leading managerial work?

Chairman Leonard Riggio reassured Barnes & Noble employees that he was working to save the organization when he announced that he was thinking about gathering investors to buy the company's bricks-and-mortar stores, taking it private.

When Varun was promoted, he found he needed to use more _______ skills, planning work and solving problems.


Traditional management competencies

Could include a command-and-control leadership style, a focus on individual tasks, and standardizing procedures to maintain stability

What are contributions?

Demonstrated the importance of compensation for performance, Initiated the careful study of tasks and jobs, Demonstrated the importance of personnel selection and training.

What is general approach?

Developed standard method for performing each job, selected workers with appropriate abilities for each job, trained workers in standard methods, supported workers by planning their works and eliminating interruptions, provided wages incentives to workers for increased output.

What are criticisms?

Did not appreciate the social context of work and higher needs of workers, did not acknowledge variance among individuals, tended to regard workers as uniformed and ignored their ideas and suggestions.

Organic structures

Dynamic environment--> responsiveness and creativity -Few rules -Open communications -Groups and teams -Decentralized

What are Bureaucratic organizations?

Emphasizes management on an impersonal, rational basis through elements such as clearly defined authority and responsibility, formal record keeping, and separation of management and ownership.

Humanistic perspective

Emphasizes understanding human behavior, needs, and attitudes in the workplace.

What is an example of Humanistic management theory?

Employees do a better job of selling when they are happy at work. You make sure that you check in with employees frequently, addressing any of their concerns as soon as they arise.

Theory Y

External control and the threat of punishment are not only means for bringing about effort toward organizational objectives. A person will exercise self-direction and self-control in the service of objectives to which he or she is committed.

Example of Decisional manager

Facebook and Google announced that they would stop requiring employees with sexual harassment claims to use private arbitration to settle those claims.

Frederick taylor

Father of scientific management

What are the characteristics of scientific managment?

General approach, contributions, criticisms.

Manager Identity

Generalists; coordinates diverse tasks Gets things done through others Network builder Works in highly interdependent manner

What is an example of bureaucratic management?

Have you assigned responsibilities to a particular job, rather than to an individual? Companies operate more effectively when tasks are associated with positions and when those positions are organized in a hierarchy of authority."

Arising from the Hawthorne studies in the early 1920s, the __________________ suggests that employees perform better when their managers treat them better.

Human relations movement

Lisa is taking a _________________ approach because she cares as much about the people who are working for her as she does about the work itself. Ken is more focused on the work itself, and that is a things of production approach.

Humanity of production

Chester I. Barnard

Identification of Informal organization; Occurs in all formal organizations and includes cliques, informal networks, and naturally occurring social groupings.

What is an example of supply chain management?

In 2000, Whirlpool struggled to have the right product in the right place at the right time, so it replaced its many production-scheduling and distribution systems with a single solution, achieving greater efficiency and cost savings.

Social media programs

Include online community pages, social media sites, microblogging platforms, and company online forums that enable managers to interact electronically with employees, customers, partners, and other stakeholders.

Classic time management techniques

Keep a to-do list Use and A-B-C system to prioritize tasks. Have a plan on the day Do one thing at a time.

What is an example of Management science?

Looking at sales reports, you realize merchandise purchased at estate sales brings in a 200% profit and sells in 2 weeks while merchandise purchased from brokers yields only a 20% profit and takes 2 months to sell. As a result, you decide to buy all of your merchandise from estate sales from now on.

Focus on things of Production:

Management focus is on production efficiency via organization design and workflow systems and control.

Focus on Humanity of Production:

Management focus on meeting human needs for greater motivation and engagement to increase effectiveness.

Emerging shortly after World War II, ________________ uses sophisticated mathematical modeling tools to solve management problems, especially those involving operations.

Management science

Her background as a social worker informed her writings on reducing conflict in organizations—she stressed the idea that leaders must work with people rather than implementing a set of techniques.

Mary Parker Follet

Natural soldiering

Natural tendency to take it as easy as they could.

In your first day as a driver for Road-O-Rama Freight, you realize that something just isn't right. Trucks go out half full, and drivers often get the wrong addresses so freight doesn't arrive at its destination. When telling a friend about your new job, how would you describe this company's operations?

Neither effective nor efficient

Employee engagement

People are emotionally involved in their jobs and are satisfied with their work conditions, contribute enthusiastically to meeting team and organizational goals, and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization and its mission.


Pertains to the amount of resources-raw materials, money and people-used to produce a desired volume of output

The financial meltdown of 2008 was in part due to ______________ , demonstrating the dangers of relying too heavily on the quantitative techniques of scientific management.



Refers to financial managers and others who make decisions based primarily on complex quantitative analysis.

What is an example of customer relationship management (CRM)?

Sales representatives for The Hershey Company use software to find videos and other sales tools, analyze store level point-of-sale insights, review sales call history, and access and maintain key contact data.

Lillian Gilbreth

Scientific management

What are the 4 subfields of classical perspective?

Scientific management, bureaucratic organizations, administrative principles, and management science.

How to overcome soldiering

Scientifically divide work and responsibility so management plans work methods and workers are responsible for performing the work

_______ often spend more of their time using conceptual skills, because they must understand how information from many different sources affects the functioning of the organization.

Senior managers

Mumford, campion, and morgeson study show what about managers?

Shows the importance of both cognitive (conceptual) and interpersonal skills across all levels of management, and that senior managers have a greater need for strategic and business skills than junior managers.

Individual identity

Specialist, performs specific tasks. Gets things done through own efforts. An individual actor. Works relatively independently

Managers in small businesses often see their most important roles as being a __________ for the business and acting as an _________.

Spokesperson; Entrepreneur

Mechanistic structures

Stable environment--> Efficiency and consistency -Formalization -Communications follow the hierarchy -Few teams -centralized

Serena notices that changes in one __________ of the organization affect other aspects of the business, and she needs to take these effects into account when she makes decisions.


Classical perspective

Takes a rational, scientific approach to management and seeks to turn organizations into efficient operating machines.

Level of management skills

Technical skills (low) Conceptual skills (middle) Human skills (high)

Example of informational manager

The CFO of the organization creates a short video that is emailed to employees. The video details the company's earnings for the last quarter.


The attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources.

Theory X

The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if possible

assumptions of theory x

The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if possible. Because of the human characteristic of dislike for work, most people must be coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort toward the achievement of organizational objectives. The average human being prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition, and wants security above all.

Quantitative technique

The use of mathematics, statistics, and computer technology to facilitate management decision making

Traditional approach to new competencies: From controller--> From supervising individuals--> From conflict and competition--> From autocratic--> From maintaining stability-->

To enabler to leading teams to collaboration, including use of social media to empowering to mobilizing for change

Concept of synergy

Two heads are better than one! Teamwork, open-mindedness, and finding new solutions to old problems. Working together allows you to produce better than individually. Accepting and embracing positive influence from others.

Management science

Uses mathematics, statistical techniques, and computer technology to facilitate management decision making, particularly for complex problems. Also called the quantitative perspective.

What is an example of classical management theory?

You notice that when customers have too many choices, they are less likely to make a decision about what to buy, so you tell all of your employees to bring out only three things at one time. In addition, you start to pay your employees a commission for every item that they sell.

What is an example of Bossless Organization?

Zappo's, the shoe retailer, has instituted a holacracy management system. This system encourages employees to act like entrepreneurs and lets them make critical decisions in the company.


a set of expectations for one's behavior


a social entity that is goal directed and deliberately structured

Max weber

administrative principles

New Management Competencies

being an enabler rather than a controller, an empowering leadership style, an encouraging collaboration, leading teams, mobilizing for change and innovation.

One consequence for nonprofits of using resources inefficiently is that

donors may be less likely to contribute.

What is an example of controlling managerial work?

dow chemical CEO andrew liveris checks financial reports to see whether dow has met its financial goals for the quarter

Behavioral sciences approach

draws from psychology, sociology, and other social sciences to develop theories about human behavior and interaction in an organizational setting

When do manager's weaknesses become more apparent?

during stressful times of uncertainty.

Decisional Managerial Roles

entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator

Management in a small business is _______ important as management in a large organization.

equally as

A recent Bain study suggests that one of the top concerns of managers is:

excessive complexity

Interpersonal Managerial Roles

figurehead, leader, liaison

Henri Fayol

major contributor to the administrative principles approach; outlined 14 general principles of management, several of which are part of management philosophy today

Systems thinking

means looking not just at discrete parts of an organizational situation, but also at the continually changing interactions among the parts

Informational managerial roles

monitor, disseminator, spokesperson


parts of a system that depend on one another for their functioning

Acceptance theory of authority

people have free will and can choose whether to follow management orders

Becoming a manager means a profound transformation in the way people think of themselves, called personal _______, which includes letting go of deeply held attitudes and habits and learning new ways of thinking.

personal identity

What are the two major reasons that managers fail?

poor communication and poor interpersonal skills

Supply chain management

refers to managing the sequence of suppliers and purchasers, covering all stages of processing from obtaining raw materials to distributing finished goods to consumers

Big data analytics

refers to technologies, skills, and processes for searching and examining massive, complex sets of data that traditional data processing applications cannot handle to uncover hidden patterns and correlations


refers to the degree to which the organization achieves a stated goal

Systematic soldiering

social pressure among workers to keep productivity down and wages up

Human relations movement

stresses the satisfaction of employees' basic needs as the key to increased productivity

Human resources perspective

suggests that jobs should be designed to meet people's higher-level needs by allowing employees to use their full potential

Contingency views

tells managers that what works in one organizational situation might not work in others. Managers can identify important contingencies that help guide their decisions regarding the organization.

A guest lecturer in a management class holds ______________ when she says that no management technique works in all situations but similar responses can be applied to common problems.

the contingency view


the organization's ability to attain its goals by using resources in an efficient and effective manner

social business

which refers to using social media technologies for interacting with and facilitating communication and collaboration among employees, customers, and other stakeholders

What is an example of scientific management?

"Have you looked carefully at your workers' movements? If you break each worker's job down into the smallest possible task, you can redesign the job to use fewer motions and make it more efficient."

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