ch 1 connect reading questions

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A country's political culture derives from its...

public education system

A particularly strong example of Americans' determination to build a more equal society is its...

have a high purpose

American believe that their government should (have)...

European Enlightenment

American democratic political ideals come from _______ ___________ beliefs about individual worth

be widely shared

Americans generally believe that government power should (be)...


Americans have this type of view of their rights and freedoms

colonial America

Americans' belief in self-government formed in...


An elite few hold the power to govern in which of these forms of government?


As a discipline, political science relies upon this,which requires critical thinking


As practiced today, this is a system in which the government stresses economic equality and owns a number of major industries.

the late 1800s

At what point in American history did the influence of business firms on public policy become a defining feature of American politics?

political power

Basic to politics is this, which is needed to influence political developments

aggressively and in many areas

Compared to other countries, Americans have pursued their individual rights in what fashion and areas?

more elections

Compared to other countries, the U.S. holds (more elections/less elections)


Concerning power sharing, the U.S. is ________, because few nations have as many competing interests and institutions

reasonably believed

Critical thinking is determining what can be __________ ________ and then using the information to reach a thoughtful conclusion.

thoughtful conclusion

Critical thinking is determining what can be reasonably believed and then using the information to reach a ...

the individual

Democracy may free the mind, but who determines how that freedom will be used? (the...)


Despite the existence of institutions that encourage widespread participation, wealth gives rise to _________, which is the power that well-positioned and highly influential individuals have.

Immunity from prosecution for elected officials

Elements of constitutionalism DO NOT include...

governmental power

Elements of constitutionalism include lawful restrictions of..

required to follow the laws

Elements of constitutionalism include officials being...

individual rights

Elements of constitutionalism include the protection of...

The power exercised by well-positioned and highly influential individuals


moral worth

Equality reflects the notion that all individuals have the same _______ ______ and treatment under the law.

treatment under the law

Equality reflects the notion that all individuals have the same moral worth and...

expansive view

Frequent rights claims in America is a reflection of the more ________ _____ of rights that Americans take compared to citizens of other nations

less tolerance

How would your grandparents likely have reacted to deceptive claims when they were young, compared to today's reactions? (more tolerance/less tolerance)

the providers themselves

In a pluralist system, who or what would have the MOST influence on policies regarding regulation of Internet service providers?


In the democratic system of the United States, these OFFICIALS are bestowed with legal authority to exercise power.

members of Congress

In the democratic system of the United States, this GROUP OF PEOPLE are bestowed with legal authority to exercise power.

the president

In the democratic system of the United States, this INDIVIDUAL is bestowed with legal authority to exercise power.


In this form of democracy, citizens decide policy instead of depending on elected representatives; for example, this type of democracy might be conducted through town meetings.


In what year was discrimination against Chinese, Japanese, and other Asian immigrants finally removed from U.S. immigration law?


Leaders of this party practice "slanting" the facts.

infringe on the freedoms of others

Liberty is the principle that individuals should be free to act and think as they choose, provided they do not...

echo chamber

One who only conservative talk radio and watches Fox News, ignoring all other news sources, has immersed himself in what is termed an....


Participants in a free market economy depend primarily on __________ for their economic security

prolonged and bitter

Partisan fights have become...


Partisanship has (increased/decreased) dramatically over the past few decades.

allegiance to common goals

Political culture in the U.S. is based upon Americans'...

terms and concepts

Political science offers this as a tool to increase one's ability to think critically; _________ _____ __________ that precisely describe aspects of politics


Political scientists use this term to describe the situation in which the majority of citizens effectively determines what government policy will be.


Politicians' deceptions have always been part of our politics, and they have contributed to the current rise of ...

conflict in a society is inevitable

Politics are necessary because (conflict)...

people do not all think alike

Politics are necessary because (people)...

society's resources are limited

Politics are necessary because (resources)...

Partisan divisions

Regarding party polarization, these have surfaced on nearly every issue.

think critically

Reliable information about how the U.S. political system operates is used as a tool which political science offers to increase one's ability to...


Slaver in America lasted for how many years?


The ability of persons, groups, or institutions to influence political developments is called...

majority tyranny

The bill of rights, separation of powers, and checks and balances were placed in the United States Constitution in order to prevent...


The idea that there are lawful restrictions on government power is called...

tightly controlled

The media under an authoritarian government is...


The obstacles to critical thinking have (increased/decreased) in recent decades.


The overall way in which society settles conflicts and allocates the resulting benefits and costs is called...

purchasing property

The state of California barred individual of Japanese descent form doing what?


The text cites President Trump's decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement on climate change--even though two-thirds of Americans polled disagreed with the decision--as an example of...


The text describes equality as "America's most _________ ideal"

American's beliefs are so idealistic

The text suggests that Americans tend especially toward selective memory and recasting history because...

Americans' beliefs are so idealistic

The text suggests that Americans tend especially toward selective memory and recasting history because...

sharpen students' understanding of American politics

The tools of political science attempt to...

separation of powers

This clarification was placed in the United States Constitution in order to prevent majority tyranny

Declaration of Independence

This document proclaimed that "Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed"

bill of rights

This document was placed in the United States Constitution in order to prevent majority tyranny

civil war

This is an excellent example of the OPPOSITE of bipartisanship in the history of America.


This is the principle that individuals should be free to act and think as they choose, provided they do not infringe on the freedoms of others

Does it hold up when judged against other views?

This question is the true test of an opinion:

checks and balances

This system was placed in the United States Constitution in order to prevent majority tyranny


True or False: Americans turn to the courts to make rights claims more often than people elsewhere in the world.

confirmation bias

Two people who disagree about politics watch a story which sheds one side in a negative light; the one who supports said party questions it, while the one who disagrees believes it without questioning. This is an example of....


WWI, WWII, and George Washington's first years as president were periods with high level of ______________ in American history.


What does the text describe as "America's most elusive ideal"?

corporate power

What term refers to the influence of business firms on public policy?


When political leaders respond to the policy desires of the majority it is referred to as...


Which governing structure represses individuals and groups that oppose the regime?


Which of the following is a system of majority rule through elections, empowering majorities, groups, and officials?

free market

Which of the following is an economic system that centers on the transactions between private paties?


Which of the following reflects the notion that all individuals have the same moral worth and treatment under the law?

few nations have as many competing interests and institutions as the United States

Which of the following statements about political institutions and interests in the United States is true?


Which of these ideals encompasses the principle that the people are the ultimate source of government authority and should have a voice in their governing?


Which of these is NOT considered to be a core value of American political ideals?

the people

Who is the "self" in the political ideal of self-government?

special interests

Who or what holds the power in a pluralist system?

private firms

Who or what owns the means of production in a free-market economic system?

confirmation bias

a tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions and to ignore or distort contradictory evidence

echo chamber (liberal)

liberals who only listen to liberal talk radio as a source of information are immersing themselves in an...

political culture

which concept refers to the widely shared and deep-seated beliefs of a people about their politics?

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